CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 5, 2000 Was in Trouble, No One Bothered to Go the Professional Ranks, It Is Refreshing to See Get That
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4548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 5, 2000 was in trouble, no one bothered to go the professional ranks, it is refreshing to see get that. If this agreement does not to his house, no one bothered to help this talented group of young men stay in happen, we will lose out and the rest of him. school, get their education, and use their God- the world will gain. Literally the rest That is the true failure here. It is not given talent and their experience to lead the of the world will laugh all the way to guns or not enough restrictions on sec- Spartans to the National Championship. the bank. China is going to enter the ond amendment rights. The true fail- Often times people place too much empha- World Trade Organization whether we ure was this little boy falling through sis on athletics, especially college athletics. pass this agreement or not. Our choice the cracks of a system that let him But this Michigan State team has taught us an is whether we want to have the same down. His role model stole guns or important lesson. We have learned that access to a market of 1.3 billion people maybe traded drugs for stolen guns, no through hard-work, dedication and loyalty you as the rest of the world. The only one is quite sure. But we are quite sure can achieve your dreams. Young people often choice for us to make is to approve per- that the boy was taught that violence, look to sports figures to role model and the manent normal trading relations with not words, was the way to solve prob- young men of the Michigan State basketball China. lems. One neighbor remembers the team are truly worthy of that admiration. f uncle threatening to shoot up his house I would like to salute Head Coach Tom Izzo, CONGRATULATING NCAA CHAM- while holding the little boy in his lap. Seniors Mateen Cleaves, Morris Peterson, and PION MICHIGAN STATE SPAR- Sadly, many of the remedies that A.J. Granger, Saginaw native Jason Richard- TANS people have pointed to would have done son, and the entire Spartan team for an out- nothing to change the outcome of this standing season. You have made us proud, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. tragic event. not just as Spartan fans, but as Michiganders. GARY MILLER of California). Under a This little boy with one parent in jail Congratulations. previous order of the House, the gen- tleman from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE) is and the other reported drug user was f living with two drug dealers who recognized for 5 minutes. threatened their neighbors and traded PERMANENT NORMAL TRADING Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in stolen guns, and in the meantime he RELATIONS WITH CHINA today to congratulate the Spartans of was watching the violence that is so The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Michigan State University, which my rampant on today’s television. All of previous order of the House, the gen- son Paul attended, on winning the Na- this was going on while he was in his tleman from Arkansas (Mr. BERRY) is tional Collegiate Athletic Association most impressionable formative years. recognized for 5 minutes. basketball championship. The Spartans He had yet to learn right from wrong, Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, I want to defeated the Florida Gators 89–76 in the and no one cared to teach him. The re- speak this evening in support of Per- championship game to capture the sult was almost predictable. So anyone manent Normal Trading Relations with NCAA championship. It was certainly who claims that a trigger lock, a stor- China. I want to commend the Speaker an exciting game that showcased some age law, or any law at all would have of the House for setting a date when we of the best talent the NCAA has to prevented this tragedy is simply will have the vote before Memorial offer. wrong. Day. The Spartans are a great example of What would have prevented this trag- I want to commend the President for what hard work, determination, and a edy? That is a good question. The only the extraordinary effort that he is put- passionate desire to win can accom- thing that would have prevented this ting into this. I want to commend Am- plish. The Spartans were led by seniors tragic event is if this innocent child bassador Barshefsky; Secretary of Ag- Morris Peterson and Mateen Cleaves had two loving parents. Only when vio- riculture, Dan Glickman; and Sec- and junior Charlie Bell, the Flintstones lent repeat offenders are incarcerated retary of Commerce, Bill Daley for as they are commonly known in Michi- and away from our children will this their strong effort to help us pass Per- gan. All three grew up in my hometown type of crime be prevented. The need manent Normal Trading Relations with of Flint, Michigan. They have brought here is not for unenforceable mandates, China. a sense of spirit and optimism to our the need is for real solutions to vio- community and our State. I could not b 1800 lence. Let us work together to find be prouder of these young men. They ways to strengthen families and help We must approve permanent normal played basketball together and against parents teach their children right from trading relations with China in May, or each other at Berston Field House, a wrong. our economy will suffer for years to recreational center in the heart of Mr. Speaker, I call on all of my col- come. It will be a terrible mistake for downtown Flint. Over the years, leagues to focus on the real solutions this country not to approve this agree- Berston Field House has provided that will help restore and protect our ment. There are 1.3 billion people in young men and women with not only a families and our communities. China, 20 percent of the world’s popu- great place to play sports but also a lation, one of the fastest growing f safe alternative to the streets. economies in the world. This is a good Peterson, Cleaves, and Bell have all NATIONAL CHAMPION MICHIGAN deal for America. It cuts overall tariffs been guided by strong family values STATE SPARTANS MEN’S BAS- from 24 to 9 percent by 2005, cuts over- and principles. All are graduates of the KETBALL TEAM all agriculture tariffs from 31 to 17 per- Flint public schools, where academics Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cent, it gives us five times more mar- are stressed before athletics. They all join my colleagues from Michigan to pay trib- ket access for cotton, 20 times more possess a deep sense of spirituality that ute to the National Champion Michigan State market access for rice, an unbelievable is clearly rooted in faith and family. Spartans Men’s Basketball team. potential for poultry, beef, pork, soy- And they never miss a chance to praise On Monday night, this group of fine young beans, wheat and nearly every other ag and celebrate those roots. Their accom- men provided us with a display of sportsman- product, and a huge potential for tech- plishments shine bright in the eyes of ship, dedication, and perseverance that all of nology, banking, telecommunications, the people of Flint. us must admire. This group, affectionately insurance. We give up nothing in this Morris Peterson was named Big 10 known as the ‘‘Flintstones’’ because of several agreement, Mr. Speaker. This agree- player of the year and joined Mateen players who hail from the Flint area, overcame ment grants us access to their market. Cleaves as one of the 10 players se- many adversities, such as halftime deficits and It does not give them any additional lected to the John Wooden All-Amer- injuries throughout the tournament on their access to our markets. ican team. Charlie Bell earned a spot way to the championship. China has had access to our markets on the third team All-Big-10 Con- The heart and soul of the Michigan State for the last 20 years. The Chinese want ference. All three, along with A.J. team is their senior leadership. At a time when a seat at the international trade nego- Granger, made the All-NCAA tour- many college athletes make a quick jump to tiating table. They must give access to nament team. VerDate jul 14 2003 10:40 Aug 17, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0687 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H05AP0.002 H05AP0.