' Winner of lhe Michigan Press Cily Trucks W11l Ha1.1l General Excellence Award r·he Ingham County N Rubbish friday Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 17 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, April 29, 1954 4 Sections - 26 Pages ·Tax Sale Lists Sick Youngster Fair Board Must Secu11 e 355 Parcels for Forces Bypass Consent of Supervisors Selling Tuesday Of Polio Tests County Trcawt•et• Laurence Bc,..mtse n case of polio dc­ Before leasing ·Grounds ccluped at IInslett last week, ; Parlwt• announced Thw·srlny Ingham heul1 h aut hori tles and Ingham':; fnir boat·d can not legally lease I he fairgt·mmcl~ · that 355 pat•ccls arc now liB I cd thn Nnllonnl F'oundation fm• !m· hol,rod mcel'i or any other event not tDilller•lccl with the for the annual dclmquent tax In fan tile' Pnmlys1s called off Iail· wi1 houl consPnl ol lltro !Jmml of SUJll'l'Vhioi':i. So ruled s<tlc Tuesday. 'l'he lisl will Salk vacdnc tests. The tefits Prn'rl'cutm· P,1ul C. Younger Wcdnesrlay, slim down to m·ou1ul 200 by were to have been started TU:)Sday. At the l'l'fjUC~l or the HLI[JCl'Vism·s, till' Jll'OHecuting n1- sale 1tme, the tt·easw·et· estt­ Ali llr:;t, ~;r.rnll'l nn1llitmlr:r:ulr. 101'lley pt·cpat'Pd an opinion following a cli:-;puiL' owt· hoi-Iod malerl. !Hiplls, whn hnrl the c•onsct1L of t•aces a1 1he county fail·gmunds 111 MafloiJ. Youngl'l' mm!Ptl 'l'IH• prnprrly o[f!'lf' I oil I hr. tHX !!wit pment~, wrorro to lwvr pm·- the opinion lo Clmit•num ,John M. Pull'lHI'ch ol I he HltJWI'ViHOI'H snlc Is drlmqtlr>lll for l!l:il llllWH 1Jc•ipntcd i11 lite I r.sl s, ita tr of It Will Ill' sol.! for Ill!' lm(('s them r:cl tlnr: Sail< vaccine nml Wednesday. It will be pt·e-1 Ownf'l •; will liavf' rllll' yc,u· ltl YOUNG MO I HER DIES- Twn chit- the nthcr hal[ u control lnjcc· rhan, Sally Ann, 10, nnd Gary, 7, were sen led to 1he county boa1·d at I D • W • I wlilf'h tlwy rnay rPdPf'ln hy [lilY· lion in!l 1',i per rnontll. 'I here !:; n n ll!ft rnnther\(lt5 in tlul lmtialnJr or MIJi lhe nwt•1ing in Mm;on Tues- riVer ngg eS Ing!mm waH <iisquailfi<'d hc­ linrlcy V.1n Slcldc Wcdnculny nnnn, She I ol hr>l' G monl h jl<'llnd durin>: cmlsf' of the !Ia•,lctl [loll<> case, hnd been in " clltlcul cnndltlnn since whil'lt u•rle'mptlnn mn.v llf' made npinion rlirl nnl go snid Dr. Onugia~ T~rycr, director Pebru~&ry wht•n fiho undct went nn upero~­ dr~~;lllli-:Pl'S Out from Under h,Y pnylll!l a p:•n<~lt y of 51l';i plus of thr. county hC'allh rlcp ll'im"nl. Uon nl tho Mnyn clinic, Hnchr.11tr.t, Mum into the ll'gnlllv of I hr. fait• hoard A T t 1• $~ per· dCHI'ripllon. He rlcnlc<l crnpha11cally that the lt•,clf. At lhc SltjlCIVisms Tni'CI- s rae or IpS Thr :;,lie• wrll loc I'OtHhH tr.d In crm f11sinn Preatecl hy Walter Win Inr.: in Mnson lnst wcP!t I IIIli Hitlt.I­ lire c11curl ('ollrl morn. ln recent chcll's radio wuming a~=:aim.t tion was aho rl1sr•usscd A motion l!ugl! C:ri ff1n, ~s. r>P,Ililllrn. Y!'fll s most o [ 111!' hti)'Pl'K IH!VI' Sailt wtr·r·rne had anything to (]IJ Mrs. Van Sickle w.ts nrlopted at 111111 rneellng to hurl owPrl out f1 om undPr an hougltt for mw•;tnwnl, nol to se­ with calling off the tests In Ing­ mal<f' tltf' mn~l1tutlon of thf' fait OVClilll'IICd l!.ll'lllr llll o1 Slol'l, <'Ut" posse~~ ion, I'miter ex­ WHISIODRS are beyond the bristle stage sagebrush in 1he back row are Ludell Cheney, ham Dies Following hoard lr.gnl 1f 11 was not lt'gdl lnlclgc• f:tt m ;,,11 urri.ty. Ill' is In plained. tor 1he~e members of Masonic lodge No. 70, Bim Fmnldin, Leonard Walline, Mat·cus "Medtcal authorilics ancl scien­ then Younger s.1icl he assumed l~ootc hoS(JII.tl, ,f,HI<Silll, wrlh .t To give p!opP!Iy owners .Hidl­ F. & A. M., m Mason. With one exception Hanna and Robert Colby. tists made exhaustive tests br.­ that lhc supervisors nrc now fr,trollll'<'d spl!H• but <'Vl'lllllnlly tionai tinw lo Jl•IY Hlll liiXCo, ,hey stm·lccl in Janum·y to cm·t·y these beards Masonic beards will ba judged during forf' they <leclarerl the vnc<'inc Year's Sickness satisfied as In the slalus of the he's gom,; to h1• .til li)O:III, <lllPiol s the treasurer's offil'e at Mason safe," explained Dr. Fryer, "and fait hoard llsi'IL s,tld, to helr celebrate the 100th anniversary of the centennial program Saturday, May 15. Mrs. Sally Van Src Ide, 38, w1fc will be open Saturday forrnnon, the lodge in Mason. According to most of the bearded men, here in Ingham the medical so· Tn his oplnron, Younget· sci \Vc•t mllf'k, nn Ullc>Ven grade nnd unl!l 8 o'c:lock Mond,Iy night, o[ Harley Van Swkle, dwri fnrt h I hat thro board of sujwr- The Mason lodge will observe its cen­ fihavcs will be in order soon after the cen­ cicty was unanimous ln its ap­ Wf'dncsday noon at thci1· new .md pc•t·ltdps a ltiglr ''"' tm '•••nt P.Irlwr s.ud proval of the test program. It 1 ISOl'S IS .llltllOI'IZf'd to lal<c over c•omhmcd '" grvro l:1rfln1.L c ban<t' tt'tlllial birthday in a 4-day program bcgm- tcnnml ceremonies. horne, SOl West Columbia, Ma I he manngrmcnt anrl contml of a There W!'IC 7•16 dcsrnpt1ons on was the Natwnal Foundation for It Is It fp lling Thursday, May 13. , . These men look much like those who in son. She had been ~rck " yc.ll', county fnlt', nnrl oper.ttc 11 under the on,;inal sale llsl I r>r fnghnm. which ruled out the tests because Griffin ,1nd 1!1s wife d!HI .t h­ Masons in the first row 111 the fliCtttt·e 18~4 received the charter authorizing the criti~ai srncc February, wl1cn ~he such rules anrl mgulat ions as Of Lhe 3~5 whidt rcrn<~inPel dPiin of 1he Haslett polto msc. It is the was talwn by plane to the M.tyo Iiley rnny dr.ter rnmc yr•ar nlri llf'lgl!lmr J'OUllg'•i<'l' wc•nt quent \Vedncs,l.ty, Lansing h,ls arc IVI. R. Hunt, Guy Royston, Harry Fresh- fonnation of Lodge No. 70. (Ingham Coun­ belief of Foundation scwntist s to IIJC f,lllll llf (;l'lffin's lllllliJP!, 0111' and F.rie Spenny. Standing behind the ly News photo.) P11nit• at H.nche• Ier Mum She Salr. or· lr.as1ng of the fan·­ 11~, Mcrrcllnn, 41; L.msm,; town­ that where one polio case de· w,Is returned lo M.tson hy pi.nw Mrs. C. JL C:11ft 111 on MllnPr ship, 71; and Delhi, There celops there may br:o many car­ grounri•J !•; up to titr. supervisors, GH 5 weeks ago, !mowing tllnl doc­ JOoicl, to srwnrl tire wr•pl< Pnd On rters of polio VIrus That would not thr farr honrri, Younger satrL were 35 dcsc·r 1pt ions in cit IPS and tors gave her only a short while Saturd.ty mmrtmg IIH• son ric•e•rrlcrl villages ou Lsrdc of. L.111W1g and Masonic lodge Is 100 Years Old mterfere with the validity of the "ft is my opinion," Younger to hve. to (lUll HtUlll(l', f!Oill oi liPid of only 22 rn the non·suburban tests." stater!, "thai the Ingham county fair• hoard docs not have the mucK lie and !tis wife .nHl hoy townships. RebcPca Ann Schalbly, 7, A year ago M1s. Van Sickle wcnL to lhc liPid. was first taitcn sirlc She made authority to lensf' tile fairgroumls daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert for 1,wing- heynnd the time of ihr. Griffin w.Is l!.nllrng o1 skid hP Masons Plan Centennial' Observance Schaihly, Haslett. developed polio several trips to hospitals and cl1n1cs hut doctors were unable to fair without direct authonzntron ltincl the lrdetor. Tlw hoy <',tllrorl 1 last week. She is a first grade Mcrnheu; of MasoniC Lnrl~=:c No. Mason lodge was held Janunry writ he given by Lee Darling, hncl what was wrong unl1i 11 was from t itr. hoard of Hupcrvisors Mike w.ts lrnllllll{ nlongsule. 'J'Jt(• May Term Jurors 70, p & A. M., Wtll relebmtc the 3l, 18:i<l, by virtue of a w.uTanll past master. pupil In the Haslett school. The The hoard of Hlpcrvisors, hov.. w1fc w.1s 111 .t fm (<Hil<'l' of tlw girl fell sick Tuesday of last too late At Rochester she was 100111 nnniversary of the found rssue<l by the grand lodge of The MaHonic order will ntlend one of the first to he treated with rover, can autltotli.C the fmr hoard f1Pitl As G11fl1n looltcrl h.tl'lt nl mv nf the lodge 111 a 4-day oh- Michigan dated .January 13, 1834-1 servrces at the Mason Pr·cshy- week.
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