Red Giant Volume Program

License Server Technical Questionnaire

Welcome to the Red Giant Volume Program!

In order to set up a floating license server, and create a license file for use with your purchase, we need some technical details about your current computer setup.

Red Giant volume products make use of the Reprise (RLM) system so there are a few things we need to know about the physical server where you will be hosting the RLM software.

Please fill out the details requested below and send this information to your Red Giant sales contact.

1. Server MAC Address & Reprise Admin Tools

Your MAC address is a unique identifier for network interfaces and is usually something that is assigned by the manufacturer of your Ethernet card.

In order to ensure that the MAC Address we receive from you will match what the Reprise License Manager is expecting to find, we request that you run the RLM Admin tool on the computer where you will be running the RLM server to retrieve the MAC Address. Formatting is important!

A) Download the RLM Admin tools from Reprise Software here:

B) Ensure you download the package for the on your server. (Note​ ​: These are the only operating systems Red Giant supports for running the RLM server.)

Windows 64-bit rlm.v11.2BL2-x64_w2.admin.exe

Windows 32-bit rlm.v11.2BL2-x86_w1.admin.exe

OSX 64-bit x64_m1.admin.tar.gz

Linux 64-bit x64_l1.admin.tar.gz ) Once you have downloaded the admin tools, either extract the archive (OSX and ) or run the installer (Windows). After extracting the archive, you can put the resulting folder called “x64_m1.admin” anywhere that is convenient for you to access. On Windows, the installer will default to putting a folder called “rlm.v11.2BL2-x86_w1.admin” in your user’s Document folder. You can also change this to wherever is most convenient for you to access later.

Once you have the tools in place, you can use them to retrieve your MAC address by navigating to the resulting directory via the command link and run a tool that will output the MAC Address of your server. rlmutil rlmhostid ether

Below is an example from both a Windows command prompt and a Macintosh terminal.

Windows Macintosh

Though you will need the Reprise Admin tools later so it is useful to download them now, there are alternatives for getting your MAC address without those tools. Please see below.


Using the “getmac​ ​” command Macintosh

Navigating to System Preference -> Network -> Advanced (with Ethernet selected) -> Hardware

D) Once you have your MAC address, please note it for sending to your Red Giant sales contact.

Note: If​ you plan on using a backup license server, please repeat the steps above, and send the second MAC address along with the first. Just be sure to note which one is the backup.

2. Server IP Address

This part does not require any special software actually and you can use tools that are built into your operating system’s command line. Please find this information and keep it with your MAC address above.

There are a couple ways to find your server’s IP address, but below are the two easiest ways to do that using built in tools. Windows:

Use the ​“ipconfig” ​ command at the command prompt. The result will be the number next to the “IPv4 Address” entry.

Mac OSX:

Navigate to System Preference -> Network and view the IP address for the Ethernet connection. Note: Again, if you plan on using a backup license server, please repeat the steps above, and send the second IP address along with the first. Just be sure to note which one is the backup.

Advanced Setup Options:

1. Client Communication Port (default 5053)

2. Static ISV Port (if needed)

3. Number of Render-Only Licenses Needed

That is it! Please take these numbers and email them to your Red Giant Representative.

Thank you for your business!

Red Giant