
Winner of lhe Michigan Press Cily Trucks W11l Ha1.1l General Excellence Award r·he Ingham County N Rubbish friday Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 17 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, April 29, 1954 4 Sections - 26 Pages

·Tax Sale Lists Sick Youngster Fair Board Must Secu11 e 355 Parcels for Forces Bypass Consent of Supervisors Selling Tuesday Of Polio Tests County Trcawt•et• Laurence Bc,..mtse n case of polio dc­ Before leasing ·Grounds ccluped at IInslett last week, ; Parlwt• announced Thw·srlny Ingham heul1 h aut hori tles and Ingham':; fnir boat·d can not legally lease I he fairgt·mmcl~ · that 355 pat•ccls arc now liB I cd thn Nnllonnl F'oundation fm• !m· hol,rod mcel'i or any other event not tDilller•lccl with the for the annual dclmquent tax In fan tile' Pnmlys1s called off Iail· wi1 houl consPnl ol lltro !Jmml of SUJll'l'Vhioi':i. So ruled slll for l!l:il llllWH 1Jc•ipntcd i11 lite I r.sl s, ita tr of It Will Ill' sol.! for Ill!' lm(('s them r:cl tlnr: Sail< vaccine nml Wednesday. It will be pt·e-1 Ownf'l •; will liavf' rllll' yc,u· ltl YOUNG MO I HER DIES- Twn chit- the nthcr hal[ u control lnjcc· rhan, Sally Ann, 10, nnd Gary, 7, were sen led to 1he county boa1·d at I D • W • I wlilf'h tlwy rnay rPdPf'ln hy [lilY· lion in!l 1',i per rnontll. 'I here !:; n n ll!ft rnnther\(lt5 in tlul lmtialnJr or MIJi lhe nwt•1ing in Mm;on Tues- riVer ngg eS Ing!mm waH l' G monl h jl<'llnd durin>: cmlsf' of the !Ia•,lctl [loll<> case, hnd been in " clltlcul cnndltlnn since whil'lt u•rle'mptlnn mn.v llf' made npinion rlirl nnl go snid Dr. Onugia~ T~rycr, director Pebru~&ry wht•n fiho undct went nn upero~­ dr~~;lllli-:Pl'S Out from Under h,Y pnylll!l a p:•n<~lt y of 51l';i plus of thr. county hC'allh rlcp ll'im"nl. Uon nl tho Mnyn clinic, Hnchr.11tr.t, Mum into the ll'gnlllv of I hr. fait• hoard A T t 1• $~ per· dCHI'ripllon. He rlcnlcP,Ililllrn. Y!'fll s most o [ 111!' hti)'Pl'K IH!VI' Sailt wtr·r·rne had anything to (]IJ Mrs. Van Sickle w.ts nrlopted at 111111 rneellng to hurl owPrl out f1 om undPr an hougltt for mw•;tnwnl, nol to se­ with calling off the tests In Ing­ malVen grade nnd unl!l 8 o'c:lock Mond,Iy night, o[ Harley Van Swkle, dwri fnrt h I hat thro board of sujwr- The Mason lodge will observe its cen­ fihavcs will be in order soon after the cen­ cicty was unanimous ln its ap­ Wf'dncsday noon at thci1· new .md pc•t·ltdps a ltiglr ''"' tm '•••nt P.Irlwr s.ud proval of the test program. It 1 ISOl'S IS .llltllOI'IZf'd to lalr fnghnm. which ruled out the tests because Griffin ,1nd 1!1s wife d!HI .t h­ Masons in the first row 111 the fliCtttt·e 18~4 received the charter authorizing the criti~ai srncc February, wl1cn ~he such rules anrl mgulat ions as Of Lhe 3~5 whidt rcrn<~inPel dPiin of 1he Haslett polto msc. It is the was talwn by plane to the M.tyo Iiley rnny dr.ter rnmc yr•ar nlri llf'lgl!lmr J'OUllg'•i<'l' wc•nt quent \Vedncs,l.ty, Lansing h,ls arc IVI. R. Hunt, Guy Royston, Harry Fresh- fonnation of Lodge No. 70. (Ingham Coun­ belief of Foundation scwntist s to IIJC f,lllll llf (;l'lffin's lllllliJP!, 0111' and F.rie Spenny. Standing behind the ly News photo.) P11nit• at H.nche• Ier Mum She Salr. or· lr.as1ng of the fan·­ 11~, Mcrrcllnn, 41; L.msm,; town­ that where one polio case de· w,Is returned lo M.tson hy pi.nw Mrs. C. JL C:11ft 111 on MllnPr ship, 71; and Delhi, There celops there may br:o many car­ grounri•J !•; up to titr. supervisors, GH 5 weeks ago, !mowing tllnl doc­ JOoicl, to srwnrl tire wr•pl< Pnd On rters of polio VIrus That would not thr farr honrri, Younger satrL were 35 dcsc·r 1pt ions in cit IPS and tors gave her only a short while Saturd.ty mmrtmg IIH• son ric•e•rrlcrl villages ou Lsrdc of. L.111W1g and Masonic lodge Is 100 Years Old mterfere with the validity of the "ft is my opinion," Younger to hve. to (lUll HtUlll(l', f!Oill oi liPid of only 22 rn the non·suburban tests." stater!, "thai the Ingham county fair• hoard docs not have the mucK lie and !tis wife .nHl hoy townships. RebcPca Ann Schalbly, 7, A year ago M1s. Van Sickle wcnL to lhc liPid. was first taitcn sirlc She made authority to lensf' tile fairgroumls daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert for 1,wing- heynnd the time of ihr. Griffin w.Is l!.nllrng o1 skid hP Masons Plan Centennial' Observance Schaihly, Haslett. developed polio several trips to hospitals and cl1n1cs hut doctors were unable to fair without direct authonzntron ltincl the lrdetor. Tlw hoy <',tllrorl 1 last week. She is a first grade Mcrnheu; of MasoniC Lnrl~=:c No. Mason lodge was held Janunry writ he given by Lee Darling, hncl what was wrong unl1i 11 was from t itr. hoard of Hupcrvisors Mike w.ts lrnllllll{ nlongsule. 'J'Jt(• May Term Jurors 70, p & A. M., Wtll relebmtc the 3l, 18:icl' The dinnc1 open pi.mncd for Sfltunl.tY mght. secretary The lectttrc.:.'l!ll he grv- $3,691 SO corning b.Jtcrl Billion \\enl ahead witit wrll pl'Ohably m<~lhllt""' 17w I . -- Ing lam sc 100 s w rccer ~ ported ' ' ' "W · t f lion Mrs. Roy Fnhel, Mmncsota Laicc, lest against the hot-ro.l r,Icing R bb' 1 p· k U f 'd ------smg lodge No. 33 and the lecture $287,094 99 m fourl h quarter ap- 11 1 They arc to he on ham! fl N •• ,, SrhicJ, ('llzllnm 1l1tlllr 1\WIH, ~I ------t . e can a ( C~IVC _sa IS a~ rn- Mum : and Mrs. Wrilram w. Car­ exp~ctcd U IS I IC " P ay tin\\ II $1 n \\ uck ul \\'nt c's I hug- St Oil' Su• .Tim frt~.dunm at Hoy ChttHtr lUi(' 11 pot t ionmcnt of sales tax ncx fiOm tillS dem~nst~atwn of 0 t vcr, Lansing-. The brothers, all o( agmn Tuesday, w1th a sp01tcs Cily ll'lld1s will haul nrhhish 17wl A•oncy ro, thott 14 I'.,"!. 17" 1 wcclt. 'rhe list showing sums clue mumly !lctlon, said the com1 Y whom r~sirle in Minnesola, are rn.tn to plcnri with wpervrsors Irr!day. ltuhhish sh.mlrl hr• flllt schools was rccc1vcrl Thursday. health _chrector. . Lewis Tweet, Lrsrnorc; Halbert not lo enter mto contract for the I in contuincrs urul phtl'ed nt the The money had not been recmvecl Vaccmc and the supphcs Ior Tweet Chancllct · Henry Tweet rncing. r·m·b. yet, Parltcr smcl. The drstrtbutron the Ingham_ tests were returned Leota: ancl Ras~us Tw-eet I<:en: Communities Plan. for Mi_chigan Week IS at the rate of $7.21 Ior each of to the. Natrona! ~~undatron Dforr ncth.' ' Woman's Club Treasurer Since 1926 the 30,819 youngsters on the Infantile Paralysis, sard · Funer:tl scrvrces will be held Most cities and vrllagcs, prac- s1ng wrll trmlc cxcculive duties 1 also be shown Sunset Haven, a school cens11s. Fryer. at the Baii-D\11111 funeral home timlly all the schools and m.my with the president of Mrllershurg convalescent horne. The biggest share will go to ' Ingham organizatrons wrll part1- village, Mayor Max Strother of/ Trustee Lawton Gauss, A 0. Lansing-$149,225.37. East Lan Salurrlay afternoon at 2 o'clocl< cipate 111 Michigan \IVeelt from E.tst Lansmg nnd the mayor of Greenough and Bud Anderson arc 'smg wrll get $15,926 89. Stocit­ with hurral In Maple! Grove. Rev. Mrs. Ellen Ward Dies at 94 Paul L, Arnold wrll otfrctUs totals aml wrll receive $12,- d1cd at her home, 520 S. Barnes. Over Planting Sheren Will he pallbearers. Pavilion, New York, Apl'li 7, Lansmg will also trade o[f tlteir Bl'Ooklyn Mayor William Maher Mt Clemens. Bob Curry helped 311 68. Mason's share wlll be Tuesday afternoon at the agE! of 1877. Mrs Warr1 was long aC'llvc chwf executives next Wednesday. of Wrlllarnston was called to An- with the arrangements on the Ingham farmers are marking 94 She was a gracious, gentle $6,258.28. time on sprmg work. Frequent In civw and cllllrch worlt. She Schools have been provided zona on a husfncssj,rip this weclt Dansvil1e-Mt. c 1 c rn c n s ex- Other schools getting big woman with a iteen mind and a was a member o[ lhe Presby· with materials on Ingham his- and won't be able to change JObs change. I checlts are Alaleclon township rains and the absence of drying sptightly interest and outloolt on weather between showers have terlan Women's association and tory and accounts of Michigan with the Greenvil1e mayor. The Stocitbriclge is planning a big unit, $2,8tll.21; Ingham Township Vote on Merger all the world even though In late halted plowing on heavier soils. was a chartet• member of the Ma­ lndustrtal and agricultural de- Webberville-Brooklyn detmls had dny for Mayor Glenn S Allen, Agricultural, $3,641.05; Leslie, years she kept close to home. son Woman's club. Since 192(i velopment and progress. not been worked out Wednesday, Jr., of Kalamazoo and his family. $4,304 37: Williamston, $5,731.95; Less than 25% of the normal Up until last November Mrs. she had scrv(•d as treasurer o£ reported the Michigan Week The mayor's 2 daughters will be and Webberville, $1,752.03. acreage of oats has been planted, Awaits Division Ward was ablE! to be up and the Woman's club. Many clubs have secured spcal<- committee. enrolled in Stockbridae schools Mcndian schools wlll receive County Agent Richard Bailey Mason and Alaiedon school d1s ahou t Smce then she had been ers for Michigan Week. Ralph Dansville people plan to greet for the day. The mayor wrll be estimated Thursday. The rainfall The husband drcd in 1!JO!l Mrs. I these sums: Haslett, $5,746.37; trlcts wlll not he able to decide failing. She had been a Mason Ward was the Ja;;,f of her genet·a· Toaz, chairman of the Ingham Mayor Mulligan. at 10:30 Weclnes- given a look at Stockbl'IC!gc onion for the week amounted to only on a merger until a legal prob- resident for 63 years, with 62% county Michigan Weelt commit- d f F 1 "I Okemos. $7,065.80; Carl, $3,· twn on both her side and he1' ay orcnoon. • rom t ten untl I and mint areas and wtll inspect 93 of an inch, most of it on Sat­ Iem IS woritP.d out. years in the same house, the for· 698.73; and Marble, $3,612.21. husband's side. She is survived by tee, is to speak before the Mason one o'clock the mayor will visit J the widely lmown Prescott Holt will get $8,414.07. Other urday and Sunday. People In the Button area, said mer 0. M. Barnes home. The Chamber of Commerce next Man- Dansville stores and the Dans smolmhouse where bacon is Onion growers with well- 2 daughters, Miss Alta Ward at big checks wlll go to Island, County School · Superintendent family came to Mason from home, and Mrs. Willis Co1illl' of day night. vil1e Screw Pmducts Co. 'school hickory-cured. Stocl,brldge Lions dmined muclt have been able to Alton J. Stroud, apparently favor WeR1~>rn New Yorlt In the spring $987.77; North, $5,169.57; and Mason, A son George died 2 Stocltbrldge Is sending Its pres· Superintendent Searl , Briggs club and busil)essmen arc spon· Maple Grove, $6,373.64. plant this week, Bailey said. a merger· with Wllllamston. That of 1891, living first ln what was ldent, Paul Stephens, to Kalama- helped malte arrangements for sorlng a dinner at noon. In the Fruit growers have been busy years ago, There are G grandchtl· Lan~lng township schools wlll part of the Alaiedon township long !mown as the McClatchle dren and 6 great.granclchlldren. • zoo next Wednesday to run that the mayot· and the committee and afternoon a trip is planned to the get these sums: Northwestern, with dormant sprays while wait­ unit will have to be set off, and house on South street. In the fall city as mayor, while the Kalama- others to eat dinner at the Waterloo recreation area. The $1,542.94; Pleasant Grove, $7.­ Ing for• blossoms to open. Tree talte Its share of school district they moved to 520 S. :Barnes. Services wrll be held at the zoo mayor wlll govern' Stoclt· school cafeteria. The visiting visiting mayor is .being counted G57.02: Wlndemere, $3,590.58; fruit Is now at the pre-pink blos­ assets with It, before the balance In New Yorlt Henry C. Ward Ball-Dunn funeral home Friday bridge.·_ mayor· wJII be lnvttecl to nddress upon to address Stocltbrldge high Horsehrooit, $1,586.20; Stoner, som stage Plums are now In of the dlstnct and Mason can vote had been a farmer. He came to afternoon at 2 o'clocl• with bm·lnl Daniel D. Jennings, 'Dansville Dansvi1Je students. school pupils. $4,145.75; Commumty, $1,268.96; full blossom. Peaches 11nd apples on merger. Mason to establish a McCormlek· in Maple Grove. Rev. Paul L. vlllage president, will try his After t12e meeting at the school Mayor Clairmont Everitt of and Forest Road, $2,703.75. wlll be in blossom about a weelt It may be several weelts, Deering farm implement busl· Arnold of the Mason Presby· practiced hand nt running Mt the mayor will be talten to the Mason was Invited to participate Onorirlaga Riverside will re· earlier than normal. Nonnal blos­ Stroud said, before the Alaledon nesS'. Ills wife's relatives, the terlan church will officiate. ,J. Clemens nextl Wednesday. Mayor Diehl farm. Then he will go to in the exchange of mayors pro­ celve $836.36 and Klnnevllle, $1,· soming Is generally around May and Williamston school boards Smeads and Browns, were among B. Dean, Earl Salisbury, Lee Phillip T. Mu11lgan of Mt. the DansvJlle public hunting gram. He was unable to accept 442.00. The Klnnevllle school is 15. and the county board of educa· the early settler's In Ingham. Ware, W. 0. Hall, Lyle Howlett Clemens wlll rule Dansville. grounds and to the stale game because of the sickness of his fa· closed and pupils are transpor•ted tlon can have the Button area [ Mrs. Ward was born at Pearl and Fred Balderson will be pall· Mnyol' Rnltlh W. Crego of Lnn- fnrrn on Dextc1• '1'1'1111. He w111 thct•, he cxplalnc!l, Al'hlKtl onu FlooJ• Covt•Jin~t-Rnll·n•tnn to Eaton RnpidR. llomo ~'111 niHhln~•· r7wl connectecl with Williamston. Creelt, N. Y., September 1, 1859, .hearers. Ingham County New5 April 29, 1954 . Page 2 L Cll(l o, 'rho jurtge rolr.nsel( Serv :cern en ' m'other, Mr~. Mawlo Mrwlnm. Afl 1 Ingham County League Track Meet Adams, giving him 2 weolta to " ', r.r MllY I !hey will rr.ILII'Il to Nor· , settle tlw flnB unci costa, The :2 fo!Jt, Vlrg!nln, Where he hus hcen ------wePI>s atr·etchml Into 2 months Dale E, Hill, llollcrmnn spconrl Justice Court Hlnt!oned nhonrrl 1110 USS Mn~sc•y fliiLI Arlams wenl to Ohio, lle re· cluss, USN, son of Ml', nnr! Mr~. 77H, "fhe Main Drag Cllltrml W, Hill of Houlfl l, On· llll'llecl to Mnaon Werlrwstlny, :nth· Hohort W, J•:nmP~, tr.ll'lllllll, llappenings poPnerl to npponr• na witness In u ondngn, Is ~erving aboard t)1e Will Take Place Wednesday at College 8y The Ad Staff USN, ~on of Mr•, nncl Mrs, ,fnllll Slwlhy Wlrcmnn of Rind<· lrlnl, lie stepped lnlo the ~her· heavy cruiser• USS Columbus while the ship Is undergoing W, )J:nme~, ,TJ·, of :J()() S. l'nllcgn With nil of 1!liJ,1's llrst plnce Diehl snlcl, "This yen1· It'll hr• LPicht! In lhe low hurdles nncl n Solciicrs anrl lnnl fm• violation of Jll'O· hurd lul'l< ln lw In tlw office ul sillpyarrl. 'l'ho Colun)hUH IH scheduled for a training r.n\lse to Mltlway In the MPrlllerJ•anoan, truclc title• m c!xpeC'IPcl when tlw IHII we'll pic,, nff om· share of he oxpeeted hiR 1cnm to be ~;trnng· clny. Mr. ancl Mr.; D Lc•c Ware of hnlion. 'J'he judge ~ent Wireman lhe Knmo time thai Muhcnwy Tlw Mlrlwny, n 111111 of the Slxll1 2fith l'lllllllng of IIIC' meet gels un- :;coconcls nne! 1111rriH," Diehl nclrlerl. c~t In the clnslws nnd relays. Wnrc'~ drug slnm nl~n sloppec( In t CJ .full fol' no cifiYS. wHs, Mahoney rccognlzccl Aclum:; the Cnrlllhcnn this summer. nnd r.ollnrccl him. J.rller In tho l?Jcot, is 11w fla~;shlp of lhl' coml der wny ut Mlc·hlgnn Sintl' c•olle!(C In l11c mlnyH, Danb'VIIIc's 8RI) Running t(Jr? 10rJ nnrl the 220· at I he army lmse 111111 hnrl the CurliH Cormier 11ntl Dlunn Rlchnrrl W. Perry, !lrcmnn, mander of Cnrrll'L' Division Four·. Wcclncsrlay. team Gil Lnrry SouiPs, yarcl cl!lahes for the Blrtl'i, set tied for fine nnd costs St.tff bgt. fl.onuld Stoly. of Oils of 45, Williamston 1:1 of 27 ancl tender fo1' 11w Iitle. Craft hns Cnsaduy willnlso be Pntereclln of $20. The 2 girls, both nttcnd· plact>d him on probation for 2 Deliver 1 ly News pt'Pssmnn, Is 1n Spnrmw air fcm·e bnHe, Falmouth, Mmls., Haslett 30 of 10, exclucllng relny been Hm,cort nt !i:1G .I his spring. the 100 yard tlt ion Weclnesuay. I usl11ng him c1oss and Marvtn Scott, and sen· fesHinnal people Will nwel at 1he custody on dnm.c and dlsorclerly Pvt. Roger Stevens arrived For I'I'OWil and also till' stall' 881). lwwr.ver, nrc .Tim Ecl\mfl!l, Who rors RCJn Rny nnri .Tohn IIarrisCJn Presbyterian clllll'ch Monday Mnlcolm Cole, Stocl high agam this Place at Top was ordered to pay fine unci D~nalcl Dutton, Leslie! .~~ckle~s To fill a vncnncy on Ius st,JJY. nrng in il:OS.5, hul has cieC'Irlerl JUmp ami lngh hurdles ns well. year. costs of $G5, harl. This before Justice of the Pence J. J. "Wc have a lot of freshmen /Km·i Campbell ami Allen Hale in glcs' field. Russell J. Buclc, Perry, speec]. Speeding on U. S. streets and outfit rolled a 3 gnmc set·lcs of Richards. Delhi, last Thursday ing, $12. highways last year ldlled 13,870 DELIVERY and sophomores who shoulrl the mile; Tesch 111 the 100 anrl The Agg1es, In their first sen· 2,5.'39 for I he top hon01 ~. charged with assault and hat· come along," Aggie Coach Dick 220-yurd dnshes; and IIowal'd son under Conch Vmcc Cnrlen, Other Mason Lions entered in tery. He plendcd guilty. He was D t G 5 h J h' men, women and clllldten. 1 ------' now hold n J.J league record, Ins· the 2·dny IDlll'llamcnt were !TOW· ordered 10 pay costs of $8.90 epU Y efs C 0 arS tp ing to 'Nilliamston, 7·4 Friday nrd Slagh, Di~k Lyons, Brll Cum· with rr $25 Jtne suspended Ile Kenneth Prendmorc, chief rlcp- nigh!, whrle Olwmos has gone mings, Pnrler Fields, George Iwns also placed on probation for Llly in the Lansing oll'lcc of County Sport Shots winless 111 2 outings. Fwld, Dr. F . .J. J(('IJogg, Don G months. Probationary pro· Sheriff Willard P. Barnes, has NEED A WELL?? Don Brown and Amy Weldon VnmlcrVecn, Frank Loci\, Chct visions inclt1ded the admoni'tion been awarded n $100 scholnr~hip I Can Drill By RON KOHLS worked on the mound for Dans­ Smith, Nels Ferl'lby, 1 of no drinking. Bailey must also to a trnJTic control school at ville, giving up '' hils, walking Harold Bell, Ger,tld Gr:rham, Iattend church regularly, Michigan State college Classes 3 and 4 inch wells fm· farm aml home only 4 nn!l stril,ing oul 8. Brown Ken Horn, Dic·k Mrlls, Gill How- Tmniwy Delbert Mahoney's wlll begin Monday. Preadmore 6, 8 andlO inch wells for air-conditioning One or the greatest, most ex· Track is u highly competitive, wns credi1ed wilh the win. lelt and Lcs Palmer. camera eye forced William will continue his regular duties Commercial and Irrigation citing or spring SJ1Drts events is indtvldualisllc sporl. Every boy The Dansville team, Which Dr. Kellogg drew the honor of Adam~. formerly of Stockbridge while attending the com·se, the tht> Ingham County league traclc goes on I he track to do his best, finished 111 the lengue cellar last being t11e oldest bowler in the! hut now of Ohio,· to pay up shct·lff said. meet. for winning or losing depends en· season without a vrctory, tournament. · Wednesday. Adams was booked ·----- The conches, too, regard the llrely on his performance. stepped into the lend in tho sec­ HART 2 months ago on a drunk and dis· The Ann Arbor rallrnad In 1892 J Phone 1\fnson s.·w.5131 lUnson, Route 1, nox 88 ond Inning when Brown crossed county meet nR the biggest single There. is no worse feeling to the the plate on an error. ( orderly charge, pleading guilty Ibegan to operate lilt> first car fer· South of lUnson US·l27A at City Limits event or the yr.ar, most of them trackman than to be chasing only before Justtce William Grugel of ries used on Lake Michigan. ·-----..,....-..,....______011 _ Brown got on base on an error Man Takes Life lratJlng their boys to be at tht!lr a step or 2 behind the leadC!'. He by the llrst baseman, stole sec· peak for this mcel. wnnls to be first, and he lmows ond, ndvnncecl to third on a wild Interest in tl'nck in 'this aren thai only he, not the team, can pitch and came lwmc when Dick In Mental Wcud • seems to be on the upswrng now, put him thet•c. Brooks gmunclcd to the Ol Mn10 Miller, wrll-known fa! year and will oppose again the Dnnsvrlle's big inning came in in the mental ward. Wells was home decorating hill" hard·fo beat baRelmll .and foot coming year. the third. the only occupant of the room. hall teams at Fowlerville, was All of which helps to promote Larry Soules lerl off with u Dr. Wrlliam E. Clnrk was sum· honored at last yenr's !11e.et for good·wrll and sportsmanship smglc to center field, and toolc monPd. He said Wells was beyond .idea I II his contrrhutton lo lr

eNI(~ re e · . ~u~.Th~Mu~ ~M ~.~------~------E-•an&Em~w· OIT!cers fot· the comlllg yenr ~lOWS the oriental gard ns, ~ h k. s . I s Be .Sure Your Mother Has were elected at the Leslie P. T. A ~hlneso culture and . religion, '. T e Farmers - or mgmens - portsmen s tore For John Vaughn meeting held at the high schoo re~u~ces from Red Ch1na, and 'J'IIttl'"clay even· , Tl -, . . ,. m1ss1onary work and opportunity 0 1 ' l£1~,. JC~ dl'e ' '' • tl I 'fl i t . ~ . ,John W. Vaughn, 73, of Vaughn follows: President, Mrs. Meredith tn 1 s area. 1c p c mas are road, !louie 3, Leslie township, eli eel Snltmlr,y evening at the Ma· Patterson; mother vicc·prer.ident produced by tho Bible Instl~utc ?f ·.·.j Hey-Look I Packs Mrs. William Kannawin; father Los .Angel~s and the f1ecw:1l 2 39c FLO.W.ERS son General hospital, after• a vice·president, Jnclt Houghlnllng; of~er!ng ':"Ill go I~ them to tra n shot·t siclmess. He Is survived by B Th • grade teacher vice·prr.siclcnl, miSSlOllaJY worltels f~r ~II needy .·.·,·1 eat IS • $1.94 Carton for a son and daur:htcr·in·law, Huw· Douglass Alexander; hi,::h school areas of tho world. rhts Is the CIGARETS 'l'ax l~xtm arcl and Hnzel Vaughn, 3 grand· teacher vice-president, Harold last of .n ~cries of 8 world trnvel ,, chilrlrr.n, Nnncy, Charles and Tenchout; secretary, Mrs. Claude ancl mJsswna:y films shown at ------r------fCilecn; and a brother, Edward Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth lhc church thts season. r Vaughn of Leslie. Rosary services were held Mon· Austin; historian, Mrs. Grant Sport Shirts P. X. Shoes Are 1OOo/o Mother's Day I Hex; and parliamentarian, Mrs. clay evening nt !l:OO at tho Luecht I Hobert F'arley. _Tho nominatinr: funeral home and funeral services Mrs~ Glenn Abbey ~ Boys' - $1.59 Up Iat the SS. Cornelius and Cyprian commillco Included Mrs. Moore GUARANTEED church of Bun kcr Hill Tuesday Brownlee, Mrs. Charles Hanney ij Men's $1.79 Up morning <1t 9:30, with burial in and Mrs. H. C. Campbell. Heads the .WSCS Lhe church cometery. The president, Mrs. Claude I Mrs. Glen Abbey was elected Genuine 1 Mr. Vaughn was horn in Cnna­ Smith, nnnoun'cell the Ingham + Cut Flowers president of the W. S. C, S. uf the Girls' Women's da on August 20, 1880, and came County Area P. T. A. would meet First-Quality to Leslie township when a smnll In Leslie May 12 with Mrs. Grain· Methodist church Wednesday eve· ning. + Corsages child, spending tho rest of his liie ger speaking on "Unrlerstandinr( Playtogs Uorsehid~~ here farming. Your Children." Inst nllalion of Other officers for the coming I new officers wl11 be May 20 with year are: Secretary, Mrs. Deluy a dinner preceding the meeting. Monroe; treasurer, Mrs. L. A.J 9 8 + Plants Warren 13isscll hml chnrr:c of Gearing; secretary of promotion, Frank ·Schram, 75 the men's night program. Henry Mrs. L. C. Kraft; secretary of -o=-=-~,~.:---=..u- .. ~.. -' WORK Newcomb presented Boy Scout missionary education and service, + Gifts troop No. 28 of which he is Scout Mrs. Barbara Andrews; secretary IDies Saturday M[ister. This troop, the largest ill of Christian social relations, and ,Jacl~son county, has lhc ·only local church activities, Mrs. F!lJinl> P. Schram, 75, diad sud· SHOES + Center Pieces hand in tho L<1nd '0 Lal.;os dis· George Mitchel1; secretary of Rlue Jeans ...... $2.49 dcnly Snturdny afterJ]oon at home trict. The hand, under thc .. dircc· student work, Mrs.' Morrill An· at 113 East Bellevue. Surviving Red Jeans ...... :...... $2.49 tion of L. D. Gnrfielcl, played se\r. clrews; secretary of youth work, Blacl\ Jeans ...... $2.2!1 Cut.. Ratc are the widow, Elizabeth; a son, oral numbers. Scouts demon· Caroline Simpson; w,~ Deliver Kenneth of Leslie; a brother, stratecl opening and closing cere· Green Jeans ...... $2.98 Prices .John Schram of Orchard Parlt, Secretary of children's work, Plaid Jeans ...... $1.98 monies. · Mrs. Fred. Heuer; secretary of N, Y.; 4 sisters; Mrs. W. D. Hreen· Hollnnd S. Strolle of the Mlch· * Goo,lyllar Welts P.X. Special away of Essex, Onlnriu, Mrs. N. spiritual life, Mrs. John Bullocl1; igan department of pub11c in· secretary of literature and publi· * Steel Arch SuptJorts .T. Whiling of Tipton, Mrs. Franlt slruction preso1itod questions for Brace of Coldwater and Mrs. M. cations, Mrs. C. VanderLinden; Levis * Buntot• Padded Arch discussion by the panel. Bissell secretary of supply work, Mrs. C. Wnrd of Leslie; and a grand· moderated the panel which also For 1\len - Women * Cushion Sole I child. William Seifert; and secretary of s8.9s included 2 members of the Leslie F'uncrnl. services were held at status of women, Mrs, Alfred school board, Mrs. Hobert Brown Parker. l\lany Other Styles of DICK ·JEWETT the .Tupp funeral homo Tuesday and Clycle Allen. ·only. $3.95 at 1:30 p. m. wit.h Rev. S. B. The vice·president, Mrs. George Three questions were stnterl Mitchell, presided at the meeting Wenr:cr officiating and burial at briefly by Strolle: 1, Whnt do we Woocllnwn cemetery, Leslie. Mr. in the absence of the president, Fincl•'s P.X. Work Shoes mean by a .community? It is the 1\'lrs. George Eclcman. Mrs. Fred '• Flower Shop Schram was born in Canada. He area center where most residents was a retired railroad worlilroJwn shower Auxiliary Plans K Kluusli Into Michigan Stnte's plano, For their !hurl I!JlJ!CI!I'nncr. tho Goodcmough, Fr. Hugh Conl\lln Saturday evening, Aprll17, ut the n cnppclla chorus. 'J'hc Michigan Shirley Ehrstlnc of Delrolt choir sang I's "Lit tic Bird, JWI'formed the nuptials ut the home of Mrs. Gcmlrl Durbin. For Poppy Day Stale college vocalists came tn played Knbelovsl>y's "Sonatlnc In Little Bird," Pn!estrlnn's "0 Bone nine o'clock hl.gh mass, Games wore played, aftm• Mason to present the !Ina! num· C," and did It well. .Tesu" by tho men of the choir, 'J'he bride Is the daughter of which the hostess sm·vcd refr·osh· Those who hnve rlif'rl for !Jer in tho season's Cup and Opening with Simeone's "Pus· the !oil• song, "The Noble Duim Mr. and Mrs, Justin Brudy of I ments of frozen rlc~sPrt, col'fec, Amcrlr.n In this r•entury's 3 wars Gown series. Tho concerl wr1s sy Cut, Pussy Cnl," the next ot Yorlc," the mcmomhle "There Dansville, 'l'he hrirlegroom Is the len, mints ltnrl nuts. will h~ hnnorcrl nn poppy rlay, :;ung In the Mnsrm school audl· gmup Inclurlerl Bach's "Gloria," Is n Balm In Gilead," 'l'mrllcr·'s son oJ Mrs, Ida Goodenough of Grrrsls, v1rm1 Mrs. ,J. V. Wig I!' "Jnbherwod>y," llnirstow's "I Wehhervllle, 1\fnv ~fl hy millions of Amerl· torlum. the Plainsong "Mugnlflcnt," of WchiJervlllc, !\Irs, H.kharrl c·ll'n·s ~l;n will wear rmpplcs In . Th~ progrnm lnc~ucled. foil~ Ilmmlcr's Cant ale" and Vlndanu's Snt Down Unrler His Shndnw," Given In marriage by her fa· Wilson of Lnnslrrg, Mrs. WnynCl t11elr memory, accorrllng to Les· .songs, religious songs, spllltuub "Exsultnte .rust!." nne! tho splt·Jtual "Set Down Ser­ 11wr, the bride chose n white Taylor anrl Phyllis Tn nf Leslie simg In the llass Miss Wigle will bcC'Cirne 1the section. and a pointed lace collar. The bride of fiobcrl Wttltcrs of Ibn­ tho Legion shortly nflcr tho sivc presentation, Another spirit· the seconcl group along w!th the 'Jnr1g satin sleeves, trimmed with sing on May 15. group wns organize·! In HllD; nncl unl, "There Is a Balm In Gllearl," I folk song, "Early One Morning.'' Richard Ilrowne of Flint pluycd lace, formed points over the 111 !11 1!1 only n ycnr or two Inter the pro.f· was beautiful beyond description Following Miss Anrlerson'H the nccornpnnlments fm· lite wrists nnrl ll1e full sklrl featured roet wns turned over the tlte with .June Cannon of Petoslwy singing of the aria fmm "Tho prnwls nf Alecon lace. American Lr!glon Auxlllnr.v, choir·. IIer· flngertJp.Jength vel! of silk Impromptu Party whose members have conducted It lillls·Jon fell from a crown of Hlnce. Other veterans groups M T I I F t d Doyle Mcintosh of Hazel Pari> Is k Sh seq uln-formed flowers outlined Fetes Anniversary lravc acloplcd the lrlr.a, until at rs. y er s e e and Denny Stolz, both juniors at tor ower with Heed pearls, She carried a the present time, seveml organ!· 'nk-Biue Shower. Alma collcgr., spent the wcclc An impromptu get-lngelhcr zn t ions carry on poppy cam· At Pl '. white pmycr honk topped wlt.h · Tucsdny evening at the home n[ cncl In Mason. F t s· ~ palt~ns in Mny, deep rr.rl rn~es and stcphanot.ls, Mr. anrl Mr·s. Charles Bir:bc· Mrs. Hobert Betdlcr and Mrs.' Dr. L. ]~allis of Henry Fot•r] e es I mone!) fiobcrt Armbruster entertained hospital. Dctmlt, wns a lunehcon from which fell white ribbon shclmer on College roar!, to view In Mason, Bmwne·Cavcnder streamers tier! In lover's !mots. r.olorcr.l plr:tures of Germany anrl t\mdliary was the plonrocr In thiR Jo'riday evening nt a stork show· guest Wecln~sclay of Mr: and Mrs. Mr. nne! Mrs. Hnlph SlmrJ!W Cntlwr·ine Brady was her sis· its horrlers, mnde an unplanned wori<. a!'! its members held their er· honoring Mrs, Raymon~l Tyler. IIowarrJ Smtih. wore glwsts of hono1· Snttmlny ter's malcl of honor. The bride· obscrvancr, of llwlr 31th wedding first rnppy sale In 1!121. and nrc The party was held ii.t the .Mrs. Rlciutrd Mills, Keitha nnrl evening at n stork s!HJ\I'l!l' gil'(!!l groom's sister, Inez Goodenough now.working on their 34th cnm· nctchcr homo, Suzanne went to Breckenridge I at the home of Mr. am! Mrs, anniversary, paign. The red r:rcpc paper now- of Webberville, and Mrs. Carl The group pI ayclI games wIll 1 Sunday· In tal~t·s. inaids. All 3 wore dresses of lace wrn:. Vemelte IIchnlmr and son, the hnspitnl where they were Jim, of Leslir!, Clarence Blehe· made by cllsahled veterans. or, Pt•ize winnet·:; were Mr·s. . c ~ Ill .rc.l Vlt s.' It! a It ley MJI,lnlc nu Vtll r .tyl,I . I. ,Mmr. : I~~· ~~~·lt:v· anrl net styled identically in pink, s·hC!Imer and Eiln Loesch of L::rn· D C0 u s·cJJer· Mrs.Tylerandlspc~ Je wnter w 1 IC s renee nn ·?tn, J .• uu l!i. nqua and lilac, respectively. The sing. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Erl Roney and "Wearing t.hc poppy Is per· uane n ' famrly. Bernard Smith, Mr.~. ,Tessie rlt·esses featured short lace jacl\· Mr. anrl Mrs. nalph Stillman oi sonrrl tribute to the men who Carol West. I Jack Lewis or Grc•at Lnkes Na- Smith. Emily Smith, RoiH•r·t lwts. The attendants carried Mrs. Tylm· received many nice val Station, llllnols, and Jane Arnold. Ower; Smitlt, Lee Smith Okemos and Miss Edith Gcrkins ((ave llwlr lives that free America gifts· after which the hostesses T~ngcbregtsen of Milwaukee, Wls- and Tony Simon!!. spmy-type bouquets or carna· of Maumee, Ohio. mlr:ht live," Commander Palmer tions, roses ancl yellow daisies. Miss Gerldns, a cousin of Mr. said. "It is something that every serve;!. r~freshmcnt:. . consl,n, spent tho week end with The group p:nyr.rl games nfteJ' '!'heir· wreath·lll returned refreshments. mat ehed the flowers In their bou· and family in Neuenberg, Gcr- we rcmemhnr Rnd honor their su· renee, Mrs. Burton M_liler, Mrs. to his )Jase Sunday but came The Simones receivPil a high Cjl!C!IS. MH. ANiJ Mns. HAYMONf.J GOODENOUGH many, anrl look pictures in Bcr· pre,me sacrifice::.. . William Coe of Williamston Don Keltl;. Mrs. Danrel Gable, home again Monday on a 2·wccl>s chair as a gift from the group. lin, Heidelberg anrl South Gcr· 'Ure poppy ougmally was thr. Sharon Miller and Cnrol West. leave'. ~' • • · was best man. Lawrence Stock changed to a navy suit with white I Mrs. G•mr.lenough is a gradu· many showing the vast rec011 . mcmorwl flower for· th~ dead of of l"armington and Gaylord Risch accessories. She pinncrl tlw pull· :!It• of Ingham Township AgricuJ. struction work a!i' well us historic World Wm· I, hccnuse tt sprang Mrs. Tyler is the former Diane Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Bennett Teresa Bcmttn lms been absent of Webberville were ushers. out c01·sagc from her bridal hott· t ural school, class of 1052, and is and ancient sights. ti[J and bloomed on the rnw battle West of D.ansvl~le. Her hus· and Mr. anrl Mrs. Dn.vid Bennett from school for a week hceause band Is servmg With the army In spent Sunday in Northville. of sickness, For her daughter's wedding quet to lite shoulder of her jac-~ a lelcphonc operator for the Pco­ ., • * Ir:rnvcs of that war. It was ofii- Mrs. Brarly chose a navy crepe kct. · pies company in Williamston. dally adopted ns the American ancllace dross which she accented Guests fit the wcrl!iing- r·nme i Thl' hl'irlegroom graduated from Lr.!gion's memorinl flower soon Helmkers Observe Arbuckle of witlt pink accessories. Her shoul· from Wcblwrville, Fnrmingl•m, William:;wn high school in 1951. after that war, and also as thC! BoyneA:~.o:::le,;;~~s;:; City called on Rev. and I lngha.m County News April 29, 1954 P. age 4 1lcr corsage was made up of pink Detroit, Fowlerville, Mason, <)inec his discharge from the 40th Anniversary memorial flower of the British roHchuds. ·Mrs. Goodenough wore Mrs. Charles Brooks Saturday. II------, Dansville, Stocllill'icil~e, Willinms- :t!Trry in September, he has been Legion. Mr. Arbucl,lc, mayor of Boyne i 11 blue gown with navy acces­ ton, Ypsilanti and Norfolk,' Vir· 1\'ll!'ldng al IIowell Motors in Mr. and Mrs. Durclettc Shaft o[ When World War II llegnn to City, is Mt•s. Brool\s' uncle. ~orir.s. Her corsage was liKe Mrs. ginia. ll11well. Leslie cnlcrtaincd Sunday hon· take its toll o[ American dend Mrs. Zola Osborne attcncl8d a Brady's. oring her parents, Mr. and Mrs. in every part o[ the worlrl, tho 1 Wedding Reccpt.ion Hehl mass meeting nl the Flower Me· Mothersl Daughters! Vern Helmlwr, on th~ir 40111 werl· poppy came to be the flower of moria! church at Leslie Sunday Immediately f o J 1 owIng the ~ling anniversary. Mrs. Henr~' memory for thorn, also, and for afternoon. ~cremon.v a wedding reception ·open House Sunday Honors Creyts and Mrs. Robert: Butler, those who died in the Korean Mrs. Lennah Harmon of Ann wns held in the church parlors at also daughters of tlw Hclmkcrs, War. Look Your Vm·y Best on At·bor and Mrs. Merle Barnell which time u 5-tlcrcd cake topped served as co-hoslcsscs at the din· "Disabled veterans of the 3 Mother's Day - May 9 i.vit h a miniature bride nnd bride· Mr. and Mrs. Ilarr;r Silsby spent Thurscll\Y with their niece, ncr scrvf'd to the 22 guests. wars malw tho poppies for us to Mrs. Ion Phillips. gmom, icc r:ream and coffee were Mr. and Mrs. Harry of' 11-lrs. Hamlrl .Tohns of Webber· A 4·tierec1 caiw, baked and dec- wear in honor· of their fallen served to 100 guests. Silsb~· Mr. anrl Mrs. Duane Shultis Webberville cclPhralerl ll1eir w•lr.l·l \'!lie mnclc tile 3-tlcrcd cake, omled by Mrs. Helmker's sister, romrarles.," said Palmer. "The Permanents At one o'clock the 23 members· and family of Roseville spent the en wedding anniversary Sunrla~·. whkli was lopped with white and Mrs. Earl Root·, was the center· contributions given to the Ameri· of the immediate family had a piece on the dinner table. ran Legion Auxiliary volunteers week end with Mr. nnd Mrs./ $5 and Up T . ff tl • t · ·t· ')!olrl sugar bells nncl gold ribbon. Louie Lee and daughters. \veclding breakfast at Marvin's 0 s t ar t o 1e cays1 ne lVI Jcs, N' f tl M II 11 Guests were Mr. ami Mrs. who bring us our poppies· go en­ 0 1 . Mrs. Nora VanArman spent Dining Room In Williamston. members of the entire family in· Icces Je coupe, rs. · aro ( George Monroe, Mr.' and ·Mrs. tlrely .to aid war veterans anrl I ell 11~1 1 111 \v·· Oesterle and Mrs. Hugh Oesterle several days last week with Mr. · Trip to NOJ•Uwrn 1\llchlgan c l~ .ng r. an( · rs. 111 arc.1 of Williamston, Mrs. Melbourne Milburn Helmker, Mrs. Myrtle needy children of veterans." "I For their wedding trip through nnd Mrs. Lawrence Verhage of La Lorraine Williams, Joyce nml Ruth Ann n/ Carleson of Howell, Mrs. Porter Helmker and Mr. aml Mrs. Earl hope that no one in Mason fails Kalamazoo. Mrs. Verhage is northern Michl.gan · the bride Roscommon, nttendcrl church ..,. •. \" 1 '11 d '·! FI Root, all of Lansing, Mrs. Henry to wear a poppy on May 29," he M W.11 . . . . tl ttisc 11 o.: ,e 1 1Jei'\I can. "rs. . Mrs. VanArman's granddaughter. I Bpauty Salon ------·------rs. I lams IS a mece c' 1 rc M. Silsby nnd Mrs. Hugh Silsby Creyts· Rnd family o[ Springport, added. BIRTHDAY DINNER GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler and Mrs. VanArman was a wee!• end Isabelle Smith · Mrs. F. J. Kellogg and grand· couple. /of Mason, and granddau[Ihters. guest of Miss Cora Foss of Battle/ Following tho chlll'ch servlt-es j1J·s. Dmnc Shultis of Detroit family of Holt anrl the Hclmkers' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith en· Creel(. Mildred Breininger (laughters, Marianne Wooley and son, .Tim. Operators Kristen Lou Kellogg, were Iron- Mr. anrl Mrs. Silsby a!ld family' and Mrs. Rex Dttl3ois of Mason, tertained as dinner gue.sts Sun­ had dinner at the Sunset Grill in served the refreshments. Mrs. Monroe wns an nllendunt rluy Rev. aml Mrs. Robert Law­ . nred on their birthday anniver­ at thC' wedding 40 years ago . saries at dinner Sunday at the Webberville. rcnson and Mr·. rmd Mrs. Richard Gue,:::; at the party came from' * * * Anderson and David of Detroit home of Mrs. Kellogg's son·ln·law fi From 2 to p. m. the SiJ;;hys ~.ranchester, Detroit, Roscommon, Mrs. Leota Vaughn of St. Louis n nd Mr. and Mrs. H. Merton and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. were gtwsts of honor nt an open rrowcil, Munith, Jacl1son and at:!d .Mrs. Euna DeGttrse of Ovirt Plumb of Flint. Others present Clark of Lansing, Lay-Away Ideal Gifts for house given by their children nml surJ'otm end with Mr. and to the couple Jrom tlte Webber· munty extension mr!rnl!er·s hold Friends." Barnes, Mrs. Don Spencer, Mrs. Kodak Dua-Fiex Mrs. Fran!• Guerriero and fam-~ ville Methodist cliureh and Sun·/ aehie~'emcnt· rlny at Fairchild Coming county events will be Emery Thomas and Mrs. Hollis Lounsbury. lly. clay school. theatre at Michigan Slate college, discussed by Mrs. Fox followed Asl' us Brownie . I East Lansing. by a 4-J·I tnlent number. Mrs. An· Decorating will be done by Mrs. how you can As i.n years past, a full anc1 nette Schaeffer, Ingham county Hyland Cochrane, Mrs. Bessie receive Hawkeye varied progr·am has been planned. 1 11ome demonstrntirm agent, will Barrack, Mrs. Lawrence Dawson, The day:s nctivitics will begin nt then present the group of tho 1\Irs. Roy Dull ancl Mrs. George FLASH KITS 10 o'clock with Mrs. Morell Fox, year nncl there will be the gavel Springman with Mrs. Roy Hills $15 Off r:ounty chairman, as chairman. presentation. Mrs. Lawton Gauss as chairman. Mrs. Charles !·lard of the Hap. of the Ingham club has charge of Mrs. Vernon Seelye nnd Mrs. on any of these sets SOc Down ·soc Week '1J' Hustlers club will give the the awards for the day and Mrs. Stanley Adams are worldng on the dinner plans. ., i:wumlion anct greetings and in· Fox will give the women's creed ·Lay Away Now For, tro $1 Down - $1 Week lalk entilled "Know Your Michl· Mrs. Lawtoi1 Gauss is program on each exhibit: Gowns - Pajamas gan." There wlll also be selections chairman. Working with her, rep· Cleanup committee chairman Is by the Ingham County Home resenting their individual clubs, Everything Photographic·· - Time Payment Demonstration chot·us, under the are Mrs. William Bowen, Mrs. Mrs. William Qulcl> of the Learn­ $2.98 Up A-Bit club. The entire club wlJJ direction of Mrs, Robert Leonard. VIctor Hlll, Mrs. Thomns Proud, help with the worlc. Time is being reserved during Mrs. Robert Bush, Mrs. Harold Plunt I~xcb1tnge l'lnnnecl All Spring Coats - Suits the morning program to give Shepard and Mrs. •Fred Grnf. As In past years, there will be members an opportunity to look Mrs. Jerold Topliff Is-chairman a plant exchange. Each member over dlficreht exhibits which wlil of the arrangements and her attending Is to· tal'e a plant, 2~0fo Off· be on display. . helpers are Mrs, Cecil Rosebury, Phone transplant, cutting, bulb Ol' seed· Drug Luncheon wlll.be served at Phil· Mrs. Russell Dowling and Mrs. .· ..... Ups hall at 12:45 p; m. and the George Green. lings to be placed on a central table. At the close of the day's 5411 nfteriloon program begins at 1:30. Hospitality.· chairman Is Mrs. program, the exchange will be Store .MILLS STORE. ·Pamela Wright · will perform Lawrence T. Smith \Vho is being made. ' with a dance number after which aided by Mt·s. ·Charles Seclgman, Each extension group will also Open Friday Nights Mrs. Lloyd Spencer, past presl· Mrs. Bernard Jensen, Mrs. Clay. dent of the, Michigan .Home. Dem· ton Bnlmet•, Mrs. Kenneth Waite, make individual name cards for · We Deliver

mc~~~t~ur~ctqt~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... 1',1 . . ' ... \. Organizations Methodist Circles fond f'f\Jie, r.nffoo IIIHJ lea WCH'Il Mrs, HuHsnll Bnn• spent the Vows Are Solemnized in Okemos Clzitrch Auxiliary Hears Hnrvurl nl IIJn closo n! lho mool· wculr. end with hur Hnn 1111!1 Bltlrley Ann Burell ru1rl Hrry · Plnlc Community cluh momhcrH Meet During Week ,lng, dillll,(htcrr·in·lnw, Mr. rmr! Mrs, l•:qgr.no J{lntz, hnlh nf Hotllr~ ''• 'nnl'ng Essays will hold thch• IH!Xl rogulnr rnnot· Bon.Jnmln llnn·, unrl fnmlly nf J\1nHnn, r~xdrnngcrl wortrl!ng vows Wl lng 1'1lurmlny, Mn,v (), nl: lila Mernher~ of tho Huth nnrl tho Ilfo:MI~N'l' IS SOLIS'!' Bn lllll Crcelc, · horne of MrH, Wllfi'IJr] Dent, Mrll, Mnry Marthn drdos of t lte Mn· Sntur·t]ny ufternnon 111 3 o'olnek l'vfux Bement snnt: 11 solo nt tho Mr, niH! MJ"H, Hnlplr Ovr.rmyor 'fwo g,mrtps of ,",Ltcsts worn on· Goebel Duncan nnrl MrH, Mymn ::ron Mct 11nr 11 Ill. c1 Jure 11 lmt1 1 t1 w 1t' In llw Olwrnns Com 11111 n I t y LnnHing Or·phutiH club eonC'ert of Dulmlt spent I he wuelt er1d r:hureh, Hov. Pmtl Dllllnghnrn uf tortulnerl hy Brownc-Cnvenrler Holmes nro co-hostesses, '!'he rogulnt· rner.tlngs 'I'ucsdny, Amcrlcnn Legion AJJxllim•y nl 11 held nt Sexton high school 'I'uo:;­ with Mr·. nnrl Mrs. D. C. Dm·t·nw, J.nn~lng pm•fonnnrl the .;JoLthln· mectlllg hold In the Vovny town meeting will commence nt 2:30 Mrr~, I•'ml Ji'IJIInr.:!tnm npon[JII dny evening, Mr. Bement hns 1\'11', nnnt Sui.LII'tlay night , lmnlw1l with 'I'Iffnny haslwts uf school girls who wore winners Members or thn Mnsnn Worn· Mnry Mnrthn elrelo nt R p. nr. he(m n mcrnlwr nf the eluh for a With (Ill! DIIITOW;;, while gladioli nnrl llr,htr!d tnrwrs. In tiH! 11nlt 's rr.cent Americanism an's club wllJ meet Thursday filw was ass bled hy Mrs, .fohn ~·enr. At t!w mtwert 'l'uowlny nve· Mrs. 7.nlrr Os!Jnr·tw nnpcnl the sang sevcl'ai ;a~!et•llolls. cltalrmnn, lhr! c;;say cnniPst wus Okemos Community chun~h will Thn ltostr.sscs served refresh· of Los!lr. visited Mr. nnd Mt s. wet!lr. end with Mr. nnrl MrH, '1'111' hrlr\e, r~IV!"l In lllill'l'lnr,t• cxplnlnr:!d, anrl the G winning sponsor a ham dinner, family mrnts. Cln·lstlnn Temple and fumlly l•'loyrl Darlillt~ anrl family und ' h.v lwr· faliH•r·, Ws Martlrwatt and Mrs. Alec Gilpin, rnlttln[;, the group will f.~o on a r:mm r·lwirmnn of tlw evrnlnn. ' ~ of thr. contest .l11dges, were fl lntrndm:erl Mir fatiwr's Bible. pro;rrnm. to start a slide collection. Mlchlgnn Strtlt! r:ollegc1,. wltn told Following the awnrrllng of about· her ilomr. enunlrv In DPn· 25 Used Cars .. :':ns:tn JTayiw:•, ni<'t'O nf the 1 n~i;:r•;, pnnr:h nnrl cooltles were Mrmhers of the Mason Mncr:a· marl<. She told or tilr. ,;r:op 1r• nnrl IIIII' ( 0 tilt' g'Oor! lli'I'Pflhlll<'l· • rg 1 M o'clock in tlw nflernoon, Election nation·widc W. T .. U. is rlninco. hrntiler-in-law nt' tile hrlrlc, wns glameiins and ilud{iebcrry sur- till' bride donned :1 blue clwclwr! 1\ .n ,are: n casonor, rs. vona f ffl c. h HJ:iii fashion best mnn. Usiuys were Russp[ rounded tile base of the cakr.. I taffeta gown with rod accessories Huver and Mrs. Edna Jennings of o o ccrs will he hold. Mrs. Arthur Cole W

1 dresf;, I r·immcrl in whit<', with dny, Mny lG, and 1hnt the local ~~ * '' 1 i'o Bvery Customer navy nce0ssorirs. 1-TPr <'nt'~ilgc Calico Ball t·o Be May 7 ttnit'R mother-daughter dinner DINNER HONORS BTRTIIDAY HOW CliiUS'l'IAN SC!ENCJ~ f A du~mir:ally-h·calml l'Cihu· wns m;u:[! up nf red roses. Mrs. will he helrl· in the Vevay town Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Kyser ami HEALS Kintz wore a blue nylon frock hall on May 11, wilh the Gold family and Mr. an_rl Mrs. Vernon .-.t.or·itge hug. with l'Prl nf'r~essnrir:s, 'anrl a cor­ Star members as special guests. J. Brown ami Dorothy enter· Ueau( it'ul new satin lining, sago lilw Mrs. Burch's. tained Mr. and Mrs. Ted "Even in an Earthqua!e In Delhi Township rlall •• * " !!leaning·, glazing null moth· Wedlllm: Rl'l·c•ption HP!d 7\T A and Torn Wallace at ciinnC!r Sun- You Can Trust Gcd's proofing. '!'he m~wi:.' 11'Crls greeted their MemhC!rs of the Mason Child ity chnil·man, rrporte

: ' 11

Phone 9011 for Ads That Sell •

40 wor1lr.; fo1• liOe; eaeh .ulditional WOJ'Il is 1c extra; i--=•rm. tfqui·p.. MILK COOLEH-kr·nn Eseo mi'll< classilie1l diS)IIay, lHn an· inel1, Wednesday artm·niHlll Usecl I ..., -CJ _ c•ooleJ•, wm;h t S Cc 1 1 ·•cows - 8 4-yenr-olrl Hercforrl Rout a:~ Leslie. 17wlp HARDIE PO\VER -s~-R-A-YE-·R-.=_ s~r~~t, M~so;~. ~ · ' ;· - ~ · 17\~~:1 -'BALED second·ctltting alfalfa for I fru'lt.s...:.fo,odstuffs i2 CHEVROLET •1-door, a 2-1 onr~ I cows nncl their calves. fllsn 2------C b ------". sale, $30 ton. William Founta·n, Y hltrc beauty. · · , · . <~n c seen at my farm 5 miles, 1 )•cnr-old Hereford hull. Norman cnst of Leslie corner of Fitchburg GARDEN TRACTOR _ Erlglon 12% miles west of Mason on Co- 32 FORD Victoria, Frmlomnt ic, · ._ wever, 8 miles nnriJJ of Mason, f T I 1nd Nims roncls. Holden Stiles. garden tractor, 2'.!! h. [1 .. culli- lumbia road, phone 2-111<1. ]7w1 BEEl~ SALE-Young, tender beeJ. fully equipped. ==== 2290 Bennett road. Phone Lnnsing arm 00 l Phone 27;,61 Mason. 15wtf vntor, disk and sickle hnr. Joseph --- front quarter, 29c Jh; hind qum 5I FORD V-8 Tudor, hl:wi' ns .'ED·77383. :tfiwtf ------Cheney, 2 miles south of Mason C~HN-500 bushel of good corn, tar, 39c lb. Leslie Food Locker they come. · ·.HEIFERS-6-Holslc~l~--~~~~f~;;,--2 F' 0 H D-FERGUSON TRACTOR. on E•nm , JnquiiC' ol Hoy !TnriiPy, llfi HlcP typewriters, O!io apiece. Ingham nson, • enn 01'• un np 11 111 c OHe n, ~n uc o n ng " acres Let Us 'HIJr•r>l, Rtor•i\llrldgl'. 10w2p ______------~lwtf County News, Mason, 7wtf f•'nll'fnx. Slrong, henlthy plnniH, unplntlecl, !mown ns the CJ,Ira all eel, M1won, Mrs, Zoln Osholllll, UI'JHGII'I' PlANO with henl'h, ______------stato lnspcclerl, $2 par 100. E11rl Pldwtl property, 'I'crms. No Run· 100 ACRE fnrm, 7 miles from ~~w 2·Hi~2_M~~::__ 171~1 FIGURE YOU!'!. REMODI~LI'NG , VOJU l lfl:i? f'o11l r•rHrpP, C:orrrl dnr k m.rlmg.IIJY, $'1'i. I. ,J OUTBOARD MOTORS _ Golclcn .T, Miller, 2H!l'J Every rnncl, Mason, clay !'nils, Pnul II, Doty, 8H Pn· Lnr1slng, H·r o om :1-herlroom I ALTERA'I'JONS OR NEW Js. lng crow lo growms, Bnlrlwln Onondn'!n, :;r.; rtcl'es tlllahle, 'feuns. IS Wnshlngton rn.Hl, Lnnsing, JiU.tt nnteerl., In good 'b.tpP (' J\. Mldrllt•lon, P} 11 gas " 1 Guns, new an1 1 u~cc,1 sropes, W<~rms, phone Strlf'llhrlclge 12G. somn woncllol. Sevr.n rrmm housa, 11w1 Cal'l Fmch and Son 1 ACRfC NEAR MASON-Now JllunH• ~II::!'JI M.rson. 17wlp Bottled Gas slr:hts, hancl loncl!ug NJUipment lfiw3 pcu·lly moclarn, .cur garage, Phona Holt 11·5071 3 7 wom rnnf'!Hype home' with 3 In .mel c•nmpoiwnls lfiOO Cav.tnnuglr I;:;\NSY-PLANTS-N;;-; r~;dy to Bam llPW In l!JH, has mllltmg 2·2wtf 1 herll noms, 4 piere hath, oil rno~cl, phone L.rnslng 721<11. 11iwt f plan I These ;,I.Jnls Ill P exlr·a Iparlor, g-rnnnl'y, r hie lp:m coop, heat, on blnc!ttop 1mul Business Services 20-lh Sclf-~erva Cyllnrlers · llf , lors hmodcr r nop, hog lwuse, .mel 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 lb Delivered CylnclarR nrge nno: mos Jeau u 0 • corn crllr. 'l'llls place Is In goOLI BO·ACHE farm nenr Mason, 72 Photographs 9oth me on automnllc systems RJ~O eveJ' seen In the ll.tnsy wmlrl. shape unrl llos good lone! Rlvm· nr•rps of extra gone! plow lnncl Home Repail' that tell ycu when ona ctan Is Don't forget MotheJs' D.ty TIH".e runs along !melt line nf th~ farm. G mnm house, :JOxfi•l hipl oof Phone Mason 2 70!i1 "Cnndl!l Wr.rldlngs" ·:~ r.mpty. p.tnsws Wlll lull your mother· all F'.1rm must he solrl by Mny fi. Powel' Lawnn10Wei'S hm;emcnt hnt n. $23,fi00. 'J'er m•1. Gonel'lll Photography 111 11 G. H. Conklin I Clu•nper r.tt~s for 2-nppllnncC! sum mel' • cl r:' jus! how mt~rh Ptlce $!l,riOO or will sacrlfke. Sec by ll[lpolntmant only Month I·~nd Sale usms Holary unci HPc•l 'l'ypcs you lllm lwr·. Supply limite, d. See ot· crll Rr)y D Dormlrl, .sccoJHl 120 ACRE farm ncar Lnlng-shurg, General Rcpah s Various Widths t tl II C G !Ill I '" l'OHil l'li:J Vlf'lolllt. ro1rlnmn· LNSTALLA'!ION:i me 01 c • I' n farm south of Aurelius CcnlPr 100 al'lf'S I iilahle, !J room house, P.llnllng - Roofing 05 u w am lie• n.unlngo ll'ri, IVOI'Y lop CONVE':!SION8 Sl'l to $al!J.!l:i ~on greenhouses, 1,12 Okemos phone AureiiLIS :J203, Houle 1: harns need some repair. S15.- Installations Dabs Phatos H.rrlln tw.ltf ,. nnrl m.tny nllwr BOTTLED GAS .APPLIANCI~S Wayne Millel' street, Mason Alv.t Lcnl, grower. Mason. 15w3 000, $3,000 clown. Phone Mason 2 43!!1 1')\,lf',Js Lol" miiP.tf.W E:»lcllrnt Open nlgllts tlnlll drul< ,111d all ------·------311 South Burnes rrlnriiiHPII 111r: s.tvlnp;s. Mason Hmne 2Gt CoiJPge road Mnson dny Sunrlays. l7w2 40 ACRE FARM, 8·room modern EAVESTROUGHING-Frea estl· ]o'()((ll I'JI'l f'll•lom Turlni Phone 2-fi8:!3 ------·------Real Estate house, upproxlmatoly 12 miles mater, furnace repairing and Frllrl1Pllldllt• ((~olio, hP.tll'l Appliance VIOLETS- Whila, purple nnd from L,tnslng, has 31lx,IO hlp sheet metal work. Call t>JIO· llPnnllftli rf,,, f, hi liP rln1sh StH' Piwne 2-fi!lll ------pink, rlouhla anrl klngle AfrJroan BRICK IIOMT~-You will enjoy roof hnsemcnt barn, poullry 4"421. W, Reynolds, Holt. DIGGING FOOT!NGS-Jnstnllh)(l , 1.11 IPPir•riol l'xcroJir•nl horly Masort DO HOOTS-Clog your sewer? vlolcls. From ~Oc lo $2. Mrs. the feeling of g-ood livinr:: when house anrl othct hullcllngs, $10,· lllwt.r sewers, tiling and building lYll(l) 1'112 !'llslom Hr·;linrlc'l '1'1cc roots grow fast In winter. Amm Tyler, earner of Every diHI you enter tills lovely new 500. ------sepllc lnnlf'll !'"' 11 till' hc ... t ol c·nre Inquire• \VPStl'lll Auto Stole, Md· Sold hy-Sitlmmlns Drug- Store sess1on. NEAR MASON-80acre farm Repair LOUIS' FIX·lT SHOP-Gluing 1 rotm'" 1'1";2 Cuslom 1-l c·yl1nrler lion 17w1 13w7 LANDSCAPING 2-BJ:DROOM IIOME-$7,000 will with 7-room modem 4-hcdroom Frnme - Stc:!cl - or Mnsonry .llld 1e[inrshlng 02!1 N. Mason '1'1ulm s .mel I'Ol rlcn s. M.nw ------buy thw 2 hcdwom home Ill house, oil heat, $12,500, terms. constructed street. Phone M,1son 4683. ltlllr!Pis .IIHI '"'"1s to clwosc S S S SAFES--All mal \ll'll'll!nl' ' lr•sl rill VI' !"pe-l Willi[' llll'y ht• t - Jlurry repaired. Vau't doors, money pecla a e 'Glemose Ill nrnthwest seelwn I be(lrooms with posslbla third. Garages - Tool Slwds - Equ1p Septic Tanl< Service r '"' lllltlrr' lrr jPI'ISOllS ril'IVIIll~ Spc•dal Pl'ir·rs 01\ 1!lri:3 ncvco chests, steal desks, filing cabinets ~2.00 each of L.lllstng. $Jii,OOO Will huy 3· wall to wall carpchng, closed· ments Bullcllngs Sept w 'J'.mils and Cesspools 'illmorlr•l t•'rrlfls .null'itc•l rolc'is l'IU·:EZE:HS and Just-rita chnlrs and stools. 'I' umt house, gas bent, very goorJ 111 front porch, automatic all Prompt Estimates Clcanecl 1\'P , 1n m,d\l• :, on rn Pxc PI Tear gas lnstnlled and comblna· Colornrlo Blue Spruce Income Lor·<~ tell .1t North Pine heal, Wcnther·Seal wmdows Customer Satisfaction Bonded and Lican~ed Truclts lo•nl rlr .d 1f ·,ou h.1w n lll!'e IS cu. ft RPvcos that were $'ili!l!l'3 lion serv1cc. Murphy Snfe Co., Hetzie Juniper 111 Lrtll'ing. S3,000 Will hamllc and screen, gnrugc, Jots of c.tl'\\<' IH'r·cl ·~o rnnrlrls h 1rllv. $389 26'Z2 Cedar road, Lansmg, M1ch- American At hot V1tna ell her of thesa properl1cs or sllarle, fruit nml shrubbery, Rcfarenccs Francis Sloan CIII,VHOLJ.:I' 1!1C,I DPIUXI' C'luh SJ\VJ: $8100 lgan. Located lA m1le south of We also have: m1r:ht lrnde Ior ncreagc ncar $8850. Terms. W. C. Charland c 'r • · · ------S[Hing and st1mmer stock just straet, $l , With $ , 00 ~- 3 500 3 000 CALL LESLIE; 2!E£1 &nu ask fo1 ------I PLYl\!OlJTlf tm1 Sl.ilcon Wd SAVE $!)O BOOI{S-Used bool\S bought nnd J ewe'tt Nursery Ill. This Will m.tkn someone .t down. Warner's Fhe Control Servitx vrrn All nwt.JI. Lrgltt green 5 yem· warranty 011 Tecumseh sold. Roy Adams, over Peters East Ash Street, Mason profltnhlf! ancl pleasant husl· IN MASON- bedroom ranch· 1020 3 for evarythlng In fire control Wal'fle Tailol'ing lrnrsil. nw lwo~tPl tmn signals stnt 1c 11 n1ts plus foorl insurance Drug Store, Mason. 4lwtf Phone 2615.3 ness. Illness Is llta reason for ! equipment. We c.peclallze In the Tn f'XC PI!Pnt I'O!Hllilon policy FRC:I~ selling The )Jt'rcc Is very rea- ype home, rccreatmn room m famrllls Red Comet fire control Shop FOrm- lfl"il r.u,tom Sc,l'lmdr.r Aluminum Interiors- Won't ROAD GRAVE:L, barnyard fill, --~------1Gwtr sonable. basament, oil heat, garage 1'11rln1. l\l,IJIHPI\ fllllsh. TL1dio, r•IJI(J fJl' l'Ltst sand ami blno:k drrt·, also trench SEVERAL CONTRACTS Ior sale This home Is In bcnutiful con- systems which give 24-hour per. is now open BULBS-Gl.uliolus bulbs, 20 in a l1t1 $1" "00 T 1ms day protection for a llfetima serv·j Men's nnd Women's Custom· IH'.tl! 1 T'cll rlom.tl ir uJrrlel rdoor Oat k 1 t 'I concht1on recently pnmted Mrs · w u asemcn ' garaga, ' · 1ng. years exr1errnr1cr.. ro,"ll, p!Jonn L"nsln" ' - · - . s '' If! um s . , ' CHICKS - Limitecl n'umber of Terms. "'~.J" ~ n,~uglt" " ~ " .. hlur• lm1sh !TP,JIPr, otllsrrh• Ad]tlstnhlc shelves Jack phona 26221 White Rock chicks for sale !HOUSE FOR SALE by owner, MASON-3bedroom bunga· 17w4p 1 Vos~, Maso~. mlm Adams Electric Shop 0 ~ll8___ \ ·;rrr.• nuns g-ood, 1111'Cd below i-Yenr Guarantee ~ l rwl Dunn strain. custom hatching: Mason, bea~tlful br iclt 1 '\{, low, gas heat, full l;asement, m.n .. ct • l6 cu fl. $·llr.44 RESTAliRAN'f BOOTH -$10 Chiclts are hatched every Mon· story home With full basement,f rental income of better than 139 ~~~~~mM;~ 1:~'t5s~ason 'J'AJ.tlf'l s, ~2ix20 12-ply I ubber. Mrtson. F W. Dailin 1lwtf ------goslings. Merion Shoesmith, way you would do it yourself 26891 Mason. l7w1 Wanted 1k j T R U C KIN G -- Louaenslager ReHI\ rrw wo TENT-12X1'1 wall tent with good 3390 Wast Olds road, Lcshe 011 steam furnace, bnth, tastily ~~~r------FORD- 191!1 1ton slnke ~speed 1 FURNITUH.E-3 rooms of JOck o1l hurncr Ideal for vacations, Phone Leslie 2658 17w2p newly decorated. You can move Real Estate trucldng service. .Tunk plclted HAY WANTED. W. R. Gann"· tr.11Nniss1on, heavy dt1ty tiles. I maple furmturc Also a crown huntmg and f1sl1mg, $60. Phone ------in without even dustmg, $9,500, up regularly or any other time way. We buy hay for feed, We On" m\ nr•1 low milenqc Excel- gas stova anrl a 1'\cr\'el gas refug- Lans1ng- ~7195. 17w1 P terms. 2 LOTS. Groom modern, winter­ Phone Mason 2·2843. Please maltQ don't sell. Phone Lansing 4.·8426 ll'nl eoml1t1on crator. Can be seen at 315 s ------& JV so ACRES, 12 miles east of ized cottage at Joslin lalte, new calls before !l a. m. or after 3 nnd Lansing ED 7·7366. 48wU ' FOHDS-1918 .tnrl n 1!ll7 panel! Lawton. Roland Church. 17w3 POWER LAWN MOWER-Yard· Rad1"0 Dansvtlle in Llvmgston county. 01! furnace, furnished if de· P.M. 33wtl to l'lwosc fmm Goth 111 vcn• / ------man 21 ·1llch power mowet• for Big, old house, but has new fur· slracl. Priced right, terms. WANTED '1'0 BUY-Apartment· BUILDING TRENCHES, sept1c goorl cnnrlltlon Pllrcclto sell., HOUSEHOLD GOODS- 1\Todcrn sale Factory rabullt. Has not PROMPT TV SERVICE-I serv· nace and b,tth. Burn. Price $9,000 1/10 interest m quiet, puvale s1zc pmno, m good condition. CITEVROLT:T-1917 Jlll kUfl. New davenr1ot'l, $10, ",as ranga, good been used s1nce it has been re· 1ca all makes. RCA, Motorola, club, 40a, beautifully located on tunks and tile fields, dug with Glen Bennett, 5083 S. North St., ] ' b II ~65 L B B 2 1 E t A 1 · 1 MASON, 6 room house ncar power d1ggar. For a good job at mint Healer, SjJol hgltt, tc.tr condition, $'lO·, occasional ch~ll', Ul •" arr, m1 es east Emerson, G •, s par on, r 1111rn, Bru Ill lnlw MQ(Jern 13·room cot­ Lans1ng. Phone Lansmg TU· '" l\1 11 1 M 1 1 II court house, needs "f1xin'" but a right pr1ce call L. K. Zimmer humJwr In exPellcnt condition. $3, chrome rtrnr.lle set, $50 John ot ason on o extcr ·r ra P wne Du ont, Munt;o; am z emt 1. an tage, m fme condilton, large 21504. 17w2 Cll r-:VROLET-191G 1 1 ~ ton c.tb Thomsen, 331 E. Oak. Call nftcr Ma son 2 29,,,. "1 17w1 ry L . F'r1es, · 127 N . I.ansmg · St ., has new sin!<, stove, water heat· mn n, II61l 44611. 10wti hving room, fneplace, scrcanecl \uolf I'll, • ' VOI'y llnr 01'WOI1t lrr.nsLU'eJ•, Dnnny J~llowurl h 1 Ill lei Jlli'H, NBIUu llull•!ll WAN'l'/~'1 'ICJ lJUY- .fi'Jr::l·r:ll:!'~ ''''""· rmr(icry In n Lnn~llliJ hospltul nlcrl t:r,nlilY hny, Cull ,James lng worl<, Call Charles WliC!y, Mondnys nncl Tuesdny/l 'l'ulal nrnuholl nllnu \11118 .lin IIHIHt nf M nlny I'OH~ Itool".l io'tll'f11"1'1i Runrlny nt"larnoon nnrl uvenh•g whlo:h roll Hlltlll"oiny '"''' SurulnY, 'J'horu [) ( ' Mrnnharll of IIHl en o!;tl Hoar! Memhm·s volcd lo hnvc [iClc Whllulter, 21 0'1 Dnnsvllla or lifiHl Muson, 308 Wast Ccntnr Insured Service l'lllli!J'ti of Mt'H, Annri Lcscncy street, Muson, ' 15w3 :•;;,;," iwon •hnwcll·n Lhl·n•wlwut iho wnok, Iv!rs, Ilal't'Y Neely Is llld> nl the Fill'rnc!J'H 4-H rlllh lnlcl tiHJil' In· rlues [JOt' pr.rson for lllf! ;rr!ar. II write, 15wtf Eli Mire & Son tlvul'nlw lormJOraturo '"'' thu wool< """ homo of Mt•s, Cnml Ilorrguth, cal nchlovcmont niGht. ]c'l'lt!ay ut Wflll nlso rlol!lrlcrl tn rlonnt~ tnnnoy wnro Mr•. nncl MrH. Vern Keonm· LAUNDHY W 0 H K-W11shlngH r.~. """''""'"" wllh a ·IH·oi•lf''"" ''"'"'""' who Is cnt·lng for her, tho Jlou~cl school, tu tho Hhorlu !{ally funrl. of Pl<>nsunt lnlto, M1·. unci Mrs, L, IUBl YCHI' l\t thiH linw, Buying· Wool and Iron I ngs nontly Onlshcd hy To Battle Creolt Wednesdnys '1'""''""'111111'0' r.,. thn wuoi<, "" I'll• Alln l•'olcr cnllll'C!r! St. .'l!xly tlVI! members, Jllll'antH At tha nrljoul'l!mont of tl10 Phone Holt 45414 Mr~. ID. 'l'l!ornpson of guion Haplrl:; HAROLD MITCHELL r!Xpcricncr.rl pCl'Hon. MrH .•Tnmos ;·,y,~;~;·:lw~~./"" M""'"' now""" lil~r""'"l Lnwroncc hospllnl In Lunsln!l" 111111 friends ntlrmdt~'rl. 'l'bnn wns mccllng, rcfrcHhmrmt:; of I'I'OHl· 12wl ptf l>ltos wore Hcrvr!rl. 'Ill\ 1\·lr·. and l\1rs. nurlnlph Mldr· Cornm· of Bellevue nncJ IItlll Higgs, phone Mnson 2-58!J7, Mill, Mux, TuoHdny n!lornoon. n pntluclt dinner follnWl!d hv a lisdJ anrl Bnl ty of Mnson. I VIlli rouds, Los lie. 15W'1 CUSTOM SAWING, Also slab 'I' owns, ,I r., nwl son, Jor browns nnd blnclts, but not of Lansing nn1l Mrs. Curl Kirlclor, wllh tlwlr pins nnd rnt•tiflentes nuymonrl homo. WANTED TO BUY-Hart! coal 'l'UCI< POJN'l'ING 7.iPI(il'l' had dinner with 1\'IJ', nml WANTF:D-Plnslering, fully ox· the liiJrlmps nnrl prawns, snys the Mr:-;. Gregory Marline;', Chrislla nnrl Mrs. Kennotil JJalwr prc­ John Yuhnsz vlsllr.rl 1\Jr. awl 1\frs. Gr!l'illd Green nf Lansing. hunting stnl:c, nlrl style hase CAUI.I' I or ent TH.AlLI~H- 2-wlwcl li'<;Oor· fnc:- il~lspltal to tl~n St. Lawrence ltos-~wnrrl hor lrltl to Greece. Snnr!Hy. ~ fm· Uw and talw car~ nr an appll! :md J' J lory buill, GOClxHi tlt·cs, 'slr.cl Jltlnl In Lanstng for surgery, Well nunn Hay fl.aymontl, who Jws ilr•rn WANTED - Any ltlnd o[ live· J~lum orchard. I• red Dnlboc, Aure- toni',LW mu\ ball hllr:h exira •ootl seriously ski\, J;; Jmp1·ovlng. lilts. Phone 2itJ5 Aurallus. 17wlj .... -.. --.. --·--· ··-· .. - ·- · - ... . . r. ' g The mganlzallrm meeting of stuclc. 1\lsn lrud n, ason. 17wlp 1 11t lotuc·><:dion of Mnry Avn. and Ch•·i•· Calves-Top, $20.00 to $27.00; I HEPAIHS- ACCESSO!U!GS- PAW:TS evenings at Mason 2-1921. ' l C FLOOR-----·------SANDERS for rent. Cards of Thanks nttlllTlCY 1o::to St ..n'ciu"i< on the in17th the dny!oo·cnnon or Mlly. or lnrc•l.•aid 3Cconcls, $15.0() to $22.00; ouls, 1 to TIRES - PAKNTING - LABOR 17w1p' Ec orcls Perkins Harclwnre, phonr. Mn· dayillrJ.dng, cleloo·minccxliHHiinH' nndthe rulucntint-:"IIU<'l!TlHity oro( en-the $1 Cl.OO down; deacons, $7.00 to SOn 4311, ,. 8wtf HillcrcHt Do·nin. $16.00 cwt. 313 Dexter !load 'J'heJ'r:fol·e, ull JlersonH, munlcipn\iLicH £nton Rapids Phone G331 nnd highway offictul11 interested in tht:! La'llbs ~ 'l'op, $22.00 clown; FOR RENT~Wallpaper s,eamer BfiOWNLEE~I wish to extend PI'OIIOfU~d· Hillct·oHt D1·nin nre requc~ted C. A. S. Finance Plan l~ormcr A. Sanford business other lambs, $21.00 down; ewes, anrl floor snnder. Inquire at I my sincere npproclation anrl to be Jtl'r.Kent if Lh~y HO dc:lit·c. Dogs and Peb 13w:ip Dntcd nt Mnaon thiH 2Hth dny o£ $5.00 down. Shafer Decorating Supply, 425 S. thanks to all my friends and Atll·il, !Uu·l· Callie - Steers and heifers, .JP.fferson. Phone Z34C,J. 45wtf neighbors for the flowers, plants, GEUALD L. GRAHAM, $12.0Cl to $21.50; host beef m\vs, PUPPIES-Black nnrl tan coon Bert's Garage . 3-ROOM______, ·~-!many, many cards and nil other County Drnin CnmmiHKloncJ' or thu County of lnghnm $12.00 to $14.lCl; commons, $11J.51J Ingham Mo·tor Sales houncl )Hippie:-;, just weaned. • General Repairing j · modorn furn!shccl apnrt- gifts ami acts of kindness while J 7w~ to $12.00; cutlers and canners, 1~~::.;o·ro-1'1, Yi\J ourn Mother ami fat!Jor both oxccllont I nnd mcnt for ront, With prtvate I was in tho hospital. Many coon hounds. .Terry Jorgensen, halh anrl entrance. Located above lhnnl·s to t'-n c ti Irving Rush of Battle Crook $1.1.00 down; bulls $15.80 down. (Formerly Whitt~crnf't) ~i-hour Wreclter ~ervlce C·1rol's ·I t 1 M C ' '· ~~~ ongrega onal was a guest at dinner Sunday at Stockers nnd fccdcrs-$12.00 to Routa 2, Webberville, phono Bell I ~: . · s 1?c s ore n . nson. il 11 Church the Grange P m a 220 \V, Ash Phone {-1261 or 2972 Lcshe for appmntmC!nt to ' · ' . 0 on the Rusch home. $19.00. Oak 7-1~-5. 17w1 I:l~43 Holt -•w·. Isec 17 1 Grnngc, nnrl No. 9 Larhes Aiel BEAGLES-i\1\C registered Bea- 1 "' • • · w. Society. Also spacinl thanks to gles,·tl\ completely hydraulic. lUeasurll ••• ------able June 3. If Interested calli' attended to mnkc our bnzaar n Lindane ATTENTION Egg Producers - Mason 27833. 17w1 complete success. Your P. T. A the hitch soclmts to meet the twin eOIIJl· Compat•e ..• Prove to Yo\ll'sclf!-A GaJ·den Plowing The Cen(ral Michigan Poultry Ways and Means committee: Mrs ling beams on the imtdcment. As you tthone call will do it. We'll bring a Su­ Pl'Dclucers Co-opcrntivc has a I Keith Pnuley, Mrs. Ed Campbell baclt, the beams loci• automatically, in­ Jier C aml Fast-Hitch to your farm for a nonsonuble R11tcs true!< plcldng up eggs once a T "I Mrs. Charles Clipper, Mrs. W. V Methoxychlor stantly, precisely! And in the field-no free dmnonstmtion. week. If you nrc Interested In a . ra1 ers Kennedy, Mrs. Max McCarn anrl Gerard Pieme better marlcot for eggs call or sC!e Mrs. Beatrice Weiss. 17\yl Fred Ruthlg Leslie 5203, Arthur ·----- Phone Mason 2-381G 16wtf , Dcyo Mason 2-5901 or the truclt·l: HOUSE TH.AILER - RayCraft, DDT Powder ------1 er, Lloyd Hayhoc Mason 2-4912. late 1953, 38 ft., 2 bedrooms, Ne·w Financing Plan HELP WANTED-Mason Cafe. 1 53wtf: immaculata. Wlll sacrifice for .Call in person. 17wl LI'vestock , qulcl< sale. Dunne Thm'iby, Hiclt· Personals ory Haven Trailer Pari<; Eaton Car bola on All New and Used Equipment Wanted Trucking and Buying Rapids, Mich. Phone G761 Enton Coming Have your stoclt truclted to the Rapids. 17wl Everything For the EXPERIENCED mnrltet that mnltes the market HOUSE TRAILER-Small, sleeps· Big Rummage Sale Costing $400 or Less SALES LADY by experienced truclters. 3, suitublC! for hunting or fish- May 7, 1 to 9 p. m. Ga1~dcn - Trees 'I to work In wom~n's ready-to-[ All Animals lnsured ing. 528% E. Ash, Mason. Call and wear store In Mason. . Semi-True!< Service now Available any time. Phone· Mason 25393. Mny 8, 9 to 11 n. m. ' Shrubs - Flowers Church Basement No· Mo.--ey: Down ,.. I. · WRITE: BOX 26 Call us on any kind of livestock · 1Gwtf sponsored by Ingham County News you wish to sell at home. TRATLER-2-wheel farm trailer, Women's Association of 17wl See us for your registered Ramp· 8x12 ft., for sale Ol' wlll trade shire breeding stock. The best in 1\lason Presbytcr·lan church W ANTED_:Qarcl;.ls to-plO'" and meat type h · ·for garden tractor of equal value. 2-17w2 . " ogs. ,~,nrles West. 192G Aurelius road, fit. Work done to your salis· DEAR JOHN: Please come home Ware's faction and at n price that wlll E. D~ Franklin & Son Holt, phone 46481 Holt. • 17wl in time to talte me to the Calico please you. Lawrence Burgess, 2-WHEEL TRAILER with box. In Co. Ball at the Delhi town hall, Holt, DRUG STORE phone 2-4963 Mason or see me nt Ueensed Dealers, Mason · excellent conclltlon. Wayne Mil· on Friday, May 7. Refreshments Phone 5141 ·AI Rice Chevrolet garn.ge. Phone 26793 Mason ler, 261 College road, Mason clnncing 9 to 1 to the music of th~ Phone 54ti I l5w3l> __ -.. ·--·- l2wtt phonr. 2!iA~3. l7wl Jlnn~· Siebert orchestra, 17w1 ~------~------~ Farmer Peel<' s April29, 1954 Part 2 Wife ~,,q,. I The Ingham. ·county News

(loo(l tuu nic'~l fm• Uw c•llld<· llll~. Cnst.H 1'1111 hig-h us tlg-1{ (H'it•n Hayloft Hilarities Please Audience HIII{Ho rlucl, unci Mnrleno Warflo nntl •rwn JIIII'Ues nm lwid in 1ww Dlune F'l!iton of thn WhltP. Onit C!Uiljl, dub fo1· tiwll· nccnnllon rltii!L Mrs. Dorwooci Cn1·n nf Mn­ snn, Mrs. Arden Petc!J'snn of Oiw· mos nnri M1·s, LP11nn MacLc•ocl, state homr. demonst 1'/lt ion leatl­ eJ•, served us jucl[.les.

Lyle! 1Tm·c nf Williamston Is Wi11inm Kcek, Ol· tho new rllstri('[ chairman of the lng chalrmnn, prt!sentPrl national Cliir•f rllwm11s Courwll o[ Boy t•nmping awards to I loll, Mason, W llllamst nn, 01\Pillll~, Ilasktl, ~-Hnclthrldgc, Leslie anti Dansville trnnps.

LETTERS to the ·Editor Sduml Study ltt•poJ•I hatllcs-nnd lhen turning tile Thanl; you very much for pub- country hack to France. Right lishing such a splcnrlid report of now though we're paying SO'/. of of E. D. Barr &. Sons the area sl111ly findings In ~·our the expense. This thing called In>(ham County News nf April 22. enllectivc security turns out to be It is cncouragin>( to us who worl; a far-r~c. Yet Indo·China is im-~ J... ESLIE, l\IIClllGAN - PHONE 4572 in ptiblic erlucation to' realize that purtant. Unless all the other na­ the press is cnnccrnccl about the lions will carrJ' their share o[ the New Sinclair ·Station erlur:ation(· thin>(. We should have been thinl;- lng about a better understanding ing about these things when we Also Lex Bal'lmr in of some of om·. educational con- were letting China go clown the One ol' 'l'hese Awards 1\lay Be Yom;s cerns. drain. "Tarzan's Savage Fury" ROLAND S. STROLLE, I do not thinl; the president will Michigan Department of put us into the flght all the way + Goodyear 670x15 Tire I?ir~t feature nt 7 and 9:40; second at 8:25 only Public Instruction without approval of congress. If -- I ,iudgc the temper correctly there FREE! + 10 . Sunday-lJfonday l\IAY 2·3 ScJuulni Is No Slli'PI'ise is very little sentiment for war. Gallons Power-X Gasoline The FHA housing scanclal And the failure of the West to ' should have been expected. Every unite plus the bleak prospect at Gifts f~r Everyone IIATHfRIEST ... tlr S'lrPIF. .. ~~ + Oil Change ·with Extra-Duty Motor Oil , .... time you put the government into Geneva will probably dampen the RI Ill ' RITA JOSE private business you open up the ardor. of the very few who arc possibility that some crooked now saying we must talce over HAYWORTH ·FERRER man.wlll dole out po,litical favors France's bur·clen even if we have Don Phillips, Manager.· for his friends. And the temptn- to go it alone. . . . ' tion is great because the incentive My subcommittee starts hear· for close supervision is ,iust ~ot ings at Detroit on May 3. We then present when it's your tax dollars move to Lansing for the' 10th and • · ' I . ~~~~l~e t~~~~~:~ 1::;o~l:~~~~~:s iJnC ~~~~~~ie ~riil~~\eU!~2~1;, FI~~tn~i~~; • . • • . ·.. ·aa· rr . I. nc aI. r'. Se' rv' I. c' e·~ What to do about Indo-China! this as a11 Invitation to attend. s France refuses to draft men. She Sec for yout;self whether the left- . . . •' "- ·.. wants to quit after nearly 8 wing smears about-haw' we con· 1 N th. E d f' US 12.7 B 'p Sunday shows at 5-7-9; Monday at 7:80 only years of failure. I can't sec our duct hearings are COlf'ect. or n 0 • . . Y· ass drafting om· boys to fight h~r · I\IT CLARDY r.------,·------••••-.------~---~ .. , I

. ' Rnlnhow for Girls, held nt ,Jaclc­ :0 ... 1_1 .• ,, hnlf, She nccepted n pos[llon ~ Canaan School ~on, ,9he nr!tml ns gronrl gtlltrdlnn. Culver Corners nnd Mrs, Leon North ntlcnderl, lonr!lllng ~ecomt grnrle ln ,Jncltson Grovenburg T,ltus, Mnrloo Wnll, Hnrolrl Kern•'• · Eighth Gl'ildrl Kell h nnd Qcne But•gess spont l\[r~, Ir, 1\J, Owen M1•s, Lily ,Jnrvls spent Jlw wenl1 Dart Scl1oof rm• 1wxt: year, 1\h·R, Uowurd NorUt lJl!', LoLtlse Bnlu!J•, Carl 0[11fley, end In Bny City, Slxtb Gmde Gll'is Hnlen 'l'nhnchld, narhnrn Duns· Arlie Cuwllll, Kcllli Cnl'l', 1\nhy Rnllli'dny nlglil wllh Mr. nnd M1•, nnd Mrs, Don Bt·elltauer Mt•, nnrl Ml'H, Georgo Froat Seyt u·lh, Hnrolrl Pulvct·, r~rlwnrrl MI'H, l lill't'y Vnn l{tlt'on llllrl•fnrn· Sund11y nflernoon 1\'lr. nnr.l Mrs, Mr, nnrl Mrs, Bert ·amen of n1nro, Cnmlyn Wnrfle, n.loluml 1 S!Wilt Frlrluy eVr!nlng With Mt·. sprml Mrmrlny nt: Breol\eni•lclg(J Those who rocclverl A 'In spell' L[Inge, Hohort Hnrlson, .Tnnet: llv, Hugh Angeli. Etnd Mr•, und Mrs, Phillips ronrl visited Mt·. nnd MrH. J~ostel', Hny Will, Ilcllu Brr>lliHJJ', " and Mrs, 1Jnhn nrethuuf!r of Lull· vlslllng Mr. nnrl Mrs,· WnrrJ -~~~~~e Har~~r:_l J(.cmlet·, GlenJt!lc Ser·l!>tor, Holen J{emler, Kny unci Bert Seyfnrlh l'l!r!olvcrl A on Mrs, Hnt'l'Y Vnn ]{qren nnd sing, Doyle, Wnrrcn Childs nttendecl lhe wed· Fred Stmbcl Sunrlny allernoon. held ul the homf! of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Bowen, Ruth Andrclms nnd llwl woel1's spt!lllng- losl. Mr·s, Lyle Kinney rwcompnnleri Mr, 11nd Mrs. Bert Cole of St, rllng of Miss Gwen .Tucl. fl~hlng Snlut·clny aflernonn, ---·---·----.. - Mrs. Louise Shellt•nwn nml on Cnrl Wolf nt Sllrnson hospllnl ner· guests at the home of Lester Guy McCue last Momlny evening. Mr. nml Mrs. L. D. Hoss of J.O'I'S OF y,;u-:VA'I'ORS sons nf Wesl Brunch anrl M1·. In Eaton Jlaplds Sundny, latf!r J11ce anc\ Mr. and Mrs. Hobert "The 'l·II HnrmoniP.m" from 1he Munllh vl~ltcrl IIH'ir' snn·ln·law Nl'W York Clly has almost ~fi .. nnrl Mrs, Hobert. Wrook of Grnncl calling on !lev. nnrl Mm. ,John Whltehend Sunclny nflcmoon Gunn eluh won. n hlue ribbon at and tlnughtcr, Mr.. nnd Mrs. Dir•k non PIGVIItni'S, including 30,000 Lr!rlgr! worf! Sunrluy vlsllors of' BnrTy In Luns!n~c:. ' and callcr.l on Mr. And Mrs. Ralph the •HI talent show April 24. .fnels·, nlt<'IHied I he 21illr, I here nrc about as rnany miles of celverl his discharg-e fmm lhe ilJP 'l'hm·sdny night, ·· nnd Mr. a~d ¥rs. Norris Hatch· family of Lansing were Sunday d<'l' to Jll'llVith• llll nnhll'mlshml kin, .Jr., o1 Lansing visited Mr. ·rJinner guests at the home of her Gmntl Assembly, Orrler or 1hl'' r!lcvator shafls as subway trncl1s. army Fridny nl. F'l, Knox, T\f!n· Neva ,Johnson spent Sunday llll'rttnJ-y (li<'ltll'r> I'm• IIH• l'nmlly lud'Y· 1\lrs, Esllwr· E. !Iolmes, Le· evening wllh Mr. mid MrS'. Lnw· nml Mrs. Chtlrles Frnnl~lln Sun· parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dnn HLig· and fril'luls. \1'1• hrtv•• un unl· Roy nncl Rebecca, Mrs. Helen rencP. CUI'Ii~;. '!'hey should colorer! day-afternoon. ger. l'!!mullng I'I'JIIlfnl!on frll' PX]ll'rl Ingham County News April 29, 1954 Page 2 Bmlell ami Steve nnrl Hownrrl pielru·f!~. tnl1en by the boys ln Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Snnders Mr. und Mrs.· .Jrtmes Hart's Jll'lll'<•ssionnl worJ( in tlwsn nn· Helmker of Lam.ing all mel Cpl. .Japan. nnd family. of Lnmh rand visited callers last wer!lt Included Mr. anrl usunl 1:mws, as w!'il llH in lhosr• • and Mrs·. Homes In 1~1. Wayne . ------at the horrif! of Mr. and Mrs. Clm•:. Mrs. Sim Clark of Lamb rmtr!. r•nsr•s whkh do not llf'l'I'Ssllal" • Snturdny where llwy hnd a fum· oncf! LeonnrcL Sunday afternoon. Mrs: Annn Leseney of Cmtice KJll~r·inl !l'f·hnhtnl's. 1'hls is nn im· I •o I ily dinner al the hotnP. of MrH.I Vantown Jonn nn'tf Stanley Leonard, Pnul rmirl, Mr.. unci Mrs. Lee Clarlt of JIOJ'IIml. nmf.h•,t· I'm•: 11 l'nmily to Clara J{ennedy, Hnth and Mary. !Hrs. J,. J>. Williams nnd Leroy · 'Swift,. Dennis ancl Mflsowapd Mt·. nnrl Mrs. Clarence I'IIJISidPI' Whl'll l'llllirtg- ll l'lllll'raJ OLDSMOBILE Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ilfolmes Dlnne North· nnrl Hlchard Ricci Leonim]. Sunday aflernoon llwy din•r:for. of Laming- vlsllerl Mr. and Mrs. Mt·, nnd Mrs. Wilhlii' .Jacohs attenderf a·_. Methodist Youth were visilerl by Mr. anrl Mrs. Lcnn Wllllnm Hart and .family' of nnrl family nf Bellaire were week FellO\VRhip district rally In Ionia .Preadmore of Lansing, Mr. and ' THE CAR Waynedale, Indiana, Saturday enrl g-uesls of Mr. ;racobs' sister, wlth Rev. Jamf!s Moore Sunrlay Mrs. Bert Bct•g o.r Sullne, Mr. and evening, On Sunrlny Iiley caller! Mr;;. l~llif, Nemer, ancl family. aflernoon. Mrs. Guy McCue and Mrs. Rose OF TOMORROW~ ~~ on Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tally M1·. and Mrs. Lyle Glenn nnrl Mrs. Lesler Chrisllensen, Mrs. Coli! of Lansing, who rcmnincrl ;;;;;HERE TODAY nnrl Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilfnng family and Ml's, Aria Glenn vis­ Clnir Swift, Mrs. Leon Norlh and for thiR weel\, The Harts called of Gnrretl, Inrllnnu, llnd Mrs. ited Mr. anrl Mrs. Darwin Wil· Mrs. Mildred North attended the Friday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Blanch Kugler of Angola, In· Iiams Sunday. AJlril Den Mothers rally nt Worn- Clair Rlnille of Dimondale. FOR "BB" 2-Door 1 diana. Sedan delivered .Ttmior Simons of Dnnsville was en's Club House, Lnnsing, la~t Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Toolwr anrl locolly1 sfolo and Hev. and Mrs. John Pruden nnd nn overnight guest of Mr. anrl Tuesday evr!nlng. Mrs. Emma Thompson called on locolla · EVERYTHING'S ON lHE HOUSE! Mondny evening of Mr. and Mrs. fon~ Call, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton d·riven mach1nes stay at· umform rated speed Wallace Johnson. Hnrj{ness at Jacl(son, Mrs. Gerald at all times. give you job-matched·. and featuring Mr. and Mrs·. Georg-e Van De· Garfield and . Knron Barry and pull-power, imfttutly'-· mark ami family .. cal led· on Mr. Sharon Hawltms. Golthe Feel of the new Farm~ll Super M·TA-bringing and .full rated pto speed· .. and Mrs. Richard Bowne and chi!· you the most efficient drnwbar and power take·olf at all times. Sec and tr.v · performance ever available for 4-plow, 4·row farming. the new Super W6·TA. dren Sunday afternoon. ' Reeves Dt'strt'ct Frances Lough Mr. nne! Mrs. F. C. Weaver took ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY! TODAY! .. Diane to Ionia Sunday to visit !\Irs. Wayne 'Geer · nome Service Advi~or her great-grandmother and great You- ca~· buy these tractors on the lncome P~o.~rchas? Consumers Power Co. aunt, Mrs. Judd Hawley, and fam· Pupils who received 100 in ily.' ' . Plein •• " le~ them DGY for themselves In use . well· known food -freezer and food freezing' expert spelling the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Carr, Mr. Madeline Wireman, Carol Anne and Mrs. F. C. Weaver, Mr. and Geer, George Cowin, R9bert Mar· Mrs. Floyd Donal. Mr. and Mrs. shnll, Joyce Hardt, John. Slone, 1 Berton Johnson and. Mrs. Arthur Elaitw Mnrshnll, Janet 'Hardt, Frost attended Williamston Jean Hardt and Jtidy Cowin. Grange last Tuesday evening. ·· Mr. and Mrs·. Fred Marshall We'll Be Seeing Yo~ April 30 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lange of ''• were Saturday dinner· guests of: .:-.,_ /• .. ' '. . ,-:..:., Jacltson visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hadley. ' ,' ' . \ ' George Frost Sunday afternoon Mrs. Clayton Anderson and .. Sunday evening Mr. nrid Mrs. Mrs. Clyde Munsell. \vere Friday ·.:·· Elmer Frost culled. · callers of Mrs. Wayne Geer. , MASON;'"­ Mr.. and_... Mrs. Paul Wolf and The pupils of Reeve school i .• · Si:I,Sby ·•11'11p lem·ent :: l:~i:,.. daughters spent Sunday evening were on ,a wild-flower ;trip Fri-' ·with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rind· day. · : • ; :. • •• •·• • •• ,. • ' 0 •• • : •• ' • ": ·.: ...... ~::·~:_,:· :)::'.~~..;;{. fleisch and daught~rs. · ,.·i Home· Appl·ia:nce 214·-w:~sttte St. '. '•,·· I_ ' , .Phone 5141 Miss Neva Johnsott Is practice Last year 269,360 pedestrains ,,, ,I '' teaching_ at. Williamston, elemen, were injured In S. traffic ac' ' ·', u. .- _, tary school for a wee]( nnd a cidents. · .. ~~~ ----~------._.--..:..--.-,.-. - • .,.-;----.-_-,.----.,-.- ...- .....-. -. ------.• -_1,-, -.. ~:.;.:-..-: -.-._- . ..;.. .~"'".:. ...- .."",~":",, -. -.-.:.-·.·:-- ....:..-••• ·-·-••--.....:: ., ,., I . , . I . I " Coup·le Plans: for:·· ''

"II II Anniversary P·arty Mr, 11nrl Ml'S, Precl Briggs of ,, Social 6venb ~nJ Per~onal, Sloolcbt•ldge wilL h.a gueHilHlf hon­ or S\lndny, May 2: nt a pot•ty hon­ oring tlwh•. 25th wcdtllng annl· It Ill Many Activities FeatL:Jred SURPRISED AT SHOWER ve1•snry. Mrs. LrtVl!rn Gihbs WAS li]e 'l'helr chllclren wl!J' he hosts at g[wst of lwnor nl. a Hlii'[H'ise the nffalu which Is scher.lulod to· showeJ• [liven hy Mrs. Arthur be held from 2 to fl p, m. nt the Mason PTA· Bazaar Draws large Crowd Furr nnrl MJ•;;, Rldwrrl Ohm nt Briggs home at 4740 R M[lln the l~nrr homo 't'btu·mlny night. street in Slock!Jrlclge, Guests lncltlclerl Mrs. Reuben 1\ly­ Mr. and Mrs. ni·lggs have 1l Mason high ~f'hnol htlzzr'ri·wlih sr.veml :.;rleetlrms, The Anrcllw; Included n fnnry 1\'lll'it hooth nnrl lnmler, Mrs. Dnn Stoncluun, Mrs. "I'll nctlvlty Friday nir~ht wlwn the l"armcrettos, muslstlnr, of Shlr· :itlpervlserl gnmns. Fifth nnd children nncl 2~ grent·granrlchil· sixth gmrlm·s sold rofr·eshments Runsell Meci!oek, Mrs. Albert· dren. P. '!', A. HJlrmsorerl Its nl111llrtl lc!y Hoherls, .Tulle Davis·, Murllyn Goble, MrH. Lawrence Haymond, 11 and showed nwviPs u~ I heir proJ. hnznnr. 'l'lwro w11s good crowd, Dol/we, lleglnll Roberts nnrl Mrs. Gordon Rnymonrl, Mrs. "'' '" eels for lhc hnzanr. Irv· plenty of food aud cniPt'lalnnlf'nl Marh! Brown, alr.n cn/ortalnorl. lng Pierce, Mr·s. Dale Simons, fnr evm·.vone. · 'l'lw pmgrnm elm:oci with A r·uiw wall(, ice crcam ~oclal a Mrs. Arlhur Doty, Miss Vicld Golf Association One of tlw mnln frnltJres of tlw sqtiiiJ'e rlnndng exhlhltlnn hy u and free television mnrlc! up 'the evening wns 11 stnf.(r! show. FJ'Itlll\ gmnp nf Wyeth LIIIHII'alnrlr!s Tne. r•om•c•ssir111s nf the sixth und Gibbs nncl Mrs. Georg!! Gnrlaml. Hefreshments of cake, jello and Has Thursday Meet GneJ'J']CJ'{) SC't'Vl'fl. liS nJIISif'l' or r•rnployee:;, Musle for the HIJOW seventh grnrlos. coffee were seJ•vecl . Memhers of the Mnson Worn· "· • · ceremonies. Jnelurhl ntJ tlw pm· was provlrlerl hy the Mason pep .Tunlor high pupils ~ponsm·erl n en's Go! f association held their grnm was a rnuskal group, t lie lmnrl. halwd goods snlr in 1he lmlcony regulnr meellng 'rhursclay eve­ II Slmnk Hollow vVnrhlers, C'OIIl· Tnrllviriunl projor•ts were S]lrlll· of tlw gym and l'he siJHienL coun­ ning at the Vevay town hall with poser! of D1·. D. R. Lethilriclge, sor·ccJ hy the different gmclr.s, cil sponsored n danee in t lui Mrs. Ethel Browne as chnh·man7 Dr. r... A. WiloriPIJ, William unrim· tile SII]H!J'ViHion of )mrcnts. g:,·mn~tsltlm. Git•l Scouts SLI(Jnr­ Sw a rthbut -Stolz Assist lng Mrs. Browne on the ""' S. Seelye nnrl Hoy Arlmns, nnrl rll· l\inrlergrli"/Pners harl 11 fish pond vis,,ri tlw C'iwl'i< rnom. reeled hi' Hoy Adams; a riltll',r! and a soft.-rirink stand. Mrs. Bealrire Weiss rllreclecl committee were MJ•s. Hnro!cl munhrr i1y Vlf'i, were guests Modern Cleaners E. J. Robinson. born of Vandercook Lake, Sun- at dinner Sunday c>f M1·. and P\tonc 2·1511 Mr. and Mrs. Vic Fry, Sandy clay. 1Mrs. Gedrge Messner. Other Gifts for Mother and Gary of Jncl,son visited Mrs. ~------...;.. ____.;______Bessie' Bateman, Douglas Bate· :(. man, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller Perfumes- C~lognes and family ·and Mr. and Mrs. Eel· :{o ward Ireland a'ncl family Sunday. Dusting Powders . Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ha:thoe and :{o Mrs. Ralph Marks surprised Mrs·. Take the Dru,dgery. Out Fountain Pens· Hayhoe's. mother, Mrs. Clara :{o Merindorf, Friday evening on her Pen and Pencil Sets birthday anniversary. Refresh­ ments of birthday.- cnl'e and ice :(. Stationery cream were served. Sunday call· of Washing Clotbes . ers were ·Mrs. Flossie Lamphere, :{o Cameras - Billfolds Mrs. Betty Briggs, Miss Mar.garet Munger and Charles Merindorf. :f· Musical.Powder Boxes Mrs. Ruie Post returned home Friday after spending a month in With a New General Electri.c ':{. the South. She accompanied Mr. Dresser Sets and Mrs. Merton Ashclon of Bat· :{. " tie Creek and Mrs. Louise Ama· Ball-Point Pens cion of Port Huron ·to Florida where she spent 2 weeics with Mr. and Mrs. Albert St'. George and a weelt with Mrs. Edith Barr. She spent a wee!< with Maude Automatic ·Washe.r· Barber at Lake City and also vis· Heel Mr. and Mrs. Curry St. George of Montgomery, Ala­ New•Low Price bama. Mr. an'cl Mrs. Roy Lantz of Les· lie \vere guests at dinner ·sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Oester­ From our wide assortment of le and family. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Mumau. at· • Mother's D~y Greeting Cards, tended a Sunday school confer· Get.a M~tching Dryer, too ence at Kanl>alme, Illinois, Thurs· $249..95 yo~• .em~ find the very· one day and Friday. that CX(lrCSSCS · (lCrfectly the M~. and Mrs. · Ja~l{ Cavamiugh I, of East Lansing, Tom Cavnnaugh love , aml clevotion ~in y~ur of Lalte Lansing and Mr .. and heart. Come in .•. choose for Mrs. S. A. Morrison spent\the week end at the Morrison cottage at Lalm ·George. . · · G~neral Electric Dryer -$179:95 your 1\lom, today! o • ' I ' Mr. and Mrs. Sani Clemens, .. ,I Mrs. Elan Iiams of Matherton, ,, I Clarence Randall and · Mylene Waters visited Mrs! Clemens' I • son-in-law and daughter, Mr. arid i Mrs. Byron Adams, 'and son· of ,., Fort Belvoir, Virginia'\ last weelt Shirnmin Drug . end. Mrs. Clemeiis spent the weelt .COLLINS. : SALES- & SERVICE-I there a'nd returned home Satur· ' RELIABLE. PRESCRIPTIONS ·day. The others returned ·last 147 w: Maple Phone Mason 2·581'!. Monday.

... >, !r ~ I I 1 1 1 OffiCial Proceeaings ·I·~~~!' .,~ ,\:\ ....\'~'.r''t;~· ~~~.'·j; ,~:.. ~o 1!.1 .':~.~:~~~~~~ CO;Il~lc:;, tcm 1!1111 eniTeu nl llw hlrlltcllly f'fliH! lwnm·lng tllr. lin· Wtligllt.." 'l'l!IH W!lH !lll cxlrn los~ • J h' B d Mutton hY lliun 01, 11 ,mun, 8111 , 111,rtcd close of tho meeting, niVCI'Illlrlo~ of Mrs, Wnllnco liOI1, us the rngul!u• uno fol' this De lh I owns IP oar ; by Chul'lc• Coy, ln nllow lhu fullowhm * ··~7dmu;hJII Coundl .Tohrmon, Mrs, Dun PHtrleil, Mrs, month I)IIS not yet. hecn given. ~IIIH; IHI'olltur uf lnt.unwl Uovunuc C Jl l' M D V j> 1 t • II II 1111 ·····''I II T.nghnm Exter)sion Cnttlldl .. ' .oss, 1'1i, ' ' .o lUI' son TI!O 'l!npo1'tii1)CO or ltlC!)11Ciin" .. ·Holt Community llol{ulnr muullu~ of tho llulhl Townohlt• o\1:1,:10 I oy • "'• •• :. .. , I llWIIrl I 1 M ' 1 " News ItemS Oh 11 Uo., iliH 011 llnnril o11•n•il In dnu fm·m Mooui11Y cvu- 1'1"11, '00,11111 LOI·unz Scrvluu mmnhcrs mel: 111. tho homo nf Mrs, rs, ,tar Polloi\, 'rtwy the "Dnsle Soven" foods ln tho nlu~r, Ap•·ll 12. Mlnuoc" df tho t>rocudln~r fHII,7H I ll•o Motnr•, Inc., fUIJ,uu, Midi. Harold Rerlmnn nn llngJulnm oneh reeelvml gifts fmrn their rlnlly ()Jet, Wi1llu ['Lttllrlg clr!'VIl !Ill rnootln~ l'OIId nnd npproylaj, Uvll 'folulllwna Co., l~l7.:1U 1 Mouruu Cui- t I M W I I • St.Ar11 OUilllt Oftlcoi'IJ 4!'0 M tl •· 11 "''11008 • tl , 110 1 cuiiLtln~r Cu., *10,11111 Nlloo Stool 'l'ILnl< roncl recently. Ten members nnd secrc pus, I'H, encell ,Jo Ill· the lntalm or fnts, clcE.~CI'IS nnd Exhibits Win Awards ~ "" I-IY. I', ~. JILl. t HlOf Co" 12,0fiO,(}OJ (}ludyH Hcuth, '1:.!,1101 SOil r·ccelvecl tl10 g11C"L prlz fc 1I' Several i-Ioit Easthrn Stnr tnvo11o' nt•l•ll•ntlun• for ocnownl uf II- Stand,nl 011 Co ' 177 1n 'l'nny JJund•- MrH, Annette Schneffer, home · · ·• .e cnrbohydrulcs· wns H'll'eHHCd, 'rhe Child Study Club 1 11 11 11 1 members ucte(l ns guru~t offlcel'H ~·~~·~· ho " '' 'ovo•l· ~~' " our•r•ort•d nnu, •a.on; l'•·•',j llt·l,;,., $72.11111 · gnrl c!emonstrntlrm ngent, nllenrled the !lny, vnluc of lncrcnslng llw nmountuf In Youth Talent Show uy C..:hnllofl Cny nnd cnttltul, r.. nmni'CWUX, $100,lilll CUIIKIIJIJUI'H 11UWlll' M D In the nren, · thla wee){, 'ruesdny Mr. ·CIJun Pulvur, ownor of tho l'ulvcr· Uu., u 70 ,73 , , ami mnrle plnns fm• ndtlc•vrmwnt rH. nn Pntl'lf'it will !Jntr!r· protein fonds wns 11lso shown. Fo'ur Holt pupils rccelvecl \ Elects Officers evening, Myrtle Brown wus guest llrlvo-In, dl••u•••" the Jw••lhlllty or M. llnl! 1 dJounwd clay to he held Mny '1. '!'hey also lain the group at the next meet· , A ehnrl. glvlniT the normal nwnrds In the Lansing Youth hluuk-luiI ' " by Do·. l'lnca "'"' Marvin Head, Gory Bcn.lnmln, Mra. LHwton GallaS In Dnnsvlllc. for nltlmtllng nchlcvcmcnt dny :~1 diHhe:; and menus were handed Lauren 13arl{er; nnd pnrllnmen· 1 sociate matron 1 nod Rosa 'l'rlpp, Hriv, and Mrs. Vernon Smith, was Savurnl man l•·om tho cat·ne•· ul Wllcux Pnul Grlffes, Maurice Rabhloux, •· Snnthwm;t Wlwntlinld "' lha college next Tuesday wem out. Members nrc lo ltoep an !lC· • tnrinn, Mrs.· Lawrence Johnson. warder nt Olcemos No. 267. In the 12-yenr·old group and wns ~~;~, 0~:f1~~~ 'j[~',',1 ,~Y ''l.f,1,~~~~~~1:1.,"Jo~;:~"~::.r,'1 ~ Arlin Head, Roger Pfiester, Hosn· The A!lrll meeting of the South· discussed. Mrs. Inn Phillips Is curnte check oJ tlwh· we1ghts and 1' 'J'he group went: nul to the given n first In !lw sculpture eli· 'l'hi• mnt.tur w11• turned uvut· to the lie Stendmnn, Ruth Dietz, ,Toellyn wesL Wheatfield extension cluh chairman ol' ct committee lo mal•c rcpnrl their progress at lhe next Mlchlgun State eollcge anrl heard 't'uwn•h11, ntturney, Risch, Boci{y Horsld, Hal 13enlty, I II I \V I I t I identlrtcallon [llns fot• the mem· mnnt.l g. vision with her. ceramic horse; Uumrrlnlnt ruKI•turcd unncurnln~r tho John BenJamin, Sharon Horskl, wns 10 r ast . ec IH!Sc ay n t lC ~-. 11 n talk on "Interior Decorntlnn," Banquet Held at second , for n pencil sltetch of a ull 11n•l dh·t In tho r11111' uf tho llolt horne of Mrs. Leo Glynn. Sixteen hers. The next les,;on will he "Gct- by a college student, Maxine horse's head, and n third place In l'•·udueto. ~lnllCI· tun•ulwl Morny, Plans were made fm' nchir.Ve· Look at Ourselves as Mothers-In· them hy toastmnsler Mrs. Mnr· $~U•tJ; !'nul Fimller, $:111.1111; John Mill· All of tho children gnvc n re· mntlt r•·1y, \VIll'ej1 is Tuescla)', !\lay llnU Obse1'\'l~~ Tn~-r Iluy hiiiiCI', $1 a:l.~U i lnuhnm Cnunty NcwH, t bl 1 M I .... lt Law" hy Mrs. Lennah K. Baclws, shall Hartig. lll.~li: llolt ~'lru Jl<:pt., $4~·1.1111; Lnndd por on a 1'1 one ay. I. Mrs. Earl Smith and 1\•!J·s. Tag day for HolL will he ltcid MctJ'III

·~e!JJ~ $1 00 Lightw~ight • . and Lovely Just For l\lother Holeproof Seamprufe roomy New SlU'ing . rutd Luxite Gloves Blouses . supple Hosiery .. In Beautiful ·'I!· I handsome Mothers Hankies Nylon Will LO\'C Slips l; ~~'(ol)i.) $1.35- $1.50 ~ ~)g) • . 'to'· $1-$1.50 New Sha(les $1.98 & $2.98 From $1.98 39c-49c-98c '~~0 The Newest Nylon m Cotton 111issc. For 'Her Home Dresses OJ' Uu.yon ~a~~b·a~s. ~luny :N cw Daniel Green Sl.ippers Blankets - Towels Styles mul Fnbl·ics Gowns BedsJireads When,, you give her comfy slilllJCrs that arc 11rctty $2~98' Laee Cloths $2.98 too choose a llaJll'Y Moth~r's Day gift. '$1.98 Up Sheets - Cases to $10.95 :, .

·' ;' We Give .· Ope.n ·.Fridays' ·\ :Gold Stamps_ ... ' ·Till- 9

'/. •• / .. . ,, l'tmli:THW ~('IfJilntJUiJD Catholics Plan What the Churches Are Doing 'ILw~rluy evening Mill' J, will Lega~ Notices he tlu lla~t g< nmnl mretlng of Holt McthorliHt W S C S foL th~ Outdoor Service Wllllnm11lon W<·~leyan lUr.!IIIHI· llnnlwt IIIII RtWt>lll h Jlny Arl l'tllllvlll" ('ommnnlly, Cm fon NOTICt:: OF I'UBL.IC SALE ycm•, 'l hot e will he rle~scr~ ut lr;t, ll!IWit•y, Rov Cntl Culfey, V< nO~I Snbhnth Rchool stm Is 111 Foltz pastor Wot ship service, 7 30 with the nnw r.h de memberH pnstor C'h111d1 srhnol, 10 00 n 10 II )n cJHIICh ~ervkc 11 II Ill 10 1'i 11 m , sc1 mon topic ' Sph ll sltttng with thol1 new groups A At East Lansing m , wm ship sm vice 1 I 30 n m unl l'ounclrt iono" Chut ell "ciwol, ftc I' will oftellng will ho 1111((!1\ fm• wilted mlssiunnlics aml den, Roman Cnlhollc H f1om L rnslng young people's mceLlng 7 JO p 11 n m On l"t idny, Apt II 30 Vn nnrlncigllhllllllg rommunilir" will m culion Clnnch School Tnslilule cone~' cs whn Jmvo serve.] tho woman s division Snmucl B ltnvc .1 Bpi:!clnl puhlir n llr:ious will Ill' held flrlm !l 1'i n m lo I p m Mother ancl daughter hnn Wcnge1 I'X r h.aplnln of Soulll!!lll dcmonslr Ilion ~unrlry .rflr IIIWIIl WllllnmHinn !Ur•mrn ml Lnlhcr I IHIJ.( I dttu I CliO v• H lUI, 102.! Wr sl GtlliHl Hlvm Hc1 quet Is schcclLIIecl fo1 Ji'1ld ry Muy Mlr hlgnn llliHoll, will he the May 2 on the Sl I honllls In hlInldgo ORDER FOR t•UflLICATION get Is genm tl dl In l~1nstnr: •will mrke llw11 fit sl !l fmn th Sunrlays !Iolt r~uc It nlst seavke, 30,1 m !lnllch school jut, 'Jcqus the PI!ncc nne! holy c nmmunlrm at liw 10 30 n m Plonect Memhe1 s of 1hr frnut 11 rlcg1 cc Thl1rl Sunrlny mornlnr, [ll.lycr nnciiiiny hnlghts of Cnlumhus will fill m IIoil rr 1 shy!l'l IiLII, Vet non T nn honor guucl rnrl I he C rlhollr 1\Jnson ( hm i'i o't lor I< song nnd praise .1nd mmc lh 111 10 ptiesls will he I dt 11 Urufr•d llllllne11, Hm bert schonl !l l'i .t m motnlng wor T'vnn~r!isllr mr.ss rge 7 JO Pruy In al tend tnce 1 he Most Hr 1 Chm 1~ prsto1 ttl ,a m Sunda} 1 ship 11 1 m, Congiegationnl ,Joseph If Alhei s hjshop of tile r.r mr c t lnr: Wcclnesd.ay even111g at school 11 1 m morning wm ITohhy club Sumluy evening 7 Lnn11ng Cnlhnltr diocese will he 7 30 ship 7 l'i p m Clu !slim rn p m, choi1 practice• Wcdncsdny the relchranl of the mnss denvm H I 'i p m c1 enlnr, wm evening ll p m Annunl family 13ctween r; ono 11111 1o oon c til I Wtli,!llllslon 1 111 1\ldhrulisl, A ship R p m c holt pr.u II! c 8 Sundny May 2 Sermon st!hject ollcs md I hr h ftlcnds ft om L 111 D !Iodmd 1y pnsl01 Chtll< h p m Wcdnr sclty 111 ll e1 mccl 'It Huns In the Ji' tmlly" Wom sinr: Erst L anslng r rton Hnp11ls school 10 n m Wotshlp lng ens Ji'ellowsiup meeting pollucl\ Sl Johns I Jll lei Wcslph lilt J1 t m rnrl 7 ~0 p m dmiWI, G ~0 p m ruesdny May G1 111d LcdJ.:< M tson Ch illolle set vice Werlncsclny 8 p m So lust Onuch nl (hils! Sewn I Women s Ji'ellowshlp nssocln cwty mrcls fit st Wcclncsclry o[ Wllll.rmston Fowler\ Ilie tnrl hsl Mnson Jwlds c1 v1re~ tt 1 he lwn mr elmg It Ypsiinnll Mny 5 Howell are cxpcctcri to nllcml cnch month at church potlur.l< r 111;1 ell r llllCI ot 0 ak mrl B 11ncs Mol her rln.ughtet hanquct M ay rlmne1 1t noon, ctrcles seconcl C\ CI y su ; 1 7 Resetv 11 ions must he m ado hy VI! lOLls committees nrc 11 otl\ Wednesday In homes 11111 11 11 00 lng in ptcpm.rlrrn fm lhc cere sc honl 1s hcl'l clu11nr, the I M ~~ 1 'I tu~tce~ meeting Sttncl.I'i st t 1 1cc s for pupils up to lh; ngr r>vemng at the hnmc of Mt and mony Umlr1 lhc dnect1on of I' Wriiinmslnn Sl 1\lnty's ( alh c 20 cvemng meet Mts A Ingalls Pntric k holly rnil Ursuln hie1n nhc Rev rr Hugh Conklin pns r \VC'rldicncc to God tlivtne lo\ e \\Ill IJC' bt ought out at C!111s Gull lnkc wtll hold n bnnquct nt Elmer F.sc h ml1 IT 1ft y lot Mass Will be sn1d nt the chap the Miller Ro.rd Bible church 111 I 11111 Sc 11'11< I' SCI VIces Su IUlly llnms as r h rn men of the usher el 1t II \corner of South TcffCI Soul h Lnnsmg Ji't Jd 1~ 111ght April c ommlltee a1 c \1 otlwrg 11 1111 the on n Cheri> streets al 10 30 Mry 2 111 tlw lcs•onstTmnn en litlccl Evuiiastmg Pumshment' 30 nt 6 30 Ushcts clubs 111 e tell of I he L 111 Suncl •> mmntng stng parrshcs to scrute rt suffi Plans at c hemg mnclro fm 60 ment numhrt of dt tits 111rl ushers Wrlhamsbm i\Jcl ho P 111 Sub rcen rector of the Rural Bible Mission, founded Dcttmt on .Tuly 21 1701 17wl walk more than 100 ~ m ds Youth Ji'cllowshlp fat fifth and Rev Jnme D t 1 R 1 --- [ sJxth g1 nrlcr s 'i Hi p m Youth ' s 0 son anc ev am Arrnngcmenls for n public arl Wlillamslon Ba111tst, IIarolcl P C U n M1 s Elton Crowell members of 1 1 1~ cr r. 11 111 11 w pper nom thcss S)slem me unt!et the t!ucc Reese pastor Cllm ch school 10 0 P m Senlm Youth rcllowship the executive board Rev and Ingham County News Apnl 29, 1954 Page 5 tlon of Wililnm Somc1 ville nnt! a m Wot sh1p set vice 11 n m fot 1111101 and sen lot hi h oun 1 Mrs C J tmes Pnsma Marie 1\lbcrt Sohn I he g1 ounds com mel 7 31 p m Jumor nnd senwr peol~le Annual meelln~ ~ th~ Lyons Annn Holmes Luc1le Hel m1ttcc chm men .rt e Lcstct Sump groups G 30 p m 'lhursd,ry cilmch wrll be helrl Sumln~ aftGr m 111 nne! Rev and Mrs Charles nnrl Cml Nosal Mt s W F !\n Tcnchcts lesson study followed 110011 Willt riinncr nl 1 30 P m F Brool,s Rev and Mrs Brooks derson ts 111 charge of lhe com by prn~e1 service at 8 p m followed with the business meet ate the locnl county mlsstommes m1ttee to set up emergency first Laches Baptist ll111on 3rcl Wcdnes mg Dr W11lmm Helrrgal <11s The C Y T C opens June 19 May Is mel fiCIII!!es Muiin I rFond rs dny 2 P m 111 homes tncl supcrmtemlent will conduct fot 8 one week periods .md n chan man of phntng1 aphy anrl E 1 u It -I8 1 II the mcetmg Members of the 2 week periOd ftom August 14 to Dale B Hornung nne! Mt s Jnmcs t 1 en 11 ct 1 1' 1 lrt•n, erbcrt church arc asked to attend At August 28 Nme to 11 year aids Ctm\nei me 111 chntr,c of pub Cl en~ pnslor 10 a m Sunday 17 p m Wcclnes :111snn iUt thochst, Raymond to Attgust -8 the plnnnmg committee rtw f.ol 1 1 01 meeting M1s El1~abcth Itw111 n Notton minister Worship sen Each \\eek Is nn llltens1ve lowing Jll!CSIS nrc ~el\ lllg Ill .111 n rt 10nnl W C r U orgnmzer Ices 10 and 11 15 n 111 set mon trammg progwm for the youth Let Us Check Your irlVlSOIY Clptcl(y lo the\ IIIOIIS 1 mmmlttees Rev Leo hnlinm\sl,, 11111 speak tlu1111g the he Wmth of a Child Obsetv I chilclrcn by the local mJSSIOn II Ol i-illiJl 'Cl VI"C Still Sills " ria~ school 10 and 11 1'i a m, or tnc lea ass gnmen s Car Now for Jnc oln 0 F M Conv Rev at 11 o dock Youth rellow~Jup G P m, pro I ne g1ven the 2 week campets Tames Lee Re1 Robert C tv 1 1 nm Jrnrlcts Joan ,mel Jo~ce "liCit .1s hoichng stteet meetings n 111gh we! Rc\ Robert Pol met Jloll Rn1•h~t dun ch, Rev C Jlall Annual chm ch conference 1'"11 .mel hosp1tnl scrvtccs ,md James P~smn paste 1 Sundny y { l he fltst Suncln~ 111 M n wns Monc!,1 at 8 p m Dt Wtlltnm golnr:: to the ]ttvcmle home Safe Steering chosen hccnusc M ty JS trodtiJOn motnmg wnrslliP 10 a m Sun IIeillgel clistnct supermtemlent This program mcludes ) otmg D dnv •r.hool 11 a m Young Peo nlly de\otcrl to the Blessed Vng111 Will p1 e• 1rle All mom hers of the J people ftom 27 countres 111 lowet nncl because lhnt Sunrln\ mntl,s pic s Cht1stmn Fcllowslup G 30 dlllt ch .ne lllVIted P1 a> er g1 oup M!Ciugan Competent collnsellors p m Sunday evening set vice the begmmng of 1\lmlonnn Week We lncsda> at 8 p m Family 1 arc engaged from leading Chrts Good Brakes 7 30 p m mul week set vJCe nwht I hur~day nt 6 30 A spc linn schools Durmg the summer D whtch concluclcs wrlll tlw no l10nn I Weclnescla~ 7 30 n m 111 1 recognll1on o[ Mothe1 s D 1;y May cirl famub to Cot tl Outside No. 40 of' God and Queen of Peace me pastor Worship serviCes 10 00 a for the Co tnly of 1nb:hnm Fix Up! Dries Qmcldy bcmg held m Catholic thocescs I m nncl 7 30 p m , chuiCh school, At IL KC!islon of H I Co t hell( tl This is the victory that o\ crcomcs the world, onr faith. the P1 oh llu Olfi('u in the City of M Hon Deluxe Enamel No Fumes tlnoughout the world during this 11 00 •a m , prayei servtce In the "'lei County on tl c ~Gth do y of Marinn yenr Tl1e pubhc rs mvrted Wednesday, 8 00 p m (I John 5:4. R. S. V.) Rt•!l(lllcbrews 11:32-40. Ar til A D lOfil Pt esc l liON JOHN McCI ELLAN to attcml the outdoor celebratiOn The obJect of the Clmstum's fmth IS God We say Jutluc of Jlt obt lc in East Lansmg, May 2 at 1 p m llolt Nnzatenc, Rev W1lllam boldly, "I beheve m God, the Father Almighty." Also the In the MuLlet of lhc E•to to of NELl A E SOU !HWOHIH OcccnHed Kelley, pastor Sunday school 10 obJect of the Clmstmn's fa1th IS Jesus Chr1st. Paul said, It 111 1 01 tit H to the court tlli\L the GROUP A'rTENDS BANQUET .t m , mormng wmshlp 11 n m "Bel1eve on the Lord Jesus Ch11st, and thou shalt be saved." limo fo 111 O!-llll tntlon of clnlmK 1 f.CiinMl N Y P S , 6 45 p m , evening H lid catntu should lJe limited nnd thut n Rev and M1s Roy Mumau Mr Annually many people v1s1t Thomas Jefferson's mansion tlmo 1 nd t•lnce be II)IIOintcd to tccclve Everything for Proper Lawn Care evangellsttc service at 7 30 cxnmtnc nnd 1 lJUHt. nH clntmK nnd lc and Mrs Marshall Pollok and Prnycr meetmg each Wednesday The gmde shO\'iS them three thmgs at tlus h1stor1c place mn1 Is ngulnHt ~:~uid dccc1 tied by und be· Mr nncl M1 s Cliff Eshelby of the the weathervane on top of the mans10n, the old clocl< m one Co1e nuid cou1 t nt the church nt 7 30 p m It tt 01 1erecl '1 hnt cred totK or sn tl Mason Nnzarene chmch attended of the rooms, and the compass in the floor of the porch. The deccnscd me 1cquire 1 to 11lKcnt thelt LAWN FOOD the annual district Sunday school WllllnmNton .Nnznrene, clulmK to H 111 col t ~t tho 11 ob1 tc Olfico gmde explams that the weathervane changes w1th every nt 206 WeRt Sllttmnw ~:~tacct LnnH me bm1quet at the Women's Club Harold Yochim, pastor. Church changmg wmd, the clocl< w1th every tick of time, but that Mlchlgnn on 01 befo c tho 7th dny of J 1ly A D !Ofi4 IlL ten o cloclt ln the TURF BUILDER House at Lansing Saturday Rev school, 10 00 a m , worship set v the compass never changes~ East IS always East, West IS al­ fotcnoon 1mhl lime nnd tlncu ht.! uby R. 0 Oliver of Danville, Illinms~ Icc 11 00 a m ; prayer meellntT ntpalntl}d fot the 1 xnm1nntlon nnd nd SCOTT'S ways West, South 1s always South, and North is always was the speal•et:. Wednesday, 8 00 p m , Ladles JUHtnwnt o[ nU da lm~ un 1 demnnds Nmth So some thmgs m life never, never change UK llnKl sn 1 dcccnsc 1 WEED KILLER Mlsslonn1y Society first Thurs God never changes. He IS always the same heavenly Fa­ It I• l'>Uthct Otdetcd rhnt rubltc no FD'In ARE DEDICATED day of the month at 7 30 p m as tlco the1eof be g \en by JlUbllcnt.lon of 11 thei Chr1st never changes; He 1s "the same yesterday, and COllY of thla oulcl £01 tiH CC tHICCCIUi) VC Five children were clcdlcnted nt announced today, and forever." \\ockR l>tcvlo '"to"' hi dny of honolno< In Easter Sunday SCI VIces held Ill thu lnghnm Co tnty News n nc" HJ1U}lcr Stop Those Moles with Pest Control PRAYER printed ILRll circulntetl ln fHtld county the Mason Church of the Nnzn D 1\ n s v tll o lUethodlst, Rev JQHN McCLET,LAN rene They were Christine Lou Charles R Gross, pastor 10 n Our hcnvcnly Falher, Thou 111 t the object of our faith. We be· Judge of' P1 obntc lit•vc In Tlll'c. We also believe In ,Jesus Christ, the hope of our ise, daughter of Mr and Mrs m , church school, 11 ru 111 , wot 17w3 Douglas Whittnl(cr, Chat les J , ship servtce with a message by snlvntlon, In these days of chunge uhd uncotlabtey, Nnstaln us that son of Mr and Mrs Charles An· the pastor No Methodist Youth om faith In lllm may never falter or fall. llelp us this day to walk The Walk In the Water was the derson, and I\aren Rose Michael Fellowship service on account o1 first steambvat on the Upper l{elly and Danny Lee, children of the spring rally at Ann Arbor ami wm k by faith in lllm. In Ills blessed name we pray. - Amen. Lakes Under the command of Perkif.s Hardware Mr. all,d Mrs Robert Moore 1hey Midweel• service Wednesday eve THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. Captain Job Fish it doclted at 360, S. Jeffersoa • Phone4SU were all from Holt. ning nt 8 o'cloclc, Since God has faith in me, I will try today to be true to Detroit on August 27, 1818 Hun.-Jesse M. Bader (New Yorl<) ., .1111, I Sto(kbridgc Puts Out Red Carpet Homo Oullnre Oluh Jlfcels He unrlcrwent ~urgery 'l'lnlrQrjny Marriage Applications lho h111l to nmlw pluns !nr tiHJ Tho Homo Cr1lltn·o elnh mot J'IJt• on Wonderlan'd ~l>ln (ll'llfling hurns rr.· mnthur nml clnughlm• hlrllltliOI. Ji't•lclny n!Jcrnoon wllll Mrs, l1tith !>unuuU1 1•', OuxJ 111, Mllwnul~eu, WI•· ceivctl noclrllmtully 5 woolen rtgo, ·, r:unuln 1 l''IIYO J, Jfcck, 1.!01 MIIWflllkc.JO, 1\lra, W, J, CJiar•Jm Hownrc], She was rtsslstec] hy WIHCUIII:IIJI, Mr. nnrl MrH, ITirll''fll"l Daft. vis. Ml', iLil!l 1\lrfi. rvtrJJ'Irrn lllm and .· ,, Emma Smith, Business mooting Huvrnnnd Unmlunnuuh, '.!II, Wohbol'· !lee] his hrolhct•, Lm1 D~tft, Ml~s Carol Clnrlm nttenrleri 11 1\urnwlil worr' Srurday cllmwt• Kazoo Mayor Will Get Royal Tre.ltment vlllu1 Ro•• M, Ura•fy, ~1, Wobborvlllo, Sun· nne! eollccl led by president, Alma Jnmun It, AnKoll, ~n, Oblcu~o, llllnol• 1 day, pnrty for tho operetta cnst nftct• gllt'9l~ of Mi'. nnrl Mr·B, llnrvoy ·: Mnyor Glenn S, Allr.n, .Jr.: ot hrldgCl nrca nnd the Prescott ful plnr,e we have In which to .McClour], 'l'he lender, Dorn Hall, l'hylllo M, MorriK, 2H 1 Ohi•OIIO( llllnnlo, MIER Snmh ,Tonnlngs 11ncl Mra. the entertainment WcrhwR(]IIy DcWniPr·s 111 ,ln<'l\son. J(ulnmnzoo nnd hiH wife nnrl 2 Rlnhnr1i IJ, Henton, ~0, J.~~trut Oifl Jlcr· smolwhouse, live,. Each community will spend prcsontecl Mrs. Glndys Wright, tim M, JluukwnrLh, 10, J.~uu11lnu, Myrn Lee vlsltr.cl Miss , Luolln evening, Mt•, nncl M1·s. Hohnrt Mr. and 1\ln;, ~:r•lrlon Monroe clnt1ghtGr~ have 11 hlg clay In store At noon the Slor.l

stnle nnlctl only' for tts mnnu· Will Rogers, Jr., Ha~ Featurre Role at Fox-Book Talk ;~~;~~~~w;~~::;~i::~l~\:;)~',~.YM:;:z:),f Michigan Queens frwlurlng, mining und l'l!r.renlion· 'l'ht! !•'nll tlwnlru will preHont. nl npporlunlt les, slnnrl~ hlr,h ln Services Held for l!uur• .. ,, ... al lhll MniiiOiflnl llilrnrv, helh Cnni~Wnrlh Is nhnlll. fl Hlwrt Hea' I one n[ Its rnost clivrn·slf!nrl Jli'O· .,,,., '' . "'''" ••1 ll"""•h H>~lurdav, perJml In Dnvy· Cmelwtt's hoy· Are dl'ng East lhe top fourth of the nntlrm's during I he nexl wcel<. 1 6 30 grams J:OO " ' ' ru ..doy !llld l'rldo!Y '"'""'•' hnnrl. Mt•, Criu•lmll ltlt•ec) D.·rvv lo for·cmoHt agrleultJII'Ill slntcs, Wo'cl ·I !'• lo I :IHI; Tnr,.dny 1111tl TilurNduy · F s '. I k Mrs. Elliott, 80 w lil catTy llw word nho11t the slule's "VIgllnnle 'l'et't'OI'," lng a long Hielmess. MA.JO!l AND HIS CAMEL'l, hy on his worcl ami marie Davy con· agriculture to the rest of the Terri fylnr:: Hdr•nr:P·flellnn com Mlrlarri F.. MnRon, Wllt'l'E tJnuo In work for him. When cmJnlry during the Mrty 2-R oh· Postal Service She was horn .Tune 2fi, 1R7:J, In hlneR wilh plwnnmf'nal unrlr>tWH· MOUNTAINE:EJl, by Ilullwrfnrrl Iluul; lhr·entenerl to 1>111 Davy's servance of Michigan Weel>. Ainlerlnn lownslt!p, the daughter tor· photogrnphy to rnalmery, anrl ZOO DA.· rlog hr>eause or JnmcneRs lhe hoy Has Va,ancies nt Daniel ILIHI Phnelw l'len•e sni-Jnternntlonnl's "C r c nl ur t! BIF.S by Willlnm Brirlges. rnn nwny with hiH dog, The way .Jny D. Iluni~Jn, r::cner·ni chair· Thomas. She a ttrmrled sci tool In , , Ft•om the Bind< Lagoon" a rc The MaJor brought a numhcr he tinnily wns ~hie to gel whnl Jw mnn of Michigan Wccl>, an· Tlw dvll service r!ommisslon Alnlcdon. mnrl When sr:IPI!tlsts Cill'imn ;nul MIHs Hihlllty of a bridge helwecn Upper Miss Hamilton ls a fmshman :rhl(~ at local postoffleos, lnquiry stories anrl plr:turcs of the al!i· and Clnr·c! or Lansln~. Waller nf A.dmns wllh m-workr•t's Hlr:h:u·•J ruHI Lower· Mir•hl~~an, LET'S EX· maJoring In lmme economics at may also he rllrecterl to lhe Dl· mals llvlng there. It inr:lurles Holt anrl HatTY u! J~aton HapiriH; r ·· Denning nnrl Antonio Mnr·e1w PLOW~ '1'111~ Glli~A'I' LAKES, hy Michigan Stale college, Mlss I"Cr·tnr·, Seventh U;' S, Civil Scrv· Jllll's'lJe him, litis hnlf·mnn, i111lf· }:omc of I hose well-l fish strllws hncl< with umnzlnr: Interest. in the reader. It gives nnw Transfer Co., nnrl Miss Me· ing, Chicago 7, Illinois. A.ppll~a· !IJry. Anrl wlwn the "erenlm·n," plrant and monkey as well as Thoma~ of Willlnmstnn ami JJur·· hlstnr•Jrs of the Lal>es with hrlef Ioehr. Is a sturlcnt o[ the Western lions for this exam 111UY be oh· aroused to strange (!motion~ by some nnl so well !mown. per Thomas of Lansing; anrl 2 · rlcscrlpllon o[ the lands thal Wl.'rc Mlchi,::an college of education In :alncd from civil· Mer vice lie ere· Its Hrsl sight of 11 womnn, nh· · For the older boys anrl ~lrls lary postofflcn, Lansing, tele· sisters, Mn;, Anna L;rrgc of Clny· who would lil

.' •' ,, ' 1' lnvnslons n t no more th11n: noo Tndinnn, for hurlnl M'onriii;Y niter· ,, )'Cltll'a ngo, Plainfield nl'lon, Sci"VIces wore hclrl fit IIJO • ~~ 1\lra, liiiZO) f'l(lljlhOIIII Clardy's ·Red Probe Starts Next Week Dend gJ'IlSShoppers hnve hr.cn cemetery nl 2:30, Mrs; .Tones Willi ' ~lghted ln other l~olatccl wr.stel'll Chll1lrcns rlny will lm .obsoi;Vl!rl 8·l re1u:s ,old,· Jlev, ,Jones \VIIS . lly JCI111cr Whlln . per columnists, Uw rongressmmJ otis lasl>s as 11 Jll'P.Silllng offleer regions, hut few people huv~~ ~eon Sunday, Muy 2. 'l'ho progmm Jlnstrw, of the plnlnCleld Prc~hY· Mkhlgnn l'•·n~!l Alllllll!inllun snlrl lw wns unxlous to hnve ns nt the atJb·commlttoe honrlngs, them, As Jn the CIISO of Gl'flSS· .will Ill! givlln rllll'ing the worship torlnn chtn·r.h In I!JOO, mnny pr.oplc ns Pfli'Hihle .·wntch • • • hopper GlAcier, u rltgged horlll1· hmu•, 11 ::JO to 12:30, A fellowship Mrs, .Tnsln DyeJ' nttonrlorl a Flraworl'~ cdulll result from hncl' or hiking journey Is usually honrlngs of the lwuse tlll·Amr.rl· I he pJ•oc'ecdlngs. · "OUI' OJlCJ'Iltlon "SI rnnge" mayors will be con· dinner will he server! In thn atorlt shower honoring her grnnd· trolling more thnn 40rJ Mlr!lllgun necessary, rorm nctlvllleA committee whld1 Is n good example of ho'w Jnvcstl· dnu·ch bnscmcnt: nftor the pro· dnughtcr, Mrs. Norris ncnsoner, gntlon r•ommlttecs function," he cities nnrl villages Wedncsdny, 'rhe noclty Mountnhi gi'OSS· gram. nt Holt Snturriny, will hold sPsslntlH In .1 Mlchlgnn hopper has aroused lhe Interest eltlcs beginning Mny Cl, slntcrl. Mny 5. Sr.vornl people from Pln\ntlelrl M1•. nnrl Mr~.·ArthuJ• Pullen nnrl of farmers ns well ns cntomoln· Dnvfd wern n! rl!nnor Sun· 1 Kit Clnrrly, rcpresentntlvc from Di~euHslng the parnllel Rennie! Tho No. l clllzcn of !hose mu· nltondod the mnvlo "King nf gue~IH enmmlllco, with the enniJ'nVet'Hinl nlelpnlltles agrr.ed lo swap plnr.es gists, Copccrned over futuro Kings," shown nt Pnrl{ers Cnr· tiny of MrH. Bum Cnslwy nt MldJigan's sixth r!ongrnsslnnnl crops, agriculture experts nrr; Stoc](jJrlrlge. cllstrlet, (TngiHtm, Gcnr•sel! anrl ,Joseph McCnrlhy ns ehnirrnnn, with each other ns n feature of awrs churr!h StJJHluy evunlng, scanning the hatching grounrls of The SqunJ'e Deal l~nrm nurenu Wnshtenuw counlleH) will preside Clardy said, "The oh,leellve of Michigan Wcel1, which lasts from Young people w11o wlnh tn nt· MeCnrlhy's committee nnd ours May 2 to 8. 'J'he "Exchange of the Groat Plnlns und mountain llmd tlw Mcthnrllsl Youth Flil· dlocusflon grour1 met nt Florence nt the hcnrhl[~s. Also present as states for evidences of Increasing Dutton's home Weclnesrlny eve­ members of tlw fitth·commlttco I;; the snme-hut I would suy we Mayors Day" soon proved to he lowshlp ;:prlng rnliy at· the F'h·st rio some things rllrfcrently." llw )Jest publicity nngle to the Infiltration. Methodist r:hurch In Ann Arhcw, ning, Ml~s E. L. Peterson, n will hr. Cong1·essmnn C1orrlon vnlerlnnl'Y Rturlenl: from Don· Scherer (R.Ohln 1 nnd Mo1•gan weelt long promotion, Lnst ycuJ• the lnsecl mttlllpllerl Sunrlny nll'r.rnoon, Mny 2, mny If! * I~ In llllliHUili numbers, often n sign mnri1,• now studying nt Mlchlgun Moulder (D·Missmull ns well as . Hcfur,e In the fifth amendment c:ontrwl. Hev. Dnnlol 'l'allmnn or Who would chnnge with whom tiwl. the enemy Is building hi~ Muxlne Sweet. Curs will lenve Btnte college, IVUH spenlwr. :;tall' attorneys. Slmllnr lwarings ean he takon !1y any witness who Twenty rnemhcrs nllcnclcd, on ttn·Amorlcan actlvltl!!s will he wns determined by a drnwlng forces for a large scale nttnd< tlu: ehuri'!J nt 2 p, m, considers answering questions slmllrtr to those In the 1870's nml 'Mr. nnrl Mrs, Rnllnncl Prost of hr.lcl In other pnrts of the ~nun· held nt. Michigan Slate. college. Plwr.bc Stephens wns n guest will flJ'ovhlc- evidence thnt !'fill he 1930's. William~ ton enllecl on their moth· • l try hy other suiH•ommlttecs. used ngalnst him In couJ'l. Clnrrly Nearly 300 people who have been nt. dlnneJ' Wednesday evening of er·, Mrs. Winifred Fmst, nt the Some 8!1 witnesses arc sehc!l· said that no witness IH ever nslwd wnrldng- on Michigan Week were Mrs. Roy Gladstone nnd Hugm· Arthur Blnnchnrd home Sundny. present to wnteh Gov. G. Mennen ulccl to npponr hr.forr. this com· tho $G4 question: "Are you nnw, nnrl Mrs ..Florence Holme~. mlttee. Current plans eall for a or hnve you ever been n member Williams, Lt. Gov, Clnrencc A. North Aurelius The body of Mrs. Agnes .Tones, Nearly 800,000 persons wem In· weclt In Detroit; meetings In Lnn· of the Communist pnrty?" with· Reid nnd Spealtel' of the House Annabelle Nclt1on wife of Rev. Ben,lamln .Jones, wns ,lurerl In week end truffle nccl· sing Mny 10-12; In F'llnt for sev· out evidence thnt the nnswer Wade Vnn Vnllwn!Jerg draw talwn In Plnlnflel1l from Ellthnrt, rlents last yem·, eml days more. · should he aiTirmutlve, Out or names. Rev. and Mrs .•Tolm Pruden (ml : family left. EusleJ' Sunday to "'f'hls Is Chapter 2 for Mlchlgnn snme ;'o TriLvel Clmrge Myrtle Rebekah Lodge Mrs. Allee 1-Iawidns have taken uled. There will he tJ mechanical E.<~cn .Rcbet:a.h lod~e IS havm~ eluded .a·: humorous . reading by 1 the Watertown ·club and a- drill turns· driving the children to Ma· rlon'· I Makes. Banquet Plans · lwy to entertam between the acts. 1il nturc n~ • •'Y 1. on· parjlamentary -·procedure ··by son...... · · . · The games arc sponsored by the LeCiear ·Studio Williamston Myrtle Rebekah the Williamston Future .Farmers , The .Aurelius Center school P. T. A. Members of Imn's numerous, l'hotllgra[Jhers lodge annottnces that its moth· of Americd;LUJ\cheon· \VIIS served roller party will be Larry Erdman, son of Mr. and physical fltne:;s ch1hs exercise cr-dnughter hnnquer will be held to the g4ests at'-.. rioon at slHi~ing st. mght at the Palomar In Mrs. Lloyrl Erdman, was taken Jour hours a clay, six tlnys a week llOII·IiH Hnlllstor Bldg. at 1110 I. 0. 0. F. hall, Wednesday Maris ·J1niJ · and 'the Masonic T~ursda:y J,unsing evening, ·.May 5. Serving will Temple. · · · ·· East Lansing, to the hospital last TtwFtiay. I!e while a drummer heals I ime and PhoJUl J,ansh•u; oi·3922 There wl.ll be no school in the underwent an operation Wednes· recites poetry, The Lmrlition of start at 6:30 p, m. Durlrig t.11e· afternoon sessi~n big room Friday. The teacher, day, these cluhs, mllerl "Houses of Committees for the affair nrc: Rabbi AJ!red L. Frfcdmah, ,of the Mrs. Brpcc Love, plans to attend The Birthday club met nl tlw Stt·cngth," goes back some seven General committee, Evelyn .Ten· Congregation Shaarey·Zedck In Michigan Rural Tenchers meet· home of Mrs. Myra Oesterle centuries, silys the National sen, Frieda White and Clara Gu· Lnnsl1,1g,,sj:mlw .Jo·. the assembly. lng at Michigan State college. Weclnescluy. Geographic Society. lick; ticltets, Anna Cassaday and His topic'· was ''"Stt:tmgthenlng ·. ,.. CAR FINANCING an•' Ruth Vaught; kitchen, Lottie Family Relationships." His Fisher, Stella Comer, Ann Sbep- speech pointed up 3 way6 In . ., .··. INSURANCE .RATII ler·, Mabel Miller, Ada Wilkins which family life . can 'be All aNDARD and Rhea Horstman; dining strcnghteried, inCluding, the ~rans­ No' ST room, Madeline Crlps, Barbara mission 'of religious values, par· I If b f b j Grohman, Felice White and Ber· ental love and affection and lm· ftVtl gate 0 Orl YOU UY nice Behrens; decorntions and provcment of hiJSbancj-IVIfe re- and SAVEl ·favors, Marjorln Stillwell, Helen latlomihlps. Rabbi Friedman con· Many people pay too much for ftmmclnr Minch and Dol)y Garner; · and eluded .his address·. Uy saying, .·.' ud lnlurnnco IClrv!oo when buylns an program, Helen · Shepard, and "Happy . marriages.· and. well~acl· ailtomobllt. They take It for FaDCed the nuth Gibson: · ., · · justed chlldren; lloweHng inlo ntte quottd them are ltanclarcl or the their fullest potiinilalltle~. can low11t avollablo when qult.e orten tbel' Mr. nne! Mrs.· George Nlmphle be ours,· on)y' It wri Invest tline, are not. They 4o not tlrun 01&1 tilt IS nevv· povver of Lansjng and Mr. and . Mrs. patience, loVI~,. under8tandlng , , 'l'OTAL 001t •re they buy- &bq lhoulcl. Ernest J{url7. of Williamston and a sense of huinor.'~ · · sp~~t the wcc~t end with Mr. and. The Allen Parlt Child Study ll~DJ>·, 1111411' 11M State Farm Bank Plan el Mrs. Ora Sessions ·at Monroe. club an orlglriai play, ,_. are clearly llttod. You kno"' prc~ented (I) 1-tly whGI you po)l. ~~ /l~ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Howell of "Up and Comlhg" ·following the St. Johns vlsi~d their son and Rabbi's address. Then .a business I Gin -~"'''· daughtcr-ln·law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee session was held to dlsctlSS the "' be" about the Howell, over the week end. The syllabus for the Michigan Child l14tt Fum Bonk Plan, Claude Howells recently returned Study cl4bs for rjext yeilr. 110 baforo I bought my • )1900 car 1 1nw a State from Kissimmee~ Florida. · · ~ Form ag•nt, H• INIYtd ,. I lne. *122.22 on financ. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf and Child St.udy' Club Meets tns' and lrumranco coata 1: throush tho Dnnk fnmlly spent the week end in The Wllllnmston Junior Child Enton Rapids visiting his par· C::tudy club met at: the .home of • l'l1n, oacomparod with " a r1to quoted me llllle" cntH, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wolf. Mr. Mrs.· Ardeth Iillthblm1 'l'liursday Fun for lho whale familyl Enjoy ''That's My Boy'' ooch wnok on CllS. TV. Soc TV p.1go lor limo nncl ala lion. whort," S... ~oor Stat. Fnnn 11ont DI!:PORII Wolf Is rccoverln~ from a slclt· :.t 8 p. m. Tilt! prrjiiram ~or tltto JOU buy that carl (One i' mOIIJIOC/ual '· ,.. ••cond proof of Rev; :1· faa teat frcczina to lock IIi all the ftavor ,. · · . co's fastest freezing nn · . and freshness · ., Gold star .spellers .. last' wcelt Works every minute Y!IU dri'~e, ~at just occasionally •. Plymoutll's Power Steering .. :·,.;.exclusive fllllt·frcezlng were Patsy Hill; Gladys Troutner, eliminates ''wheel fight" and lets you park with just one-firth of the normal effort! .. ,,' · ·. dcmonstratort Cbmc in. · 2 Saftat,lonscst atorap, to keep lull the Olive. Ann Scut't;. · R(lsa Aleo, today! taste aad tcllturo Chucl< Sedelmaler·;.Rodger 'Jones, ·You'll fit:~d the newest.powtir advances in the low-price field only in tho .. ',,.\. Ja!let Rosebury, David Mathews, · new 1954 Plymouth I And that's ·not all! You'll find comfort features, economy ·CaroJ·Bunker, ·Tominy·Rosebury~ features, safety features tiiat you can't buy in any. other low-price ca_r. Darla Bunker and Mllce Palmer. PowerFiito, Hy·Drive, Automatic Overdrive, Power ~rakes : , Thirteen· second, : : 1ifth . and We'd like to arrange a demonstration drive for you today-just drop in or phone. ~.!i(},.i· Mason ·Home,· Appliance eighth graders. co~pleted their and eower Steering .each available at IOIV extra "''' deiltnl ·fluoride tteatn'ltmt's ·Mon' ;· ; ~ ~,. ~20. W. 1\la!llll .P!lOilll 2·5911 rlliy. Mrs. Lotllsn · Bi:isonen,. Mrs. ' .• r, ,·1··~·.:. . .. ' ., . • . See JfOUP local clllssltlad telephone dlrectOPJfi look under ""Automobllet~i' ..\ 1,,, Science· Fictjon .Fihn Due Qt liox PllJIP-f l'ldlllllS Ji:nil 'fhls Wllol! 'fhe seplnm wet•r. ~Jnnbla to zontw Thompsnn, l..omo U1u1or. Dansvii~e 1l!spose of lheh• [IAPCI' collecllun Pu.pils Recei.ve Awards· Thursday woucl, ,Judi Wnlm•stt'fldl 11ncl .fnnBI WYS'IItll. . . , Sn\ltrrlny an 1.lt1rlng this weel1 ' Mrs, Helen Young - Phone 3931 lhey will mnlt!! pnpor cnller.llnm ,Senior JtWIJI'dij were then pre• In ilw eommuplty •. 'fhls Ia tho son\1:cl hy Supl, SeuriBrlgg~. ThQ. flnnl eo!lecllrm. It hus !teen ono At 32nd An.nual All-Hi Banquet nthlctlc& nwnrd wns given to Don of the money mni1lng proJects (1f Douglnf. nnrl foothnll 1o Dol'Win DansviUe and Stockbridge Are the clnss townr1J their trip Which Two hundrccl-tlfty pu[ti!H, fneul. ricH', Clari< Pholp~, .Tnl!ic Wnlr.r· Shenlholm. Carl Oesterle wa11, will he a lhluy trip 1o Wnshln~· I,Y -m\!mbet•s and gllf!llts nltnnrled HI melt nnd A Inn Nnrner; hnslwl· given Ihe nll·round boy nwnl'll,. ton, D. c., beginning Mny :n. the :!2nd All·l·tl banquet. 'l'hurR· ball, Hldwrd · Bmolts, Donnlrl Lornn Undmwond, m uslc nnd Bill Hosts at County Night Thursday rJuy cvonlng In the hi.gh sclwol Brown, Bill HmvonclnJ', Dorwl11 SI~·, Hchnlnrship, The eltt~onshiLl gym, Slwnlhelm, ,Tunlor Kirby, Alntl nwnrrl wns Jlt'('~entecl to Suznnno Tltomp~on, · Dnnsvlllo eilnptrr No, flfl, 0. E.1nolcif; nf Wehhm·vlllc, prcsldcnl; Methodists Attend 'l'he Swiss stenlc dinner wus Nemer• and Lynwood Nlms·; '1 S,, and Sloelllll'lr!gP dwptr•r· Nn. Itullt 'l't·nvr!r of Wllllnmslon, Orst jll'CJlnl'Cr( hy I ho homo Cl'onomJe 'Phe bnnqtrcl wns concluder! r::lrls uncl; of llru ('Olillly . ' son, Marlene Wat·fir!, Louise and .runior I\lrh~'· Gwrge Cal trcll o! Howell Sun. 11 1 Elmwood Methocllst church of lion will1 ;lllr>gi;triC'P, plc•rigc• lo 1!11~ ' '1'f' a!;:r! intrrulttc'r.rl. Tlwy wem sonr's "1111 dances. They were all Showers, Dorothy Dunsmore, Bat•s were presented lo Pnt: cl;ry, Amcricun and Clu·islian ll<1gs ;rrHI ~1arvel Swab: Opal L.nnlis, Pau· fmn~ Stockbridge. · Pont Inc, brought a group or M. Y. F. people Jor lns1 Sundny eve· Slwron Pncluml, llulh Ann Free· n sa!ut1; lo 1111' J•:astr>rn Slat· !lag lllH' llnrlll, Bertha Mtllrr, Mac- Several nnniHrnccmenls were Cub Scouts Visit Mnnrne, Dorwln Sltenllwlm, Su· (eonlltntell on l'ng~> II) nlng's proi(ram. 'l'he program man unci .Jnncl Briggs·, being given hy I hr. assr•mhly. hloJir! !I ow if' II and Alma Dallon. marie by the cottnly pmslcients Those r·er.f'lvlng clutptet• de· Introriuction of rllsl inguishPrl 'I' he .Tad;:~rm county president and matt•rms. Local Gas Stations consisted of a vocal duel, clari· r::twsls followed with litr• grand was also Jntrorltreccl. net solo, group singing · anrl a .gree awards were Beth Siarlwy, Cub Seouts of. 'J'roriJl 270 vlsiied Angela Myull. Arloa Pt·oolor·, Ingham County News April 29, 1954 r.ommllli•r•\I'Olnlln, Clnrlys llPY· Progmm fot· tile cvc~ninr:: IWIS Rcfr·r.shmonts wcm served in !Jt·icf messngc by Rev, Colby. Page 4 Rosco<: Arnold's gas stntlon lnsl: Nnncy Ellis, Gernlrlinc Unrlcr· . nolrls of Wr•hhervili••, hl'lng jll'l'· a :;nltt l1y VIrginia Wilson, ae· the rlinlng mom ft•om n lnille Thursday. The previous 'rhurs· senlccl and inlr·miur·r•ri in 1111' f'flrrlion sr.lcclirllls hy Ona Crum· clemralerl wilh clnffnrliis, for· day lhey visited the Slncluir wood and .Janel Conpet•. ,Tnnet Wygnnt unrl Ann Or.slcrle wcrci easl anrl given illrn pn•- :rnri Mat·y Ward, dresser! as lilndc· made up of Ilelen Parl\s, Macle­ held Wednesday at MRson with F. F.' A. nwur,Is were presenter] montlt "The Story of Oil." 1 scnlccl ns follows: Gladys ltc•,1·- fac·eci ('oriwr!ians, renderer! sevcml Jyne Walker nml Mnchelic How· They were accompanied on St oclcbrid.ge, DanRVi lie nncl Mn· lolL awardhy A. E.was Luther. given Theto DoKalbDotwin :--======: ~on ns part icipnnts. Stodchrldge each tour by Mrs. Orin Voss, .Jr., Shcathclm. The frcshmnn class One lnmrlred·t hirty memhors and Mrs. G. E. Manning, was 1he winner, Dansville second nncl r::uests wcrr: presonl from and Mnson lhirri, was, presr.ntl"c] the "Chicken of Tomorrow" trophy .for winning L:rnsing, Ens! Lnnsing, Okemos, The monthly pacl< meeling wns Dansville'H ftrst place winners Hoi I, Lcslif', Ononclngn, Wehilcr· held Tuesday evening at the 1he dl~trict honors in tl1c contest. town lwll under the direction of were Don Douglas in hir::h jump Bill Sly then presenled leiters HAROLD E. LAVIS lOo/o Off ville, Williamston, StoeJ;ill'icige, and Don Brown, half mile. OLiwr tn Evelyn 'J'ownscnrl, Lucille Mason nncl .Tncl;son nml Eaton Don Leonard, cubmastet•, who TEJ.JWISION SERVICE ENGINEER point winners from Dansville Wheeler, Janel Coopr.r, Nancy counties, showed a film on the story of were Darwin Sheathelm, Dick on All oil. Ellis, Beverly Fox, Pnt Wnrvel, 627 N orl h CP!Inr . . ·~. . Brooks, Clark Plwlps, Larry Ann Oestorle, Betty Risch, Nancy •. f .!~. ·,..__ Soule, .Jnek Wnterslrnr.ll, David Bisel, Hcssie Craft, LatTY Soule, !IInson Mr. nncl Mrs . .T. C. Nelsnn nml Mnyvllle nnd Orville Emerson. · Richard Brool\s, Donnld Brown, First Aid Meets fnmily .~pent the weel< end with The tmck tcnm goes to Boys Robert Sly, Ronnie Craft, Larrie ' 0 PIIONE 1\IASON :i280 the !at ler's pnrents, Mr·, nnd Mrs. Vocalionnl school T h u r s rl n y, Lininger· and Juniot· Simons. Elgin atches HPrhcrt Wilkinson of South April 29, 1o meet the B. V. S. and Foollmll emblems were given Sale Ends ,June 5 Conclude Tuesday Haven. Lansing Eastern B team. - to Richard Brool\s, Bill Braven· The finn! first nicl meeling wns hr.lcl Tucsrlny evenin.r:: nt the school. There have been 10 of Wnnt·Carr Iilesc mer. IingR sponsored hy tile 1 PTA nnd conclueted by Cilnrlcs 24!l S. ,y,.ff,•rson Mullins of Lansing. l\J a son The firsl 2 Tuesday evenings in Mny Mr. Mullins ll'ill hr. nt the· sclwol nncl will givo 2 lessons on "l~irst Aiel for Civii·Defcnsc." Anyone is welcome to 1hesr mco1ings wlwt her or not they have been nl temling the Orst nirl classes. Sessions arc held in the Auction Sale Home Ec room at the school. At Crl'nshaw SirH'Itya nls, l iOll BeiiiPn •·nail, ,Jncl\son Mrs. C. A. Diehl wns brought home \Veclnesciay Jrom the Uni· vet·sity hospilal in Ann Arbor Every Friday Night - 7:30 where she had been for 2 months UVI~S'fOCI\ fnllowing a Ihird operation on NI~W AND USJm l\HCHCIIANDISE her hip as n rosult of a fall July 7, 195.3. J.nts or IIPW lllf'l'l'handisc•, flOW~•· saws,· cll'etrie clt·ills, Mr. unci Mrs. 'George Vogt, .Jr., vises, hnl'l< saws, Wl'f'JH'll ~P!:;, l;ipf' WJ'l'HC'hl's, f'i~!ting I'(I!Js anrl nml Douglass wcm gucsls al ·din­ l"Ptl)S, sih·ei'\\'Hl'P, lll.!.;'_:..;·n.l.,rP, p((ll'h'i(• ii'HUS, llliXPI'S doeliS illld 1 ncr Sunday of ncv. meallnR re· fl'I!Hilll!elllH Wl're HI!I'VUrJ, rlnughlr.l' hnnqlWI. al lhl! lll\VIl and Dinne and Mr. nnrl Mt•s, linmslon lnsl J~rlrlay nfJornorm, floulh l•!nton this wee!\, hull nl fl o't'lodt, F:t111rlny, Mny 2. Leonar•l l)moltli nnrl daughler· Dansville Jeri 4 lo 1. until I he flflh Mrs. Mnry llolfo KoJJm·, who Hl!servnllonH rhould hn rn:1rlr• HJlPili llw wr.r!l< end wllh Mn:. Inning when Willlumstnn m•nr•r.rl llllH H!J!!Ill lilC' Willil!l' Wfih Hila· wllh Ylr•glnln Mlllcor·, Mnmlyn Olllr! Tlrelfllts nf !Cvnrl. a runs nnd ncr.umulnlnrl nnnlhcr• llvc1~ In l•'Jnrlcl:l, vlsill'rl hPJ' t'fltl:-:· · Jlit!tiZ, Ji:cJnn Glover· ol' 1\nlhle•Pn 1\lr, ancl MJ'H, r-r 11 se•a DI!Vr.r nne! In llw slxlh In multo I ho seorc Ins, Mr·. and Mrs. Carl Grinnell / liD® W~®~,D~RS .'l\\;'HIJ 111111 sllllulcl lw In )ly l•'rl• family of Jo'lnlr.od< wr.re Sunday 7·•1 nl lhe enrl nf tho gnme. · fin, I Miss· Ltiln Grlnrll!ll Jnsl wee!\, 'U'vfil~Uu 71'Ciose dny, l'qll'll' :JD: Follo\VII\g · IIH! dinner gtwsts of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Welr!on wns nn ihe Sunrlny Hill! \V('Ili In the ;wnw oi' hl'f!UI \Vilsnn las! (lll~f1,'Uif~ III:W ldllt! of l'llWLlr J11P• were Sttnda~· Viiillors of Mr. and I lJOJ). at. on, or.nlthol~f!~cnl_show •. : n Fulure Helnwm:li\l•rs of Amc•t·Je•a, will be hehl lit the home or an onl< slnff wil h [Jolishcel hmss engle, gold·eoniPci J:~ssr!H anrl Chilli! ll111t l'llrJ dO flt'Ofllll uf diffVrL'Ilt u. Tltut'srlay. :'>'flrIJ; IJ·en:HJI'I'I', llonnir• Till! rommillrr for 11!1' solr. i.': lr'IH!c•cl llu• ('j)lllllon rl:tlle'C! at lhe ness of lhe prcsirlenl, MrF, Allie \VeslphaJ; IH'I\'S l'l'Jllll'll'l', D1111~~· Gwen Oalt!Py, LIIJI;m Lumilf'l'l. llnlr•l UldH in Lan~in~ Salurday Thompson. Mrs. Verna WC!sl wll! Wayl!ile MDUer Ins Wilson; llllri s11111' lemlt•t', Vr.m Camphr!J, Di:lllil 1\lilllin.'; l'VC'IIillr,: 11s guPsls of Mr. and Musical Program. be In charge of the progrmn. Bowling Alaiedon Center St\I.I•:s & SJo!ltVICI•: .Joyl'f' Wilsnn, I :lfi I N. ( 'oll•').(l' go:ul nncl .Jnnr.t lll'iggs. Mm .•LimPs \Vrlgli I. 'I'll£' pmrPedo '!'he sf'nior hanrl presented a 1\Inson Women'R Lriii:'IH~ iUrs. Ehlii'J' (!, n1·uwn 'J'Iw group 'Volc•rl nn f'ltth rnlt•> Phon(~ ~1 US Oil :.!·!iH:Ia eif the f!nne·e! wr.nl In llw fullrl rmlsieal program l~rlclay after· Mr.. nnd Mrs, Clyde Snow or Wilyne Millers tool\ 2 points Jn , i Mr. nne! Mrs. .Jc>rlson Fr•llnn fnt· lhP nid of mw;r:ulm c.lislroplly noon for the high school asscm· Aurr.hus vlsilcd Mr. and Mrs. lhelr m tel . -M . II Mr. nncl Mrs. l!.rnrry Rlnnrllng 1 11 1 were FlUIHia~· visilms of Mr. arHI pallcnls, hly. H. M. Laughlin, Sunday. a · WI • ason · nmf! 1of GrePnvillr~ r•alled on Mr·. and Mrs, Al£>x Lltllwrn of 1\'illi;uw;. .fim Jlrss has hPen in llw Foole 13esi£lc~: selecllons hy lhe band, Harold Rademaker of Lansing- ~ppllnncc winning lhem first flO·J Mrs. B. 1'. ArrJnd, Sr., Sunday. , ton. lwspilal llw past. len clays fnr lhe cornet Irio cnmpnscrl of Lorna and Mrs. Betty Scripler of Web· sttion In lhe final standing~. Mr. nne! Mrs. E:rncsl Lamer Phyllis 'l'nylor :111cl Nn"mi Cel· II'PilltnPnl and nliservalion. Unclerwonrl, Catherine 13racly and herville called on Mr. anrl M~s. 1 Christensen's Sales won 3 polnls vi~il!•el Mr. nnd Mrs. llnr'l'y Hllll1· tig spenl lflf! WPPl\ Pill] Willi f'nl:;~• Ml'. :1t11l Mrs. Myron 1\il'hy and Luclllr. Wlwelcr, played a number Don Lconnrd Tlnt.rsday. Ifrom .Tim's Mrtrket, leaving tlwm rmns l\ of L:nu·;Jng. The hand was directed by lls ilors of Mr. nnd Mrs. A . .r. each W?n 2. pomls Jro~1 M:1sr:n ~1tllcr ronrl 11~1rl Mrs, Mahle! 'ru Sl'fill' thf' t•slnft• Oils If. 'fr·ipp, 'm• will st•ll nt. cnrl g11csls of !{t'\'. nnd Mrs. llfll'· Mr. ancl Mrs. Hoy Dingman of instructor, William Slnnscll. Miller. Cah, Mills Slore nnd Schmrrll s. Lrnwn of Lans1ng r·allrcl on i\lr. ur ry Moorn. ·· L:tnsing wcrP Ttwsrlay visitors -- I Mrs. Ezetta Dent of Lansing- Mc~arn _Oids rolled high learn :md Mrs. Elmr.t· Brown Sunday. pnilli•· 1itwlirnJ nl. llll' 1'111'111 loc•nlr•d !l mil•• south or Hnll, Mr. and Mrs. !Tarolcl IIPclglrn of Mrs. In•np Bl'illllnn. 1'esling l'rogTum Is Cnnccllml was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and serres wrlh 20tl!i :111d Mills Store Mr. and Mrs. Jlarvcy ~:wnim i\lkhig·nn, on Atm'iiw; r·o•ul, on of 0\\'0HSO ancJ (;1 il{'e' 1!1•cJgJi'l1 II( ~11'. :111,1 Mrs. ,Jack Peters nf The polio vncrine testing pro· Mrs. c. A. Diehl. had high team gamo wil h 757. had. a hirt !lflny elinr1e1' IHIIHJl'ing I Algonat· Wl'l'!' Suncl:1y \'isi(lm; of Lansing wern Salunlay evening gram has been cat\celled in the . Mrs. Lydia Switzer ·of Lnn· High individual games anrl their 3 children, lie len, Cllnrlcs Mr. ancl Mrs. P:tul I ll'clgil'll. Miss rlintH'r gtlt'sls nf Mr. and Mrs. lowor grades o[ I. T. A. s., as ll ~lng spent several days this week series were scored by Mnrgnret ';nrl Mrs. Gcr·alrl 13arnes of l1alh, Heclglen remailll'cl for a fpw clnys Vl'l'll C:trl in lliJillll' of thr. birth· nlso has in nil of Inghnm county. wilh Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Dowling. McLean, 1RG·4G7; Mer·nn Mudgell, SIIJH!ar. 1\.Yr. nncl !vlrs. Perry Foss Vif-)1. Satt1rday, May 1 rlay anni\'Pn;nry of Snnrlm Cook. According to inslruclions all 3 Mrs. Mary l{enclrlck returned 202-~fi3; .Tcnn Shincvnr, 151·4•13; and Ger;llrl Barnes were nlso Mr. illlll TITrs. Ernrsl llamC>s !\Irs. i\Jarlclll' Schmidt and vaccines should be, given hefore home lnsl Thursilay after spend· Jerry Griffin, 173-4:H; Beverly guosls. <'mllllll'lll'ing· nl 1.:0() n'l'iod\, llw fnllowillA' di'S!'I'iiH'tl lli'OJI· nnd family ol' IJolly and Mrs. daur~hlPI' and Mrs· . .roan Wood· the beginning of the polio season. lng Ihe. winter at Bmclenlon, Groomer, 167·130; Mnrilou Cairns, Mr·s. Ecl\l•nrcl Walsl1 lo l'owPr lm•, nParly III'W Peoples Missionnry Society of the guests at. dinner Sunday of Mi'. 75 pins. Knopf anrl Barham. " Lawn i\1 n\\'<'1", g·oml r·muli lirm 2 0\'t'rstnl'l'!•d' Chairs null Free Melhorlisl church was held R!Jallow WPII l'nmp nml 1'nnl; Ollrmums Friday evening at lhc home of ~nd Mrs. Casper Dletz ·of Wil· Final Team slandings: Mr. nnd Mrs. Clwrlcs Seigel of llamston. Team W Williams! on, Mrs. Alire Corwin Chi£•lll'n Fl'llCI~ Oc•·asionnl •rahll' Mrs. Edmund Young. Su7.anne I Cousins Radio and TV Service · Mr. an~l M~r. Ethel BJalwly, Wayne Miller Snles ...... :ifl :JI{ . of East Lansing,

tr·Jp~ •How A•P You ··nulncrl out In Its llrHt wnnl< of ?,:i to the plnto, scororl 5 Helps play 'fueHrlny with tile r.xr!entlon t·uns ruul batter! In 12, Lnrry Ful· ton, :;oJJhmnorc cntchcr, anrl sec· of tlw WlllmmHton·Strwlliil'lrlr,c onrl HnciC'!I!rl to Ill! Jwen, Other plnyers returning to tho with IInslell, l~uwlervlllro and ITaslett lineup are Boh Nichols, Lcslle slight favorites. Dy rodudng pricn wba.. sltnrtstop; Boh Slclnhach, first l.ly IQY1n8 you monoy on Dy pualnc •II price .... Last year Haslett. tool< tile acorea of necouory itorne a·''·.' } " ductio111 on to )'Oil ovor pooaibl<> QQ u.c.! 41· ·IJy prldng ll1o dOtolll ofl base; Don grnmer, 11on Ray and foodo lor which 1J101t t.il~ :,: linu product• modo by runner·up honorH, losing only to ovory doy-lnolcad of on \!. · promptly - lnetoo~ vf Dnlc Fnrr, oulllclders. Just a fow "apedale" ( '''···~. waiting until euppli .. on pss strncl< out 8 hatters or::;:,ni;;atinP'i will he asl:cd to br. PK~. $147 Grapefruit Juice A&P FANcr, "GRADe "A'' ~~· 19a HANDLEY-BROWN and wall\r!rl nnly .3. !lowland gave pre!,cnt. l•'urtltcr information will ECONOMY PACKAGE Modess oF 48 • GRAPE CRABAPI'Ls out 8 walks nnrl strud.; out 7. Tlw be prc~:ent.cd as plans develop. Ann Page Jelly oo :I~ 19a GAS WATER HEATER Pantlir.J' Pitchers allowed a total . . . . of 7 hits to Williamston. Ch1hnahuas, li_111est rings m. the · GT: •• , etttft 4tWe epm UHte, ~ All o!lwr Tuesday games in the, worlrl, were ll.elicvcrl hy ancmnt Vel GRANULATED DETERGENT· PKG. 72c ANN t•AGE FOODS lnr,ham County league were Aztecs to gutclc human souls j PEACH, APRICOT, PINEAPPLE ad mde ~ mo.u eH-~l rained out. through the underworld. Ajax SCOURING PO\VDER LB. 2 h"A~~· 25c Preserves '2 ~AR 45c Hubbard News _ Red Beans :J6.oz. ,Judy Gamlner and Alyce ~blf: CAN 10c Fah GRANULATED DETERGENT Tomato Soup !ID!fl-OZ, Mr. hncl Mrs. Floyd Launstcin P;J: 72c CAN 10c enter11llned the latter's sister, . Salad Mustard 'l·OZ. Mrs. B. R. Daves of Clnrcmont, GL, lie Califomia, the past· wcC'k. '16·0Z. Northerni Toilet Tissue 3RoLLs 25c Kidney Beans Mrs. D. 11. Daves o[ Claremont, CAN 11c :~ Califomin, and Mrs'. Floyd Laun· u.oz. stein visiter! school Thursday .. 13 Strawberry Preserves GL, cA.ONZS. I Mt·. and 1\'lrs. High Lamb of Freshlike Peas 2 37c Salad Dressing QT. 2'- Lnlw City ami lVir. and Mrs. BOT. 47l' Charles Lamb of Cnclillac were QT. Sunday dinner gucs.ts of Mr. and C_ider Vinegar BOT. 25c Mrs. C . .T. Hall. Peas and Carrots FRESHLIKE 12-0Z.CAN 19c .:...·------Mrs. Floyd Launstcin, .Mrs. B. 1 JANE PARKER LARGE SIZE n. Dnvcs, Mrs. Clare Launstein, · When Privacy Mrs. C. J. Hall and Mrs. !1obert / 14-0Z. Is Desired. EA. Smith attendcrl the W. M. A. I Heinz Ketchup DOT. 25c Angel Food Ring branch at Caledonia Friday. 49c Mr. anti Mrs. Max Bement · i'Jmm~ n1·c runny who' IJI'Cfer ILIId . llJlJII'C!!latc Apple Struessel Pie JANE PARKER EA. 39c, were Sunday dinner guests of the 'I .2 17-oz. 35c· latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jll'ivnuy In ei'CI'Ythlng Whole Kernel Corn LIBBY'S CANS Danish Fnlod Ring JANE PARKER EA. 29c Floyd Lnunstein. coJme.ct~Jd with a sm·vice Mr. and Mrs. 11usfiel1 Crowl Whl"te Bread JANE PARKER, 20·0Z. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. foJ• n member of the t'nm· , . YOUR BEST BREAD BUY LOAF 17c ani! Mrs. Ronald Smalley in lly. i'o meet 1-his desh·e Rival Dog Food· 2-~A~~ 23c Wyandotte. we hnve ]n·ovidccl cVCI'Y MILD, A REAL VALUE-SAVE UP TO fOe A POUND ·- Mary Redman, Larry Laun· faciJit.y. Om· consultunt stein, Alyce Goble, Judy Gar

/Editorial Page .. ' . I~ . April29, 1954 Part 4 "What's Wrong with· Mason?" The lnQham County News

"What's wrong with Mason?" .Joy Davis nslmd at a hem·· SO YmuH Ago-1024 lng befot•e the city council, He's secretary of the county fair ~~io reskienls have poUL~ncd -·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ borml, if thel'C Is such n board, He declared that some- Sheriff Clnude C, Atcrhlson to re 1ihlng Is wrornl' beC!lUflO Mnson people don't boost the 'county Down By the m'JV[J Rev, Lloyd W, Mend ns fait• to the extent that the fait• bDIU'd considers proper, He Losllc duputy, The ~hcrlfr np· polnt!!d llw ~sllc Methocllsl Insisted that Mason people Jack something In theh• malwup, prmwher following thn fJI'Ing of ot' have too much of It, because some don't s!mre the en­ ·SYCAMOIIE n former deputy after a llqum thusiusm of fait· board members ovet' 1Jw prospect of hot­ charge hnrl bc£!n mnrlc against rod t•aclng at the fairgl'Ounds week after week. him. 'l'ltc prcaclwr has the entire ~ proJlltel is not without. honor J wondar wltnt llwy'm doing on tho save In ills own country und In dly council nncl the honrd of community In a .im1glc over vloln "What's wrong with this town?" is always a good ques­ tlon of Sunciny closing laws. 'rhe tion no mattet' what project is being discussed, whethm· it's his own house, snys tile Blhle. ll supervisors when tha:,-· belong In was nevar lwttcr provad than ut Wnshlngtnn, too. Or mnylw llw new rlr.puty is· nlso nccttsed ol a school problem, a hospital, a countQ' fair or the erection of nn·r.sl ing many people on flimsy the Varmonlvli!P. maple ~yrup pcopla In Washington belong lmult evlcienrc. an ice cmam stand. festival Snturdny. 0111 the council and tho board of And the unswm· to the question usually is, "Nothing." supervisors. A Ku !\lux Irl!'s n big ,jump In bnschnll ehurch Runrlny night and prl' hclwcr.n the minor and mnjor senlr.ri nev. Henry Candler nnrl were lwpt infot·med ot' uninfm·merl.. looltlnJ:( man r!allr.rl variously Dt·. Dnvls, Hon. Mr. Dnvls, Prol'c!;sor leagues. '!'ltnl'H nol tnw In poll· a visiting evnnf.:ell~l with $2!i The main trouble with the hot-rod issue is that the di­ Davis nnrl nceaslonally Clarltr. ties, as 'l'V p1·oves. A man who cneh. The mtm, snlrl lo have com1• rcctm·s didn't let MaBon people in on the secret of building Davis. Rvcry spcnltcr J;ittrlc!d him, r:oulrln't hit miJI'C Uwn .180 on fmm Lansing, rler!lnrr.rl that thr. Only a Bank ovm• the l'alrgroumls until the contract was signed Emd dirt and nmonr.: tile spr.alwrs wc!t'C! Dr. r:outwil hils ut n .105 cllp In Wush· Klan stands fot· lite highest prln· can give ybu a complete at the new tt·ack was being moved. Even the county board llnrlan Hnlclwr, president o[ IIH! lnglon. dplcs. Unlvcrslly of Mleltlgan; Dr. !·;u. financial service for every of supervisors was not informed of. the project. The city Hnrlow CurUec, scion nf the Rugr.ne l~rlgnr· wll h his new council was not consulted though the city will have to handle gene gniotl, Jll'esldt!nl of YJlsl· Ingham Curllec fnmily, rceeivecl Dnrlgr. "B" serial! has gnne In member of the family !anti Nomwl; Lt. Gov. Clnrener• i)G:lO,OOO from General Motors las! South 13end to recruit sugnr heel the traffic. .nclrl nnd Secretary of Slate Owen worlwrs·. y1~ar. '!'he Curtice Hchool anrl the What's wt·ong with Mason people that they don't unite Cleary. Curlkc roari In AurcllttH town· Sup!. W. L. fif'l'rl Is sprnrling n behind the fait· board? No foundation hus evet• been laid fot' :;!tip arc both named for Harlow's few rln.vs In Grand fir1piris nnrl SAVINGS • CHECKING • SAFE DEPOSIT My wife anrl I sper!ulateri on ·'' unity. Mason people don't lilm dictation. .There would be f.(l'nndpa, Hnllnnrl In lnlf>rVif>W prospqcliVP. something wrong with them as Americans if they did. the place of Hon. or Dr. or even tene!wrs for lhc Mnson srhool. TRAVELERS CHECKS SAVINGS BONDS ,lust Mr. Davis In lite community, llnw nhont. n llnrlow Curtko Hnrol·i Tlarnhill went alonr.: to oh· What do people have in towns like Low~ll with its show­ My wife JlCJ:(gr.d him ~~~ the o~tc'o· duy IlL Ute COIIIIly fuJr'! serve hll\V st urlent covcrnmcnl COLLECTIONS ALL TYPES OF LOANS boat and Vermontville with Its maple syntp festival, or Hol· path with lite hlg house twar opemtcs in schools there. where we lmrl ]Jarlwd our mr, land with its tulip festival, that Mason Jacks? Why arc they Mkkelson·Bal

• II ·P

New Ford F-100, 6~-11. Pick-up, I' 4800·1bs. GVW, lhown wllh stondord PI Drlvor/zod Cab. Dalu~o avallablo ot o•tra cost. WHimE ON JGAWI'II- • WILL DISASTER STRIKE next? Nobody knows.

That's why it's so import~ ant to have adequate insur­ ance against the possibility I· that tl'Oube will strike in your direction.

You're insured? ·aood! But let ~Is 1~ake sure that pro­ tectiOn IS adequate. Dart with a powerful new 130.h.p. Y·81 Insurance Ag.ency . Or clloo .. tile low-coit'lls-h.p. Slxl . Phones: Mason DOiil Lansing 6l\IA·901il New Fo.rd TRIPLE 100 Ash Street Mason Wheth'er y~u chooae Fo~d'a mighty Power King V-B ~r ECONOMY: brings you , the econonucal Cost Cllpper Six, you get new deep­ savl~gs In all 3 .1 block, Lo~·FRI~ION, overhead-valve power! Short­ Boost Michigan s~roke des1gn liberates more usable power. Smaller· Ingham County 1 NIW POWER11 Gas•saving, LOW· dJBplacement sav~a gas! Ford's 3-man Driverized Cab ill • · FRICTION power!· 5· onglnu-from the mo~t c?mfortable on the road! New Power Braking 115 to 170 h.p, v.a•, and Sl•j (exclUSive m Ford half-torinersl)' and Fordomatic Drive , PUDLIStl£0 THURSDAY AFTEitNOONs' IN THE NIW.CONJttOLII Now.optlons llko • •. • both at ~orth~'!hile extra Ford Pickups have OF MASON, MICHIGAN ' 2• Potdoma~c Driva up through 1· .coat! loQntlll Power lrakosl low curb WUJghta, 1i1g payload capacities! See your Ford Dealer now! · - · Haw CAPAClrtiSI Over 220 ntw Entol'cd Rfl sceo.nd clnKa-mnttor nt I'.O"tolflcc, Mnaon, MlchiH'~n, un1lor Act 3. modaltl Haw Pord·bullt 6·whaolers o[ Murch 3, 1870 with up to 60,000 lbs, GCWJ 2 now · Cab POI'ward• with up to 551000 FORD7W~R£~YTRUCKS\ lb~oGCWt P,D,A,P. I

ROY CHRISTENSEN. . . Your Friendly Ford Dealer 214 State,, M~on 128 Maiia, Leslie ·' 1 '• h• F w d lwhof; llJllll'l', 'J'o 110 ronaonnhT,Y. iiii~'H. 'rhnl niHo uflpllns to wlwnl ~f, New Method 1ransfers G~~OWING BETTER CROPS M ~~c~~:·;.~\~lf!~c~,'~~;~~~~:r~~~:;l·~(l~~;~~~~~'·: ttnrlm• llllrdJn,,e 11 it r e l' 111 e 11 I s , ll/ IC 1gan arm.ers .. on _er wltld1 will Hlflrl moving nftot• • lhiln·tHH'mnl lllnnllng r;tJccrl, Ifcl· !YIIIy ·r. 'F 'I d HOI! lnrlknles. Hcaslln for I ho htii'I'Y in moving t In lH'ili'I,V _every 'i1•!.! inc'l'l'iiHPd ;J'; • I Stn!PI' \\'il!i fprJ 1'11\V In lm!:s·. H11t 11 IIIHlli<'ill illlli (ll'.ll'lll'ili digi'Hil'l'S ., IVI'Il m:, llltrl III'C! II!HH prnfllnhh: ilH high~~~ JheHc: r•rops wllil pril'f'.-: WiH'Il J:o,fiO() plillll~t Wl'rl' li'il'tl ill· Hl'l'fDUS hog diSl'iiSI', Vil~ill'tlilll' C'X· :·iullild l11• n•;uh' for illll'!'Cs!c•r! \UniYCI'oll.Y of Wl;con•ln phulul.N thanI '1'1I he I JH'PsPnlI •syHtrm o[ .I'I'OJl· r HLI(lflorted ul l'lii'I'Cml levn!H. l'l•r·J sll'lltl nf li,~:illl In IIH' i'llllil'lli Jllol. alliPITlil, n'HlliiPrl In r·rnllill'.I'·WidP lllilllllfitellll'l'ls,". Dr. SnPII said. pnp;. I~; rt•pol' tH a summm·.v o haps some nf the r:I'OflH Hllimeslcd NPI~;otl llt•iil'vPs tilL• l'igilt pl11111lng Ingham County News ]pg!slllllon forhidrlin1: a r•onlltllta· 11 Reault:i of jJOst-emei'J:encc wee1l control a1'e shown In onions. '!allis higl1 rain t'nlnpo~i!PI'" ns llw Pon;;irler;illons mvolwd nnd lwlow e1in be filled Into IIH• rota· miP r1n llgliiPI' soils Is IJPIIVI'Pil April 29, 1954 Page 2 lion of !his pr·adlr-r:. II is lcl'linlrnlly mJIPr!, will malw Weeds are responsible for numbeJ' of cultivations and cost I'l'r·o~mcnrlatlnn~ helng mnrll' lion ns 11 more 11 r !Pss JH'I'manr•nt 10,0011 unci l!l,IHJO plant~ IH'I' IIPI'C!. The h11gh ln11k at Mi<'hlgan it possible• for hugh CJIIilllllill's of greater losses to farmers than any of weeding are redaced and con· relnl1vc In Ill~ usc nf lhc rllverlcrl ndjuHtmmil. Winler harh:y In llw Tllii'IH•r· (linnlillgs ustlnilv rc•-r Stalt• i'uil<'gP, r•apnh!£> of proc'I'S· l'iilll:ihlc• ll'iihll' fll'll'ars, whrnl was grown on !i'f, . • vco,st of llif'cr l!l:i·l rTop. prevent losses o! yield and qual- type, for instance, may influence to w.; of Midtlgan's cropland. Mlehignn Stall' l'llil~gr· r:ll'l1l 'l'hiil \l'iiS prlinlf'riolll lili~; 1\'PPk' •I IIi S. Cnd1rnn ily,'' research assistant Shadbolt their efl'ectiveness. The rclalivc n <'llllllnill<•l', snid titr• 1:1s W. A:1h illnson peri.ments, "timeliness in weed lively," sn,ys Dr. Ries, "should ob­ 13•,;, of lite Pl'llplancl. Allotted per :u:rr~ ~)n ll>:htl'l' Ill' lr•ss Jll'll· f:mner who •;r•ls i1 rll'lil'l'l'\' lllllii'P l'hnrm 2-00!11 con!rol on vegetable crops cannot serve cet·tain fundamental prln­ al'rc:~gr. for 1Dfi'l lwhcal sown the I li~H:IIvc:lsuii,,II.'IWl·l:c·~·· YnL!I' Jillllll· slwulrlmol'<,' the wheat w'ill1in J:J be overestimated." ciples of application .. , which [nil o( 1!)~:ll calls for eultinp; bar·k er .• lwu rl br. driJIISII r1 to put OLII ,------;,___------. It was also found that "a 15% should be followed even more ' w!JCat to or.cuvy only !l',; of lhc Irs~ feeds pet· :wn:. wer.d stand can do nearly as much closely than other cultural or cropland. The aereagc to be har- J . How clo ~·:"' !mow :·nti'I'C grt· injury as a 50% stand" because cropping practices." Ive~l eel in 1954 represents a l'cdue· tmg il pprn:mnat ely 1b,Oflfl s~!rrls each weed plant, if allowed to Professor E. M. Rahn, UniveT'• tion of around ,180,000 neres below plan!C'cl per aerc'! LPylon V. Ncl· compet'e freely, will grow much sity of Delaware, comments thal 19!i3. son, Michigan Slate ••oliege ex- more vigorously, A numher of faclors cncour- tension farm cmps spC'dalist. Seed PotatOes Such research J'ocuscs even 1054 will see a "tremendous h1- 01ger! farmcrr; to expnnd wheal says you ~an eHtimajP the r;ile POSTS grcater attention on weed con- crease" in use of herbicides on ncrpagP. Rapid arlo pi ion of known Irou.ghly .this way: H your 11l:uJI· trol, especially by chemicals. canning crop asparagus, lim.1 c·ul1ural Jcl'hnrolnl(y In !he usc of cr JS usmg a .husitcl of mf'.tlllm However, Professor Charles J. beans and peas, und a "moderate goorl seed and nrlcqualc amounls Hal H?Ccl com 111 fi. nci'CH, you arc ~rnsh Cobb~ers 'l'mtl.~·!l Poll'~- 1'1-Hi-Ul-:~2-25 Ft. ·Noll of Pennsylvani-a: State Uni- increase" in treated acreage of po· of fet·tilizcr prorlucrd bumjJer planting about. H>,001l sPcris per FPuec - .fiarh~·£1 Wh·e - Lawn Fence \'ersity advises that chemical tatoes, snap beans and pickle::. yields per ~ere. Arlnplion of me· :~ere. II you are tiHIIlf! :li-1· In .J(J. weeding is an additional· method, "Pre-emergence sprays will be Pontoacs Gafps- J:~-J4-Hi :.n. chrmical technology-such 01s mel~ r~w~, the ~.e?rls w.Li! .11: g'?~11 • 1 I I not· n substitute· for .cultivation·, used on all these crops except largl'l' power units, larger com· 10 mchcs npm t, !f Jt s L·n,rh smms crop totation or other. good weed- peas, to which dinitrophenols will hines, nnrl bulk hancllinp;-made rows, the sccllH Will. !Jp ahoul :l $ J .2 5 Per Cwt. ing ~·racticer... "Where chemical be applied when pea plant!: ~re i\lnmmoth Clcm:r fP' ll C:uwrlian G l'imm Alfalfa I •rbiddc~ ~ni. userl succ~sr.fully, about 6" taJJ," it possible to produce the crop ,. · #"lD.., • i\lt•dium Clm•cr Cl'rtil'ic:ll 1\au~C'I' All'all'a with a minimum of srar~c Jaime. D M J ~ ~es·c::. ~~llDppewas Cwt. Lallino Cluvpr For rxnmple, Jlart·limC! farmers f. . • ~ti"een $4.25 . 'l'imolhy - ll1·omc found that they could produce :i pricl'rl, oil metal drums of 50· crop of wiJcat ancr slill work '10 to VETECINAIUAN Ferlili'll'l' Oi'dl'rs 'l'alwn gallon CrtlJadly me the answer. 50 hours per WPck in, the shop for N. Cedar St. 1.\Iason Parking Areas . He ac!vbes having lite drums cut. GENUiNE prnclica11y the ent irr year. Final· Phoim '!Unson 9791 MASON ElEVATOR CO. OLGA, COAL into 2 tubs wilh nbo111 4 2·inch ly, the price of wheat marie tile 34i'i W. Columhi:t ·' · .. · ·Philni~ 33H · J~g-g-Stove mm ,JACKET On Farm Stop· drainage holes cut in the bottom. erop compnralivcly profitable. Stolwr COLONKL JACI\IIORN The drums can be filled with The trend in corn acreage has aci,J soil !!tnt's higl1 in organic follower! a smnewhnl. different I~Ol'r!BARD CHAIN SA \VS Gouges~ Ruts ma I I cr. Or you c;tn use ynm· nwn pat tern. DLirinp; the 10 years prior willt Hug- FeedPI'S - \VatPrPrs- 'l't·oug·hs - Slod, Tnn~cs soil, mixing one pari of it 2 lo 194,1, Michigan's corn crops parts of al'id prat mos>·. One OCCilpicrJJ3~;. to ]l· by plowing down more of it as a on the living room rug, loa. fa bromo is ready about May 10. green manure crop. ·This tends ,• Parsons insists that home· lo defeat !he production conlrol grown grains nrc sufficient feed objective, but il's sti11 good busi· along will! early spring grazing. ness for the- individual farmer ns You Can Raise Although cows often re.fuse to cat long as !he increased yiehl offsets grain when they're first turned the cost. · Blueberries Now out, that's only temporary. Ami, Some farmers may find it he acids, don't be concerned if the profitable to substitute forage for Woulrl you like to grow blue- cows lose some .weight. Most of grain In the ration of forage con· fl~liS·I:HALMERS berriee. in your garden? You can. the loss ·is from the lacl< of' fill sumlng llvestocl;, This wlJJ be . . · ·SAlES AND SERV.ICH · ., Don't let other people discour· and If sufficient feed is given \mrtlcularly true when grain age you. The reason they failed along through thC! pasture season, prices are high relative to forage TUNE IN the National Farm and Home Hour- Every Saturday- NB(: probnbly was beca11se their soil is the weigh I. soon \vi11 be regained. -a condition which the produc·l not acid enough. But a new mcth- Best method for. feeding hay to tion control program lends to od of growing blueberry hushes reduce the da11gcr of bloat is from bring about. There Is much in­ developed at Michigan Stale col- a rack right In the pasture, a'c· formation needed f1·om nutrition· lege's South Haven experiment cording to Parsons. 'That's so the ists to help farm managers deter· stalion maltes allowance for the cows can get to it easily when mine how far they can profitably wt·ongJpect:; plowing coolest scheduled !or Mlchlgtm Weel( will bo observed :(\IllY 2·8. It's ho running liiw tills; Offer liiH· mwh yeur r~vcr the !nst :l yenrs, Suturclny, Mny 8, If nll cOJltes­ und the winners will receive In the bacldng event will be Hnr· of this development. And we've n. timcl to r;tn.J•t using Michigan \ll'IHiucts, tldw Michl· eonllnunlly rcporlcd pmduction trlhutors who pur!!lwsc 2 lh of 'l'hcso hlgh·prnrludng lwnH nvor· pro~rum It nwnrcls donntqd by Inghum farm old Shenthclm, Forest Anderson tnnls tnl

Hoytville Feed la\Nn i~1 S~1~~~~g When G!'m gm A Pm cell Deep ~~~,o~t lt!aves So~~

1f¥.ln to 1fll)l) Michigan It 1 11111 st1lc In the JllO clw lion of 11 on ore Mlnmg w IS c,nllcrl on In the l\J,uqultle ilw IIJrl MIS rntesl Crtllln lVI! nomlncl' cncl lite Gogeblc 11wo C 111111 rrncl M1 ntd M1 s Lyle Vedrlet liHl f llnJI} 11111 l\IJ nne! !\11 s J\1 Aflc1 1S20 lllli 1111111 l8GO thu1 Simons c lllcrl 11 I he home sttlls wc1c .tl\1 11s ulimllerl to r I f \V \~ 1lsl1 \He!- end .It thea roll 1gr. at Glndwm l'vli l!Hl M1 s Kenneth Williams nml rluighlcr c 1llcrl al Ihe Tmm s Hollon home Snlcnrl1y c\elllllfZ Clthu r lllCJS \H!JC MIS LaF'elll lhr> Wlllirl Sumln Ingham Cour.iy News Apnl 29, 1954 Page 4 ] l\11 nne! M1 s Gm Mend u c1 ------l\1111 Ellen nnd 1\IJ .liJtt the dn1ly nuisance of llunly nnd g1ve each plant F. C. Anderson & Sons Paul Wolf ch 1111inJ and '' 11shln~ bed linen nmlj plenty of room to mnture !he clothes Wlw s,afCcr the en barrassmunt I Dansville r foul smclllnf hcd rooms •• • the scecl comes up 111 n few cln) s Phone 2303 1206 S 1.1mmc1 Uon1l expense oe tulnc 1 !mnlturc • • the nn

Gold has been mmed m Mlch 1gan From 1883 to 1897 the Ropes Mine near Ishpeming pro duced about $650 000 worth of gold Mmlng ceased when the cost of p!OclUclJOn exceeded the ( r l'tobnto value o.f the gold cxtr acted lnuham County News Apt1l 29, 1954 Paue 6 OUR DEMOCR CV-- LEOAI, N01'((JfllS Legal Notices .me: sober se-con~ ~hou,ght oftlte c.ommuru~ is !:.he:.firm base on wh1ch all law musl ult1mate!_y 1 est • -HAfi:LAf'{ F. 6TONE- CHiffF JUST/Cf!" OF THI: tiNITE/J STATES, 19'11-19'16



< Dct uty

Smce the birth of the French Republic In 1870 no premier has Do1 uty remalllf!d in office as Ion! as 3 ty Ole k years says Guy de Carmoy in the May Renders Digest Only 10 have stnye\f for 2 years or more, 107 have not lllsted a yeat