Conference Attendee List

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Conference Attendee List Conference Attendee List Last Name First Name Organization Abras Chadia Johns Hopkins University Adkins Krys Drexel University Ake Ethan Temple University Alcruz Joanna Molloy College Amaker Corey Claflin University Amaral Genevive Temple University Amerigo Linda Berkeley College Amey Tracey Pennsylvania College of Technology Amidon Jacob Finger Lakes Community College Amonoo-Monney Stephanie Western University of Health Sciences Ashpole Amber Southwestern Oregon Community College Asprakis Antonis Drexel University Awgu Ezechukwu University of the District of Columbia Babb Tina Amarillo College Baird Douglas Drexel University Baird Douglas Drexel University Barker Gina Liberty University Barone Pricci Erica Lackawanna College Bartholomew Tracy University of the Arts Basford Letitia Hamline University Basu Sukalpa Valley Forge Military College Bauer Jeremi Post University Belfield Lisa Holy Family University Benjamin Gregory Salus University Bennett Kevin Hood College Bennington Bret Hofstra University Bertazzoni Donna Hood College Best Catherine Kutztown University of PA Betts Kristen Drexel University Center of Inquiry and Higher Education Data Sharing Blaich Charles Consortium Blakely Bridget Drexel University Blevins-Knabe Belinda University of Arkansas at Little Rock Blumberg Phyllis University of the Sciences Boardman Jennifer Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine Bogunovich Emily Drexel University Bonfield Jeff Rowan University Bowen Heath St. Thomas Aquinas College Bradshaw Scott Bucks County Community College Bretz Brenda Dickinson College Bryant Sharman Kutztown University of PA Buiting Lotte Drexel University Conference Attendee List Bullock Angela University of the District of Columbia Burns Alicia Lackawanna College Burrack Frederick Kansas State University Burrows Timothy Virginia Military Institute Callahan Rachel Drexel University Calzaferri Gina Temple University Campbell Joanna Bergen Community College Capps Shannon Drexel University Carbonaro Suzanne University of the Sciences Carcillo Anthony Wilmington University Cardozo Mario Kutztown University of PA Carelli, Jr. John Kutztown University of PA Carlson Erika Borough of Manhattan Community College Carroll Mary Ann Herkimer County Community College Carroll Elizabeth The Culinary Institute of America Carsley Cathy Montgomery County Community College Casino Meredith Drexel University Cestone Christina Drexel University Chi Wenjun Saint Joseph's University Childs Gary Drexel University Chow Rebekah Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Chui Kevin Pacific University School of Physical Therapy Chutkhan Adrian Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Clancy Ryan Drexel University Clary E. Gil Kutztown University of PA Clements Nicolle Saint Joseph's University Coates Jennifer Drexel University Comunale Mary Ann Drexel University Converse Willkomm Anne Drexel University Cook Linda Sacred Heart University Coolidge Tina Marie Drexel University Crews Kimberly University of the District of Columbia Cutter Noelle Molloy College Dalelio Corinne Coastal Carolina University Dalrymple Prudence Drexel University D'Angelo Laura Drexel University Datte Catherine Gannon University Davis Tara Drexel University Dawson Dana Temple University DeAngelis Karen University of Rochester DeClerck Jean Michigan Technological University Deegan Michele Muhlenberg College DelConte Anthony Saint Joseph's University Conference Attendee List DellaPietra Lynn Bucks County Community College Deng Yi Drexel University DePew Diane Drexel University Dern John Temple University Dewees Bridget Claflin University Diamant Sarah Jewish Theological Seminary Diamond-Amorello Jennifer Bucks County Community College DiMarco Andie Berkeley College DiMattio Mary Jane University of Scranton DiNardo N. John Drexel University DiPaolo Lawrence Neumann University DiPietro Stephen Drexel University Donat Susan Messiah College Dougherty Jaimie Drexel University Dudley Amanda Mae New York University Dudley Smith Clotilde Sacred Heart University Duke Lawrence Drexel University Dunston Krishna Delaware County Community College Edelman Laura Muhlenberg College Ellis-Davis Maureen Bergen Community College Emtage Lesley York College Erickson Maureen Hunter CUNY Ertekin Yalcin Drexel University Ertekin Yalcin Drexel University Fatima Nasrin Binghamton University Fay Tara University of Scranton Felder Pamela Pamela Petrease Felder, Ph.D. Fennell Catherine Haverford College Fernandez Gail Bergen Community College Ferrance Vanessa University of Scranton Ferrara Victoria Mercy College Ferrillo Heather Sacred Heart University Fishman Seth Matthew Villanova University Flagg Mary Reading Area Community College Fleming Jeffery University of the District of Columbia Folk Robert Kutztown University of PA Fried Michael Drew University Fritz Jenell Drexel University Fuoss Kirk St. Lawrence University Furman Lora Drexel University Gallagher Jean Pace University Gardner Tasha Drexel University Garfinkel Stephen Jewish Theological Seminary Conference Attendee List Garney Alexandra University of Delaware Gaughan Frank Hofstra University Gay Judith Community College of Philadelphia Gehrig Elizabeth Thomas Edison State University Geller Kathy Drexel University Gibson Rod Drexel University Gibson Chris Drexel University Giordano Carolyn University of the Sciences Girardi Janice Monroe College Glade Fiona University of Baltimore Golden Teal Drexel University Goldman Zvi Post University Goldschmidt Robert Touro College Gondek Paul Drexel University Gordon Deborah Drexel University Grande Laura La Salle University Green Mark Drexel University Greene Ryan Jane Drexel University Gregg Susan Wilmington University Groner Rachael Temple University Groth Susan Charles Bucks County Community College Hall Lauren Howard Community College Hannan Jim Le Moyne College Harkness Ssuzan University of the District of Columbia Harnisher John Kaplan Test Prep Harrison Teresa Drexel University Hartman Lianne Montgomery County Community College Hauck Susan Community College of Philadelphia Hawk Joseph Drexel University Heckrote Robert Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Henson John Dickinson College Hernandez Alexander Kutztown University of PA Herzog Liza Drexel University Heverin Thomas Drexel University Hilliard Jeremy Pacific University School of Physical Therapy Hoeffner Lori Adelphi University Hollywood Nicole University of Maryland Eastern Shore Howe Alexander University of the District of Columbia Hufe Mark Wilmington University Hussain Tauqeer Kutztown University of PA Iglesias Kevin Haverford College Imhoff Kristin Drexel University Ismailescu Iuliana Pace University Conference Attendee List Jankowski Natasha National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment Jenkins Chalice Drexel University Jenkins Shantelle Eastern University Jenkins Sylvia Moraine Valley Community College Jesson James La Salle University Jewell Greg Drexel University Johnson Ronald Clark Atlanta University Johnson Irene Clark Atlanta University Johnson Sanguiliano Amanda Syracuse University Johnston Ingrid Alfred State College Jones Cassandra Montgomery College Jost Monika Drexel University Julian Eileen Syracuse University Karabucak Dilek AEFIS Katz-Buonincontro Jen Drexel University Kaufman Melissa Drexel University Kaur Amarjit Bergen Community College Kegolis Dr. Jeffrey University of Scranton Kell Debbie Deborah E. H. Kell, LLC Kelleway Kelly Bucks County Community College Khader Shadi eXplorance Inc. Kim Yun Bergen Community College Kinzie Jillian IU Center for Postsecondary Research Kirkpatrick Meg Wheaton College (MA) Kirshman Andrea Kutztown University of PA Kleponis Maria Drexel University Knight Brad American University Kobylski Gerald United States Military Academy Koch Douglas Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Kowski Lynne Raritan Valley Community College Krahmer Shawn Saint Joseph's University Kremser Jonathan Kutztown University of PA Krieger Melissa Bergen Community College Kruemmling, PhD Brooke Salus University Kruse Gerald Juniata College Lapine Susan Post University LaVergne Paul Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Lee Robert Drexel University Lehr Valerie St. Lawrence University Leke Aminkeng Biaka University Institute Leustek Thomas Rutgers University LeVan Kelsie Drexel University Conference Attendee List Levesque Maurice Elon University Lewin Peter A Drexel University Lewinski Kimberly La Salle University Litzky Barrie Drexel University Lokey Donald Alfred State College LOMBARDO JENNIPHER PACE UNIVERSITY Long Jamel Drexel University Long Janet Widener University Lopez Natalie Johns Hopkins University Lopez Victor long island business institute Lowery Kayla College Housing Northwest Luke MacKenzie Drexel University Luke MacKenzie Drexel University Lum Ray Drexel University MacKenzie Gina Holy Family University Mackenzie Maureen L. Molloy College MacKrell Christine ETS Madden Annie Drexel University Maguire Cindy Adelphi University Mahan Christine Eastern University Maichrowycz Kimberly Cabrini Univeristy Manigo Jocelyn Widener University Mariscotti Janine La Salle University Marnella Molly Bloomsburg University Martin Julie Temple University Massey April University of the District of Columbia Mattes Bili S. Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Mawritz Ken Drexel University Maxam Shawn Princeton University May Chad Holy Family University McDonnell Christine Community College of Philadelphia McEachron Donald Drexel University McKain Kathleen Saint Martin's University McLoughlin Andrea Long Island University
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