DR. MARINA AKSENOVA Faculty of Law iCourts, Centre for Excellence for International Courts University of Copenhagen Studiestræde 6 DK- 1455 Copenhagen K Phone: +39 3276376516 • Email: [email protected]


European University Institute (Florence, )

PhD, Law 2010 - 2014 Dissertation: “Complicity in International Criminal Law” Supervisor: Prof. Martin Scheinin

University of Oxford (Oxford, UK) MSc, Criminology and Criminal Justice 2009-2010

University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2004-2005 LLM, Public

International University (Moscow, ) 2000-2004 BA, Law (hon.)


The annual Mauro Cappelletti Prize for the Best Thesis in Comparative Law (EUI) 12 June 2015

South-Asian Society of Criminology Prof. Stanley Yeldell New Researcher Excellence Award 29 January 2016


iCourts Centre for Excellence, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen Postdoc September 2014 - present

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Researcher/Legal Intern, Trial Chamber June 2011 – September 2011

White & Case, LLC (Moscow, Russia) Associate, Arbitration and Litigation Department September 2007 – August 2009

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (The Hague, Netherlands) Legal Assistant, Defense September 2005 – May 2007


Marina Aksenova, Complicity in International Criminal Law, Hart Publishing, forthcoming June 2016.


Martin Scheinin, Helle Krunke, Marina Aksenova (eds), Judges as Guardians of and Constitutionalism, Edward Elgar Press, forthcoming April 2016.


Marina Aksenova, “Symbolism as a Constraint on International Criminal Law”, Leiden Journal of International Law, forthcoming; DR. MARINA AKSENOVA PAGE 2

Marina Aksenova, “The Specific Direction Requirement for Aiding and Abetting: A Call for Revisiting Comparative Criminal Law”, Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 4, issue 1 (2015);

Marina Aksenova, “Conceptualizing Terrorism: International Offence or Domestic Governance Tool?”, Journal of Conflict and Security Law (2015);

Marina Aksenova, “The Modes of Liability at the ICC: the Labels that don’t Always Stick”, International Criminal Law Review 15 (2015);

Marina Aksenova, “International Arbitration in Russia”, in Romanian Arbitration Review, 2009, vol. 3, issue 4;

PEER-REVIEWED BOOK REVIEWS Marina Aksenova, Book Review Complicity in International Law by Miles Jackson, British Yearbook of International Law, 2015;

Marina Aksenova, Book Review The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law by Kevin Jon Heller and Markus D. Dubber (eds), Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2012, vol. 10, issue 3;

PUBLICATIONS IN EDITED VOLUMES Marina Aksenova, “The Role of International Criminal Tribunals in Shaping the Historical Accounts of Genocide” in U. Belavusau and A. Gliszczyńska-Grabias Memory Laws: Mapping a New Subject in Comparative Law and Transitional Justice, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2016;

Marina Aksenova and Geir Ulfstein, “The Task of Regional and International Courts in Guarding Constitutionalism and Human Rights”, M. Scheinin, H. Krunke and M. Aksenova (eds.) Judges as Guardians of Human Rights and Constitutionalism, Edward Elgar Press, forthcoming 2016;

Marina Aksenova, “Shaping the Definition of Complicity in International Criminal Law: Tensions and Contractions” in M. Bergsmo (ed) Historical Origins of International Criminal Law (Vol III), Torkel Opsahl, Oslo, volume III, 2015;

Marina Aksenova, Case Comment for Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals (ALC), Prof. André Klip and Prof. Steven Freeland, Intersentia, 2015;

Marina Aksenova and Morten Bergsmo, “Non-Criminal Justice Fact-Work in the Age of Accountability” in M. Bergsmo (ed.), Quality Control in Fact-Finding, Torkel Opsahl, Oslo, November 2013;

Marina Aksenova, “Complicity in Rape in the Jurisprudence of the ad hoc Tribunals and the Special Court for Sierra Leone” in M. Bergsmo (ed.), Understanding and Proving International Sex Crimes, Torkel Opsahl, Oslo, 2012;


Marina Aksenova, “Five Questions on the Colombian Sentencing Practice and the Principle of Complementarity under the Rome Statute”, Opinio Juris, 25 May 2015, available at http://opiniojuris.org/2015/05/25/guest-post-five-questions-on-the-colombian-sentencing-practice- and-the-principle-of-complementarity-under-the-rome-statue/

Marina Aksenova and Morten Bergsmo, “Fact-Finding Beyond International Criminal Justice: Defining the Purposes, Mandates and Outcomes of Fact-Finding Missions”, FICHL Policy Brief Series No. 38, (2015);

Marina Aksenova, “Returning to Complicity for Core International Crimes”, FICHL Policy Brief Series, No. 17 (2014);

Marina Aksenova, “The Taylor Appeal Judgment: an Achievement or a Step in the Fragmentation of International Criminal Law?”, E- International Relations, 20 October 2013, http://www.e-ir.info/2013/10/20/the-taylor-appeal-judgment-an-achievement-or-another-step-in- the-fragmentation-of-international-criminal-law/;

Marina Aksenova, “Why 50 Years of Imprisonment is an Adequate Sentence for Charles Taylor”, Opinio Juris, 4 June 2012, available at http://opiniojuris.org/2012/06/04/guest-post-why-50-years-of-imprisonment-is-an-adequate-sentence-for-charles-taylor/

Tatiana Minaeva and Marina Aksenova, “Anti-Money Laundering in Russia”, Tax Planning International, February 2008, http://www.whitecase.com/publications_02112008/#.UfeyrmTOnd4



Marina Aksenova, “Values on the Move: Colombian Sentencing Practice and the Complementarity Analysis of the International Criminal Court”, iCourts Working Paper Series No. 24, 2015;

Marina Aksenova, “Purposes of International Criminal Law”, paper presented in the framework of COST Action IS1003 “International Law Between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation”, VU University, 28-30 August 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands;

Marina Aksenova, “Confronting State Responsibility and Individual Criminal Responsibility under International Law”, paper presented at the Human Rights Training Course organized by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the EUI, 12 June 2013, Florence, Italy;

Marina Aksenova, “Complicity in International Criminal Law: A Case for Clarification”, working paper presented at the inaugural conference of the American Society of Comparative Law (Younger Comparativists Committee), 20 April 2012, Washington DC;


International Criminal Law and Procedure Course Instructor, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law (Copenhagen, Denmark) February – June 2015;

Instructor/Discussion Moderator iCourts & PluriCourts PhD Summer School University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law (Copenhagen, Denmark) June 2015

Assistant Professor Teachers’ Training Course Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen, Denmark) January 2015 - ongoing

Model International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition Judge, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) April 2014

Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition / Russian and Colombian Rounds Judge, National Preliminary and Advanced Rounds (Moscow, Russia; Bogota, Colombia) February 2008 - 2014

International Criminal Law Working Group (EUI) Coordinator September 2013 – August 2014

Teaching Assistant to Professor Martin Scheinin (EUI) Designing courses “Crimes under International Law” and “Advanced Course on the Law of Treaties” June 2012 - July 2013

Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) Guest Lecturer, International Law and Arbitration March 2009 – April 2009

LEGAL CONSULTANCY Case Matrix Network: International Criminal Justice Toolkit Project Expert opinion (sentencing, fact-finding) January – February 2015

Legal defence teams for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ammar Al Baluchi (Guantanamo detainees) June-October 2014 Expert opinion (rights of the detainees, jurisdiction, conspiracy charge)

EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) Study: “Border Police Human Rights Training in the EU” Research Assistant, EUI April-June 2012

EU Parliament Study: “The Extraterritorial Effects of Legislation in the EU and US” Research Assistant, CCSDD, John Hopkins University Bologna Center March 2012


“Of Victims and Villains in the Fight Against International Terrorism” January 2016 South-Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (Goa, India)

“The Future of the International Criminal Court: A Non-Human Rights Body?” The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a Users’ Perspective (Ghent, Belgium) December 2015


Presentation of the future edited volume Criminology of Mass Atrocities: From Doctrine to Practice M. Aksenova, E. Sliedregt and S. Parmentier (eds) October 2015 European University Institute ICL Working Group (Florence, Italy)

“Criminology in International Criminal Law” European Society of Criminology (Porto, Portugal) September 2015

“Values on the Move: Colombian Sentencing Practice and the Complementarity Analysis of the International Criminal Court” The International Society of Public Law Icon-S ‘Public Law in the Uncertain World’ (New York, US) July 2015

“Conceptualizing Terrorism: International Offence or Domestic Governance Tool?” American Law and Society Association Annual Meeting (Seattle, US) May 2015

“The Specific Direction Requirement for Aiding and Abetting: A Call for Revisiting Comparative Criminal Law” Seminar Collaborative Innovation Center for Judicial Civilization China University of Political Science and Law March 2015 ‘Contemporary Development of International Criminal Justice and its Enlightenment upon China’ (Beijing, China)

“Solidarity as a Moral and Legal Basis for Crimes Against Humanity” EUI Max Weber Seminar ‘Law and War: Uneasy Relationship’ (Florence, Italy) March 2015

“The Evolution of Complicity as a Construction for Dealing with Collective Criminality” CILRAP Seminar ‘Historical Origins of International Criminal Law’ (New Delhi, India) November 2014

“Individual Criminal Responsibility as a Test for Legitimacy of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals” PluriCourts Conference ‘The Legitimacy of International Courts and Tribunals) (Oslo, Norway) November 2014

“Confronting State Responsibility and Individual Criminal Responsibility under International Law” GLOTHRO Final Conference: ‘Beyond State Obligations in IHRL’ (Åbo Akademi University, Turku, ) March 2014

“Terrorism and International Criminal Law: Incompatible Concepts” Roundtable: ‘Constitutionalism Across Borders in the Struggle Against Terrorism’ (Harvard Law School, US) March 2014

“Evolution of Complicity as a Construction for Dealing with Collective Criminality” Symposium at the Colombian Academy of International Law (ACCOLDI) (Bogota, Colombia) March 2013

“Methodological Challenges of Exploring Domestic Legal Systems in Search of the General Principles of Law” COST/AHRI conference ‘Methodological Challenges in Human Rights Research’ (Vienna, Austria) September 2012

“The concept of 'co-perpetration' in international criminal law” EUI Workshop ‘Beyond “Espace Juridique.”’ (Florence, Italy) May 2012

“Complicity in International Criminal Law: A Case for Clarification” YCC conference ‘New Perspectives in Comparative Law’ (Washington DC, USA) April 2012

“Enforcing International Criminal Law through ‘Internationalized’ Courts: Case Study of the ECCC” Presentation at the EUI International Criminal Law Workshop (Florence, Italy) November 2011

“Complicity in Rape under International Criminal Law: Case Study of Furundzija” Speaker and co-convener of the ‘Gender Justice Workshop’ at the EUI (Florence, Italy) February 2011

“Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia: the ICTY and the War Crimes Chamber in Bosnia” Guest speaker at Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group (Oxford, UK) February 2010


Conference (iCourts, Copenhagen) “The Missing Criminology of ICL: from Doctrine to Practice” Organizer October 2015

Conference (EUI, University of Copenhagen, PluriCourts) “Judges as Guardians of Human Rights and Constitutionalism” November 2014



EUI ICL WG Roundtable “Advantages and Disadvantages of a Pluralist International Criminal Law” Organizer April 2014

Li Haopei Lecture and Seminar (CILRAP) “Quality Control in International Fact-Finding Outside Criminal Justice for Core International Crimes” May 2013 Organizer

EUI Interdisciplinary Workshop: “History on Trial Bringing Former Nazis to Court in the 21st Century” Organizer and Discussant 7 May 2012

White & Case Advocacy Course (Paris, France) Certified course participant May 2009 – June 2009

C. Wm. König GmbH & Co. KG (Bremen, Germany) AISEC Legal Intern, Insurance Firm July 2003 – September 2003

LANGUAGES Russian – native language English – speak, read, and write fluently French, German, Italian – speak, read and write with basic competence

MEMBERSHIPS The Nordic Network in Human Rights Research COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Younger Comparativists Committee of the American Society of Comparative Law Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group Qualified to practice law in the Russian Federation


Prof. Martin Scheinin Prof. Julian Roberts Charles Nairac Department of Law Centre for Criminology Partner/International Arbitration European University Institute University of Oxford White & Case LLP Via Boccaccio 121 Manor Road Building 19, Place Vendôme 50133 Florence, Italy OX1 3UQ Oxford, UK 75001 Paris, France +39 055 4685 589 / 275 +44 1865 274444 + 33 1 55 04 15 15 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Prof. Mikael Rask Madsen Faculty of Law iCourts - Center of Excellence for International Courts University of Copenhagen Studiestræde 6 1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark +45 24 80 55 57 [email protected]