Fitzgerald's Town
FITZGERALD’S TOWN LINCOLN IN THE 19TH CENTURY NEVILLE MOAR 1. James Edward Fitzgerald. Photographer H.C. Barker, courtesy of the Canterbury Museum. First published in a print edition in 2011 by N.T. Moar Copyright © 2011 Neville Moar and photographers as named Edited by Alison Barwick This second edition published digitally in 2018 by the Lincoln and District Historical Society in collaboration with the Lincoln University Museum and Documentary Heritage Committee Copyright © 2018 - CC-BY-NC-ND Edited by Roger Dawson, Joanne Moar, Rupert Tipples ISBN 978-0-86476-430-0 (PDF) FOREWORD When Fitzgerald’s Town – Lincoln in the 19th Century was first published in 2011, Neville Moar’s history of Victorian Lincoln, New Zealand, added to the growing body of serious studies of a small colonial community. He published the book himself with support from Selwyn District Council’s Creative Communities Scheme. Over the next two years, Neville distributed the 205 copies of the book via the Manaaki Whenua Press Bookstore and at the Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market. By the time of his death in June 2016, the book was well and truly sold out. Neville had been President and subsequently Patron of Lincoln & Districts Historical Society (L&DHS newsletter, Issue 42, December 2016). He left the rights to his book and his research materials to the Society. When studying the computer files for the book Fitzgerald’s Town – Lincoln in the 19th Century, it became apparent that the published version had fewer pictures and plans than Neville had originally intended. Subsequently, as a memorial to Neville, the Society decided, with the agreement of the Moar family, to produce a second edition.
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