(Dayton, Ohio), 1946-09-25

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(Dayton, Ohio), 1946-09-25 D Si* s 2.6’4® FAIR The CONSTRUCTIVE FEARLESS BlTLLETiN PROGRESSIVE ’v' ONE OF THE T W O ONLY NEGRO DAILIES 1 N THE 'WORLD; Vol. 5—No. DAYTON, OHIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1946 Price 3 Cents I RACE COVENANTS BRANDED ILLEGAL LOS ANGELES, Sept 25—At- • #torney General Robert W. Kenny SCREEN ACTORS GUILD VOTES filed a brief in the California TO FIGHT JIM CROW IN MOVIES supreme Court urging that body to LABOR VIEWS HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 25 —The forbid state court enforcement of By George F. McCray ■■ 1* ■ ....... - — race restrictive covenants on the powerful Screen Actors’ Guild, at By George F. McCray gro workers in Africa and the ground that such enforcement is its 13th annual membership in the The convention of A. P. Ran­ West Indies have wanted this sort violative of the fourteenth amend­ Academy Award Theatre, gave its dolph’s Brotherhood of Sleeping of support from English, French ment of the U. S. constitution. and American workers for years. answer to the vicious "silent boy­ Car Porters which met in Chicago Clarence A. Linn, assistant at­ It is hard to believe that the cott” against Negro actors and ac­ last week has adopted a particularly torney general, and D. 0. McGov- lowly Pullman porters really re­ tresses now being adopted by most stupid and short sighted resolution. ney, law professor at the Univer­ gard the Russian people, or the of the major film studios—and By unanimous action they, the representatives of Russian work­ sity of California and Kenny’s spe­ many of the independents. humble porters, endorsed the ac­ ers as a menace to any privileges The guild went on record by cial advisor,-also signed the brief the porters now enjoy or can rea­ tion of the American Federation of unanimously adopting a resolution with Kenny. sonably expect to enjoy in the fore­ Labor in the latter’s blind opposi­ The brief was filed in the famed seeable future. The action of the proposed by Betsy Blair, white ac­ tion to the newly organized World Sugar Hill cases which are set for porters- makes sense only if re­ tress, and others urging the SAG Federation of Trade unions. 1 argument when the state supreme garded as an attempt by Randolph, —"to use all its power to oppose court meets here on October 2. George Meany, William Green> Webster and company to "go discrimination against Negroes in John P. Frey, and other AFL top along” with the top AFL leader­ the motion picture industry.” In setting forth the reasons for flights turned thumbs down on the ship in the latter’s irreconcilable The resolution further called for filing the brief, the attorney gen­ WFTU because it admits to mem­ opposition to a truly democratic eral points out: bership in the CIO, Russian, Mexi­ federation, the WFTU. the setting up of a special commit­ "Although these actions are en­ can and other so-called left wing tee at once "to implement this pol­ titled as though they were between unions. EARL GRIFFIN icy and to meet with representa­ private litigants this is not really Thus to avoid association with tives of the Screen Writers’ Guild * the fact. Whole sections of the representatives of Russian unions IN HOLLYWOOD and the Screen Directors’ Guild population are to be affected by a group of Negro porters, servants HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 25 — 1 and the Motion Picture Producers’ the outcome of this litigation. Some to the fortunate, and certainly not checked in out to the Trianon ball­ persons of one race seek to fence the most glorified group of work­ room in Southgate Saturday nite Association in order to establish in all persons of another race and ers in the world, would destroy the past for a little session with the in the industry a policy of present­ by agreement among themselves only truly democratic world fed­ Lionel of Hampton, as his guest. ing Negro characters on the screen have attempted to fix bounds of the eration which has ever been estab­ The policy is definitely "we” are in the true relation they bear to habitations of that other race.” lished. Not only is the World Fed­ not wanted. As I approached the American life.” Involved in the cases in which eration recognized by the United box office there was that look of Newly elected President Robert the brief was presented is the real Nations, but its affiliations cover yes, well, what can I do for you. I property lying between Adams and tens of thousands of Negro union believe the most relieved person in Montgomery called on Miss Blair to Washington boulevards and be­ members in Africa, the West In­ the world was the ticket taker read the resolution to the 650 "A” tween LaSalle street and Western dies, as well as the dominant unions when I informed him that I wantec guild members, after explaining Avenue. in England, France, Mexico, India, to see the Hamp. “Straight to the that the board of directors sanc­ Among occupants of homes in Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia left and behind the curtain,” he tioned its adoption. that area and involved in the cases and elsewhere. said. But despite that, I had a ball. Following the reading of the are actresses Hattie McDaniel, The only important holdout1 Is The local boy is really packing resolution, Jesse Graves, well- , X^ouise Beavers and Ethel Waters the American Federation of Labor them in, having broken the recorc and other well known business and . rich, powerful, and conserva­ he set when out here last year. known character actor, thanked and jirofesisonal persons. tive. It still clings to the defunct Phil Carter is really back in the body on behalf of his fellow Ne­ International Federation of Trade good literary form these days. His gro actors and moved for accept­ unions organized after the first column in a local sheet still has START SURVEY OF NEGRO ance of the measure. It was passed. world’s war. Negroes never partici­ that old punch ... We hear that unanimously. Si pated in the old IFTU and the Gene Krupa will have a short skit POPULATION ON SEPT. 16 The unprecedented action by the IFTU was never much concerned with Marva Louis in her new pix, LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sept. 25 about the problems of Negroes "Boy, What A Girl” . .. Talked to powerful SAG comes as a direct (ANP)—A survey of the Negro whether in the United States or Herb Jeffries who is now among result of concentrated behind-the- ‘ population here and four other elsewhere. the filthy rich, having just bought scenes effort on the part of several southern cities is slated to get The late Sidney Hillman, while a yatch, he has plans for setting up colored film players who presented underway Monday when Dr. War­ presiding at one of the sessions of a recording company. their case .to the guild director , ren M. Banner, Urban league direc­ the World Federation in Paris, Names Ma Knew—Beautifu last spring. : 1 might not have been familiar with Notwithstanding the fact that •» tor of research and community, ar­ women paraded their wears Sun­ African geography, but Negro day night at the Orchid Girls’ fal the resolution is one of the most ' rives here. delegates from Africa were there fashion review, with Laura Alay- encouraging actions in the present . The survey will have no political to set him straight—and they did. ton on hand doing a wonderful job fight for Negro integration into significance, Nash declared, and Moreover, for the first time in of behind the scenes direction. the Hollywood scene, this writer. ^ will avoid such controversial ques­ history, colonial labor, particularly Spotted were such famous persons would like to make one observation, tions as poll tax and Negro politi­ Negro colonial labor, whose ex­ as Leontyne King, Eva Payton, Perhaps we’re being over-criti* ploitation is a favorite oratorical cal but we would prefer a clarifica** r cal participation. Local Negro citi­ Jessie Mae Brown, Odell Stubble­ subject of Brother Randolph, has field, Nadine Cole, Sid Dones, anc tion of the phrase: "... to estab- ; zens, however, look suspciously at channels through which it can de­ H. A. Howard. lish in the industry a policy of pre- fl the survey and view it as an at­ mand and receive the support of *Tis rumored that Joe Louis wil senting Negro characters on the / tempt to gather information on powerful unions for higher wages appear in the Coliseum in behalf screen in the TRUE relation they‘d Negro voting strength. and better working conditions. Ne^ (Continued on Page 2) bear to American life.*’ j . ‘2 / ■ j <.
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