Yölume Yi. Washington City, D. C., February 25,1877
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YÖLUME YI. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., FEBRUARY 25,1877. NUMBER 52. and Job Stevenson fairly howled. The State THE CAPITAL, with hurried summons' to the constitutional burglary—for we sought to break the peace. was immediately handed over to Hayes, and PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY advisers. They respondea at once, in old de- Cox asserted that it was constructive arson, for LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. thus Eliza Pinkston became the mother of the THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, partment landaulets, in hacks, carriages end on we attempted to fire the patriotic heart. incoming administration. foot—the seven wise men of Washington. Fox's Theater Burned. 927 D Street, Washington, D. C. Each sub. had a different statute and a different PIIILADELPIHA, February 2a.—At 12:50 a. m. a fire Now, who is Eliza ? In answer we quote First appeared Don Cameron, the educatedstu- construction. JfPoor old Daddy Taft, he studied broke out on the stage of Fox's New American Thea- DONN PIATT. Editor. fror^ the report made by the sub-committee ap- pidity of the Camerons. ter, and at this hour, 1 a. m., the whole place is 1» each and all, until his venerable head got so con- flames. Myriads of burning embers are flying in TERMS: Per year, (including postage) 82.50; pointed to get lier life, character and adventures, Then our beloved old Sardine of the State fused that he could not tell his nearest and best every direction, and the neighborhood is lighted for six months, SI.SO; three months, 75 cents—in as follows: Department put in an appearance. It was a squares. The fife spread with great rapidity and is friend whether he stood upon his intellect or communicating with Rogers' wagon warehouse advance. Single copies, five cents. " The character of Eliza Pinkston, as developed be- rosy appearance—the gathered vintages of eighty CLUBS; Ten copies to one address, $20 in ad* the broad foundations of his elongated extremi- The Mercantile Library building is in danger as fore your sub-committee to the fullest extent, was summers purpled in his intellectual face. He ties. is also the New York Mutnal's new building at the vancc, with one copy free. Twenty copies to one such as to render her a fit instrument in the hands # corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets. A general address, $35 in advance, with one copy free» takes on more and more' the appearance of a re- of designing men. She had been charged with the In this extremity a happy thought struck alarm has been sounded. Fortunately all hands tired butler, as the time approaches for his re- had left the theater before the fire broke out The murder of the child of persons with whom she had Poppy Taft. He would go to Thompson, the 1870 was n 1,andsome one and was erected about CIRCULATION OF THE «'AI'ITAL. but recently quarreled. The child died of poison. turn to the family vault upon the Hudson. druggist, and take a mild purgative. He had At two a.m. the fire is still burning at Fox'» Eliza Pinkston, then known as Lizzie Finch,in After came the paternal Taft, his smooth, be- Sunday Edition February 18,1877, Printed discovered in former vexed conditions that a theater, but owing to the confusion no estimate of Morehouse parish, was arrested, and acquitted only nevolent countenance beaming with gentleness, mild purgative relieved tbe bowels, opened the the loss can be made. The theate» was opened on and Circulated (14,400) Fourteen Thou- because the main witness to the crime was too the evening of December 17th, 1870. It occupied at with themild calmness of a eowpen in an early pores, stimulated the circulation and; cleared the least 100 by 177 feet, with an entrance from Chest- young to understand the nature of an oath. The sand Four Hundred Copies. summer morning. He strode in on his long nut street through an arcade 14 feet wide, and hafi a general impression was that the was guilty. When brain. There is a curious theory prevalent seating capacity of 3,000 persons. legs, and hinging on his legal center, clasped his -Di&htdcl Columbia, Washington county,'to wit: residing in Union parish she had shamefully beaten among the heathen Chinese that the soul lies in On this 24th day of February, in the year of our Lord an old woman living wilh her, death ensuing in a hands upon the rounded digeBtfcee apparatus one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, before the stomach. If this be so—and the case of Poppy Louisiana. me, ilffi subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for the few days after. She had abandoned one of her that is so marked in his judicial figure, and began Taft is singularly striking in its support—what NEW ORLBANS, February 24.—In the NiohsUs saia conBty and District, personally appeared John P. young children, leaving it to starve to death in a legislature to-day, Mr. Mr Kidd of Jackson pariah Clao&son and made o&th In due form or law to the fol- twiddling his thumbs, which movement always a soul Poppy Taft must possess! for, as Shaks- offered the following declaration of the house of rep- lowing statement, viz: That he is foreman of the press fence-corner. Another she made way with shortly indicates that the paternal Taft is reflecting. peare said of Cardinal Wolsey, he is a man of resentatives, State of Louisiana: rood» of THB CAPITAL Publishing Company: that aft.er its birlh. She was a habitual abortionist. We, the representatives of the people of Louis- (14,40.(1) fourteen thousand four hundred copies or THE The burly Zachariab, th e great Michigander, CAPITA®. 1877, She was in perpetual quarrel. Her testimony had unbounded stomach. In this instance the pur- iana, duly elected by and direct from the people ofTebruary IS, were run off bv him. fully aware from positive knowledge of the feeling JOHN P. CLARKSON. been so effectually impeached in the courts of More- rolling in, sat down on Senator Hamlin's old gative and the investigation worked well. To Sworn to and subscribed before me, and determination that impel and control them, da JOSEPH T. K. PLANT, J. P., [SEAL.] house parish that the Republican district attorney hat and upset an inkstand. When Z. Chandler favor both Poppy Taft retired with the statutes declare that under no circumstances will the peo- refused to call her as a witness. Everybody who sits on a hat or upsets an inkstand notice is to a very secluded place, and at the end of an hour ple of this State pay tribute to any other State gov- District of Columbia. Washington county, to wit: ernment than that at whose head stands the man of Oil tlrts 24th day of February«»« the year of our Lord knew her considered her a desperate character. given that he is ready for business. came out with tbe statutes and a conclusion. He their choice, their endeared and truly elected govar- one thousand eight hundred and Jeveoty-seven, before Eye-witnesses proved that the lived with her hus- me, tho subscriber, a Justice or the Peace In and for Tyner the simple came in meekly, with a dep- found us guilty of inciting to rebellion, insurrec- nor, Francis T. Nicholls; and do further declare tbe the said county aniDlstrict, personally appeared B. A. band upon very, bad terms. She was about to kill utter Impossibility of gathering taxes by any other tion and riot, and forthwith we were indicted authority, and that any attempt to gather them hr Safford,, }r .WIlliantTl. Scrlbner and FrankPadgett. and him at one time when she supposed him asleep. recating air, as if he wished to apologize for be- sevfcr-ally made oath In due form of law to the follow- other authorty than the Nicholls government will ing statement, viz: That they are engaged by THE Upon another occasion she assaulted him with an ing alive. and arrested. not only prove abortive, but lead to lamentable civil CiSMTA® Publishing Company in distributing the axe, intending to kill him. He was in perpetual The Rotund arrived last. He had been tack- strife, if not to bloodshed and actual war. issue ot THE CAPITAL ; and that the above statement We were arrested by a tall, handsome, well- of Clip- circulation of THE CAPITAL of February 18,1877, dread cf harm, as the witnesses testified. ing along in a heavy sea and headwinds. He is correct and tr'ue. mannered gentleman, who, calling a hack, car- Important Mexican Items. rolled heavily, seeming to be top-heavy, and 8. A. SAFFORD. JR., "She was ugly, vulgar, indecent and lewd beyond ried us and our bail into the dread presence and BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, February 24.—Gen. John WILLIAM C. SCRIBNER, the worst.. In the midst of twenty men in the cot- when he came to anchor he threw out a long N. Cortina was arrested in Matamoras this after- FRANK PADGETT. majesty of the law—jolly Arthur MacArthur. Sworn to and subscribed before me, ton-field she would poll up her clothes beyond her noon ats o'clock, and placed in the military prisoa. breath, as if he were blowing off steam. It is believed that he will be court-martialed and JOSEPH T. K. PLANT, J. P., [SEAL.] waist and turn herself around completely. [Here is We felt relieved, and believed that Providence After th^ aged party from Maine had extri- shot for not obeying the orders of President Diaa to a fact in the report so vile we cannot reprint it.] So had his eye on us, when we found that it was not present himself at fhe City of Mexico to answer for IMPORTANT.