University of

Prospectus 2007


The Rector’s Welcome -

PART I. THE UNIVERSITY OF CAGLIARI - The University of Cagliari and its history - The University of Cagliari and its present structure - The Italian University system - Grading System, assessment and academic recognition - Academic calendar -

PART II. THE FACULTIES - Faculty of Architecture - Faculty of Economics - Faculty of Educational sciences - Faculty of Engineering - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature - Faculty of Humanities - Faculty of Law - Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences - Faculty of Medicine and Surgery - Faculty of Pharmacy - Faculty of Political Studies - Masters Programmes - PhD Programmes -

PART III. STUDENT MOBILITY - Erasmus Action - ECTS and University of Cagliari - Exchange students - List of Bilateral Agreements - Enrolment in single modules - Enrolment in a first or second degree course - Italian citizens with non Italian qualifications - Recognition of non Italian academic qualifications - Useful information for foreign students - Language preparation - Computing Facilities - Accommodation - Canteen service -

University Libraries - Students’ associations - Students with special needs - Sport Activities - Equal opportunities - Liability insurance - Health insurance - The Regional agency for the right to higher Education (ERSU) - On your arrival - Registration for Erasmus students - Office for Erasmus students - Permit of stay -

PART IV. THE CITY OF CAGLIARI - The History of Cagliari - Arriving in Cagliari - Public transportation in town - Costo of living - Entertainment and culture - Museums and monuments - Shopping centres - Emergency numbers - List of departments at the University of Cagliari - Glossary of University terms - Maps

[The Rector’s welcome]

Dear Student,

As you well know, the world is now a place in which students are free to study in almost any country. Through experiences gained in transnational mobility promoted by Community programmes such as Lifelong Learning Programme/Erasmus, the University of Cagliari has been trying new and valuable forms of inter-university educational co-operation, which have given an ever-growing number of our students the possibility of learning and discovering new horizons in foreign countries.

At the same time, in continuing the inborn tradition of hospitality of Sardinian people, we have hosted many foreign students, who have had the opportunity to benefit from a wide range of studies within our structures, but also from an intense and rewarding social life in our town.

This short booklet has been prepared to supply you with useful information about the University of Cagliari and its organization, to help you in your studies and extra- curricular activities.

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to consult our website or contact the International Mobility Office.

Hoping that your stay here will be beneficial in your future career, I am pleased to welcome you to Cagliari and its University.

The Rector


[The University of Cagliari and its history]

The Studium Generalis Kalaritanum was founded in 1606 along the lines of the old Spanish Universities of Salamanca, Valladolid and Lérida. It originally offered Law, Latin, Greek and Hebrew Literature, the Liberal Arts, Medicine, Surgery, Philosophy and Science. When passed under the House of Savoy government in the 18th century, the statute of the University was significantly modified, with the expansion of the science faculties and institutes. Designed by the Piedmontese engineer Saverio Belgrano di Famolasco, the new University building was completed at the end of the 18th century. Today it hosts the Rectorate and the administrative offices. The 19th and 20th centuries saw more and more emphasis placed on research activities, with the achievement of important, internationally acclaimed results, especially in the fields of Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Archaeology. In the 20th century, problems arising from severe damage to University buildings during the Second World War had to be dealt with, and reconstruction is only just now approaching its final phase. At the end of the 1960s ambitious plans were advanced for Anglo-Saxon types of residential university structures in a single body.

Now we have several main campus in and on the edge of the city. The largest campus is situated in Monserrato, on an area of 73 hectares. It hosts the science faculties, many departments with their respective faculties, and one of the University general hospitals, adequately integrated with other medical institutions. The other campus are in a residential area near the shopping centre and the sea. There are excellent student facilities close at hand including halls of residence, canteens, libraries, museums and sports facilities. The city offers students a wide range of social and cultural activities all reasonably priced. [The University of Cagliari and its present structure]

At present the University has the following faculties:

Architecture; Economics; Educational sciences; Engineering; Foreign Languages and Literature; Humanities; Law; Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences; Medicine and Surgery; Pharmacy; Political Sciences.

The University has about 36.000 enrolled students, a teaching staff of over 1200 and a technical-administrative staff of about 1300 people.

At the moment the University of Cagliari is one of the largest enterprises in the Region of Sardinia, thanks to its international policy, studies and its numerous agreements with prestigious universities in and around the world. The benefits of studying at the University of Cagliari are its academic excellence, its innovative programmes, its exchange opportunities, its facilities (including all levels and types of sporting facilities) its location on the beautiful Sardinian coast and the low cost of living.

[The Italian University system]

New Academic Degrees and Qualifications

Recent Italian Government laws have reformed the old three-year degree (diploma universitario) and the old four-year degree (laurea) and have introduced the following Second degree course - Corso di Laurea Magistrale new academic qualifications organised in three cycles: Provides graduate students with advanced education and training for highly qualified professions in specific sectors. Degrees Credits Years Specialisation course - Corso di Specializzazione First cycle Provides knowledge and skills for specific professions. Set up exclusively on the First degree – laurea 180 3 basis of specific national laws or EU directives (medical specialisations, secondary Second cycle school teacher education and legal professions). Second degree – Laurea magistrale 120 2 Third cycle Doctoral course - Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca Doctorate degree – dottorato di ricerca - 3+ Provides postgraduates with training (including study periods abroad and training Specialisation degree – diploma di specializzazione 60-300 1-5 periods in public or private research bodies) for highly specialised research at universities as well as in the public and private sector. Other opportunities:

1st Level Master’s Degree First level Master’s - Corso Master 1° livello Master universitario di primo livello 60+ 1+ Provides specialisation and continuing education in specific fields.

Second level master’s - Corso Master 2° livello 2nd Level Master’s Degree Provides a higher level of specialisation and continuing education in specific fields. Master universitario di secondo livello 60+ 1+

Course objectives The Ministerial decree establishes a defined set of learning objectives for each level of degree course.

First degree course - Corso di Laurea Provides undergraduate students with adequate knowledge of general scientific principles and mastery of methods as well as specific professional skills.

[Grading system, assessment and academic [Academic calendar] recognition] The academic year starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th of each year. Lectures and Tutorials usually start during the first ten days of October and end during the first ten days of June. Subject units are generally taught for two semesters. Final assessment of the student is based on the result of one or more examinations, which may be oral and/or written. The following days and all Sundays are considered holidays: The pass mark for examinations is 18 out of 30.

1 November All Saint’s Day The highest mark for examinations is 30 out of 30.

An excellent performance is usually graded above 28. 8 December Immaculate Conception

Lectures take place in university classrooms. 18 December - 6 January Christmas Holidays Tutorials are usually held in university laboratories.

Easter Holidays Wednesday before to Wednesday Examinations are held in two sessions. after Easter

The first is to be concluded in February; the second in June or July. 25 April Anniversary of the Liberation

When students have passed all the examinations in their plans of study, they are 1 May Labour Day required to prepare a thesis for discussion before a board of eleven professors.

This board expresses a global assessment of the student’s entire academic career 2 June Festa della Repubblica and awards a final mark not lower than 66 out of 110. The highest mark is 110 out of 110 cum laude August Summer Holidays

30 October Saint Saturnino (Patron Saint of Cagliari)

[PART II. THE FACULTIES] [Faculty of Architecture]

Head office Via Corte d’Appello, 87 - 09124 Cagliari switchboard: +39 070 675 5356 Piazza d’Armi, 16 - 09123 Cagliari email: [email protected] switchboard: +39 070 675 5806 The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 5808 The First Degree in building, the First Degree in Technologies for the Conservation email: [email protected] and Restoration of Cultural Heritage and the Second Degree “a ciclo unico” (=unified cycle) which were run by the Faculty of Engineering, have been transferred to the Dean of the faculty new Faculty of Architecture starting from October 2006. Prof. Carlo Aymerich List of courses Exchange students Academic Contact First Degree in building Prof. Vinicio De Montis First Degree in Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural tel. +39 070 675 5802 Heritage email: [email protected] Second Degree in Architecture

Admissions office - segreteria studenti Via Marengo 3 - 09123 Cagliari opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00, July and August: Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays 9.00-12.00 tel. +39 070 675 5013-45 fax +39 070 291186 email: [email protected]

Students with disabilities Via Marengo 3, room O padiglione 6 bis - 1st floor, 09123 Cagliari Opening hours: Mondays: 10.30-12.30, Thursdays: 10.30-12.30, tel. +39 070 675 5092 email: [email protected]

Library Main library of the Faculty of Engineering Via Marengo 3 - 09123 Cagliari Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 7.30am-10.00pm Saturdays 8.00-2.00pm Loan, reference and use of computer terminals: Monday to Friday, 8.05-8.00pm; Saturday from 8,00 to 13,50 tel. +39 070 675 5035 fax +39 070 675 5039 Information tel. +39 070 675 5010 as practical, on the morphological and structural characteristics of the cultural First Degree in Building - Laurea in Edilizia heritage. Admissions : 150 students via an entry exam Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Second Degree (five year course) – Architecture Minimum knowledge required: fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, Laurea specialistica a ciclo unico in Architettura delle costruzioni mathematics, physics and science. Admission to second-degree courses : the course is fully recognized for admission to second-degree course in architecture and building engineering Admissions : 150 students - selection in September via an entry exam Programme length : 3 years Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Overall credits : 180 equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic and cultural knowledge, history, design and representation, mathematics and physics. Specific educational goals Programme length : 5 years The aim of this degree course is to ensure that students gain a suitable command of Overall credits : 300 methods and general scientific contents and acquire specific professional skills in the field of construction of architecture. Graduates will: know methodological and operational aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences as well as the Specific educational goals methodological and operational aspects of construction; be able to use techniques The aim of this course is to train well qualified professionals who have, together with and instruments for the planning of systems and processes and understand the a specific command of methodologies and instruments required in the design and the impact of construction solutions in the social and physical-environmental context; planning of works in the fields of architecture and town planning, also the capacity to know their own professional and ethical responsibilities as well as companies follow the full and correct execution of the planned work. The main educational goal contexts of reference. is the integration of knowledge in the fields of architecture and town planning, learnt via a teaching method aimed at a preparation which identifies the project as a process of synthesis and a fundamental and qualifying moment to be implemented.

First Degree in Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage - Laurea in Tecnologie per la Conservazione e il Restauro dei Beni Culturali

Admissions : 60 students - selection in September via an entry exam Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, mathematics, physics and science. Admission to second-degree courses : the course is fully recognized to enter the second-degree course in Conservation of Cultural and Environmental Heritage Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180

Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form graduates who are able to operate on cultural heritage and ensure its conservation; who possess the necessary skills to carry out interventions which stop the processes of cultural heritage degeneration and remove its causes; of the conservation of cultural heritage and peoples’ ethnological anthropological heritage; who possess adequate technical and scientific skills, as well [Faculty of Economics]

Head office List of courses V.le S. Ignazio, 17 - 09123 Cagliari First Degree in Economics & Business Administration switchboard: +39 070 675 3002 First Degree in Economics & Administration of Tourist Services porter office: +39 070 675 3381 First Degree in Economics & Finance The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 3385 fax +39 070 668440 Second Degree in Economics & Management email: [email protected] Second Degree in Economics and Management of Tourism and of the Environment Second Degree in Economics

Dean of the faculty Prof. Aldo Pavan

Exchange students Academic Contact Prof.ssa Luisanna Fodde tel. +39 070 675 3358 email: [email protected]

Admissions office - segreteria studenti V.le S. Ignazio, 74 - 09123 Cagliari Opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00, July and August: Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays 9.00-12.00 tel. +39 070 675 3348-49-50 fax +39 070 652 887

Students with disabilities Viale S. Ignazio 17 - 2nd floor - room n. 16 Opening hours: Mondays: 9.30- 13.30; Tuesdays: 12.30-13.30 Thursdays: 9.30- 12.30 and 15.00-16.00 tel. +39 070 675 3353 email: [email protected]

Library The Faculty of Economics Library V.le S. Ignazio, 84 - 09123 Cagliari opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 8.30 - 20.00; Saturdays 8.30-13.30 tel./Fax +39 070 675 3390 email: [email protected] First Degree in Economics & Business Administration Educational goals Laurea in Economia e Gestione Aziendale The course is designed to provide graduates with the knowledge of methods for Admissions : unlimited + 20 non-European students analysis and critical interpretation of business structures and dynamics. They must Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an be competent in different subject areas: economics, management, law and equivalent foreign qualification mathematics. Graduates in Economics and Business Administration will have a good Minimum knowledge required: general and basic knowledge in the fields of law and knowledge of business subjects, which represent the foundation both in functional business administration. areas (administration, organization, survey) and, with specific reference to Admission to second-degree courses : this course is fully recognized for admission to businesses operating, in the tourist industry, which is the subject of study. In the second-degree course in Economics & Management particular, the aim of the course is to train cadres and executives in tourist Programme length : 3 years enterprises, who will be capable of performing, both within companies and from the Overall credits : 180 outside, different activities connected to their organizational and administrative needs, besides tourist promotion bodies. To achieve such results, the syllabus of the degree course requires the necessary acquisition of fundamental knowledge in the Educational goals different fields of economics and business administration, as well as the methods The programme is designed to provide graduates with the knowledge of methods for and the techniques employed in financial mathematics, mathematics for economic analysis and critical interpretation of business structures and dynamics. They must applications and statistics; the acquisition of basic and specialised juridical be competent in different subject areas: economics, management, law and knowledge within the field of the management of companies working in the tourist mathematics. Graduates in Economics and Business Administration will have a good industry is also required. knowledge of business subjects, which represent the foundation both in functional areas (administration, organization, survey and finance), and in different kinds of companies in various sectors (manufacturing, commerce, services, public First Degree in Economics & Finance administration). They will be capable of working in a wide range of businesses, public Laurea in Economia e Finanza administration and professions in the economic field that do not require highly specialised training. To achieve these results, the structure of the degree course calls for the necessary acquisition of fundamental knowledge in the several fields of Admissions: unlimited + 20 non-European students economics and business administration, as well as the methods and techniques Entry requirements: Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an employed in financial mathematics, of mathematics in economic applications and equivalent foreign qualification business administration in private or public organizations. Eventually there are four Minimum knowledge required: general knowledge and basic knowledge in the fields course directions (curricula) of operative development, corresponding to many of Law and Business administration professional figures already operating in the business field, specifically in: activities Admission to second-degree courses: the course is fully recognized (180 CFU) to for free lance professions, marketing, management, administration and control. access the Joint second degree in Economics Programme length: 3 years Overall credits: 180 First Degree in Economics and Administration of Tourist Services Laurea in Economia e Gestione dei Servizi Turistici Admissions : 90 students + 5 non-European via an entry exam Specific educational goals Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an The course aims at providing graduates with a good knowledge of economic subjects equivalent foreign qualification and an adequate grasp of the mathematical and statistical instruments as well as Minimum knowledge required for selection: basic knowledge in Law and Business juridical principles and institutions; graduates will be capable of dealing with the administration problems inherent to economic systems and enterprises, in particular those in the Location : public sector. Graduates will have a good knowledge of the fundamental basic Programme length : 3 years disciplines in the social political institutional and statistical sciences. Graduates in Overall credits : 180 Economics & Finance will also have a good understanding of research methods and of economic methodologies and, at least in part, of the practical techniques applied in different sectors; they will have practical and operative skills related to measuring, collecting and processing data relevant to economic analysis in its various applicative aspects, and a good knowledge of organizational culture and work environments. They will be able to operate at a professional technical level in at least a sector of regarding the conceptualisation, the planning, the management and the development application, or also in the field of teaching Economics, with the correct amount of of tourism activities within specific environmental contexts. autonomy and responsibility. There are four syllabuses (curricula) of operative learning, corresponding to many professional figures definable at the operative level. Second Degree in Economics Laurea magistrale in Scienze Economiche Second Degree in Economics and Management (Joint degree course with the faculty of Political Sciences) Laurea magistrale in Economia Manageriale Admissions : unlimited Admissions : unlimited Entry requirements : first degree Entry requirements : first degree Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in Economics and Finance Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU) : first degree in Economics and Business and Economics and European Policies Administration Programme length : 2 years Location : Cagliari and Oristano Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) +120 second degree (2 years) Programme length : 2 years Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) +120 second degree (2 years) Specific educational goals The course aims at developing a thorough knowledge of the economic financial and Specific educational goals business analysis, which, together with a high command of the mathematical- The course aims at training graduates who, on the basis of a specialised knowledge statistical instruments, fosters the capacity to focalise economic and financial in the business administration, mathematical-statistical and juridical fields, is able to problems, both regarding the theoretical and applied aspects, with clarity and deal with business problems regarding the management of enterprises, their planning analyse them with competence and originality. and the management of change. The knowledge and the skills acquired in the two years are suitable for guaranteeing graduates the ability to hold positions of responsibility in the administration and in the managing of enterprises, as well as free lance professionals in the economic field, in particular, as consultants in administration and business management. To reach the indicated results, the curriculum requires, an educational training in businesses, economic organizations, public and private institutions.

Second Degree in Economics and Management of Tourism and of the Environment Laurea magistrale in economia e management del turismo e dell’ambiente Admissions : unlimited + 5 non-European students Entry requirements : first degree Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in Economics and Administration of Tourist Services Programme length : 2 years Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) +120 second degree (2 years)

Specific educational goals This course has the aim of forming graduates with high economic qualification in the tourist and environmental fields. It aims at providing students with an advanced interdisciplinary background and at developing skills of problem solving and team work. A main focus is on theoretical, methodological and analytical innovations [Faculty of Educational sciences]

Head office Mondays and Wednesdays: 4.30-6.30pm Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Loc. “Sa Duchessa” - 09123 Cagliari email: [email protected] The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 7303; fax +39 070 675 7302 Porter office: tel. +39 070 675 7141-42 Library email: [email protected] Library “Inter-facoltà” Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Loc. “Sa Duchessa” 09123 Cagliari Dean of the faculty “Corpo Aggiunto” Bulding A, ground floor Prof. Antonio Cadeddu From Monday to Thursday, 8.30-6.45pm; Friday 8.30- 2pm Loan: Monday to Friday 8.30-1.45 pm; Exchange students Academic Contact Mondays to Thursday 3.00-6.45 pm Educational sciences: Prof. Antonio Cadeddu tel. +39 070 675 7418 fax +39 070 675 7401 tel. +39 070 675 7311 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Psychology : Prof. Franco Marini and Prof. Augusta Furia tel. +39 070 675 7502 - +39 070 675 7517 Library “Inter-dipartimentale” email: [email protected] - [email protected] Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Loc. “Sa Duchessa” - 09123 Cagliari main building, first floor Reference: from Monday to Friday 8.30-7.45pm Primary Education : Prof. Roberta Fadda Loan: from Monday to Friday, 8.30-1.30pm and 3.00-7.00pm tel. +39 070 675 7519 email: [email protected] tel. +39 070 675 7859 fax +39 070 675 7857 email: [email protected] Admissions office - segreteria studenti Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Loc. “Sa Duchessa” - 09123 Cagliari opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 List of courses from 1/7 to 18/8: Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays 9.00-12.00 First Degree in Educational sciences tel. +39 070 675 7459-54 fax +39 070 283632 First Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques applied to Learning and Psychosocial Health First Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques applied to Work, Orientation office - postazione di orientamento Organizations and Tourism Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Loc. “Sa Duchessa” 09123 Cagliari First Degree in Communication studies (starting from 2006-2007) Ground Floor- Room n. 7 bis Main Building ( tel. +39 070 6757395) Second Degree in Planning and Management of Education and Training Services Opening hours: Tuesdays 9.00-12.30; Thursdays 9.30-1.00pm and 3.30-5.30pm; Second Degree in Psychology Fridays 9.30-1.30pm Degree in Primary Education four-year course

Students with disabilities Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Località “Sa Duchessa” Ground Floor- Room n. 7 Main building (tel. +39 070 675 7810) opening hours: from Tuesday to Friday 11.00-1.00pm First Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques applied to Work, First Degree in Educational sciences Organizations and Tourism Laurea in Scienze dell’Educazione e della Formazione Laurea in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche Applicate al Lavoro, alle Admissions : 300 students including 8 non European and 2 Chinese via an entry Organizzazioni e al Turismo exam; Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Admissions : 250 students including 4 non European and 1 Chinese via an entry Minimum knowledge required : knowledge of general culture exam; Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the Minimum knowledge required for selection : good command of Italian, knowledge of second degree course in planning and management of education and training biology, physics and mathematics; basic knowledge of English; notions of general services culture. Programme length : 3 years Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 Overall credits : 180

Specific educational goals Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form graduates who possess theoretical knowledge and The course aims at forming psychologists able to operate in the field of public and operational skills relative both to the understanding of the pedagogical aspects private organizations and in tourist services, in the areas of training, of selection and present in a variety of places and contexts, and to the management of the relative evaluation of human resources, of orientation, of organizational development, of educational processes; theoretical knowledge relative to the different aspects promotion and marketing. operating in the educational processes, and methodological and procedural knowledge for implementation, management and evaluation of educational interventions. First Degree in communication Studies Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione Admissions : 200 students including 4 non European and 1 Chinese First Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques applied to Learning Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an and Psychosocial Health equivalent foreign qualification Laurea in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche applicate all’Apprendimento e alla Minimum knowledge required for selection : knowledge of general culture Salute Psicosociale Programme length : 3 years Admissions : 250 students including 4 non European and 1 Chinese via an entry Overall credits : 180 exam : Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Specific educational goals Minimum knowledge required for selection : good command of Italian, knowledge of This course aims at guaranteeing undergraduate students an adequate command of biology, physics and mathematics; basic knowledge of English; notions of general general scientific methods and contents as well as specific professional skills. It also culture. aims at providing students with an appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the skills of communication in all their aspects. The course is mainly focused on the second degree course in psychology problems related to new media communication, in both dimensions of social Programme length : 3 years interrelationships and of high-tech culture. The course uses blended e-learning. Overall credits : 180

Specific educational goals The course aims at forming graduates able to observe individual and group behaviour, identify relational affective or cognitive discomfort, apply interviewing and conversational techniques and use the instruments for evaluation. Second Degree in Planning and Management of Education and Training Specific educational goals Services Graduates will acquire: Laurea magistrale in Programmazione e Gestione dei Servizi Educativi • an advanced preparation in several theoretical, project and operative fields of Formativi psychology; Admissions : 100 students including 7 non European and 1 Chinese via an entry • the necessary skills to plan and coordinate interventions oriented at the promotion exam of psychological development; Entry requirements : first degree • the competences to begin and coordinate actions aimed at the promotion of Programme length : 2 years individual, group and community well-being; Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in educational sciences • the ability to plan relational environments and to manage interactions matching the Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) needs of people, of groups, of organizations and of communities; • an advanced-level command, both written and oral, of at least a European Union language besides Italian, with reference to the disciplinary lexis.

Specific educational goals Graduates will: • acquire advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in educational sciences and Degree in Primary Education solid and well-grounded skills in pedagogical-educative issues; Laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria • acquire specialist skills for planning, orientation, coordination and verification of the (four-year course) results of pedagogical wide-ranging interventions, with particular reference to the Admissions : 220 students including 3 non European and 3 Chinese via an entry interventions for the benefit of the under age and adults, immigrants and youth exam; centres, communities, domiciliary services, creative and leisure activities, prevention Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification (must be 5 and decrease of discomfort; years) or an equivalent foreign qualification • acquire high planning abilities in network interventions, especially in the relation Minimum knowledge required for selection : knowledge of general culture between school and extra-curricular and in the territorial coordination of services; Programme length : 4 years • acquire high skills in the training and the management of operators in group work; • acquire solid competence in the evolution of the productive system as well as in the main regional and national norms that regulate it, with reference to the connections Specific educational goals between on-going training opportunities and opportunities to enter the labour market; Graduates will acquire the skills and the competences characterizing professional • acquire IT and telecommunications skills applicable to the specific area of teacher profile. competence; • acquire an adequate written and oral knowledge of two European Union languages besides Italian, with particular competence in the disciplinary lexis, which refers to the educational dimension.

Second Degree in Psychology Laurea magistrale in Psicologia Admissions : 240 students including 3 non European and 1 Chinese via an entry exam Entry requirements : first degree Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): any degree in science and psychological techniques Overall credits: 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years)

[Faculty of Engineering]

Head office Via Marengo, 3 - 09123 Cagliari List of courses The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 5009 fax +39 070 270 642 First (Bachelor) Degree in Civil Engineering email: [email protected] First (Bachelor) Degree in Environmental & Land Engineering First (Bachelor) Degree in Electronic Engineering First (Bachelor) Degree in Biomedical Engineering Dean of the faculty First (Bachelor) Degree in Chemical Engineering Prof. Ing. Francesco Ginesu First (Bachelor) Degree in Electrical Engineering First (Bachelor) Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Exchange students Academic Contact Prof. Francesco Floris Second (Master) Degree in Construction Engineering tel. +39 070 6755714 email: [email protected] Second (Master) Degree in Chemical Engineering Second (Master) Degree in Civil Engineering Second (Master) Degree in Electrical Engineering Admissions office - segreteria studenti Second (Master) Degree in Electronic Engineering Via Marengo 3 - 09123 Cagliari Second (Master) Degree in Energy Engineering opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00, Second (Master) Degree in Mechanical Engineering July and August: Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays 9.00-12.00 Second (Master) Degree in Environmental and Land Engineering tel. +39 070 675 5013-45 fax +39 070 291186 Second (Master) Degree in Telecommunications email: [email protected]

Students with disabilities Via Marengo 3, room O padiglione 6 bis - 1st floor, 09123 Cagliari opening hours: Monday and Wednesdays 10.30-12.30 tel. +39 070 675 5092 email: [email protected]

Library Main library of the Faculty of Engineering Via Marengo 3 - 09123 Cagliari Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 7.30am-10.00pm Saturdays 8.00-2.00pm Loan, reference and use of computer terminals: Monday to Friday, 8.05-8.00pm; Saturday from 8,00 to 13,50 tel. +39 070 675 5035 fax +39 070 675 5039 Information tel. +39 070 675 5010 email: [email protected] preparation in the environmental areas of the territory and of the geo-environmental First Degree in Civil Engineering resources. The formative activity aims to give the graduate a wide knowledge of Laurea in Ingegneria Civile some phenomena and processes that concern the environment, with special Admissions : unlimited via an entry exam+ 3 non-European students (including 1 attention given to environmental activities and the interaction of man. The curricular Chinese) involves the environment, protecting the land, planning, geo resources, and geo Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an engineering and environmental recuperation. Graduates will be able to plan, carry equivalent foreign qualification out and manage works and systems of control and monitoring of the environment Minimum knowledge required: fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, and the territory, of land protection, of waste control and of the primary concerns of mathematics, physics and science. environmental resources. Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to enter the second degree in Civil Engineering Programme length : 3 years First Degree in Electronic Engineering Overall credits : 180 Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica Admissions : unlimited via an entry exam + 3 non-European students (including 1 Chinese) Specific educational goals Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Formation of professional technical figures with a good base preparation for equivalent foreign qualification developing activities to support research and specific knowledge for the solution of Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, problems related to Civil Engineering. The graduates in Civil Engineering will carry mathematics, physics and science. out professional activities in different fields, planning, production, management and Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to enter the organization, assistance of technical and commercial structures, both as freelancers second degree course in Electronic Engineering Telecommunications. and manufacturing Enterprises or public administration and services. The Programme length : 3 years professionalism of the graduates will be able to be defined in relation to the different Overall credits : 180 fields applied. The curricula of the degree Course differentiates between these fields, with the aim of deepening knowledge in: - Dimensioning structures; - Construction and management of hydraulic Infrastructures; - Construction and management of Specific educational goals transportation Infrastructures. The Course is aimed to form graduates that have an adequate mastery of methods and scientific general content as well as specific technical and scientific know-how in information technology. The graduate should know the metrological operating First Degree in Environmental & Land Engineering aspects of the mathematics and of the engineering of other base sciences and the Laurea in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio metrological operating aspects of computing and electronic engineering, in order to Admissions : unlimited via an entry exam + 3 non-European students (including 1 acquire the tools for specialising in specific fields later. Chinese) Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification First Degree in Biomedical Engineering Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension Laurea in Ingegneria Biomedica mathematics, physics and science. Admissions : 70 students via an entry exam Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to enter the Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an second degree course in Environmental & Land Engineering equivalent foreign qualification Location : Cagliari and Iglesias Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, Programme length : 3 years mathematics, physics and chemistry. Overall credits : 180 Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 Specific educational goals The Course has the objective of forming technical graduates with a good knowledge Specific educational goals of theoretical-scientific mathematics and of other base disciplines via careful The Course supplies graduates with knowledge that allows the Bioengineers to develop quantitative methods to study biological and physiological systems; Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to enter the biological data of analysis of methods; biological and medical signs of elaboration of second degree course in Electrical Engineering and Energetic Engineering methods; biological and medical images of elaboration of methods; to plan and to Programme length : 3 years bring about: biocompatible material novelties; devices, diagnostic and therapeutic Overall credits : 180 equipment; artificial organs and prosthesis, systems of support for the disabled; informative medical systems and telemedics; to collaborate with the management of health assistance, above all with the organization and the appropriate acquisition and Specific educational goals management of equipment. The bioengineer has to therefore have a traditional The course is aimed at forming a graduate that has an adequate mastery of general formation of base engineering (mathematics, physics, chemistry, electric, information scientific methods and contents and specific professional knowledge in electronic technology and mechanics), knowledge in the field of biology and of physiology. The engineering. The students receive a large scale preparation also in other fields of cultural formation is of a wide spectrum, in order to be able to adapt with easiness to engineering, above all in the most part in the field of Industrial engineering. In this the continuous evolution of technology and to the change in requirements of the manner one seeks to obtain better perspectives of adaptation, flexibility and productive and health areas. integration in the world of the work. The graduate will be capable of using the technologies and the tools for the planning of systems and proceeded to include the impact of the engineering solutions in the social and physical environmental context. First Degree in Chemical Engineering Finally graduates will be aware of their professional ethics and responsibilities in Laurea in Ingegneria Chimica business contexts. Admissions : unlimited via an entry exam + 6 non-European students (including 1 Chinese) Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an First Degree in Mechanical Engineering equivalent foreign qualification Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, Admissions : unlimited via an entry exam + 3 non-European students (including 1 mathematics, physics and science. Chinese) Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to enter the Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an second degree course in Chemical Engineering equivalent foreign qualification Programme length : 3 years Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, Overall credits : 180 mathematics, physics and science. Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to enter the second degree course in Mechanical Engineering Specific educational goals Programme length : 3 years The degree Course has the objective of giving the student mastery of the methods, of Overall credits : 180 the scientific contents and of the specific professional knowledge of Chemical engineering. The formation acquired will be able to be used in the chemical industry and in different fields: in the planning of components and not complex systems, in the Specific educational goals production and in the management of the installations of trials. The engineering The course is aimed at the professional formation of figures characterized by a high graduate will have a technical base culture adequate for eventual successive spectrum preparation in an immense field of industrial engineering, qualified to deepening. understand, to promote and to manage innovation, coherently with scientific and technological development. The professional field of mechanical engineer pertains in general the planning of products, systems and processes, the organization and the First Degree in Electrical Engineering management of the production of assets and services, the evaluation of the impact of Laurea in Ingegneria Elettrica engineering solutions in the social and physical environmental context. It is made up Admissions : unlimited via an entry exam + 6 non-European students (including 1 of a very immense field and concentrates on practical productive activities. Chinese) Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : fundamentals of logic, verbal comprehension, mathematics, physics and science. Second Degree in Construction Engineering Specific educational goals Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Edile The aim of this degree course is to form specialised graduates who know theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences in depth; who know theoretical and scientific aspects of engineering, both in general and in depth as Admissions : unlimited concerns civil engineering; who are able to plan and conduct experiments of a high Entry requirements : first degree degree of complexity; who have knowledge in the field of business culture and Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU ): first degree in Construction Engineering professional ethics. Programme length : 2 years Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Second Degree in Electrical Engineering Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Elettrica Specific educational goals Admissions: unlimited The aim of this course is to train well qualified professionals who know theoretical Entry requirements : first degree and scientific aspects, besides methodological and operational aspects of Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in Electrical Engineering mathematics and are able to use such knowledge to interpret and describe in depth Programme length : 2 years complex problems of architecture and construction or that require an interdisciplinary Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) approach; who know theoretical-scientific aspects, besides methodological and operational aspects, relative to disciplinary fields which characterize the course to identify, formulate and resolve, also in an innovative way, complex problems of Specific educational goals architecture and construction or that require an interdisciplinary approach. The aim of this degree course is to form specialised graduates who know theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences in depth; who know theoretical, scientific and methodological and operational aspects of engineering, Second Degree in Chemical Engineering both in general and in depth as concerns electrical engineering; who are able to plan Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Chimica and conduct experiments of a high degree of complexity, to analyse and interpret Admissions : unlimited their data, who can understand and predict the impact of engineering solutions in the Entry requirements : first degree social and physical-environmental context, who know business contents and those of Recognized integrating degree : (180 CFU) first degree in Chemical Engineering business culture (cultura d’impresa), with its economical managerial organizational Programme length : 2 years aspects. Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years)

Second Degree in Electronic Engineering Specific educational goals Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica The aim of this degree course is to form specialised graduates who know theoretical Admissions : unlimited and scientific aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences in depth; who know Entry requirements: first degree theoretical and scientific aspects of engineering, both in general and in depth as Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in electronic engineering concerns chemical engineering; who are able to plan and conduct experiments of a Programme length : 2 years high degree of complexity; who have knowledge of contexts and diverse skills, Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) knowledge in the field of business culture and professional ethics.

Specific educational goals Second Degree in Civil Engineering The aim of this degree course is to form specialised graduates who know theoretical Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Civile and scientific aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences adequately; who Admissions : unlimited know theoretical and scientific aspects of engineering adequately, both in general Entry requirements : first degree and in depth as concerns electronic engineering; who are able to plan and conduct Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU) : first degree in Civil Engineering experiments of a high degree of complexity; who have knowledge of contexts and Programme length : 2 years diverse skills adequately strengthened compared to those acquired in their first Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) degree. Second Degree in Energy Engineering theoretical and scientific aspects of engineering, both in general and in depth as Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Energetica concerns environmental and land engineering; who are able to plan and conduct Admissions : unlimited experiments of a high degree of complexity and who know the aspects of business Entry requirements : first degree organization (cultura d’impresa) and professional ethics. Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU ): first degree in electrical engineering Programme length : 2 years Overall credits: 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Second Degree in Engineering and Telecommunications Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni Admissions : 30 students Specific educational goals Entry requirements : first degree The objective of this course is to form specialized graduates who know instruments Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in electronic engineering for the calculation, the design and the management of components, complex plants Programme length: 2 years and systems for the generation of thermal mechanical and electrical Energy, with Overall credits: 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) fossil, nuclear and renewable sources, plants for direct conversion in electrical energy of primary energy, components and energetic industrial technologies. Specific educational goals The objective of the course is to form a specialized graduate that: Second Degree in Mechanical Engineering · knows the theoretical scientific aspects of engineering, both in general and in a Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica deepened manner relative to the engineering of telecommunications, in which the Admissions : unlimited graduate is capable of identifying, expressing and resolving, in an innovative manner, Entry requirements : first degree complex problems Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in mechanical engineering · is capable of thinking out, planning, and managing systems, processes and Programme length : 2 years complex innovative services, Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) · is capable of planning and managing high complexity experiments, with knowledge and professional ethics within an organisation. Specific educational goals The objective of the course is to form specialized graduates who are able to develop innovative projects autonomously, in terms of product and process from a functional constructive and energetic point of view, with the choice of materials and the relative processing, the project of the arrangement and management of machines in a plant and their best utilization with relative services, measures, control and automation.

Second Degree in Environmental and Land Engineering Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio Admissions : unlimited Entry requirements : first degree Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in Environmental and Land Engineering Programme length: 2 years Overall credits: 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years)

Specific educational goals The aim of this degree course is to form specialised graduates who know theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics and other basic sciences in depth; who know

[Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature]

Head office Via San Giorgio n. 12 - 09124 Cagliari The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 6201-04-09 List of courses Fax: +39 070 6848510 First Degree in Languages for Linguistic Mediation email: [email protected] First Degree in European and non-European Languages and Cultures First Degree in Language and Communication

Dean of the faculty Prof.ssa Ines Loi Corvetto Second Degree in Languages for Multimedia Communication and Journalism Second Degree in Literary Translation Second Degree in Euro American Languages and Literatures Exchange students Academic Contact Prof.ssa Irene Meloni tel. +39 070 675 6224 email: [email protected]

Admissions office - segreteria studenti Via San Giorgio n. 12 - 09124 Cagliari Opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00, from 1/7 to 31/8: Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays 9.00-12.00 tel. +39 070 675 6391 fax +39 070 675 6394

Students with disabilities Via San Giorgio n. 12 - 09124 Cagliari opening hours: Monday - Wednesdays 10.00-12.30; Thursday 3.00-6.00 pm tel: +39 070 675 6222 Fax: +39 070 675 6221 email: [email protected]

Library Library of the Linguistics and Stylistics Department Via San Giorgio, 12 opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 9.00-1.00pm; Monday to Thursday, 3.00-6.00pm tel./fax +39 070 675 6210 email: [email protected]

First Degree in Languages for Linguistic Mediation ability to comprehend a text in Italian from a linguistic and logical point of view. Laurea in Lingue per la Mediazione Linguistica Admission to second degree courses : the course is recognized to access the second Admissions : 75 students + 4 non-European and 1 Chinese - selection in September degree in languages for multimedia communication and journalism. Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Programme length : 3 years equivalent foreign qualification Overall credits : 180 Minimum knowledge required for selection : notions of general knowledge and the ability to comprehend a text in Italian from a linguistic and logical point of view. Admission to second degree courses : the course is recognized to access the second Specific educational goals degree in literary translation The objective of this course is to form professional graduates capable of operating Programme length : 3 years with competence in sectors of mass media communication, in various cultural Overall credits : 180 organisms, and in the publishing, television and telecommunications fields.

Specific educational goals Second Degree in Languages for Multimedia Communication and Journalism Graduates will acquire oral and written linguistic and technical skills, which will allow Laurea magistrale in Lingue e Linguaggi per la Comunicazione Multimediale e them to perform their professional duties at different levels in productive, cultural, il Giornalismo tourist and environmental institutions and enterprises, to deal with international Admissions : 55 students + 5 non-European (including 1 Chinese) - selection upon relations at the interpersonal and company level, to draw up documents such as academic criteria reports and correspondence in at least two languages; to perform all other activities Entry requirements : first degree as linguistic assistants in enterprises. Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in Language and Communication First Degree in European and non-European Languages and Cultures Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Laurea in Lingue e Culture Europee ed Extraeuropee Admissions : 165 students + 4 non-European and 1 Chinese - selection in September Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Specific educational goals equivalent foreign qualification Graduates will acquire methodological competence for the historical linguistic Minimum knowledge required for selection : notions of general and logic knowledge, analysis of the multiple aspects and phenomena of written and multimedia and comprehension of a text in Italian from a linguistic and logical point of view. communication, for the study of models and functions of the cultural systems in the Programme length : 3 years specificity of languages of the textual and hyper textual codes; they will acquire Overall credits : 180 methodological instruments suitable for the analysis of natural and/or social realities in the purpose of journalistic and editorial work; the command, in writing and speaking, of at least a European Union language besides Italian, with reference also Specific educational goals to the disciplinary lexis. This course provides graduates with the command of two modern languages and the knowledge of peculiar expressions of their literary artistic and cultural heritage, an adequate knowledge of the Italian language and literature, a fair written and oral Second Degree in Literary Translation competence in a third language, IT skills applied to the study and the elaboration of Laurea magistrale in Traduzione Letteraria verbal texts. Admissions : 55 students + 5 non-European (including 1 Chinese) - selection in September Entry requirements : first degree First Degree in Language and Communication Programme length: 2 years Laurea in Lingue e Comunicazione Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in linguistic mediation Admissions : 245 students + 4 non-European and 1 Chinese - selection in September Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required for selection : notions of general knowledge and the Specific educational goals Graduates will have: good translation skills, with particular reference to translation of literary and critical texts and essays, in line with the European standards; an in-depth preparation in humanistic culture, in literature, in history of language and stylistics; specialist languages, as well as competences in the terminology and terminography, used in the publishing field; the ability to use the computer and telecommunication aids essential in the practice of the profession of translator.

Second Degree in Euro-American Languages and Literatures Laurea magistrale in Lingue e Letterature euroamericane Admissions : 55 students + 5 non-European (including 1 Chinese) selection is upon academic criteria Entry requirements : first degree Programme length: 2 years Overall credits: 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in European and non- European Languages and cultures

Specific educational goals The degree aims at providing the students with an in-depth knowledge of at least one Euro-American language and culture and a fair command of a second language and culture already dealt with within the first degree. After completing the studies, thanks to linguistic, language teaching and philological skills, graduates will have a an in- depth knowledge of both language and literature tackled and their historical, geographical and artistic backgrounds. With this respect, graduates will also be able to carry out comparative studies. As far as their professional achievements are concerned, they will have the opportunity to work in the following sectors: education, publishing, institutions, cultural services, tourism, and mediation between European and American cultures.

[Faculty of Humanities]

Head office Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - loc. “Sa Duchessa” - 09123 Cagliari List of courses The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 7001-7002-7004-7010 fax +39 070 675 7003 First Degree in Humanities email: [email protected] First Degree in History and Information First Degree in Cultural Heritage First Degree in Philosophy Dean of the faculty First Degree in Cultural Operator in Tourism Prof. Giulio Paulis Second Degree in Archaeology Admissions office - segreteria studenti Second Degree in Classical Studies Via Trentino, località “Sa Duchessa” - 09123 Cagliari Second Degree in Modern Humanities opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 Second Degree in Sardinian Language, Literature and Culture from 1/7 to 18/8: Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays 9.00 - 12.00 Second Degree in Philosophy and History of Philosophical Thought tel. +39 070 675 7411- 7456 -7457 7460 - +39 070 290297 fax +39 070 283632 Second Degree in History and Society email: [email protected] Second Degree in History of Art Orientation office - postazione di orientamento Loc. “Sa Duchessa” - via Is Mirrionis, 1 main building, 3° floor - room 7 Bis tel. +39 070 675 7374 email: [email protected]

Exchange students Academic Contact Prof.ssa Patrizia Mureddu tel. +39 070 6757172 email: [email protected]

Students with disabilities Loc. “Sa Duchessa” (via Is Mirrionis, 1), Room 7 bis, main building, ground floor opening hours: from Tuesday to Friday, 11.00 – 13.00; Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 3.30 - 6.30 pm tel. +39 070 675 7810 email: [email protected]

Main Library Library “Interdipartimentale” via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Loc. “Sa Duchessa” main building, first floor opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 8.30-7.45pm loan: from Monday to Friday, 8.30-1.30pm and 3.00-7.00pm email: [email protected] First Degree in Humanities original texts and documents; Laurea in Lettere • written and oral fluency in at least a European Union language besides Italian. Admissions : unlimited (3 non-European students + 1 Chinese) Graduates will also be able to use the basic IT and telecommunications instruments Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an in the specific fields of competence. equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of Italian literature and of history and geography, of the Italian language and its structures, of Latin and Greek First Degree in Cultural Heritage Admission to second degree course s: the course is recognized to access the second Laurea in Beni Culturali degree courses in classical studies, Sardinian language, literature and culture and Admissions : 200 students (1 non-European students + 1 Chinese) modern humanities. Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Programme length : 3 years equivalent foreign qualification Overall credits : 180 Minimum knowledge required for selection : basic humanistic and scientific cultural preparation Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the Educational goals second degree courses in archaeology, and history of art Graduates will: Programme length : 3 years • possess essential knowledge of literary, linguistic, historic, geographic and artistic Overall credits : 180 culture of the ancient medieval and modern ages, with direct knowledge of original texts and documents; • be able to use linguistic and philological methodologies together with the specifically Educational goals literary ones, in the different fields of study, without overlooking the study of regional The aim of this course is to form graduates who have a good basic preparation, literature and of Sardinian language and literature; adequate linguistic knowledge and a wide range of humanistic and scientific skills in • possess written and oral fluency in at least a European Union language besides the cultural heritage sector, with particular emphasis on the archaeological, historical- Italian; artistic, archival-library-economic heritage, with the support of the main IT • be able to use the basic instruments of IT and of telecommunications in the specific instruments. fields of competence.

First Degree in Philosophy Laurea in Filosofia First Degree in History and Information Admissions : unlimited (2 non-European students + 1 Chinese) Laurea in Storia e Informazione Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Admissions : unlimited (1 non-European students + 1 Chinese) equivalent foreign qualification Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Minimum knowledge required for selection : basic humanistic and scientific cultural equivalent foreign qualification preparation Minimum knowledge required : linguistic and cultural competence with particular Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access reference to an appropriate basic knowledge of Italian, of history and geography. second degree course in philosophy and history of philosophical thought Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized for admission to Programme length : 3 years the second degree course in history and society Overall credits : 180 Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 Educational goals This first degree course has the following educational goals: Educational goals • the acquisition of a solid knowledge of the history of philosophical and scientific The aim of this degree course is to make graduates acquire: thought, from ancient time to today, and of a wide-ranging information on current • a humanistic and historical development in an interdisciplinary perspective; debate in the different branches of philosophical research (theoretical, moral, • an essential knowledge of literary, linguistic, historical, geographic and artistic political, aesthetical); culture of the medieval, modern and contemporary ages, with direct knowledge of • the command of the terminology and of the methods regarding the analysis of issues, ways of reasoning, and the approach to texts (also in original language); the historical-archaeological, artistic, epigraphic and monumental heritage; command in the use of bibliographic instruments; • be able to use the main IT and telecommunication instruments adequately in the • the acquisition of abilities applicable in the coordination of intercultural relations in a specific fields of competence; multiethnic society and of social services. • be able to use fluently, both orally and writing, at least a European Union language besides Italian, including reference to the disciplinary lexis. First Degree in Cultural Operator in Tourism Laurea in Operatore Culturale per il Turismo Second Degree in Classical Studies Admissions : 200 students (5 non-European students + 1 Chinese) Laurea magistrale in Culture e Letterature dell’Antichità Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Admissions : unlimited (2 non-European students) equivalent foreign qualification Entry requirements : first degree Minimum knowledge required for selection : basic humanistic and scientific cultural Programme length : 2 years preparation Recognized integrating degree : first degree in Humanities Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Overall credits : 180 Educational goals Educational goals This degree course aims at providing graduates with: an in-depth development and a The degree course aims at providing operators with the ability to emphasize the correct methodology in the field of linguistic, philological, historical, literary studies, value of, and strengthen the tourist industry, to promote and coordinate the fruition of relative to the ancient world; a good knowledge of Greek and Latin languages and cultural territorial and environmental resources (archaeological, artistic, demo- literature, of their historical and cultural context, of their fortune in modern times, with anthropological and geographical). Basic knowledge concerns the fields of the direct reading of original texts and documents; linguistic and IT competence which geography and sociology of tourism, the branches of history archaeology, art, guarantee bibliographical information and the comprehension of scientific literature anthropology, the performing arts and music, that lead to an overall understanding of relative to the subject of research. the peculiar cultural configuration of the land (regional, national, and international). Also called for is the written and oral fluency in at least two European languages, besides Italian and the acquisition of disciplinary methods applied in the promotion Second Degree in Modern Humanities and fruition of cultural assets and activities. Cultural and linguistic knowledge will be Laurea magistrale in Letterature Moderne exercised and improved in workshops, training, apprenticeship, excursions and study Admissions : unlimited (2 non-European students) trips. Entry requirements : first degree Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree : first degree in humanities Second Degree in Archaeology Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Laurea magistrale in Archeologia Admissions : unlimited (1 non-European student) Entry requirements : first degree Educational goals Programme length : 2 years This degree course aims at providing graduates with an in-depth knowledge of Italian Recognized integrating degree : first degree in cultural heritage literature, at creating solid competences in the field of philological linguistic Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) disciplines, at developing a theoretical awareness relative to the processes of communication and to the instruments of textual analysis and to the methodology of study; moreover, thanks to the space that the curriculum guarantees to other modern Educational goals languages and literature - especially the ones in use within the European Union -and Second degree graduates in archaeology will: to the study of comparative literature, students will be able to consider the events in • possess advanced scientific theoretical, methodological and operational the Italian literary civilization from an intercultural perspective. competence, relative to the sectors of archaeology and history of art in prehistoric, ancient and medieval ages; • acquire abilities in the sector of management, conservation and restoration of the Second Degree in Sardinian Language, Literature and Culture Educational goals Laurea magistrale in Lingua, Letteratura e Cultura della Sardegna The second degree in history and society aims at the following qualifying educational Admissions : unlimited (2 non-European students) goals: possess advanced skills in the methodologies inherent to historic and Entry requirements : first degree humanistic sciences; possess a basic preparation in the field of social and economic Programme length : 2 years sciences; possess an in-depth specialized knowledge of the moments and of the Recognized integrating degree : first degree in humanities main aspects of medieval modern and contemporary history, in its different Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) dimensions; possess an in-depth knowledge of cultural political, economic and social dynamics, from a interdisciplinary perspective. Educational goals Graduates will acquire an in-depth preparation in the fields of philology and of Second Degree in History of Art medieval and modern literature, with a particular emphasis on Sardinian writing and Laurea magistrale in Storia dell’Arte literary production, in order to develop independent critical abilities, to acquire solid Admissions : unlimited (2 non-European students) competences relative to the linguistic and literary communication processes and to Entry requirements : first degree possess the fundamentals of theoretical knowledge of language, as well as a specific Programme length : 2 years knowledge of the history and the structures of the Sardinian language. Recognized integrating degree : first degree in cultural heritage Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Second Degree in Philosophy and History of Philosophical Thought - Laurea magistrale in Filosofia e Storia delle Idee Filosofiche Educational goals Admissions : unlimited (1 non-European student) Graduates in History of Art will possess advanced skills of historical and Entry requirements : first degree methodological nature in different thematic fields, which include artistic productions Programme length : 2 years from the Middle Ages to the present day. They will also acquire theoretical and Recognized integrating degree : first degree in philosophy applied knowledge of the main themes of management and conservation of the Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) artistic heritage, with particular reference to restoration. Graduates will also study in depth the specific issues of history of Art in Sardinia. Educational goals An in-depth study of the theories and methodologies functional for the broadening of philosophical and historical-philosophical knowledge; the ability of critical orientation as regards different fields of knowledge addressed to a close analysis of issues relative to the man-nature rapport, philosophy of cultural and religious traditions, art- language; critical articulation of results in research in the ethic social, ethic-political, ethic-environmental, bio-ethic, ethic-juridical, theoretical-social, aesthetic artistic, hermeneutic-linguistic, anthropological-philosophical areas of discussion; the ability to reflect upon anthropological, ethic, philosophical, political and juridical issues, derived from the use of biotechnologies.

Second Degree in History and Society - Laurea magistrale in Storia e Società Admissions : unlimited (2 non-European students) Entry requirements : first degree Programme length: 2 years Recognized integrating degree : first degree in history and information Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) [Faculty of Law]

Head office Library Viale S. Ignazio, 17 - 09123 Cagliari Library of the Faculty of Law switchboard: tel. +39 070 675 3002 head office: Viale S. Ignazio, 17 - 09123 Cagliari porter office: tel. +39 070 675 3021 Reading room: Monday to Friday 9.00am-8.00pm; Saturdays 9.00-1.15pm (only the information office: tel. +39 070 675 3051 - fax +39 070 675 3000 - +39 070/6753807 first two Saturdays of each month) distribution services and loan: Monday to Friday the dean’s office: tel. +39 070/675 3054 - fax +39 070 675 3807 9.00-7.00pm; email: [email protected] tel. +39 070 675 3052-55 fax +39 070 675 3800 email: [email protected]

Dean of the faculty Prof. Massimo Deiana List of courses First Degree in Juridical Services First and Second Degree in Law Exchange students Academic Contact Prof. Massimiliano Piras tel. +39 070/6753027 – fax +39 070/6753807 email: [email protected]

Admissions office - segreteria studenti Via Nicolodi, 106 - 09123 Cagliari opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00, from 1/7 to 18/8: Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays 9.00-12.00 tel. +39 070 675 3975 - 3989- fax +39 070 675 3950

Orientation office - postazione di orientamento Via Nicolodi,106 ex istituto Ciechi Wednesdays 3.00-6.00pm tel. +39 070 675 3984 – +39 070/6753984 email: [email protected]

Students with disabilities Via Nicolodi, 106 ex Istituto Ciechi opening hours: Mondays 9.00-11.00; Tuesdays 4.00-6.00; Wednesdays, Thursdays 9.30 - 11.30 tel. +39 070 675 3984 - fax +39 070 675 3950 email: [email protected]

First Degree in Juridical Services • the acquisition of appropriate technical and cultural instruments to practise the Laurea in Servizi Giuridici profession of jurists. Admissions : unlimited + 8 non-European students (including 1 Chinese) Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : general culture, with special emphasis on juridical subjects Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180

Specific educational goals The degree course in Juridical Services provides a solid cultural background and basic juridical knowledge as well as specific knowledge of given sectors of the juridical field and the capacity to apply the relative regulations. The syllabuses and examinations, respecting the right to freedom in teaching and within the limits of available resources, are organized to censure the achievement of educational objectives and include seminars, written or oral in-class tests, tutorials, complementary teaching modules, on-the-job trainings and other teaching methods, among which interactive ones and those for working students.

First and Second Degree in Law Laurea in Giurisprudenza Admissions : unlimited Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Programme length : 5 years Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in Juridical Sciences Overall credits: 360

Specific educational goals The degree course in Law aims at the graduates’ acquisition of: • full ability of analysis and coordination of juridical norms as well as the capacity to plan – while being acquainted with their technical-juridical, cultural, practical and value implications – adequate lines of reasoning and argumentation, in the written and oral forms, for a correct approach to juridical issues both general and specific, of cases and types of offence; • the ability to use at least a language from the EU fluently, besides Italian, both in speaking and writing, with a particular emphasis on juridical lexis. This course aims at providing graduates with: • adequate levels of knowledge for those who intend to continue with a higher juridical training, a necessary stepping stone to start legal professions; • thorough knowledge of fundamental sectors of the legal system in its principle articulations and interrelations, [Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences]

Head office Mathematics Department Library Cittadella Universitaria SS 554 - km 4.500 Via Ospedale, 72 09042 Monserrato (Ca) 09124 Cagliari The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 4629-30 fax: +39 070 675 4631 tel. 070 675 8512 fax 070 6758511 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Dean of the Faculty Botanical Sciences Department Library Prof. Roberto Crnjar V.le S.Ignazio 09123 Cagliari tel. 070 675 3500 fax 070 6753535 Admissions office - segreteria studenti email: [email protected] Cittadella Universitaria opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 from 1/7 to 18/8: Earth Sciences Department Library Monday - Wednesday - Friday 9.00-12.00 Via Trentino, 51 tel. +39 070 675 4664-75 fax +39 070 675 4661 09127 Cagliari tel. 070 675 7769 fax 070 675 7756 email: [email protected] Exchange students Academic Contact Prof. Anna Maria Angioy tel. +39 070 6754142 email: [email protected] Pharmaceutical Chemical Technologic Department Library Via Ospedale, 72 09124 Cagliari Students with disabilities tel. 070 675 8579 fax 070 675 8572 Cittadella Universitaria, Sala Presidenza Scienze MM.FF.NN, 3rd floor email: [email protected] opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30-12.30 Tuesday 10.30-12.30 tel. +39 070 675 4625 email: [email protected] Biblioteca del Seminario della Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. Cittadella Universitaria 09042 Monserrato (Ca) tel. 070 675 4275 fax 070 675 4276 Libraries email: [email protected] Animal Biology and Ecology Department Library V.le Poetto, 1 09126 Cagliari Biblioteca Centrale del Distretto Biomedico-Scientifico tel. +39 070 675 8019 fax +39 070 6758022 Cittadella Universitaria 09042 Monserrato (Ca) email: [email protected] Tel. 070 675 4290 fax 070 675 4283 Email: [email protected]

List of courses First Degree in Industrial Biotechnologies First Degree in Industrial Biotechnologies Laurea in Biotecnologie Industriali First Degree in Applied Bio ecology Admissions : unlimited + 20 non-European students (including 10 Chinese) First Degree in Experimental Biology Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an First Degree in Earth Sciences equivalent foreign qualification First Degree in Chemistry Minimum knowledge required : upper secondary school preparation in biology, First Degree in Material Sciences chemistry, mathematics and physics. First Degree in Physics Location : Oristano First Degree in Computer Science Programme length : 3 years First Degree in Natural Sciences Overall credits : 180 First Degree in Mathematics Specific educational goals Second Degree in Marine Biology The course aims at forming graduates with: a good basic knowledge of biological Second degree in Experimental and Applied Biology systems, at the molecular and cell level, cultural and experimental bases of the Second Degree in Neuropsychobiology multidisciplinary techniques that characterize biotechnological operations for the Second Degree in Physics production of goods and services through the analysis and the use of biological Second Degree in Information Technology systems, disciplinary methods and their appropriate application in compliance with Second Degree in Mathematics the regulations and deontological and bioethical problems; adequate competence Second Degree in Materials Sciences and instruments for communication and management of information. Second Degree in Chemistry Second Degree in Survey of Natural Environments Second Degree in Technical and Environmental Geology First Degree in Applied Bio ecology Second Degree in Geology Laurea in Bioecologia Applicata Admissions : 100 students + 3 non-European (including 2 Chinese) Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Admission to second degree courses : the ecological-marine curriculum is fully recognized to access the second degree in marine biology Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180

Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form graduates who possess adequate basic knowledge in the different branches of Biological Sciences and surveying methods for the purpose of understanding biological resources, operative and applicative skills in the field of the increase of value and management of biological resources.

First Degree in Experimental Biology Laurea in Biologia Sperimentale Admissions : 100 students + 3 non-European (including 2 Chinese) Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry Specific educational goals and biology. The course has the objective of forming graduates who possess a good knowledge Admissions to second degree courses : this course is fully recognized to access the in the different branches of chemistry, in their theoretical and experimental aspects, second degree course in neuropsychobiology who are able to use the scientific research method, also as concerns problems of Programme length : 3 years application; who are capable of operating professionally in applicative activities in the Overall credits : 180 field of industries, laboratories for research, control an analysis, in environmental and energy fields, in the conservation of cultural assets. Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form graduates who possess adequate basic knowledge First Degree in Materials Science in the different branches of Biological Sciences, operative and applicative skills in the Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali field of biology and adequate competence and instruments for information Admissions : unlimited + 4 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) communication and management. Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and First Degree in Earth Sciences chemistry, elementary algebra and algebraic equations, logarithms and plane Laurea in Scienze della Terra trigonometry. Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) Location : Iglesias Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Admissions to second degree courses : this course is fully recognized to access the equivalent foreign qualification second degree in materials science Minimum knowledge required : minimum basic knowledge of earth sciences. Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access second degrees in technical and environmental geology and geology Programme length: 3 years Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 Overall credits : 180 Specific educational goals Specific educational goals The course has the objective of forming graduates who possess specific skills for the The aim of this course is to form graduates who have fundamental knowledge in the correct use of traditional laboratory techniques for control, characterizations, different sectors of earth sciences and basic elements of chemistry, physics, qualification and certification of materials, of diagnostic methods with special, mathematics, computer science and English as well as knowledge of experimental, dedicated and automated instrumentation; evaluation of work environment safety and analytical and data processing methods. quality control and for the critical evaluation of technologies and instrumentation for data collection, transmission and processing of the properties of materials. First Degree in Chemistry Laurea in Chimica First Degree in Physics Admissions : unlimited + 15 non-European students (including 6 Chinese) Laurea in Fisica Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Admissions : unlimited + 4 non-European students (including 4 Chinese) equivalent foreign qualification Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Minimum knowledge required : knowledge of mathematics, elementary algebra and equivalent foreign qualification algebraic equations of 1st and 2nd degree, logarithms and plane trigonometry. Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of physics Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the Admissions to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the second degrees in chemistry and in materials science second degree in physics Programme length : 3 years Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 Overall credits : 180 Specific educational goals Specific educational goals The course has the objective of forming graduates who possess an adequate basic The course has the objective to form graduates who posses a systematic knowledge knowledge in the different sectors of traditional and modern physics, of research of the environment and a good practice of the scientific method for analysis in the methods, of the representation and modelling of the physical reality as well as of its different components of the environment and of their dynamics, as well as the verification, who possess operative and laboratory skills and who can understand and capacity to interpret phenomena concerning them. Therefore a basic preparation in use appropriate mathematical and information instruments; who are able to operate the different branches of Earth and biological sciences is included. professionally in defined areas of application, such as scientific support for industrial, medical and sanitary activities concerning the environment, energy saving and cultural assets. First Degree in Mathematics Laurea in Matematica Admissions : unlimited + 10 non-European students (including 4 Chinese) First Degree in Computer Science Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Laurea in Informatica equivalent foreign qualification Admissions : 120 students + 4 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge relative to algebra, analysis, Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an geometry and physics. equivalent foreign qualification Admissions to second degree courses : this course is fully recognized to access the Minimum knowledge required for selection : basic knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, second degree in mathematics Euclidean geometry, analytical geometry, calculus and trigonometry Programme length : 3 years Locations : Cagliari 90 students - Iglesias 30 students Overall credits : 180 Programme length : 3 years Admissions to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the second degree in information technology Specific educational goals Overall credits: 180 A solid grounding of the basic notions and methods used in the various branches of mathematics and, in particular, of algebra, mathematical analysis, geometry and mathematical physics; Specific educational goals • the ability to understand and use mathematical descriptions and models of scientific The purpose of this course is to supply: and economic interest; • knowledge of the theoretical methods and techniques for the development of • numeric skills and competence in symbolic calculus; information systems and applications leading to the creation of university-level • suitable IT skills; computer scientists capable of understanding technological innovation and • fluency, both oral and written, in English, besides Italian, in the specific field of transferring it to the application fields; mathematics and for general information exchange. • the basic culture necessary for graduates both to understand the evolution of the discipline in the theoretical field and to proceed to second degrees. Second Degree in Marine Biology Laurea magistrale in Biologia Marina First Degree in Natural Sciences Admissions : 20 students + 2 non-European students (1 Chinese) Laurea in Scienze Naturali Entry requirements : first degree Admissions : unlimited + 8 non-European students (including 4 Chinese) Recognized integrating degree : first degree in applied bio ecology with the ecological Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an - marine curriculum equivalent foreign qualification Programme length : 2 years Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences. Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the second degree in survey of natural environment Programme length : 3 years Specific educational goals Overall credits : 180 The aim of this course is to form specialized graduates who possess skills in the use of methodologies and technologies for the collection and the monitoring of environmental marine and lagoon data and their elaboration with information techniques, ability of planning the interventions of prevention and protection of Second Degree in Physics marine and lagoon environment. Laurea magistrale in Fisica Admissions : unlimited Entry requirements : first degree Second Degree in Experimental and Applied Biology Programme len gth: 2 years Laurea magistrale in Biologia Sperimentale e Applicata Recognized integrating degree : first degree in physics Admissions : 80 students + 2 non-European (1 Chinese) Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Entry requirements : first degree Recognized integrating degree : first degree in Experimental Biology Programme length : 2 years Specific educational goals Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) The aim of this course is to form specialized graduates who have a solid cultural preparation in traditional and modern physics, a fair command of the scientific research method, a knowledge of the modern instruments of measurement and of Specific educational goals data analysis techniques and of mathematical and IT support instruments. The degree has the aim of providing students with a in-depth knowledge of basic biology and the various sectors of applied biology, backed by adequate practice in the experimental field; providing students with an in-depth knowledge of instrumental Second Degree in Information technology methodology, and experimental analytical and statistical and computerised data Laurea magistrale in Tecnologie Informatiche processing methods; to train students in laboratory practice and to enable them to Admissions : 25 students + 2 non-European students (1 Chinese) - Selection is upon work with advanced methodologies relating to at least one specific research field. academic criteria Entry requirements : first degree Programme length : 2 years Second Degree in Neuropsychobiology Recognized integrating degree : first degree in computer science Laurea magistrale in Neuropsicobiologia Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Admissions : 20 students Entry requirements : first degree Programme length : 2 years Specific educational goals Recognized integrating degree : first degree in experimental biology This course has the objective of forming a high professional figure, such as Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) specialized computer scientists who will be competent in analysis, planning, management of works and test relative to systems for the elaboration, transmission and generation of information, by using advanced innovative methodologies and Specific educational goals putting together specialist knowledge of standard methods, of techniques and The objective of the second degree course in neuropsychobiology is to provide instruments for the development of information systems with applications, also graduates with the following skills: experimental, based on Information and Communication Technologies, also • a solid basic cultural preparation in the fields of neurobiology, neuroanatomy, guaranteeing the necessary basic knowledge to conform with the evolution of the neurochemistry, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology. discipline. The specific preparation of graduates in Information Technology will allow • a solid preparation from the technological point of view of an experimental and them to hold positions of responsibility, to contribute to technological innovation, as analytical knowledge of the most modern and advanced methodologies of molecular well as to access further university studies (doctorate degrees). biology, neurochemistry, electrophysiology and of animal behaviour applied in the field of neurobiology and neuropsychopharmacology. • notions of neuro-information that allow the use of information techniques for the Second Degree in Mathematics simulation of particular aspects of physiology and pharmacology of neurons. Laurea magistrale in Matematica • a solid knowledge of the scientific research method in order to allow the Admissions : unlimited + 5 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) participation in the planning of the experiments. Entry requirements : first degree • a level of such knowledge of scientific literature and of English as to allow the use of Programme length : 2 years communication information techniques and the presentation of their own results to a Recognized integrating degree : first degree in mathematics national and international public. Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Specific educational goals Recognized integrating degree : first degree in chemistry The educational goals of this course consist in providing students - who have Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) obtained a first degree in mathematics or in another degree that involves an adequate mathematical knowledge – the opportunity of: • completing their basic mathematical knowledge, Specific educational goals • acquiring advanced knowledge in at least one of the specialized branches of • provide with a fair knowledge of the fundamentals of inorganic chemistry, of physic mathematics, chemistry, of organic chemistry, of industrial chemistry and of biochemistry; • acquiring the ability to deal with professional fields (that require high mathematical • ability and competence in the fundamental laboratory operations; skills) in schools, in social economic industrial activities, and in scientific research. • capacity to choose and use experiment methods, in the data collection and • acquiring a fair command of the scientific method with particular emphasis on the analysis, in the use of scientific equipment for analytical and structural research. logical rigour linked to a high level of abstraction, • notions on the structures of computers and networks and the ability to use the most • becoming capable of analysing and resolving complex problems, also in applicative common management and data processing programmes. contexts, • notions in work environment safety and of quality control. • possessing advanced computational and IT skills, • ability to carry out bibliographical research • being able to use, in the specific field of competence of Mathematics, both in writing • ability to use at least a European Union language besides Italian. and speaking, at least a European Union language besides Italian. Second Degree in Survey of Natural Environment Second Degree in Materials Science Laurea magistrale Rilevatore di Ambienti Naturali Laurea magistrale in Scienza dei Materiali Admissions : unlimited + 4 non-European students (including 1 Chinese) Admissions: unlimited + 4 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) Entry requirements : first degree Entry requirements: first degree Programme length : 2 years Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree : first degree in natural sciences Recognized integrating degree : first degree in materials science and first degree in Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) chemistry Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Specific educational goals Graduates in Survey of natural environments will acquire: Specific educational goals • a solid cultural preparation in the systemic analysis of the natural environment, in all Second degree graduates in Materials science will: its biotic and abiotic components and their interactions; in particular, they will have to • be able to use the knowledge of theoretical-scientific aspects of mathematics, be able to recognize in an integrated way the constitutive, biological and abiological physics and chemistry to interpret and describe problems that require an elements, of a territorial natural system, and of evaluating their critical points of interdisciplinary approach; vulnerability as regards anthropic modifications, in order to conserve and protect • know the theoretical-scientific aspects of Materials Science adequately, through naturalistic peculiarities, and emphasizing its knowledge and its fruition for tourism which they will be capable of identifying, formulating and resolving, also in an (parks, reserves and museums); innovative way, complex problems; • command of the scientific research method and necessary knowledge to begin • be able to plan and manage experiments of high complexity; scientific research in the naturalistic field; an in-depth knowledge of modern • have knowledge of context and transversal abilities adequately strengthened as surveying equipment, of statistical and information techniques for data analysis and regards the ones acquired in their first degree. their registration; • a high scientific and operative preparation in the disciplines that characterise the class; Second Degree in Chemistry • the ability to work autonomously, also taking over responsibilities of projects. Laurea magistrale in Scienze Chimiche Admissions: unlimited + 10 non-European students (including 4 Chinese) Entry requirements: first degree Programme length: 2 years Second Degree in Technical and Environmental Geology Laurea magistrale in Geologia Tecnica ed Ambientale Admissions : unlimited + 2 non-European students (including 1 Chinese) Entry requirements : first degree Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree : first degree in earth sciences Overall credits: 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years)

Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form graduates who will acquire an in-depth basic knowledge of mathematics and computer science, the command of the scientific research method and of the techniques for data analysis, the fundamental and advanced instruments for the analysis of systems and geological processes, of their temporal evolution and of modelling also for applicative ends, the necessary knowledge to operate the restoration and the conservation of the quality of complex natural realities, the operative skills of land, of construction sites and of laboratory and acquisition of a high level in the transferring of the results of knowledge.

Second Degree in Geology Laurea magistrale in Scienze Geologiche Admissions : unlimited + 2 non-European students (1 Chinese) Entry requirements : first degree Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree : first degree in earth sciences Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years)

Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form specialized graduates who have basic knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics and information technology, a command of the scientific method of research and of the techniques for data analysis, a cultural preparation in the different sectors inherent to the Earth system, in their theoretical, experimental and practical aspects, the necessary knowledge to operate the restoration and the conservation of quality of complex natural realities and operative competences of land and of laboratory and a high competences in transferring the results of knowledge.

[Faculty of Medicine and Surgery]

Head office List of courses Via S. Giorgio 12 - 09124 Cagliari First Degree in Nursing The dean’s office: +39 070 675 6334-36 fax: +39 070 675 6335 First Degree in Midwifery email: [email protected] First Degree in Physiotherapy First Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques First Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques, through Images and Radiotherapy Dean of the faculty First Degree in Oral Hygiene Prof. Gavino Faa First degree in Medical Assistance First Degree in Sports Science (joint degree with the faculty of Educational sciences) Exchange students Academic Contact First and Second Degree “a ciclo unico” in Medicine and Surgery Prof. Amedeo Columbano First and Second Degree “a ciclo unico” in Dentistry and Orthodontics tel. +39 070 675 8345 email: [email protected]

Second Degree in Sports Science and Technologies Admissions office - segreteria studenti Second Degree in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Sport Cittadella Universitaria – S.S. 554, km 4.500 Activities 09042 Monserrato (CA) opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 from 1/7 to 18/8: Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays 9.00-12.00 tel. +39 070 675 4666-67 fax +39 070 675 4665 email: [email protected]

Students with disabilities Cittadella Universitaria, Monserrato Opening hours: Monday - Wednesday - Friday 9.30-12.30 Tuesday and Thursday 10.30-12.30 tel. +39 070 675 4625 email: [email protected]

Library Main library of the Biomedical Department Cittadella Universitaria – Monserrato opening hours: from Monday to Friday: 8.15am-7.45pm; Saturdays 9.10-12.50 tel. +39 070 675 4290 - fax +39 070 675 4283 email: [email protected]

First Degree in Nursing First Degree in Physiotherapy Laurea in infermieristica Laurea in Fisioterapia Admissions : 120 students - selection in September via an entry exam Admissions : 20 students - selection in September via an entry exam Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. chemistry, physics and mathematics. Programme length : 3 years Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 Overall credits : 180

Specific educational goals Specific educational goals The objective of this course is to form practitioners with technical, relational and Graduates will be able to carry out interventions of prevention, care and rehabilitation educative skills. Graduates in nursing will be able to work for the prevention of of motor activities, both autonomously and in collaboration with other medical diseases and the assistance of the sick and the disabled of all ages. They will be practitioners, of upper cortical functions and of internal organs resulting from capable of identifying the person and the community’s health needs; they will be able pathological events. to plan, manage and evaluate the interventions of assistance; they will guarantee the According to the diagnosis and medical prescription, within their competence field, correct application of therapeutic-diagnostic prescriptions; they will work they will elaborate, if necessary with a multidisciplinary team, the definition of the independently or with other social and medical operators. rehabilitation programme aiming at the identification and the overcoming of the disabled health need. They will autonomously carry out therapeutic activities for the functional re-education of motor, psychomotor and cognitive disabilities, using physical, manual and massage therapies. They will propose the use of prothesis and First Degree in Midwifery auxiliaries, they will train patients in the use of them, and they will test their efficacy. Laurea in Ostetricia Admissions : 10 students - selection in September via an entry exam Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an First Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques equivalent foreign qualification Laurea in Tecniche di Laboratorio Medico Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, Admissions : 15 students - selection in September via an entry exam chemistry, physics and mathematics. Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Programme length : 3 years equivalent foreign qualification Overall credits : 180 Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Programme length : 3 years Specific educational goals Overall credits : 180 Practitioners in midwifery will be able to assist the woman during pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal care, they will be able to lead and bring a woman’s natural childbirth to conclusion with own responsibility, and assist the new-born child. They Specific educational goals will participate: in interventions of medical and sexual education, both within families Graduates will be able to carry out activities in test and research laboratories and the community; in the preparation and assistance of gynaecological operations; regarding biomedical and biotechnological tests and in particular tests of in the prevention and the verification of cancers in women’s genital sphere; in biochemistry, microbiology, virology, drug toxicology, immunology, clinical pathology, programmes of assistance for women after childbirth and infant care. Graduates in haematology, cytology and histopathology. midwifery will be able to recognize potential pathological situations which require medical intervention and to practise, where necessary, the relative emergency measures.

First Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques, First degree in Medical Assistance through Images and Radiotherapy Laurea in Assistenza Sanitaria Laurea in tecniche di Radiologia medica, per Immagini e Radioterapia Admissions : 15 students - selection in September via an entry exam Admissions : 20 students - selection in September via an entry exam Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. chemistry, physics and mathematics. Programme length : 3 years Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 Overall credits : 180 Specific educational goals Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form graduates who will be able to work for the Graduates will carry out radiological research and services, in compliance with prevention, promotion and education of health. Their activities will be addressed to radioprotection regulations provided for in the European Union. On medical individuals, families and the community. They will identify health needs and the prescription, graduates will be able to carry out, both autonomously and in priorities of preventive, educative and recovery interventions. They will be able to collaboration with other medical practitioners, all interventions which require the use identify health needs on the basis of epidemiological and socio-cultural data. They of sources of ionising radiation, both artificial and natural, of thermal and ultrasonic will identify biological and social elements of risk and will be responsible of the energies, of nuclear magnetic resonance. They will participate in the planning and carrying out, the solution and the interventions with respect to their competences. management of the work within the body they operate in, with respect to their They will plan, organise, carry out and evaluate health care interventions in all stages competences. They will participate in the planning and management of the supply of of a person’s life; they will work for the definition of communication methods, for polyvalent services in collaboration with the radio diagnosis specialist, nuclear programmes and campaigns for the health promotion; they intervene in family specialist, the radiotherapist and the sanitary physician, according to diagnostic and planning and sexual and psycho-social health programmes. They will carry out therapeutic protocols initially defined by the manager of the body. specific interventions of family support and therapy; they will supervise hygienic conditions within families and schools and will check environmental hygiene and the risk of infections. First Degree in Oral Hygiene Laurea in Igiene Dentale Admissions : 15 students - selection in September via an entry exam First Degree in Sports Science Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Laurea in Scienze Motorie equivalent foreign qualification (joint degree course with the faculty of Educational sciences) Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, Admissions : 100 students - selection in September via an entry exam chemistry, physics and mathematics. Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Programme length : 3 years equivalent foreign qualification Overall credits : 180 Minimum knowledge required for selection : mathematics, biology, physics, general culture, logics and chemistry. Admission to second degree courses : the course is fully recognized to access the Specific educational goals second degree in Sport science and technologies Graduates in Oral Hygiene will be able to carry out tasks regarding the prevention of Programme length : 3 years dental diseases, following the dentistry specialized surgeons’ instructions. They will Overall credits : 180 perform activities of dental health education, and will participate in projects of primary prevention within the public health service. They will work for the filling of dental medical records and are involved in recollecting technical statistical data; they will Specific educational goals carry out the ablation of tartar and the smoothing of roots. They will instruct on the The objective of the course is to form graduates who possess skills relating to the various methods of oral hygiene and on the use of diagnostic means to identify understanding, the planning, the conducting and the management of physical bacterial plaque and dental coating, fostering the need for periodical check-ups. They activities for education, adaptation, recreation or sport, who possess adequate will also be able to give dietary advice for dental health. competence and instruments for information communication and management and who are able to work in teams, to operate with definite degrees of autonomy and to Second Degree in Sports Science and Technologies orient themselves easily in the work environment. Laurea specialistica in Scienze e Tecnica dello Sport Admissions : 30 students - selection in September via an entry exam Entry requirements : first degree First and Second Degree in Medicine and Surgery Programme length : 2 years Laurea specialistica a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in sports science Admissions : 165 students + 7 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) via an Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) entry exam Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an equivalent foreign qualification Specific educational goals Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, The objectives of this course are to form specialized graduates who possess a solid chemistry, mathematics and physics cultural preparation in the area of physical education and who are able to plan, Programme length : 6 years conduct and manage physical activities with care to specific needs, who have Overall credits : 360 advanced competence of theoretical, methodological and technical fundamentals of training in the various sport disciplines to be able to operate in the field of high physical performance, and an in-depth knowledge of the methodologies and Specific educational goals techniques more appropriate for the functional evaluation of athletes, with specific The objective of this course is to form graduates with a theoretical practical emphasis on health protection also as regards risks linked to doping. preparation necessary for the practice of medicine and with the methodologies and the culture necessary for ongoing training; with a level of professional, decisional and operative autonomy, deriving from a course of study characterized by a holistic Second Degree in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Sport approach of health problems, of the healthy and the unhealthy, also with reference to Activities the chemical-physical biological and social environment in which they live. Laurea specialistica in Scienze e Tecniche delle Attività Motorie Preventive e Adattate Admissions : 30 students - selection in September via an entry exam First and Second Degree in Dentistry and Orthodontics Entry requirements : first degree Laurea specialistica a ciclo unico in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria Programme length : 2 years Admissions : 19 students + 2 non-European students via an entry exam Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in sports science Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) equivalent foreign qualification Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, logics, biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. Specific educational goals Programme length : 5 years The aim of this course is to form graduates who: Overall credits : 300 - possess skills regarding the comprehension, the planning, the carrying out and the management of motor activities with an educative, playful or sport profile, directing these activities towards the development, keeping and recovery of motor skills and of Specific educational goals psycho-physical health, with particular attention to specificities of the kind. The objective of this course is to form graduates with a theoretical practical - can use, both in speaking and writing, at least one European language beside preparation necessary for the practice of dentistry. Graduates will acquire the Italian, in the specific field of competence and exchange of general information. methodology and the culture necessary for ongoing training, as well as the - possess adequate knowledge and instruments for the communication and methodological fundamentals of scientific research, and a level of professional, management of the information decisional and operative autonomy, deriving from a course of study characterized by - can work either in a team or autonomously and enter the labour market a holistic approach of oral health problems of both healthy and unhealthy people, successfully. also with reference to the chemical- physical biological and social environment in which they live.

[Faculty of Pharmacy]

List of courses Head office First Degree in Herbal Sciences & Technologies Palazzo delle Scienze, via Ospedale, 72 - 09124 Cagliari First Degree in Environmental, Drug & Food Toxicology The dean’s office: tel. +39 070 675 8601-02 fax. +39 070 675 8665 First & Second Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Technology email: [email protected] First & Second Degree in Pharmacy

Dean of the faculty

Prof. Paolo Cabras

Exchange students Academic Contact Prof.ssa Anna Maria Fadda tel. +39 070 6758565 email: [email protected]

Admissions office - segreteria studenti Cittadella Universitaria - S S. 554 - km 4,500 09042 Monserrato (CA) Opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00 - 12.00, from 1/7 to 18/8: Mondays - Wednesdays – Fridays 9.00 - 12.00 tel. +39 070 675 4664 – 4675 fax. +39 070 675 4661

Students with disabilities Cittadella Universitaria - S S. 554 - km 4,500 09042 Monserrato (CA), 3rd floor in Presidenza Medicina opening hours: Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays 9.30-12.30 Tuesdays - Thursdays 10.30-12.30 tel. +39 070 675 4625 email: [email protected]

Library Pharmaceutical Chemical Technologic Department Library Via Ospedale, 72 - 09124 Cagliari Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30-1.00 pm; from Monday to Thursday 3.30-6.00 pm tel. +39 070 675 8579 fax 675 8572 email: [email protected]

First Degree course in Herbal Sciences & Technologies First & Second Degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Erboristiche Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico = magistrale in Chimica e Tecnologia Admissions : 70 students + 2 non-European Farmaceutiche Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Admissions : 100 students + 5 non-European equivalent foreign qualification Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry equivalent foreign qualification and biology Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry Programme length : 3 years and biology Overall credits : 180 Programme length : 5 years Overall credits : 300

Specific educational goals The objective is to professionally train graduates to harvest, process, package and Specific educational goals sell (wholesale or retail) parts of plants and their derivatives for use as herbal The course aims at forming specialized graduates to practice the profession of medicines, guaranteeing their quality according to the legislation in force. Graduates pharmacists and for structural planning, development, preparation and control of will acquire an adequate knowledge of chemistry, plant biology, general biochemistry, medicines and of medicinal preparations in compliance with the norms contained in pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology, botany of medicinal plants and an in- the pharmacopoeias. Specialized graduates will have to acquire the skills for depth knowledge on the preparation, conservation and composition of drugs. scientific research methodology applied to the sector, chemical biological knowledge and the knowledge useful to the professional performance of pharmaceutical services within the National Health Service. First Degree in Environmental, Food and Drug Toxicology Laurea in Tossicologia dell’Ambiente, degli Alimenti e del Farmaco Admissions : 70 students + 2 non-European First & Second Degree in Pharmacy Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico = magistrale in Farmacia equivalent foreign qualification Admissions : 80 students + 2 non-European Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an and biology equivalent foreign qualification Programme length : 3 years Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry Overall credits : 180 and biology Programme length : 5 years Overall credits : 300 Specific educational goals The objective is to provide graduates with specific cultural and professional knowledge allowing them to perform analytical and experimental research in the Specific educational goals laboratory and to perform professional and/or technical activities in the field of The aim is to train specialist graduates to work as pharmacists and as experts of chemical, chemical-toxicological control, in safeguarding the environment, foodstuffs pharmaceutical and health products (medicaments, medical supplies, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Graduates will acquire a knowledge of chemistry in the field of dietetic foodstuffs, herbal products, diagnostic clinical-chemical products, etc.) in the molecular structure, biology, general biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and sanitary field. Graduates will acquire knowledge of the methodology of scientific pharmacology, of undesired and toxic effects of pharmaceuticals and their research, fundamental multidisciplinary knowledge for the understanding of interactions, of pharmaceuticals and of substances abuse and of the mechanisms of pharmaceuticals, chemical and biological knowledge integrated with those of drug addictions, of the toxicity of environmental and food pollutants, specific pharma-economics. knowledge useful in performing analytical and experimental as well as of chemical- toxicological and toxicological control investigations in the laboratory, to safeguard environmental, food and industrial security, and health in general. [Faculty of Political Sciences]

Head office Library Viale S. Ignazio 78 - 09123 Cagliari Library of the Faculty of Political Studies The dean’s office Viale S. Ignazio, 78 - 09123 Cagliari tel. +39 070 675 3779-3734-3735 fax +39 070 670410 opening hours: from Monday to Friday, 8.00am-7.50pm; email: [email protected] Saturdays 8.00am-1.00pm tel. +39 070 675 3707-3708 fax +39 070 651680 email: [email protected] Dean of the faculty Prof. Raffaele Paci

Exchange students Academic Contact Prof.ssa Anna Maria Baldussi tel. +39 070 6753728 email: [email protected] Erasmus secretary: Monguzzi Marisa Tel. +39 070 675 3702 fax +39 070 670410 Opening hours: Mondays–Tuesdays–Wednesdays 9.30-1.00 Email: [email protected]

Admissions office - segreteria studenti Via Nicolodi, 106 - 09123 Cagliari opening hours: from Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00, July and August: from Mondays-Wednesdays - Fridays 9.30-12.00 tel. +39 070 675 3989 fax +39 070 675 3950

Orientation office - postazione di orientamento Viale S. Ignazio, ground floor Mondays- Tuesdays–Wednesdays -Fridays 9.00-1.00am; Mondays –Wednesdays 3.00-6.00pm Tel. +39 070 675 3715 email: [email protected]

Students with disabilities Via Nicolodi, 106 - 09123 Cagliari tel: +39 070 675 3984 email: [email protected]

List of courses regional, state, community bodies); Historical-international: graduates will acquire First Degree in Political Studies skills and knowledge on the historical, institutional, geo-political and cultural aspects First Degree in Economics and European Policies of the different areas in the world that will allow them to operate at a middle-to-high First Degree in Development Studies level in public and private organizations which have the international dimension as First Degree in Social Service the main characteristic, or that, while operating in an Italian context, deal with the (joint degree course with the faculties of Medicine and Law) international component in particular as regards juridical, economical and socio- First Degree in Public Administration and Local Development cultural relations. (joint degree course with the faculties of Law and Economics) First Degree in Administration Sciences Online (Degree course run with the University of ) First Degree in Economics and European Policies Laurea in Economia e Politiche Europee Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) Second Degree in International Relations Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Second Degree in Co-operation and Development Studies equivalent foreign qualification Second Degree in Planning and Management of Social Services Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of economics, law, mathematics and (joint degree course with the faculties of Law and Medicine) statistics Second Degree in Public Administration Admission to second degree courses : this degree is fully recognized to access the (joint degree course with the faculties of Law and Economics) second degree course in economics Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180 First Degree in Political Studies Laurea in Scienze Politiche Specific educational goals Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) The degree course has the aim of forming economists who have a suitable Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an knowledge of economic disciplines and of mathematical and statistical instruments equivalent foreign qualification for the quantitative and quality analysis of territorial economic systems, also related Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge in the social political historical to the European economic policies. Graduates will acquire juridical, historical and subjects social knowledge and will be able to develop research and planning activities as Programme length : 3 years regards the promotion of economic development in regional and local contexts, also Admission to second degree courses : this degree is fully recognized to access the with reference to the dynamics of enterprises and of innovation. Moreover, they will second degree course in international relations. acquire IT skills, and will be able to use two European Union languages. Overall credits : 180 First Degree in Development Studies Specific educational goals Laurea in Scienze Sociali per lo Sviluppo This course foresees an interdisciplinary education, which is emphasized in the Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) specific part of the course of study, in which the historical, economical, sociological, Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an political and juridical disciplines are studied. The objective of this interdisciplinary equivalent foreign qualification approach is also emphasized by the teaching syllabus which also includes the Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of political social and economic knowledge of two foreign languages (English and a second language to be chosen subjects. from French, Spanish, German, Arabic and Chinese). Two syllabuses are available: Admission to second degree courses : this course is fully recognized to access the the first one with a strong historical-political emphasis; the second with a more second degree course in co-operation and development studies marked historical international emphasis. Historical-political: graduates will acquire Programme length : 3 years skills that will allow them to operate in the field of public relations and of press offices, Overall credits : 180 both in public and private organizations, but they will especially have the necessary interdisciplinary knowledge to enter all those sectors characterized by a strong interrelation between human society and institutional bodies at various levels (local, Specific educational goals economic subjects The aim of this course is to form graduates who possess a good interdisciplinary Admission to second degree courses : this degree is fully recognized to access the knowledge, both theoretical and methodological, of the disciplines that analyse second degree course in public administration factors of the social change, of intercultural dynamics and of processes of local Programme length: 3 years development in the European context, with particular emphasis on the Mediterranean Overall credits : 180 area. They will also acquire the methodological and technical instruments to conduct research activities and to set up and manage projects for social and economic animation and participation, which emphasize the specificities in the territory and the Specific educational goals social relation networks based on trust and co-operation. They will acquire a good The aim of this course is to form graduates who will possess interdisciplinary skills in knowledge of two foreign languages besides Italian, and basic IT skills. the field of public services. In particular, the traditional administrative juridical knowledge will come together with economic, social, cultural and managerial- organizational knowledge which will allow operating in an innovative way in public First Degree in Social Service administration, especially at local and regional level. Graduates will have to be Laurea in Servizio Sociale capable of operating at middle-to-high levels, depending on the various and new (joint degree course with the faculties of Medicine and Law) duties of the public sector in the field of the organization and management of projects Locations : Cagliari – and objectives. Admissions : 80 students - 50 places in Cagliari and 30 in Nuoro ; selection in September Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an First Degree in Administration Sciences Online equivalent foreign qualification Laurea in Scienza dell’Amministrazione in teledidattica Minimum knowledge required for selection : general culture, physics, mathematics (Degree course run with the University of Sassari) and biology Admissions : 200 students – selection in September Admission to second degree courses : this degree is fully recognized to access the Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an second degree course in planning and management of social services. equivalent foreign qualification Programme length : 3 years Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of juridical and economic subjects Overall credits : 180 Programme length : 3 years Overall credits : 180

Specific educational goals Graduates will have an interdisciplinary development, in the field of social, Specific educational goals sociological, juridical (with particular reference to family and criminal law), economic This degree course is taught with blended learning (mainly on line, partly in the and psychological disciplines. This course will allow graduates to interpret, using a presence of a tutor) through the use of E-learning, video-lectures, activities of wide range of methodological instruments, the complexity of the social reality in the collaboration in video-conference at one of the seats present in the regional territory contemporary world and the situations of deviance or social discomfort. Starting from (at present, more than 20). Examinations and the final test will be taken with the the second year, teaching is more markedly specialized, and it includes a compulsory tutor, at one of the two universities. This degree course matches the specific on-the-job training which carries over into the third year. Such training will take place demands of our contemporary society, which include the functioning of the complex in qualified social services of public or private bodies and organizations. organizations which operate in the field of public administration, and more generally in the supply of public service utilities.

First Degree in Public Administration and Local Development Laurea in Amministrazione Governo e Sviluppo Locale Second Degree in International Relations (joint degree course with the Faculties of Law and Economics) Laurea magistrale in Relazioni internazionali Locations : Cagliari – Nuoro Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) Entry requirements : first degree Entry requirements : Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification or an Programme length : 2 years equivalent foreign qualification Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in political sciences. Minimum knowledge required : basic knowledge of political-social, juridical and Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Specific educational goals Second Degree in Public Administration The objective of this course is to form specialized graduates who possess an Laurea magistrale in Scienze dell’Amministrazione Pubblica interdisciplinary development in the political, historical, economic, juridical and social (joint degree course with the faculties of Law and Economics) fields, already characterized by an approach that emphasizes historical and Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) institutional knowledge of non-European countries and the juridical and relational Entry requirements : first degree events of active political subjects in the international field. Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in Public Administration and Local Development Second Degree in Co-operation and Development Studies Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) Laurea magistrale in Scienze Sociali e Cooperazione allo Sviluppo Admissions : unlimited + 6 non-European students (including 2 Chinese) Entry requirements : first degree Specific educational goals Programme length : 2 years The aim of this course is to provide graduates with advanced knowledge and Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in development studies competences, starting from a multidisciplinary basis acquired in their first degree, on Overall credits : 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years) the themes of public administration with particular reference to the field of promotion, elaboration and management of programmes and processes of local development and in the juridical administrative field. Specific educational goals The aim of this course is to form specialized graduates with an advanced knowledge of conceptual, methodological and technical instruments used by the social Sciences to analyse and interpret the conditions for cultural, civil, social and economic development in specific social and territorial fields, with particular emphasis on under developed countries and those located in the Mediterranean.

Second Degree in Planning and Management of Social Services Laurea magistrale in Programmazione e Gestione delle Politiche e Servizi Sociali (joint degree course with the faculties of Law and Medicine) Admissions : 70 students, selection in September Entry requirements : first degree Programme length : 2 years Recognized integrating degree (180 CFU): first degree in social service (class n. 6) Overall credits: 180 first degree (3 years) + 120 second degree (2 years)

Specific educational goals This second degree course aims at forming professionals with an in-depth knowledge of the sociological disciplines and those of social service with a high ability to analyse and interpret social phenomena, also thanks to the knowledge in the economical- statistical, juridical, anthropological and psychological fields.

[Masters Programmes]

n° of For more information see the website: N MASTERS SITE Level. length students min/max Industrial relations in the public 1 Political Sciences 1° 1 year 15/25 and private sector 2 European projects Political Sciences 1° 1 year 18/26 Experts in Sardinian public 3 Political Sciences 2° 1 year 10/30 administration Management in cultural and 4 Economics 1° 1 year 20/35 environmental tourism 5 Experts in equal opportunities Political Sciences 2° 1 year 30/40 Medical learning programme for 6 Medicine 1° 1 year 15/40 the young Pedagogical and 7 Sardinian didactics Philosophical 2° 1 year 10/25 Sciences Orientation Techniques and 8 Educational sciences 2° 1 year 18/32 methods Sardi nian Language and culture in Linguistics and 9 2° 1 year 5/20 the Mediterranean Stylistics Social problems related to drugs in Literature and 10 2° 1 year 10/20 Sardinia Philosophy Methods and material for cultural Literature and 11 1° 1 year 10/30 tourism in Sardinia Philosophy Project management in 12 Architecture 2° 1 year 20/30 construction 10 13 Multilevel governance Law 1° 20/30 months Multilevel governance and 10 14 Law 2° 40/40 management of public politics months 15 Graphic design of urban land Architecture 2° 1 y ear 25/30 Recuperation and conservation of 16 Architecture 2° 1 year 20/30 modern architecture Recuperation of the rural 17 Architecture 2° 1 year 25/30 architectural historical patrimony 10 18 Banking, finance and marketing Economics 1° 20/25 months

[PhD Programmes] PhD School of Physical Sciences and Technologies - Doctorate Degree in Material and nuclear physics - Doctorate Degree in Sub nuclear and Astrophysics PhD School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies contact person: Prof. Luciano Burderi, [email protected] - Doctorate Degree in Chemical sciences and technologies - Doctorate Degree in Pharmaceutical sciences and technologies PhD School in Management and Accounting contact person: Prof. Ferino, [email protected] - PhD program in Economics and Business Administration contact person : Prof. Aldo Pavan, [email protected] PhD School of Neurosciences and Morphological Sciences - PhD program in Neurosciences- PhD program in Morphological Sciences PhD School of Historical, Geopolitical, Geographical and Anthropological contact person: Prof.Alessandro Riva, [email protected] Sciences - Doctorate Degree in History, Institutions and international Relations of modern and PhD School of Toxicology contemporary Asia and Africa - Oncology and molecular Pathology - Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of drug addiction PhD School of Linguistic, Philological and Literary Studies - Food and environment toxicology - Doctorate Degree in Language sciences contact person: Prof. Amedeo Columbano, [email protected] - Doctorate Degree in Philology - Doctorate Degree in Literature theory/Comparative Literature/Translation PhD School of Civil Engineering and Architecture - Doctorate Degree in Building Engineering - Doctorate Degree in Structural Engineering - Doctorate Degree in Land engineering - Doctorate Degree in Architecture Contact person: Prof. Gaetano Ranieri, [email protected]

PhD School of Engineering and Environment and Territory Sciences - Doctorate Degree in Geoengineering and environmental Techonologies - Doctorate Degree in Engineering and environmental Sciences - Doctorate Degree in Earth Sciences - Doctorate Degree in Protection and conservation of the soil - Doctorate Degree in Environmental Vulnerability and hydro geological Protection - Doctorate Degree in Environmental and Applied Botany

PhD School in Information Engineering - PhD Program in Electronic and Computer Engineering contact person: Prof. Alessandro Giua, [email protected]

PhD School in Industrial Engineering - PhD Program in Industrial engineering - PhD Program in Mechanical planning contact person: Prof. Alessandra Fanni, [email protected] [PART III. STUDENT MOBILITY]

[Erasmus Action]

ERASMUS ACTION belongs to the EC LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME, which allows University students to study in prestigious European Universities for a period of three to twelve months.

The University of Cagliari will give full credit for studies performed in the foreign country. The period of study can be the following:

- attendance of full course units and sitting for examinations; - preparation of a thesis; - vocational training in firms abroad; - performance of activities that are part of research doctorate and postgraduate specialisation courses.

Being an ERASMUS student means:

- admission to university in another European country participating in the programme; - exemption from payment of fees at that university; - full academic recognition by the student’s home university of studies successfully completed in foreign universities.

ERASMUS exchanges can take place with European universities that have signed a bilateral agreement with the home university concerning the number of departing and arriving students in each area of study. Only students enrolled in at least the second academic year, in an official course of studies leading to the attainment of a diploma, a degree, a postgraduate specialisation or a research doctorate may participate in these academic exchanges.

For some years now, management of LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME / ERASMUS exchanges within Italian universities is in the hands of the International Mobility Office which operates in collaboration with all academic and administrative components of universities involved in the initiative. The International Mobility Office supplies all information concerning possibilities of participating, including consultation of brochures prepared by the prestigious European universities that have adhered to the LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME and announcements of yearly competitions for the selection of future beneficiaries on the basis of clear and equitable criteria.

[ECTS and University of Cagliari] Credits are awarded only when the course has been completed and all required examinations have been passed successfully.

ECTS stands for “European Community Course Credit Transfer System”. ECTS was Students participating in Erasmus will receive full credit for all academic work a pilot project included in the ERASMUS Programme (European Community Action successfully completed at any of the Erasmus partner institutions and they will be Scheme for the Mobility of University Students). One of the main aims of ERASMUS able to transfer these academic credits from one participating institution to another as is the promotion of academic recognition throughout the European Community in long as there is prior agreement between the institutions involved. The University of order to allow students to perform part of their study programme abroad. Cagliari has been closely involved in the Bologna Process since it was conceived, with the aim of ensuring the full involvement of the university at each step in the ECTS was introduced for a maximum 6-year pilot phase extending from academic Process. year 1989/90 to academic year 1994/95. Five subject areas were selected to test ECTS mechanisms: Business Administration, Chemistry, History, Mechanical Engineering and Medicine. From academic year 1995/96, at the end of the pilot phase, the Faculty of Engineering - Degree in Electronic Engineering - of the University of Cagliari decided to utilise the system.

ECTS is a decentralised system based upon the principle of mutual trust and confidence between the participating higher education institutions.

ECTS rules, concerning information (on courses available), agreement (between the home and host institutions) and the use of credit points (to indicate student workload) are set out to reinforce this mutual trust and confidence.

Each ECTS department will describe the courses it offers not only in terms of content but also by awarding credits to each course. ECTS is a credit system based on student workload. Student workload involves lectures, practice and self study. It includes all work needed to prepare for an examination.

The basic allocation of academic credits is 60 credits per year of study or 30 credits per semester or 20 credits per quarter/term. It is important to note that no special courses may be set up for ECTS purposes, but that all ECTS courses must be mainstream courses of the participating institutions, as followed by home students under normal regulations.

Depending on student workload in the courses offered, it is up to the participating institutions to subdivide the credits for the different courses. On-the-job training periods and optional courses which form an integral part of the course of study also receive academic credit. On-the-job training periods and optional courses which do not form an integral part of the course of study do not receive academic credit. Non- credit courses may, however, be mentioned in the transcript of records. [Exchange students]

You can study at the University of Cagliari within the framework of international co- operation with the bilateral agreements. A detailed description of the university Czech Republic bilateral agreements, including students’ mobility, is found in the pages to follow. Charles University of Prague Applicants should be fully registered at their home university and have completed Filmova A Televizni Fakulta Amu successfully one or two years of study. Students must be able to study in the Italian Univerzita Palackeho V Olomouci language. Application forms are available from the international office both in Cagliari Vysoká Škola chemicko-technologická V Praze and your partner university. Denmark Aalborg University [List of Bilateral Agreements ] Aarhus Universitet Kobenhavns Universitet European agreements Estonia Austria Tartu ülikool Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck Finland Universität Salzburg Lahden Ammattikorkeakoulu Medical University Graz Tampere University of Technology Technische Universität Graz Vaasan Yliopisto Tecnische Universität Wien Yliopisto of Jyväskylän Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Universität Wien Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Ecole d’Architecture de Grenoble Nationale Superieure

Ecole des Mines de Nantes Belgium Ecole Nationale superieure d’Architecture de Toulouse Universiteit Hasselt Ecole Polytechnique de Paris Facultes Universitaires Chatoliques de Mons Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales Haute Ecole Libre du Hainaut Occidental Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble Katoliek Universiteit Leuven Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine Université Catholique de Louvain Pôle IUT/IUP de Valence Université de Liege Université “Henry Poincarè” de Nancy Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II Universiteit Gent Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université Claude Bernard de Lyon I

Université d’Orleans Bulgaria Université de Bordeaux Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Sofia Université de Bourgogne South-West University “Neofit Rilski” Université de Bretagne Occidentale – Brest St. Kliment Ohridiski University of Sofia Université de Caen University of Sofia Université de Franche-Comté

Université de Haute Alsace

Université de la Mediterranée – Aix Marseille II Universite de Marne La Vallee Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf Université de Montpellier I Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft Université de Montpellier II Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Université de Paris VII - Denis Diderot Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität Frankfurt Am Main Université de Paris X Nanterre Leibniz Universität Hannover Université de Paris XII - Val de Marne Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München Université de Paris XIII Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg Université de Paris-sud Philipps Universität Marburg Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour Ruprects Karl Universität Heidelberg Universitè de Perpignan RWTH Aachen University Université de Picardie Jules Verne Technische Universität Berlin Université de Poitiers Technische Universität Braunschweig Université de Provence – Marseille I Technische Universität München Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne Universität Bayreuth Université de Sciences et Technologie de Lille Universität Bochum Université de Technologie de Compiègne Universität Bremen Université de Toulouse le Mirail Universität Duisburg-Essen Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Universität Hildesheim Université du Littoral - Cote d’Opale Universität Kassel Université Francois Rabelais Universität Leipzig Université Jean Monnet - Saint Etienne Universität Mannheim Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble Universität Münster Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg Universität Osnabruck Université Lumière - Lyon II Universität Potsdam Université Marc Bloch Universität Trier Université Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux University of Dortmund Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau Université Paul Valery – Montpellier III Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris VI Greece Université Victor Segalen – Bordeaux Aristotle University of Thessaloniki National and Kapodistrian University of Athens National Technical University of Athens Germany Panepistimio Kritis Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg Panepistimio Thessalias Bauhaus Universität Weimar Technologica Ekpaideftiko Idryta of Crete Bergische Universität Wuppertal The University of Ioannina Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel University of Thessaly Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbuttel Hungary Fachhochschule Deggendorf Corvinus University of Budapest Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main Pannon Egyetem Fachhochschule Osnabruck P÷cs Tudományegyetem Freie Universität Berlin Semmelweis Egyetem Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg Szegedi Tudományegyetem Friedrich-Schiller- Universität Jena Georg Simon Ohm Fachhochschule Nürnberg Iceland Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra Háskoli Islands Instituto Politecnico de Tomar Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e Impresa Ireland Instituto Superior Tecnico de Lisboa University College Dublin Universidade da Madeira Universidade de Aveiro Latvia Universidade de Coimbra University of Riga Universidade do Minho Universidade do Porto Lithuania Universidade dos Acores Kauno Technologijos Universitetas Universidade Nova de Lisboa Mykolo Romerio Universitetas Universidade tecnica de Lisboa Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas Romania Malta Aurel Vlaicu University University of Malta “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Ia i Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Ia i Netherlands Universitatea “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad Hogeschool Rotterdam Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos” din Galati Technische Universiteit Delft Universitatea “Ovidius” Constanta Universiteit Leiden Universitatea “Stefan Cel Mare” Suceava Universiteit Maastricht Universitatea Babes Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca Universiteit van Amsterdam Universitatea De Vest din Timisoara Universitatea din Bucuresti Norway Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Universitetet I Bergen Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov

Poland Slovakia Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego Slovak University of Technology Akademia Medyczna we Wrocławiu Nicholas Copernicus University in Torun Spain Politechnika Gdanska Escola Universitaria del Maresme Politechnika Krakowska Universida de Navarra Politechnika Warsawska Wydzial Chemiczny Universida de Santiago de Compostela Politechnika Wroclawska Universida Politecnica de Madrid Spoleczna Wyzsza Szkola Przedsiebiorczosci i Zarzadzania Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Technical University of Lodz Universidad Carlos III de Madrid The West Pomeranian Business School Universidad Complutense de Madrid Universytet Wroclawski Universidad de A Coruña Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicz Universidad de Alcalà Uniwersytet Jagiello ński Universidad de Alicante Uniwersytet Technologiczno – Przyrodniczy Universidad de Burgos Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu w Radomiu Universidad de Cadiz Universidad de Cantabria Portugal Universidad de Castilla La Mancha Gallaecia Higher Education School Universidad de Granata Universidad de Jaen Queen’s University Belfast Universidad de la Laguna School of Pharmacy - University of London Universidad de las Islas Baleares Sheffield Hallam University Universidad de Leon The University of Manchester Universidad de Murcia The University of Nottingham Universidad de Oviedo University College Dublin Universidad de Salamanca University of Birmingham Universidad de Sevilla University of Bristol Universidad de Valladolid University of Cambridge Universidad de Vigo University of Central Lancashire Universidad de Zaragoza University of Glasgow Universidad del Pais Vasco University of Lancaster Universidad Juan Carlos de Madrid University of Leicester Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche University of London – Queen Mary College Universidad Politecnica de Valencia University of Sheffield Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona University of Wales - Aberystwyth Universitat de Barcelona University of Wales – Bangor Universitat de Girona University of Warwick Universitat de Lleida Universitat de Valencia Universitat Jaume I Non-European agreements Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Universitat Pompeu Fabra Algeria University of Algeri Sweden Hogskolan Dalarna Argentina Hogskolan I Gavle-Sandviken Universidad de Buenos Aires Stockholm University Universidad de Moron Universidad de Rosario Switzerland Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich Benin Turkey University of Parakou Beykent University Instanbul Eskiçehir Osmangazi University Brasil Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fortaleza Universidad do Cearà Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Universidad de “Visconde de Cairù”– Salvador de Bahia Istanbul Universitesi Universidad Federal Santa Catarina, Uludag University Universidad Federal de Bahia Universidade de “Fazag de Valenca de Bahia“ United Kingdom Universidade de Tocantin Anglia Ruskin University Cardiff University Canada City University of London Institute National de la Recherche Scientifique - Québec Imperial College London Nottingham Trent University Chile Kyiv Mohyla Acàdemia Universidad Central de Chile Universidad Central de Santiago de Chile Uruguay Universidad de Chile Universidad de la Republica Oriental de Uruguay Universidad de La Serena USA China Clemson University Beijing University John Marshall Law School University of Hainan Venezuela Costa Rica CAICET – Centro Amazonico para la Investigacion y Control de Enfermedades Universidad de Costa Rica Tropicales

Cuba Istituto Superiore Politecnico J.A.Echeverria - La Habana To consult the full list of bilateral agreements go to : Universidad “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Equador Universidad de Cuenca Istituto SOLCA

Iraq University of Mustansiriyah

Israel Ben Gurion University

Japan Waseda University – Tokyo

Lebanon Université Libanaise “Saint Joseph” de Beirut

Morocco Mohamed Agdal V di Rabat

Palestine University of An-Najaf-Naplouse

Senegal Université “Gaston Begèr” de Saint Louis – Senegal

Tunisia Institute du Patrimoine du Tunisi

Ukraine [Enrolment in single modules]

(Consiglio di Classe); in which case the payment of the contribution must be made The University of Cagliari allows those who intend to integrate their own university within 15 days from the communication of acceptance. and professional curriculum with the attendance to single modules activated within the various University faculties and with the taking of the relative examinations; Deadlines Addresses The registration forms to single courses must be presented within the following dates: It is possible to register for single modules from first degrees programmes, second degrees “a ciclo unico” and previous degree courses (before the reform), for those who have: an upper-secondary school Diploma, a degree, a University Diploma; 1st semester Courses – by 26th September

It is possible to register for single modules from second degree programmes for 2nd semester Courses – by 28th February those who have: a first degree, a University Diploma, a second degree, a degree obtained with the previous programmes provided the student is not registered in any The payment of fees must be made at any Banco di Sardegna counter at least two Italian University. days after registration and not more than five days after the above mentioned deadlines. It is possible to register for single modules as stated above: European and non- European citizens with legal permanent residence abroad; students and foreign Certification graduates who attend the University of Cagliari on the basis of international mobility programmes or agreements regulated by conditions of reciprocity. The passing of single modules gives the right to a certification from the University. The examinations of passed modules can be used for the achievement of following Registration does not confer the university student status, but it gives the right to qualifications, but cannot give right to shortening of degree courses. access libraries, workshops and consultation with professors etc.

[Enrolment in a first or second degree course] Registration and fees If you belong to the category non European Union citizen with residence outside The maximum number of credits per each academic year is 36. Registration allows or you are the citizen of a country that is not a member of the European Union and sitting for the relative examinations. The examinations must be taken within the are living outside Italy when you apply for university pre-enrolment, your application academic year of registration; otherwise it is necessary to re-register the following will be considered for the limited number of places reserved for non Italian students, academic year. One is allowed to register only for courses activated in the various which is established on a yearly basis for each course of studies. faculties in the academic year of reference. Those who intend to register for single The pre-enrolment application for university studies must be presented to the Italian modules must pay a contribution of Euro 53,74 for each single module and Euro Authorities in your country of residence before the final date set out in the Ministerial 107,50 for registration fees, besides the revenue stamp (Euro 14.62). circular. If you want to enrol in a First degree, you should present the Authorities with the following: The registration form must be presented to the relative Admissions Offices a. Original secondary school leaving diploma/certificate (which will be authenticated (segreterie studenti), on forms available at the Admissions Offices, Informagiovani and returned to you). offices, or downloadable from the university website ( /didattica). b. A certificate attesting the academic competence required for admittance to a university in your country of origin. The registration to single courses taught in those degree programmes with a limited number of students is subject to acceptance from the relative Class Council c. Any certificates of partial academic or post-secondary studies excluding university · Diploma from British, French, Spanish, Swiss and German Schools in Italy; studies (stating which exams were past and the official documentation of the · International Baccalaureate Diploma; programmes). · Diploma from the Italian Sections of Foreign SCHOOLS; d. Two photographs. · Complementary certificate for an Argentinean diploma certifying the course The Italian Authorities abroad are responsible for the following: of studies including at least five years’ study of the Italian language; 1. authentication of final secondary school leaving qualifications; · Diploma of Italian language and culture awarded by universities for non 2. declaration of equivalent value of the final mark of the secondary school leaving Italians in Perugia and Siena at the and of a course of studies that lasts at least one certificate. N.B. If the certificate was not issued in the country of residence, this must academic year; be done by the Italian Authorities in the country where the qualification/certificate was · Highest level of certification of knowledge of the Italian language awarded awarded; by the III University degli studi in Rome and the Universities for non Italians in 3. authentication of one of the two photographs. Perugia and Siena; · Highest level of certification of knowledge of the Italian language awarded If you want to enrol in a Second degree, you should present the Authorities with the by the III Università degli studi in Rome and the Universities for non Italians, issued following: by institutes for culture abroad in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; a. Original secondary school leaving diploma/certificate (which will be authenticated · Certification of knowledge of the Italian language at all other levels awarded and returned to you). by the III Università degli studi in Rome and by the Universities for non Italians in b. Original degree certificate of university studies (which will be authenticated and Perugia and Siena; returned to you). · Certification of knowledge of the Italian language at all other levels awarded c. A certificate of the studies carried out and exams passed. by the III Università degli Studi in Rome and the Universities for non Italians, issued d. Programme of the individual exams, translated and authenticated. by institutes for culture abroad, in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; e. Two photographs · On the basis of independent decisions taken by the individual Universities, The Italian Authorities are responsible for the following: student’s with certification from other universities offering Italian language courses in 1. authentication of the university degree certificate and certification of the list of accordance with article 46 paragraph 3 DPR 394/1999. exams passed and relevant programmes. Applicants who completed less than twelve years of school prior to university, must attach a translated and authenticated document concerning the studies completed, 2. Declaration of the equivalent value of the secondary school leaving or partial studies, with the exams taken, so that, added to the number of university certificate/diploma and certification of secondary and university studies. study years they will make a total of twelve. In the case of partial studies, the N.B. If the certificate was not issued in the country of residence, this must be done by certificate must also state that you are no longer enrolled in or attending a university. the Italian Authorities in the country where the qualification/certificate was awarded. The deadline for student registration is decided annually and is generally in June. 3. Authentication of one of the two photographs. The tuition fees for a full year for student enrolment are currently from €200 to €2000, The Degree Course Evaluation Board will assess the documentation and give its depending on financial status. Living costs at Cagliari are very reasonable, we verdict on the applicant’s suitability to enrol in the Second degree within a short stimate students need around €8000 a year to cover all costs. space of time. Any documents written in a foreign language must be accompanied by an official Italian translation. If the translation is done by local translators it must be verified by the corresponding Italian authorities. If the translation is done in Italy, you need to go to the nearest tribunal, an official or authorised translator or diplomatic representatives in Italy representing the country where the document was originally issued. You will be required to take a test in the Italian language and culture as well as any entrance test required for those university courses with limited admittance. If you have any of the following, you do NOT need to take the Italian language test: · Italian “Diploma di Maturità”, also four-year diplomas, if taken in Italian schools abroad; · Diploma from Schools on the Italian border; · Diploma from a European school;

[Italian citizens with non Italian qualifications]

Italian citizens with non-Italian education qualifications are admitted under the same d. Original non Italian academic qualification, with the corresponding authenticated conditions as Italian citizens, with the exception that their qualifications and studies translation and declaration of its equivalent value, released by the relative diplomatic must be supported by the necessary authorisations and certification. Any foreign Authorities or Italian Consul responsible for the area where they were awarded. education qualification held by an Italian citizen must meet the requirements of the e. The original programme including the exams passed and thesis title, with the MIUR annual circular for foreign qualifications and must also be accompanied by a corresponding authenticated translation. declaration of equivalent value by the Italian consulate authorities responsible for the f. Programme of the exams passed, translated and authenticated as above. area where the school certificate was awarded. g. Any other qualifications, translated and authenticated. h. Copy of identity card or authenticated photograph. Those wishing to be accepted on a second degree courses must have a non-Italian i. A passport photograph. degree or, alternatively, a postsecondary school diploma in further studies. This Should specific bilateral or international agreements exist regarding the recognition diploma should be from a non-Italian institute or establishment for higher education - of academic qualifications, the equivalence of the academic title is automatically excluding universities - that has prepared the graduate to continue studies at a higher recognised. university level. This will be accepted only if the number of years in permanent For further information visit the website of the Ministry of Education for Universities education adds up to a total of at least twelve years of schooling. and Research ( )

The Degree Course Evaluation Board for the course chosen by the applicant will assess the suitability of the diploma using the same criteria foreseen for those with an Italian academic education diploma. Admittance will be subject to the applicant passing an entrance test where required.

The other terms and conditions are the same as other Italian citizens.

[Recognition of non Italian academic qualifications]

You can apply for recognition of your degree if you have already completed a non Italian degree course with A study programme that is equivalent to that of a first or second degree from the University of Cagliari. The relevant academic authorities will evaluate its validity based on the studies you have completed and the exams passed. With this criteria in mind, they will declare its partial or complete equivalence and will indicate which academic credit points you still need to acquire before taking the final exam of the degree course. You must present the following documents: a. Application, addressed to the Rector, for the recognition of the non-Italian qualification, stating what academic qualification it corresponds to. b. Diploma of maturità (or equivalent), which can be the original or an authenticated copy that has been translated and authenticated by the Italian Embassy or Consulate responsible for the area where it was issued. c. Declaration of the equivalent value of the diploma of maturità.

[Useful information for foreign students]

[Language preparation] The centre organises courses in: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian,

Spanish, Turkish, Italian as a foreign language. The courses are held by professional teachers, with priority to mother tongue, who use advanced technologies for the gradual development of skills (audio, video and computing materials, audio-active laboratory and a multimedia laboratory with self- learning facilities).

The courses are organised in cycles and articulated on various levels: Absolute beginners Elementary I-II Pre-intermediate I-II Intermediate I-II Upper-intermediate I-II Advanced I-II

To facilitate integration, it is advisable for foreign students to arrive at the chosen Each course is 50 hours of teaching and is characterized by diverse teaching Italian University with a basic knowledge of the Italian language, since lectures, modules: seminars and tutorials are held almost exclusively in Italian. Intensive: 4 weeks – 12 hours a week for ERASMUS students In the months of October and March the University Language Centre organises three Semi-intensive: 8 weeks – 6 hours a week intensive, 60-hour Italian courses, (Elementary, intermediate and advanced) with Extensive: 12 weeks – 3 hours a week classroom lectures and extensive tutorials in its modern language laboratory. Each course confers 3 credits. These courses are indispensable for successful progress in your studies. Students For registration apply at the C.L.A. office (Segreteria del Centro Linguistico). At the planning to attend our University are thus kindly requested to let ISMOKA know by 31 end of each course the CLA issues a certificate of attendance and profit for students August for October or 31 December for March whether or not they wish to attend one who have attended at least the 80% of the lessons and who have passed the final of the two courses. test, or a certificate of attendance for students who have attended at least the 80% of the lessons but have not passed or taken the final test. The CLA organises and carries out tests to verify the level of language (French, The Italian Language Course costs approximately Euro 60. English, Spanish and German) for students of community programmes from the University of Cagliari. The CLA also carries out research studies in order to provide a The University Language Centre is a Service Centre aimed at the teaching of foreign theoretical support for constant updating and improvement of teaching activities. languages to: University students, European programmes and international exchange students, students with scholarships, specialising students, contract The CLA puts at the students’ disposal six hours a week in the laboratory for self- workers, PhD students, university researchers, teachers, administrative personnel learning. and the general public, the cost of the course varies depending on weather or not The CLA is a testing site for the TOEFL exam in English and the DELF/DALF in you are a student, and not the level chosen. French. Both these exams are increasingly required for job applications or student grants, the CLA organises specific preperation courses for these exams. The University Language Centre - C.L.A. [Accommodation] Viale S. Vincenzo 57 - 09123 Cagliari Switchboard tel. 070 675 7183 tel. 070 675 7390-91-92 070 675 7396-97 fax 070 273131 opening hours: Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00; Tuesdays: 16.00-18.00 email: [email protected]

[Computing facilities]

The University of Cagliari, in collaboration with the Regional Agency for the Right to Education (ERSU - Ente Universitario per il Diritto allo Studio), provides accommodation for EU and non-European scholarship holders at the local “Casa dello Studente” (University Student Halls). Accommodation must be booked well in advance and applications must be clear, complete and presented as early as possible, since there is a limited number of places reserved for foreign students. Students should inform ISMOKA not later than 30th June the exact date of their The University provides a wide range of the latest computing facilities to meet your arrival and the length of their stay. requirements. A large number of workstations are located in the Faculties. Cagliari’s Accommodation at the University Students Halls costs Euro 7.50 for a single room local area network serves as a gateway to the internet and the world wide web. There and Euro 5,50 for a double. Students must give a deposit of Euro 18,00 at the is an extensive range of software available to you. In Villa Asquer (ISMOKA) beginning of their stay if they are going to stay less than six months and Euro 58.00 if (AulaThomas Laurent ) students can access University websites and services free of they are going to stay longer. This money will be returned when the room is vacated charge. This includes online access to: in the same condition it was at the beginning of the stay. library catalogues and services (including resource availability); Exchange students at the University of Cagliari are eligible for accommodation faculty and department information (such as handbooks, etc.) service on the same terms as Italian students as long as they: student administration (including course enrolments, fee payments, address 1) present documents concerning income equivalent to those required from Italian changes, exam results, and other services) students; student services (including accommodation, employment, etc.) 2) present a declaration indicating the income equivalent to Italian standards, based e-learning resources (including web-based courses and discussions, etc.) on international rating and issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the student’s Specialist staff are on hand to provide you with help and guidance. country. These declarations may also be issued by embassies and consulates in A wide range of short intensive courses are organized to ensure that you get the Italy. most from the services. Rooms are found and inspected by “Students Associations” and are of an acceptable standard. In the town centre the rent of a single room with shared bathroom and cooking facilities varies from Euro120,00 to Euro 250,00 per month. Other private accommodation can be found through newspapers (Il Baratto), estate [University Libraries] agents, advertisements; some may be cheaper but the standard cannot be guaranteed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reserve this type of accommodation before arrival in Cagliari. The University library was founded in 1792. It includes, among its most precious N.B. All contracts are legally binding. Read them thoroughly and make sure you works 370 hand-written volumes, 700 manuscripts, 5000 autograph letters and a rich understand them before signing a housing contract. collection of works of the XVI and XVII centuries. The University Library is at 32, Via Università - Tel.: 0039 070 661021. Entrance is free from 8 am to 2 pm, from Monday to Saturday and on Thursday, Wednesday and Tuesday it is open until 18.30. [Canteen Service] All Faculties, Institutions and Departments of this University have their own libraries, where students can find all sorts of publications, books, reviews and microfilms on specific subjects. Information on opening times can be obtained from the respective Faculties, Institutions and Departments.

Interfaculty Library Via Trentino – 09127 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.7400/02/09

Interdepartmental Library Via Is Mirrionis 1 - Sa Duchessa – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.7860/58

Psychology Department Via Is Mirrionis 1 - Sa Duchessa - 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.7511

Department of Classical Philology, Glottology, Medieval and Antique Historical Sciences Via Is Mirrionis 1 - Sa Duchessa - 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.7851

Department of Linguistics and Stylistics Via San Giorgio 12, ingresso 9 - 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.6210

There are different University refectories run by the Regional Agency for the Right to Department of Archaeological and Historical Sciences and Sardinian Studies Education (ERSU) in Cagliari. Meals are served as follows: from Monday to Piazza Arsenale 1 - Cittadella dei Musei – 09124 Cagliari Saturday; lunch from 12:30 to 2:00 pm; dinner from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The cost of a Tel. +39 070 675.7670 meal varies from Euro 2,35 to Euro 3,30. Foreign students may use the refectories upon presentation of a special card issued by ERSU. Law Addresses: Viale Sant’Ignazio 17 – 09123 Cagliari • via Premuda n.10, Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.3025/57 • piazza Michelangelo, Cagliari • cittadella universitaria, Monserrato

Economics Department of Geo-Engineering and Environmental Technology Viale Sant’Ignazio 84 – 09123 Cagliari Piazza d’Armi 19 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.3025/ 3416 Tel. +39 070 675.5524

Political Sciences Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering Viale Sant’Ignazio 78 – 09123 Cagliari Piazza d’Armi 19 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.3025/3712 Tel. +39 070 675.5887

Interdepartmental Centre of European Documentation Biomedical and Scientific Libraries Via Nicolodi 102 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.3988 Main biomedical library Cittadella Universitaria - Monserrato (CA) Engineering Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Piazza d’Armi 19 – 09123 Cagliari (servizio cittadino: Via Porcell 3, c/o Polo pediatrico – 09124 Cagliari) Tel. +39 070 675.5036/37 Tel. +39 070 675.4288/86/82/84 Structural Engineering Piazza d’Armi 19 – 09123 Cagliari Department of Surgery and Transplants Tel. +39 070 675.5423 Via Ospedale 46 - c/o Ospedale San Giovanni di Dio – 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 609.2405

Mechanical Engineering Department of Medical Sciences Piazza d’Armi 19 – 09123 Cagliari Cittadella Universitaria - Monserrato (CA) Tel. +39 070 675.5711 Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Tel. +39 070 675.4296 Land Engineering Piazza d’Armi 19 – 09123 Cagliari Department of Dentistry Tel. +39 070 675.5305 Via Binaghi 4 – 09121 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 531862 - Transport Section, Geology and Applied Geophysics Tel. +39 070. 675.5166 – Fax 070 675.5281 Scientific Seminars Cittadella Universitaria - Monserrato (CA) - Hydraulics Section Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Tel. +39 070 675.5305 Tel. +39 070 675.4273

- Urbanistic Section Chemistry Interdepartmental Library Tel. +39 070. 675.5214 Cittadella Universitaria - Monserrato (CA) Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Department of Architecture Unified with the biomedical library Via Corte d’Appello 87 / Piazza d’Armi – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.5347 Physics Department Cittadella Universitaria - Monserrato (CA) Department of Chemical Engineering Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Piazza d’Armi 19 – 09123 Cagliari Unified with the biomedical library Tel. +39 070 675.5065

Department of Technological Chemical Pharmacology Via Ospedale 72 – 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.8579

Department of Mathematics Via Ospedale 72 – 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.8512

Department of Earth Sciences Via Trentino 51 – 09127 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.7769

Department of Botanical Sciences Viale Sant’Ignazio 13 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.3500

Department of Animal Biology and Ecology Viale Poetto 1 – 09126 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.8019 [Students’ associations] [Students with special needs]

There are many students’ international associations. Among these, the most We welcome applications from students with disabilities. The adviser for disabled important are AEGEE, ELSA, and GRISOU. You may also find students’ students runs a comprehensive service dealing with issues including admission representatives within the faculties and central Administration ready to give you help arrangements, personal and learning support, advice on equipment purchase and and advice and who defend vigorously the interests of students. The tasks of the special exam arrangements. different associations are: The addresses and telephone numbers of tutors are reported in the pages relative to each Faculty. - receiving foreign students on their arrival in town; For further information visit the following website: - helping visiting students feel at home; - assisting foreign students in finding accommodation The university has activated the following services in order to guarantee a real - giving advice on academic problems inclusion of the students in all the aspects of university life: - organising social and cultural entertainments for students • Tutor Service for the assistance and the integration of disabled students • agreement with the Institute of the Blind, which includes the organization of computer-literacy courses, for which the university has provided a computing To get in touch with these organisations contact ISMOKA at Villa Asquer office. facilities, for free loan, with Braille printer and a maximizing photocopier • Interpreting Service for hearing impaired students • Supply of specific equipment and aids • Service of note-taking in some Faculties for students with sensorial disabilities • Transportation Service, with equipped minibus and guide, for students with sensorial (blind people) and serious physical disabilities. The above-mentioned services are also offered to graduate students who attend specialization courses, research doctorates, masters’ degrees and anything related to postgraduate studies. • consultancy and orientation service for support to upper-secondary school students • guidance and assistance for selective examinations for the admission to degree courses with limited access. • Intermediation with the professors and their collaborators in order to individualize the examinations • guidance and assistance to students with serious sensorial and physical disabilities during the course of exams • collection of bibliographical and teaching material • bureaucratic and administrative procedures (enrolment application forms; course of study; filling of various kinds of forms) • Information on the programme of study, on the lesson timetable and examination dates • Activation, with the accordance of the libraries directors, of book loans with a special card • reporting and resolving of the parking problems • reporting construction barriers and, in some cases, the resulting elimination • Contacts and collaboration with the Institute of the Blind: several students have

attended the computer-literacy course and the Institute, often on request from the tutors, prepares the necessary teaching material (printing in Braille; transcription on a floppy or CD for the use of computer software specific for the blind). • Reserved places in class [Sport activities]

Sports activities are promoted by C.U.S., the University Sports Centre. Every year it organises a wide range of team and individual sports (Inter-Faculty championship, Rector’s Cup and other University Tournaments) open to all students. C.U.S. runs the following sports facilities: - two football pitches; - one hockey field; - two small football pitches; - four tennis courts (astroturf); - two basketball courts; - a running track; - an indoor gym; - a fencing room; - a rowing area.

Sports activities are free of charge to all regularly enrolled students, upon presentation of a membership card issued by the C.U.S. office at the Sa Duchessa football ground - Tel.: 070-283 816. You must have a medical certificate in order to obtain a membership card, doctors are available from November to May in the C.U.S. to provide you with a medical certificate. Should visiting students wish to play sports other than those mentioned above, they can gain access to many facilities outside the University structures upon presentation of their ERSU cards.

[UNIVERSITY SPORT CENTRE] C.U.S. (Centro Universitario Sportivo) Via Is Mirrionis, 3 Tel. +39 070 283 816 Http://

• accommodation; [Equal opportunities] • loans; • interventions for disabled students; The University of Cagliari is committed to the promotion of equal opportunities. We • contributions for final dissertations; are keen to encourage applicants from a wide range of academic and social • contributions for study trips; backgrounds to take up the opportunity of studying at the University, and we aim to • reimbursement of the enrolment fee for a foreign language course; provide a working and learning environment that is free of discrimination on the basis cultural and leisure information service of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Open to all university students. The service includes the following information and promotion activities: • informagiovani service • realization of conventions and conferences with the collaboration of university [Liability insurance] students and cultural associations • library/reading room at the Casa dello Studente in via Trentino Liability insurance covering any damage a student may cause to property and • agreements for cultural and sports activities persons while in university structures, or accidents that may occur while the student • agreement with cultural and of performing arts Bodies and Institutes for reductions is on university premises, is available. Apply to ISMOKA for the necessary forms and to university students information on your arrival in town. • cultural Centre - theatre hall Mensana in via Trentino • sports field at Casa dello studente in via Montesanto

The detailed information can be found in the Guide to the right to education [Health insurance] published by Ersu and distributed in the offices of the Right to Study in Corso Vittorio Emanuele 68, the cultural office in via Trentino, the Informagiovani Centres in If you come from a European country you need a European Health Insurance Card. Sardinia and in all admissions offices (segreterie studenti) of the University of If you come from a non European country you need private insurance. You pay in Cagliari. advance and then you ask for a refund from your insurance. Alternatively non For further information on opening hours and services consult the site: European students can be covered by the Italian National Health service upon . presentation of a permit of stay and at a cost of € 149,77. For more information please contact: “Ufficio Rapporti Internazionali” Via Nebida, 21 – 09121 Cagliari Tel. +39 070/609 62 31/12 (from Monday to Friday 8.00-12.00; Tuesday 15.30-17.30)

[The regional agency for the right to higher education – (ERSU)]

It is the Regional Agency for the right to higher education which has the institutional task of supporting capable and worthy students, though without means, for the achievement of the highest degrees of education. To this end, the ERSU provides different forms of assistance that students registered at the University of Cagliari. The Services and the interventions carried out by the agency can be divided into two categories: services and interventions assigned through a selection, for students with particular income and merit conditions, and services destined to the rest of the students. services and interventions assigned through a selection • scholarships; [ON YOUR ARRIVAL] Permit of Stay All European students who wish to study at the University of Cagliari for a period of Registration for exchange students less than three months do not require a permit of stay, if the period of study exceeds three months they must apply to the local “COMUNE” for residency. All non European students must apply for a Permit of Stay using the kit available from the By statute, the International Mobility Office acts as the General Administration Office. Post Office. More information can be found at the following web site: This is the office a foreign student must contact on his/her arrival in Cagliari: ISMOKA - International student’s Mobility Office Karalis. It is the only office authorised to supply foreign students with all the necessary information and help. This office is responsible for documentation required for scholarships; it issues certificates, helps students find suitable accommodation, organises Italian language courses, and is the link between the academic tutor and the student. When a foreign student arrives in Cagliari, he/she must submit the following documents to this office:

1. passport or identity card; 2. a certificate from his/her university stating that he/she has been awarded an exchange scholarship; 3. three passport-size photographs, which will be used for issuing a student’s record book in which all courses taken during his/her stay at the University as exchange students will be recorded; 4. the “European Health Insurance card”, or an equivalent insurance policy covering the entire period of stay at the University of Cagliari. All duly registered temporary students receive a “University of Cagliari fidelity card” valid for an evaluation of the quality of their stay here in the University and in town.

Students that are not participating in an exchange programme and that wish to study at the University of Cagliari must register via the secretaries at the chosen faculty.

Office for foreign students

The ISMOKA - International Mobility Office Karalis - Cagliari - is open to foreign students on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10.30 to 12.30. The person responsible for the office is the Rector’s delegate for foreign relations, aided by administrative personnel. The person in charge is Mrs. Anna Maria Aloi, duly supported in international activities by her assistants: Vanessa Carboni, Filippo Falco Scampitilla, Laura Fosci, Maurizia Lecce, Stefania Melas, Luisa Sanna, Maria Giuseppina Ullu.

THE ISMOKA - (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MOBILITY OFFICE KARALIS) Palazzo Cugia - via Santa Croce n. 67 - 09124 Cagliari Tel. 0039 070 675 5381-82 Fax 0039 070 675 5380 email: [email protected] Web site: link to Relazioni Internazionali – Mobilità Studentesca


[The history of Cagliari]

Fifteen hundred years ago, the poet Claudian sang the praises of this city, which The city has continued to develop at the foot of the Castello since medieval times, stretches its open arms out into its gulf. The great English novelist D. H. Lawrence mostly as the result of the intense activity of its port and the busy network of described Cagliari as “a naked jewel of amber that unexpectedly opens, rose-like, in commercial and political relations with the rest of the island. Today, with its 250 000 the depths of the wide bay”. inhabitants and the close-knit fabric of urban centres surrounding it, Cagliari is a It is a sunny city, not only because its climate is one of the mildest in the great Mediterranean City, bustling with life and activity. Mediterranean, but also because its southern exposure gives it the appearance of a picture window overlooking the sea. The climate is sufficiently tempered by light Throughout the centuries, the port of Cagliari has represented the main gateway to breezes so as to offer good bathing from May to October. Francesco Alziator, one of Sardinia. An easy landing stage for merchants and conquerors, missionaries and Cagliari’s best-known writers, spoke of: “Cagliari, the city of the sun, an enchanting visitors throughout the ages, it is today one of the key ports along western blend of rock and colours, of trees and sparkling glass; these are the real colours that Mediterranean routes; a large new industrial port has recently been completed and Cagliari, the city of the sun, unfolds and reveals to those who approach her from the has begun playing an important role in further enhancing the natural vocation of the sea”. city. Like every other town in Sardinia, Cagliari still preserves some characteristic folk The city is the political, administrative, economic and cultural centre of the Island. traditions. The most important feast-day, celebrated every year on 1st May, is the Cagliari, the capital of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, sums up its entire history, feast in honour of Sant’Efisio. He was martyred under the Emperor Diocletian and is struggled over, with varying degrees of success, by Carthaginians, Romans, worshipped as the patron saint of the people of Cagliari. A festive procession, made Byzantines, Arabs, Pisans, Aragonese and Savoyards. Inhabited ever since up of groups of people from all over the island dressed in their local costumes, prehistoric times, as can be seen from remains of lake-dwellings found in the nearby accompany the statue of the Saint through the streets. The procession of Sant’Efisio, lagoons, this town was the main object of all would-be conquerors. The city is of organised following a precise ritual, is led by the Alternos, the city’s representative, Phoenician-Punic origin (Karalis) and there are still some imposing Roman ruins to and by the miliziani (militiamen) in their typical red costumes. Placed on a coach, the be seen today, such as the Amphitheatre, with a seating capacity of nearly twenty saint’s statue, enclosed within a glass case, is accompanied by ox carts, decorated thousand. and festooned with flowers, to a little chapel near the ruins of the Roman town of The construction dates back to the 2nd century. It is held to be one of the most Nora where, according to tradition, he was beheaded. important ruins left by Imperial Rome. We can still see the cavea, the trenches for There are numerous museums in Cagliari which contain documents of its past wild beasts, underground passages and the imposing series of grandstands. Also civilisation, as well as many relics of ancient Sardinian history and prehistory. quite interesting is the impressive Sepulchre of Attilia Pomptilla (1st century), The most interesting of these is the Archaeological Museum with its relics of Nuragic, commonly known as the “Viper’s Grotto” because of the architectonic decorations on Phoenician-Punic and Roman civilisations. The exceptional collection of bronze the pediment that show two serpents. Greek and Latin poetic inscriptions have been statuettes from the Nuragic civilisation makes the museum one of great importance. carved into the walls. You should also visit the House of the Roman poet Tigellius. It houses the most complete collection of findings of the early Sardinian Nuragic The construction dates from the 2nd to the 1st century B.C. It is a series of ruins in an civilisation. Especially worth seeing is the rich collection of Phoenician-Punic objects ancient city area dating from the imperial period. There are the remains of an atrium, made of gold and the collection of Roman glassware. An ultra-modern Citadel of a tablinum with a mosaic, columns and architectural details. Of archaeological Museums has been built within the body of the old Fortifications, inside the old importance are also the Roman ruins discovered inside the church of Sant’Agostino Castello district. This recently-opened architectural complex combines many of the (Via Baylle). ancient structures of the fortifications, and especially of the Royal Arsenal, with modern, split-level buildings. A Far Eastern Collection is on permanent exhibition Two high towers, the Elephant Tower and San Pancrazio Tower, designed by the and, occasionally, important works of art are exhibited. In future, the building will Sardinian architect Giovanni Capula and built under Pisan rule at the beginning of the house all the city’s museums and some University institutes. 14th century, give us a good example of Sardinian architecture during the Middle Paintings and objects d’art of great importance are also preserved in the fine Palazzo Ages. They enclose and protect the medieval Castello quarter which dominates the Comunale (Municipal Building) and in the Cathedral. city, surrounded by high ramparts. The medieval city consisted of a hamlet located Every age and every domination has left its mark in this church, built between the much higher than the port (the quarters where fishermen lived stretched down 12th and the 13th centuries. Among the most interesting are: the pulpit carved by towards the harbour). Nowadays this is the historic centre par excellence, where Mastro Guglielmo between 1159 and 1162 for the Cathedral of Pisa, the triptych by traces of the people who have inhabited it are most clearly preserved. the Flemish painter Gerard David, left here by a Spanish soldier who had taken it during the sack of Rome; the cenotaph of Martino II of Aragon; the tombs of the [Arriving in Cagliari] princes of the House of Savoy. During the year, Cagliari plays host to a wide range of sports events: not only football, but also basketball, tennis, track and field, cycling, boxing and motor racing Cagliari is easily reached by plane or boat. It is connected by daily flights to most of all provide events of great interest for fans. One of the most important structures for the main cities of mainland Italy and by several daily flights to Rome and Milan. sailing - a sport that may be enjoyed all year round because of the mild climate - is During the summer months, connections are more frequent, with both scheduled and the marina called Marina Piccola, at the beginning of Poetto, one of the finest charter flights to European capital cities. beaches in Sardinia. Situated in the centre of the beautiful southern coast of the Cagliari-Elmas airport is about 8 km from Cagliari city centre; a bus service run by island, with Cape Teulada to the west at one end, and to the east at the “ARST” provides transportation to and from the airport every hour. The - other, Cagliari is the ideal starting point for a series of excursions: either to discover Fertilia airport is about 6 km from Alghero city centre; a bus service run by “ the thousand little bays along the coast, or in search of the past, the most important Tour” provides transportation to Cagliari. remains of which are to be found at Nora, a Phoenician-Punic-Roman town 30 km to Boat connections are daily from Cagliari to Civitavecchia, twice a week to Naples and the west of Cagliari (on the coast), at the Isle of Sant’Antioco a Punic tophet and Genoa, weekly to Palermo, Trapani and Tunis. necropolis (the artefacts gathered from the digs are kept in the nearby “antiquarium”; worth visiting are the vast catacombs carved out of underground chambers from the You will find further information about your arrival in Cagliari on the following Phoenician-Punic era beneath the Romanesque church of Sant’Antioco), at websites: , in the Antas Valley the remains of the imposing temple of Sid Addir (Cagliari Elmas-Airport) Babai - Sardus Pater, built in the Roman period (3rd century) on a pre-existing place of worship which dated back to the Nuragic and subsequently to the Phoenician ( airport) civilisations, the magnificent Nuragic constructions of Villanovaforru and , an Transportation from and to the airports: imposing nuragic fortress 70 km to the north (in the hills). - Shipping companies:

[Public transportation in town]

Transportation in town is run by CTM, the consortium bus company, which offers special reductions to University students who buy weekly or monthly tickets. Single tickets are sold at newspaper kiosks, bars and tobacconists’ displaying the CTM sign. Weekly and monthly tickets can be bought at the following address:

CTM SpA Consorzio Trasporti e Mobilità Viale Trieste, 159 - 09100 Cagliari Tel.: 0039 070 209 1210 - Fax: 0039 070 20 91 222

Night service is available for some buses, but it is advisable to consider other alternatives like taxis or to rent a car. Here are some telephone numbers you can contact if necessary: Radio Taxi (from 5.30 to 02.00) Tel.: 070 400 101 Piazza Matteotti Tel.: 070 650 633 [Cost of living] [Entertainment and culture]

Cagliari’s nightlife offers a wide range of entertainment, a great variety of bars, cafés, pubs, pizzerias, night clubs, cinemas and theatres. The lyrical theatre - – for example, inaugurated in 1993, offers a variety of events, such as concerts, ballets, conferences and exhibitions throughout the year. In summertime, the bars along the beach of Poetto are very popular. You will find music until late at night and relax in a friendly atmosphere.

The cost of living in town is not particularly high, but foreign students (who have the right to use accommodation and canteen services in University structures) should have at least Euro 500.00 - Euro 600.00 at their disposal per month.

Accommodation in flat/house, private sector Euro 150.00 - 250.00 Food (per month) Euro 200.00 Leisure (Pizza, cinema, pubs, theatre) Euro 100.00 Sport activities Euro 20.00 - 40.00

[Museums and Monuments] Wax Museum “Clemente Susini” Dip. di Citomorfologia - c/o Cittadella dei Musei

Piazza Arsenale 1 – 09124 Cagliari Archives, museums and scientific collections Tel. +39 070 675.7627

Historical Archives Dip. di Studi Geografici ed Artistici - c/o Rettorato Via Università 40 – 09124 Cagliari

“Luigi Piloni” Collection Via Università 38 - – 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.2420

“Evan Gorga” Archaeological Collection Dip. di Scienze Archeologiche e Storico-artistiche Piazza Arsenale 1 – 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.7602

Sardinian Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Dip. di Biologia Sperimentale - Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Tel. +39 070 675.4291 – 4130

Physics Museum Dip. di Fisica - Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Tel. +39 070 675.4702

Chemical Instrumentation Collection Dip. di Scienze Chimiche - Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato Sestu km 0,700 – 09042 Monserrato Tel. +39 070 675.4361

Zoology Museum Dip. di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia Viale Poetto 1 – 09126 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.8000

Herbarium Museum Dip. di Scienze Botaniche Viale Fra Ignazio 13 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.3523

Ethno-Botanical Museum Dip. di Scienze Botaniche - c/o Orto Botanico Viale Fra Ignazio 13 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.3523 [Shopping centres]

Sardinian Museum of Geology and Palaeontology With the opening of four modern shopping centres just outside Cagliari, shops in the “Domenico Lovisato” - Dip. di Scienze della Terra old part of town are now going through a period of decline. Shopping centres are Via Trentino 51 – 09127 Cagliari open continuously from 9 am to 9 pm, while other shops open from 9 am to 1 pm and Tel. +39 070 675.7708 from 4:30 to 8 pm. Pharmacies are also open at these hours in the morning, while in

Mineral Museum “Leonardo de Prunner “ the afternoon they close at 7 pm.

Dip. di Scienze della Terra Via Trentino 51 – 09127 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675.7708 [Emergency numbers]

Carabinieri 112 Police 113 Fire 115 Ambulance 118

All major consulates are available. [List of departments at the University of Cagliari]

[Architettura] Piazza d’Armi, 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 5800 Fax +39 070 675 5816 Via Corte d’Appello 87 - 09124 Cagliari Tel +39 070 675 5340 Fax +39 070 666 279 Email: [email protected]

[Biologia Animale ed Ecologica] Viale Poetto 1 – 0126 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 8000 fax +39 070 6758022 Email: [email protected]

[Biologia Sperimentale] Cittadella Universitaria S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 09042 Monserrato (CA) Tel +39 070 675 4134 fax - +39 070 675 4166 Email: [email protected]

[Chimica Inorganica ed Analitica] Cittadella Universitaria S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 - 09042 Monserrato (CA) Tel. +39 070 675 4457 fax +39 070 675 4456 Email: [email protected] [Chirurgico, Materno, Località Sa duchessa Infantile e di Scienze delle Immagini] Via Is Mirrionis 1 – 09123 Cagliari Ospedale Civile S. Giovanni di Dio Tel. +39 070 675 7292 fax +39 070 675 7291 Via Ospedale 46 - 09124 email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 652 797 fax +39 070 668575 email: [email protected] [Fisica] Cittadella Universitaria [Citomorfologia] S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 - 09042 Monserrato (CA) Cittadella Universitaria Tel. +39 070 675 4702-03-04 fax +39 070 510171 S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 09042 Monserrato (CA) email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 675 4075 fax +39 070 675 4003 email: [email protected] [Geoingegneria e Teconologie Ambientali] Piazza d’Armi 19 - 09123 Cagliari [Diritto Pubblico e di Studi Sociali] Tel. +39 070 675 5552 fax +39 070 675 5523 Viale S. Ignazio 17 – 0123 Cagliari email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 675 3034 fax +39 070 675 3062 email: [email protected] [Igiene e Sanità Pubblica] Via Porcell 4 - 09124 Cagliari [Economia] Tel. 070 675 8378 fax 070 675 8373 Viale S. Ignazio 17 – 0123 Cagliari email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 675 3333 – +39 070 660 911 fax +39 070 660929 [Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali] http:/ email: [email protected] Piazza d’Armi 19 - 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 5050 -53 fax +39 070 675 5067 [Economia dell’Impresa, della Tecnologia, dell’Ambiente] email: [email protected] Viale S. Ignazio 17 – 0123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 3369 fax +39 675 3374 [Ingegneria del Territorio] email: [email protected] Piazza d’Armi 19 - 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 5150 fax +39 070 271592 [Farmaco Chimico – Tecnologico] email: [email protected] Via Ospedale 72 01924 Cagliari Tel +39 070 675 4305 Fax +39 070 6754320 [Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica] email: [email protected] Piazza d’Armi 19 - 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 5889 fax +39 070 675 5900 [Filologia Classica e Glottologia] email: [email protected] Località sa Duchessa Via Is Mirrionis 1 – 09123 Cagliari [Ingegneria Meccanica] Tel. +39 070 675 7177 fax +39 070 290 405 Piazza d’Armi 19 - 09123 Cagliari email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 675 5747 -48 fax +39 070 675 5717 email: [email protected] [Filologie e Lettere Moderne] Località sa Duchessa [Ingegneria strutturale] Via Is Mirrionis 1 – 09123 Cagliari Piazza d’Armi 19 - 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 7287-88 fax +39 070 675 7289 Tel. +39 070 675 5402-03 fax +39 070 675 5418 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

[Filosofia e Teoria delle Scienze Umane] [Linguistica e Stilistica] Via San Giorgio 12 - 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 503341 fax +39 070 503696 Tel. +39 070 675 6300 fax +39 070 675 6301 email: [email protected][email protected] email: [email protected] [Scienze Botaniche] [Matematica e Informatica] Viale S. Ignazio 13 – 09123 Cagliari Via Ospedale 72 - 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 3502 fax +39 070 675 3535 Tel. +39 070 675 8513-05-06 fax +39 070 675 8504 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] [Scienze Cardiovascolari e Neurologiche] [Neuroscienze] Cittadella Universitaria Cittadella Universitaria S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 - 09042 Monserrato (CA) Sestu Km 0,700 09042 Monserrato (CA) Tel. +39 070 510 96413 -15 fax +39 070 675 6413 Tel. +39 070 675 4308-10 fax +39 070 675 4320 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

[Psicologia] [Scienze Chimiche] Località Sa Duchessa Cittadella Universitaria Via Is Mirrionis 1 – 09123 Cagliari S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 - 09042 Monserrato (CA) Tel. 070 675 7525 fax +39 070 274778 Tel. +39 070 675 4387 fax +39 070 675 4388 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

[Ricerche Aziendali: Economia, Diritto, Comunicazione] [Scienze Chirurgiche e Trapianti d’Organo] Viale S. Ignazio 17 – 0123 Cagliari c/o Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio – Cl. Otorinolaringoiatra Tel. +39 070 675 3332 fax +39 070 675 3321 Via Ospedale 46 09124 Cagliari email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 609 2543 fax +39 070 660 622 email: [email protected] [Ricerche Economiche e Sociali] Viale S. Ignazio 17 – 0123 Cagliari [Scienze della Terra] Tel. +39 070 675 3761 fax +39 070 675 3760 Via Trentino 51 – 09127 Cagliari email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 675 7705 fax +39 070 282236 email: [email protected] [Scienze Applicate ai Biosistemi] Cittadella Universitaria [Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche] S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 09042 Monserrato (CA) Cittadella Universitaria Tel. +39 070 675 4526 fax +39 070 675 4524 S.P. Monserrato - Sestu Km 0,700 - 09042 Monserrato (CA) email: [email protected] Tel. +39 070 675 4147-48 Fax +39 070 675 4210 [email protected] [Scienze Archeologiche e Storico-Artistiche] Cittadella dei Musei [Scienze Giuridiche] Piazza Arsenale 1 – 09124 Cagliari Viale S. Ignazio 17 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 7671 fax +39 070 675 7622 Tel. +39 070 675 3034 fax +39 070 675 3062 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

[Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologiche] [Scienze Mediche, Internistiche, Anestesiologiche c/o Ospedale Microcitemico e Immunoinfettive] Via Jenner - 09121 Cagliari Cittadella Universitaria S.P. Monserrato – Sestu Km 0,700 - 09042 Monserrato (CA) Tel. +39 070 675 334 fax +39 070 665 682 email: [email protected]

[Scienze Odontostomatologiche] Via Binaghi 4 – 09121 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 537 411 fax +39 070 540400 email: [email protected]

[Scienze Pedagogiche e Filosofiche] Località Sa Duchessa Via Is Mirrionis - 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 7120 fax +39 070 675 7113 email: [email protected]

[Scienze Pediatriche e Medicina Clinica] Via Porcel 3 - 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 609 3486 fax +39 070 609 3482 email: [email protected]

[Storico politico Internazionale dell’Età moderna e Contemporanea] Viale S. Ignazio 78 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 3724 fax +39 070 675 3771 email: [email protected]

[Studi Storici, Geografici e Artistici] Località Sa Duchessa Via Is Mirrionis 1 – 09123 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 7355 fax +39 070 675 7366 email: [email protected]

[Tossicologia] Via Ospedale 72 - 01924 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 675 8620 fax +39 070 675 8612 email: [email protected]

[Glossary of useful terms] Dottorati di ricerca Students can access research doctorates after obtaining a second degree. It is one of the highest qualifications conferred by the University. The new regulations introduced with the reform require the knowledge and the use of related terms as well as the terminology already in use among university students: Erasmus The Erasmus programme allows students to spend a term or a year in a European Appello d’esame University and to sit exams, which will also be recognized in Italy. The date of the exam. The list of the days, the place and the timetables (examinations calendar) is displayed on the degree Programme notice board. Esame Exam (written or oral) to be taken at the end of a course/module. Ateneo Synonym of the word “University”. Facoltà The Faculties group the various Degree Programmes together. In Cagliari we have Attività formativa 11 Faculties: Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Humanities and Philosophy, Foreign Lectures, seminars, practical workshops or laboratory work, educational activities in Languages and Literature, Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Educational small groups, orientation, tutorials, training, essays, the activities of individual study sciences, Political Sciences, Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences. and of self-learning. In general, it is any activity organized or expected by the University to guarantee cultural and professional education to students. Laurea (first degree) It can be obtained at the end of a three-year Degree Course, after passing the exams Classe and a final test. The whole of the Degree Programmes, defined by specific ministerial decrees, which have the same qualifying educational goals and the necessary consequent Laurea magistrale (second degree) educational activities. It is the whole of the different first and second degree courses. Students can access it after obtaining a first degree. Second degrees last two years and require a final dissertation. For some Degree Courses (Medicine and Surgery, Curriculum Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Building It is the whole of the educational activities, both in and outside university, specified in Engineering-Architecture) the student will register directly for a first/second degree “a the degree Programme regulation in order to obtain the relevant qualification. ciclo unico”. Academic courses can be identified within curricula. Libretto Corsi di laurea e corsi di laurea magistrale The booklet where we find the student registration number, registration year, the list A degree Course is a three-year study course, composed by a definite number of of passed exams and the grade obtained. lectures and by other educational activities (training, workshops, etc.). At the end, students can access second degree courses, which last two years. Master Specialising courses that can be attended after a first degree or a second degree. Crediti formativi We have first level and second level Master’s degrees. Generally admission to They measure the workload required to pass an exam; they indicate the achievement Master’s is limited to a restricted number of students. of the knowledge of the topic of a course unit. A credit normally corresponds to 25 hours of work, including attendane to lectures and seminars, individual study, training Matricola and workshops. A course/module corresponds to a certain number of credits, defined The term defines students registered for the first time at University (Freshers). See according to the degree of difficulty and of the required effort for that subject. also registration number.

Diritto allo studio Numero chiuso e programmato It expresses the right to use the services that facilitate university life. The services Some Degree Programmes have limited access to a restricted number of students include: rooms in halls of residence, study rooms, grants based on merit and income, who are selected through an entry test. At the moment, students, after their first exemption from fees, job opportunities (150 hours collaboration) in university degree, can continue their studies with a second degree or a first level Master’s. structures. After a second degree, it is possible to increase one’s knowledge with a second level Master’s or to choose a Doctorate degree.

Numero di matricola It is a series of numbers assigned at the time of registration. Each number is different and identifies a single student at the University.

Obiettivi formativi They are the knowledge and skills which characterise the cultural and professional profile the degree courses are aimed at.

Piano di studio Document which indicates the chosen degree course.

Pin Secret Number assigned to each student to benefit from certain services directly from the web (e.g.: loading self-certification of income)

Regolamento didattico It is the whole of the degree courses established and activated by a single University.

Ricevimento studenti Each university professor dedicates at least an hour a week to meet students in his/her office to discuss any problems regarding his/her courses.

Segreterie studenti Located within all Faculties, they are the places to visit to get information and certificates about enrolment, fees, student careers etc.

Semestre The academic year is divided into two semesters, that is two periods in the year when students attend lectures and seminars. In general the first semester goes from October to January, with final exams in February and March; the second semester goes from March to May, with final exams in June and July. These articulations can vary for some Degree Programmes.

Sessione Period in which it is possible to take exams or the final test.

Titoli di studio Qualifications such as First Degree, Second Degree or Specialization Diploma conferred at the end of the correspondent degree courses.


Cagliari – The sunny city of the Mediterranean sea