Caring for Tasmania since 1968 THE TASMANIAN CONSERVATIONIST Number 312 September 2007 Tasman National Park Natural values to be compromised by tourism enterprise? Seal haul-out at Cape Raoul, Tasman Peninsula The Tasmanian Conservationist is the regular Contents newsletter of the Tasmanian Conservation Trust Inc, 102 Bathurst Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000. New CEO appointed 3 ABN: 63 091 237 520 Phone (03) 6234 3552 Fax: (03) 6231 2491 From the President 4 email:
[email protected] TCT Strategic Plan 2007 – 2008 5 website: Tasman National Park 7 CEO: Christian Bell Road Kill Survey by Push Bike 8 President: Bob Graham Coastal Development 9 The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Tasmanian Our Threatened Flora Need Your Help 10 Conservation Trust Inc (TCT). Annual Report to Members: Biodiversity Conservation 11 We permit photocopying of all original Coastal and Marine 13 material in The Tasmanian Conservationist. Feel free to make use of our news and articles, Water Management 13 but please acknowledge the source. Waste Management 14 Contributions: We encourage our readers to Land Management 14 submit articles of interest for publication. Articles should preferably be short (up to 600 words) and Legislation and Committees 15 well illustrated. Please forward copy on computer disk or by email if possible. Guidelines for contributors are available from the TCT office. We reserve the right to edit contributions. North-West Branch Tasmanian Conservation Trust Deadline for next issue: 30 November 2007 Meetings of the North-West Branch of the TCT are held on the first Wednesday of each month.