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143 Pows Return Condition reportedly good 3%4 -mom* 143 POWs return CLARK AIR BASE, PHILIPPINES (AP)--A total Vietnamese prisons, ferried on the 2 1/2-hour of 143 prisoners of war came back yesterday flight from Hanoi by three U.S. Air Force under the stars and stripes, the flap some Starlifter hospital planes. had not seen for eight years. "No emergency medical treatment was required Most of the men flown to this base after and did not seem necessary," a spokesman said release from Communist captivity in North later. "nn the most part the men were ehull- and South Vietnam were reported in good ient." physical condition as they checked into a U.S. hospital. A second contingent of 26 men arrived from South Vietnam. They were released north of "We are honored at the opportunity to serve Saigon following a day-long dispute that de- our country under difficult circumstances," layed their departure. A 27th prisoner re- said the first prisoner to step out of the leased with them remained behind at a Saigon first returning hospital plane, Navy Capt. hospital. Jeremiah A. Denton Jr. of Virginia Beach, Va. Spokesmen at Clark said large numbers of the "God bless America." returned prisoners requested a regular Amer- More than 60 doctors on duty at the base ican dinner instead of the bland diets doctors hospital began examining the freed prisoners. had planned to nurse their digestive systems. t* And most got it. The first to arrive were 116 from North (See PRISONERS page 4) Richardson welcomes POWs WASHINGTON (AP)--U.S. Secretary of Defense Elliot L. Richardson declared yesterday there will be no rest un- til all the prisoners are returned from IndoChina and the missing have been accounted for. In a message of welcome to the returnees at Clark Air Field in the Philippines, Richardson and Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "Everyone involved in Operation Homecoming is ready to do everything possible to assist you and your fam- ilies. You can be certain, also, that we will not rest until all those still known captive are safe and until we have achieved the best possible accounting for those missing in action." Pentagon spokesman Jerry W. Friedheim said both the secretary and Moorer, who watched the return at Clark on television, were "very gratified" and that it appeared DEFENSE SECRETARY RICHARDSON that a substantial number of the men were in good con- .no rest until all POWs free dition. (See RICHARDSON page 2) Dollar appears headed for another devaluation WASHINGTON (AP)--The dollar appears headed for encies, focusing primarily on the dollar, V another devaluation, perhaps before the end of the West German mark, and the Japanese yen. >: the week. President Nixon's special emissary, Although the Treasury Department refuses even Treasury Undersecretary Paul A. Volcker, V> to answer questions about the subject, sources has been engaging in intensive talks with at the International Monetary Fund and private these nations since the middle of last economists are reading the signs that way. week to try to find a solution to the dol- lar crisis. The dollar could be devalued by raising the off- Volcker has shuttled back and forth be- icial price of gold from its present $38 an ounce, tween countries, lending credence to spec- by increasing the value of other currencies again- ulation that the Nixon administration is st the dollar, or by a combination of both. trying to strike up a major currency deal fost sources believe that the devaluation will behind closed doors. be part of another general realignment of curr- (See DEVALUATION nage 2) Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, February 13, 1973 DEVALUATION- from page one The dollar was devalued a little more than a year ago at an international conference of finance ministers at GAZETTEER the Smithsonian Institution here. That currency deal be- a digest of late news came unstuck last week when the dollar came under in- tensive pressure in overseas money markets. The prospect of a similar monetary conference dealing with currency changes is also alive. But asked about this yesterday, a treasury spokesman said: "I'm not aware of any proposals at this time for a conference." HOLLYWOOD (AP)--"The Godfather," film of violence in That would indicate that Volcker's mission is actually the Mafia, scored top honors in the Motion Picture to work out a currency deal in the next few days, rather Academy nominations yesterday with 11 mentions. 'Cab- than set the stage for a conference. The spokesman said aret," the musical of Berlin life in the early 1930s, no such conclusion should bo drawn. placed second with 10 nominations. "The Poseidon Adven- ture," a shipwreck saga, was third with seven. "The Sources watching the developments from Washington said Godfather" won four nominations for acting--Marlon S that they expect the United States to devalue the dollar Brando as star, and James Caan, Robert Duvall and Al again, rather than depend only on revaluations by other Pacino as supporting actors. Desides Brando, nominees countries, because of France. for best actor were: Michael Caine in "Sleuth," Law- "France doesn't want to change the parity of the franc,' rence Olivier in "Sleuth," Peter O'Toole in "The Rul- said one source. "It would hold out for a devaluation of ing Class." and Paul Winfield in "Sounder." Nominees the dollar against gold." for best actress: Liza Minnelli in "Cabaret," Diana Ross in "Lady Sings the Blues," Maggie Smith in "Trav- one els with My Aunt," Cicely Tyson in "Sounder," and Liv RICHARDSON- from page Ullmann in "The Emigrants." For best picture of the year: Priedheim said that the first returnees probably would "Cabaret," "Deliverance," "The Emigrants," "TheGod- leave Clark "in a matter of days." father;" and "Sounder." Supporting actor: Eddie Albert The decision will be up to the doctors, he said. But in "The Heartbreak Kid," Caan, Duvall and Pacino in indications are the first are likely to leave about mid- "The Godfather," and Joel Grey in "Cabaret." Supporting week. actress: Jeannie Berlin in "The Heartbreak Kid," Eileen Heckart in "Butterflies are Free," Geraldine Page in An initial examination of those returned from Commun- "Pete 'N' Tillie;" Susan Tyrrell in "Fat City," Shelley ist camps in the North and South, Friedheim said, indi- Winters in "The Poseidon Adventure." Best director: cates that each group probably was released from one Bob Fosse for "Cabaret," John Boorman for "Deliverance," camp rather than by any order of capture. Jan Troell for "The Emigrants," Francis Ford Coipola the peace agreement provides that the ill and wounded for "The Godfather," and Joseph L. Mankewicz for be returned first with the remainder to be released ei- "Sleuth." ther "from one detention place after another" or in or- der of their dates of capture beginning with those who have been held the longest. COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO (AP)--Veteran Republican Sen. Carl Curtis of Nebraska said yesterday that top White Friedheim noted that some sick and wounded were in- House staff members were responsible for what he call- cluded in the first group but saidothers known to be ed the GOP's failure in 1972 congressional elections. ill, such as Lieutenant Commander John McCain, son of The result despite Nixon's landslide victory, Curtis the former commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, said in a speech prepared for a Lincoln Day dinner were not among the group. here, was due to "a deep lack of comprehension as to the real concerns of the American people." The Nebraska senator said that President Nixon, whom he exempted from blame, "is supposed to have some very bright and Water status highly paid advisers. Water figures for Monday, 12, 1973. February Guantanamo OM Local Forecast Gazette WATER PRODUCED: 1,892,000 Mbstly clear becoming partly cloudy WATER CONSUMED: 1,625,000 during the afternoon hours. Visi- . U, bility unrestricted. Winds N 5 . _ . -. WATER GAIN: 267,000 knots becoming SE 10-12 knots with gusts to 19 knots during the .~~t ..33.3 . WATER IN STORAGE: 19,835,000 afternoon. High today 82 degrees. Low tonight 65 degrees. Bay - 3-13. .* 33. 3 3, .-- conditions 1-2 feet increasing to 2-3 feet during the day. High tide 1632. Low tide 2304. Tuesday, February 13, 1973 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Page 3 Crowds expected for Mardi Gras Mardi Gras--that spirited cele- bration observed in many Latin Am- erican countries and some portions of the United States, notably New Orleans--will be celebrated March 1-4 at Guantanamo Bay. This week, all base commands and many of the various groups and or- ganizations here began applying finishing touches to what could prove the biggest and best midway yet, thanks to the recent addition of additional permanent booths by the Sea Bees. With a wide variety of refreshment booths and games of skill, Mardi Gras officials are anticipating record crowds. The midway, located on Cooper Field, will open at 6 p.m. March 1 and at 3 p.m. the other three days. It will close each day at midnight. This year, in a change from past procedures, money will not be accep- 'Capt. Rickels Special' aids project ted at midway booths. Instead, tic- equipment to han- ket booths will sell tickets in var- It took a lot of ingenuity to come up with a piece of Turnkey housing. ious denominations. dle one of the 6,000-pound reels of telephone cable for Proceeds from the Mardi Gras are The problem was solved by converting a dump truck to carry the heavy used in support of community activ- reels between Exchange No.
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