1. Preface Cheonggye River (Cheonggyeheon Stream, Cheonggyeheon) is a small river with a length about

5.8 km that stretches from the west to the east in the center of Seoul, which is the heart of Seoul,

South Korea, that is transformed into resident’s recreational area. The atmosphere is very conducive as a recreation or simply enjoy the serenity among the noise hustle of vehicles in the center. On both sides of the river there are comfortable pedestrian streets. So not surprisingly, this river attracted many tourists both local and foreign tourists to visit.

On the left and right of the river is also equipped with a variety of plants in an effort of biodiversity, which also gives the impression of a green city. Its main purpose to renovate Cheonggye overpass and restore the Cheonggye river is to bring the sense of nature in the city center and turning back the river condition that almost dry and dirty.

1 International Conference and Architecture Exhibition “ Architecture and Urbanism”, Denpasar 18 May 2016


2. The History before Cheonggye overpass construction

Hanyang (now: Seoul, the capital of Korea) was chosen as the capital because the basin located between four mountains (north-Pugaksan, east-Naksan, western-Inwangsan, south-Namsan),

Cheonggye river which flow to the headwater of four mountains (flowing from northwest to southeast), and the which is the fourth longest river in Korea (flowing from northeast to west) are also believed bring the 'luck'. The development of Cheonggye has a unique long history.

A long time ago the river looked like today, which was clean and attractive for anyone coming to enjoy its beauty.

In Dynasty (1392-1910 years) Cheonggye river had a strategic role and became a life source of Hanyang community. At the moment Cheonggye river was a place of Hanyang community to take water and did their daily activities such as washing and gathering. The water was used for agricultural needs and the needs of the household. The river splits two of Seoul, where the northern part of Cheonggye is the area of the nobility (Yangban) while the south is the area for the people of the lower middle class.

Figure 1. Cheonggye Rive in 1953 After the ended in 1953, the conditions around Cheonggye river became a slum area. The river was also became a latrine and dump of the people who were living along its river. The conditions was getting worse after Korean War.


Figure 2 Problem cleanliness

3. Cheonggye freeway overpass construction

Over the years, the city of Seoul became more develop and its population was growing crowded. In 1958, Cheonggye river surface began to be closed by the construction of roads and the costruction finished in 1960 during the reign of president Syngman Rhee. Entering the era of industrialization, the need for the vehicles movement in the city of Seoul more increased, so in about 1970, the government took the initiative to add the long of the road to accommodate the needs of the vehicles movement in the city of Seoul that was more increase. The government made policy to close the river and build a freeway overpass on Cheonggye river which called as

Cheonggye Freeway, because the river was getting worse.


Figure 3. The construction of Overpass on Cheonggye river

Cheonggye riverside area turned into economic zone and business viable. The slums were slowly turned into office buildings. However at the moment a river was disappear from the view of Seoul city, although under the overpass was actually still flowing Cheonggye river.

Over the time Cheonggye river was getting worse than before, even the overpass also has security problems.

Figure 4. Problems in the 1990s: security and slums


4. Cheonggye river restoration

In 2001, the elected , Lee Myung-Bak made a policy which was supported by the citizens but it also faced the fierce resistance from the citizens, namely the restoration of

Cheonggye river. Restoration that began in 2003 was a revolutionary step to demolish the

Cheonggye ovrpass (Cheonggye Freeway) which stood proudly on the Cheonggye river. This restoration aimed to create a green city and humanist, which also was an effort to restore the history of Seoul city by representing the Cheonggye river that had "disappeared" about 25 years of the life of Seoul city.

This restoration project wass a major project funded by the government and the cooperating partners, such as: Cheonggyecheon Restoration Centre, Seoul Development Institute,

Cheonggyecheon Restoration Citizens Committee, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Some of the objectives of this restoration were:

 Restoring the city environment that was getting worse (, traffic jam, etc.)

 Restoring the historical and cultural heritage

 Balanced construction of a city

 Provide a pleasant living environment

 Initiation of wide area redevelopment


Figure 5. The demolishing overpass and the opening of the Cheonggye river

In the restoration, the landscape planning of Cheonggye River is divided into 3 (three) segments, which each segment is designed to present the objective of each zone:

Segmen1: city Landscape

It is designed with a ciity landscape oriented, city landscape equipped with an allowed bridge (bridge treading) and Supyoseok (water gage)

Segment 2: The combination of city and natural landscape

The function of this segment is as a park in the city center by using environmentally friendly materials combined with the artwork and maps on the wall along the river corridor.

Segment 3: Natural Landscape

Segment 3 is designed as natural as possible. Various varieties of plants are allowed to grow naturally. The functions of this segment also become an ecological conservation area.

The benefits of restoration


Some positive impacts for the citizen of Seoul city by Cheonggye River after the restoration in terms of social, environmental, and economic, are as follows:

• The renewal of Cities and revitalization.

• Economic growth is getting better and as a tourist attraction.

• The community has direct access to the river to do fun activities

• Useful as an educational area for the people and especially for the students

• People can enjoy the values of history and culture that is reflected in the design.

• Significant ecological improvements.

- Fishes: 3 => 14 species

- Birds: 18 species

- Insects: 7 => 41 species

- No2: 69.7 => 46.0 ppb (-34%)

- PM10: 74.0 => 60.0 ug / m3 (-19%)

- BOD: 100 ~ 250 => 1 ~ 2 ppm

• Improved water quality and the air of the city

• Decrease the air temperature (the cooling effect) in the surrounding area with an average of 3.6 ° c indicated by the thermal image.


Figure 6. The termal immage: July 27¬¬th 2005

5. Conclusion

The Seoul citizen flocked to go there to see the beautiful new river in the city center. The river riverside is arranged to be a comfortable pedestrian way. While at night, the lights add the beautiful of this area. Some of festivals are also often held here.

The success of Cheonggye river restoration is an example of the best generally practice of the successful city greening in the populous city. The success of Seoul city government to implement the restoration is not only as an attempt to restore the history of Seoul city which had

"disappeared" or simply represent a watershed in the city center. But the crucial impact of this restoration is the realization of environmentally friendly city and humanist. Through this restoration, presented an open space that also functions as a comfortable social space, where the city residents meet each other and interact with one another, so it creates a more humanist city.


Figure 7. Now days: Many people happy



In-Keun LEE. 2014. CheongGyeCheon Restoration Project, a revolution in Seoul restoration