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025.56 B536 Hunt, Fiona. More hands-on information literacy activities / Fiona Hunt and Jane Birks. New York : Neal-Schuman Publishers, c2008.
120 Lean, Martin. Sense-perception and matter [electronic resource] : a critical analysis of C.D. Broad's theory of perception / Martin Lean. London : Routledge, 1999, c1953.
150.19 Dreikurs, Rudolf, 1897-1972. An introduction to individual psychology [electronic resource] / by Rudolf Dreikurs; with a foreword by Alfred Adler. London : Routledge, 1999, c1935.
150.19 Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Surprise and the psycho-analyst [electronic resource] : on the conjecture and comprehension of unconscious processes / Theodor Reik. London : Routledge, 1999.
150.195409 Schaer, Hans. Religion and the cure of souls in Jung's psychology [electronic resource] / Hans Schaer. London : Routledge, 1999.
150.72 Su5 Doing your qualitative psychology project / edited by Cath Sullivan, Stephen Gibson and Sarah Riley. London : SAGE, 2012.
152.1 Jaensch, E. R. Eidetic imagery and typological methods of investigation [electronic resource] : their importance for the psychology of childhood, the theory of education and general psychology. London : Routledge, 1999.
154.6 Turner, Julia. Human psychology as seen through the dream [electronic resource] / Julia Turner. London : Routledge, 1999.
155.33 T13 Takei, Michele. She-Q : why women should mentor men and change the world / Michele Takei. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, ©2012.
155.41214 Piaget, Jean, 1896-1980. The child's conception of physical causality [electronic resource] / Jean Piaget ; [translated by Marjorie Gabain]. London : Routledge, 1999, c1930.
158.2 Eg13 Egan, Gerard. Exercises in helping skills : a manual to accompany The skilled helper / Gerard Egan. Pacific Grove, Calif. : Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1994.
159.4 N279 v.6 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (60th : 2012 : University of Nebraska- Lincoln). Objectification and (de)humanization : 60th Nebraska Symposium on Motivation / Sarah J. Gervais, editor. New York, NY : Springer, 2013.
183.4 D621 Diogenes Laertius. Lives of eminent philosophers / Diogened Laertius ; edited with introduction by Tiziano Dorandi. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.
190.9033 P14 Pagden, Anthony. The Enlightenment : and why it still matters / Anthony Pagden. New York : Random House, [2013].
200.1 P63 Pihlström, Sami. Pragmatic pluralism and the problem of God / Sami Pihlström. New York : Fordham University Press, 2013.
227.06 Sch6 Scholz, Daniel J. The Pauline letters : introducing the New Testament / Daniel J. Scholz ; James A. Kelhoffer, academic editor. Winona, MN : Anselm Academic, [2013].
230.01 Ad1 The Oxford handbook of theology and modern European thought / edited by Nicholas Adams, George Pattison, and Graham Ward. Oxford, England : Oxford University Press, 2013.
232.91 R128 Rahner, Hugo, 1900-1968. Our Lady and the church / Hugo Rahner ; translated by Sebastian Bullough. Bethesda : Zaccheus Press, c2004.
233.11 P97 Purcell, Brendan M., 1941- From big bang to big mystery : human origins in the light of creation and evolution / Brendan Purcell. Hyde Park, N.Y. : New City Press, c2012.
255.97 Sy5 Crucible for change : engaging impasse through communal contemplation and dialogue / edited by Nancy Sylvester and Mary Jo Klick. San Antonio, Tex. : Sor Juana Press, c2004.
282.0 New Catholic encyclopedia. Supplement 2012-2013 [electronic resource] : ethics and philosophy / [Robert L. Fastiggi, executive editor]. Detroit : Gale Cengage Learning in association with the Catholic University of America, 2013.
301.3 Coontz, Sidney H. (Sidney Harry). Population theories and the economic interpretation [electronic resource] / by Sydney H. Coontz. London : Routledge, 1998.
301.444 Trouton, Ruth. Peasant renaissance in Yugoslavia, 1900-1950 [electronic resource] : a study of the development of Yugoslav peasant society as affected by education / Ruth Trouton. London : Routledge, 1998, c1952.
303.4833 B83 Brunton, Finn, 1980- Spam : a shadow history of the Internet / Finn Brunton. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013].
303.484 C81 Corrigall-Brown, Catherine, author. Patterns of protest : trajectories of participation in social movements / Catherine Corrigall-Brown. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2012, ©2012.
304.2 C46 Christie, Douglas E. The blue sapphire of the mind : notes for a contemplative ecology / Douglas E. Christie. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.
304.2 M36 Martin-Schramm, James B. Christian environmental ethics : a case method approach / James B. Martin-Schramm, Robert L. Stivers. Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2003.
304.8095 Lary, Diana. Chinese migrations [electronic resource] : the movement of people, goods, and ideas over four millennia / Diana Lary. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, 2012.
305.3 F327 Feinberg, Leslie, 1949- Trans liberation : beyond pink or blue / Leslie Feinberg. Boston, Mass. : Beacon Press, c1998.
305.40958 C39 Chavis, Melody Ermachild. Meena, heroine of Afghanistan : the martyr who founded RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan / Melody Ermachild Chavis ; foreword by Alice Walker. New York, N.Y. : St. Martin's Press, c2003.
305.409 Gender and sustainability [electronic resource] : lessons from Asia and Latin America / María Luz Cruz-Torres and Pamela McElwee, editors. Tucson : UAP, c2012.
305. Ossowski, Stanisław. Class structure in the social consciousness [electronic resource] / by Stanislaw Ossowski ; translated from the Polish by Sheila Patterson. London : Routledge, 1998.
305.513 L96 Lubrano, Alfred. Limbo : blue-collar roots, white-collar dreams / Alfred Lubrano. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2004.
305.8967 K53 Kidder, Tracy. Strength in what remains / Tracy Kidder. New York : Random House, c2009.
306.483 W29 Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. Athletes, sexual assault, and "trials by media" : narrative immunity / Deb Waterhouse-Watson. IMPRINT =
306.7 M39 Masters, William H. Masters and Johnson on sex and human loving / William H. Masters, Virginia E. Johnson, Robert C. Kolodny. Boston : Little, Brown, c1988.
306.766 C819 Corvino, John, 1969-, author. What's wrong with homosexuality? / John Corvino. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2013].
306.766 H61 Hirshman, Linda R. Victory : the triumphant gay revolution / Linda Hirshman. New York : Harper, c2012.
306.874 Ruggerio, Alena Amato, 1975- Media depictions of brides, wives, and mothers [electronic resource] / Alena Amato Ruggerio. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, c2012.
320.0 Lasswell, Harold D. (Harold Dwight), 1902-1978. The analysis of political behavior [electronic resource] : an empirical approach / Harold Dwight Lasswell. London : Routledge, 1999, c1948.
320.512094 Hallowell, John H. (John Hamilton), 1913-1991. The decline of liberalism as an ideology [electronic resource] : with particular reference to German politico-legal thought / by John H. Hallowell. London : Routledge, 1998.
320.973 Su8 Sunstein, Cass R., author. Simpler : the future of government / Cass R. Sunstein. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2013.
326.8094 Huzzey, Richard, 1982- Freedom burning [electronic resource] : anti-slavery and empire in Victorian Britain / Richard Huzzey. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012.
331.40941 K54 Kiely, Elizabeth. Irish women at work, 1930-1960 : an oral history / Elizabeth Kiely and Máire Leane ; foreword by Maria Luddy. Dublin : Irish Academic Press, 2012.
331.487 T88 Tuttle, Carolyn. Mexican women in American factories : free trade and exploitation on the border / by Carolyn Tuttle. Austin : University of Texas Press, c2012.
331.8 R18 Trade unions in the green economy : working for the environment / edited by Nora Räthzel and David Uzzell. New York, NY : Routledge, 2013.
333.72 K12 The Oxford handbook of U.S. environmental policy / edited by Sheldon Kamieniecki and Michael E. Kraft. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.
333.794 H78 Hordeski, Michael F. Alternative fuels : the future of hydrogen / by Michael Frank Hordeski.
333.91 D29 Davis, Wade. River notes : a natural and human history of the Colorado / Wade Davis. Washington : Island Press, c2013.
338.162 W82 Wojtkowski, Paul A. (Paul Anthony), 1947- Introduction to agroecology : principles and practices / Paul A. Wojtkowski. New York : Food Products Press, c2006.
338.542 G76 Grant, James, 1946- The trouble with prosperity : a contrarian's tale of boom, bust, and speculation / James Grant. [New York] : Times Business, [c1998].
338.76 Belov, Fedor Fedorovich. The history of a Soviet collective farm [electronic resource] / by Fedor Belov. London : Routledge, 1998.
338. Bonne, Alfred, 1899-1959. Studies in economic development [electronic resource] : with special reference to conditions in the underdeveloped areas of Western Asia and India / Alfred Bonne. London : Routledge, 1998.
338.9 G34 Ghere, Richard K., 1945- NGO leadership and human rights / Richard K. Ghere ; forword by H. George Frederickson. Sterling, Va. : Kumarian Press, c2013.
340.115 R49 Risse, Mathias, 1970- On global justice / Mathias Risse. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2012].
348.026 C128w West's California digest 2d. St. Paul, Minn. : West Group, c1981-
361.0068 L58 Management of human service programs / Judith A. Lewis ... [et al.]. Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole : Thomson Learning, c2001.
362.2 Hoenig, J. (Julius), 1916- The Desegregation of the mentally ill [electronic resource] / by J. Hoenig and Marian W. Hamilton. London : Routledge, 1998.
362.2 Jones, Kathleen, 1922-2010. Mental hospitals at work [electronic resource] / by Kathleen Jones and Roy Sidebotham. London : Routledge, 2000, c1962.
362.5 D44 DeParle, Jason. American dream : three women, ten kids, and a nation's drive to end welfare / Jason DeParle. New York : Viking, 2004.
362.5 K73 Kneebone, Elizabeth. Confronting suburban poverty in America / Elizabeth Kneebone, Alan Berube. Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, c2013.
362.78 Allen, Frederick Harold, 1890- Psychotherapy with children [electronic resource] / Frederick H. Allen. London : Routledge, 1999.
363.59 C49 Independent for life : homes and neighborhoods for an aging America / edited by Henry Cisneros, Margaret Dyer-Chamberlain, Jane Hickie. Austin : University of Texas Press, c2012.
370. Taba, Hilda, 1902-1967. The dynamics of education [electronic resource] : a methodology of progressive educational thought / Hilda Taba ; introduction by William Heard Kilpatrick. London : Routledge, 1999, c1932.
370.115 H51 Teaching in an age of ideology / edited by John von Heyking and Lee Trepanier. Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, c2013.
370.1 Lay, Wilfrid, 1872- The child's unconscious mind [electronic resource] : the relations of psychoanalysis to education / Wilfrid Lay. London : Routledge, 1999, c1923.
370.19 W31 Waters, Tony. Schooling, childhood, and bureaucracy : bureaucratizing the child / Tony Waters. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
370.19348 Ep85 Epstein, Kitty Kelly, 1946- A different view of urban schools : civil rights, critical race theory, and unexplored realities / Kitty Kelly Epstein. New York : P. Lang, c2012.
370.32 International education [electronic resource] : an encyclopedia of contemporary issues and systems / edited by Daniel Ness and Chia-Ling Lin. Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2013.
371.1 C47 Chubb, John E., author. The best teachers in the world : why we don't have them and how we could / John E. Chubb. IMPRINT =
371.97 C12 Breaking through : effective instruction & assessment for reaching English learners / [edited by] Margarita Calderón. Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, c2012.
378.101 K525 Kezar, Adrianna J. Understanding and facilitating organizational change in the 21st century : recent research and conceptualizations / Adrianna J. Kezar. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2001.
378.111 Es8 Esterberg, Kristin G. Divided conversations : identities, leadership, and change in public higher education / Kristin G. Esterberg and John Wooding. Nashville, Tenn. : Vanderbilt University Press, c2012.
378.12 C46 Integrated but unequal : Black faculty in predominately white space / edited by Mark Christian. Trenton NJ : Africa World Press, c2012.
378.242 Sa24 Ed.140 Thompson, Nicole Jennilee. Coaching fieldwork : further preparation for teaching as a reading specialist / by Nicole Jennilee Thompson. 2012.
378.242 Sa24 MAL.10 Lacey, Remi. Increasing our awareness of the impact we have on others / by Remi Lacey, Karla Molina Bourdon, and Jessica Nwafor. 2013.
378.242 Sa24 MAL.10 Alfaro, Dennette. Reducing intercultural and intergenerational conflicts between first and second generation immigrants: a collaborative inquiry / by Dennette Alfaro, Carmen Caballero, and Annette Coffey. 2013.
378.242 Sa24 MAL.10 Fitzgerald, Francis. A sales team expansion and the unintended consequences / by Francis Fitzgerald. 2013.
378.42659 Sh2 Clare through the twentieth century : portrait of a Cambridge college / [edited by Lindsey Shaw-Miller]. Chailey : Third Millennium, 2001.
379.11 Educational delusions? [electronic resource] : why choice can deepen inequality and how to make schools fair / Gary Orfield and Erica Frankenberg and associates. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2013.
391.43 Ar6 Arnoldi, Mary Jo. Crowning achievements : African arts of dressing the head / Mary Jo Arnoldi and Christine Mullen Kreamer ; with contributions by Michael Oládèjo Afoláyan ... [et al.]. Los Angeles, Calif. : Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles, c1995.
460.9 N12 Nadeau, Jean-Benoît. The story of Spanish / Jean-Benoît Nadeau and Julie Barlow. New York, N.Y. : St. Martin's Press, 2013.
530.01 Su8 Susskind, Leonard. The theoretical minimum : what you need to know to start doing physics / Leonard Susskind and George Hrabovsky. New York : Basic Books, c2013.
530.092 D995 Schewe, Phillip F. Maverick genius : the pioneering odyssey of Freeman Dyson / Phillip F. Schewe. New York : Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Press, 2013.
530.11 M44 Maudlin, Tim. Philosophy of physics : space and time / Tim Maudlin. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.
535 AL3 Alhazen, 965-1039. The Optics of Ibn al-Haytham. Books I-III, On direct vision / translated, with introduction and commentary, by A.I. Sabra. London : Warburg Institute, University of London, 1989.
539.7223 B46 Bertolotti, Mario. Celestial messengers : cosmic rays : the story of a scientific adventure / Mario Bertolotti. Heidelberg [Germany] ; New York : Springer, c2013.
540 M24 McQuarrie, Donald A. (Donald Allan). General chemistry / Donald A. McQuarrie, Peter A. Rock. Mill Valley, CA : University Science Books, c2011.
540 M242 McQuarrie, Carole H. Student solutions manual to accompany general chemistry / Carole H. McQuarrie. Mill Valley, Calif. : : University Science Books ; 2011.
541.076 IL Ilich, Predrag-Peter. Selected problems in physical chemistry : strategies and interpretations / Predrag-Peter Ilich. Heidelberg ; New York: Springer, c2010.
541.2 L61 Li, Wai-Kee. Advanced structural inorganic chemistry / Wai-Kee Li, Gong-Du Zhou, Thomas Chung Wai Mak. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
541.7 Or Orna, Mary Virginia. The chemical history of color / Mary Virginia Orna. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2013.
543.0894 M575p Meyer, Veronika. Practical high-performance liquid chromatography / Veronika R. Meyer. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley, 2010.
546.751 N19 Nath, Biman. The story of helium and the birth of astrophysics / Biman B. Nath. New York : Springer, c2013.
574.192 V37 Van Vranken, David L. Introduction to bioorganic chemistry and chemical biology / David L. Van Vranken and Gregory A. Weiss. New York : Garland Science, c2013.
574.5 Uh Uhl, Christopher, 1949- Developing ecological consciousness : path to a sustainable world / Christopher Uhl. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2003.
599.8 Se7 Field and laboratory methods in primatology : a practical guide / edited by Joanna M. Setchell and Deborah J. Curtis. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
613.0424 R54 Robert-McComb, Jacalyn J. The active female : health issues throughout the lifespan / edited by Jacalyn J. Robert-McComb, Norman Reid, Mimi Zumwalt. Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, c2010.
613.707 St3 Adapted physical activity / Robert D. Steadward, Garry, D. Wheeler, E. Jane Watkinson, editors. Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, c2003.
615.1 M537 201 The Merck index : an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. Cambridge, UK : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013.
616. McKenzie, John Grant, 1882- Nervous disorders and character [electronic resource] : a study in pastoral psychology and psychotherapy / John G. McKenzie. London : Routledge, 1999, c1946.
616.8 T39 Thornton, Davi Johnson, 1978- Brain culture : neuroscience and popular media / Davi Johnson Thornton. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2011.
616.8583 W72 Wincze, John P., 1943- Sexual dysfunction : a guide for assessment and treatment / John P. Wincze, Michael P. Carey ; editor's note by David H. Barlow ; foreword by Leslie R. Schover. New York : Guilford Press, c1991.
616.89 Am35 Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5 / [American Psychiatric Association ; DSM-5 Task Force]. Arlington, VA : American Psychiatric Association, ©2013.
616.8915 H22 Hargrave, Terry D. The new contextual therapy : guiding the power of give and take / by Terry D. Hargrave and Franz Pfitzer. New York : Brunner-Routledge, c2003.
616.8917 W65 Wilkinson, Margaret. Changing minds in therapy : emotion, attachment, trauma, and neurobiology / Margaret Wilkinson. New York : W.W. Norton, c2010.
658.0072 F24 Farr, Rick C. Business research : an informal guide / Rick C. Farr, Paul R. Timm. Menlo Park, Calif. : Crisp Publications c1994.
658.045 B73 Brännback, Malin, 1963- Family firms : case studies on the management of growth, decline, and transition / Malin Brännback, Alan L. Carsrud. New York : Springer, c2012.
658.048 AL5 Allison, Michael (Michael J.). Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations : a practical guide and workbook / Michael Allison, Jude Kaye. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2005.
658.048 Ed9 Skills for effective management of nonprofit organizations / edited by Richard L. Edwards, John A. Yankey, Mary A. Altpeter. Washington, DC : NASW Press, c1998.
658.4 J63 Johnson, Barry. Polarity management : identifying and managing unsolvable problems / Barry Johnson. Amherst, Mass : HRD Press, c1992.
658.406 B91 Burke, W. Warner (Wyatt Warner), 1935- Organization change : theory and practice / W. Warner Burke. Los Angeles : Sage Publications, c2008.
658.408 M77 Accounting for social value / edited by Laurie Mook. Toronto, ON : University of Toronto Press, c2013.
700.86 B46 Beurdeley, Cecile. L'amour bleu / Cecile Beurdeley ; translated from the French by Michael Taylor. [Koln] : Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, 1994.
700.86 B58 In a different light : visual culture, sexual identity, queer practice / edited by Nayland Blake, Lawrence Rinder, Amy Scholder. San Francisco : City Lights Books, c1995.
704.9423 Ea5 Esten, John, 1935- Thomas Eakins : the absolute male / John Esten. New York, NY : Universe Pub., c2002.
708.1946 Sa52 The making of a modern museum : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. San Francisco, Calif. : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, c1994.
708.21 T18 Tate Gallery. The Tate Gallery : an illustrated companion to the national collections of British & modern foreign art. London : Tate Gallery Publications, 1984.
708.436 M42 Mathieu, Caroline. Guide to the Musée d'Orsay / Caroline Mathieu ; [translated into English by Anthony Roberts]. Paris : Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1987.
708.436 R94 The National Museum of Modern Art : paintings and sculptures / edited by Peter Ruyffelaere, translated by Elsie Callander & Margaret Curran. Paris : Mus. et Monuments de France ; Editions du Centre Pompidou, 1989.
709.04 H11 Matisse and other modern masters : the Elise S. Haas collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art / John Klein, Janet Bishop. San Francisco : The Museum, 1993.
709.04 J71 Jones, Caroline A. Modern art at Harvard : the formation of the nineteenth- and twentieth- century collections of the Harvard University Art Museums / Caroline A. Jones ; with an essay by John Coolidge and a preface by John M. Rosenfield. New York : Abbeville Press ; Cambridge : Harvard University Art Museums, 1985.
709.04 L64 Individuals : a selected history of contemporary art, 1945-1986 / essays by Kate Linker ... [et al.] ; organized by Julia Brown Turrell ; edited by Howard Singerman. Los Angeles : Museum of Contemporary Art ; New York : Abbeville Press, c1986.
709.04 T86 The First show : painting and sculpture from eight collections, 1940-1980 / edited by Julia Brown and Bridget Johnson. Los Angeles : Museum of Contemporary Art ; New York : Arts Publisher, c1983.
709.2 D29 Serwer, Jacquelyn Days. Gene Davis, a memorial exhibition / Jacquelyn Days Serwer, with essays by Douglas Davis and Donald Kuspit. Washington, D.C. : Published for the National Museum of American Art by the Smithsonian Institution Press, c1987.
709.2 D75 Green, Nancy E. Arthur Wesley Dow and American arts & crafts / Nancy E. Green ; essays by Nancy E. Green and Jessie Poesch. New York : American Federation of Arts, 1999.
709.32 F87 Freed, Rita E. Ramesses the Great : the Pharaoh and his time / Rita E. Freed. Charlotte, N.C. : Mint Museum of Art, [1988], c1987.
709.42 Sa1 Sensation : young British artists from the Saatchi Collection / [essays by] Brooks Adams ... [et al.] ; photographs of the artists by Johnnie Shand Kydd. London : Thames and Hudson in association with the Royal Academy of Arts, c1997.
709.45 H87 Italian art, 1900-1945 / organized by Pontus Hulten and Germano Celant. Milan : Bompiani, c1989.
709.473 AL5 Moscow : treasures and traditions / Mikhail M. Allenov ... [et al.] ; introduction by W. Bruce Lincoln. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in association with University of Washington Press, c1990.
709.5 P170 Asian art : selections from the Norton Simon Museum / edited by Pratapaditya Pal. Pasadena, Calif. : Norton Simon Museum, [1988].
709.72 Em6 Emmerich, André. Art before Columbus; the art of ancient Mexico, from the archaic villages of the second millennium B.C. to the splendor of the Aztecs. With photos. by Lee Boltin. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1963.
709.72 M56 Mexico : splendors of thirty centuries / introduction by Octavio Paz ; [translations by Edith Grossman ... et al.]. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art ; Boston : Little, Brown, c1990.
709.72 Sm5 Smith, Bradley, 1910-1997. Mexico : a history in art / by Bradley Smith. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday & Co., 1968.
709.7274 P18 Myth and magic: Oaxaca past and present = Mito y magia: Oaxaca pasado y presente / Palo Alto Cultural Center/Centro Cultural de Palo Alto. Palo Alto, Calif : The Center, c1994.
709.7294 St31 Haitian art / [edited] by Ute Stebich. New York : Brooklyn Museum : Exclusively distributed by H.N. Abrams, c1978.
709.73 F853 Fine, Ruth, 1941- Helen Frankenthaler : prints / Ruth E. Fine. Washington : National Gallery of Art ; New York : H.N. Abrams, c1993.
709.73 G93 A Forest of signs : art in the crisis of representation / edited by Catherine Gudis. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1989.
709.73 H27 The American century : art & culture. New York : Whitney Museum of American Art in association with W.W. Norton, c1999.
709.73 M36 Martin, Alvin. American realism : twentieth-century drawings and watercolors from the collection of Glenn C. Janss / text by Alvin Martin ; foreword by Henry T. Hopkins ; introduction by Glenn C. Janss. San Francisco, Calif. : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art ; New York : H.N. Abrams, 1986.
709.73 R193 Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange. Washington : National Gallery of Art, c1991.
709.73 W232 Warhol, Andy, 1928-1987. Andy Warhol nudes / essay by Linda Nochlin ; edited by John Cheim. New York : Robert Miller Gallery, 1995.
709.794 B81 Brown, Christopher, 1951- Christopher Brown : works on paper ; 22 June-6 August 1995 / curated by Signe Mayfield. Palo Alto, Calif. : Palo Alto Cultural Center, c1995.
709.7946 H71 A Bay Area connection : works from the Anderson collection, 1954-1984 : Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, California, November 1, 1995 to January 28, 1996. [Santa Clara] : The Museum, c1995.
730.945 B457w Warwick, Genevieve. Bernini : art as theatre / Genevieve Warwick. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, [2012].
730.9794 M35 Ceramic sculpture : six artists / Richard Marshall and Suzanne Foley. New York : Whitney Museum of American Art ; Seattle : In Association with the University of Washington Press, c1981.
741.509 K534 v. The graphic canon. Volume 1 : from the epic of Gilgamesh to Shakespeare to Dangerous liaisons / edited by Russ Kick. New York : Seven Stories Press, c2012.
741.942 H65 Luckhardt, Ulrich. David Hockney : a drawing retrospective / Ulrich Luckhardt and Paul Melia. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 1995.
741.973 D56 Elderfield, John. The drawings of Richard Diebenkorn / John Elderfield. New York : Museum of Modern Art ; Houston : Houston Fine Art Press, c1988.
741.98 St6 Stofflet, Mary. Latin American drawings today / Mary Stofflet ; with essays by Shifra M. Goldman, Gloria Zea, Bélgica Rodríguez. [San Diego] : San Diego Museum of Art ; Seattle : Distributed by the University of Washington Press, c1991.
746.0958 F57 Fitz Gibbon, Kate. Ikat : splendid silks of Central Asia : the Guido Goldman collection / Kate Fitz Gibbon & Andrew Hale. London : Laurence King in association with Alan Marcuson, 1997.
759.06 M49 American naive paintings from the National Gallery of Art : [exhibition], December 19, 1981 - March 14, 1982, Terra Museum of American Art, Evanston, Illinois. Evanston, Ill. : The Museum, [1981?].
759.06 W43 National Gallery of Art (U.S.). American naive paintings. [Washington, D.C.] : National Gallery of Art, [1983?].
759.0652 T33 Thaw, Eugene Victor. The abstract expressionists / Eugene Victor Thaw. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1987.
759.11 C230 Endicott, Marion, 1952- Emily Carr : the story of an artist / by Marion Endicott. Toronto, Ont. : Women's Press, c1981.
759.13 B29 Art Beatus (Vancouver, British Columbia) Gallery. Jean-Michel Basquiat / [text by Richard D. Marshall]. [Vancouver, BC, Canada : Art Beatus, 1997].
759.13 B446 Mazow, Leo G. Thomas Hart Benton and the American sound / Leo G. Mazow. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c2012.
759.13 C114 Kirstein, Lincoln, 1907-1996. Paul Cadmus / by Lincoln Kirstein. San Francisco, Calif. : Pomegranate Artbooks, c1992.
759.13 C67 Sims, Lowery Stokes. Robert Colescott, a retrospective, 1975-1986 / essays by Lowery S. Sims and Mitchell D. Kahan ; organized by the San Jose Museum of Art ; with support from the Metropolitan Life Foundation, the National Endowments for the Arts, and the California Arts Council ; circulated under the auspices of the Art Museum Association of America. San Jose, Calif. : The Museum, c1987.
759.13 D36 Miller, Dana. Jay DeFeo : a retrospective / Dana Miller ; with contributions by Michael Duncan ... [et al.]. New York : Whitney Museum of American Art ; New Haven : Distributed by Yale University Press, c2012.
759.13 D362 Roy De Forest / essay by John Fitz Gibbon. Davis, Calif. : Natsoulas/Novelozo Gallery, 1990.
759.13 D562a Diebenkorn, Richard, 1922-1993. Richard Diebenkorn : small paintings from Ocean Park. San Francisco, CA : Hine Inc. ; Houston, Tex. : Houston Fine Art Press, 1985.
759.13 D562 Diebenkorn, Richard, 1922-1993. Richard Diebenkorn : from nature to abstraction : October 12- November 13, 1999. San Francisco : Campbell-Thiebaud Gallery, 1999.
759.13 D562 Diebenkorn, Richard, 1922-1993. Richard Diebenkorn / [essay by John Elderfield]. London : Whitechapel, 1991.
759.13 D562 Diebenkorn, Richard, 1922-1993. Richard Diebenkorn : graphics, 1981-1988 / [essay, Gerald Nordland]. Billings, Mont. : Yellowstone Art Center, c1989.
759.13 D562n Diebenkorn, Richard, 1922-1993. Works on paper / Richard Diebenkorn. Houston, Tex. : Houston Fine Art Press, c1987.
759.13 D562 Diebenkorn, Richard, 1922-1993. Richard Diebenkorn, etchings and drypoints, 1949-1980 / introduction by Mark Stevens. Houston, Tex. : Houston Fine Art Press, 1981.
759.13 F847a Francis, Sam, 1923-1994. Sam Francis; paintings, 1947-1972. [Buffalo, 1972].
759.13 F847 Francis, Sam, 1923-1994. Sam Francis : blue balls / with an essay by Peter Selz. New York : Gagosian Gallery, c1991.
759.13 F847 Francis, Sam, 1923-1994. Saturated blue : writings from the notebooks / Sam Francis ; [afterword by Pontus Hulten]. Santa Monica, Calif. : Lapis Press, c1995.
759.13 F847h Hultén, Pontus, 1924-2006. Sam Francis / Pontus Hultén. [Stuttgart] : Edition Cantz, [1993].
759.13 F847 Lyotard, Jean François. Sam Francis : lesson of darkness-- like the paintings of a blind man-- / Jean-François Lyotard. Venice, Calif. : Lapis Press, c1993.
759.13 F847 Francis, Sam, 1923-1994. Sam Francis : the fifties / foreword by Laughlin Phillips ; introduction by Robert Elkon ; and an essay by Diane W. Upright. Washington, D.C. : Phillips Collection, c1980.
759.13 F847 Francis, Sam, 1923-1994. Sam Francis-- this permanent water / [traduzioni, Paola Alini ... et al.]. Milano : Skira, c1997.
759.13 H677 Goodman, Cynthia. Hans Hofmann / Cynthia Goodman ; with essays by Cynthia Goodman, Irving Sandler, Clement Greenberg. New York : Whitney Museum of American Art ; Munich : In Association with Prestel-Verlag, c1990.
759.13 H677g Goodman, Cynthia. Hans Hofmann / Cynthia Goodman. Berkeley : University Art Museum, University of California ; New York : Abbeville Press, c1986.
759.13 H677 Sims, Lowery Stokes. Hans Hofmann in the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Lowery Stokes Sims ; chronology and selected bibliography by Tina Dickey. New York : The Museum, 1999.
759.13 J623 Johns, Jasper, 1930- Jasper Johns : the seasons : January 31-March 7, 1987 / [editor: David Whitney]. New York : Leo Castelli, c1987.
759.13 K64 Kitaj, R. B. R.B. Kitaj : a retrospective / edited by Richard Morphet. London : Tate Gallery, 1994.
759.13 K82 Kohlmeyer, Ida, 1912-1997. Ida Kohlmeyer, thirty years : an exhibition organized by the Mint Museum Department of Art, Charlotte, North Carolina. Charlotte, N.C. : Mint Museum, c1983.
759.13 L782 Lobdell, Frank, 1921- Frank Lobdell : paintings and monotypes : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, January 20 through March 27, 1983. San Francisco, Calif. (Van Ness Ave. at McAllister St., San Francisco 94102) : The Museum, c1983.
759.13 M857 Flam, Jack D. Motherwell / Jack Flam. New York : Rizzoli, 1991.
759.13 N71 Noland, Kenneth, 1924-2010. Kenneth Noland : a retrospective : the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York / by Diane Waldman. New York : Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1977.
759.13 N712 Wilkin, Karen, 1940- Kenneth Noland / Karen Wilkin. New York : Rizzoli, 1990.
759.13 P219a Armstrong, Richard, 1949- David Park / Richard Armstrong. New York : Whitney Museum of American Art ; Berkeley : University of California Press, c1988.
759.13 P219 Park, David, 1911-1960. David Park, 1911-1960. [Newport Beach, Ca. : Newport Harbor Art Museum, 1977].
759.13 R986 Storr, Robert. Robert Ryman / Robert Storr. London : Tate Gallery, c1993.
759.13 Sa5 Proby, Kathryn Hall, 1921- Mario Sanchez : painter of Key West memories / by Kathryn Hall Proby. Key West, Fla. : Southernmost Press, c1981.
759.13 T346 Tsujimoto, Karen. Wayne Thiebaud / Karen Tsujimoto. Seattle : Published for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art by the University of Washington Press, c1985.
759.2 H659 Hockney, David. Paper pools / David Hockney ; edited by Nikos Stangos. New York : H.N. Abrams, 1980.
759.2 W24 Warner, Malcolm, 1953- The Victorians : British painting, 1837-1901 / by Malcolm Warner ; with contributions by Anne Helmreich and Charles Brock. Washington : National Gallery of Art ; New York : Distributed by Abrams, c1996.
759.4 G69 From Poussin to Matisse : the Russian taste for French painting : a loan exhibition from the U.S.S.R. Chicago : Art Institute of Chicago ; New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art : Distributed by H.N. Abrams, c1990.
759.4 G699 Impressionist to early modern paintings from the U.S.S.R. Los Angeles : Occidental Petroleum Corp. and the Hammer Foundation, c1986.
759.4 M427cj Matisse in Morocco : the paintings and drawings, 1912-1913 / Jack Cowart .. [et al.]. Washington : National Gallery of Art, c1990.
759.4 M427 Flam, Jack D. Matisse : The dance / Jack Flam. Washington [D.C.] : National Gallery of Art, c1993.
759.4 R295 Impressionists on the Seine : a celebration of Renoir's Luncheon of the boating party / Eliza E. Rathbone ... [et al.]. Washington, D.C. : Counterpoint in association with the Phillips Collection : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c1996.
759.5 B26 Mann, Judith Walker, 1950- Federico Barocci : Renaissance master of color and line / Judith W. Mann and Babette Bohn with Carol Plazzotta. St. Louis, Missouri : Saint Louis Art Museum, [2012].
759.6 P581r Picasso and portraiture : representation and transformation / edited by William Rubin ; with essays by Anne Baldassari ... [et al.]. New York : Museum of Modern Art : Distributed by Abrams, c1996.
759.6 P581sc Schiff, Gert. Picasso, the last years, 1963-1973 / by Gert Schiff. New York : G. Braziller, in association with the Grey Art Gallery & Study Center, New York University, c1983.
759.7 M29 Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich, 1878-1935. Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935. Los Angeles, Calif. : Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Cultural Centre in association with the University of Washington Press, 1990.
759.9492 G557 Pickvance, Ronald. Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy and Auvers / Ronald Pickvance. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art : H.N. Abrams, c1986.
759.9492 G557p Gogh, Vincent van, 1853-1890. Van Gogh in Arles / Ronald Pickvance. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art : H.N. Abrams, 1984.
759.9598 R83 Agung Rai Gallery of Fine Art. Selected paintings from the collection of the Agung Rai Fine Art Gallery / edited and with an introduction by Abby C. Ruddick ; photography by Koes Karnadi. Bali : The Gallery, 1992.
759.972 Su5 Aspects of contemporary Mexican painting / organized by the Americas Society ; curated by Edward J. Sullivan. New York : Americas Society, c1990.
767.2 P58 Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973. Picasso, Vollard suite. Madrid : Turespaña, 1993.
769.944 B69 Boyle-Turner, Caroline. The prints of the Pont-Aven School : Gauguin and his circle in Brittany / by Caroline Boyle-Turner in collaboration with Samuel Josefowitz ; foreword by Douglas Druick. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, c1986.
769.973 C83 Proof positive : forty years of contemporary American printmaking at ULAE, 1957-1997. Washington, DC : Corcoran Gallery of Art, c1997.
769.973 F84 Francis, Sam, 1923-1994. The monotypes of Sam Francis = Les monotypes de Sam Francis. Stuttgart (Germany) : Daco-Verlag, 1994.
769.973 F847 Francis, Sam, 1923-1994. Sam Francis, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, March 13 - May 11, 1980. Los Angeles, Calif. : Los Angeles County Museum of Art, c1980.
769.973 F847L Lembark, Connie W., 1934- The prints of Sam Francis : a catalogue raisonné, 1960-1990 / by Connie W. Lembark ; introduction by Ruth E. Fine. New York : Hudson Hills Press : Distributed in the U.S. by National Book Network, c1992.
769.973 H22 Haring, Keith. Apocalypse / Keith Haring, William Burroughs. New York : George Mulder Fine Arts, 1988.
769.973 T97 Prints from Tyler Graphics : 23 September 1984 through 17 March 1985, Walker Art Center. [Minneapolis?] : The Center, [1984].
769.973 T97 Ken Tyler : 25 glorious years : Heland Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, May 24-August 13, 1989. Stockholm, Sweden : Heland Wetterling Gallery, c1989.
769.9794 C67 Colburn, Bolton T. Across the street : Self-Help Graphics and Chicano art in Los Angeles / by Bolton Colburn ; with an essay by Margarita Nieto. Laguna Beach, Calif. : Laguna Art Museum, c1995.
769.9794 C88 Breuer, Karin. Thirty-five years at Crown Point Press : making prints, doing art / Karin Breuer, Ruth E. Fine, Steven A. Nash. [San Francisco] : Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco ; Berkeley : University of California Press, c1997.
770.92 Ad17a Alinder, James. Ansel Adams : classic images : the museum set / James Alinder, Nicolai Cikovsky, Jr. Boston : New York Graphic Society Books/Little, Brown ; Washington, D.C. : National Gallery of Art, c1985.
770.92 Iz Izu, Kenro. Sacred places / Kenro Izu ; essay by Clark Worswick. Santa Fe, N.M. : Arena, 2001.
770.92 St52 Stieglitz, Alfred, 1864-1946. Georgia O'Keeffe, a portrait / by Alfred Stieglitz ; with an introd. by Georgia O'Keeffe. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1978.
779 St81 Greenough, Sarah, 1951- Paul Strand : an American vision / Sarah Greenough. Washington : National Gallery of Art, in association with Aperture Foundation, c1990.
779.99628 R44 Riefenstahl, Leni. The last of the Nuba / by Leni Riefenstahl. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1995.
779.9973 B43 Bendavid-Val, Leah. Propaganda & dreams : photographing the 1930s in the USSR and the US / Leah Bendavid-Val. Zurich ; New York : Edition Stemmle, c1999 (Baar/Zug, Switzerland : Kündig Druck AG).
791.43655 Osteen, Mark. Nightmare alley [electronic resource] : film noir and the American dream / Mark Osteen. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
792.01 Ap4 Appia, Adolphe, 1862-1928. Adolphe Appia : texts on theatre / Richard C. Beacham. London ; New York : Routledge, 1993.
792.01 M62 Milling, Jane, 1967- Modern theories of performance : from Stanislavski to Boal / Jane Milling and Graham Ley. Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave, 2001.
792.023 V222 Malaev-Babel, Andrei. Yevgeny Vakhtangov : a critical portrait / Andrei Malaev-Babel. London ; New York : Routledge, 2012.
792.0866 Warner, Sara. Acts of gaiety [electronic resource] : LGBT performance and the politics of pleasure / Sara Warner. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2012.
792.094 Performing early modern drama today [electronic resource] / edited by Pascale Aebischer and Kathryn Prince. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
796.01 D25 Darnell, Simon C. Sport for development and peace : a critical sociology / Simon C. Darnell. London ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury Academic, 2012.
796.41 B88 Bunsell, Tanya. Strong and hard women : an ethnography of female bodybuilding / Tanya Bunsell. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2013.
808.4 G19 Garza, Xavier. Maximilian & the mystery of the Guardian Angel : a bilingual lucha libre thriller / written and illustrated by Xavier Garza. El Paso, TX : Cinco Puntos Press, 2011.
809.93352 P32 Pease, Allison. Modernism, feminism and the culture of boredom / Allison Pease. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
810.8 M617 Miller, Sean, 1969- Strung together : the cultural currency of string theory as a scientific imaginary / Sean Miller. Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, [2013].
813.54 Se27 Sedaris, David. Let's explore diabetes with owls / David Sedaris. New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2013.
823.9 Revisiting Narnia [electronic resource] : fantasy, myth, and religion in C.S. Lewis' chronicles / edited by Shanna Caughey. Dallas, Tex. : Benbella Books, c2005.
823.91 M354 Marsh, Ngaio, 1895-1982. Black as he's painted / by Ngaio Marsh. Mattituck, N.Y. : Aeonian Press, 1976, c1974.
823.91 M354 Marsh, Ngaio, 1895-1982. Light thickens / Ngaio Marsh. Mattituck, NY : Amereon House, c1982.
823.91 M354 Marsh, Ngaio, 1895-1982. Photo finish and two other great mysteries / Ngaio Marsh. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, c1980.
823.91 Sa99h Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh), 1893-1957. Hangman's holiday / Dorothy L. Sayers ; with a new introduction by Elizabeth George. London : New English Library, [2003].
832.62 W Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Die Leiden des jungen Werthers / von Goethe. Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, [1936].
840.4 D85 Duclaux, Mary (1857-1944). The French Ideal : Pascal, Fénelon and other essays / by Madame Duclaux (A. Mary F. Robinson). London : Chapman and Hall, 1911.
840.4 Sa2 Saintsbury, George, 1845-1933. French literature and its masters [by] George Saintsbury, edited by Huntington Cairns. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1946.
840.8 C367 Chapman, P. A. (Percy Addison), 1889-1937, comp. An anthology of seventeenth century French literature, compiled by members of the Department of modern languages, Princeton University: P.A. Chapman, Louis Cons, S.L. Levengood, W.U. Vreeland. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1927.
840.8 P17 Medieval French literature : representative selections in modernized versions / edited by Thomas Rossman Palfrey and William Collar Holbrook. New York ; London : D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., c1934.
840.8 Se5 Sensine, Henri, 1854- ed. Chrestomathie française du XIXe siècle. Lausanne, Payot & cie, 1901-02.
840.9 Ab8 Abry, E. (Emile), 1880- Histoire illustrée de la littérature française / précis méthodique par E. Abry, C. Audic, P. Crouzet. 386 illustrations. Paris : H. Didier, 1933.
840.9 Ad1 Adam, Antoine. Histoire de la littérature française au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Domat, Montchrestien [1948-1956].
840.9 B59 Blanchet, André, 1898- La littérature et le spirituel / André Blanchet. Paris : Aubier, c1959-c1961.
840.9 B74 Brée, Germaine. Women writers in France : variations on a theme / Germaine Brée. New Brunswick, N. J : Rutgers University Press, 1973.
840.9 C31 Cazamian, Louis François, 1877-1965. A history of French literature. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1955.
840.9 D75 Dowden, Edward, 1843-1913. A history of French literature, by Edward Dowden. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1897.
840.9 Ed9 Betham-Edwards, Matilda, 1836-1919. Literary rambles in France, by Miss Betham-Edwards .. London, A. Constable and Co. 1907.
840.9 F139 Faguet, Émile, 1847-1916. A literary history of France, by Émile Faguet. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1907.
840.9 K85 Krailsheimer, A. J., ed. Studies in self-interest: from Descartes to La Bruyère. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962.
840.9 L292 195 Lanson, Gustave, 1857-1934. Histoire de la littérature française / remaniée et complétée pour la période 1850-1950 par Paul Tuffrau. [Paris] : Hachette, [1952].
840.9 L292 Lanson, Gustave, 1857-1934. Manuel d'histoire de la littérature française, par Gustave Lanson et Paul Tuffrau. Paris, Hachette; Boston, D.C. Heath & Co., 1932.
840.9 M36 Martino, Pierre, 1880-1953. L'époque romantique en France, 1815-1830, par Pierre Martino .. Paris, Boivin et cie [1945].
840.9 M58 Michell, Robert Bell. French literature before 1800, edited by Robert Bell Michell and Robert Foster Bradley. New York, F.S. Crofts & Co., 1935.
840.9 M81 Moreau, Pierre, 1895-1972. La critique littéraire en France. Paris, Colin [1960].
840.9 St2 Starobinski, Jean. L'oeil vivant, essai (Corneille, Racine, Rousseau, Stendhal). [Paris] Gallimard [1961].
840.9 St4 Stewart, H. F. (Hugh Fraser), 1863-1948. The romantic movement in French literature, traced by a series of texts selected and ed. by H.F. Stewart ... and Arthur Tilley .. Cambridge [Eng.] The University Press, 1910.
840.9 St8 Strachey, Lytton, 1880-1932. Landmarks in French literature / by G.L. Strachey. New York : Henry Holt ; London : Williams and Norgate, c1912.
840.9 V368 Tieghem, Philippe van, 1898-1969. Petite histoire des grandes doctrines littéraires en France, de la pléiade au surréalisme. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1946.
840.902 L76 Livingston, Charles Harold, 1888-1966. Le jongleur Gautier le Leu : etude sur les fabliaux / Charles H. Livingston. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1951.
840.9031 M79 Morçay, Raoul. La Renaissance / par Raoul Morçay, Armand Müller. Paris : Del Duca, [1960].
840.9034 L61 Lidsky, Paul. Les écrivains contre la commune. 1970.
840.9034 Sa8 Saulnier, Verdun L. La littérature française du siècle romantique, par V.L. Saulnier .. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1966 [c1945].
840.904 C27 Castex, Pierre Georges, 1915- Manuel des études littéraires françaises XXe siècle / P.-G. Castex, P. Surer. Paris : Hachette, c1967.
840.91 M81 Moreau, Pierre, 1895-1972. Le romantisme. Paris, Del Duca [1957].
840.92 R435 Ridge, George Ross. The hero in French decadent literature. Athens, University of Georgia Press c1961.
840.93 D45 Descotes, Maurice. La Légende de Napoléon et les écrivains français du XIXe siècle. Paris, Lettres modernes, Minard, 1967.
840.93 T39 Thorold, Algar Labouchere, 1866-1936. Six masters in disillusion, by Algar Thorold. New York, E.P. Dutton and company, 1909.
841. B32 Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867. Twenty prose poems of Baudelaire, tr. with and introd. by Michael Hamburger. [London] Editions Poetry London [1946].
841.008 B65 Bosquet, Alain, 1919-1998, ed. Poésie du Québec. Anthologie composée par Alain Bosquet: Alain Grandbois, Simone Routier, François Hertel, Saint-Denys Garneau ... [etc.]. Paris, Seghers; Montréal, HMH, 1968.
841.08 H11 Hackett, Cecil Arthur. Anthology of modern French poetry : from Baudelaire to the present day. Oxford : Blackwell, 1952.
841.08 M69 Mixer, A. H. (Albert Harrison), 1822-1908. Manual of French poetry with historical introduction, and biographical notices of the principal authors. For the use of the school and the home. By A.H. Mixer. New York and Chicago, Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor and Co., 1874.
841.08 Ox The Oxford book of French verse, XIIIth century-XXth century, chosen by St. John Lucas. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957.
841.108 M36 Mary, André, 1879-1962. La fleur de la poésie française depuis les origines jusqu'à la fin du XVe siècle. Textes choisis et accompagnés de traductions et de gloses; avec une préf. et des notices sur les ouvrages et les auteurs. Paris, Garnier frères [1951].
841.109 M34 Marrou, Henri Irénée. Les troubadours [par] Henri Davenson [pseud. Paris] Éditions du Seuil [1961].
841.19 Q29 Renaud of Montauban; first done into English by William Caxton, and abridged and retranslated by Robert Steele. London, G. Allen, 1897.
841.25 An1 Anacker, Robert, 1900- François Villon. New York, Twayne Publishers [1968].
841.25 L58 Lewis, D. B. Wyndham (Dominic Bevan Wyndham), 1891-1969. François Villon : a documented survey / by D.B. Wyndham Lewis, with a preface by Hilaire Beloc. New York : Coward-McCann ; Hartford, E.V. Mitchell, 1928.
841.32 De Du Bellay, Joachim, approximately 1522-1560. La deffence et illustration de la langue francoyse. Ed. critique pub. par Henri Chamard. Paris, M. Didier, 1948.
841.32 R Du Bellay, Joachim, approximately 1522-1560. Les regrets et autres œuvres poëtiques, suivis des Antiquitez de Rome, plus un Songe ou Vision sur le mesme subject. Texte établi par J. Jolliffe. Introd. et commenté par M.A. Screech. Genève, Droz, 1966.
841.34 G28 Gendre, André. Ronsard, poète de la conquête amoureuse. Neuchâtel, [Éditions de] La Baconnière, [1970].
841.34 O Ronsard, Pierre de, 1524-1585. Les œuvres de Pierre de Ronsard. Texte de 1587. [Chicago] Published for Washington University Press by University of Chicago Press [1966].
841.34 R21 Raymond, Marcel, 1897-1981. L'influence de Ronsard sur la poésie française, 1550-1585. Genève, Librairie Droz, 1965.
841.34 Si3 Silver, Isidore, 1906- Ronsard and the Hellenic Renaissance in France / by Isidore Silver. St Louis [Mo.] : Washington University, 1961-
841.45 F La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695. Fables. Paris : Garnier frères, [1961?].
841.49 V658 Adam, Antoine. Theophile de Viau et la libre pensee francaise en 1620. Geneve : Slatkine, 1965.
841.56 O Chénier, André, 1762-1794. Oeuvres complètes. Texte établi et commenté par Gérard Walter. [Paris, Gallimard, 1958].
841.708 G76 Grant, Elliott Mansfield, 1895-1969. French poetry of the nineteenth century, selected and edited, with introd. and critical notes, by Elliott M. Grant. [New York] Macmillan [1962].
841.74 C Lamartine, Alphonse de, 1790-1869. La chute d'un ange. Fragment du livre primitif. Éd. critique présentée par Marius-François Guyard. Genève, E. Droz, 1954.
841.76 O Vigny, Alfred de. Oeuvres completes. Paris : Gallimard, 1950, c1948.
841.8 B324 Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867. Baudelaire: a self-portrait : selected letters / translated and edited with a running commentary by Lois Boe Hyslop and Francis E. Hyslop, Jr. London ; New York ; Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1957.
841.8 B324 Baudelaire : a collection of critical essays / edited by Henri Peyre. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1962.
841.87 H11 Hackett, Cecil Arthur. Rimbaud. London, Bowes & Bowes [1957].
841.87 O Rimbaud, Arthur, 1854-1891. Oeuvres poétiques / Arthur Rimbaud ; chronologie et preface par Michael Décaudin. Paris : Garnier-Flammarion, 1964.
841.87 OR Rimbaud, Arthur, 1854-1891. Oeuvres complètes. [Paris, Editions Gallimard, 1963].
841.87 P Rimbaud, Arthur, 1854-1891. Poémes / préface de Paul Claudel. [Paris] : Le Livre de Poche, c1960.
841.87 R46 Rimbaud, Arthur, 1854-1891. Oeuvres de Jean-Arthur Rimbaud. Montréal : B. Valiquette, [1944?].
841.88 C Mallarmé, Stéphane, 1842-1898. Correspondance. Paris, Gallimard [1959]-c1985.
841.88 M58 Michaud, Guy. Mallarmé. Translated by Marie Collins and Bertha Humez. [New York] New York University Press, 1965.
841.88 O Mallarmé, Stéphane, 1842-1898. Œuvres complètes / Stéphane Mallarmé ; texte établi et annoté par Henri Mondor et G. Jean-Aubry. Paris : Gallimard, 1961, c1945.
841.88 P Mallarmé, Stéphane, 1842-1898. Poésies, édition complète et chronologique; préface de E. Noulet. Mexico, Éditions Quetzal, s.a., 1944.
841.89 B324b Baudelaire [par] P. J. Jouve, J. Pommier, L. Cellier, J. S. Patty ...[etc.]. Paris, Sociéte d'histoire littéraire de la France, A. Colin [1967].
841.89 B324 Baudelaire as a love poet, and other essays; commemorating the centenary of the death of the poet. Edited by Lois Boe Hyslop. Essays by Henri Peyre [and others]. University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1969.
841.89 B324 Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867). Baudelaire par lui-même [Texte imprimé] / images et textes présentés par Pascal Pia. Paris : Éditions du Seuil, impr. 1952.
841.89 B324p Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867. Œuvres complètes / Baudelaire ; texte établi, présenté et annoté par Claude Pichois, [avec la collaboration de Jean Ziegler]. [Paris] : Gallimard, 1975-1976.
841.89 B324p Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867. Les paradis artificiels / Charles Baudelaire ; chronologie et introd. par Marcel A. Ruff. Paris : Garnier-Flammarion, 1966.
841.89 B324s Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867. Le spleen de Paris : ou les petits poèmes en prose / introduction et bibliographie par Roger Picard. Montreal : Lucien Parizeau, 1945.
841.89 D85 Lautréamont, comte de, 1846-1870. Oeuvres complètes: Les chants de Maldoror. Poésies. Lettres. Avec les préfaces de L. Genonceaux ... [et al.]; les ports. imaginaires de S. Dali et F. Vallotton; des fac-similés de correspondance et une bibliographie. Paris, J. Corti, 1973.
841.89 D855 Bachelard, Gaston, 1884-1962. Lautréamont / Gaston Bachelard. Paris : Librairie José Corti, [1974, c1939].
841.89 D855 Soulier, J. P. (Jean Pierre). Lautréamont, génie ou maladie mentale. Genève, Droz, 1964.
841.89 H420 Heredia, José-Maria de, 1842-1905. Les trophées / Jose-Maria de Heredia. Paris : Belfond, c1965.
841.89 L496 Leconte de Lisle, 1818-1894. Poèmes antiques de Leconte de Lisle. Paris : Lemerre, [1932?].
841.89 L496 Leconte de Lisle, 1818-1894. Poèmes barbares / Leconte de Lisle. Paris : A. Lemerre, [1929].
841.89 V587 Jones, P. Mansell (Percy Mansell), 1889-1968. Verhaeren. London, Bowes and Bowes, 1957.
841.89 V589o Verlaine, Paul, 1844-1896. Oeuvres complètes : texte définitif collationé sur les originaux et sur les premières éditions : avertissement / par Charles Morice. Paris : A. Messein, 1911-1913.
841.91 C337 Césaire, Aimé. Les armes miraculeuses. [Paris] Gallimard [1970].
841.91 C337 Césaire, Aimé. Cadastre : poèmes / Aimé Césaire. Paris : Editions du Seuil, c1961.
841.91 C337 Juin, Hubert. Aimé Césaire, poète noir. Préf. de Claude Roy. Paris, Présence Africaine, 1956.
841.91 C337 Césaire, Aimé. Aimé Césaire; une étude par Lilyan Kesteloot, avec un choix de poèmes, une bibliographie, vingt illustrations. [Paris] P. Seghers [1970].
841.91 C570c Claudel, Paul, 1868-1955. Cinq grandes odes, suivies d'un Processionnal pour saluer le siècle nouveau. La Cantate à trois voix. Préface de Jean Grosjean. [Paris] Gallimard, 1966.
841.91 C570c Claudel, Paul, 1868-1955. Coronal, rendered into English by Sister Mary David, S.S.N.D. New York, Pantheon Books Inc. [1943].
841.91 C570 Claudel, Paul, 1868-1955. Écoute, ma fille. Paris, Gallimard [c1934].
841.91 C570 Fowlie, Wallace, 1908-1998. Paul Claudel. London, Bowes & Bowes [1957].
841.91 C570 Horry, Ruth Naomi, 1915- Paul Claudel and Saint-John Perse; parallels and contrasts, by Ruth N. Horry. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press [1971].
841.91 F775 Fort, Paul, 1872-1960. Paul Fort / Pierre Béarn ; [avec un choix de textes de Paul Fort]. Paris : Seghers, 1975.
841.91 F82 Fourest, Georges. La négresse blonde / Georges Fourest ; préface de Willy. Paris : José Corti, [1940].
841.91 J24 Jammes, Francis, 1868-1938. Jammes. Translated from the French by Teo Savory. Santa Barbara, Unicorn Press, 1967.
841.91 L351 La Tour Du Pin, Patrice de, 1911-1975. Une Somme De Poesie. [Tome] 1: Le jeu de l'homme en lui-même. (Paris> Gallimard [c1946].
841.91 L351 La Tour Du Pin, Patrice de, 1911-1975. Le second jeu / Patrice de la Tour du Pin. Paris : Gallimard, c1959.
841.91 L524 Saint-John Perse, 1887-1975. Anabasis, a poem by St.-John Perse [pseud.] translated by T.S. Eliot. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1949].
841.91 L524c Caillois, Roger, 1913-1978. Poétique de St.-John Perse. Paris, Gallimard [1954].
841.91 L524 Léger, Alexis. Éloges and other poems [franz. u. engl.]. (New York) : Pantheon Books, (1956).
841.91 L524 Léger, Aléxis Saint-Léger, 1889- Oeuvre poétique / Saint-John Perse [i.e. A. S.-L. Léger]. Paris : Gallimard, c1960.
841.91 M32 Maran, René, 1887-1960. Le livre du souvenir, poèmes (1909-1957). Paris, Présence africaine [1958].
841.91 R112 Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph, 1901-1937. J.J. Rabearivelo [Poèmes commentés par Paul Valette.]. Paris, F. Nathan [1967].
841.91 R112 Rabemananjara, Jacques, 1913- Lamba : poème. Paris : Présence africaine, [1961].
841.91 R32 Reverdy, Pierre, 1889-1960. Sources du vent. Précédé de La balle au bond. Préf. de Michel Deguy. [Paris] Gallimard [1971].
841.91 Se5 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 1906-2001. Poèmes. Paris, Éditions du Seuil [1967, c1964].
841.91 Se56 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 1906-2001. Léopold Sédar Senghor; une étude de Armand Guibert. Avec un choix de poèmes.. [Paris] P. Seghers [1969].
841.91 Su76 Supervielle, Jules, 1884-1960. Choix de poèmes. [Paris] Gallimard [1947].
841.91 T51 Tirolien, Guy. Balles d'or : poèmes / Guy Tirolien. [Paris : Présence africaine, 1961].
841.91 V237o Valéry, Paul, 1871-1945. Œuvres. Éd. établie et annotée par Jean Hytier. [Paris, Gallimard, 1957-60].
841.91089 C81 Cornell, William Kenneth. The post-symbolist period; French poetic currents, 1900-1920, by Kenneth Cornell. [Hamden, Conn.] Archon Books, 1970 [c1958].
841.912 Ap43 Davies, Margaret, 1923- Apollinaire. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, 1964.
841.912 Ap43 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918. Apollinaire : par lui-même / [textes présentés par] Pascal Pia. [Paris] : Éditions du Seuil, 1954.
841.914 D85 Dubé, Normand. Un mot de chez-nous / par Normand Dubé. Fall River, Mass. : National Assessment and Dissemination Center for Bilingual Education, [1977?].
841.914 D851a Dubé, Normand. Au coeur du vent / Normand Dubé ; dessins par Paul Jalbert. Fall River, Mass. : National Assessment and Dissemination Center for Bilingual Education, 1978.
841.914 D851 Dubé, Normand. La broderie inachevée / Normand Dubé ; dessins par Paul Jalbert. Cambridge, Mass. : National Assessment and Dissemination Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Education, 1979.
842 D790 French drama. Editor-in-chief, Alfred Bates. Associate editors, James P. Boyd, John P. Lamberton. London, New York, Smart and Stanley [c1903].
842.08 P96 Pucciani, Oreste F. The French theater since 1930 : six contemporary full-length plays / edited by Oreste F. Pucciani. Boston : Ginn, c1954.
842.09 G34 Ghéon, Henri, 1875-1944, Author. (FrPBN)11904791. Henri Ghéon. L'Art du théâtre quatre causeries inédites données au Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier en 1923 et complétée en 1939 par un appendice. "Quinze ans après". Montréal : Serge, [1944].
842.09 L29 Lanson, Gustave, 1857-1934. Esquisse d'une histoire de la tragédie française. Paris, Honore Champion, 1954.
842.09 M81 Morel, Jacques. La tragédie. Préf. de Thomas H. Brown. New York, McGraw-Hill [1966?] c1964.
842.09 V88 Voltz, Pierre. La comedie. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964.
842.11 Ad14 Le Mystère d'Adam (Ordo representacionis Ade) Texte complet du manuscrit de Tours publié avec une introduction, des notes et un glossaire par Paul Aebischer. Genève, Droz; Paris, Minard, 1964.
842.12 Adam, de La Halle, approximately 1235-approximately 1288. Le jeu de Robin et Marion : suivi du Jeu du Pèlerin / Adam le bossu ; édité par Ernest Langlois. Paris : H. Champion, 1958.
842.12 O Adam, de La Halle, approximately 1235-approximately 1288. Oeuvres complètes du trouvère Adam de la Halle : poésies et musique. / Publiées sous les auspices de la Société des sciences, des lettres et des arts de Lille, par E. de Coussemaker. Paris, 1872. Farnborough Hants., Eng. : Gregg Press, 1966.
842.13 J Bodel, Jean, active 12th century. Jean Bodel, trouvère artésien du XIIIe siècle: Le jeu de Saint Nicolas, édité par Alfred Jeanroy. Paris, É. Champion, 1958.
842.41 C814c Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684. Le Cid, tragi-comedie. Éd. originale publiée avec notes et variantes, par Maurice Cauchie. Paris, M. Didier, 1946.
842.41 D45 Descotes, Maurice. Les grands rôles du théâtre de Corneille. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1962.
842.41 O Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684. Oeuvres complètes. Préface de Raymond Lebègue, présentation et notes de André Stegmann. Paris Éditions du Seuil [1963].
842.41 Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684. Polyeucte, martyr; tragédie chrétienne. With introd. and notes by George N. Henning. Boston : Ginn, [1907].
842.41 PM Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684. Polyeucte and Le menteur / Pierre Corneille ; introd. and notes by Georges May. New York : Dell Pub. Co., 1964.
842.41 T Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684. Théâtre. [Paris] Hachette [1949].
842.42 Am Molière, 1622-1673. L'amour médecin ; le médecin malgré lui / Molière ; texte présenté et annoté par Robert Jouanny. Paris : A. Hatier, 1951.
842.42 F Molière, 1622-1673. Les femmes savantes = The learned ladies / by Molière ; translated by Curtis Hidden Page. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, c1908.
842.45 B Racine, Jean, 1639-1699. Britannicus and Phèdre [in the original French] Introd. and notes by George B. Daniel, Jr. [New York, Dell Pub. Co., 1964].
842.45 F84 France, Peter, 1935- Racine's rhetoric. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1965.
842.45 M81 Moreau, Pierre, 1895-1972. Racine. Paris, Hatier [1963].
842.45 OC Racine, Jean, 1639-1699. Oeuvres complètes. Préface de Pierre Clarac. Paris, Éditions du Seuil [1962].
842.45 R115 Racine, Jean, 1639-1699. Athalie, Tragédie, avec une notice biographique ... un questionnaires sur la pièce et des sujets de devoirs par Henri Maugis .. Paris, Larousse [n.d.].
842.45 R115 Racine, Jean, 1639-1699. Iphigénie : tragédie / Racine ; avec une Notice biographique, une Notice historique et littéraire, des Notes explicatives, des Jugements, un Questionnaire et des sujets devoirs, par Henri Chabot. Paris : Librairie Larousse, [1936].
842.45 Racine, Jean, 1639-1699. Théâtre. Paris : Hachette, [1948].
842.45 T Racine, Jean, 1639-1699. Théatre complet de J. Racine, précédé de la vie de l'auteur ouvrage orné de 4 portraits en pied coloriés. Paris, Garnier frères [1924].
842.54 D45 Descotes, Maurice. Les grands rôles du théâtre de Marivaux. [Paris] Presses universitaires de France [1972].
842.54 T Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de, 1688-1763. Théâtre complet. Texte préfacé et annoté par Marcel Arland. [Paris, Gallimard, 1949].
842.58 B Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, 1732-1799. Beaumarchais's Le barbier de Séville and Lettres; ed. with introduction and notes by George D. Fairfield. Chicago, Scott, Foresman, 1902.
842.58 C83 Cox, Cynthia. The real Figaro; the extraordinary career of Caron de Beaumarchais. [London] Longmans [1962].
842.708 B64 Borgerhoff, Joseph L. (Joseph Leopold), b. 1870. Nineteenth century French plays, edited by Joseph L. Borgerhoff .. New York, London, The Century Co. [c1931].
842.8 C570 Claudel, Paul, 1868-1955. ... L'annonce faite à Marie, mystère en quatre actes et un prologue. Paris, Gallimard [1942,c1940].
842.81 G Labiche, Eugène, 1815-1888. La grammaire and Le baron de Fourchevif, two comedies by Labiche; edited with introd. and notes by Herman S. Piatt. Boston, Ginn [1901].
842.81 N Labiche, Eugène, 1815-1888. Nouveau théâtre choisi. Pref. et notes par Gilbert Sigaux. [Paris] Denoël [1960].
842.81 V Labiche, Eugène, 1815-1888. Le voyage de monsieur Perrichon, comédie en quatre actes, par Eugène Labiche et Édouard Martin, edited with introduction, notes, exercises and vocabulary, by M.L. Carrel. New York, H. Holt and Co. [c1930].
842.83 G Augier, Emile, 1820-1889. Le gendre de monsieur Poirier : comédie en quatre actes / par Émile Augier et Jules Sandeau ; edited with introduction, notes, exercises, and vocabulary, by Richmond Laurin Hawkins. New York : H. Holt and Company, c1921.
842.83 G Augier, Emile, 1820-1889. Le gendre de Monsieur Poirier; comédie en quatre actes, par Augier et Sandeau; ed. with introduction and notes, by Benj. W. Wells .. Boston, D.C. Heath & Co., 1896.
842.87 M Pailleron, Edouard, 1834-1899. Le monde où l'on s'ennuie; comédie en trois actes, par Édouard Pailleron ... ed. with introduction, notes, vocabulary, French questions and English exercises, by William Raleigh Price .. Boston, New York [etc.] Ginn & Company [c1906].
842.89 R738a Rostand, Edmond, 1868-1918. L'Aiglon : a play in six acts / by Edmond Rostand ; translated by Louis N. Parker. New York : Harper & Bros., c1900.
842.91 An79a Anouilh, Jean, 1910-1987. Ardèle ; and Pauvre Bitos : [plays] / Jean Anouilh ; introduction and notes by Raymond T. Riva. New York, N.Y. : Dell Pub. Co., 1965.
842.91 An79 Anouilh, Jean, 1910-1987. Plays. New York, Hill and Wang [1958-67].
842.91 B45 Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948. Dialogues des carmélites. Neuchâtel, La Baconnière [1949].
842.91 B76 Brieux, Eugène, 1858-1932. Three plays / With a pref. by Bernard Shaw. The English versions by Mrs. Bernard Shaw, St. John Hankin and John Pollock. London : A.C. Fifield, 1911.
842.91 C337 Césaire, Aimé. Et les chiens se taisaient, tragédie. Arrangement théâtral. Paris, Présence africaine [1956].
842.91 C647 Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. Five plays. New York, Hill and Wang [1961].
842.91 C647 Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. La machine infernale; pièce en 4 actes. Paris, B. Grasset [1934].
842.91 C647o Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. Œdipe-roi = Roméo et Juliette / Jean Cocteau. Paris : Plon, 1928.
842.91 C647o Oxenhandler, Neal. Scandal & parade; the theater of Jean Cocteau. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1957.
842.91 C647 Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. The infernal machine, and other plays. [Norfolk, Conn.] New Directions [1964, c1963].
842.91 C647t Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. Théâtre. [Paris] Gallimard [1948-
842.91 G28 Genet, Jean, 1910-1986. The balcony (Le balcon) a play in nine scenes. Translated by Bernard Frechtman. New York, Grove Press [1958].
842.91 G286 Genet, Jean, 1910-1986. The blacks, a clown show. Translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman. New York, Grove Press [1960].
842.91 G286 Genet, Jean, 1910-1986. The maids ; and, Death watch : two plays / by Jean Genet ; with an introduction by Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman. New York : Grove Press, 1954.
842.91 G34 Ghelderode, Michel de, 1898-1962. Seven plays, volume 1 / with an introduction by George Hauger. New York : Hill and Wang, c1960.
842.91 G442 Giraudoux, Jean, 1882-1944. Théâtre. [Paris] : B. Grasset, 1958-1959.
842.9109 F82 Fowlie, Wallace, 1908-1998. Dionysus in Paris; guide to contemporary French theater. New York, Meridian Books [1960].
842.9109 P94 Pronko, Leonard Cabell. Avant-garde : the experimental theater in France / Leonard Cabell Pronko. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1978, c1962.
843.09 L57 Levin, Harry, 1912-1994. The gates of horn; a study of five French realists. New York, Oxford University Press, 1963.
843.408 W25 French prose of the XVII century / selected and edited with an introduction and notes by F.M. Warren. Boston : D.C. Heath & Co., c1899.
843.49 F353t Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715. Adventures of Telemachus, by Fenelon; tr. by Dr. Hawkesworth, with a life of Fenelon by Lamartine, an essay on his genius and character by Villemain, critical and bibliographical notices, etc., etc. Ed by O.W. Wight, A.M. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co. [1887].
843.5 D561 Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784. Selections from Diderot; ed. with an introduction and notes by W.F. Giese .. Boston, D.C. Heath & Co., 1908.
843.5 D561 Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784. Lettres à Sophie Volland; textes publiés d'après les manuscrits originaux, avec une introduction, des variantes, et des notes par André Babelon. Paris, Gallimard, Editions de la Nouvelle revue française [1938].
843.51 A Le Sage, Alain René, 1668-1747. The adventures of Gil Blas de Santillana, by Alain-René Lesage; translated by Tobias Smollett, with an introduction and notes by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly. In two volumes. London, New York [etc.] H. Frowde, 1907.
843.53 M PRÉVOST D'EXILES, Antoine François. Histoire du Chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut ... Texte ...publié avec des considérations littéraires ... par Harry Kurz. New York, 1929.
843.54 H48 Heuvel, Jacques van den. Voltaire dans ses contes : de "Micromegas" a "L'Ingenu." / Jacques van den Heuvel. Paris : A. Colin, 1967.
843.54 M69 Mitford, Nancy, 1904-1973. Voltaire in love. New York, Harper [1957].
843.56 C Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. The confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau. London, Gibbings & Co., 1901.
843.56 C Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, translated from the French, with a preface by Edmund Wilson. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1923.
843.56 C Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712-1778. Du Contract Social; Texte Original Publie Avec Introd., Notes Et Commentaire Par Maurice Halbwachs. (Paris) Aubier, Editions Montaigne 1943).
843.56 M82 Morley, John, 1838-1923. Rousseau, by John Morley. London, New York, Macmillan and Co., 1891.
843.61 P Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 1737-1814. Paul and Virginia / Bernardin de Saint Pierre. The history of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia, a tale / by Samuel Johnson. The vicar of Wakefield, a tale / by Oliver Goldsmith. Chicago ; New York : Belford, Clarke, 1886.
843.65 M44 Maurois, André, 1885-1967. Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover, by André Maurois; translated from the French by Vera Fraser. New York, London, Harper & Bros., 1938.
843.65 Me Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, 1768-1848. The memoirs of François René, vicomte de Chateaubriand, sometime ambassador to England; being a translation by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos of the Mémoires d'outre-tombe, with illustrations from contemporary sources. London, Freemantle and Co., 1902.
843.71 Ad1 Adams, Robert Martin, 1915- Stendhal: notes on a novelist / Robert M. Adams. London : Minerva Press, [1968, c1959].
843.71 H33 Hazard, Paul, 1878-1944. La vie de Stendhal, par Paul Hazard. Paris, Gallimard, 1927.
843.71 P36 Stendhal e la Toscana. A cura di Carlo Pellegrini. Firenze, Sansoni, 1962.
843.73 Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850. La comédie humaine / Balzac. Paris ; Philadelphia : G. Barrie et fils, [19--].
843.73 Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850. Ursule Mirouet, by Honoré de Balzac. London & Toronto, Dent; New York, Dutton [1916].
843.78 L Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885. The letters of Victor Hugo, to his family, to Sainte-Beuve and others; edited by Paul Meurice. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1896.
843.79 V68 Vigny, Alfred de, 1797-1863. Cinq-Mars; ou, Une conjuration sous Louis XIII, par le cte Alfred de Vigny .. New York, W.R. Jenkins; Boston, C. Schoenhof [1891].
843.8 M44 Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893. Contes choisis / Guy de Maupassant. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1961.
843.81 Sm6 Smith, Maxwell A. (Maxwell Austin), 1894- Prosper Mérimée, by Maxwell A. Smith. New York, Twayne Publishers [c1972].
843.84 BE Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. Bouvard and Pécuchet / by Gustave Flaubert ; trans. by T.W. Earp and G.W. Stonier ; with an intro. by Lionel Trilling. New York : New Directions Book, 1954.
843.84 D39 Demorest, Don Louis. L'expression figurée et symbolique dans l'œuvre de Gustave Flaubert, [par] D.L. Demorest. Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1967.
843.84 Sa7 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. L'idiot de la famille : Gustave Flaubert de 1821-1857. Paris : Gallimard, 1971.
843.84 Sp3 Spencer, Philip, 1924- Flaubert; a biography. New York, Grove Press [1953, c1952].
843.87 S Cherbuliez, Victor, 1829-1899. Samuel Brohl & Company / Victor Cherbuliez ; translated from the French, with a critical introd. by Booth Tarkington. New York : P.F. Collier, 1902.
843.88 Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897. La Belle-Nivernaise, histoire d'un vieux bateau et de son équipage. Paris, C. Marpon & E. Flammarion [1903?].
843.88 D26 Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897. Contes du lundi, douze contes par Alphonse Daudet; edited by Jean Leeman. New York, T. Nelson & Sons [c1929].
843.88 N Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897. The nabob / Alphonse Daudet ; translated from the French by W. Blaydes ; with a critical introduction by W.P. Trent. New York : P.F. Collier, c1902.
843.88 N Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897. Le nabab; mœurs parisiennes, par Alphonse Daudet, abridged from the 97th ed. and annotated by Benj. W. Wells. Boston and London, Ginn and Co., 1895.
843.88 Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897. Port-Tarascon; dernières aventures de l'illustre Tartarin. Illustrations de Bieler, Montégut, Montenard, Myrbach et Rossi. Paris, E. Flammarion, [1920].
843.88 P Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897. Le petit chose. Abridged and edited with introd., notes and vocabulary by O.B. Super. Boston, D.C. Heath [c1901].
843.88 Sa1 Sachs, Murray, 1924- The career of Alphonse Daudet, a critical study. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1965.
843.88 T Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897. Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon : roman / Alphonse Daudet. Paris : Flammarion, 1959, c1954.
843.89 B23 Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. (Jules), 1808-1889. L'Ensorcelée [par] Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly. Chronologie et préface par Jean-Pierre Seguin. [Paris] Garnier-Flammarion [1966].
843.89 B233 Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. (Jules), 1808-1889. Le Chevalier Des Touches [par] Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly. Chronologie et préface par Jean-Pierre Seguin. [Paris] Garnier-Flammarion, 1965.
843.89 B233 Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. (Jules), 1808-1889. The diaboliques, translated from the French, with an introduction, by Ernest Boyd, and an essay by Sir Edmund Gosse. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1925.
843.89 B233d Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. (Jules), 1808-1889. Les diaboliques; les six premières. [Introd., bibliographie, notes et choix de variantes par Jacques-Henry Bornecque. Éd. illustrée]. Paris, Éditions Garnier frères [1963].
843.89 B666 Bourget, Paul, 1852-1935. Un divorce. Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie [1919].
843.89 B666d Bourget, Paul, 1852-1935. Le démon de midi / Paul Bourget. Paris : Plon-Nourrit, 1914.
843.89 C83 Courteline, Georges, pseud. Messieurs les rondes-de-cuir. Chronologie et introduction par Francis Pruner. Paris, Garnier-Flammarion, 1966.
843.89 D884 Dujardin, Edouard, 1861-1949. We'll to the woods no more. An introduction by Leon Edel, a translation by Stuart Gilbert, illus. by Alice Laughlin. [New York] New Directions [1958, c1957].
843.89 D891 Dumas, Alexandre, 1824-1895. La dame aux camélias. Préf. de Jules Janin. Paris, Calmann-Lévy [1951].
843.89 F844 France, Anatole, 1844-1924. At the Sign of the Reine Pédauque / by Anatole France. New York : The Book League of America, 1931.
843.89 F844 France, Anatole, 1844-1924. Anatole France himself; a Boswellian record by his secretary, Jean Jacques Brousson, translated by John Pollock. Philadelphia, London, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1925.
843.89 F844 France, Anatole, 1844-1924. Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard, membre de l'Institut, par Anatole France ... with introduction, notes, exercises and vocabulary by C.H.C. Wright .. and O.T. Robert .. New York, H. Holt and Co. [c1934].
843.89 F844c France, Anatole, 1844-1924. The crime of Sylvestre Bonnard / by Anatole France ; a translation by Lafcadio Hearn. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1925.
843.89 F844 Dargan, Edwin Preston, 1879-1940. Anatole France, 1844-1896, by Edwin Preston Dargan ... Published in co- operation with the Modern Language Association of America. New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1937.
843.89 F844 France, Anatole, 1844-1924. The gods are athirst. Translated by Alfred Allinson with illus. and decorations by John Austen. London, J. Lane, the Bodley Head; New York, Dodd, Mead [1927].
843.89 F844g France, Anatole, 1844-1924. The gods are a-thirst / by Anatole France ; the authorised translation from the French by Alfred Allinson ; with an introduction by André Maurois and illustrations by Jean Oberlé. London : The Nonesuch Press, 1942.
843.89 F844g France, Anatole, 1844-1924. Great novels of Anatole France. New York : Book League of America, c1918.
843.89 F844 France, Anatole, 1844-1924. The well of Saint Clare / by Anatole France ; a translation by Alfred Allinson. New York : Dodd, Mead, 1926.
843.89 F844 France, Anatole, 1844-1924. Thaïs, by Anatole France, with an introduction by Raymond Weaver. New York, Macmillan Co., 1929.
843.89 F844 Virtanen, Reino. Anatole France. New York, Twayne Publishers [c1968].
843.89 F92 Fromentin, Eugène, 1820-1876. Dominique / Eugène Fromentin. [New York ; Ottawa] : Le Cercle du Livre de France, [1948?].
843.89 F926 Evans, Arthur R. The literary art of Eugène Fromentin, a study in style and motif, by Arthur R. Evans, Jr. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press [1964].
843.89 F926 Fromentin, Eugène, 1820-1876. Dominique. Biographie, commentaires et Notes de Maxime Revon. Paris, L. Conard, 1937.
843.89 F926 Fromentin, Eugène, 1820-1876. Dominique. Chronologie et introduction par Guy Sagnes. [Paris] Garnier-Flammarion [1967].
843.89 G586 Baldick, Robert. The Goncourts. New York, Hillary House, 1960.
843.89 G743 Burne, Glenn S. (Glenn Stephen), 1921- Remy de Gourmont: his ideas and influence in England and America. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press [c1963].
843.89 G743 Gourmont, Remy de, 1858-1915. Decadence and other essays on the culture of ideas, by Remy de Gourmont; authorized translation by William Aspenwall Bradley. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company, 1921.
843.89 H137a Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908. Abbé Constantin : and A marriage for love / Ludovic Halévy ; translated from the French ; with a critical introduction by Prof. Robert Herrick ; a frontispiece and numerous other portraits with descriptive notes by Octave Uzanne. New York : Collier, 1902.
843.89 H137a Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908. L'abbé Constantin / par Ludovic Halévy ; edited by Lilly Lindquist. Paris : Hachette ; Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, Doran, [1931].
843.89 H987 Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl), 1848-1907. Against the grain (A rebours) Translated by John Howard; introd. by Havelock Ellis. [New York] A. & C. Boni [c1922].
843.89 H987a Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl), 1848-1907. A rebours ; Le Drageoir aux épices / par J.K. Huysmans ; préface d'Hubert Juin. Paris : Union générale d'éditions, 1975.
843.89 H987a Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl), 1848-1907. Against the grain (A rebours) by J.K. Huysman. With an intro. by Havelock Ellis. Illustrated by Arthur Zaidenberg. New York, Three Sirens Press, [1931].
843.89 H987 Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl), 1848-1907. En route / by J.-K. Huysmans ; translated from the French with a prefatory note by C. Kegan Paul. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1896.
843.89 H987 Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl), 1848-1907. Down there (Là bas) a study in satanism. Translated by Keene Wallis. Introd. by Robert Baldick. Evanston [Ill.] University Books [1958].
843.89 H987L Huysmans, Joris Karl, 1848-1907. La bas / par J.K. Huysmans ; illustrated by Félicien Rops. -- Paris : Collection "Le Ballet des Muses", [n.d.].
843.89 H987 Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl), 1848-1907. En menage / Huysmans, Joris Karl. Paris : Fasquelle, (1955).
843.89 H987 Ridge, George Ross. Joris-Karl Huysmans. New York, Twayne Publishers [1968].
843.89 H987 Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl), 1848-1907. Les soeurs Vatard. Paris, Fasquelle [1953].
843.89 H987 Trudgian, Helen. L'esthétique de J.-K. Huysmans. (Réimpr. de l'éd. de Paris, 1934.). Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1970.
843.89 M445b Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893. Selected tales of Guy de Maupassant / edited, with an introduction, by Saxe Commins ; illustrated by Adolf Dehn. New York : Random House, 1950.
843.89 M445k Kirkbride, Ronald de Levington, 1912- The private life of Guy de Maupassant, by Ronald de L. Kirkbride. New York, Sears Pub. Co. [c1932].
843.89 M445 Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893. The portable Maupassant, edited, and with an introd., by Lewis Galantière. New York, Viking Press, 1947.
843.89 M445 Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893. A woman's life / by Guy de Maupassant ; translated from the French by Marjorie Laurie ; introduction by Edmond Jaloux ; and illustrations by Edy Legrand. London : The Nonesuch Press ; New York : The Heritage Press, c1942.
843.89 T344 Theuriet, André, 1833-1907. Mon oncle Flo, par André Theuriet; with notes, direct-method exercises, and vocabulary, by Edmond A. Méras ... and Leslie Ross Méras ... illustrated by Albert P. D'Andrea. Boston, New York [etc.] D.C. Heath and Company [c1927].
843.89 V594 Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. The best of Jules Verne : three complete, illustrated novels, with original illustrations / selected and introduced by Alan K. Russell. Secaucus, N.J. : Castle Books, c1978.
843.89 V594 Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. Cinq semaines en ballon : voyage de découvertes en Afrique par trois anglais / Jules Verne ; ill. par Mm. Riou et De Montaut. Paris : J. Hetzel, 1974, c1966.
843.89 V594c Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. La chasse au météore / par Jules Verne ; illustrations par George Roux. Paris [France] : J. Hetzel; Libraries Hachette, c1967.
843.89 V594 Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. Voyages et aventures du Capitaine Hatteras: les Anglais au pôle nord - le Désert de glace. 150 vignettes par Riou. Paris, J. Hetzel, 1867 [Paris, Librairie Hachette, c1966].
843.89 V594 Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. Les tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine / par Jules Verne. Paris : Hetzel et Librairie Hachette, c1966.
843.89 V658 Loti, Pierre, 1850-1923. Aziyadé extrait des notes et lettres d'un lieutenant de la marine anglaise, entré au service de la Turquie 1e 10 mai 1876, tué dans les murs de Kars, 1e 27 octobre 1877 / Pierre Loti. Paris : Calmann-Lévy, [1949].
843.89 V658 Loti, Pierre, 1850-1923. The Iceland fisherman (Pecheur d'Islande) by Pierre Loti [pseud.] Tr. by W.F. Baines. New York, Stokes [1924?].
843.89 V658 Lerner, Michael G. Pierre Loti, by Michael G. Lerner. New York, Twayne Publishers [1974].
843.89 V658p Loti, Pierre, 1850-1923. Pêcheur d'Islande, par Pierre Loti [pseud.] ... edited with introduction, notes, exercises and vocabulary, by Winfield S. Barney .. Boston, New York [etc.] Allyn and Bacon [c1922].
843.89 V71 Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Auguste, comte de, 1838-1889. Contes cruels. Nouveaux contes cruels [par] Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. [Sommaire biographique, introduction, notes, bibliographie et appendice critique par Pierre-Georges Castex]. Paris, Garnier frères, 1968.
843.89 Z74 Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. La Bête humaine / Émile Zola ; translated with an introduction by Leonard Tancock. Harmondsworth, Eng. ; New York : Penguin Books, 1977.
843.89 Z74 Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. The downfall / Émile Zola : translated from the French, with a critical introduction by Prof. W.M. Sloane : a frontispiece and numerous other portraits with descriptive notes by Octave Uzanne. New York : Collier, c1902.
843.89 Z74d Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. The debacle, 1870-71 / Émile Zola ; translated with an introduction by Leonard Tancock. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England : Penguin Books, c1972.
843.89 Z74 Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. Germinal. Paris, Fasquelle [c1959].
843.89 Z74g Grant, Elliott Mansfield, 1895-1969. Émile Zola, by Elliott M. Grant. New York, Twayne Publishers [1966].
843.89 Z74r Root, Winthrop H. (Winthrop Hegeman), 1901- German criticism of Zola, 1875-1893, with special reference to the Rougon-Macquart cycle and the roman expérimental, by Winthrop H. Root. New York, Columbia University Press, 1931.
843.89 Z74 Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. The works of Emile Zola. New York, W.J. Black [c1928].
843.89 Z74 Zola, Émile, 1840-1902. Zola par lui-même; images et textes preséntés par Marc Bernard. Paris, Éditions du Seuil [1952].
843.909 C888 Cruickshank, John, ed. The novelist as philosopher; studies in French fiction, 1935-1960, by John Cruickshank [and others]. London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1962.
843.91 Ar1 Aragon, 1897-1982. La mise à mort; [roman, par] Aragon. [Paris] Gallimard [1965].
843.91 Ar75 Artaud, Antonin, 1896-1948. Antonin Artaud anthology / edited by Jack Hirschman. [Translated by Bernard Frechtman and others]. San Francisco : City Light Books, c1965.
843.91 Ar75 Artaud, Antonin, 1896-1948. Héliogabale ou l'anarchiste couronné ; Les Nouvelles révélations de l'être, Lettres, 1933-1937. Paris : Gallimard, 1967.
843.91 Av32s Aveline, Claude, 1901- L'oeil-de-chat / [by] Claude Aveline. [Paris] : Mercure de France, 1970.
843.91 Ay5 Aymé, Marcel, 1902-1967. La jument verte. [Paris] Gallimard [1933, 1950].
843.91 B274 Barrès, Maurice, 1862-1923. La colline inspirée. [Paris] Plon [1969].
843.91 B34 Bazin, René, 1853-1932. Le blé qui lève. Paris, Calmann-Lévy [n.d.].
843.91 B34 Bazin, René, 1853-1932. Madame Corentine; edited with introd., notes, exercises, and vocabulary by Edwin B. Place. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1928.
843.91 B348 Bazin, René, 1853-1932. The ink-stain = (Taché d'encre) / by René Bazin ; with a preface by E. Lavisse ; illustrations by André Brouillet. New York : Current Literature Pub. Co., 1910, c1905.
843.91 B348 Bazin, René, 1853-1932. La terre qui meurt / par René Bazin ; illustrations de A. Galand. Paris : Librarie Hachette, c1930.
843.91 B388 Abbott, H. Porter. The fiction of Samuel Beckett: form and effect [by] H. Porter Abbott. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1973.
843.91 B388 Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989. Le dépeupleur. [Paris] Éditions de Minuit [c1970].
843.91 B388 Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989. Mercier et Camier / Samuel Beckett. [Paris] : Les Editions de minuit, c1970.
843.91 B4 Benoît, Pierre, 1886-1962. Le casino de Barbazan, roman. Paris, A. Michel [1949].
843.91 B456c Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948. Le crépuscule des vieux. Paris, Gallimard [1956].
843.91 B456 Debluë, Henri. Les romans de Georges Bernanos; ou, Le défi du rêve. Neuchâtel, La Baconnière [1965].
843.91 B456 Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948. Les grands cimetières sous la lune. Paris, Plon [c1938].
843.91 B456 Hebblethwaite, Peter. Bernanos, an introduction. New York, Hillary House Publishers, 1965.
843.91 B456 Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948. Joy. Translation by Louise Varèse. [New York] Pantheon Books [1946].
843.91 B456j Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948. Journal d'un curé de campagne. [Paris] Plon, 1968 [c1936].
843.91 B456j Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948. La joie / Georges Bernanos. [Paris] : Plon, [c1929].
843.91 B456 Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948. La liberté, pour quoi faire? [Paris] Gallimard [1953].
843.91 B456 Milner, Max. Georges Bernanos. Paris, Desclée, De Brouwer, 1967.
843.91 B456n Estève, Michel. Nouvelle histoire de Mouchette, de Bernanos à Bresson. Textes [de E. Beaumont, J. Chabot, P. Fitting, P. Renard-Georges] réunis et présentés par Michel Estève. Paris, Lettres modernes Minard, 1968.
843.91 B456 Speaight, Robert, 1904-1976. Georges Bernanos; a study of the man and the writer. New York, Liveright [1974].
843.91 B46 Beucler, André, 1898- La belle de banlieue .. Paris, Kra [c1927].
843.91 B6 Bloch-Michel, Jean, 1912- Le témoin / Jean Bloch-Michel. [Paris] : Gallimard, 1948.
843.91 B623 Heppenstall, Rayner, 1911-1981. Léon Bloy, by Rayner Heppenstall. Cambridge [Eng.] Bowes & Bowes [1953].
843.91 B644 Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963. Le barrage .. Paris, Plon [1927].
843.91 B65 Bosco, Henri, 1888-1976. Un rameau de la nuit, roman. Paris, Flammarion [1950].
843.91 B66 Bourbon Busset, Jacques de, 1912-2001. Moi, César : récit / Jacques de Bourbon Busset. Paris : Gallimard, c1958.
843.91 B665j Bourbon Busset, Jacques de, 1912-2001. La nature est un talisman; [journal. Paris] Gallimard [1966].
843.91 B665j Bourbon Busset, Jacques de, 1912-2001. Les arbres et les jours. [Paris] Gallimard [1967].
843.91 B665j Bourbon Busset, Jacques de, 1912-2001. L'amour durable; journal III. [Paris] Gallimard [1969].
843.91 B665 Bourbon Busset, Jacques de, 1912-2001. Mémoires d'un lion; récit. Paris, Gallimard [1960].
843.91 B665 Bourbon Busset, Jacques de, 1912-2001. L'Olympien, récit. Paris, Gallimard [1960].
843.91 B665 Bourbon Busset, Jacques de, 1912-2001. Le remords est un luxe; roman. Paris, Gallimard [1958].
843.91 B73 Brasillach, Robert, 1909-1945. Comme le temps passe. Paris : Plon, [1937].
843.91 B83 Bruckberger, R.-L. (Raymond-Léopold), 1907-1998. The seven miracles of Gubbio and the eighth, a parable translated from the French by Gerold Lauck. Illustrated by Peter Lauck. New York, Whittlesey House [1948].
843.91 B834 Vercors, 1902-1991. La marche à l'etoile [par] Vercors [pseud. New York] Pantheon Books [1946].
843.91 C159 Albert Camus number. Lafayette, Ind. Dept. of English, Purdue University [1964].
843.91 C159c Camus, Albert, 1913-1960. Caligula & three other plays; translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert. New York, Vintage Books [c1958].
843.91 C159 Camus, Albert, 1913-1960. The possessed : a play in three parts / by Albert Camus ; translated from the French by Justin O'Brien. New York : Vintage Books, c1960.
843.91 C159 Scott, Nathan A. Albert Camus / by Nathan A. Scott. London : Bowes & Bowes, 1962 [i.e. 1963].
843.91 C159 Camus, Albert, 1913-1960. Théâtre, récits, nouvelles / préface par Jean Grenier ; textes établis et annotés par Roger Quilliot. Paris : Gallimard, 1962.
843.91 C17 Carco, Francis, 1886-1958. Jesus-la-Caille; roman. Paris, Albin Michel, 1955.
843.91 C337 Cesbron, Gilbert, 1913-1979. C'est Mozart qu'on assassine; roman. Paris, R. Laffont [1966].
843.91 C337 Cesbron, Gilbert, 1913-1979. Entre chiens et loups, roman. Paris, R. Laffont [1962].
843.91 C42 Chevallier, Gabriel, 1895-1969. Clochemerle. [Paris] Presses universitaires de France [1975, c1934].
843.91 C570 Claudel, Paul, 1868-1955. Paul Claudel interroge le Cantique des cantiques. Paris, Gallimard [1948].
843.91 C647 Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. Les enfants terribles : roman / Jean Cocteau. Paris : B. Grasset, 1957, c1929.
843.91 D227 Daniel-Rops, Henri, 1901-1965. Mort, où est ta victoire? Roman. Paris, Plon [1934].
843.91 D39 Demange, Charles, 1884-1909. Le livre de désir : histoire cruelle / Charles Demange. Paris : Mercure de France, 1909.
843.91 D475 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 1894-1961. Voyage au bout de la nuit. Mort à crédit [par] Céline. Avant-propos par Henri Mondor. [Paris] : Gallimard [1973, c1962].
843.91 D73 Dorgelès, Roland, 1886-1973. Les croix de bois. Paris, A. Michel [c1919].
843.91 D881p Duhamel, Georges, 1884-1966. Le notaire du Havre / Georges Duhamel. Paris : Mercure de France, [1972], 1933.
843.91 D881 Duhamel, Georges, 1884-1966. Vie des martyrs, 1914-1916. Paris, Mercvre de France, 1921.
843.91 Es83 Estang, Luc, 1911- Le bonheur et le salut; roman. Paris, Éditions du Seuil [1961].
843.91 G287 Gennari, Geneviève. Journal d'une bourgeoise, roman. [Paris] Grasset [1959].
843.91 G341 Ghéon, Henri, 1875-1944. Les jeux de l'enfer et du ciel : roman / Henri Ghéon. Paris : Flammarion, 1950.
843.91 G36 Gide, André, 1869-1951. Les faux monnayeurs / André Gide. Paris : Gallimard, c1925.
843.91 G361n Gide, André, 1869-1951. Les Nourritures terrestres ; Les nouvelles nourritures. Paris : Gallimard, 1951.
843.91 G436 Giono, Jean, 1895-1970. Le Grand troupeau. [Paris] : Gallimard, 1969, c1931.
843.91 G436 Giono, Jean, 1895-1970. Le Moulin de Pologne, roman. [Paris] Gallimard [1952].
843.91 G823 Green, Julien, 1900-1998. Adrienne Mesurat. Paris, Plon [1927].
843.91 G823 Green, Julien, 1900-1998. Diary, 1928-1957. Selected by Kurt Wolff. Translated by Anne Green. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World [1964].
843.91 G823 Green, Julien, 1900-1998. Léviathan. [Paris] Plon [c1929].
843.91 G823 Green, Julien, 1900-1998. Minuit / Julien Green. [Paris] : Librairie Plon, 1963, c1936.
843.91 G93 Guèvremont, Germaine. Le survenant / roman précédé d'une chronologie, d'une bibliographie et de jugements critiques / Germaine Guèvremont. Montréal : Fides, c1974, 1979.
843.91 H354 Hébert, Anne. Le torrent, nouvelles / Anne Hébert. Montréal : L'Arbre hmh, 1976.
843.91 J150 Jacob, Max, 1876-1944. Le terrain bouchaballe / Max Jacob. [Paris] : Gallimard, c1964.
843.91 L26 Langevin, André, 1927- Poussière sur la ville : roman / André Langevin. Montréal : Cercle du Livre de France, c1953.
843.91 L49 Floran, Mary. Eterna sonrisa / Mary Florán ; versión española de F. Villaverde. Barcelona : J. Prats Anguera, 1922.
843.91 L81 Lockquell, Clément, 1908- Les élus que vous êtes. Montréal, Variétés [1949].
843.91 M298c Malraux, André, 1901-1976. Les conquérants. [Paris] B. Grasset; New York, Macmillan, 1949 [c1928].
843.91 M298 Frohock, W. M. (Wilbur Merrill), 1908- André Malraux and the tragic imagination. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press 1967, c1952.
843.91 M298 Hartman, Geoffrey H. André Malraux. New York, Hillary House, 1960.
843.91 M366 Martin Du Gard, Roger, 1881-1958. Jean Barois; tr. by Stuart Gilbert. With an introd. by Eugen Weber. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [1963, c1949].
843.91 M398 Malraux, André, 1901-1976. Antimémoires. [Paris] Gallimard 1972-
843.91 M446de Mauriac, François, 1885-1970. Le désert de l'amour; roman. Paris, B. Grasset [c1925].
843.91 M446 Jarrett-Kerr, Martin, 1912- François Mauriac. Cambridge [Eng.] Bowes & Bowes, 1954.
843.91 M446 Mauriac, François, 1885-1970. La pharisienne, roman. Paris, B. Grasset [c1941].
843.91 M446 Mauriac, François, 1885-1970. Le noeud de vipères / François Mauriac. [Paris] : B. Grasset, [1958], c1933.
843.91 M447 Maurois, André, 1885-1967. Les silences du Colonel Bramble, suivi des Discours, et Nouveaux discours du Docteur O'Grady. [Paris] : Grasset, 1973, [c1950].
843.91 M44 Maurois, André, 1885-1967. A la recherche de Marcel Proust; avec de nombreux inédit. [Paris] Hachette [c1949].
843.91 M448 Maurois, André, 1885-1967. Les nouveaux discours du Docteur O'Grady. Paris, Grasset [c1950].
843.91 M471 Meersch, Maxence van der, 1907-1951. Fishers of men / translated from the French of "Pêcheurs d'hommes" by Maxence van der Meersch. London : Miles, 1947.
843.91 M767 Montherlant, Henry de, 1896-1972. The bachelors = Les célibataires / Henry de Montherlant ; translated from the French by Terence Kilmartin ; with an introd. by Peter Quennell. Baltimore, Md. : Penguin Books, 1965, c1960.
843.91 P35 Peisson, Edouard, 1896-1963. Le sel de la mer : roman / Édouard Peisson. [Montréal] : Le Cercle du livre de France ; [Paris] : Grasset, c1955.
843.91 P364 Pelletier, Aimé, 1914- Deux portes : une adresse, roman. Montréal : Cercle du Livre de France, 1952.
843.91 P364 Pelletier, Aimé, 1914- Louise Genest [par] Bertrand Vac [pseud.]. Montréal, Le Cercle du livre de France, 1950.
843.91 P416 Pergaud, Louis, 1882-1915. La guerre des boutons : roman de ma douzième année / Louis Pergaud. Paris? : Mercure de France, c1963, 1972 printing.
843.91 P465 Peyrefitte, Roger. Les clés de saint Pierre, roman. Paris, Flammarion [1964, c1955].
843.91 P465 Peyrefitte, Roger. The exile of Capri. Foreword by Jean Cocteau. Translated from the French by Edward Hyams. London, Secker & Warburg, 1961.
843.91 P947 Painter, George D. (George Duncan), 1914-2005. Proust, by George D. Painter. Maps drawn by Samuel H. Bryant. Boston, Little, Brown [1959-1965].
843.91 P947p Picon, Gaëtan. Lecture de Proust. [Paris] : Mercure de France, 1966, c1963.
843.91 P947s Shattuck, Roger. Proust's binoculars : a study of memory time, and recognition in A la recherche du temp perdu / Roger Shattuck. New York : Vintage Books, [1967, c1963].
843.91 R647 Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. Colas Breugnon. Paris : A. Michel, [c1919].
843.91 R660 Romains, Jules, 1885-1972. Les copains / Jules Romains. Paris : Éditions Gallimard, c1922.
843.91 R660 Romains, Jules, 1885-1972. Le moulin et l'hospice / Jules Romains. Paris : Flammarion, c1949.
843.91 R660m Romains, Jules, 1885-1972. Mort de quelqu'un : roman / Jules Romains. Paris : Gallimard, c1933.
843.91 R660 Romains, Jules, 1885-1972. Verdun : the prelude, the battle / Jules Romains ; translated from the French by Gerard Hopkins. New York : A.A. Knopf, c1939.
843.91 Sa75 Sarraute, Nathalie. Vous les entendez? [Paris] Gallimard, 1972.
843.91 Sa77 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. The reprieve. Translated from the French by Eric Sutton. [New York] Bantam Books [1960].
843.91 Sa77t Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. Troubled sleep / by Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated from the French by Gerard Hopkins. New York : Bantam Books / Alfred A. Knopf, 1961.
843.91 Sa9 Savard, Félix Antoine. Menaud, maître-draveur. Montréal, Fides [1937].
843.91 Sa93 Savard, Félix Antoine. Menaud, maître-draveur / Félix-Antoine Savard ; chronologie et bibliographie de base d'Aurélien Boivin ; présentation de André Renaud. Montréal : Fides, 1978.
843.91 Si44 Simenon, Georges, 1903-1989. Les Pitard. Paris : Gallimard, [1948].
843.91 T73 Triolet, Elsa. Le premier accroc coûte deux cents francs : nouvelles / Elsa Triolet. Paris : Denoël ; Montréal : Valiquette, 1946, c1944?
843.91 V194 Vailland, Roger. Bon pied, bon œil : roman / Roger Vailland. Paris : Buchet-Chastel, [1950].
843.91 V65 Vian, Boris, 1920-1959. L'Automne à Pékin : roman. Paris : les Éditions de minuit [1956].
843.91 Y88m Yourcenar, Marguerite. Hadrian's memoirs [translated from the French by Grace Frick, in collaboration with the author]. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1957.
843.9108 C66 Coindreau, Maurice Edgar, ed. Contes et nouvelles du temps présent, edited with notes and vocabulary by Maurice Edgar Coindreau ... and J. Robert Loy. New York, Holt, c1952.
843.9109 L15 Lalou, René, 1889-1960. Le roman français depuis 1900 .. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1966.
843.912 Sa2 Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 1900-1944. Wind, sand and stars / by Antoine de Saint Exupéry ; translated from the French by Lewis Galantìere ; ill. by John O'H. Cosgrave. New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, c1940.
843.914 Aq5 Aquin, Hubert, 1929-1977. Prochain épisode : roman / Hubert Aquin. Montréal : P. Tisseyre, 1965.
843.914 B576 Blais, Marie Claire. L'Insoumise, roman. Suivi de le Jour est noir. Préface de Yves Berger. Paris, B. Grasset, 1971.
843.914 C23 Carrier, Roch. Floralie, où es-tu? : roman / Roch Carrier. Montréal : Stanké, 1981.
843.914 D228c Daninos, Pierre, 1913-2005. Les carnets du Major W. Marmaduke Thompson; découverte de la France et des Français. Dessins de Walter Goetz. [Paris] Hachette [1954].
843.914 L329 Lartéguy, Jean, 1920- Les baladins de la Margeride; roman. Paris, Ed. A. Michel [c1962].
843.914 L329 Lartéguy, Jean, 1920- Les centurions. Paris, Presses de la Cité [1960].
843.914 L329c Lartéguy, Jean, 1920- Les chimères noires; [roman. Écrit avec la collaboration de Max Clos]. Paris, Presses de la cité [1963].
843.914 L329 Lartégey, Jean, 1920- Les mercenaires / Jean Lartéguy. Paris : Presses de la Cité, [1960].
843.914 L329m Lartéguy, Jean, 1920- Le mal jaune. Paris, Presses de la Cité [c1962].
843.914 L329 Lartéguy, Jean, 1920- Les pretoriens. Paris, Presses de la cite [c1961].
843.914 L4962 Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave), 1940- La guerre [par] J.M.G. Le Clézio. [Paris] Gallimard [1970].
843.914 L4962 Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave), 1940- Le procès-verbal [par] J.M.G. Le Clézio. [Paris] Gallimard [c1963].
843.914 L4962 Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave), 1940- Terra amata [par] J.M.G. Le Clézio. [Paris,] Gallimard, 1967.
843.914 M28 Maillet, Antonine, 1929- Les cordes-de-bois : [roman] / Antonine Maillet. [Montréal] : Leméac, [c1977].
843.914 M283 Maillet, Antonine, 1929- Mariaagélas / Antonine Maillet. [Verviers, Belgique] : Marabout, [1980, c1973].
843.914 P75 Poirier, Jean Marie, 1922- Le prix du souvenir; roman. [Montréal, New York] Cercle du Livre de France [1957].
843.914 P77 Ponthier, François. L'homme de guerre, roman. [Paris] Robert Laffont; [Ottawa] Le Cercle du livre de France [c1958].
843.914 R532 Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 1922-2008. La jalousie : [roman] / Alain Robbe-Grillet. [Paris] : Éditions de Minuit, [1957].
844.31 C39 Château, Jean. Montaigne; psychologue et pédagogue. Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1964.
844.31 Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592. The diary of Montaigne's journey to Italy in 1580 and 1581, translated with introduction and notes by E.J. Trechmann. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Co. [1929].
844.31 G36 Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592. Montaigne: [selections from his writing, with an introductory essay by] André Gide. New York, McGraw-Hill [1964].
844.52 L Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755. Lettres persanes / Montesquieu ; ed. critique avec notes par Antoine Adam. Genève : Librairie Droz, 1965.
844.52 L Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755. Lettres persanes. [Texte établi, avec introd., chronologie de Montesquieu, bibliographie, notes et relevé de variantes, par Paul Vernière, Édition illustrée de 24 reproductions]. Paris, Garnier frère [1968].
844.52 M76 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755. Lettres persanes ; De l'esprit des lois / Montesquieu. Paris : Éds du monde moderne, [1930].
844.7 B41 Bellessort, André, 1866-1942. Sainte-Beuve et le dix-neuvième siècle, cours professé à la Société des conférences .. Paris, Perrin et cie, 1927.
844.71 D44 Derré, Jean René. Lamennais, ses amis et le mouvement des idées à l'époque romantique, 1824-1834. Paris, Librairie C. Klincksieck, [1962].
844.74 E Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869. Les grands écrivains français. Études des Lundis et des Portraits classées selon un ordre nouveau et annotées par Maurice Allem. XVIIe siècle: Écrivains et orateurs religieux. Paris, Garnier frères, 1928.
844.74 G44 Giraud, Victor, 1868-1953. Port-Royal de Sainte-Beuve; étude et analyse. Avant-propos de Jean Bonnerot. Paris, Mellottée [1956?].
844.74 Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869. Les grands écrivains français. Études des Lundis et des Portraits classées selon un ordre nouveau et annotées par Maurice Allem. XVIIe siècle: Les poètes. Paris, Garnier Frères, 1927.
844.74 P Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869. Les grands écrivains français. Ètudes des Lundis et des Portraits classées selon un ordre nouveau et annotées par Maurice Allem. XVIIe siècle: Philosophes et moralistes. Paris, Garnier frères, 1928.
844.74 Po Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869. Portraits of men / translated by Forsyth Edeveain ; with critical memoir by William Sharp. Chicago : A.C. M'Clurg, 1891.
844.74 Po Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869. Portraits of women, by C.A. Sainte-Beuve; translated by Helen Stott. Chicago, A.C. M'Clurg, 1891.
844.74 SA26c Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869. Causeries du lundi / C.A. Sainte-Beuve. Paris : Garnier Frères, 1926-1949.
844.74 T Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869. Trois portraits littéraires / by Sainte-Beuve ; edited by D.L. Savory. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1908.
844.82 Dr Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892. Le prêtre de Némi, par Ernest Renan .. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1886.
844.89 G239 Gautier, Léon, 1832-1897. Vingt nouveaux portraits. Paris, Victor Palmé Bruselles, G. Lebrocquy, 1878.
844.91 G361p Gide, André, 1869-1951. Pretexts : reflections on literature and morality / by André Gide ; selected, edited, and introduced by Justin O'Brien ; [translated by Angelo P. Bertocci ... et. al.]. New York : Dell, 1964.
844.91 L52 Saint-John Perse, 1887-1975. Poésie. Allocution au banquet Nobel du 10 décembre 1960 [par] Saint- John Perse [pseud. Paris] Gallimard [1961].
845.4 B65 Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 1627-1704. Discours sur l'histoire universelle / par Bossuet. Paris : Librairie Firmin Didot frères, 1867.
845.4 B655 Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1627-1704). Author. Discours sur l'histoire universelle / par Bossuet. [Tours] : A. Cartier, 1887.
845.4 B655 Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 1627-1704. Discours sur l'histoire universelle a monseigneur le Dauphin, pour expliquer la suite de la religion et les changements des empires, par Bossuet. Paris, Garnier frères [18--?].
845.4 M386 Massillon, Jean-Baptiste, 1663-1742. Massillon's Sermons for all the Sundays and Festivals throughout the year / Translated by the Rev. Edward Peach. Dublin, James Duffy, 1876.
845.7 L119 Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique, 1802-1861. God : conferences delivered at Nôtre Dame in Paris / by the Rev. Père Lacordaire ; translated from the French, with the author's permission, by a tertiary of the same order. New York : P. O'Shea, c1871.
845.7 L119g Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique, 1802-1861. God and man. Conferences delivered at Notre Dame in Paris = / translated from the French, with the author's permission, by a tertiary of the same order. New York : P. O'Shea, [1879?].
845.7 L119 Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique, 1802-1861. Conférences de Notre-Dame de Paris .. Paris, Libraire de Mme Ve Poussielgue-Rusand, 1861.
845.7 L119 Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique, 1802-1861. Thoughts and teachings of Lacordaire. New York : Benziger Bros., 1904.
845.7 L119t Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique, 1802-1861. Conférences de Toulouse : suivies de divers opuscules / par le r.p. Henri- Dominique Lacordaire des Frères prêcheurs, membre de l'Académie française.
845.91 M29 Malraux, André, 1901-1976. Oraisons funèbres / André Malraux. [Paris] : Gallimard, 1971 (Mayenne : Imprimerie Floch).
847 M76 Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755. Persian letters newly translated into English with notes and memoir of the author by John Davidson ... With portrait and eight etchings by Ed. de Beaumont, engraved by E. Boilvin .. London, Priv. print., 1892.
847.12 R Le roman de Renart. Editée d'après le manuscrit de Cangé, par Mario Roques. Paris, H. Champion, 1948-
847.31 J82 Jourda, Pierre, 1898-1978. Marot. Paris : Hatier, 1956.
847.31 P Marot, Clément, 1496-1544. Poésies choisies; notice et notes par A. Perier. Nouvelle éd., avec questionnaire, sujets de composition française et jugements critiques. Paris A. Hatier [1948].
847.32 L52 Lefebvre, Henri, 1905- Rabelais. Paris, Éditeurs français réunis [1955].
847.32 M28 Maillet, Antonine, 1929- Rabelais et les traditions populaires en Acadie / par Antonine Maillet. Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval, 1980.
847.32 O Rabelais, François, approximately 1490-1553? Œuvres complètes. [Introd., notes, bibliographie et relevé de variantes par Pierre Jourda]. Paris, Garnier frères [1962].
847.32 O Rabelais, François, approximately 1490-1553? Oeuvres complètes; texte établi et annoté par Jacques Boulenger. Éd. rev. et complétée par Lucien Scheler. [Paris, Gallimard, 1959, c1955].
847.32 P69 Plattard, Jean, 1873-1939. L'oeuvre de Rabelais : (sources, invention et composition) / par Jean Plattard. Paris : H. Champion, 1967.
847.32 Sa2 Sineanu, Lazr, 1859-1934. L'influence et la réputation de Rabelais. Interprètes, lecteurs et imitateurs, un Rabelaisien, Marnix de Saine-Aldegonde [par] L. Sainéan. Paris, J. Gamber 1930.
847.32 T291 Tetel, Marcel. Étude sur le comique de Rabelais. Firenze, L.S. Olschki, 1964.
847.33 Sa8 Satyre Ménippée de la vertu du catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des estatz de Paris M.D. XCIII / par Ch. Marcilly. Paris : Garnier, 1889.
847.41 O Viau, Théophile de, 1590-1626. Œuvres poétiques. Genèva, Droz, 1951-1958.
847.46 O Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas, 1636-1711. Oeuvres de Boileau. Texte de l'edition Gidel avec une préface et des notes par Georges Mongrédien. Paris, Garnier Fréres [1952].
848 J24 Jammes, Francis, 1868-1938. My daughter Bernadette, by Francis Jammes. Translated from the French by Lucy Humphrey Smith. Boston, B. Humphries, inc. [c1933].
848 M94 Murger, Henri, 1822-1861. Scènes de la vie de Bohème / par Henry Murger. Montréal : B.D. Simpson, [19--].
848 Sw4 Swetchine, Sophie, Mme., 1782-1857. The maxims of Madame Swetchine / selected and translated with a biographical note by I.A. Taylor. London : Burns & Oates ; St. Louis : B. Herder, 1908.
848.1 V71 Les Chroniquers francais, Villehardouin-Froissart-Joinville-Commines : oeuvres Chosies. Paris : J. Gillequin, [n.d.].
848.108 P28 Aucassin et Nicolette et autres contes du jongleur. Paris, L'Édition d'art H. Piazza, [1965, c1932].
848.108 P286 Pauphilet, Albert, ed. Historiens et chroniqueurs du moyen age: Robert de Clari, Villehardouin, Joinville, Fraoissart, Commynes. Édition établi et annoté par albert Pauphilet, textes nouveaux commentés par Edmond Pognon. Paris, La Libraire Gallimard, 1952.
848.4 B65 Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 1627-1704. Oeuvres. Textes établis et annotés par l'Abbé Velat et Yvonne Champailler. [Paris] Gallimard [1961].
848.4 F35 Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715. De l'éducation des filles ; Dialogues des morts ; opuscules divers composés pour l'éducation de M. Le Duc de Bourgogne ; Abrégé des vies des anciens philosophes / par Fénelon. IMPRINT = Paris : Firmin-Didot, 1892.
848.4 L115 La Bruyère, Jean de, 1645-1696. Les caractères : ou, Les moeurs de ce siècle, précédé des caractères de Théophraste traduits du Grec / La Bruyère. Paris : Librairie Gallimard, 1931.
848.4 L115c La Bruyère, Jean de, 1645-1696. Les caractères de Theophraste : traduits du Grec avec Les caractères ou Les moeurs de ce siècle / Jean de La Bruyère ; chronologie et préface par Robert Pignarre. Paris : Garnier-Flammarion, 1965.
848.4 L115L La Bruyère, Jean de, 1645-1696. La Bruyère. Avec introduction, bibliographie, notes, grammaire, lexique et illustrations documentaires, par René Radouant. Paris, Hatier, 1920.
848.4 L327 La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de, 1613-1680. Réflexions ou Sentences et maximes morales / La Rochefoucauld. Paris : Garnier frères, [1954].
848.5 F73 Fontenelle, M. de (Bernard Le Bovier), 1657-1757. Oeuvres choisies / Fontenelle et Vauvenargues. Paris : J. Gillequin, [1911?].
848.5 M67 Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti, comte de, 1749-1791. Discours : extraits / notes par C. Charrier. Paris : Hatier, [1953].
848.5 R52 Rivarol, Antoine, 1753-1801. Discours sur l'universalité de la langue française, suivi des pensées, maximes, réflexions, anecdotes et bons mots [par] Rivarol. Édition présentée par Hubert Juin. Avant propos de Marc Blancpain. Paris, P. Belfond, 1966.
848.5 V46 Vauvenargues, 1715-1747. Oeuvres choisies [de] Vauvenargues ; avec un choix des notes de Voltaire, Morellet, Fortia, etc. Paris : Garnier frères, [1954].
848.7 G31 Nerval, Gérard de, 1808-1855. Œuvres. Texte établi, annoté et présenté par Albert Béguin et Jean Richer. [Paris, Gallimard, 1952-
848.7 G936 Guérin, Eugénie de, 1805-1848. The journal of Eugénie de Guérin : published with the consent of the family / translated with an introd. by William M. Lightbody. London : G. Routledge ; New York : E.P. Dutton, [1908].
848.7 M582h Michelet, Jules, 1798-1874. Histoire de la Révolution Française Éd. établie et commentée par Gérard Walter. [Paris, Gallimard, 1961-62, c1952].
848.8 C85 Craven, Augustus, Mme., 1808-1891. Récit d'une sœur : souvenirs de familie / recueillis par Mme. Augustus Craven. Paris : Didier, 1867.
848.8 F926 Fromentin, Eugène, 1820-1876. Un été dans le Sahara; introduction, commentaires et notes de Maxime Revon. Paris, L. Conard, 1938.
848.8 V645 Gauthier, Emmanuel. Le vrai Louis Veuillot : étude psychologique et morale de l'écrivain d'après sa correspondance / Emmanuel Gauthier. Paris : Éditions "Alsatia", [1938?].
848.91 C159 Lebesque, Morvan, 1911-1970. Albert Camus par lui-même. [Paris] Éditions du Seuil [1963].
848.91 C570 Bindel, Victor. Claudel. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1934.
848.91 C570 Claudel, Paul, 1868-1955. Toi, qui es-tu? (Tu qui es?) / Paul Claudel. Paris, Gallimard [1941, c1936].
848.91 C64 Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. Professional secrets; an autobiography of Jean Cocteau, drawn from his lifetime writings by Robert Phelps. Translated from the French by Richard Howard. New York, Harper & Row [1972, c1970].
848.91 C647 Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. Journals. Edited and translated with an introduction by Wallace Fowlie. Illustrated with 16 drawings by the author. Bloomington [Ind.] Indiana University Press [1964, c1956].
848.91 F35 Fénéon, Félix, 1861-1944. Œuvres plus que complètes. Textes réunis et présentés par Joan U. Halperin. Genève, (Paris,) Droz, 1970.
848.91 G287 Gennari, Geneviève. Ce monde où je vis. Paris, B. Grasset [1972].
848.91 G82 Green, Julien, 1900-1998. Journal. Paris, Plon [1938]-
848.91 G93 Guéhenno, Jean, 1890-1978. Ce que je crois. Paris, B. Grasset [1964].
848.91 G93 Guérin, Eugénie de, 1805-1848. Journal / Eugénie de Guérin ; ouvrage couronné par l'Académie française. Montreal : Fides, 1946.
848.91 J150 Jacob, Max, 1876-1944. Max Jacob, une étude par André Billy, avec des lettres du poète à Guillaume Apollinaire et à Jean Cocteau, un choix de poèmes, des inédits, des manuscrits des dessins, des portraits, une bibliographie. [Paris] Seghers [1963].
848.91 L13 La Force, Auguste de Caumont, duc de, 1878-1961. En suivant nos pères. Paris, Amiot-Dumont [1951].
848.91 L45 Camara, Laye. L'Enfant noir / Camara Laye ; illustrations de Michel Gourlier. Paris : Plon, 1970, c1953.
848.91 P149s v. Pagnol, Marcel, 1895-1974. Le temps des amours / Marcel Pagnol ; postface de Bernard de Fallois. Paris : Julliard, c1977.
848.91 P349 Jussem-Wilson, Nelly. Charles Péguy. London, Bowes & Bowes [1965].
848.91 P349 Péguy, Charles, 1873-1914. Le mystère des saints innocents / Charles Péguy. Paris : Gallimard, c1929.
848.91 P349 Péguy, Charles, 1873-1914. Temporal and eternal. Translated by Alexander Dru. New York, Harper [1958].
848.91 R526 Rivière, Jacques, 1886-1925. Jacques Rivière et Paul Claudel : correspondence 1907-1914. Paris : Plon, 1926.
848.91 V237 Valéry, Paul, 1871-1945. Monsieur Teste. [Paris] Gallimard [1946].
848.91 V237 Valéry, Paul, 1871-1945. Selected writings / Paul Valéry. New York : New Directions, 1964, c1950.
848.9108 F41 Ferrier, Janet Mackay. 100 modern French unseens / selected by Janet M. Ferrier. London : Duckworth, 1970.
849.12 Ar6 Arnaut Daniel, active 1189. Canzoni. [Firenze] G.C. Sansoni [1960].
849.146 L98 Lyle, Rob. Mistral. Cambridge [Eng.] Bowes & Bowes [1953].
850.8 P58 Piccioni, Luigi, 1870-1955. Da Prudenzio a Dante. Manuale per la storia della letteratura in Italia dal sec. IV al sec. XIII; con commento e glossario. Torino, G.B. Paravia & C.; [etc., 1923].
850.9 G17 Gardner, Edmund G., 1869-1935. The Arthurian legend in Italian literature, by Edmund G. Gardner .. London, J.M. Dent & Sons ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton & Co. inc. [1930].
850.9 M73 Momenti e problemi di storia dell'estetica. Milano, C. Marzorati [c1959-61].
850.9 M739 Momigliano, Attilio, 1883-1952. Storia della letteratura italiana. Milan-Messina : G. Principato [1966].
850.9 N34 Nencioni, Enrico, 1837-1896. Saggi critici di letteratura italiana / di Enrico Nencioni ; preceduta da uno scritto di Gabriele d'Annunzio. Firenze : Successori Le Monnier, 1911.
850.9 P96 Puppo, Mario. Manuale critico-bibliografico per lo studio della letteratura italiana. [Torino] Società editrice internazionale [1967].
850.9 R73 Rossi, Vittorio, 1865-1938. Storia della letteratura italiana / Vittorio Rossi. Milano : F. Vallardi, 1953-1956.
850.9 R921 Russo, Luigi, 1892-1961. I classici italiani / Luigi Russo. Firenze : G.C. Sansoni, [1959]-
850.9 Sa55 De Sanctis, Francesco, 1817-1883. Storia Della Letteratura Italiana / Francesco De Sanctis ; [Ed.] Francisco Flora. Milano : Antonio Vallardi Ed, 1950.
850.902 V82 Viscardi, Antonio, 1900- Le origini / per Antonio Viscardi. Milano : F. Vallardi, 1950.
850.9024 P77 Ponte, Giovanni, ed. Il Quattrocento / a cura di Giovanni Ponte. Bologna : Zanichelli, [1966].
850.9031 T57 Toffanin, Giuseppe, 1891-1980. Il cinquecento, a cura di Giuseppe Toffanin .. Milano [etc.] F. Vallardi, 1960.
850.904 Scr3 Scrivano, Riccardo. Riviste, scrittori e critici del novecento. [Firenze] Sansoni [1965].
850.92 C17 Cappuccio, Carmelo, 1901-1993. Poeti e prosatori italiani / Carmelo Cappuccio. Firenze : Sansoni, 1961.
851.09 M73 Momigliano, Attilio, 1883-1952. Studi di poesia. con presentazione di Luigi Russo. Messina, G. D'Anna, c1960.
851.1 B65 Bottagisio, Tito. Bonifacio VIII e un celebre commentatore di Dante; opera in gran parte composta su documenti dell'Archivo Vaticano novamente e criticamente discussi. Milano, Prem. Scuola tipografica Salesiana, 1926.
851.1 B74 Brégy, Katherine Marie Cornelia, 1888-1967. From Dante to Jeanne d'Arc; adventures in medieval life and letters, by Katherine Brégy, LITT. D. Milwaukee, Bruce [c1933].
851.1 D235c Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri, secondo i codici di J.P. Morgan, riveduta nel testo da Alvigi Cossio. [Washington] 1921.
851.1 D235Lo Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La divine comédie / Dante ; traduction, préface, notes et commentaries par Henri Longnon. Paris : Garnier, 1951.
851.1 D235s Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La vita nuova, e, Il canzoniere. Per cura di Michele Scherillo. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1921.
851.1 D235 Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. Die Göttliche Komödie / Dante ; neu übertragen und mit italienischem Wortlaut versehen von Richard Zoozmann ; mit Einführungen und Ammerkungen von Constantin Sauter. Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 1923.
851.1 G32 Whalen, Mary Rose Gertrude, sister, 1882- Renouncement in Dante, by Sister Mary Rose Gertrude. London, New York, Longmans, Green and Co., 1929.
851.1 K95 Kuhns, Oscar, 1856-1929. The treatment of nature in Dante's 'Divina commedia' / by L. Oscar Kuhns. London, New York, E. Arnold, 1897.
851.1 P5 Phillimore, Catherine Mary. Dante at Ravenna A study, by Catherine Mary Phillimore. London, E. Stock, 1898.
851.15 B234 Barbi, Michele, 1867-1941. Vita di Dante / Michele Barbi. Firenze : Sansoni, [1961].
851.15 B23 Bargellini, Piero, 1897-1980. Vita di Dante / Piero Bargellini. Firenze : Vallecchi, [c1964].
851.15 B733 Brandeis, Irma. The ladder of vision; a study of Dante's comedy. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1962 [c1960].
851.15 B79 Brossa, Baldassarre, 1894- La Bibbia nel poema di Dante. Alba, Scuola tipografica editrice, 1923.
851.15 C236 Carroll, John Smyth. In patria : an exposition of Dante's Paridiso / by John S. Carroll. London ; New York : Hodder and Stoughton, [1911].
851.15 C76 Conte, Pietro. Dante nel mondo di oggi e i problemi methodologi della critica dantesca. Torino, Società Editrice Internazionale [1959].
851.15 C87 Croce, Benedetto, 1866-1952. La poesia di Dante / Benedetto Croce. Bari : G. Laterza, 1921.
851.15 D235 Union intellectuelle franco-italienne. Dante: mélanges de critique et d'érudition françaises publiés à l'occasion du VIe centénaire de la mort du poète. MCCCXXI-MCMXXI. [Paris, Librairie française, 1921].
851.15 D235 Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. The Commedia and Canzoniere of Dante Alighieri / a new translation with notes, essays and a biographical introduction by E.H. Plumptre. London : W. Isbister, 1886-1887.
851.15 D Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La Divine comédie : L'Enfer, le Purgatoire, le Paradis / Dante Alighieri. Paris : Flammarion, [n.d.].
851.15 DF Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La divina commedia / col comento di Pietro Fraticelli. Firenze, G. Barbèra, 1914.
851.15 DI Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La divina commedia / di Dante Alighieri ; a cura di Siro A. Chimenz. Torino : Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1963.
851.15 D Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La divina commedia / di Dante Alighieri ; novamente corretta, spiegata e difesa da F.B.L.M.C. Roma : Presso Antonio Fulgoni, 1791.
851.15 DL Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La Divina commedia / commentata da Isidoro del Lungo. Firenze : F. Le Monnier, 1928.
851.15 D Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La divina commedia / Dante Alighieri ; commentata da A. Momigliano. Firenze : Sansoni, [1957].
851.15 DM Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La Commedia / Dante ; con un discorso di Guiseppe Mazzini. Milan : Istituto Editoriale Italiano, [1914?].
851.15 DM Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso / translated into Greek verse by Musurus Pasha. London : Williams and Norgate, 1890.
851.15 D Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. Commento alla Divina commedia de Dante Alighieri / Domenico Palmieri. Prato : Tipografia Giachetti, 1898-99.
851.15 E Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. L'enfer de Dante Alighieri / traduit en français accompagné de notes explicatives raisonnées, et historiques, suivies de remarques générales sur la vie de Dante, et sur les factions des Guelfes et des Gibelins ; par J.C. Tarver. Londres : Chez Dulau et Co., 1826.
851.15 G11 Gabrieli, Giuseppe, 1872-1942. Dante e l'Oriente [di] G. Gabrieli. Bologna, N. Zanichelli [1921].
851.15 J21 Jakubczyk, Karl. Dante, sein Leben und seine Werke / von Karl Jakubczyk. Freiburg im Breisgau ; St. Louis : Herder, 1921.
851.15 LH Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. A translation of the Latin works of Dante Alighieri / [trans. by A.G. Ferrers Howell and Philip H. Wicksteed]. London : J.M. Dent, 1929 [c1904].
851.15 N214 Natoli, Gioacchino. Dante rivelato nel convivio / Giacchino Natoli. Roma : Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, 1954.
851.15 N214 Natoli, Gioacchino. Dante rivelato nella Vita nova / Gioacchino Natoli. [Roma?] : Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, 1952.
851.15 O Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. Tutte le opere. Novamente rivendute, con un copiosissimo indice del contenuto di esse. Firenze, G. Barbèra, 1919.
851.15 P24 Parrini, Amerigo. Le epigrafi dantesche di Firenze, illustrate. Da Amerigo Parrini. Firenze, G. Giannini [1928].
851.15 P75 Cento, Fernando, 1883-1973. La pedagogia nel pensiero di Dante Alighieri; con prefazione del Cardinale Mercier. Macerata, A. Bisson [1921].
851.15 P75 Poletto, Giacomo, 1840-1914. La santa scrittura, nelle opere e nel pensiero di Dante Allighieri. Siena, S. Bernardino, 1909.
851.15 R36 Rice Institute of Liberal and Technical Learning, Houston, Tex. Dante sexcentenary lectures. Houston : Rice Institute, 1921.
851.15 R73 Rossetti, Maria Francesca, 1827-1876. A shadow of Dante : being an essay towards studying himself, his world and his pilgrimage / by Maria Francesca Rossetti. London : Rivingtons, 1884.
851.15 Sa58 Sanguineti, Edoardo. Interpretazione di Malebolge / Edoardo Sanguineti. Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 1961.
851.15 Sa58 Sanguineti, Edoardo. Il realismo di Dante / di Edoardo Sanguineti. Firenze : Sansoni, c1966.
851.15 Sca7 Scarpini, Modesto. Il sistema religioso politico di Dante nella Divina commedia / D. Modesto Scarpini. Firenze : Libreria editrice fiorentina, 1926.
851.15 Vi Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La vita nuova et Il convito, con la vita di Dante scritta da Giovanni Boccaccio. Milano, Istituto Editoriale Italiano [1912].
851.15 Vi Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. La vita nuova di Dante Alighieri / con il commento di Tommaso Casini. Firenze : Sansoni, 1951.
851.18 B28 Bartholoni, Jean, 1880-1937. Il romanzo di Laura e Petrarca (1327-1348) / Giovanni Bartholini ; traduzione di Domenico Malaterra. Milano : Pervinca, c1928.
851.18 P44 Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Il canzoniere / Francesco Petrarca ; con le note di Giuseppe Rigutini rifuse e di molto accresciute da Michele Scherillo. Milano : U. Hoepli, 1925.
851.18 R Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime di Francesco Petrarca sopra argomenti storici morali e diversi. Saggio di un testo e commento nuovo col raffronto dei migliori testi e di tutti i commenti a cura di Giosuè Carducci. Livorno, Coi tipi di Vigo, 1876.
851.23 T Medici, Lorenzo de', 1449-1492. Tutte le opere / Lorenzo de' Medici il Magnifico ; a cura di Gigi Cavalli. Milano : Rizzoli, 1958.
851.24 P Poliziano, Angelo, 1454-1494. Tutte le poesie Italiane / Angelo Poliziano, acura di Gustavo Adolfo Ceriello. [Milano] : Rizzoli, [1952].
851.31 O Bembo, Pietro, 1470-1547. Opere in volgare / Pietro Bembo ; [a cura di Mario Marti]. Firenze : Sansoni, [1961].
851.31 P Bembo, Pietro, 1470-1547. Prose e rime / di Pietro Bembo ; a cura di Carlo Dionisotti. Torino : Unione Tipografico-Editrice, 1960.
851.32 Ar4 Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533. L'Orlando furioso, con note e discorso proemiale di Giacinto Casella. Firenze, G. Barbera, 1913.
851.32 B51 Binni, Walter, 1913-1997. Metodo e poesia di Ludovico Ariosto. Messina, G. d'Anna [1961].
851.32 OC Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533. Orlando furioso : Ludovico Ariosto ; ad uso delle persone colte e delle scuole, con introduzione e commento di Giuseppe Campari ; e con prefazione di Michele Scherillo. Milano : Hoepli, 1915.
851.32 OM Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533. Le opere minori, a cura di Giuseppe Fatini. Nuova presentazione di Giuseppe Fatini. Firenze, Sansoni [1961].
851.38 G Della Casa, Giovanni, 1503-1556. Galateo, or, The book of manners / Giovanni della Casa ; a new translation by R.S. Pine-Coffin. Harmondsworth ; Baltimore : Penguin Books, 1958.
851.38 P Della Casa, Giovanni, 1503-1556. Prose scelte e annotate; a cura di Severino Ferrari Nuova presentazione de Ettore Bonora. Firenze, Sansoni [1957].
851.45 O Guarini, Battista, 1538-1612. Opere. A cura di Luigi Fasso. [Torino] Unione tipografico-Editrice torinese [1962].
851.46 GF Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. Jerusalem delivered / by Torquato Tasso ; translated by Edward Fairfax ; edited by Henry Morley. New York : Co-operative Publication Society, 1901.
851.46 G Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. La Gerusalemme liberata, a cura di Severino Ferrari. Firenze, Sansoni [1957].
851.46 G Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. The Jerusalem delivered / of Torquato Tasso ; translated into English Spenserian verse, with a life of the author, by J.H. Wiffen. New York : Appleton, 1851.
851.46 GW Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. The Jerusalem delivered of Torquato Tasso, translated into English Spenserian verse with a life of the author, by J.H. Wiffen. London, Bohn, 1857.
851.64 PB Monti, Vincenzo, 1754-1828. Poesie / Vincenzo Monti ; a cura di Alfonso Bertoldi ; nuova presentazione di Bruno Maier. Firenze : Sansoni, 1957.
851.66 F78 Foscolo, Ugo, 1778-1827. Liriche, Sepolcri, e passi scelti da le Grazie, le tragedie, le traduzioni. Con introd. e commenti di Corrado Zacchetti. Milano, R. Sandron [[1921].
851.66 L Foscolo, Ugo, 1778-1827. Liriche scelte. I sepolcri e Le grazie, col commento di Severino Ferrari. Firenze, Sansoni [1964].
851.66 P Foscolo, Ugo, 1778-1827. Poesie e prose d'arte. A cura di Enzo Bottasso. [Torino] Unione tipografico-editrice [1962].
851.75 C17 Carducci, Giosuè, 1835-1907. Degli spiriti e delle forme nella poesia di Giacomo Leopardi / considerazioni di Giosuè Carducci. Bologna : Zanichelli, 1898.
851.75 C Leopardi, Giacomo, 1798-1837. I canti / a cura di Alfredo Straccali. Firenze : Sansoni, [1962].
851.75 Leopardi, Giacomo, 1798-1837. Le poesie e le prose / [Giacomo Leopardi ; a cura di Francesco Flora]. Milano : Mondadori, 1940.
851.75 PG Leopardi, Giacomo, 1798-1837. Le prose morali. A cura di Ildebrando Della Giovanna. Nuova presentazione di Giuseppe De Robertis. Firenze, Sansoni [1964].
851.79 B41 Belli, Giuseppe Gioachino, 1791-1863. La plebe di Roma; tutti i sonetti romaneschi di Giuseppe Gioachino Belli. Ordinati e commentati da Roberto Vighi con la collaborazione di Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli e Giulio Ansaldi. Disegni di Domenico Purificato. Firenze, Sansoni, c1962-c64.
851.8 C17 Carducci, Giosuè, 1835-1907. Giambi ed epodi di Giosuè Carducci (1867-1879) ; Rime nuove / di Giosue Carducci. Verona : Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1952.
851.8 P26 Pascoli, Giovanni, 1855-1912. Poesie di Giovanni Pascoli / con un avvertimento di Antonio Baldini. [Verona] : A. Mondadori, 1958, c1939.
851.84 B52 Biordi, Raffaello, 1896- Carducci dalle lettere. Roma, Fratelli Palombi [1961].
851.84 Carducci, Giosuè, 1835-1907. Prose di Giosuè Carducci, MDCCCLIX-MCMIII. Bologna : N. Zanichelli, 1906.
851.84 T Carducci, Giosuè, 1835-1907. To the sources of the Clitumnus. Translation and notes by E.J. Watson. Bristol, Arrowsmith, 1912.
851.84 V42 Vari, Victor B. Carducci y España. Madrid, Gredos [1963].
851.85 Fogazzaro, Antonio, 1842-1911. Le poesie / Antonio Fogazzaro. Milano : Baldini, Castoldi & co., 1908.
851.89 P26 Pascoli, Giovanni, 1855-1912. Selected poems of Giovanni Pascoli, edited by G.S. Purkis .. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1965.
851.89 P263 Pascoli, Giovanni, 1855-1912. Canti di Castelvecchio. Bologna : N. Zanichelli, 1910.
851.89 P263 Pascoli, Giovanni. Poemi conviviali. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1910.
851.91 G229 Gatto, Alfonso, 1909-1976. La storia delle vittime; poesie della resistenza, 1943-'47 1963-'65. Milano] A. Mondadori [1966].
851.91 L979 Luzi, Mario. Dal fondo delle campagne / Mario Luzi. Torino : G. Einaudi, 1965.
851.91 L979 Luzi, Mario. Nel magma [poesie] Con un autografo dal taccuino originario. Milano, All'Insegna del Pesce d'Oro, 1964.
851.91 Or Orvieto, Angiolo, 1869-1967. Le sette leggende. Milano, Fratelli Treves [c1912].
851.91 P198 Papini, Giovanni, 1881-1956. Cento pagine di poesia. Firenze, Vallecchi [1920, c1915].
851.91 Q28 Quasimodo, Salvatore, 1901-1968. The selected writings of Salvatore Quasimodo / edited and translated from the Italian by Allen Mandelbaum. [New York] : Minerva Press, 1968, c1960.
851.91 Q28 Quasimodo, Salvatore, 1901-1968. Tutte le poesie / Salvatore Quasimodo ; con prefazioni di Sergio Solmi e Carlo Bo. Milano : A. Mondadori, 1962, c1960.
851.91 T28 Testoni, Alfredo, 1856- La sgnera Cattareina, e Èl fiacaresta, con sonetti alla Sgnera Cattareina, di Lorenzo Stecchetti. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1928.
851.91 Un Ungaretti, Giuseppe, 1888-1970. Poesie / Giuseppe Ungaretti. [Milano] : A. Mondadori, 1942-
851.9109 B48 Bigongiari, Piero. Poesia italiana del novecento. [Milano] Fratelli Fabbri [c1960].
851.912 An7 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 1863-1938. [Versi dámore e di gloria. Verona] Mondadori [1959].
851.914 P264 Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 1922-1975. La religione del mio tempo, poesie. Milano] Garzanti [1963, c1961].
851.914 R494 Risi, Nelo, 1920- Pensieri elementari. Milano Arnoldo Mondadori c1961.
851.914 V711 Villa, Carlo. Siamo esseri antichi. [Torino] G. Einaudi [1964].
860.9928 Global issues in contemporary Hispanic women's writing [electronic resource] : shaping gender, the environment, and politics / edited by Estrella Cibreiro and Francisca López. New York : Routledge, 2013.
863. Byrne, Susan. Law and history in Cervantes' Don Quixote [electronic resource] / Susan Byrne. Toronto [Ont.] : University of Toronto Press, c2012 (Beaconsfield, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2013).
913.377 W21 Ward-Perkins, J. B. (John Bryan), 1912-1981. Pompeii A.D. 79 : treasures from the National Archaeological Museum, Naples, and the Pompeii Antiquarium. Boston : Boston Museum of Fine Arts, c1978.
930.1 R91 Russell, Nerissa, 1957- Social zooarchaeology : humans and animals in prehistory / Nerissa Russell. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
940.5425 St3 Steinman, Louise. The souvenir : a daughter discovers her father's war / Louise Steinman. Berkeley, CA : North Atlantic Books, 2008.
940.5472 F95 Fulbrook, Mary, 1951- A small town near Auschwitz : ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust / Mary Fulbrook. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012.
940.54727 Japanese-American relocation camp newspapers [electronic resource] : perspectives on day-to-day life. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, 2011.
951.0092 M320 Pantsov, Alexander, 1955- Mao : the real story / Alexander V. Pantsov with Steven I. Levine. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2012.
952.2940 McCormack, Gavan. Resistant islands [electronic resource] : Okinawa confronts Japan and the United States / Gavan McCormack and Satoko Oka Norimatsu. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2012.
959.52 C44 Chin, Lucas. Cultural heritage of Sarawak / by Lucas Chin. Kuching [Sarawak, Malaysia] : Sarawak Museum, 1987.
970.1 Ar2 Easton, Bob. Plank house architecture of the Northwest Coast Indians : November 8- December 30, 1983. Los Angeles, Calif. : ARCO Center for Visual Art, [1983].
970.1 C87 The Extension of tradition : contemporary northern California native American art in cultural perspective : Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, California, July 13, 1985 through October 6, 1985, Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs, California, December 6, 1985 through February 23, 1986. Sacramento, Calif. : Crocker Art Museum, c1985.
970.3 Z87c Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 1857-1900. Zuni fetishes / by Frank Hamilton Cushing ; introduction by Tom Bahti. Las Vegas, Nev. : K C Publications, 1974, c1966.
973.03 B69 The Oxford companion to United States history / editor in chief, Paul S. Boyer ; editors, Melvyn Dubofsky ... [et al.]. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001.
973.781 H78 Horrocks, James, 1843- My dear parents : the Civil War seen by an English Union soldier / by James Horrocks ; edited by A.S. Lewis. San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1982.
Best Selle Grisham, John. The litigators : a novel / John Grisham. New York : Dell, 2012, c2011.
BQ 6857 P64 E5 199 Bobik, Joseph, 1927- Aquinas on matter and form and the elements : a translation and interpretation of the De principiis naturae and the De mixtione elementorum of St. Thomas Aquinas / by Joseph Bobik. Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c1998.
BQ 6914 K113 200 Thomas Aquinas on faith, hope, and love : edited and explained for everyone / Christopher Kaczor ; foreword by Peter Kreeft. Ave Maria, Fla. : Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, c2008.
BQ 6917 K113 200 Thomas Aquinas on the cardinal virtues : edited and explained for everyone / Christopher Kaczor & Thomas Sherman ; foreword by Ralph McInerny. Ave Maria, Fla. : Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, c2009.
Lasallian P Agathon, Brother, F.S.C., 1731-1798, author, Author. The twelve virtues of a good teacher / by Brother Agathon ; translated by Gerard Rummery. Washington, D.C. : Christian Brothers Conference, 2008.
Lasallian P Association in the USA-Toronto Region : a report to the Regional Conference of Christian Brothers / by the Regional Task Force. Washington, D.C. : Christian Brothers Conference, 2010.
Lasallian P Beaudet, Gilles, Brother, FSC. Under Mary's star : the life of Venerable Adolphe Chatillon, FSC / by Gilles Beaudet, FSC ; preface by Georges Madore, SMM. Washington, DC: Christian Brothers Conference, c2012.
Lasallian P Mueller, Frederick C., Fsc. The formation of new teachers : a companion on the Lasallian journey / by Frederick C. Mueller. Washington, D.C. : Christian Brothers Conference, c2008.
Lasallian P Rummery, Gerard. Brothers to one another : the De La Salle Brothers behind the iron curtain : Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia / Gerard Rummery. Melbourne, Vic. : LaSallian Education Services, 2011.
Lasallian P Rummery, Gerard, Author. Creativity : the hallmark of Lasallian education / by Gerard Rummery. Washington, D.C. : Christian Brothers Conference, 2011.
Lasallian Q In the footsteps of De La Salle [videorecording] : a Lasallian pilgrimage / produced by George Van Grieken ; directed by Roch Dufresne. Washington D.C. : Christian Brothers Conference, c2010.
Film 00 Torquemada, Juan de, approximately 1557-1664. Primera [segunda, tercera] parte de los veinte i un libros rituales i monarchia indiana, con el origen y guerras, de los Indios Occidentales [microform], de sus poblaçones descubrimiento, conquista, conuersion, y otras cosas marauillosas de la mesma tierra ... Compuesto por f. Juan de Torquemada .. Madrid, N. Rodriquez Franco, 1723.
Film 00 Cavo, Andres, 1739-1803. Los tres siglos de Mexico durante el gobierno espanol, hasta la entrada del ejercito trigarante [microform] / obra escrita en Roma por el Andres Cavo ; Publicado con notras y suplemento por el licenciado Carlos Maria de Bustamante. Mexico : J.R. Navarro, 1852.
Film 00 Clavijero, Francisco Saverio, 1731-1787. Historia de la Antigua o Baja California [microform]. Obra postuma del padre Francisco Javier Clavijero ... Tr. del italiano por el presbitero Don Nicolas Garcias de San Vicente. Mejico, Impr. de J.R. Navarro, 1852.
Film 00 Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. Life of Fray Junípero Serra [microform] / translated & annotated by Maynard J. Geiger. Washington : Academy of American Franciscan History, 1955.
Film 00 Wagner, Henry Raup, 1862-1957. The cartography of the northwest coast of America to the year 1800 [microform] [by] Henry R. Wagner .. Berkeley, Calif., University of California Press, 1937.
Film 00 Sahagún, Bernardino de, -1590. A history of ancient Mexico [microform] by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún; translated by Fanny R. Bandelier from the Spanish version of Carlos María de Bustamante. [Nashville] Fisk University Press, 1932-
Film 00 Priestley, Herbert Ingram, 1875-1944. Tristán de Luna [microform] : conquistador of the old South ; a study of Spanish imperial strategy / by Herbert Ingram Priestley. Glendale, Calif. : Arthur H. Clark Co., 1936.
Film 00 Hallenbeck, Cleve. Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca [microform] : the journey and route of the first European to cross the continent of North America, 1534-1536 / by Cleve Hallenbeck. Glendale, Calif. : A.H. Clark Co., 1940.
Film 00 Bishop, Morris, 1893-1973. The odyssey of Cabeza de Vaca [microform] / by Morris Bishop. New York ; London : Century Co., c1933.
Film 01 Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 1496-1584. The true history of the conquest of Mexico : written in the year 1568 / by Captain Bernal Díaz del Castillo ; translated from the original Spanish by Maurice Keatinge ; with an introduction by Arthur D. Howden Smith. New York : R.M. McBride and Co., c1927.
Film 01 Wagner, Henry Raup, 1862-1957. The rise of Fernando Cortés [microform]/ by Henry R. Wagner. [Los Angeles] Cortes Society, 1944.
Film 01 Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875. The Spanish conquest in America [microform] : and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies / by Arthur Helps. London ; New York : J. Lane, 1900-1904.
Film 01 MacNutt, Francis Augustus, 1863-1927. Bartholomew de las Casas [microform] : his life, his apostolate, and his writings / by Francis Augustus MacNutt. New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1909.
Film 01 Means, Philip Ainsworth, 1892-1944. Fall of the Inca empire and the Spanish rule in Peru; 1530-1780 [microform], by Philip Ainsworth Means .. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1932.
Film 01 Bishop, William H. (William Henry), 1847-1928. Old Mexico and her lost provinces [microform] : a journey in Mexico, southern California, and Arizona, by way of Cuba / by William Henry Bishop. New York : Harper & Bros., 1883.
Film 01 Anderson, Lawrence (Lawrence Leslie), 1894- El arte de la platería en México [microform] / Lawrence Anderson. Mexico, D.F. : Editorial Porrua, c1937.
Film 01 Crofutt's trans-continental tourist's guide [microform] : containing a full and authentic description of over five hundred cities, towns, villages, stations, government forts and camps, mountains, lakes, rivers, sulphur, soda and hot springs, scenery, watering places, suumer resorts ... : over the Union Pacific Railroad, central Pacific Railroad of Cal., their branches and connections by stage and water .. New York : G.A. Crofutt, c. 1872.
Film 01 Cole, George Watson, 1850-1939. A catalogue of books relating to the discovery and early history of North and South America forming a part of the library of E.D. Church [microform] / compiled and annotated by George Watson Cole. New York : Peter Smith, 1951.
Film 02 Shea, John Gilmary, 1824-1892. History of the Catholic church in the United States [microform] / by John Gilmary Shea. New York : J.G. Shea, 1886-92.
Film 02 Hodge, Charles, 1797-1878. The constitutional history of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America [microform]/ By Charles Hodge.. Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of publication [1851].
Film 02 Alborada de un martir [microform] : memorias de la niñez y juventud de R. P. Miguel Agustín Pro S. J. / por un amigo suyo. El Paso (Texas) : Revista Católica, 1933.
Film 02 Howes, Wright. U.S.-iana (1700-1950) [microform] a descriptive check-list of 11,450 printed sources relating to those parts of continental North America now comprising the United States. New York, Bowker, 1954.
Film 02 Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711. Historical memoir of Pimeria Alta [microform] : a contemporary account of the beginnings of California, Sonora, and Arizona, 1683-1711. From the original ms. in the archives of Mexico, tr. into English ed. and annotated by Herbert Eugene Bolton. Berkley, Univ. of California Press, 1948 [c1919].
Film 02 Cowan, Robert Ernest, 1862-1942. A bibliography of the history of California [microform], 1510-1930, by Robert Ernest Cowan and Robert Granniss Cowan. San Francisco, Printed by J.H. Nash, 1933.
Film 02 Cowan, Robert Ernest, 1862-1942. A bibliography of the history of California and the Pacific west 1510- 1906 [microform], by Robert Ernest Cowan; together with the text of John W. Dwindelle's address on the acquisition of California by the United States of America. San Francisco, The Book club of California, 1914.
Film 02 Franciscans. Province of Santa Barbara. Book of historical dates of the Province of Santa Barbara [microform]. Santa Barbara, CA : [Order of the Friars Minor of the Province of Santa Barbara], 1945.
Disc MM9 William Forsythe [electronic resource] : improvisation technologies : a tool for the analytical dance eye / Nick Haffner, Volker Kuchelmeister, Christian Ziegler. Ostfildern, Germany : Hatje Cantz, c2012, c1999.
DVD BB140 Frozen river [videorecording] / Harwood Hunt Productions and Cohen Media Group ; in association with OffHollywood Pictures ; written and directed by Courtney Hunt ; produced by Heather Rae, Chip Hourihan. Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2009].
DVD BB140 Lincoln / DreamWorks Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox and Reliance Entertainment present in association with Participant Media and Dune Entertainment ; directed by Steven Spielberg ; screenplay by Tony Kushner ; produced by Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy ; executive producers, Daniel Lupi, Jeff Skoll, Jonathan King ; an Amblin Entertainment / Kennedy/Marshall Company production ; a Steven Spielberg film. IMPRINT =
DVD BB140 The hobbit [videorecording] : an unexpected journey / Warner Bros. Pictures ; New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures present ; a Wingnut Films production ; directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson & Guillermo Del Toro ; produced by Carolynne Cunningham, Zane Weiner, Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [2013].
DVD BB140 Argo [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures presents in association with GK Films a Smokehouse Pictures production ; directed by Ben Affleck ; screenplay by Chris Terrio ; produced by Grant Heslov, Ben Affleck, George Clooney. Burbank, Cali. : Warner Bros. Entertainment ; Warner Home Video [distributor], 2013.
DVD BB140 Cloud atlas [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Cloud Atlas/X Filme Creative Pool/Anarchos production ; in association with A Company and Ard Degeto ; produced by Grant Hill ... [et al.] ; written for the screen and directed by Lana Wachowski & Tom Tykwer & Andy Wachowski. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [2013].
DVD BB140 The breakfast club [videorecording] / an A & M Films/Channel production ; a John Hughes film ; produced by Ned Tanen and John Hughes ; written and directed by John Hughes. Universal City, CA : Universal, [2003].
DVD BB140 The squid and the whale [videorecording] / written and directed by Noah Baumbach ; produced by Wes Anderson and Peter Newman ; producers, Charlie Corwin and Clara Markowicz ; Samuel Goldwyn Films, Sony Pictures Releasing International and Destination Films present an Original Media and Ambush Entertainment presentation ; produced in association with Andrew Lauren Productions ; an American Empirical/Peter Newman-InterAL production ; a film by Noah Baumbach. [Culver City, CA] : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2006].
DVD S129 The life and times of Rosie the Riveter [videorecording] / a Clarity Films Production ; producer and director, Connie Field. [Franklin Lakes, NJ] : Clarity Educational Productions, [c2007].
DVD S129 A place at the table / Magnolia Pictures ; Participant Media presents a Catalyst Films/Silverbush production ; produced by Julie Goldman, Ryan Harrington ; produced and directed by Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush. IMPRINT =
DVD S129 Deep down [videorecording] : a story from the heart of coal country / ITVS ; directed by Jen Gilomen & Sally Rubin ; executive producer, David Sutherland. [United States] : Sally Rubin and Jen Giomen ; Harriman, NY : New Day Films [distributor], c2010.
DVD S129 The story of mothers & daughters [videorecording]. [United States] : Mothers & Daughters, LLC ; [San Francisco] : Distributed by Luna Productions, 1997.
DVD S129 Nederlands Dans Theater [videorecording] / choreography, Jirí Kylián. [Halle/Saale] : Arthaus Musik, c2009.
DVD S129 Peep culture [videorecording] / produced by Chocolate Box Entertainment in association with CBC News Network ; director, Sally Blake ; producer, Jeannette Loakman ; writer, Hal Niedzviecki. Toronto, Ontario : Peep Me Productions : Chocolate Box Entertainment, c2011.
DVD S129 Autumn Gem [videorecording]: the true story of China's first feminist / Adam & Rae Productions ; produced and directed by Rae Chang, Adam Tow ; written by Rae Chang. San Francisco : San Francisco Film Society, 2009.
DVD S129 Sisters of '77 [videorecording] / produced and directed by Cynthia Salzman Mondell, Allen Mondell ; produced by Circle R Media and Media Projects, Inc. Dallas, Tex. : Media Projects, Inc., c2005.
DVD S129 The open road [videorecording] / Roadtrip Nation. Laguna Beach, CA : Roadtrip Nation, [2001].
DVD S129 Roadtrip Nation : season 4 [videorecording] / Roadtrip Nation. Roadtrip nation 2007. Costa Mesa, CA : Roadtrip Productions, [2008].
DVD S130 Roadtrip Nation : season 5 [videorecording] / Roadtrip Nation. Costa Mesa, CA : Roadtrip Productions, [2009].
DVD S130 Roadtrip Nation : season 6 [videorecording] / Roadtrip Nation. Costa Mesa, CA : Roadtrip Productions, [2010].
DVD S130 Roadtrip Nation : season 7 [videorecording] / Roadtrip Nation. Costa Mesa, CA : Roadtrip Productions, [2011].
DVD S130 Roadtrip Nation : season 8 [videorecording] / Roadtrip Nation. Costa Mesa, CA : Roadtrip Productions, [2012].
DVD S130 Roadtrip Nation : season 9 [videorecording] / Roadtrip Nation. Costa Mesa, CA : Roadtrip Productions, [2013].
DVD S130 Roadtrip Nation 2006 [videorecording] / [directed by Nathan Gebhard ; executive producers for Roadtrip Productions, Brian McAllister, Mike Marriner, Nathan Gebhard]. Costa Mesa, CA : Roadtrip Productions, c2006.
DVD S35 The question of God [videorecording] : Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis / a production of Tatge-Lasseur Productions in association with WGBH and Walden Media ; producer and director, Catherine Tatge ; producer, Dominique Lasseur. [Alexandria, VA] : PBS Home Video, c2004