+1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com


I am an urban scientist, architect, and engineer, with backgrounds in media technology, information systems and computation, and interests in social and behavioral sciences. I design, study, and critique, socio-technical cyber-physical systems for urban contexts with a focus on human mobility. My work draws on a diversity of backgrounds including social computing, experimental economics, human- computer interaction, information visualization, complex systems modeling and simulation, physical computing, and digital design and fabrication. With applications on cities, buildings, products, and services, I pursue a future in which intelligence derives not as a result of computer commands but as a collective interaction of human responses to goals of common interest.


HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, MA Doctor of Design (DDes), Graduate School of Design (GSD) March 2016 Dissertation: “The Potential of On-demand Urban Mobility: Lessons from System Theory and Data Visualization” Committee: Prof Jose Gomez-Ibanez, Harvard Kennedy School (advisor); Prof Spiro Pollalis, GSD; Prof Jeffrey Schnapp, GSD.

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT), CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA Master of Science in Media Arts and Sciences, Media Lab, GPA: 4.94/5.00 Sep 2011 Thesis: “The Market Economy of Trips” Committee: Prof William Mitchell (advisor, 2009-2010) and Kent Larson (advisor, 2010-2011), MIT Media Lab; Prof John Sterman, MIT Sloan School of Management; Prof Neil Gershenfeld, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms; Prof David Parkes, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT), CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA Master of Science in Design and Computation, School of Architecture & Planning (SAP), GPA: 4.70/5.00 Jun 2008 Thesis: “Attribute Process Methodology: Feasibility Assessment of Digital Fabrication Production Systems for Planar Part Assemblies Using Network Analysis and System Dynamics” Advisors: Prof William Mitchell, Prof Larry Sass, and Prof Dennis Shelden.

NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (NTUA), ATHENS, GREECE 5-year Diploma in Architectural Engineering (MEng / Dipl.-Ing. equivalent), GPA: 9.0/10.0 Jun 2004 Thesis: “Junction and Disjunction: Redevelopment of Piraeus Port” Committee: Prof Tasos Biris (advisor) and Prof Panagiotis Touliatos.

DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (TUD), DELFT, NETHERLANDS Erasmus Exchange Scholar in the Department of Architecture 2000-2001

NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (NTUA), ATHENS, GREECE Registered student in the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 1995-1996


AWARDS Transportation Research Fund Award, Harvard Kennedy School of Government ($15,000) 2016 Harvard Deans’ Design Challenge: Urban Life 2030 ($15,000) 2014

May 2016 p. 1 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

• Innovation prize that awards “projects that envision order of magnitude improvements to the livability of our cities by 2030.” • Co-organized by the schools of Engineering (SEAS), Business (HBS), and Design (GSD) MIT Transportation Showcase Award in Economics, Finance, Policy and Land Use category 2011 International Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award ($100,000) 2009 • Innovation prize that awards “outstanding visionary projects with the capacity to solve humanity’s most pressing problems”

SCHOLARSHIPS Harvard GSD graduation tuition scholarship ($6,000) 2016 A.G. Leventis Foundation scholarship ($24,000) 2013-2015 Harvard Graduate Consortium on Energy and Environment scholarship ($13,500) 2013 Harvard GSD 2-year tuition scholarship ($52,000) 2011 MIT Media Lab 2-year full tuition scholarship ($84,100) 2009 Fulbright full-scholarship for graduate studies at MIT ($18,000) 2006 Gerondelis scholarship for graduate studies at MIT ($5,000) 2007 MIT Architecture 2-year Tuition Award ($42, 050) 2006 NTUA Graduation Distinction 2004


HARVARD UNIVERSITY GSD Postdoc Researcher (working with Prof Jose Gomez-Ibanez) Spring 2016-current

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (NYU), TISCH SCHOOL OF THE ARTS Adjunct Assistant Professor, Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) Fall 2014

MICROSOFT RESEARCH (MSR), REDMOND, WA Research Intern, Computational User Experiences / VIBE / Lab of Things groups Summer 2014 Developed technologies for smart homes and the Internet of Things (for A.J. Bernheim Brush and Asta Roseway)

HARVARD UNIVERSITY GSD Energy and Environment Fellow Fall 2013 - Spring 2014 Teaching Fellow (for Prof Martin Bechthold and Prof Panagiotis Michalatos) Fall 2012 Research Assistant, Responsive Environments and Artifacts Lab Spring 2012

MIT MEDIA LAB Research Assistant, Smart Cities & Changing Places groups Summer 2009–Summer 2011 Research Fellow, Smart Cities group Summer 2008–Summer 2009 Teaching Assistant (for Prof William Mitchell and Kent Larson) Fall 2008–Spring 2011

MIT ARCHITECTURE Research Assistant, Digital Fabrication Group Summer 2007 Teaching Assistant (for Prof Dennis Shelden) Spring 2007–Fall 2007

May 2016 p. 2 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com



The potential of On-demand Urban Mobility (Doctoral Dissertation) / Harvard GSD Fall 2011 – Spring 2016 A general system theory that explains how urban form, land use patterns, and unavoidable sizing and rebalancing decisions, define ridership, cost, energy, and thereby the limits of Mobility on Demand (MoD) systems. The theory is explained through an aggregate general equilibrium dynamic model that describes the palindromic commuting flows between residential and commercial areas and their impact on stock accumulations over time. Results show that density and allocation of households and workplaces have minor impact on performance compared to leisure uses (with Prof Jose Gomez-Ibanez, Prof Spiro Pollalis, and Prof Jeffrey Schnapp).

A clustering method for designing (sizing and rebalancing) MoD Systems / Harvard GSD Spring 2015 – current I show that the sizing and rebalancing problem of any network of MoD stations reduces to the sizing and rebalancing of four aggregate regions with common pattern characteristics (residential and commercial areas with either a surplus or a shortage). The lemma allows dynamic modeling and optimization of arbitrarily large systems by a simple stock-flow framework of four compartments.

Urban Form and Limits of On-demand Mobility / Harvard GSD Fall 2014 – Spring 2016 A mathematical model that links parametrically city form to cost of on-demand mobility: a static trip generation model links land use patterns to daily trip volumes, while a dynamic macromodel links daily trip volumes to stock and flow fluctuations. Sizing is determined by amplitudes of stock fluctuations, while rebalancing, by equilibrium of flows.

A data-driven system dynamics model for sizing and rebalancing MoD systems / Harvard GSD Fall 2014 – Spring 2016 A system dynamics model that allows researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to interactively explore how fleet sizing and rebalancing decisions affect ridership, cost, and carbon emissions in existing MoD systems by numerically simulating their circadian cycle. Using Boston’s bike sharing system as a case, and working with interviews and a dataset covering over a year of operations, I perform a sensitivity analysis assessing a range of sizing and rebalancing policies.

SD.JS / Harvard GSD Spring 2015 – current A powerful open-source system dynamics library in JavaScript that allows researchers to build, simulate, and control, interactive system dynamics models directly in a web-browser. The library uses D3 (the state-of-the-art open source data visualization library) and provides the flexibility to develop complex models without the cost of off-the shelf software.

Data-driven Visualization of Urban Commuting Patterns in MoD Systems / Harvard GSD Fall 2014 – Spring 2016 A series of novel interactive data visualization tools built in D3, JavaScript, and Processing for analyzing commuting patterns in bike share systems. Tools include both real-time data scraping of live feeds and compilations of large datasets from cities worldwide.

Cloudcommuting Marketplace / Harvard GSD Fall 2014 Developed a web-based multi-user participatory marketplace for dynamically pricing MoD systems. The platform allows online traders that control trip prices to interact with online riders that respond to prices by physically relocating vehicles in an urban setting. Mutual competition may in theory create efficient prices for MoD systems. The web-app can be used in large-scale experiments and its full stack is built on Node.JS, Express.JS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Socket.IO, Leaflet.JS, JQuery, HTML, CSS, and D3.

The Market Economy of Trips (MSc Thesis) / MIT Media Lab Spring 2010 – Fall 2011 Designed and analyzed a self-regulating operation model for MoD systems, based on a two-sided market, in which trip prices depend on inventory needs of origin and destination stations, causing some trips to be expensive while many others to pay users back. MIT Transportation Showcase Award (with Prof William Mitchell and Kent Larson, Prof John Sterman, and Prof David Parkes)

Mobility on Demand Systems (MoD) / MIT Media Lab Summer 2008 – Summer 2011 Co-developed a vehicle sharing system of lightweight electric cars and scooters that allow users to make point-to-point trips on demand and fold during parking to minimize footprint. Best Automotive Invention of 2007, TIME magazine. Winner of $100K Buckminster Fuller Award (with Prof William Mitchell and Kent, Larson, MIT Media Lab. Collaborators: General Motors, Denokinn, and Schneider Electric)

Vehicle Dynamics / MIT Media Lab Spring 2010 – Fall 2011 Developed a series of system dynamics and multi-agent simulation models that explain how level of service in dynamically priced MoD systems depends on demand pattern, pricing policy, income distribution, and price of substitute.


May 2016 p. 3 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

BodyPods / Microsoft Research Summer 2014 Developed a series of novel pressure-sensing and light-emitting seats that allow users to interact remotely by exchanging their bodyprints as real-time gestural expressions through the Internet. The seats are made of a flexible surface and recognize users by adjusting their form to the body anatomy. Results from a 10-person study show that BodyPods detect 7 unique postures with only 6 pressure sensors (with A.J. Bernheim Brush and Asta Roseway).

Cloudcommuting Game / Harvard GSD Fall 2011 – Spring 2013 An interactive strategic board game for empirically studying and explaining how perception of payoffs, decision-making, and price equilibrium affect performance in dynamically priced MoD systems.

Responsive Learning Environments / Responsive Environments and Artifacts Lab (REAL), Harvard GSD Spring 2012 Compiled a series of case studies on how emerging HCI technologies enhance teaching and learning experiences and a proposal with five guidelines for designing digitally enhanced learning environments (for AYB Educational Foundation in Yerevan, Armenia; with Prof Allen Sayegh, Prof Martin Bechthold, and Edith Ackermann).

Pricescapes: Intuitive Pricing Visualization Interface / MIT Media Lab Fall 2010 – Fall 2011 Designed a visual interface for dynamically priced MoD systems that uses contour (or heat) maps to relate trip prices to slope gradients (with Prof William Mitchell)


Constructability Assessment of Planar-part Assemblies (SMArchS Thesis) / MIT Architecture Fall 2007-Spring 2008 Developed a method to assess constructability of 3D models of planar-parts by analyzing the topology of the assembly graph using network theory and simulating the construction rate using system dynamics (with Prof. William J. Mitchell, MIT Architecture)

FabHouse / Digital Fabrication Group / MIT Architecture Spring 2007 Improved a method to digitally fabricate irregular structural envelopes from plywood (demonstrated by MIT at NYC MoMA’s Home Delivery exhibition) by retaining grid continuity across adjacent walls while maintaining perpendicularity of connected parts. This allowed standardization of joints and facilitated assembly (with Prof Larry Sass and Prof Dennis Shelden, MIT).

Computing Concrete Blocks / Digital Fabrication Group / MIT Architecture Summer 2007 Developed a method to design and fabricate custom molds for concrete blocks using CNC-cut stacked laminated sheets. Instructed 3D printing methods to students (with Prof Larry Sass),

New Orleans Action Plan Assessment / MIT Architecture Spring 2008 Co-developed a system dynamics model of the urban infrastructure of New Orleans for assessing the impact of governmental policies on post-disaster urban metabolism (with Prof John Fernandez, MIT, and Prof Earthea Nance, UNO)

Structural Form-finding with Parametric Graphic Statics / MIT Architecture Spring 2007 Developed a graphical method for finding equilibrium forms of funicular domes under discrete uneven loads based on graphic statics (independent research with Prof John Ochsendorf, MIT).



Rethinking Point-to-Point Urban Mobility (ITPG-GT 2621 001) / ITP NYU Fall 2014 Instructor, Course Developer Designed and taught a graduate-level research course that introduces the theory, underlying technologies, and operational complexities of intelligent mobility on demand (MoD) systems, using NYC Citi Bike sharing program as a living lab. First half of course focused on analyzing performance limits of truck rebalancing while second half on designing interactive experiments to study crowd-sourced rebalancing.

Toy Product Design: Mechanical Assemblies (GSD00045) / Harvard GSD Winter 2014

May 2016 p. 4 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

Instructor, Course Developer Designed and taught a graduate-level hands-on course that explored design, fabrication, and assembly of mechanically actuated toy cars that could store kinetic energy in flywheels and use it for self-propulsion. Working in teams, students learned fundamentals of mechanical assemblies, physics, parametric CAD modeling and Design for Assembly Techniques.

DIY: From Design to Production / Hellenic American Educational Foundation, Athens Summer 2013 Instructor, Course Developer Created and taught an experimental workshop in which mid- and high-school kids learned how to design, develop, digitally fabricate, and assemble, toy products for the DIY community.

Lifecycle Design (GSD6574) / Harvard GSD Fall 2012 Teaching Fellow Co-taught graduate-level students lifecycle analysis and product design with recyclable materials. Taught modeling and simulation of material flows for industrial systems and construction industry supply chains using System Dynamics (With Prof Martin Bechthold, Harvard GSD).

Computational Design (GSD6338) / Harvard GSD Fall 2012 Teaching Fellow Co-taught graduate-level students computational design and advanced geometric modeling using C# programming language (With Prof Panayiotis Michalatos)

Smart Cities workshop / Hellenic American Educational Foundation, Athens Summer 2012 Instructor, Course Developer Designed and taught an experimental workshop on smart transportation systems in which high-school students learned economics and systems thinking by comparatively designing, building, playing, and analyzing interactive board games and multi-agent simulation models to understand how users make rational decisions.

CloudCommuting workshop / NuVu Studio, Cambridge Spring 2012 Instructor, Course Developer Designed and taught a hands-on experimental workshop on smart cities, in which high-school students used physical computing, sensors, interaction design, and game theory to collectively build an augmented board game that reacts to players’ decisions with incentives.

Design for Do-It-Yourself Manufacturing (MAS.S63) / MIT Media Lab Spring 2012 Co-Instructor Taught design, production, and distribution strategies in a cross-disciplinary studio that explored product development of custom-made electronic devices for small quantity production (with David Mellis, MIT Media Lab).

Mobility on Demand Systems (MAS.552) / MIT Media Lab Fall 2008 - Spring 2011 Teaching Assistant, Group Leader Co-taught for six semesters a graduate-level studio in which students explored topics on logistics, performance, and economics of MOD systems using analytical, simulation, and experimental methods (Instructors: Prof William Mitchell and Kent Larson)

Mobility on Demand workshop / Vienna University of Technology Spring 2011 Co-instructor Taught a 5-day workshop where students developed a board game simulation to study economics and user decisions of MOD systems (in collaboration with the Austrian Institute of Technology and MIT)

Ecological Urbanism workshop / Vasco da Gama School of Architecture, Coimbra Spring 2011 Instructor Organized a 5-day studio workshop in which students designed a vehicle-sharing deployment and used role-playing games to creatively explore topics of sustainability, economics, and self-governance.

Systems Thinking executive education workshop / MIT Sloan School of Management December 2010 Tutor Facilitated execution of the MIT Beer Distribution Game, a role-playing simulation in which participating executives learned fundamental concepts of systems thinking for supply chain management (Instructor: Prof John Sterman)

May 2016 p. 5 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

Architecture Design Core Studio I (4.151) / MIT Architecture Fall 2007 Teaching Assistant Taught design-thinking to graduate-level students helping them shape their ideas into final projects (Course instructors: Prof Andrew Scott and Prof Nader Tehrani).

Professional Applications of Digital Fabrication and Construction (4.553) / MIT Architecture Spring 2007 Teaching Assistant Taught graduate-level students advanced parametric design and administrated relations with industrial course collaborators (Course instructor: Prof Dennis Shelden).


Vina Rahimian, MSc student, Pennsylvania State University, College of Arts and Architecture Fall 2010 - Spring 2011 Reader on MSc thesis on smart homes and energy consumption

Jet SiZhi Zhou, Research Assistant, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), MIT Fall 2010 - Spring 2011 Supervisor on programming an online participatory game and a visualization interface for dynamic pricing using heat maps (on behalf of Changing Places)

Kaustuv De Biswas, PhD student, MIT Design and Computation group Fall 2009 Supervisor on developing a 3D multi-agent simulation model that was showcased during the 26th ICSID World Design Congress in Singapore (on behalf of Smart Cities)

Koit Saaravet, Visiting Scholar, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, Fulbright Fall 2008 Supervisor on compiling data from vehicle sharing systems for calibrating a system dynamics model (on behalf of Smart Cities)

Jorge Andres Barrios, Intern, MIT Summer Research program (MSRP) Fall 2008 Supervisor on developing multi-agent simulation model for Mobility on Demand systems (on behalf of Smart Cities)

Marcus Parton, Research Assistant, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Fall 2008 Supervisor on a case study on fleet management methods for vehicle sharing systems (on behalf of Smart Cities)


I. PEER REVIEWED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Papanikolaou, D. Visualizing Dynamics of User and Worker Interactions in On-demand Urban Mobility Networks: The Case of Boston’s Bike Share System. Accepted in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July 2016) Papanikolaou, D.. A.J. Bernheim Brush, and Asta Roseway. BodyPods: Designing Posture Sensing Chairs for Capturing and Sharing Implicit Interactions. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction – TEI’15 (Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 15-19 January 2015) Papanikolaou, D.. Cloudcommuting: Games, Interaction, and Learning. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children - IDC13 (New York, NY, 24-27 June 2013) Papanikolaou, D. and Larson K. Designing a Self-operated Point-to-Point Mobility System. In Proceedings of the 9h International Conference of Intelligent Environments (Athens, Greece, 18-19 July 2013) Papanikolaou, D. and Sterman J. The Market Economy of Trips. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society - ISD, (Boston, MA, USA, 24-28 July 2011) Papanikolaou, D. The Market Economy of Trips. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complex Systems - ICCS (Boston, MA, USA, 26 June-1 July 2011). Papanikolaou, D. The Market Economy of Trips. In Proceedings of the 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks - WIDS (Cambridge, MA, 31 May-1 June 2011)

May 2016 p. 6 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

Papanikolaou, D. Pricescapes: Connecting Distance, Time, and Payoffs. In Proceedings of the 4th Writing Cities Conference: Distance and Cities (LSE, London, UK, 19-21 May 2011) Papanikolaou, D. Vehicle Dynamics: A New System Dynamics Framework for Modeling Behavior of Vehicle Sharing Systems. In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design - SimAUD, (Boston, MA, USA, 4-7 April 2011) Papanikolaou, D. Understanding Behavior of Intelligent Self-Organizing Vehicle Sharing Systems. In Proceedings of the 14th Iberoamerican Congress in Digital Graphics - SIGraDi (Bogota, Colombia, 17-19 Nov. 2010) Papanikolaou, D. Sustainable Self-Organizing Vehicle Sharing Systems Using Incentive Mechanisms. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Sustainability (Cambridge, MA: MIT CSAIL, 28-30 June, 2010) Papanikolaou, D. Digital Fabrication Production System Theory: Evaluating Assemblability of File-to-Factory Projects Using Network Analysis. In Proceedings of the 1st International File to Factory Symposium (Chania, Greece, 2-5 September 2009) Papanikolaou, D. Digital Fabrication Production System Theory: towards an integrated environment for design and production of assemblies. In Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress in Digital Graphics - SIGraDi (Havana, Cuba, 1-5 Dec. 2008) Papanikolaou, D. Evaluating Assemblies of Planar Parts Using Liaison Graph and System Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe - eCAADe (Antwerp, Belgium, 17-20 Sept. 2008) Papanikolaou, D. Augmenting Constructability Evaluation of CAD/CAM Projects Using Systems Theory. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: Design, Computing, and Cognition (Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology, 23-25 June 2008). Papanikolaou, D. From Representation of States to Description of Processes. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference: Critical Digital (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 18-19 April 2008)

II. BOOK CHAPTERS S & JOURNAL ARTICLES Papanikolaou, D., “Choreographies of Information: Communication through Architectural Form in the Early Napoleonic Internet of Optical Telegraphy” to be included in New Geographies 07: Geographies of Information, ed. Ali Fard and Taraneh Meshkani (Harvard Graduate School of Design Press, 2015). Papanikolaou, D., “Design Methods for Adaptive Mobility” in Unconventional Computing: Design Methods for Adaptive Architecture, ed. Simone Ferracina and Rachel Armstrong (Riverside Architectural Press, 2013). Papanikolaou, D., “Changing Forms, Changing Processes” in Interdisciplinary Design: New Lessons from Architecture and Engineering, ed. Hanif Kara et al. (ACTAR Press, 2012), 106-114 Papanikolaou, D., “Intelligent Infrastructures” in Infrastructure Sustainability and Design, ed. Spiro Pollalis et al. (Routledge, 2012), 266- 274 Papanikolaou, D., “Digital Fabrication Production System: Customization on Demand” in Computational Constructs, ed. Shouheng Chan et al. (Architecture Press of China, 2010), 84-102 Papanikolaou, D., “Junction and Disjunction” in Architecture in Greece, no. 40 (2006): 38-40 Mitchell W.J., Borroni-Bird C. E., and Burns L. D., Reinventing the Automobile: Personal Urban Mobility for the 21st Century (MIT Press, 2010): Contributed with images, diagrams, and content

III. THESES Papanikolaou, D., “The Potential of On-demand Urban Mobility: Lessons from System Theory and Data Visualization” (Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard GSD, Cambridge, MA, 2016) Papanikolaou, D., “The Market Economy of Trips” (MSc. Thesis, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 2011) Papanikolaou, D., “Attribute Process Methodology: Feasibility Assessment of Digital Fabrication Production Systems for Planar Part Assemblies Using Network Analysis and System Dynamics” (MSc. Thesis, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 2008) Papanikolaou, D., “Object and Identity” (Diploma Thesis, NTUA, Athens, 2003)

IV. EDITORIALS Papanikolaou, D., Ed. “Preface - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop of Constructing Urban Intelligence - CUI 2013”, in Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, vol. 17, 139-140, 2013

May 2016 p. 7 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com


I. INVITED TALKS MIT Sloan School of Management May 06 2016 Invited by Prof John Sterman, System Dynamics Seminar (Cambridge, MA) MIT SAP Apr 27 2016 Invited by the Design Computation PhD Forum committee (Cambridge, MA) Northeastern University Feb 18 2016 Invited by Prof Dietmar Offenhuber, College of Arts, Media, and Design (Boston, MA) Harvard GSD Feb 09 2016 Invited by Prof Allen Sayegh, Responsive Environments: Bergamo eMotion (Cambridge, MA) Dartmouth College Nov 17 2015 Invited by Prof Emily Whitening, Department of Computer Science (Hanover, NH) MIT SAP Mar 10 2015 Invited by Prof Terry Knight, Computational Making class (Cambridge, MA) Carnegie Mellon University Feb 25 2015 Faculty Search talk / School of Design (Pittsburgh, PA) New York University Nov 20 2014 Interactive Telecommunications Program, Tisch School of the Arts (New York, NY) Citi Bike Nov 09 2014 Headquarters (New York, NY) Microsoft Research Jul 24 2014 Invited by Justin Cranshaw FUSE Labs (Redmond, WA) Microsoft Research Jul 23 2014 Human Computer Interaction Intern Talks (Redmond, WA) Microsoft Research Jul 10 2014 Invited by Desney Tan, “BodyPods”, Computational User Experiences Group (Redmond, WA) MIT Media Lab Apr 18 2014 Invited by Nan Zhao, “From Man-Machine Interaction to Man-to-Man Transaction”, MAS.500 – Fundamentals (Cambridge, MA) Harvard GSD Apr 18 2014 Invited by Prof Nashid Nabian, Smart[er] Cities course (Cambridge, MA) Penn State University Apr 16 2014 Postdoc Search talk / Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (State College, PA) Arizona State University Apr 09 2014 Faculty Search talk / Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts (Phoenix, AZ) Office for Metropolitan Architecture - OMA Mar 18 2014 Invited by Shohei Shigematsu (New York, NY) New Jersey Institute of Technology Feb 11 2014 Faculty Search talk / College of Art and Design (Newark, NJ) Wentworth Institute of Technology Feb 10 2014 “Transportation Design and the Sustainable City” (Cambridge MA) Harvard GSD Oct 16 2013 Invited by Prof Belinda Tato and Prof Jose Luis Vallejo, Networked Urbanism Studio (Cambridge MA) Harvard Center for the Environment Oct 11 2013 Invited by the Graduate Consortium on Energy (Cambridge, MA) Institute for Research in Art and Design (IDK) Jul 19 2013 Faculty Search talk / Invited by Prof Claudia Mareis, FHNW (Basel, Switzerland) MIT May 01 2013 Invited by the Global Sustainability Working Group (Cambridge, MA) University of California Berkeley Mar 21 2013

May 2016 p. 8 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

Invited by Prof Dor Abrahamson, Graduate School of Education, Institute of Design (Berkeley, CA) University of Patras Jan 15 2013 Invited by Prof Yannis Aesopos “Architecture of Complex Systems; From Assemblies to Smart Cities” (Patras, Greece) National Technical University of Athens Jan 10 2013 Invited by Prof Dimitris Papalexopoulos, “Interdisciplinarity in Design, Research & Education” (Athens, Greece) National Technical University of Athens Dec 11 2013 Invited by Prof Panagiotis Tournikiotis, “Smart Cities, Mobility, and Coordinated Behavior” (Athens, Greece) MIT Senseable City Lab Nov 06 2012 “Latest Work” (Cambridge, MA) Harvard Graduate School of Education Apr 04 2012 “Future Technologies in Education” (Cambridge, MA) NOKIA Research Center Nov 09,2011 Invited by Boris Kizzy (Cambridge, MA) Wentworth Institute of Technology Oct 27 2011 Invited by Prof Zenovia Toloudi, School of Architecture: “How to do a thesis research” (Boston, MA) MIT Sloan School of Management Oct 18 2011 Design Club (Cambridge, MA) MIT SAP Oct 14 2011 Invited by the Design Computation PhD forum (Cambridge, MA) MIT Media Lab Jun 27-30, 2011 Innovations in Sustainable Mobility, Professional Education Short Programs (Cambridge, MA) University of Coimbra Apr 29 2011 Energy for Sustainability Initiative (Coimbra, Portugal) Portuguese Chamber of Architects Apr 29 2011 Invited by Ricardo Camacho, Ginko gallery (Algarve, Portugal) MIT Senseable City Lab Jun 29 2010 Invited by Prof Carlo Ratti, (Cambridge, MA) Harvard GSD Apr 12 2010 Invited by Prof Spiro Pollalis, Ubiquitous Eco-Cities Symposium (Cambridge, MA) Autolib Jan 21 2010 Presented research work at the Head Manager (Paris) MIT Dec 11 2009 Invited by Prof Chris Zegras, DUSP (Cambridge, MA) Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture Jun 09 2009 Invited by Carlo Parente, Corporate firm (Chicago, IL) Buckminster Fuller Institute Jun 5-6 2009 (Chicago, IL) Harvard GSD Apr 4 2009 Invited by Dido Tsigaridi, Urban Mobility Lecture Series (Cambridge, MA) PechaKucha Boston Apr 10 2008 Volume #4 (Cambridge, MA)

II. CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATIONS Worcester Polytechnic Institute Apr 22 2016 32nd System Dynamics colloquium (Worcester, MA) MIT Sloan School of Management Dec 04 2015 31st System Dynamics colloquium (Cambridge, MA) Harvard Graduate School of Education Apr 12 2014 TEDx HGSE: Imagine. Inspire. Ignite (Cambridge, MA) Harvard Graduate School of Design Feb 21 2014

May 2016 p. 9 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

Advanced Studies Program Doctoral PechaKucha (Cambridge, MA) University of Albany Nov 01 2013 27th MIT-UAlbany System Dynamics PhD colloquium (Albany, NY) MIT Media Lab Dec 17 2012 “Connect1ons” conference on network science (Cambridge, MA) Harvard Graduate School of Design Dec 03 2012 Smarter Cities symposium (Cambridge, MA) MIT Museum Nov 17 2011 MIT Transportation Showcase (Cambridge, MA) MIT Museum Oct 21 2011 MIT Energy Night (Cambridge, MA) MIT Mar 4 2011 Energy Conference Showcase (Boston, MA) MIT Jul 7-8 2010 NISSAN Research Salon, MIT Faculty Club (Cambridge, MA) MIT Media Lab Jun 20-21 2010 Smart Customization Seminar 2010 (Cambridge, MA) MIT Sloan School of Management Apr 30 2010 20th MIT-UAlbany-WPI System Dynamics PhD Colloquium (Cambridge, MA) MIT Media Lab Apr 20 2010 2nd MIT Media Lab annual Research Conference (Cambridge, MA) MIT Mar 4 2010 Energy Conference Showcase (Boston, MA) World Design Congress Nov 23-27 2009 26th International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) (Singapore) Rhode Island School of Design Nov 14-15 2009 5th Symposium on Design Science (Providence, RI) MIT Jun 23 2009 House_N Research Consortium, MIT Faculty Club (Cambridge, MA) MIT SAP Feb 2009 1st Annual MIT Design and Computation Alumni Symposium (Cambridge, MA)

III. RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS (DEMOS) AT MIT MEDIA LAB Eve Blau and Gareth Doherty, Harvard GSD DDes program Nov 02 2010 BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria), Chairman and CEO Jun 10 2010 Denokinn May 07 2010 State Farm Oct 26 2010 Fujitsu Laboratories (chairman) & Mobile Phones Business Group (Director) Oct 12 2010 World Future Society Jul 08 2010 Dean of the Business and Innovation School and President of the Adolfo Ibanez University, Chile Jun 10 2010 David Chen, Vice President of General Motors China and General Manager of the GM Beijing Operation Jun 08 2010 Honda R&D, and Honda Research Institute Jun 03 2010 Sheila Griffin, former MIT Motorola Liaison Apr 23 2010 Theodore Spyropoulos, Design Research Laboratory (DRL) of Architectural Association (AA) of London Apr 20 2010 Urban Land Institute Forum: Smart Environments Apr 16 2010 US House of Representatives (House of the Future project) Apr 06 2010 DARPA Service Fellows Mar 17 2010 Research Open House for the New Media Lab Building’s Donors Mar 05 2010

May 2016 p. 10 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

The Dallas Assembly Apr 24 2009 MIT Media Lab Annual Sponsor Meeting Apr 15 2009 William Mitchell guests Jun 22 2009 MIT Leaders for Manufacturing Program (LFP) Nov 07 2008 The Why Factory, School of Architecture, Technical University of Delft (TUD) Nov 20 2008 Prof Carlos Barrios & 12 students, Catholic University School of Architecture Oct 20 2008 Siebel Fellows (MIT & Harvard) Apr 05 2010



102nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) / Miami, FL April 2014 Panel Chair, Organizer (session: “The Elements of Urban Intelligence; New Pedagogies in Global Architectural Theory) Organized and chaired a panel session on the topic of new pedagogical directions in the emerging interdisciplinary field of media and digital technologies in architecture, urbanism, or landscape

Harvard Asia Business Conference: "Moving Up the Value Chain" / Harvard Business School (HBS) April 2014 Panel Manager (Session: “Design, Technology, and Innovation”) Organized a panel on the role of Design, Technology, and Innovation in transforming tomorrow's economies and industry-specific value chains, bringing leaders, thinkers, and entrepreneurs from the building, product, and service sectors into discussion.

9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments / Athens, Greece Jul 2013 Workshop: 1st International Workshop on Constructing [Urban] Intelligence (CUI2013), “This, Here, Now” Chair and Organizer Organized and chaired an interdisciplinary workshop that explored new models, methods, and problems for constructing ambient intelligence through human interaction and media technology.

1st Annual Doctor of Design Symposium, “Research as Practice” / Harvard GSD Spring 2013 Co-organizer Conceptualized and co-organized the first annual symposium of doctoral alumni from Harvard GSD on the topic of design research in both academia and practice.

5th Writing Cities Conference / Harvard, MIT, and London School of Economics Spring 2012 Co-organizer Co-organized the 5th annual interdisciplinary workshop between Harvard GSD, Harvard Law School, MIT School of Architecture & Planning, and the London School of Economics that provides a forum for graduate students to present peer reviewed papers on new ways of thinking cities.

Debating Design and Innovation in Times of Crisis / Harvard GSD May 15, 2012 Co-organizer, Moderator Conceptualized, co-organized, and moderated a public panel discussion that investigated the role of design, innovation, and entrepreneurship during times of socioeconomic crisis. Speakers included Nader Tehrani (Head, MIT Architecture), Benjamin Aranda (Principal, Aranda/Lasch), Ioanna Theocharopoulou (Assistant Professor, Parsons), Iasson Tsakonas (Founder and Managing Director, Oliaros) and Spiro Pollalis (Professor, Harvard GSD).


Mohsen Mostafavi in Conversation with Nicholas Negroponte / Harvard GSD Oct 2013 Co-organizer Conceptualized the event and invited Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab and of One Laptop Per Child for a public conversation with Mohsen Mostafavi, Dean of Harvard GSD, on the topic of Designer's Pedagogy in the 21st Century.

May 2016 p. 11 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

FWD TALKS / Harvard GSD 2011-2014 Founder, Organizer, Moderator Founded and curated a series of structured talks followed by discussions, that presented breakthrough ideas at the intersection of design, technology, and policy, currently shaping our world. Sponsored by Harvard. Speakers include: Shohei Shigematsu (Partner & Director, Office for Metropolitan Architecture – OMA NYC); Robert Aish (Director of Software Development, Autodesk); Robert Wood (Asst. Prof. Harvard SEAS); Assaf Biderman (Director, MIT SENSEable City Lab); Ann-Pendleton Julian (Prof of Architecture, KSA/OSU); David Mellis (Co-creator, Arduino).

Smart Cities lecture series / MIT Media Lab Sep 2010 – May 2011 Organizer, Moderator Organized a lecture series on distributed intelligence in urban resource allocation networks. Speakers included Prof Constantinos Daskalakis from MIT CSAIL on Nash Equilibria and Complexity, and Mauro Martino from Northeastern University Barabasi Lab on Mapping Mobility Patterns.

PechaKucha Night Boston Talks / Boston & Cambridge, MA 2008 – 2012 Co-organizer, Co-moderator Co-organized the worldwide-known public lecture series event in Boston, inviting speakers from arts and media technology backgrounds.


Made in Greece PLUS Exhibition / Museum of Science, Boston, MA Summer 2012 Co-curator Conceptualized and organized an exhibition of contemporary built and unbuilt projects by young Greek architects that demonstrate how design thinking, technology innovation, and scientific research shape the human-made environment. Sponsored by the Boston Museum of Science.

Made in Greece Exhibition / Harvard GSD Spring 2011 Co-curator Organized an exhibition of 18 examples (out of 80 submissions) of contemporary built and unbuilt projects by young Greek architects. Sponsored by Harvard GSD.


2016 ACSA International Conference / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Arquitectura, Santiago, Chile, Jun 29-Jul 1, 2016; peer-reviewed papers in session: “Ecology”

Intelligent Environments for Creative Learning / 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Athens, 16-17 July 2013

Open Hardware Summit 2012 / New York, US


Building Global Innovators (€1,000,000 prize) Venture Competition 4th Edition, 2013: Smart Cities track. MIT Portugal Program: Judge during the finalist session, Nov 04 2013, and Mentor during the semi-finalist boot camp session, Jul 23 2013

Innovation Prize for Africa ($150,000 prize), University of Cape Town Business School, South Africa, 2013

Innovate Salone 2012 (Youth innovation competition), Sierra Leone, Africa

VI. INVITED DESIGN STUDIO CRITIC Harvard GSD 02314: Responsive Environments: Bergamo eMotion, Final Reviews, Apr 26, 2016 (Invited by Prof Allen Sayegh) Harvard GSD 6328: Interdisciplinary Design and Practice, Final Reviews, Apr 25, 2016 (Invited by Prof Hanif Kara) Harvard GSD 02314: Responsive Environments: Bergamo eMotion, Mid Reviews, Mar 22, 2016 (Invited by Prof Allen Sayegh) Dartmouth College, Studio Art Department, Intro to Architecture, Digital Technology, and Culture, Jun 02, 2015 (Invited by Prof Zenovia Toloudi)

May 2016 p. 12 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

MIT SAP 4.552 Computational Making: Light and Motion, Spring 2015 (Invited by Prof. Terry Knight, Dina El-Zanfaly) Harvard GSD 01304: Socio-Environmental Responsive Design, Fall 2014 (Invited by Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo) MIT SAP 4.112: Architecture Design Fundamentals I — Origins of Life, Nov 05 2013 (Invited by Skylar Tibbits) Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT) ARCH 590: Special Topics Graduate Travel Studio: The Athenian Agora, Oct 31 2013 (Invited by Prof Zenovia Toloudi) Harvard GSD 01502: Networked Urbanism: Urban Waste - Urban Design, Fall 2013 (Invited by Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo) Wentworth Institute of Technology, Architecture: Thesis Studio, Spring 2013 (Invited by Prof Zenovia Toloudi) Harvard GSD 01502: Networked Urbanism, Fall 2012 (Invited by Belinda Tato and Jose Luis Vallejo) Harvard GSD 06468: Digital interfaces for collaborative and participatory design, Fall 2012 (Invited by Prof Panayiotis Michalatos) Wentworth Institute of Technology, Architecture: Thesis Studio, Fall 2012 (Invited by Prof Zenovia Toloudi) Benaki Museum of Contemporary Art, Digital Design Workshop, Summer 2012 (Invited by Nefeli Chatzimina and Eric Carcamo) Parsons, the New School for Design, Fall 2008 (Invited by Prof Ivan Shumkov) Boston Architecture College, Fall 2008 & Fall 2009 (Invited by Prof Zenovia Toloudi)

VII. CONTRIBUTOR IN WORKSHOPS Amnesty International OpenIDEO Challenge, MIT Nov 03 2011 The Connected Car, The MEME Design Studio, Cambridge, MA Jun 06-09 2011 Future of Cities, SARCHA (online workshop) Mar 01 2010 Future of Payments (with Bank of America and INTUIT), MIT Media Lab Sep 17 2009 Future of Mobility (with General Motors and SYM Motors), MIT Media Lab Oct 31 2008

VIII. MILITARY / SOCIAL SERVICE Hellenic Navy, Greece 2005 - 2006 Radar Operator, Human Resources Assistant Manager Administered radar/radio communications with ships and ground military units and managed national security documents • Developed a flexible staff scheduling algorithm to assist work shifts and supervised supply orders.



Innovative Bioclimatic European School, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (international competition) Fall 2012 Designed a 6,000m2 bioclimatic educational complex consisting of kindergarten, primary, and secondary education. Commissioned by the Greek School Buildings Organization [SBO]. Featured in: 5th Architecture Triennale, in Crete (with Aristodimos Komninos)

Ecolony, 60-unit housing complex, Valverde, Spain (international competition) Spring 2009 Designed a 6,000m2 sustainable housing complex of 60 units (with Zenovia Toloudi)

Jeongok Prehistoric Museum, South Korea (international competition) Spring 2006 Conceptualized, designed, and 3D modeled a museum for prehistoric findings consisting of multiple excavated rooms in the natural landscape, sheltered by a tessellated canopy (with Tasos Biris, Sofia Tsiraki, and Angelos Angelou).

Private Hotel, Dodoni, Greece (commission) Fall 2004 Developed a design proposal for a 540m2 hotel in Dodoni, Greece, securing funding for the client of more than 65% of the project budget by meeting requirements of the Ministry of Tourism and negotiating on design details with the building contractor.


May 2016 p. 13 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

Worked on large-scale redevelopment projects such as the Former Olympic Complex of Phaleron Bay and the Metropolitan Park of Hellenikon in Greece, and on commercial building projects such as the Village Mall, a 14-cinema multiplex in Athens.

SPARCH (SAKELARIDOU-PAPANIKOLAOU ARCHITECTS), ATHENS, GREECE Project Architect Summer 2006 Coordinated the landscape design of IASO General, a 55,000-m2 private clinic in Larisa, Greece and developed construction details in collaboration with consulting engineers.

BOUKI BABALOU & ANTONIS NOUKAKIS ARCHITECTS, ATHENS, GREECE SUMMER 2002 Intern Worked on 3D CAD models and visualizations for a national competition for the Cultural Center of Halicarnassus, Crete, Greece.

ATELIER MANOLIS PANTELIDAKIS, ATHENS, GREECE Intern Spring 2000 Revised concepts and detailed stage design commissions for concert halls, music theaters, and shows with acclaimed Greek artists.



3rd Prize / Harvard Deans’ Design Challenge: Urban Life 2030 / Cloudcommuting Jun 2014 Project Leader / Developed venture plan for self-governed bike sharing systems that reward users to rebalance bikes instead of trucks and workers

Winner / International Buckminster Fuller Challenge / MoD Jun 2009 Project Developer / Focused on fleet operations and user experience (with: Ryan Chin, Andres Sevtsuk, Will Lark, Raul-David Poblano)

Semi Finalist / MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Contest / MoD May 2009 Project Developer / Co-authored business plan for applications of electric vehicle MoD systems as commuting service (with: Ryan Chin, Arthur Mak, Mike Beaser, Isabella Chao)

Finalist / Billes Products National Design Competition, New Orleans, LA / FabSeat Oct 2008 Creator & Designer / Designed and fabricated a chair that can be parametrically customized, fabricated, flat-packed, and delivered to customers for assembly, on demand. Featured in: DWELL magazine, COOL HUNTING VIDEO.

First Prize / National Design Competition / Aghia Paraskevi City Hall, Athens, Greece Feb 2002 Design Intern / Coordinated team’s presentation and developed 3D CAD modeling and visualizations (with: Tasos Biris, Konstantios Daskalakis, Maria Mandalaki, Marina Stasinopoulou, and Alexandros Vazakas).

First Prize / National Design Competition / Cultural Center of Pylaea, Greece May 2002 Design Intern / Coordinated team’s presentation and developed 3D CAD modeling and visualizations (with: Tasos Biris, Katerina Michalopoulou, Antonis Touloumis, and Sofia Tsiraki).


Junction and Disjunction / Arch. Engineering Diploma thesis project, NTUA Spring 2004 An urban redevelopment project at the port of Piraeus, Greece, that programmatically links two docks at the Piraeus port with a foldable floating pedestrian bridge, two container-based public markets, and a multipurpose building (thesis advisor: Prof Tasos Biris)

FabCar / Product Design Fall 2011 A digitally fabricated and manually assembled 4WD toy car consisting of 3 connected differential gears and 234 mechanical parts. Showcased in Guatemala by MIT Prof Meejin Yoon as example of cross-disciplinary design work (with Prof Neil Gershenfeld)

May 2016 p. 14 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

Portal / User Interface & Human Computer Interaction Spring 2010 Prototyped an application for smart phones that uses the inertial sensors and display screen to allow a video-receiving user to guide the camera frame of a video-transmitting user (with Prof Hiroshi Ishii and Prof Pattie Maes, MIT Media Lab)

High-rise Building Workshop / Building Technology, TU Delft Spring 2001 Lead the design of a 60-floor high-rise office building in a team of 5 students as part of an international workshop. Awarded distinction for best architectural design.

Pedestrian Bridge Workshop / Building Technology and Structural Design, NTUA Spring 2000 Lead the design, engineering, fabrication, and assembly of a 4-meter long tensegrity pedestrian bridge made of timber (in a team of 5 students, with Prof Dimitris Papalexopoulos)

NTERVIEWS / PRESS COVERAGE MIT SAP News (mention on Harvard Deans Challenge) Jul 2014 “Kathimerini” newspaper, Greece Jul 11 2013 “Proto Thema” newspaper, Greece Jan 09 2013 Ant1 TV News, Greece Jun 03 2012 “Super Quark” in RAI TV, Italy Jun 10 2011 “Ta Nea” newspaper, Greece Nov 19 2010 MIT Entrepreneurship Review, USA May 02 2010 “Maximizing Progress” TV, USA Feb 24 2010 Pathfinder News TV, Greece Jul 27 2009 Boston University Journalism Dept. interview for Channel 5 Mar 20 2009 Cool Hunting Video, USA Nov 27 2006 DWELL magazine, USA Nov 26 2006

EXHIBITED WORK 5th Architecture Triennale, Crete, Greece Summer 2013 Surrealestate, Artrages 2010, Boston May 2010 Media Lab Sponsor Event, MIT Spring & Fall 2008, 2009, 2010 Ecological Urbanism, Harvard GSD Mar 30 – May 17 2009 Billes Products Design Competition, New Orleans Nov 2008 Design and Computation ‘08, MIT Sep 2008 5th Hellenic Exhibition of Architecture, Patras, Greece Oct 2006 High-Rise Buildings workshop, Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI), Rotterdam, Netherlands Jul 2001


SPECIAL Proficient in most digital fabrication methods (CNC milling, waterjet/laser cutting, 3D printing, molding/casting, plastics, composites) Proficient in modeling and simulation of complex socio-engineering systems using compartment models and multi-agent systems Experienced in digital/analog electronics and physical computing (sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers)

May 2016 p. 15 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com

SOFTWARE Full-stack web developer (Node.JS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Socket.IO) • Vensim • NetLogo • CATIA • Generative Components • Rhino • Grasshopper • 3DStudio • AutoCAD • Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator


I. COURSES TAKEN AT HARVARD CS171 Data Visualization • HKS API-105B Markets and Market Failures • ECON 2056a Market Design • ENG-SCI-231 Energy Technology • API-164 Energy Policy Analysis • EPS 239 The Consequences of Energy Systems

II. COURSES TAKEN AT MIT MAS.665 Development Ventures • 15.872 System Dynamics • ESD.342 Advanced System Architecture (network theory) • 11.433 Urban Economics • MAS.672 Human Computer Interaction • MAS.836 Sensor Technologies for Interactive Environments • MAS.863 How to Make (Almost) Anything • MAS.552 Mobility on Demand • 4.553 Professional Applications of Digital Fabrication in Building Industry • 1.001 Engineering Problem Solving in Java • 15.401 Finance Theory 1


ACADEMIC MIT Computational Making Group • Harvard Graduate Consortium on Energy & Environment • Harvard GSD Critical Digital group (group leader 2011 - 2012) • MIT Energy Club (2011) • MIT Transportation Club (2009) • MIT Changing Places group (2010 - 2011) • MIT Living Labs group (2010 - 2011) • MIT System Dynamics group (2010) • MIT Smart Cities group (2008 - 2010) • MIT Design Computation group (2006 - 2008) • MOD Fleet Management group (founder-2009) • Fulbright Fellow (2006)

PROFESSIONAL National Technical Chamber of Greece (2004) • Licensed architect engineer in EU (2004) • Association of Greek Architects (2004)





May 2016 p. 16 / 17 +1 857 928 1707 Dimitris Papanikolaou [email protected] 1 Crawford Street #2, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA www.dimitris-papanikolaou.com


JOSE GOMEZ-IBANEZ HANIF KARA Derek C. Bok Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy Professor of Practice of Architectural Technology Harvard Kennedy School & Harvard Graduate School of Harvard Graduate School of Design Design Phone: +44 (0)7971 596 173 Phone: +1 617 495 1341 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mail: 100 St John Street, London EC1M 4EH Mail: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Mailbox 114, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 DAN O’SULLIVAN Associate Dean for Emerging Media, Tisch School of the Arts JEFFREY SCHNAPP Tokyo Broadcasting Chair, Interactive Telecommunications Professor of Romance Languages & Literature, Harvard Program (ITP) Graduate School of Design New York University (NYU) Director, metaLAB (at) Harvard Phone: +1 212 998 1880 Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 617 495 2546 Mail: 721 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York, NY 0003 Email: [email protected] Mail: Boylston Hall 423, RLL, Harvard University, Cambridge, MARTIN BECHTHOLD MA 02138 Professor of Architectural Technology Harvard Graduate School of Design SPIRO POLLALIS Phone: +1 617 495 6012 Professor of Design Technology and Management Email: [email protected] Harvard Graduate School of Design Mail: 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge MA 02138 Phone: +1 781 775 6393, +11 30 696 9554428 (Greece) Email: [email protected], [email protected] Mail: 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge MA 02138

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