Basic Docs/Spreadsheets Table of Contents


Other features to explore in Google Docs

Spreadsheets Google Docs ❏ Google URL Shortener ❏ Google Form ❏ Form Responses ❏ Create a Google Document ❏ Share a Google Document ❏ How to collaborate using Google Docs (real-time editing) ❏ Set up a Google Document; change margins, background color ❏ Insert page numbers, bullet/number lists (checkboxes) ❏ Format a Google Document; add columns, change text capitalization ❏ Insert an image, resize, crop, wrap text ❏ Insert chart from Sheets (auto updates) ❏ Create a hyperlink and customize it ❏ Provide Feedback with Comments and Suggested Edits in Docs ❏ Direct Comments to specific users ❏ Add links to comments ❏ Assign a person a task ❏ Access and Review Version History in Google Docs ❏ Review Comments in Google Docs for Contributions ❏ Make Doc accessible without internet access ❏ Table of Contents Activity ● Make a Copy of this Agenda (File --> Make a Copy) ● Create a folder in (New --> Folder) ○ Name the folder (YOURLASTNAME_Google Training) ● Move YOUR COPY of this agenda into your newly created folder (3 different ways) ○ Click and Drag ○ Select (SINGLE click on the document --> click the folder icon) ○ Open the document (folder icon right of title) ● Partner up and CREATE a NEW Document to share with another (i.e. ONE person creates the doc and share it with the other) ○ Change visibility ○ Set margins ○ Add columns ○ Make a bulleted list, a numbered list, and a checklist ○ COMMENT on your partner’s work ○ Each of you add the doc to a Google Drive Folder ● Set the Share Settings access for the folder to “anyone with the link can view”

Other features to explore in Google Docs ● Add 2 pictures. Make one IN LINE WITH TEXT and the other as FIXED POSITION. Difference? ○ Crop, recolor, and replace ● Which tool is the PAINT FORMAT tool. What does this do? Purpose? Uses? ● Create a hyperlink to a website of your choosing using the “link” button or the shortcut keys. ● Add some equations to your document ● What if you wanted to “INSERT” some page numbers? Choices for this? ● Make some room in the document and add a table. (Note: are a little wonky so don’t get frustrated) - add color and borders

Spreadsheets ● Click Here to View Spreadsheet ○ Basic formatting ○ Keyboard Shortcuts ○ Formulas ○ Sorting/Filtering ○ Pivot Tables