WARRANDYTE f the cmunity by the cmunity No 536, DECEMBER 2019 GOLDFIELDS Since 1970 | Priceless PLAZA Editorial & Advertising: 9844 0555 | Email:
[email protected] Celebrating community INSIDE Be Fire Ready As the Diary heads into its 50th year, we celebrate all that is wonderful about our community. — Pages 4-5 This month we have much to celebrate, with the people-power win to retain the Emergency Housing, to have a Beauty & the Beast Jr. place for our most vulnerable to call home in a time of crisis. We profile the epitome of community spirit and meet — Pages 18–19 the winner of Warrandyte Community Bank’s Community Spirit Award. Remembering Jean We celebrate the opening of a new village for our older residents to call home, and look towards a colourful 2020 — Page 20 and another fantastic Warrandyte Festival. All that and more in this month’s Warrandyte Diary. Your community hall Merry Christmas from our community of contributors to our community of readers. — Page 26 Photo: BRUCE DAVIDSON Peter Gardiner BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Local legal practitioner since 1989 We specialise in Office 1, 2 Colin Avenue Warrandyte helping businesses
[email protected] 9844 1111 • • • “Eating Brussels sprouts probably won’t kill me, but why take the chance” — Anon. 2 Warrandyte Diary DECEMBER 2019 OVER THE HILLS By JOCK MACNEISH TheOVER more THE things HILLS change... By JOCK MACNEISH DECEMBER The Diary’s researchers have started from the corner of Bourke Street number of Miners with voting rights, and Stephen Street (now Exhibition Captain Anderson was elected with an Peace, love been trawling the internet and Street) commenced regular operations, overwhelming majority.