Managing Absenteeism in Today's Workplace
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By Michelle Kaminski My Dog Ate My Car Keys: Managing Absenteeism in Today’s Workplace Emergencies happen. Sick children need What is Absenteeism? Their manager or employer should make a tending to and weekday appointme nts conscious effort to create a suitable resolu- Absenteeism is “absences that are avoid- cannot always be avoided. Sometimes tion for the employee. able, habitual and unscheduled [and] is a these types of events occur daily and often source of irritation to employers and co- concurrently. 1 Why Does It Matter to Payroll? In the eyes of the employee, acts that workers.” This typically stems from lack of mental presence that gradually manifests Employee absenteeism creates a burden on qualify as employee absenteeism are usu- payroll professionals and managers who have ally considered harmless or unavoidable. into a pattern of physically missing work. a direct or indirect responsibility for manag- However, persistent workplace absentee- It is not to be confused with excused ab - ing it. The most critical results are decreased ism is a worrisome behaviour that can be sences, where an employer grants permis- productivity and the costs associated with detrimental to an organization's goals. The sion for an employee to take time off work. key to managing absenteeism is to find a When a pattern of absenteeism begins hiring temporary staff. Some additional ac- balance between what is right and fair to to develop, it is typically a red flag that tual and intangible costs may include: the employee while meeting the needs of there are situational factors affecting the ◗ increased employee training; the business. employee (e.g., health, family, finance). ◗ increased overtime hours and pay; 22 • DIALOGUE • July/August 2019 ◗◗ operational inefficiencies; meet deadlines. This results in a loss of about stressful situations and provide ◗◗ safety issues (caused by substitute em- engagement and may lead to significant tools for decreasing them. ployees performing unfamiliar jobs); unplanned absences. ◗◗ Make employees feel part of a team by ◗◗ reduced customer satisfaction (due to ◗◗ Childcare and eldercare: At times, em- having them contribute to organizational increased employee turnover); and ployees have no choice but to miss work goals. Promoting an inclusive environ- ◗◗ increased management and administra- to take care of a sick child or parent. Wh en ment, encouraging strong and meaningful tive time (managing the absence). childcare or eldercare requirements in- relationships with employees, getting This issue spans across industries and crease, levels of productivity are nega- into a pattern of employee recognition, can propagate once inside a company. tively impacted. and providing employee perks enhance When left unchecked, employees un- What Can Employers Do? satisfaction and morale. officially set a precedent that it becomes ◗◗ Be proactive. Under human rights legisla- Employers must take responsibility and acceptable workplace behaviour. tion, there is a legal duty to inquire if you Absenteeism impacts the entire team. use the proper tools to determine what believe an employee may be struggling with Co-workers face increased workloads and absenteeism problems exist (if any), why an illness, either physical or mental. Keep an pressure to ensure projects do not fall be- they exist and what the solutions are. Once open line of communication that makes hind, and overall morale drops. This cycle you have these questions answered, it will employees feel comfortable discussing any is easily one of the most expensive issues be easier to design effective policies for issues impacting them in the workplace. when it comes to employee absenteeism managing absenteeism. and should be addressed immediately to Before we begin, remember that each ◗◗ Support health and wellness. Workplace avoid further costs and other forms of dam- employee is allotted a certain number of wellness initiatives ranging from healthy age to the organization.2 days off for personal, family and vacation snacks in the office to robust employee as- reasons by legislation and/or organizational sistance programs support employees and Understanding Absenteeism policies. Ensure absenteeism policies or pro- a happier, more productive work experience. Before organizations can take action to cedures do not infringe upon these rights. ◗◗ Remember accommodation. Ensure ac- combat absenteeism, they must understand Organizations can significantly reduce commodations are made available to em- what is causing it. This helps focus on the the impact of employee absences by being ployees who need it. Not only is this a best problem so a viable and sustainable solution proactive and addressing issues in real time. practice, but it is also legally mandated. can be found. The key to minimizing absenteeism is to as- There is no quick fix to eliminate em- Based on our experience at MaxPeople, sess the nature of the organization and the ployee absenteeism. However, with the we have identified the most common causes. extent of the problem so you can determine right tools and a proper assessment of ◗◗ Burnout: Burnout is a form of chronic and implement the proper controls. Some your unique work environment, absentee- proven solutions to address absenteeism stress that leaves people emotionally ex- ism rates can be improved. And while you include the following: hausted and impedes their ability to per- may still get an occasional “I have the flu” form basic tasks. It is often associated with ◗◗ Create an effective and detailed emp call on the Friday before the long weekend, low morale. Symptoms include lack of loyee attendance policy, and enforce it organizations can limit the overall amount consistently. Inconsistent practices can motivation, difficulty concentrating, feel- of workplace absenteeism by implementing ing empty or an absence of emotion. It can inadvertently set precedent within your fair policies, tracking attendance, opening occur for a variety of reasons, such as feel- organization. safe lines of communication, and making ing too much pressure, working too many ◗◗ Keep track of employee absences using efforts to create stress-free workplaces. hours, or feeling undervalued or unheard. attendance tracking software such as an With a clear strategy, absenteeism in your ◗◗ Mental health: Mental health affects pro- HRIS or even an Excel spreadsheet. Address organization should drop and engagement ductivity and happiness, and results in unscheduled absences immediately. n absenteeism. Supporting mental health is ◗◗ Reward good behaviour. In today’s work- should rise. crucial for creating a positive and product- force, 66 per cent of all employees and 76 To learn more, register for the Canadian Payroll ive environment for employees. It should per cent of millennials say they would Association’s archived webinar “Managing Absen be a priority. leave their job if they didn’t feel appreci- teeism,” at ◗◗ Bullying and harassment: Employees ated.3 Therefore, recognizing those with who are bullied or harassed by co-workers good attendance and performance will Michelle Kaminski ([email protected]) is an HR Consultant at MaxPeople. At MaxPeople and and/or managers are more likely to call in ultimately have the highest impact with Rodney Employment Law, we deal with all types of sick to avoid the situation. the lowest cost for you as an employer. workplace matters, including absenteeism and en ◗◗ Disengagement: Employees who be- ◗◗ Take steps to reduce office stress. Emp- gagement, and we help employers implement sound come bored with or lose their commit- loyers should make conscious efforts to accommodation and absenteeism policies. Reach out ment to the work they are doing lack the create environments where employees today to find out how we can help ensure you are motivation to complete deliverables and feel comfortable talking to managers compliant and keep your business protected. 1 2 3 / • DIALOGUE • 23.