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STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ARTICLES MANAGEMEl'IT AND CIRCULATION (Act of Auguot 12, 1970; Section 36&5, title 39, United Stares The Family: Code) Real Issues for Real People Th.le of Publication' DEMOCRATIC LEFT by (}uy Molyneux ...•....... page 3 2. Date of f'ilin«: S.,Umber 30, 1987 a f"requency of la~ B~mmthly. Family Agenda Provide A. So. of issllftl publilhed annually: 6. Open ings for the Left ll Anmal SabocriplJam prioe: S!i. BARBARA EHRENREICH -4 LCieation otknown o1l5ce CJ!publioaiion 15 Dutch St. ,Suite 500. by Joan M andle . •• page 5 ~- \"crt, SY. I~ MICHAEL HARRINGTON &. Lc.::atian c! Ibo- beoldqmr..en er~ boutineea oftioo ofthe The F amily is not Ideal ~ J.Sl>c:d>&.,~ • .NewYori<, NY, 10038-'l'l06. Editms Slogan for the Left. 6. 2'-.m:! l'llblilben, F.ditnrl, and Managing Ediur °'1IK<n:lc ~of~ lac., BlliJara Ebren SHERRI l.EVINE by Barbara Ehrenreich ...... page 7 reli:h and Mldwl H3rTql.aa; Sblrri Lniae; Ill of 15 Dutch St.' States. and Cities Take the Lead ~ S'°"' Ycrk. ~'Y. 1 ·~ Managinu Editar 7. Owner. Demoaatlc ~ o! A.-.ca. lJlc.. 15 Dutch St., on Work and Family Issues Ruite 500, Nn1 York, !'."Y llJ:&.3'i06. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE by Debbie Goldman ......... page 9 8. Known bondholder&, ~. and other """"'ty holden owning of hoklinsr l J)t'rl'ellt or more of total amount ot bonds, Joanne Barkan Maxine Phillips Directory of DSA Locals... page 14 ~ or other aecuritiel: Nooe. ania Del Borgo Jan Rosenberg 9. The purpoee, function and nonproftt otatua ofthiaorgani1.ation v The End of the Cold War? and the exempt statua for Federal inoome tax pwpoees have not Guy Molyneux Gerald Hudson U.S. Politics and the INF Treaty clw>gt'd dwmg pre<eding 12 months. 10. Extent and Averap no. rop;.. Single-.,. DEMOCRATIC LEFT (ISSN 0164-3207) is pub by Paul Joseph ............ page 15 Nature of each issue Wrillg publiiihed Who iB the Foreign Competition Cittulabon preceding 12 neareot to lllq lished six times a year at 15 Dutch St., Suite 500, months. date. New York, NY 10038. Second Class postage by Steve Max .............. page 17 A. Tot.al no. oopiea printed 9,400 11,5... paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription $8 reg The Pro-Family Agenda: B Paid Circ:ulation m ular; $ 15 institutional. Co-Existing with the Bohemian 1. Sales through dealenJ POSTMASTER: Send address changes to and carriers, Htreet DEMOCRATIC LEFT, 15 Dutch St., Suite 500, Left vendors and counter Nlea. 2. Mail subeoiptiona New York, NY 10038. by Many J ezer ........... page 19 · C. Total Paid Circulation A Letter From Sweden D. Free di.1nl>ution by mail, DEMOCRATIC LEFT is published by the Democra camer or other means. by Tirrwthy Sears .......... page 21 Samples, oompbnwonu.ry, tic Socialist.s of America at the above address, and other free copies. phone (212) 962-0390. Microfilm, Wisconsin Departments E. Total distribution 7 State Historical Society, 816 State St., Madison F. 1. ()!Ike Uoe, left..iver, WI 53700. Indexed in the Alternative PreM In CLASSIFIEDS ............ page 22 unaccounted. spoiled ~.... printmg. dex, P.O. Box 7229, Baltimore MD 21218. DSAction ................. page 11 Retllml from ~ Signed articla express tM apinions of tM au ON THE LEFT ........... page 12 • • tlwrs and Mt nece88arily those oftM organiza.. 2S timt. REVIEW ................. page Change the USA! Join the DSA! Send Us Members of the Democratic Socialists of America work in every day-to-day struJ! A Message gle for social justice. We bring a strategy for building alliances among all the movemen~ for social change. And we bring a vision of a society that can satisfy the demands for di~ty and justice-a socialist society. Join the people working to bring together all the move The Labor Day i5sue of ments for social change . and to bring together day-to-day battles and lon,i:r-term Democratic Left is your strategies and visions. opportunity to show your sup Join DSA. port for DSA and its publica D Send me more information about democratic socialism. tion by taking out personal 0 Enclosed find my dues (O $50 sustaining; O $35 regular; O $15 limited income. Dues include $8 for DEMOCRATIC LEFT.) greetings and 'or display 0 I would like to subscnbe to DEMOCRATIC LEIT: 0 $15 ~ust.aining; 0 $S regular advertisements. Begin now 0 I would like to subscribe to the discussion bulletin, So1.,alist Forum. $10. asking your friends and col Send to: Democratic Socialists of America, 15 Dutch St., Suite 500, New York, NY 10038. leagues to consider doing the Tel.: (212) 962--0390. same. Name Look for mote details on costs and dead-lines in a full Address -------- page ad in the July/August City/State Zip issue of Democratic Left. Phone --------Union, School, Other Affiliation ------ DEMOCRATIC LEFT 2 MAY·)UNE 1988 The Falriily: Real Issues for Real People by Guy Molyneux sented by neglect of children. What be gan as a maneuver by anti-poverty forces has blossomed into a larger set of issues, ome years from now, when with even greater political potential. historians try to determine At the same time, the increase in just when the political cli working women has produced another mate began its leftward shift, set of issues centered on parenting and they may well note Senator work. Efforts are under way that address OSrrin Hatch's submission of a quarter both workplace issues (flextime, leave) billion-dollar child care bill in 1987. One and broader public policy questions (child could hardly ask for a clearer signal that care, afterschool programs, child support Democrats now set the nation's political enforcement). This agenda promises to agenda while Republicans merely re strengthen each movement while also de spond, a dramatic reversal of the prior six fining specific common ground for coali years' pattern. And choosing the playing tion-building. field, as we have painfully learned, takes one a long way toward winning the game. Powerful Theme Family policy issues (parental leave, Taken as a group, these represent preschool programs, flextime) make up something greater than a set of effective an important part of that agenda and issues, or even a clever appropriation of have significantly contributed to the language. These issues are bound Democrats' change in fortune. They also together by, and help define, a potent provide a theme and strategy that could political theme - the family - which help us build a progressive political involves thinking and talking about prog majority. The left can potentially play an ressive concerns in a new way. In these important role in this project, but seems campaigns we see a new strategic sophis unsure of how to proceed. The choice is tication on the part of progressives, stark: engagement and influence, or marked by efforts to reach new consti isolation and irrelevance. tuencies, a deeper understanding of the places for public policy intervention and importance oflanguage and symbols, and are looking for political leadership in this Political Roots a creative approach to defining issues in area. As we start to win victories, pa The new family agenda com•ists of a ways that maximize support. The poten rent8 and children will have direct ex number of diverse issues, each with a tial inherent in this approach cannot be perience with policies and programs well-organized and growing constituency overestimated. which expand their options and improve behind it (see box on page five). They While the left has learned well that the quality of their lives. Imagine it: share roots in a set of interrelated social the "personal is political," it has too rare average Americans having positive in and economic changes that have pro ly understood that the political must also teraction with the public sector in their foundly affected American family and be personal. I have no quarrel with re daily lives! (Quick now, when's the last work life. Three changes stand out as forming the Federal Reserve or fighting time it happened to you?) This will open particularly important: the greatly ex intervention in Central America, but the door to relegitimizing affirmative panded participation of women in the these are not exactly issues that "get you government, one of our most difficult workplace, including the mothers of where you Jive." The family agenda ideological challenges. young children; stagnant or declining addresses immediate felt needs of mil This suggests a crucial point: "Fami wages; and the alarming increase in the lions of people - a prerequisite to build ly policy" is not merely the application of number of children Jiving in poverty. ing a majoritarian movement. Public a "good" word to an existing progressive Several distinct strands that are now opinion polls show strong and growing agenda; it's a recognition of how people being woven into a national family agen concern about pressures on the working actually experience and understand da can be identified: The first i1:1 the focus family. Anxiety about parenting, the many contemporary social and economic on children as a way of reopening a dis future of children, young adults begin ills. That is why the language of family cussion of poverty. New concerns about ning families of their own, and elder pa now permeates discussion of"older" poli "human capital," fueled by record trade rents is prevalent. cy issues like health care, taxes, and deficits, have only increased attention to Moreover, polls indicate that people housing. Uneven economic growth the tragic waste and injustice repre- think of these concerns as appropriate means your daughter has to move 1,000 DEMOCRATIC LEFT 3 MAY·)UNE 1988 change those definitions.