Submission No: 255

My experience of poisoning – Lynn Jordan 2013

My name is Lynn Jordan and I‘m a Cranio-Sacral and Neuro Muscular practitioner specialising in treatment of Migraines and Chronic Pain.

A few years ago I began a health programme to address some food allergies. The protocol involves nutrition and detoxification including long soaking baths 2 to 3 hours per week, which I began.

A few months later, the function in my thumb and wrist joints started to deteriorate and I was experiencing almost constant pain & injury in them. I got specialist treatment but made no progress for over a year. They made braces for my thumbs & wrists because my deteriorating joints couldn‘t manage ordinary chores like handling laundry and pots and pans. When I thought I‘d have to give up my career, I discovered that my symptoms were on the list for fluoride poisoning through skin absorption. Three weeks after I stopped taking fluoridated soaking baths, the pain and dysfunction disappeared and haven‘t returned. The only change I made in those three weeks was stopping the baths. Fluoridated water was the cause – I was absorbing it through the skin and it was attacking my small, vulnerable, surface joints.

It‘s important to consider how many children spend several hours per week soaking in fluoridated bath water and that at least 1 percent of the population is sensitive or allergic to fluoride.

Fluoride blocks proper functioning of the Thyroid gland; so much so, that Fluoride was historically used as medication to suppress over-active Thyroid conditions. When Fluoride attacks the Thyroid gland, you will see the list of symptoms of both Fluoride Poisoning and Hypothyroidism. (see attached list) Low thyroid function is so chronic in fluoridated countries that many of these symptoms are now considered normal.

Governments are relying on fluoridation information that is out of date. When the fluoridation experiment began, governments didn‘t know what we know now. Consuming fluoride internally doesn‘t prevent , instead, it seriously damages many bodily systems, including teeth. Don‘t wait for the Ministry to update this policy- New Plymouth stopped it last year, and you can stop providing fluoride now. Councils who wish, can source it themselves.

A simple public website can explain why we‘re discontinuing fluoridation. Topical application of fluoride in the form of , is sufficient for people who believe they need it.

It‘s not enough to listen to the same old information from people who are paid to tell you that out of date information. We do independent research, and unlike them, take time OFF work to prepare & present this material for you, and we‘re going to keep coming back, with more professionals, more peer–reviewed studies and lists of more councils that have stopped, until you update this policy.

Submission No: 255


COMMON Symptoms of BOTH Fluoride Poisoning AND Hypothyroidism

Allergies Depression Infertility Pins & Needles Anemia Diarrhea Inflammatory Bowel Disease Pulminary Edema Anxiety Dizziness Inner Ear Disorders Recurring Colds Apnea Dry Mouth Irritability Respiratory Complications Asthma Ear nose and throat problems Itchy Skin Restlessness Arthritis Early/delayed onset of puberty Joint Pains Skin Pigmentation Autism spectrum disorders Eczema Lack of Energy Sensitivity to light Back pain Edema Lack of Co-ordination Shortness of Breath Behavioural problems Fatigue Learning Disorders Sinus infections Blood Pressure changes +/- Fibrosis Loss of Appetite Skeletal Changes Body Temp disturbances Grooves, lines & brittle Loss of IQ Sleep Disorders Candida overgrowth – thrush fingernails Low sperm count Sluggishness Carpal tunnel Gallstones Low birth weight Skin Irritations Cataracts Gastric problems Lupus Swallowing Difficulties Chest Pain Gastric Ulcers Magnesium Deficiency Swelling in Face Chronic Fatigue Memory problems Testicular growth/alteration Cold Shivers Glaucoma Migraine Thirst Concentration Inability Growth disturbances Fluorosis Thrombosis Constipation Hair loss Mouth Sores Tinnitus Crying Easily no apparent reason Headaches Muscle Pain Tingling sensations Decreased Testosterone production Hearing Loss Muscle Wasting Ulcerative Colitis Dental abnormalities Heart palpitations Muscle Cramps, Stiffness, Vertigo Dental crowding & delayed teeth Hives Weakness Visual Disturbances eruption Hyperparathyroidism Musculoskeletal Disease Vitiligo Porous Dental enamel (porous Hypertension Nausea Weak Pulse body bone density) Immunosuppression Osteoarthritis Weight Disturbances Impotence Osteoporosis Zinc Deficiency Osteosarcoma

SEVERE Symptoms of BOTH Fluoride Poisoning AND Hypothyroidism

These are severe health problems that can manifest with prolonged untreated Thyroid Debilitation

Alzheimer‘s Down Syndrome Low birth weight Schizophrenia Anaphylactic Shock Epilepsy Lupus Seizures Anemia Fibromyalgia Migraine SIDS Anxiety Fibrosis Myotrophy (Muscle Wasting) Skeletal Changes Apnea Gallstones Multiple Sclerosis Sleep Disorders Aorta Calcification Goitre Muscle Cramps, Stiffness, Sluggishness Asthma Hearing Loss Weakness Spondylitis, snkylosing Atherosclerosis Heart Disorders: palpitations Muscoskeletal Disease Still births Arthritis Heart Failure Osteoarthritis Swallowing Difficulties Ataxia Hemorrhage Osteoporosis Testicular growth/alteration Autism (spectrum) Hyperparathyroidism Osteosarcoma Thrombosis Birth Defects Hypertension Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Thyroid Cancer Breast cancer Immunosuppression Parkinson‘s Tinnitus Chest Pain Impotence Polyneuropathy Ulcerative Colitis Chronic Fatigue Infertility Polyurea Urticaria Collagen Breakdown Inflammatory Bowel Disease Premature Delivery Uterine Bleeding Coma Inner Ear Disorders Pulminary Edema Uterine Cancer Convulsions Kidney Failure Respiratory Complications Vaginal Bleeding Death Learning Disorders Retinitis Vas Deferens Alterations Decreased Testosterone Loss of IQ Rhintis Vertigo Dementia Low sperm count Weight Disturbances Diabetes 1 Zinc Deficiency

Submission No: 255

Fox news Video Clip about Harvard and the EPA reversal on Fluoride:

Click here: from 26 July 2012

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is a branch of the US Federal Government and the head of the EPA has a seat in the Cabinet.

Perhaps these news stories might inspire you to just go ahead and update Hawkes Bay fluoridation policy now. The Ministry machine moves too slowly for us to wait for updated information from them.

Highlights from two other print news pieces about Harvard and the EPA are below.

Regards, Lynn Jordan

From Fox EPA Reverses Itself on Fluoride

Link: fluoride/?fb_action_ids=393283417399417%2C10151143225967612%2C4314671194242&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline& action_object_map={%22393283417399417%22%3A10150109686669019%2C%2210151143225967612%22%3A10150109686669019%2C%224 314671194242%22%3A10150109686669019}&action_type_map={%22393283417399417%22%3A%22og.likes%22%2C%221015114322596761 2%22%3A%22og.likes%22%2C%224314671194242%22%3A%22og.likes%22}&action_ref_map

―…In a surprising reversal, last month EPA‘s announced that it intends to lower the maximum amount of fluoride in drinking water because of growing evidence supporting the chemical‘s possible deleterious effects to children‘s health.

In 2006, the National Academy of Sciences report that found dental fluorosis – caused by too much fluoride – capable of putting children at risk of developing other dental problems including the breakdown of , discoloration and pitting.

January‘s EPA recommendation reversal was made following a revised risk assessment study that found 2 out of 5 adolescents had tooth streaking or spottiness and some pitting as a result of excessive fluoride. In addition, other studies have found excessive ingestion of fluoride capable of increasing the risk of brittle bones leading to fractures and debilitating bone abnormalities.

…According to the Los Angeles Times, back in 2005, ―the heads of 11 EPA unions, including those representing the agency‘s scientists, demanded that EPA reduce the permissible level of added fluoride in water to zero, citing research suggesting it can cause cancer. Other studies have pointed to neurotoxicity and hormone disruption from excessive fluoride‖.

It has taken the government more than 60 years to recognize – some would argue admit – that American children have been overexposed to this toxic, potentially harmful chemical.

In response to the EPA‘s sudden announcement, Jane Houlihan, senior vice-president of the Washington based non-profit Environmental Working Group, said, ―this decision is another signal to the public to take care when it comes to exposures to industrial chemicals. What is considered safe today won‘t necessarily be thought safe tomorrow.‖ Submission No: 255

Our government has a pretty abysmal track record when it comes acknowledging the potential health risks associated with certain chemicals, particularly when its agencies have already determined these products as ―safe‖, encouraged, and in some cases mandated their use. So it is somewhat encouraging to see the EPA acknowledging the need to revise their position on fluoride and should be commended for it.

Nonetheless, here is yet another example of why consumers, especially parents, need to be vigilant, do their own research and understand that sometimes the ―experts‖ and the government can be wrong.

***************** From The Los Angeles Times: Fluoride in drinking water: Will the EPA get tougher?

Environmental health groups are now looking to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to impose tougher standards on fluoride in drinking water, building on a decision Friday by the federal Department of Health and Human Services to lower the recommended level for the first time in nearly 50 years.

The HHS move came in the wake of a government study showing that about 2 out of 5 adolescents have tooth streaking or spottiness because of excessive fluoride. In extreme cases, teeth can become pitted.

The dangers may go beyond cosmetic issues. The EPA released two new reviews of research on fluoride Friday. One study found that prolonged, high intake of fluoride can increase the risk of brittle bones, fractures and crippling bone abnormalities…

…She said Friday's announcement is just the first step: "Now it's up to water utilities to respond and for the EPA to lower its too-high legal limit on fluoride in drinking water, which is more than five times the new maximum being recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services."…

…Friday's announcement came as a growing number of critics have questioned the addition of the chemical to municipal drinking water. Dozens of cities have outlawed the addition of fluoride in drinking water in the last two decades, frequently after contentious public referenda…

..According to the Centers for Disease Control, a 1986-87 study showed that nearly 23% of children ages 12 to 15 had fluorosis. That rose to 41% in a study that covered 1999 through 2004. ―It is not the water that's causing this," said Dr. Robert Barsley, a professor at Louisiana State University's Health Sciences Center School of . "It's the extra fluoride products — toothpaste, mouthwash — that people are using. And people want nice white teeth so they brush three times a day.‖

Dental and medical groups applauded the announcement. ―This change is necessary because Americans have access to more sources of fluoride than they did when was first introduced,‖ Dr. O. Marion Burton, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said in a statement.

In Europe, fluoride is rarely added to water supplies. In Britain, only about 10% of the population has fluoridated water. It has been a controversial issue there, with critics arguing people shouldn't have ―medical treatment‖ forced on them. Submission No: 255

The addition of fluoride to drinking water has been portrayed in the U.S. as one of the greatest public health successes of the 20th century. The prevalence of decay in at least one tooth among American teens has declined from about 90% to 60%, but that can also be attributed to improved dental care and fluoridated toothpaste, experts say…

More information is available here on the HHS proposal on fluoridation.

More information is available here on the Environmental Protection Agency fluoride standards.


―Most are surprised to learn that waterborne chemicals, including , are readily absorbed into the body from showering or bathing 1. In fact, these chemicals are actually more dangerous when absorbed through the skin, for in this manner they enter the bloodstream more easily, bypassing the gut where they would bind with minerals from food, thus diminishing their harmful effects2.‖

1 & 2 ―It is well documented that environmental contaminants such as fluorides are absorbed readily both through the skin and by inhalation … Studies by Drs. H.S. Brown, D.R. Bishop and C.A. Rowan in the early 1980s demonstrated that an average of 64% of the total dose of waterborne contaminants, such as fluoride, are absorbed through the skin. (American Journal of Public Health 1984; 74: 479-84) —Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death, Barry Groves, pp. 275-265‖

―…dermal absorption through showering and bathing may be the primary means of fluoride intake. …roughly 2/3 of fluoride absorbed in a person's body is through showering and bathing (assuming the person is serviced by a water system that fluoridates their water)… George Glasser, an American investigative journalist, did research into fluoride and among his conclusions and findings on the dangers of fluoride are that the EPA found that more chemical contaminants are absorbed through the skin than through ingestion. He also mentions a University of Pittsburgh study containing the same conclusion….‖

―…about 20-50 percent of chemical contaminants are metabolized when foods or beverages are consumed. With dermal exposure and inhalation, however, virtually 100 percent of the contaminants are absorbed directly into the bloodstream…In 1997, the EPA concluded that a person can absorb more contaminants from bathing and showering than from drinking polluted water.‖

“Children are most at risk. Children's bath times may range from 45 minutes to two hours. As the EPA acknowledged in a June 30, 1998 report, "Children have a greater surface-area-to-body-weight ratio than adults, which may lead to increased dermal absorption."

Also: Submission No: 255

‗Time Magazine (2010) lists fluoride as #3 on the list of "Top 10 Common Household Toxins." The American Dental Association advises that children under 2 not use fluoride toothpaste. Health Hazards: Neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed; What You Should Know: Government studies support current fluoride levels in tap water, but studies on long-term exposure and cancers are ongoing‘,28804,1976909_1976895_1976898,0 0.html

Vast number of documented studies and scientific references on these sites about Fluoride:

FAN site: and

FANNZ site: and