Letters Rochester Review SEpTEmbER–OctobER 2014 VOLUmE 77, NO. 1 Editor Scott Hauser Associate Editors Karen McCally ’02 (PhD) Kathleen McGarvey Contributors Valerie Alhart, David Barnstone, Adam Fenster, Rachel Goldstein, Susan Hagen, Peter Iglinski, Megan Mack, Melissa Lang, Sara Miller, Dennis O’Donnell, Leslie Orr, Leonor Sierra, and Brandon Vick Editorial Office 22 Wallis Hall University of Rochester Box 270044, Rochester, NY 14627-0044 (585) 275-4121 Fax: (585) 275-0359 mODEL CAmpUS: Former University president Cornelis de Kiewiet holds a model of a E-mail:
[email protected] proposed men’s dining center, a project that was eventually built near Rush Rhees Library. www.rochester.edu/pr/Review Address Changes Kudos for Cornelis? center was built and later renamed as to- 300 East River Road I really enjoyed the July-August issue, es- day’s Douglass Dining Center, still feeding Box 270032 pecially the profile of Cornelis de Kiewiet students—men and women—and located Rochester, NY 14627-0032 (“A Dynamic Attitude”). I had no idea he between Rush Rhees Library and what’s (585) 275-8602; toll free: (866) 673-0181 Email:
[email protected] was responsible for so much of the Uni- now the Goergen Athletic Center. —Scott https://alumniportal.ur.rochester.edu versity that I attended in the early 1970s. Hauser, Editor. Moving the women’s college to the River Design Campus and hiring Richard Fenno, one of ‘I Was There’ Steve Boerner Typography & Design Inc. my favorite professors, were two initiatives Congratulations once more on a colorful Published six times a year for alumni, I particularly appreciated! and interesting issue of Review.