Everything! Bows, arrows, leather goods, accessories. And please remember, Colt's is too proud of its handgun reputation to put its name on any but the finest• archery tackle. Look for Colt-branded tackle at your nearest Colt Registered Dealer. COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS MFG. CO., INC. HA~TFORD 15, CONN.


Bow shown Is rl~~ al Match for archers who want c~}~~\:>··~) ~J ~m &~{i'M~1 the very best. $89 ..95. A MAJOR INDUSTRIAL COMPONENT OF Other Colt Bows from $5.95. FAIRBANKS WHITNEY

Vol. 11, No. 6 JUNE 1962

35c FOREIGN 40c ... the most versatile ~nd widely read all-phase archery magazine An invitation to you and the other See the new top 10 . ..A ··~--.k. d archers I O zn your . community World's first shooting· inslrumc11t

de.signed to prol'c.:ssional pcrf'cction.

Lord Sovereign _mm plctdy clirni-

nates jar . . . cannot develop torqu r.

... shoo1s plasti-llctd1 with cas('.

T ake this aclverLisemenLto your best

:nc:hery shop now. Ask for a per-

sonal .~bowing.

LORD SOVEREIGN $115.00 \\'i th deluxe uow cnse

.s I"E C I FI CA T l 0 N S :

LEl'>GTllS: (i(i" and li8". WEIG H TS:

Available in popular tournament

weights. coNSTR1;cr10:-.· : The tic·

gai1cc of rosewood lnmi o a tcd to

finest g l 11s~ facing and backing.

11ow <:Asr:: Gold padded, wit h

Ju II- length zipper.

SOVEltEIGN DIVISION OF BEN PEARSON, INC. rINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS JA'S. D . EASTO~ INC. • 15137 CALll='A ST REET • \/AN N U YS, CALIFORNIA L__ _ lf•IU tr ®- Volume 11 - No. 6 June, 1962 AMADA P L1blitil1ee! Monthly by The Archer's Publishing Comp~ny. Inc:.> P.O. Box 832, Nol'rlstown, Pa. $2.50 per year, in the United States and Canaaa 30 cents per copy. Outside of U. S. $3.00 per year, 35 cents per copy. Neither1 text nor lllu8Lrations from The A1·chers' Magnilnc may be quoted or used without perm.!ssion by ihe Publisl1ers. (Copyright WGZ by The Archer's Publishing Company, Inc.)

NATIONAL COVERAGE 0 F :J/ie Sport, Cra/t~ anJ JJottie~ o/ TARGET ARCHERS • FIELD SHOOTERS : BOWHUNTERS There's Alvtays Something , • , for Every Archer - Every Monfh - in "TAM" ••• The Archers' Magazine "TAM" ... THE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE Puhlished hy The Archer's Publishing Company, Inc. Viewpoints • • MAILING ADDRESS Execul.iue Offices The signed articles of leading P.O. ROX 8~2 CURREN ARCADE BUILDING 51 EAS1' MAIN STREET, NORRlSTO'WN, PA. archers and writers appearing on NORR ISTOWN, PA. Phone: BRoadway 9-7010 the pages of THE An<.: HERS' MAGA· ZI:."IE our Editor J. W. ("ANny") A;.-.inERSON are presented so that reade;s may have the benefit of Associate Eilil.ors Pacific Coast Editor a wide variety of news, views and J . W. (Andy) F RANCIS E. SEU. M JI.TON J. LEWIS viewpoints on important events, Anderson, Editor H ELENE B. IllJCK 731% No. La Brea Ave. activities and important issues in the archery world. En:LYN .T. Esn:Rvoc Ho ll~· wood 38, Calif. There may be Limes when such viewpoints contradict How11nn T. SrGLER one another. They have no connection with the editorial Contribiiting Editors Advertising Man.ager policy of this magazine and sometimes, in fact, may LEONARD J. CARTER G 1·;0RGE c. TA YLOTI, J H. represeut exactly an opposite opinion. The opinions, TOM MANSELL 12 18 Chestnut St statements and viewpoinls expressed belong solely to Dn. PAUL CRouc.n Phila., Penna. the writers. FLEETGLASS-nEETlJ/999 .. ARRO\NS • • .as sure as shootin'

In every corner of the world, experienced bowhunters choose: The finest fibreglass arrow on the market HOWATT bows. Success in the field depends on speed, power, today. Accurately matched in spine and weight to match your bow. Insert points, accuracy, and consistency . .. the very qualities engineered into not slip - over, plastic nocks, machine each HOW A TT design. With the HOWATT Diablo, yott will spiral fletched, neatly painted with dis­ hunt with a truly deluxe hunting bow. Available in 54- and 58· tinctive crest. State bow weight and draw length. inch lengths with weights to 75 pounds and guaranteed to 30- FOR FIELD: inch draw. Other HOWA 1"T hunting bows at your dealer 59.50 include the Hi-Speed, Hunter and Monterey ... all modcstJy Fleetgloss Non·Sklp field Arrows No. 338...... $20.95 Doi. ' priced. FOR TARGET: No. 325...... :$19.95 Doz ." FOR HUNTING: Fleetglass Hunting Arrows with King qf ihe -= r'I r'r'.,., i 1nnn AMADA Forest Point. " King of th:e Fqrest" 8rood­ .,_, I ._,_ '- I &.AJIJ IJ IJ ARCHERY MANUFACTURING CORPORATION heods dre d four blade head. State draw ARCHERY COMPANY WRITE FOR COMPLETE OEAL.ER INQUIRIES INVITED ROVTE 8. YAKIMA, WASHINGTON l ~ngth and weight of b ow...... $24.75 Doz. lSOS EAST 19th AVE. DENYER s. COLORADO CATALOG

J une, 1962 Page Thretj VIRGINIAN MOTEL-12. Units l!:SSEX ARCHERS, INC. 8836 W. Ogden Ave. (U.S. 84) Mrs. Clara M. Patterson, Secy..... June 24th Brookfield, Ill.-IIU 5·22.12 ·154 North Avenue $ 9.00---1 person Fanwood, New Jersey 10.00---2 persons 12.00-twln beds Poublc American at 14.00-2 double beds West Orange, N. J. 2.00---extra cot HARRJSBURG ARCHERY CLUB, INC. 1/:1. of 1-eservatlon as deposit Mrs. Elizabeth Looker, Secy...... June 24th West on Ogden Ave. to York Rd., North Haskins T1·. Ct. on York to Polo Club (7 Miles) New Cumberland, Pa. CHICAGOLAND MOTEL-2S Units Pouble American 7225 w. Ogden Ave. (U.S. 34) MUNICIPAL ARCHERS OF MEMPHIS Lyons, ILL-HI 7-7910 M1·s. Sarah Shannon, Secy...... June 24th $ 8.00-1 person 1403 J<1ckson Avenue Memphis, Tennessee l~:&&=~w~~rb~~~ NASSAU BOWMEN 14.00-2 double beds THE NATIONAL ARCHERY ASSOCIATION - BOARD OF GOVERNORS - 1961 nirs. Lella C. Sherman, Secy...... June 10th THE 78TH ANNUAL 3g~ full day's rate deposit with i·eserva- 24 Satellite Lane CLAYTON B. SHENK, 2833 Lincoln Highway East, Ronks, Penna...... Presldent Levlttown, New York WAPITI ARCHERS WIN NATIONAL ARCHERY West on Ogden Ave. to York Rd., North Double American ROBERT AJ.BHJGHT, 1551 Crestview Dr., Plttsb11rg 37, Penna...... Vlce Pre~ident on Yo1·k to Polo Club {9 Miles) ASSOCIATION'S OREGON STATE ARCHERY ASSN. KEYSTONE FEDERATION OF DELMAR $. LeSAGE, 23 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, 111 ...... Executive Secretary BROOKFIELD MO'l'EL-11 Units CHAMPIONSHIP - AUGUST 8809 Ogden Ave. (U.S. 34) Miss Kay A. Ratliff, Secy...... June 16-17 Tel'm Expires 1962 Exph·es 1963 'l'ernis Expires 19&4 1031 N.E. 157th Avenue BOWHUNTERS PERPETUAL Brookfield, Ill.-HU 5·0948 Po1·tland 30, Oregon 5TH - OAK BROOK, HARRY GILCREST RAYMOND GOOLEY MISS VERREL WEBER $ s.00-1 person 8800 Diagonal Rd. S03 Meadow Street 207 Vidal Drive 9.00-2 persons Portland, Oregon TEAM TROPHY •.• ILLINOIS Kent, Ohio Shelton, Conn. San Francisco 27, Calif. JACK WILSON 14.00-3 persons WALTONIAN ARCHERY CLUB CLIFF STORY P.O. Box 917, GEORGE HELWIG 2.00-extra cot Miss Katherine Vanourny ...... • June 10th Plans and actual preparations for the 3032 Fifth Ave. Commercial St. Sta. 119 E. Galbraith St. 1/Zof reservation as deposit 1309 "J" Street, S.W. This was one of rhe outstanding shoots Clnehmatl 16, O. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 78th Annual Narion:1l Archery Associa­ Sacramento, Calif_ Spri11gfLcld, Missouri West on Ogden Ave. to Yoi·k Rd., North of the :irca. Competition consisley the \:Vyn Glen 5924 Shepard Rd. 3230 Peck Avenue rhc Narional Archery Association at 23 program of disse111inating information of Ashtabula, Ohio San Pedro, California Club. East Jackson Jllvd., Chicago, Illinois. interest to archery, the Executive Secre­ Copies of the 78th Annual NAA Tour­ tary of the Association has heen instruct­ JOIN n;1ment program are being mailed to all ed to prepare a rnonthly lisr for TAM members of the Asso1:iatio1\ the latter part Magazine of the registered Six-Gold 1962 Tournament Regist1·ation Blank 1962 of May, and additional copies may be tournaments. As of this ccn overlooked, and forms are being OF THE application form for individual or club

l'age l!'oi~r "TAM" ... TH~ ARCHERS' MAGAZINE .June, 1962 Page Five 1. J REPORT OF ,N. A. A. NOMINATING COMMITTEE The 25th Anniversary of a Pioneer Archery re is with very great pleasure that your nominating cornrnittce issues this belated Camp, Teela-Wooket, of Roxbury, V ermount report so that it can be published in TAM for the benefit of l\'AA members. hy EMMA FRAZll'k NASH If the biographies are short and terse, (Reprinted through t/1e ,·ou1·tety of The American Association for Hea/th-l'hysical Edtt­ it is due to the lack of information re­ cation-Rccrcation . in their lntcmation11lly known publication, JOH!'ER, April 1962 quested of the nominees by this commit­ issue.) tee. Another note of explanation is due as Twenty-five years in an operation for to why a member of the committee is in. archery have resulted in a project of which DI'. Paul E. Klopstcg and Dr. C. N. Rick· eluded in the list nf nominees. Numerous AAHPER may well be proud, since one of man, en.l oy some i·elaxa tlon and a1·ehe.t·y its members is the foun. by obtaining some eamc to Teela·Wooket Archery vamp for equipment, 1·eadinf( Elmer and all other ing of archery. This begiruiiog was made "Operation A1·chery" Workshop. They con· M:iss. '!'his is one of the very finest tar. books nnd publications on the subject, and ducted a very cnthusla:sUc a1·ohery program st.al'led shooting. lmmedlatcly he develop· possihle th.rough the cooperation of the at one of New l!:ngland's Catholic camps get shoots existent ... full of time honored ed great enth11slasm. for the sport along directors of Camp Tecla-Wooket in Rox­ last summe.r. The day be£01•e this plctute tradition, fine shooting, excellent accom­ with a high degree of skill In constructing wa_s taken wa.s the first time either bad bows and other equipment. hury, (celebrating its 50th Anni­ ever drawn a bow. Note the beautl!ul re­ modations and equally grand range lay. Fo1· ~ome yeat·s he devoted his vacations to laxed target form. Tbe sisters enjoyed the travelling from coast to coast to all of the versary this year) which at that time was field archer.y and archery golf as well. ours. A foll week of top shooting and the majo1· tournaments. He meets ru•chets solely a school of equitation. They ex­ cli;1nce to meet old friends. :Crom Just about eve1·y State and conslders Photo by Mytrle K. Miller those archery experiences among the most tended their camp into pre and post ses­ Membership in the E.A.A. is required pleasant and lnte1·esUng of hls llfe. He Is very much concerned and highly Interested sions to encompass this new activity. to shoot ir\ rhe ANNUAL. Membership In the sport n.nd it's :Cuturc progi·ess. U nr systems which will be a boon to general availability of facilities of the right the industry. A sound target board or sort could rn;1ke archery one of the world's huu has heen developed, a fine and thor­ great participating sports. oughly tested game, EOW-L-ARROW, has uecn perfected and many of the questions Our optimism was justificd ;11 this open­ with regard to prnmntion and organiza­ ing as we w;11ched the guests' reaction. tion of phy have heen satisfactorily an­ The almost universal gasps of pleasure and swered. Money was spent to solve these surprise as the effect of the beautiful decor problems and to accomplish this much out took hold were encouraging. The soft lux.. of proceeds in the first year of operation, ury of the deep piled broadloom carpet­ sc.:crns to \ls to he a major achievement. ing blending with tl1c namral wood tones We prcdkt a Jnosl ple;ising financial pic­ of. the paneled walls, the warm russet ture during the second yc;ir of oper;1tion. tones of the upholstered player's settees cornhining with the brighter woods of the It's our opinion that within five ycars, furniture and rhe fixtures in the pro shop there could well be a thousand BOW-L­ all seemed to make the gucsts feel, "Arch­ ARROW LANES throughout the V11ited ery has ;1rrived." The sales area . . . udjacent to the t-e8t·room8, comfo1·table spectators area, snack-bar Slalcs. The elements for success are hcre and/or automutic coke, sandwich and cigarette machines. in our opinion. We believe that future The purpose of this article is not to go estal>lishments will run in si<,e, from 8 l'nur le:1gues arc still in action but will into raves about the beauty and comfort much of the su"css of the organized play lane lo 24 lane houses. We further pre­ offered ;it BOW-L-ARROW LANES. We can be attributed rn the finc system of complete their comracts within the next dict that 85'1., will be successful. Over;1ll covered this aspect amply in our article handicapping which has also heen bor­ month or so. public interest in archery will eclipse any­ . .. down range view , .• excellent lighting-no distraclion ... here Is tbe /\RCHERY OF announcing the opening. What we p:irtic­ rowed from howling. THE FUTURE. Plans for air conditioned summer ac­ thing we've seen to

by Ptr. John Weber l'ROBLEM: "Is There A Short· Cut to Better Shooting?"

of many instances where the archer event· 1>roolcm, then move back another five feet, ually lapses into the same freezing habit anld as the sight has In the Fall of 1958, Patrolman John the results will depend upon you and how been ser. ofI the Gold. Your progress will Weber, F irst Precinct, recruited Sergeant WITH EVERY ARCHER IN THE you follow the instructions Lo the letter. depend upon you-but a wor

Page Ten "TAM" •.. THE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Page Eleven looks, disgustful looks, nervous looks, help me looks and those what am l do­ A. Linde and /\.. 1'urcean we.re arrowing ing wrong expressions. 'J'hr.: archer who their way to a 3141 while our ream of G. The Defenders, Inc.-Philadelphia Police And looks up at the gallery at his buddy with Ramngartncr, B. Burgin, D. Rucdisucli, the l>inornlars using the dd roman signs, H. Wilcox and E. Juzcl rotaled a 288. Fireman's Archery League Formed. Congrats to the winners. thumbs up or down. Decoded higl1 1~1· low. As custom;iry, th" visiting spectators Along about Decemher, 1961 - Patrol. tlic cu111i11g season. Police and Fire De­ man John F.. Fuseni came up with the Things you heard: "My fint tourna­ were taken on a tour o( hr.;1dquartcrs partment Archery Teams of other Cities idea that there was a lot of good archers ancinctive rn:11ch at held at 'The Archery Shop" lm:atcd 5245 111embership list counting all shnoters browski. Meetings are held in 39th Dis­ our range. Of: cour~c we got bcat~n. The Schaefer, Dearborn, Michiga11 ..Ag;iin w.: there are hfty of them on the line with trict Headquarters, 21st and Hunting Park Top row-Delroit Police · L. lo R.: J. Weber. D. Rue. Usentil G. Baumgartner, B. Burgin, H. visiting team (freestyle) 0£ H. Lastinger, met more wonderful people. 1t was a Wilcox, Clu-istine Keys, ~·. Lawrence, Jean 'l'homas, E. Juze and D. Fullert11n. . more coming every day. They advocate !\ vc., 2nd Floor l'olke Reserve Office. Bottom row-Del1•olt Archers • J. Nesmith, A. Fm·ce:.. 'l, G. Balles, B. Lastinger, A. Linde, L. Everhart, T. Thomas and Jc;in Thomas pleasure to cornpr.tc wirh you. See you "J\LL PHASE" an.:hery, and live up to it. (Editor's note: This is the beginning T. Thomas, L. Everhart and E. Durham. cldeated the team of B. Fullerton, F. next season. Tha11 ks for the I rnphies :incl C:onscrvation, Safety and good Public Re­ of a nacion-wiy Jack F. Lawrence ...... 706 FS Witt and Karl Palmatier. Our best also R. Price ...... 553 tional Ard1cry Association Targets. This .J. Machlejt ...... 627 goes to the staff that assisted at the L . ncaclrlck ...... 671! means that Field Shooters, Target Experts :md Howhunters c~n re;1lly enjoy them­ tournament. 2564 selves. Each year our team waits anxiously to Car-i he. shoot. ? Second-OLD 'l'AUS n.. Fullcrlo11 ...... 77tl FS That the League was well organized is attend this great tournament. Shooting J. Kelledes ...... 518 attested by the fact that the District At­ He•s lhe. be5t Clu·Minc Keys ...... Ci28 FS was the primary reason the first year. <.;. Quinn ...... 508 torney's Office covered the kg:il ph;1sc of Now we look forw~rd tu meeting the ~f\C.HER. Q N the­ 2432 the Incorporation and set the deal up in friends we mac.le at the p.30!\ It is expecter! to h:t ve at least 250 Pol ice. scoring Beld and targot archer • • . with the archery world. We thank :ill you fine Fourth-SHAKY BOW HANDS Dominick Ragnot of Ladder Company No. ;ind Firemen enrolled before the end of people for taking time to talk to us al the w. Owen ...... 63a 12. An Official Police Dept. Photo J. Webe1· ...... ,. ., ...... 734 FS Colosseum. Please keep passing your copy M. Morris ...... 379 of T J\M to your local police agencii.:s. T. Wend ...... •19t 22a1 Twenty years from now some one will Fifth-TARGET FACES say, "Remember the 1962 open wh<.:11 a couple of :u·ch::rs got on the wrong l ~~u1Jt~\' .. ~:::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~ W . Bell ...... 167 expressway? Euded up twenty miles E. Jo,cl ...... 521 from Pittsburgh, Pa." Well, they would he 2l51 right. That's just what Mr. and Mrs. W. Sixth-BROADilEADS H~ssen and Mr. and Mrs. R. Judd of H. Wilcox ...... 544 J. Shick ...... 651 ~'.S Trenton, Michigan ot to be !ST ANNUAL GREAT I.AKES OPEN !·:VENT: Do11bk 1\mcrican T:irge1: President HOWARD MYERS held J11llc lOth at Bcll ev u~: Archery Club, TARGET TOURNAMENT INSTINC­ Round to be shot either e Registration dea1lli 11c July 2, 1961. ·~ aw:irwup information will With the teurs in the Great Lak<.:s Arca. See com­ a good hot meal. be printed in later issues of TAM. plete details in other section of this col­ June 17, the Seneca 13owhunter' of umn. SOUTHERN ARCHERY ASSOCIATION Amsterdam will host un interesting shoot Heaver Creek Archery Club, located 1 for all archers. They boast of a good club­ mile east of P.ryan, Ohio on Rt. 34 will SHOOTING .Foundatimi house with electricity and plenty of park­ Natwnal SPORTS hold novelty shoots every Saturday night ing facilities. - starting at 6 P.M. (14 targets). Every 4th July 8th, The Pine Hill Arckrs of Min. Saturday of the month they will have a erva, Ohio will stage a hig shoot. Their Im:. chicken Bar-R-Quc at 6 P.M. with a coon 1>y Anita Hop1Jer -my spouse, Ed, is not the "sardine" range is compactly an-anged with a mini­ shoot to follow at d to walk to every one of these wonderful Wonhingeon, Ohio, on U.S. Route 23 at shoot. They will be interesting and valu­ such, it needs the support of all "I hear tell that many archers plan PRESIDENT their annual v;1cation schedule so that pla(,'.CS in Forest Park, but for all this A. W. Shannon, 2879 Bannockburn, Powell Road. (Over 10,000 people at­ ;1hle to the Deer Hunters. enthusiasts in order to do an effec­ Memphis, Tennessee free fun, J'm sure that you'll be able to tended last year.) The show will be open tive job of educating the American at least a part of it will foll in line with SECRETARY S~-pLemhcr 9th, Sherwood Archery Club rn;mage what little transportation is need­ from 7:00 :un. to 9 p.m. daily and will public on the pleasures of shooting the Southern Tournament. When a va. Mrs. Bess Hoiier, 3267 Homewood who own their own ground and have re­ ed. And chen too, many of you non. Drive, Memphis, Tennessee present scuba diving, fishing, hunting, sports and explode the public mis­ cation or special trip is planned, free REPORTER cently set up a new 'ourse, will have their archers - wives and husbands - can camping, boating, archery, and many other conception that "guns and bows are anf che cluhs of District 6, two suc­ No cost Lo sec this very gr;111d structure OKLAHOMA the COUrlS- Jay Trantham, 1250 South 74th E. cessful meetings were held in April for housing the most beautiful fl<>wers ever. Forest Park has a beauLiful outside Avenue, Tulsa, Okla. the purpose of coordinating and planning The Jewel tlox is widely photographed by TENNESSEE roller rink, known as the Mark C. Stein­ for six major shoots during the coming bridal parties on their wedding day. No Dr. Ben L. Pentecost, 1&95 .fackson, berg Memorial. Mmic from the rink Memphis, Tenna. year. These shoots will be open for all wonder, the beauty is breath-taking. can be heard on the archery range, TEXAS ;irchers to compete. The prkc of n.:gis­ Mrs. Kitty Rote, 2407 Princeton, Hous­ A great portion of your time can be and the fee to skate is only 50c. ton, Texas tration will 01.: a standard $2.00 with three well spent visiting <>Ur free Jefferson There is also a boating lake where trophies being given for three places in Memorial an2.50 per hour. to the best of my knowledge, the en­ 3 hour.s on onefilling. rt wtll boil n qua1"t of waler in about G minutes and I~ perfect for make some of these shoots. They assure cooking io1· 4 to 6 persons. Weight is only 1-5/8 lbs. Slie of the stove collapsed in the box Jefferson Lake is devoted to "no charge" Within the next block or two, still on trance fee to the Highlands is very rea­ iS 5-3/4" x 4·1/2" x 2-1/2" _ 'rhe PRIMUS t'96L sells In leadi11g ·sporting goods, marine, and you a very gook class n, and Ed Ra1i­ Murphy, i111cnnctliate; Steve Harrell, jun­ be "the largest in the midwest." name.iit in September last year. Looks or just to shop them, there is a new super gan, Sr., Birmingltarn won class C. For ior. as though he is well on his w;1y. hobby su IJl:r-mmket, Tandy M;trk, that the ladies in this targ<;t event, A11it<1 Y;ttes Back in the p;1rk again, ;ind just west will ama:.:e you with its variety (unless Florida Archery Association's state tar­ of Rirmingh:.11-v1 won class A; Dr. Lucilk of the a1·du.:ry range, are a number of A.licetem Halton, of High Poi11t, N. C., you have a very sLrong will, you are ad­ get had a hard, rainy W<;ck.cnd, despite White, Opelika, class C and Chiire Marty ball diamonds. Here you can :ilways find won the l:idic~' division with 1491 points, Yised lo .

Pa.ge FJighteen ';TAM" •.• TUE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Page Nineteen •rAUL BUNYON MOTEL NFAA GREAT LAKES 15th. Send all entries to: Duane E. Cook, 12 Units TOURNAMENT READY FOR 315 W aldo Ro.,lcton. Ma11Jng ncld1·e11.s, Rt. ~ 4, Midland, Michigan. Phono Midland Michigan. The awards will be wishing to bid for the 1963 Tournament Temple 5·17115. NFAA awards anwing bcd8 $12.00, double beds 4 people $14.oo. less in family only male deer have antlers which o ne would dare tn up before she told information with registration. •GATE·WAY MOTEL on a Dt::er 'f;;·c11'l" and the m any htm.drt:d.1 stand are ~hed each winter, usually before late 58 Units of Lettt:1',r he receives testify to the value them to I'd sec kr whirl in a flash and Name, address, fr(:estylc or instinctive, 14.06 Norlb Saglnuw R oad, Midland, Mich. J:inuary, but may spread from Decem­ Phone •rem ple 2.·8881. p/u,·ed on !tis booklet "Trniling Tipl'. We m 1:1ck tlu.;m a blow on either side with dassi fo::i tion, and date of expiration of RATES-Single $8.00 • 2 ;>eople $9.00 • twln U\:r to March. These invariably arc found beds $.U .00 - 4 people $14.00. Year round are indeed fortrmutt.' to be able to draUJ on her head. ~ome times she would keep them NFAA membership. and eaten by the porcupines. It is also Heated Swimming Pool. Art's resources for this n(~W series of arti­ in that positi(Jn for sevcra1 hours. Bambi All :ire.hers must be members of NFAA lUDE · A· WAY MOTEL possible, but very unusual to see a doe 8 Faml1Y Units with cles "Notes from Art LaHal Diary" . always stayed with her fawns all wimer sporti ng a set of anders. Immature deer ;111d bring I. D. c.ircl,, NFAA nwmbership Kltcncnettes 213 Cedar St., Sanrord, l\tlch. Mailing ad­ in a near by "deer yard." She would re­ antlers arc sofr and tender and arc card anresldenl o! tho Penn that will identify the buck ut with her front feet at like velvet will peel off leaving the ant­ juniors. No family will pay more thon Fawns dropped before May 20 are frnm the rumps of her previous fawns and le rs extremely hard and shar p. Naturally $15.00. Rt~gistr;i ti on deadline is June 10th, October b r~e ding. It m;1y be intercsling to chase them angrily ;\way. this prCp;trcs this animal for combat that thereafter fees will increase 50%. note that approximately 30 per u:nt of occurs , also giving tv go to the winners. This money shoot clover, c~tla r bu

Page Twenty "TAM" .. . THE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Paoe Twenty - on~ BOWHUNTING

OfFICERS AFIELD AND of TIIE NATIONAL CROSSBOWMEN President Vice·President Sec.· Treas. • A STREAM FRED ISLES PAUL EYTEL FANNTF. D. RRUM:RLE 10 Arlinglon Road 41 Desna St. 3658 Epworth Ave. Cranfonf, N. J. New Market, N. J. Cincinnati 11, Ohio with HOWARD SIGLER • BOWHUNTER ~PHOTOGRAPHER

both have backs of white glass and in this tape is left on for a time, for due to the n:itural state are only adaptable to snowy "curing" properties of many adhesive A SWISS CROSSBOW CLUB CELEBRATES IT'S GOLDEN JUBILEE bowhuntiog conditions. As a consequence tapes they often seem to weld themselves The next time you're around any group they are camouflaged and dccamoullaged lo the glass, wax or no wax. of archers, take a sneaky luuk at their bow­ many times throughout tire year, but by HENRY KNECHT So here is a little trick I thought up this strings. Whether these people are target never to any detriment to their fioish­ thanks to a can of Johnson's Paste Wax. spring which works quite well. Waxing folk, fidvernmenr expenses could use a good waxing. in the Civil War." ly recommended often does little good. base with rubber electrical tape. A final When used as an unrlercoating before tap­ taping with the regular electrical plastic Shooting from fifty yards, Karl's score It is difficult to figure the reason for this ing on buw quivers ant! bowfishing reels, tape, over the mhher tape, finishes the job FOR THE MECHANICALLY was slightly better than Mulcahy's. neglect, since a cake of bowstring wax INCLINED •.• ( ur even beeswax) clf'sts so little and will it frequently does not permit the removal with no adhesive in contact with the bow The rear peep-sight of the jeweler's of the tape (as it should) without damage at all. This rnbber tape comes with a back. The true "ro· those rifles is being loa

Page Twenty-two "TAM" ... THE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Page Twenty-three of bow stringing whe11 yc)t1'rc doing il' day a11d was so proud of his accornplishrncnt :1fter day. Easily :idjmtable for any length th;il J didn't have the heart to chew him bow, you can flip the siring looJ) in nr vich the inccp1ion of the Scou.t ln­ Lnli retriever in my Scout. The Lab is facl11re c:ou ld melt and yon might have year around sport? tcl'lrntionul, this h :1s been. changed, all e~pecially appreciative of the large com­ a ruined bow. The folder 011 bow care ae­ without s:icrifrcc of durability. Instead of p:1rt111ent behind the ~car. I Terc, with a companying Cnlt bows sugs.;ests: "Bows an 80 inch wheel base, the Scout has 100 1arp placed on the deck for insulation, sboukt never be used, or even strung, • inch e.~. l e has long, bcautiful springing and with the he,uer un, he is warm and wltcn hc;it inside the lx)w is higher t han for a very cornfort11 the thigh when using the than woultl one fly .fisherman a.~k co bor­ If snow is on the ground, a gootl step-through method there wi!J be exces­ row another's Hy rotl. It isn't too rnttch tn other. A hunter.c:;1rnpcr-photograpl1<::r cumouFlagc is an old sheet, worn mmt have such a vd1ide to pul him be­ sive strain on one limb or the other. be pretty p:irricular about an expen.sive Arnb·style. If tlJe hackgrourul jg yond the p:wemcnl. with lois (;quiprncnt. Where the handle rests will depend, of bow and nobody with 31lY gumpti1m Lu~l1y or iu low pine cover, a regular Last ye:ir I h:id my in1roduclion fo the course, upon the length 0£ the how. In would think otherwi.~e. camoufla i;e suit is well nigh perfect. Scout lntcrnatiorwl. I ha vc put i r th rough the ultra-.,hort models, such as Lhe 52" I learned my lc.~son years ago. M)' 6rs~ Crows fly in close set-ups of tl1is its paces for an entire huming season, Bear K()diak Magnum or Colt Huntsman, si ngle shot Winchester fine little .22 was a kind, and a good caller can get a cruising the backroad~ and trails, and the handle will be almo~r back of the gun and J took good care of it. However, Jot of action for hia efforts. from the standpoint of ellicie.nqr this is the kntt, while with 118-69" models it v.ill rest it saw mud1 use and :liter a few year s had end of the trail for the near perfect high­ well up toward the hip. acquired that nut-brown sleekness that way a11d off-road transportation. fn any case, tlic lower tip must rest flat comes to the barrel after the h!ue has worn fo'irst, with most conventional 4 wheel acros.~ the ankle. Oth e.rwise a twist will off. lt wouldn't have rnsted had t W3ntcd drives, there is always the problem of long occur. You n1ay think " . .. once won't it to. highway travel to and from hunting hurt anything" and go ahead and string Anyway, l loanc:d it to ;i. high school grounds. These Land Rovers and Jeeps up, twist or no twist. Perhaps it won't, friend over a weekend, knowing he cmild ride rnught, to the point where a tW0· but it puts just th

"TAM" ... THE ARCHER8' MAGA?:INE June, 1962 Page Twr,nty-five Anyway, It seemed like the kind my Scout 1ntcmational. keeps the full while hauling a trailer when the hubs "A BOW-BIRD'S EYE VIEW p~rk oilers. Lots of pines, spruces, rolJ­ ot length cab cozy warm during winter should be locked in for additional braking OF A SEASON-OPENING ing mcadowlan rnake field archery more drive is an excellent provision. When tl1c give 4 wheel traction forward and re­ legibly in long-h~md) and plenty of others had ever l>cco tried in Nebraska, or may­ ;1ccr.ssiblc to the non-archery public. In­ going h rough, one can shift down to verse. This allows one to have the ad­ kcc.:p telling me, ( had better stay back be even in the middlewest, ann about how it would town, it can now be a spectator sport almost impossible roads and trails. And pieces of bad going, hut without the after being on hand for most of the major go over. The advance promotion must more than before. Once people see field always, it seems to me, the Scout turns in bother of having to get out and turn the shoots all over the country these last 20 have been good, bccause in spite of a archery in action, they may sooner or just a bit better performance than om: can hubs by hand. ye;irs, and being first of all an Iowa boy gray, miserable day with chilly winds, later find themselves caught up in the reasonably expect. I have yet to stick it J\11 in all, the Scout lntcrnation11l, to my Ion~ before J wound up (somewhat to ;1bout 75 archers registered, representing fascination o( our fine sport. in mud or snow. I have yet to see a rea­ way of thinking, aod after fifteen years of my surprise) in the manufacturing eod o~ a ut for highway "F1·it:t.", Omaha; Gerri Holly, Omaha, and John Bennett, Hastings. The Park Round like the shorter distances, and the 3-2-1 travel. This prevents unne,cssary wear on proved to be an "equalizer" of age, experi· ;1ll field, baseball diamond, the Bl'st shooth\g of the "Bow·Blrd" (mal'li­ ed by anow) west of the Mississippi river, 4 wheel drive when the Scout is shifted First, about the struggles. Organized or a city p;1rk. Archery instructors in the vas~ Ploneel' Park outside of Lincoln, into 4 wheel, or out when it is shifted archery didn't really get off and going thought is would be a good round for Ncbraslm. from 4 wheel to 2 wheel drive. This latter I l in Nebraska until 1953, when some real teaching their cla~scs. is what I have on my Scout lntet"national. keen archers in Lincoln got together and All in all, the Park Round was very vVe brought some of our "Bow-Birds" . • . A "MUST" ON ANY SHOOTING RANGE down to the meet, to see how they would The manual type of hub, after having org;inized l11ernsc.:lvcs into the Prairie well accepred. .Speaking personally, one lie accepted as a new target game, and been driven through snow or water in Archers · Pistol • Rifle Shootel's ... looking for a compact spotting scope would do well Howrm:n. TIH; spark was really ignited of the best things about (though maybe to take a look at the Bushnell Sentry, a compact and powerful 50mm pl'lsmatlc telescope 1hat's practically another story in itself. colt! weather, or after sitting out all night, of exceptional quality. when Hod and Ruth Ellis came back noi the most important from the point of While we were at the National Sporting often freeze up to the point where the Ueslgned by D. P.. Bushnell & Co. in the streamlined tradition of its 60inm counterpart home from California and started talk­ view o( 1lic score.minded archer) was the Spacemaster, the Sentry weighs but 24 02., is barely 13 inches long ... dimensions that Goods Show in Chicago in January, some hubs are very difficult or impossible to offer unusual convenience both afield and on the rifle or pistol range. ing it up. They got enough other ar­ sociability tlic round affords. I believe Like Spaccmastor, the Sentry features fully canted hi.jfh resolution optics which will sepatate pe.ople from the Garner Division of Dia­ shift from one option to another. Then, chers interested to set up a field raJJ.ge. quite a few others I talked to felt the the closest un·get p11fterns or scenic detail fasl and accurately. Th" objective lens Is a supe1'b mond National in Ohio showed us rhcse too, there is always the hope, wheo using air-spaced achromat of 50mm clear aperture shielded by a telractable sunshade. Heavy duty Then crnt-st:1te groups caught fire, and ~:i111e way. On the conventional field prism housing and pTeclslon fitt l.ngs assu1·e dependable per£ormru1ce unde"r abuse 01: adverse "Bow-flirds", which they had developed the manual shift hubs, that they will not weather. A bullt- 111 tripod boss provides easy adaptation to any standa1·d came1·a tripod. now there is a real wide-awake statewise rouod, yo11 go om usually with a four­ with hdp from Ann and Jack Clark (two be required on a particular section of bad The Sentry"s dle·cast aluminum body is durably finished In neutral beige-brown with harmon­ archery organization, the Prairie Bowmen some and sort of get lost for half a day. i2.ing trim. very large names in archery, as you road. Then, when one is stuck in the Tho price Is att1•active, too. The Sentl'y retails for only $54.50 with 20x eyepiece included. of Nebraska. On the Park Round, you h;1ve a chance know.) rnud or snow, they must be turned-not Accessory cyepiecos 12x, 16x, 32x and 49x are available at $19.50 each. Both Instrument i\ good sample of the successes this to visir hack and forth with archers you and accessories are backed by a 20 year gua1•antee and are offered for sale under Bushnell's an attractive task under the circumstances. protective 30 day trial exchange privilege. group has chalked up is the Interclub In­ maybe haven't seen since the last shoot, vVb:it we s:1w, ;111d me

Page Twenty-eight "TAM" ... THe ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Page Twenty-nine One of our local bowman, Mr. Oscar The FAMOUS Hardin, has lots of fun with this tip. H e CALLING THE KILLERS • • • • takes a rnonofilament line an J ties it to a WEEMS WILD CALL bush, and about fifteea yards he ti es an By RuS'l'V and Br,TH DAVIS old G.I. sock or piece of fur (please, leave with your wife's mink stole alone). Use an old s3.oo Complete A few tips to go by are don't blow the The first two things of importance in fox hide or fox tail you have killed. Stulf I nit ruction•· call too loud at anytime. These animals Calling Var min t.~ are know your State sock with paper or rags, then holding the can hear it from a much & make a successful Varmint Caller. NATIONAL VARMINT CALLERS quail before they flu shed. ASSOCIATION, P. 0. Box 3272. Mr. Arthur E. Olt of the 011 Company notes tOUD lOUO LOUO lOUD 7".;\ I forgot one importan t tip in the above Lubbock. Texas. that through the combined use of a n 011 "ERoFFroco story. Watch ~ ni m als such as cows, horses quail coll a nd hawk coll, the odds for • -~> •---)• ~ ?• ~ . when calling in daytime as they will watch o full limit with less wested shots a re tow/ ~ • ...,. w the varmint as he is making his way to appreciably improved. -...;. vou. Wild birds arc also very good to let Write for Catalog ... P. s. OL T COMPANY, . Pekin, Illinois. you know your game is coming in. Open nnd close fingers on loud notes your seconJ serie~ of notes turning on your and keep fingers closed on low note. Blow light abou t thirty seconJs after you have sedcs nf notes anJ wait ahout a minute ended your series of notes. ) and hlow same series of notes again. T hen Holt.l spotlight high enough just so the ~-::::A wait ahout a minute and hlow first three rim (Not beam) of the light is above the CLUB NEWS nnces, making then.1 a little longer and ground so as to pick up the eyes of the JACKRABBIT Mot/1/ P-1 $3.00 HAWK MoJe/H-1 $3.00 with a .· next .~eries of notes give him the direction LESS YO U ARE READY TO SHOOT. Yes, TAM magazine wants you kl. in which to come. J\nd the last three notes After pi<.:king up eyes in rim of light -each and every archery club to COON MoJel C·I $3.00 with f the call. CLUB REPORTER) Page Thirty-one Page Thirty "TAM" ..• 'l'HE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 behind :t six-volt light however, there .Show where we were exhibiting, I was were a lot of safe varmints that I had intrncluced to the new Redfield Variable A Bl·T ON SCOPES • • • blown my brains out to get a poke at. I 1X 'JX Scope hy Jim Devere and Ji.m st:uted to think for a change. H11iler otcr's dream, and, althollgh I am f urmed than I, I took a look at a Red­ During Lhc: <:ourse ot rn~· vanuint shooc­ !'or a good many years I w:is plagued generally not the type to r:l\'C: about prn. ing experic:n~e which has been some time with scope problems of one wn and an­ field Hcarcnb scope. Having sat i ~iccl my ducts in my rambling writing 1 feel rhat now l reali/.e, there has alw a y~ arisen :1 other, mostly brought on by my own ig­ mind that this was a "Jim D:rndy" of a this really warrants sollle J11entioning. problem among the rifle111e1\ of this fr:, .. nor:rnce. I e\·en ceached a point where 1 glass J lMkc, I wound Kuw, J d1) not clai1n to I.Jc any sort nf n:ti..: nk arrangcrnc11t in this masterpiece. is the :111 swcr to the rifle shoutcrs prayer up the hassle wirh Lwo minute hairs in expert on this sulijecl, actually quite :1 Al die highc:~t pow~:r of magnification, in n1y estimation. I can shoot a bow with­ l his scope a considerable im:re;asc in size ways from it. I have how~:ver experienced 9X the ;ipp:arent siz~: o( thc crosshairs is out a ~1ght, but I need a !'Cope to shoot :i ove.r the standard wites for this combin­ my own fair sb:1re o f the problems anC. faced with one rc-occa1rri11g problem. I how. crs of rnagnificatio11 that che coyote and cat c lobbcrcr would .normally use. both hy Most varmint .~hoo ters uf my acquainL­ was having too rnuch trnuble at night, chis trouble was J11ai11ly due to lllY i.:ross The large h:·1irs solved my problen1 Winners of the 1962 Worlds Champlonshii;> Varmint Callers Contest •.. Chandler, Arizona. day a11d by night and should use, the hairs ;1ncc arc:. accuracy nuts. By this I mean completely, since then it ha.s done the L to R-Tom Mills, 1st-Manuel Sinuuhi, 2nd-Bill Dudley 3rd. Acting es Master of Cere· hairs "bleeding oa1t" agig dot h11c that was wor)C and mine. Tlirrc were of. course certain prob­ I'm talking ahom 5 to 6 shot groups :11 lems in11<>h'ed. The biggesr was sighting of the black square in the right angle 1ha t range with weapons in the .222, I can not .,111.iot worth a diddlec duo with ir1 the W~apon :I t IQO yards. S~eing 3S l created by my vertical and horizom,~l hair, .222 Mag the .2·B :ind the like, not neces­ a post. was cov~:r i ng up half of the target (two whc11 they plunked into the edge, one s;:rily with l:1rgcr bore ~tuff. Light gachcri 11g fe:1tures sccmed tel he inches :it that range) .it was ~. little hard lo inch up from the bottom, I was in, cve11 There is of conr~c considerable diffc:r­ :.l)l)11t tHA :1 p:~ r with all the rigs J tried or be as ex;icting as l desired. with the big blobby hairs I can hold ;i( looked thmugh, in most cases the va ri~lilc <:11cc in v;irmint shooting. It is not rc;dly .'\gain, someone who knows the ropes least an inch with 5 shots. necessary to be shouting this (me wl1en powl:r scopes dicl a better job when sec on c.anic w my aid. 1 proceeded to c11t out As a result of these trials J hal'e i.Jc:,orne you expe.ct to roll t he average coyorc al 1hc lower rnngcs of magnification. Tiu.: square~ of black paper Lwo in chc.~ square convinced th~t the hest reticule set Up for thirty yards w hale loping broadsiIle inch at a round at a ground squirrel who is sil­ Jn daylight hours, with my .222 Mag, like my we~1pon sighted in an inch liigh at JOO yds. I also find th;1t hy knowing the tiug out there .~ome 200 plus yards. 1 feel which is inciclcntly a S:iko, l w as convinc­ 100 wards, which puts me Hat on at close relative size of your target ;ind knowing however myself that as long as I have the ed that T :at least would never shc)ol' it bet­ to 200 it w:1s a natur;il. I simply held as the size of ynur reticule, it makes a very W<:apon th:it is capable of one minme of ter. 'Vhen t l1 c sun went down and T was fine: as l c.nu ld thl'. lower left hand corner iine r:inge finder. For instance. • if you angle groups at I 00 yds. and J am taking shont at :L cat's head at say 200 yds. which a he time to hand loacl ammo that will do is roughly four inches across and a one the same thing t wicc or fifty time~ in :t minute h~i r co\'Crs about half, you can row, it behoove~ we lo tune it up as hcsr figure pref 1y d ose rhat he is abollt 200 :as I possibly c:1n. NOW . .• A NEW yrk for .~1.1n;, This is a good deal at night ·where this really becomes dwiou:; in $2.50 SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE when dist:inces ;ire \•cry deceiving, even if you have scouted the terrain in the day­ onr type 0£ vi.Jcal wi II give you ma yhc four problem of the hairs, they were too fin e inches of lu:ad to shoot at with an inch THE ARCHER'S PUBLISHJNG COMP ANY, INC. for my liking and considerably more of a and a half l><:t ween the ey!'.s, the mnst log­ P. 0 . Box 832 · NORRISTOWN, PENNA. hassle to get changed tn my warped line ical pi:lce to hold. If you are content w iLh Auachcd please find check or M.O. for S _ ...... _ to start a of thinking. Second!~ I have never been 2 and :5 inch stuff at a l.00 yds., you :arc mcmbcrship-subscri1,1ion for tho member named hereon, beginnin,_ too wld on the mounts fnr my first choice gning to sc:1r.: :1 lot 111orc than you ever with 1he next availabla issue : to extend for 12-issucs. in a varial>lc as they seemed to cause some cnllecr. Name - ---··~-··· -.. -...... -·· ·······--...... , ... ,_,,.,, ...... --·------... problems among the shooters that I knew So, al thollgh for our nu1 of the mill who pos~ssed Lhcm. I have become very Address --···· shooti11g we can get by w ith less than the fon0ting is people baYe come up with a sol11tion to gning to come :it night and ll<>W we get my private problem, WORf,D CHAMPION VARMJN'f CALLER OF 1962-TOM MILLS into the scnpc clepartrncn1. J\t the recent Los Angeles Sportsmans A "Milt" Lewis Photo

I'a.ge Thirty-two "TAM" ... THE ARCHERS' MAGAZIN~ June, 1962 REM.EMBER THE Your Hunting and Fishing Permit does not give you the privilege of trespassing on ·WEST other people's land. by MILT LEWIS ALWAYS ASK Photographs by Milton J, Lewis PERMISSION Two of the finest ;mnual shoots in C;tli. shooting eight months, hut with some fornia came off last month with the top ) guide.nee from an OL' Pro, Les Speaks, archers showing their shooting capahi!irie~ DON WHTTE, suddenly developed into ;ind fore"1sting just about what will hap. a charnpion~hip class contender. Don is pen at the CALIFORNIA BOWMEN from Bakersfield, shoots daily, works hard HUNTERS STATE TOURNAMENT in at his form, is strong and willing to learn. Salinas, June 2-.~rd. This combination will put him in as a The first shor was the famed OSAGE serious contender for the C;ilifornia State JIM in Bakersfield put on by the Kern Title. County Archers. They have a splendid The 2nd shoot was the famed Fresno two Jay shoot which brin~s the top cnn­ SAFARI, where every year they have over tenden from ;ill over the state to test their 500 archers, many traveling as far as 500 strength, new techniques, anti new equip­ Campers, tralle1·s, tents, sleei;>lng bags and station wagons dot the SAFARI lund8Cape as far I· miles just to enter the two.day fun-shoot. M tlie eye can see as the maJoi-ity of 1the archers come prepared to sleep Ol}t. The range Is mem against r heir ovponerlts. located some 4.-0 n1iles from the nearest town. The archers and their families look forward Targets, just African Animals, hut it isn't to this and make the SAFAlU an annual affair, many of them making this hip each year for Among the rop archers, a ncw name the targets or another shoot; it is the "SA­ the complete seven year hlstory of the SAFARI. started to he menrioned, ;1nd in the In­ FAR!" with all its warmth in human be­ stinctive Division this ;ircher h~s st:1rted ings; old friends get together and c::vcry­ to take first place awards in the past few nne really enjoys himself. This popular MAMMOTH months. The truth is he has been only clul> now owns their own land, and arc MOUNTAIN SHOOT TO ALL ARCHERS ••• did now building :i 40xl00 clubhouse that is yon know that Va1·mint Call· SCOPES . DON WHITE, fJ'om Bakersfle.ld took first truly a knockout. It is due to he completed place in the Instinctive Div. In the Osage JUNE 30th and JULY 1st. ing is the 1nost advanced (Continued frnm Page "13) Jim Shoot, Fresno's Safari, plus a number in 1963. Last year they rafiled off a new of other tmportaut shoots. Don Is consid· car and with the proceeds started their MAMMOTH MOUNTAJN INN, phase of al'Chcry, and offe1·s BILL DeSALLES, shootlng ii Howatt Bow, utes of angle, perfo.:t for the night shoot­ ered to be one of the Onest 1.nstinctive shots bas been a consistent winner witb a place to come along in a long time. building funins and campsites. Contact price is $99.50, well worth the invesnnent. Doug KittreJge, Bowhut, 1421 So. To me it looks like the real answer in a Mission Street, So. Pasadena, Calif. fine scope. Whatever the scope however, because ENTERTAINMENT - Saturday there are so many excellent scopes avail­ night buffet dinner and entertainment able today, get a good one, it will never at tbe Inn. Ample time for fishing and pay you ro scrimp when it comes to this ~ightseci ng in this spectacular High item of c.:quipment. Sierra area. (Editor's note: N.V.C.A. members wish­ ing to have more detailed information on Plan to join us at this first annual the Redfield scopes can write to their Mammoth Mountain family fun shoot. nearest dealer-or-to Redfield Gunsight f For additional information-Contact The active CALIFORNIA VARMINT CALLERS ASSOC. officers pose with Herb Krashin, of Corp., 1315 S. Clarkson St., Denver 10, Three winners at the Fre:mo's Safari were Theressa Carter BB; Bill DeSalles FS; and Lou Archery Inc., Milton Lewis, 731 Yi No. the C and H Die Co. Herb gave a reloading demonstration and tnen showed some movies on Colo.) Shine FS. These two women were the top money winne1·.s at the l'ecent SAHARA-COLT reloading,_ shooting and hunting. (L·R) Del Sche£!> Felix Mariana, Geo. Allison (Pres.) Herb tournament at Las Vegas. La Brea, Hollywood 38, California. Krashln, Jim Dougnerty and C. Fisher of C and tt.

Page Thirty-/our "TAM" ... THE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Pa.ge Thi?-ty-five all yut1r target scores ~0011 be twenty pins. The W:ivcrly C:l11b has srarted a club shoot on Thursday nights ro help mem­ CEDAR VALLEY bers gr.t l1e11er :icq 11:iimcd. Once a mom 1i it will be followed by a pot-luck supper. ARCHERY LEAGUE . . . i\t our first shoot there were nine arch­ ers but 26 big appetites showed up by NEWS & VIEWS supper time. Don't forget the \Vat1.:rrnellon Shoot Editerl by PAUL WILL - 1316 31·d Ave. SW - WAVERLY, IOWA on August 12th. !t is too early to give more inform:irion :it this ri111e but watch LEAGUE OFFICERS for detail~ in 1 he next iss11c. We hope it MARVIN MATTHEWS, PRF.S. will be bigger ;ind betrer rhan ever! A mT Or NEWS FROM to release an arrow with your fingers 1212 D. Street, Charle.s City, Ia. MERLE HES.S, VICE PRe$. YOLiR LE/\GLiE PRESIDENT cherry red and hlue from the cold? Hats RR3 Waverly Iowa WATERLOO LE ROY Mii.i.ER, SECRETARY orr to those uf you that started this Jirsr Falrl:>ank'!t_ Iowa iJJ' SKIP MAACK hr:ivc shoot of the season. Guess the JIM ROEPKE, TREASURER RRl, Hazelton. Iowa Tl1is h;:~n't bec.11 an especially busy This past winter, the CED;\R V1\L­ archery bug bit deep over the long win­ CLUB REPORTERS 111011th here in vVaterloo, :is for :1s club ter. With many new bows to be tried it ACKLEY ARCHERS activities go. There han: liecn a couple of LEY ARCHERY LE/\GUF. held a Chi­ FRANCIS X. HOSCH cago Round M;1il Tourn;nncnt, twice each w~s just too hart! for those ro stav awav. 617 FrankUn, Ackley, Iowa work sessions 011 the field comse, and CHARLES CITY I certainly hope and I am sure th~ leag~r.: it's sh~ping up nicely. n1unth. With all of the work and effort FRANK NEHLS put into it by our league secretary, LeRoy will have some decem weather soon to 705 Clinton, Charles City, Ia. \Ve :ire losing our 1a1·gc1 r;1ngc at make for itleal competitive shooting. FREDRIC::KSBUR~ Miller, it mrne wi1h the other members of What a forlorn day this turned out to awards, and hecoming new archery Leslle A ddums ...... 108 476 .{63 um cl11b a11cl all ll1e 01her new acquaint­ friends. .Jack Jlnlph ...•...... 71 be! The day of the shoot mrned cold Jim FeJdlck ...... 76 444 :rnces you will 111:ikc fn1111 rhe Cedar n5 degrees)' dark, and a gale wind of 100 CLASS In the March.• >\pril edition uf TAM, Chuck Langul'ed ...... 168 516 Valley League. forty miles an hour. Wh:11 cuiild 1his Paul Will h~d rhe NPAA Fixed Round llob H.oye1· ...... 174 514 At your First out-oi-rnwn shoot yCJ11 may club du in a situation as such. Well rain Dennis Ralph ...... 150 510 published. I certainly hope all of the 175 CLASS feel like a weed in a Oower gart!cn but fly or shine, archery doesn't stop. 1:30 111e111hers of. th<.: league are keenly inter­ John Madsen •...... 240 512 chis is a temporary 1liing and ~her a few :in unheliev:·1ble sixty archers were ready B. A. Madsen ...... :~33 501 ested toward sboocing this round. Know­ Jim Timmer ...... 187 487 sli:iors you begin to feel rhal yon ~ire ;i to shonr. To look :it rhem the rhouglu i11g all of the effort and time Paul has !?50 CLASS part or " much larger club tlwn your o( deer hunting entered my mind for put toward this round, T fed he will he Ha.rry l'' o.wler ...... 276 525 own - · na1J1ely the seven million ard1us Mack R\1ssell ...... :~73 509 everyone was h<.:avily dr<.:ssed. Because of justly rewart!ed in knowing rhe pleasure l{on Nehls ...... 503 :if /\meric<1sses you witl1 his how ~nd arrows rwice was not the be.st for rhe wind pen­ dub~ in the league ..:a11 get scr up fur lhis :W PIN WINNERS showi11,.; through his car window, or etrated, but good. roun't. Lauderdale, Amateur F.s.· Jack Sauls, Rollywood, Pro. F.S.; Chuck Saporito, St. Pclc1•sburg, P1·0. Inst. and Pau1 rhe chill out of us. Have you ever tried pllrt of Iowa. With :i larger variety of K~~x~~1:::~~~~::::::: : :: ::::: :: ::: ::: ::: ::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: ~g! straigl1t and cru.: tu the bulls eye. LlLtlc, Lakeland, Amnte.m·, Jnst. l'age Thfrty-sfa; "TAM" ... 1'lm ARCHERS' MAGAZINE ,June, UJ62 l'age Thfrty-se,11en scores were more than 40 points from the top of the tlass. I Jere is the way this would work: N. F. A. A. - FIXED DISTANCE ROUND FORUM Class 51\-Ave.rage scores from 361 up Fixet! Distance Class 5 -Avc.:ragc.: scores from 325 to 360 Walk.Up Cont about 40.5 yards less distance. Everyone gets a rcspec­ doubts as lO what the archers re;illy think. . Robe.rt Seve~1 Excelsior ...... 844 pear among a school of sharks. He thought Jim Ploen, mlnneapolls ...... 816 t:ihle score and no hal\dicaps arc rc.:quired. We highly recommend passillg out a questionnaire tn every :1rcher thal shoots this ol going in after it, but gave up the Idea. J\'len's Instincti.ve Lowell Smith, Minneafolls ...... 782 He finally pulled in his shal'k and while .1/eenrnte Method-It is a pretty well esc:1blished fact that ard1t:rs in the bottom of round. He should answer such questions as-1. his score. 2. Stake assignment. 3. How Adrian Grose, St. Pau ...... 772 doing it he saw his bow slowly come back any class have a pretty poor chani:c o( winning the class. Here is a way that you can 111;111y time~ he has shot rl1e round. 4. Wh;1t, in his opinion should he the maximum and Sam Fuclenbetg, St. Paul ...... 758 to the surface. To say the least, Doug Women's Free Style c.:orrccr d1at situalion. The Fixed Distance and the Walk-Up Rounds can be shot simu]. minimum score.: allowed at hi~ particular raugc.: . .5. Did he like to shoot the round. 6. Ad­ Joan Bo'llunt, Redwoocl Falls ...... 758 heartily endorsed the COLT bow for bow• Dorothy Paulsen, Minneapolis ...... 748 to tishin~. taneously. The archers receiving the walk.up privilege wo\lld he those which average ditional corntnents he might want make. Arlyne Ruhl, Owatonna ...... 747

Page Thirty-eight "TAM" ••• 1.'HE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Page Thirty-nine NEW HEILITE 44COVER-ALL (~ANOPY" HAS DUAL FUNCTION I Icili1c l1as de1·eloped a new "Cover-All Canopy" for irs 1962 model fold-our camp­ Fvll Line of Arrows, Fish Arrows, New Dacron, Nylon, Bow Strings in re•usable Plastic Box. Dealer Inquiries Invited ••• ing tr;iilers which serves the dual function SCHWARZ MANUFACTURING & ARCHERY CO. of adding a second roof over rhe complete Box 123 -FULDA, MINNESOTA trailer tenr, while also prnviding adtli­ tinnal covered an:as as a prntective front Shakespeare and side awning. Medical Supply Announces Sting· The canopy is '' generous 14' x 18', con­ glass fiber Kill for Prompt Relief }'rom structed e11tircly of heavy pearl gray tcnl drill. lncludc of lt·rilaling Planli> opy" write Heilite Trailers, Inc., P. 0. Box 480, Lodi, California. for bowhunters

• When you take to the woods, arm yourself with glass fiber tackle that's built for the trip-Shakespeare Parabows® and WonderShaft arrows I Weather can't warp or vary the weight of Shakespeare bow­ hunting tackle. Strong, parallel glass fiber

A new product, /;1ing-Kill, that gives Parabows are built for rugged handling­ prompt relief hy neutralizing the pockers and for smooth, stable shooting. (leave of acid depnsired beneath the skin by stinging insects or co11t;1ct with irrirating the laminates where they can look pretty.) plants, has been :rnno1111ccd oy Medic;1[ More power, more Supply Company, Rockford, Illinois. safety, more speed. Thin, light, flexible C/P WonderShaft Sting-Kill eliminates pain, irritation, in .. • Trail-Hlazcr i..; gcar1!1l arrows are the most practical arrows in Aan1111alion, and swelling, and contains a lower-slower and liigher­ the field! Your archery tackle dealer has faster than any 1.1·ai1 bike! germicide for effective protection ;1gainst \ secondary infections rcsu lting from hnc­ • Rxch1i;ivc Marco trans­ Shal< speed range. arrows and accessories for all kinds of It is effective against stings or hires from ~ • Super rlurable stecl­ shooters-novice to expert-for all kinds bees, hori1ers, wasps, scorpion.<, ricks, chig. t11hing frames, phoo;phor­ gcrs, and ants, as well as rhe irritating ef­ ize<.1-stccl side-panels ... of shooting! frcts of cactus, nettle, poison ivy, and other hright red 01· ckep blue similar plants. bakcd-m1>1inel finish. • Large, cxtra-efficic11t A vailaole in convo::nient plastic applic:1- bow h•mters, field i;liooters, fishermen, campers, ranchers .. . brake drum with 10-inch tor o:>ttle. l{etail price 98C. For more in­ liningi;. form;1tio11, conract Medical Supply Com­ You'll get there on any terrain with - . - • Super.grip tires ... pany, Dept. SK, Rockford, !llinois. No. CS 57 Cornet Hllnling Kit. $29.95, includes 56" glass h.. avy-cleated 1·c:11· tl'+iails. fiber Comet bow (draw wts. 40 to 55 lbs.), KWIKEE KWIVER with cover, KWIKEE strina silencers. 4 four· Dlade lwntiny arrows, leather glove and arm guard. THERE lS NO SUCH Take a tfial ride at your Trail·Blazer dealer's. THING AS A 44TOY" Shakespeare Company, Dept. AM·129. Kalamazoo, Michigan. -~£A)£g~ In Canada. Shahspeare Company (Canada) Ltd., Rndala, Ontario 6·HP SUPER TRAIL·BLAZER ARCHERY SET . . • Gentlemen: Please send the free 1962 full-cotor Catalog describing Just scl ..ct thll speed-nrnge to snit the knain, a nil l'elax ! 3·HP TRAIL·BLAZER the complete collection of Shakespeare Archery tackl~ for all Any how, antl every bow, Powerful Climbi11g-R1111uc for monnlain trnils (c>1· <:'Ven rocky 3·HP JR. TRAIL-BLAZER types of shooting. ·· i;treambcds). Speedy Cmisi.ng·lfo.nge for faster travel and gm; can be dangerous. It is the Write for Fl'en lil.eraturc Name' ~------economy on tlattE:'r t1~rrnin. Climhs ~rartc::; up to -15" wit.h full Address. ______obligation of eve1·y experi· ... anrl lla ine of clcalHl' load _of :-100 pounds. enced a1·cher to impress nearest you. City ______Zone __State ___ everybody of this fact. BLAZER SALES CORP., 2:-11.9 8. IV/ain St., Sall Lrrke City Ji), Utah New 64" Parabow B12 with working rccurve, 5• sigh1 window, con1otJred semi·Pistol gtip with arrow plate, machined nocks, $14.95. New A25 WondorShaft arrows with 75°/105° four.fletch, available in 28' for 1arge1, fleld, 2·, 3·, 4·blade broiidhead, all poin1s available in wts. 25 to 5(), "TAM" ... 'l'HE ARCHERS' MAGA7.INE fro in $29.95 doz en. An all-new conception in BOW SIGHTS Sighting hy Trajectionl Better Shooting For the Right or Left Handed u.s. Pat. Beginner or Expert Ref. No. 38-268 $t6.00 'OSTPAID Weigh• I oi1 th an 1 oz. 7/ 8' dlo. 1 3/ 8' l<>ng. METRIC BOW SIGHT, Inc. "This is the season for bright colors ... BRIGH'l' 19791 9-Mlle Ill,. St. Cl•lr lhere1, Mich. WAY ground l>ase feather colors .. . the brightest P' Dea/er Inquiries Invited

FIRST IN QUAllTY FREE - ACTION· ILLUSTRAT'ED INFORMATION TRUE ARROW PRO AND IfXAS HATHfRS lllCORPORAlf O Get Strong Without Moving! ALUMINUM ARROW STRAIGHTENER ltLI I H. lllrUlW,,W You Can Be A Bette1· Archer! With Dial Indicator Complete With 1 Insel'ts - $35.00 HSEARCH Straightens nil shafts 14/64 Write--Centuck, 37 Station to 20/64 through the use of Yonkers 11, N. Y. seven lnte1·cbangeable in· serts. P ARAU.EL or TAPERED BUILD YOUR OWN SPINED o.- UNSPINED S•nd $0¢ for our Cl,\NT ~~·l'ACt: CATALOG. Comrlet& lino of fine~ :ii.t1: lm1~ c•Jtlil'ta.r:nt, Money PORT ORFORD CEDAR rduuJuil on fint order. Denlen no .,hGl'«'e. Bov-'8 by Pea.rton, U. S. Archery, Am ~rfoan. Sllbre, CUSTOM BOW \ ARROW SHAFTS ShAk <:11p~11 ro. Kir11:t And l>ulon J.i.:athor gooJa. Manufaetured By Ea&Loo, Alc()o Mfol'o·Flit~, Fleeti;l11H Sh3fts. We cany :i complete line o f acce~~ori N. llealer!'I ••• Save Over $50.00 Rose City Archery, Inc. - Powers, Oregon chcdc uur 111pcir.i•l prjc:c on uur F.775 MrrOw, Price List on Request AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY FOR EVERY ARROW MAKE.R 'fastest moving kids onov..~ on the markel - AMATEUR OR PROFESSIONAL - EASY TO OPERATE mt a i1~ "t .2.'l~ Il lustrated Instructions With Each Straightener FELINE ARCHERY COMPANY TRACERS ROBIN HOOD ARCHERY CO. R.D. 1, Greensbul'9, Penna. WORLD'S LARGEST A RCHERY DISTRIBUTORS A new product to enable the archer to easily spot his a rrows 215 GLENRIDGE AVE. MON'l'CLAIR, N. J. in any field course target. Tracers are a small fluffy feather to be attached to fletching on arrow. We h• ve • complete line of all Port Orford Cedar typH fletching feathers at new BUY THE' T.o Shoot B etter - EXERCIZE ! lower prices. GET THE NEW Send for free umples and price MODEL 200 KILBOW ARCHERY EXERCIZER list. *Full J:Snw (Dealers send letterhead) BEST • ~,~~~~ s~~!!~ Grip CHECK OUR LOW, EVERYDAY PRICES • •. * Point SighL Ultra Bow Kit Fllp• Up or Down Includes Everything FLETCHRITE FEATHERS • Premium Grade No. 1 --·· ------··$50.00 per M Anyone Can Bulld His Own " Ultra" Bowl • Mill Run Grade ______$37.50 per M 50 page, step by step, µiustrated tnstructton 4330 E . Belmont book makes bow PlllJOJlg euy. Tracer w ill lie down In flight and Everything Included! Gordon fibreglass, fluff out on Impact at target. FRESNO 2, CALIFORNIA • No. 2 Grode ------·----·$25.00 per M Maple co.re, rich red African Bublnga ban· die and Ups, form and rl.ser patterns_, glue, F.0.8. Kerby, Oregon lnslrucUon book. All materials xactory sized cut, and processed ready for assem­ bly. 'unit cost of sepai-nte items over $32.00. Latest Modern Design! Super fast short working limbs, long handle riser, fully re­ + SPECIAL OFFER + cu1·ved, centershot, form.flt contoured han· Send for FREE ... Catalog. The die grip, custom ap1>earance. Deluxe Arrow Kit Any Bow Welght1 Any Bow Len9thl 62", most complete and fully illustra· 100 66", 66" lengths (06" recommendeC1). For 25 Arrows Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed! In,spect led catalog of paints, broad- Nocks FREE wit Ii every materials, read Instruction book. If not Please specify bow order for 100 Premium more than pleased, return for full refund heads, arrow shafts, feathers, Grode No. 1 shofts ot (before assembly). weight and colors DEALERS: Start Today! rnclude with order: bow $9.75 per hund1ed, post­ weight, bow length, glass colors desired. tools, and a rchery equipment. preferred. age pa id. Acid $ t.OO per Western Distributor Eastern Distributor Send check or m oney order ($5.00 deposit hundred for true spine Hugh Rich Archeryi Inc. The Robin Hood A rchery Co. with COD shipment). Plus wholesale fishing tackle, 1731 South B1·and B vd. 215 Glemidlte Ave. ONLY shofts. State bow weight. Glendale 4, California Montclair, Rew Jersey cameras, decoys, game calls, Postoge paid. $27.50 Price, $5.95 MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED and reloading equipment. Over If not a.va.ilable a.t your archery store, send to: SAM!: DAY RECE IVED 170 pages. cf~~ l(ILBOW COMPANY .k•+frg"='~.r BOW tIVT • 2 ,..~.~·· ...... '' ~c "' "A\• r ~ '•"' Box 966 Fi·azier Park, California • '\l . .. ,.,,.. ~~EH-Ye: (add 2 lb. parcel 11ost rate) FINNYSPORTS KER13Y. OREGON 9062-A Sports Bldq. Toledo 1', Ohio Prompt Delivery- Free Price List June, 1962 PrLge Porty-three the HIT of the SAHARA-COL'!' show in Vegas By HIR AM J. GROGAN THLA-WOOKET AICH!lY CAMP 163 pa.ges, well illustu.t­ ROX!IUllY, VfllMOOT ed, nicely p r i n t e d - ) "bound in attractive hard '~ Tl>e .'.r~he1y·Trojnfo9 Ccnl•r e>f (ho Worlrt (:over :;tock. ~ TACKLE BOXES by MICRIS Enjoy a Unique Vacat i on ! 36" regulal' m odel hold up to 48 arrows to 35'' long. A c~ • cessory compartment 35i,{," x 3 ~.(." x 6". Overall size 36" Celel)raun.g Our 25th A nni111wsury w il.h. r.isf x. 7" x. 13". Wt. 11 lbs. $22.50 Postpaid. New deluxe t arget m odel holds 2 dozen arrows up to 31" Wh ere to go June 19 - .July 1 Aug 30- Sept 10 long. Full length 32" x :i! 1,~" x lO 'h" accessory compal·t­ ... how to do "SPLIT IM A&E" AR C H ER Y R A N GE F I N D E R ment. W~. 9 lbs. $19.95 Postpaid. -by a. skilled Pictu.-es cannot do these cases jusUcc ask your dealer to bowhunter who lND TARG £T. O I ST~NCE GU!'.SS\'!ORK! Merely sight target, turn dial until two show them to you or ord er direct . Send check or M.O. has lived every THE TEELA-WOOKET ARCHERY CAMP images merge, Dial then 1nd1cates correct distance. Compact, llchlweight. No CODs. minute of his of R oxbu ry, Vet'mont, invites y011 New ARCHERY RANGEFINDER New HUNTING RAHCeFINDEll ~t..-1 book. Grogan To learn and enjoy, with specialists in the field R~n g e 13 to 250 yds. • . :{>9.95 Range 20 to 500 yds ...... $19.95 >rings ou t the Deluxe ARCHERY RANG EFINOER SH Deluxe HUNTING AANGEFINDER SET MICRIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY importa nt fact ALL phases of .ar1}hcry with 2.5x Tel escope-Eyepiece and with Sx Telescope- Eyepiece and Leather Provo, Utah leather Hol,tr.r Case $17 .85 Hol ster Ca so ...... $29.95 Box 735, Carterville that s ma! 1- Write for detai ls about Instr uctors' Cours e, g a m e hunting is ava!lable to Workshops, Tournaments, Family Vacation Plan There Is No Such Thing EVERYONE . .. right at l\lr. and Mrs. E. B. Miller their very doorsteps or As A "Toy" Archery Set . . . w i t h i n practically :io 67 Old Stone Church Road T Any bow, and every bow, can be dangerous. minutes by car in almost Upper Saddle River, N. J . It is the obligation of every experienced arch­ any dir ect.ion from where they live.. It is no longer nec­ essary to lay aside the bow a.nd quiver when the Fall er to impress everylw ~01 BOX 1303 AM LIMA, OHIO ing subject c omp letely. MAX HAMILTON Flaqsfalf. A1l1ona whole Sig h t wlll move. Comblnos be.st writings of Mother Nature. Answer:; 'l'he compensator hos lntllcatlng leading auth orities. 69 6 your q uestions clearly. F or li nes so Sigh t can be alljusted to roference or leisurely brow­ pages, original poS!llon. 63 illustJ·ations. sing. $7.50 The Wlndage Compensator can be $12.50 rn~rt:~~:<1. on 90% of' all Sights manu· BEAR! Clyde Orm o nd's PIS TOi, SHOOTER ' S ARROW SHAFTS thriller on hunting Amer- .KOOK by Colonel Cha rles 1\11 mova ble parts aro with spring :ind h~l1 c ~ll te nsion. ica's greatest carn!vora . . . Askins. For beginners, ex­ Any amount, from one rlozcn lo a carload! That's right! We supply any amount the <;ur;tomcr w an ts. always dangerous, wily and perts a nd "in-be tw£>s:is." SCHRAM unpr edictable. 42 illustra.- New l'CVised edition of Col­ We also supply the type he wants; parallel, tapcrc<~ or harreled. High polished, or thu unpolished sticker or & SONS PRODUCTS tions plus diagrams a.nd onel Askins' !1:1.mous m au­ moulded type. And we supply Lhc.m in any size he wants - from lh" Lo :yg" sized every l /64Lh of an inch. 1003 Virginia Drive m a.ps on "how and where." ual that has helped make If you wanl I.he righ t shaft, at the right pricti, for Lhe job, bring your. shaft problems to us. We will gladly $5.00 man y medal wln ners. $8.50. O rlando, Florida help you i;olve them, whether you mnke a rrows fo l' your own use, or by the hundreds of thousands for the mass mar· Many Fine Books On Guns and Gunnery, Hunt­ ket. ing, Fishing, And Americana, Are All Obtain­ able Th1·ough '"f.A.M." Book Department. Free Satisfoct.ion P rice Ust8 M. L. McKinney Illust rated Catalog Of Stackpole Publicat ions Guaranteed Will Be Sent Wit h Each Order. Free OAKLAND OREGON P mcha~ers living in Pennsylvania add 4% to list price shown. Oldest Estabi:Shcd Arrow Shaft Mfg. in the U.S. SEE THE ARCHERS' PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX 832 NORRISTOWN, PA. Page F rn·ty -five J uno, 1962 · Page Forty-fQUr "TAM" . . . Tll}; ARCHERS' MAGAZCNE AMERICAN SCHOOL SUPPLY INC. Remarkable From a 48 lb KODIAK at a Everythinq in emblems for 40 YARD RANGE! FE.ATH.ER Archery and Gun Clubs 1'/.. If PenetratrQ GIVES MUCH TRUER ARROW FLIGHT Beautiful Embroidered Patches 2 , from one to seven colors Inatall•d. In 6 aeoond• on any cent.er ohot bow, th• exclua1vo new Saxon Feather RH t k ..P • ar.row tip Submit rough sketch of design for price nuah aaalnat bow handle and In r.•r fect ali11nment 1 " -<:;::iiiiiii!i; with tariret durlnr full draw and lnlt al arrow take-off, quotations apeedlnir arrow Cuter a nd truer t oward tarret. Shoou arrow quiet.er, prot..ecta It araln•t cr.. t damar e. Emblems Build Club Membership ~Aluminum httd iu.o• ,., a F.. tti .... •"t.. Also Your mone)' back If not aatlafl.ad. On• .io.. n al· Tee shirts and sweatshirts printed with club TARGET & HUNT tr&ctively mounted on handaome dealer dlaplay card name and design - Trophies, medals, badges. a ...urea taat, profitable •a.l" tor lnter.•t•d deal•••· TESTED BY 934 Main Avenue Passaic, N. J. SHANKLAND SAXON CORP. (Formerly Th So•ori co.J The A'RCHERY 1925 26th Ave. K.nomo, WlfConth11 LITTLE JOHN CUSTOM nows "Trttly Custoni Bowa With Custom Quality"

You Build Your Own Bow throug-h Little John Cata.· log. 1500 Different Bow WHOLESALE PRICES ON FIELD FACES TO ARCHERY CLUBS. Comblnatlons. 6 In. :faces only §2 per 100. 8 in. faces only $3 per 100. 12 ln. faces only $4.50 per ~uo. 18 In. faces only $2.50 tor 25. 24 Jn. faces only $8.20 for 20. •ren WILMA TELL novelties only $4.50 (These are te.rrlflcl. Hunters 1·ound (l~) $3.95. Official BJg Grune (14) only $5.48. 'F'ield Score Cards only $5.SO per 1000. ADD 10% for postage Little John offers You Novelty Target Co., 814 W. Norwood Court', San Antonio, Texas. · Eight different models, eight different handle sections, ava.tlable with or with· Model 17° CV Tuckifih re:curve 69 inch length tonrnammt ~d hunling bow, Ex­ out tips. A choice of arrow rest. Hush· cellent t~1u. l:un.in:u«I walnut and maple riilcr dcOcxcd for Slabili!y an~ smooth Hush or Flat. draw. AvallabJr in cui.tom models also. All weight•. P1k•• from .$32.50 ,p, o. Box 791-HJ Fort Worth l, Texas Send 25f In coin for catalog 610 fea­ Model 11• CV Hunter 63Y2 inch hunting bow. Dcflex<:d laminated waln~t and turing a complete line of bows, arrows, maple riser with full working Turkfa.h and accessories. roc:urved limbs. Umiurp~S$ed tast deliver~ <:omplete arrow penetration ()t') au hig game. Abo RY~iJable in custom models. All weights. Pricu lrom $18.50 Custom Quallty-Manufacturer':ii Price

Model 22• CV l'\lrfci~h cudom recurve for flat tra~ectory ln target work ano com­ 69 inch iength. The uttin1ate in fine lam­ plete arrow penetration on all big game. inated bowl'>. Dcfie.xtd lamlnattd walnut Grip atyle oPti~maJ with ac~cral 6tylc& to and maple riser. Maxinl.uru Turkish re· choose from. Truly· a cu~tom how. "Remember it's cul·ved limbs deliver high &peed arrow!' Price S:U.00 "VULCAN D·242 Bowstring fibre" .\1ANUF ACTURER to YOU" BRILLIANT CRESTS - IN MINUTES! Introducing the latest development in bowstring Glo>sy Doy-Clo laeque1·s in dcenl$ that ALUMINUM fibre· Vulcan D·242, soft finish, left (Z} twist, are ir.imJlle to use on wood, g)ni:;s. or natural white Dacron, in 8 oz. spools only, a.t aluminum an·ow~ of any sihc· .. ARROW SHAFTS /1 Why pay more?>~? HcrtC't°'s. alumi­ $4.75 postpaid. Also FREE with each order one Slandn1·d leng~h.-. .17~ long .... ~Q~ .Do~. num arrow !ihaft!'I ~n: the 'btl't that spool Vulcan serving thread in Brown, Green or LITTLE JOHN COMPANY Americ:an engineers with modern Red, retail value 40 cents. Dealer a.nd Bowstring SWEETLAND PRODUCTS machinery 'an make. $waged nod: J). 250 West LaJte Road 2441 Hilyard St, Eugene, Oreson ends, 111achine- i>trai1::htener 6811 stcd target points fJr broAdhud 423 Stallings Bldg., Birmingham 3, Alabama As filu8trated tapers supplied loose. $3US Pric~ per do%cn St.90 MANUFACTURERS - JOB· 1 BERS - DEALERS ••• The most JI ow There S ~Tar.get For You. successful concerns in the entire DEALERS!! Archery Field rely on "TAM" Buy From The Nation's Leading ARCHERY TACKLE JOBBER. for complete cooperation in their HERTER'S SPECIAL • ALL LEADING LINES advertising, news, public rela­ RAM MX • EXC~LLENT SERVICE tions and market data. Write High carbon steel fl')ur cdr:e broadh('ad cn:atts i1,tcnse hcmorrhajire for quick dean • LAIW EST STOCKS for s p e c i al rates on cenler­ krl1s. Precision b3h1nccd, will not plant ~ even in windy wealhtc. Otsigl'\ed for ~cne­ • FREE DEALER'S CATALOG spreads and inserts. trB.tioT> with nn ferrule drae:. Li:ni:th 2~~ • COMPLETE EXPORT SERVICE inches. Maximum width l!tl inche!I. "Serving over 6000 Dealers, 1n 7 Different Countries." Phil·Ctis P.r dozen S/16 $3.71 "TAM" - THE ARCHERS' Per dozen 11/32 $3.91 MAGAZINE ANDERSON ARCHERY ~ \'!WD-T...tl SALES CO. Tl\RGE.TS Rr<.~t•• R•in C•p"" P. O. Box 832 - Norristown, Pa. SEND 251 FO~ 4SO PAGE D•l:.ch Kt.>lio HERJER'S, INC. Waseca, Minnesota CATALOG Grand Ledge, Michigan Ul~YSIOt 'PRINiER~ s...~ C..4$ • Not.it~ Phone: NA 7-2003 RO.I POTT~ 1PI'. Di"N Pn\eor'l> June, 1962 Page Forty-seven • • ••••• +, ...... ,.!++!++!++++++••.~.~•"•"••• ...... ,,...... w ... TARG ETS - TOP EDGE WEATHERIZED 1960 list includes sh ipping; 28T. Field - 60 Faces - $7.00. --- COMING SOON -- - 14.T. Hunter - 34 Faces - 7.50. w/ck/mo ·- On corr-board - Samples WIL·S·CORE TARGETS THE ALL NEW fM AU Nem SM Cilafiott Box 65 West Winfield, N. Y.

Gl!ADE J GRADE II GltADE Ill Professional fot 1962 SPECIAL CLEARANCE 21 /64 31'}," long, 50-55 lb. $8.00 per hundred 11/ 32 34" all spined weights $12.00 per hundred. Satisfaction MAGIC FLETCHMASTER guaranteed. K·W ARCHERY COMPA NY BY 400 s. Howes, Fort Colllns, Colo. BITZENBURGER

BETTER THAN EVER - NEW FROM TOP TO BOTTOM - MORE ACCURATE, AND MORE I n:ATHERS - BEST QUAL.ITY - LOWEST PRICE · Thou.sands of satisfied archers and VERSATILE. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OUR FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I tackle makers fletch with MICHIGAN ARCHERY COMPANY SELECT Full Length ground feathers. Your cb olce of wing or color - per hundred • natural Barred $2.50, I Dyed Barred $2.75 • Natural White $4.30 - HENRY A. BITZENBURGER I Dyed White $4.70. Add 10~ per 100 postage. , ·sss M ichigan Archery Comp.any • BOX 105 • 800 East 4th St. Los Ang·eles 13, California HOL LAND • MICHIGAN. $1%5-00 I $ S S.DO $ 100.0 0 i

SO POINTS GUARANTEED 128 pages · ex­ tit.re at bst - is u "uiclu for the hu...ier · tensively .... illus­ 1o1 l10Lo:.crapher~ \tlritten J.,y a Rpeeio.liet ttl10 We guarantee to raise your score 50 points or more. trated .. • ..l etter· hu a Jihchnc fiduituily with wiMlife. ~md Shoot the all new "SMITHWICK CITATION" and BOWHUNTERS - press production whose work~ have app ~ia tod ill nnuu:rnu~ on coated stock maga~itu:~, inelndini 1'AM, 1'!!~ Ard1e:.m get the .feel of it. Then if you do not sh oot 50 points • ~ .. Hard .... Cloth M~1::1t.ine. or better than your current scores ;retur n :tor full HANDGUNNERS - bound Sell pcocnls :& thoro•4'.b t:7.l)lo.Qf:lion o{ the money refund. "'°'f !u.itaLle l!A.tl\ca.• ~nd their au.essorie1 RIFLEMEN - - cuvl'.ring ee-lectiou end u-o of hinoc: u.Jar1 WR IT.E TODAY FOR ft'ULL DETAILS ABOUT PRICE cedepJ1010 at1d wide·1t.n~le len9es. best lypes or filten~~ h.,W to 8J1uOl lruphy pfolUTefl1 'l'HIS AMAZING GUARANTEK CAMERA EXPERTS: $2.95 llial1r piclun:a of dnek,. .,,nd r,eele, color ou.J r:Alling g3me. Varmint Calling is a challenge "HUNTING All fyp~a uf hnnling ar~ weitll i1Juttr1\lcd antl dM('.ribe4'1, jncludh\G the ..lO"r fmmtJy, •11111itT~l. .· to everyone . . . keep posted with 1aLblt, unrl ulheT 11 m ~dl i ame. T hi ~ il'I TH"E book ior the 3\·nage Hnntet'~ CAMERA C:irt:Ib4: enthusUu;.t. Putch."ls ers living 1u S & J ARCHER'" SALES by joining the NATIONAL Prnn ~ylvania add 4% tu Lat pd co ahowP. and ~ til di. ~ S'- I0,4S &v•bonk &lwd No Ho\lrwood, C•"'· VARMINT CALLERS ASSO­ nINOCULARS" THE ARCHERS' PUBLISHING CO. CIATION, P. 0 . Box 3272, by Francis E. Sell P. O. Box 832 NORRISTOWN, PA. Lubbock, Texas. Write for complete information.

N EW! GOOD HUNTING ~~!!HE~~~ c!~.~~~u~~:!!N2~~~ ~ ~ - SHAFTS OF DISTINCTION A new ldea. in shooting tabs, the OWN WEST TEXAS AREA e NEAR SLATON TEXAS. LARGE GLA&S SMOOTH FINISH • UNIFORM STRAIGHTNESS SPEEDFLIGHT T A B FAT BIRDS • GOOD BUNTING COVER • obos AND GUIDE ~ ..).__ FURNISHED FREE FOR YOUR HUNT e TRANSPORTATION ~ ~ DEPENDABLE QUALITY will not crease FURNISHED TO AND ,F,ROM THE FIELD e SAVE 111ANY DOL· .n.fT "-: '"' * no curling a.round bow string LARS AND TIME BY HUNTING THIS NEAR·BY RANCH ~ , , * PORT ORFORD CEDAR * unaffected by moisture Write Today For Information ~- FOR ACCURACY e FOR TRUE FLIGHT * eliminates nock pinching " longer life FOR DEEP PENETRATION * or Phone For Reservaiions. .. " ' ~~ \f.ij}V :,}'1.t. ~. ;, Leather $1.50 Unborn calf $1.75 ONLY S25 PER HUNTER AND YOU ~~ w(,,,..._ v NORWAY ARCHERY Sm all, medium, or Ja.rge. Left or right band. SELECT VARIETY OF BIRDS TO SHOOT. 1 'f/ Norway, Oreqou STAGHORN ARCHERY CO., INC. THE S-BAR RANCH SHOOTING RESORT (price list free on request) Merrlll, Wisconsin SLATON, TEXAS, BOX 507 TELEPHONE (ACUFF) TU- 22842 Pago Porty-nine June, 1962 THE BEST BOOK COVERING TARGET 3 Helpful ARCHERY Items MOHAWK ARCHERY - FIELD SHOOTING BOW REELS ... Finely constructed An­ AND BOWHUNTING -THAT HAS odized All Aluminum­ APPEARED WITHIN THE PAST TEN YEARS DeL11xe (4%") $2.95 - Gust.om (6") $3.50 - Shoot-Thru (7") $3.95 - Thomas A. ["Tom") Dealer Inquiries Invited. Forbes' groat work "NEW GUIDE TO BETTER ARCHERY" MOHAWK SPORTING EQUIPMENT CO. • • ; nvel' 800 well illustr11ted I 736 CLEVELAND ST. ELYRIA, OHIO pages Qf inf.ol'mlltion for the beginner and the expert •• , ! . and for everyone who owns a bow OL' is thinl

FREE CATALOG: now electronically preci­ sione·d arrow shafts in fiber glass-a new achievement in accuracy from MICRD·FLITE! ARCHER'S 6" FIELD BOOT When yon orcler your Made of silicone u·eated ALCAN HIDE and BLACK ACE ••• mellow hunUng boot leather. Has non-skid h a. v e your dealer sponge rubber sole; non·snagablc heel; glove leather lining; foam rubber heel seat; send in the exact de­ hand-sewn vamp plus l" turn-up cuff for JYl scription of your de· extra ankle p1·otection. Men's sizes 6·12 r ·,rrrrrr sired grip ..• a.nd we (whole and half), widths C and E - $18.95 r------· -- ·postpaid. ~------•••=<.-;------: will duplicate it to : FREE CATALOG! from MICRO·FLITE, ~ form-flt your hand. Catalog of other footwea.r and moccasins for the : 1919 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa, Calif. : entire family available, on request. I I Dept. A l· Name ...... ·...... 1 • Dovetail Grooves HIT ARCHERY CO., EBINGER BROTHERS & COMPANY • Made of Machined Aluminum l Address ...... i I I RT.3,ARCHBOLD,OHIO ROWLEY, MASSACHUSETTS • All Parts Interchangeable 1 City ...... State ...... 1 • Used by Best Archers in the World : O Archer · O Dealer O Club : ~------~ Page Fifty "TAM" •.. THE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE June, 1962 Page Fifty-one "Introducing the latest development In Bowstring Fibre-Tho 0 ·142 Sofl Finish, Left (Zl Twst, Natural Dacron In 8 oL spools only ar1 $4.75 per spool postpaid. A lso, free, with each order one sample NEW 64 PAGE CATALOG spool of Brown, Green, Red or Yollow Vulcan serving thread, retall value 40 cents. Dealer and bowstring makers Discounts. Howard L. Th readgill, Ost. 423 Stalling Buldng, Birmingham 3, Ala. " Let VUL· FOi< 'l'ARGET • FIELD ARCH ERS & BOWH UNTER8 CAN STRING YOUR BOW". ALWAYS WISHED In pace wlth the growth of the Sport, we have enlarged ovr YOU COULD OWN Cataloa from 40 to 64 pages of Awards, showing many new beau· tiful m edals, pins, charms, yard· A FASCO BOW... age bars, jewelry, etc. It will be mailed to all Clubs who Pill" but thought you chased awards during the past three ycu1·s. Others, write (listing 1 couldn t afford one of club namo). Ask for Catalog A-62.

FREE "Deslen·An·· the world,s fl nest? CLUB & ASSOCIATI ON Emblem"® Kit in· EMBLE MS REPRODUCED eludes work sheets, Now, Fasco is proud to cin­ sam pl e emblem and ru11 color ca tal og. • • ,. nou.nce t he in troduction of We are speciullsts ln producing three newly-designed bows Club Emblem Dies, authentic In detail and club colors. We \Vill Now, your club too, can have the--- finest~ Swiss em. w ithin the reach of every broldored emblems . Send us your rough sketches on Pe1·sonalized gladly ndvisc you as to the least tho "Deslgn·An·Emblem"® work sheets and we submit pocke tbook! Trophy Awards expen8lvo way to produce yovr beautiful tiand colored emblem design for your approval. wlth Club Emblems ~mblcm for maximum use. •(klUOI .,Four Gonorolions of Swiss Embrotdery Know.How•• shown in New Catalog ®-- .... -~; A ·B EMBLEM/cl. ~ s1!·52uo1hst MODEL #45 {_J>"1f" Union C1ly, N . J fectvring wol"ut Minero-Newcome & Co., Inc. Su your dealer hond le th er, the 6-0" MC>del # 45 9 Murruy Slreet New York 7, N. Y. ii o best&s&H•t ot •rwrlte. .$44.50 Na slippage of arrow on string NEW CATALOG AVAILABLE •.. " . Balanced three linger actian Complete Archery Bqutpment and Accos.sorics. Cvstom Arrows our bowstring attachment specialty. Send 20c to cover mulling co:it. Dealers Inquiries Invited . YOUR NAME ... Smooth mow release ROGERS ARCHeRv COMPANY, 3156-58 Rkh mond St., Philadelphia Albert H. Schneider, 34, Penna. or any words •.• c ustom m ado for you, In handsome. raised 3720 Crestview Circle, Satisfaction guaranteed white lette rs, on self-adhering rugged vlnyl tape. Will per­ ..MODEL #30 m~nently stick on your archery tackle! or a ny smooth surface. Brookfield, Wisconsin, U.S.A Buiftwitfi wolnut grip, send 25(1 each with sta mped , solf·adoressed e nvelope. Name­ thi$ l ioely-c-rofted 6611 tape dept. s, 300 E. T ioga St., Phlladelphla 34, Pa. .Fasco bow is iui1t $ 29.50 Announcing ( MODEL # 40 .. TROPHIES The Another exo"1ple of "BEAUTY" su perb Fc sco engi­ neeringJ th is 6611 bow You Buy Direct From Manufacturer Dow Is avoilobte at only "AT WHOLESALE PRICES"! by V. KaccrcullS $39.50 SEND FOR A FREE FULL COLOR CATALOG TODAY 1961 New England J &J TROPHY MFG. P.O. BOX 14 ORANGE, N • J. and Conn. Ffeld Fasco also still features its com­ NQ,w-! Champion plete line of Ph antom and Ma rk soft twist nylon Ot'iontal Handle, the II bows, ranging from $59.50 mosL •table in the CuRtom·Arrows for particulnr archers. Premium quality. TaUored world today. to $ 11 9.50. Remember, too, SERVING THREAD R ci ttforced tips ln only Fasco brings you the fab­ lo the J11(lividual. Details and prices. Ken Easton, 1500 Seymour, Umbs. ulous Sonic Hunter at $59.50 Utica., N. Y. Beautiful Bl\BINGA and ZEBRA inlaid and $69 .50 (with thumb rest). wood handle. One of the easiest SEND FOR YOUR FREE BROC HURE • FASCO ARCHER Y CO . shootint: BOWS made 'rODAY. 5234 EL CAJO N BLVD., SAN DIEGO 15 , CAllF. "ACME" Supplied in 60" 66" 'f.iii,J 70" THE WORLD'S LEADING MAl{ER OF 7 List $85.00 "Sportk ote" Maintenance Wax Now To Fit Standard Serving Jigs Other compo.site 96 Cents Plus Shipping- Sent Upon Request POR'l' ORFORD CEDAR SHAFTS .Bow.s from The stro ngest, lo ngest wearing ~24.95 to $75.00 Pnrallel shafts made from straight grain top quality cedar. Factory Representatives serving thread available . Complete line of Ar· Electronically spined shafts accurate to a five-pound tolerance. Available in .!":izes 5/ 16", 21164" and 11/32". SiK Colors: red, green, rows, Targets and Ute Archery Feed ing HH!s Archer y blue, yellow, black Accessories. 3364 So. State St. 1003 No. Westfield st. Mill run unspined, in various grades, available in all ~izes. and white. Send for Catalog. Salt Lake City, Utah Feeding Hills, Mass. Sticker Shafts < ~ot polished) available in 5/ 16" size only. 1 ounca sar... ing Lakeshore Stor e Frank Stablein Packed 1000 m cart.on. So11t h Lake Irving 300 Wise Ave. JIG SPOOL ..., .65 Bemidji, Mi nnesota BaltlMore 22, Maryland OUTDOOU Ar chery Cente r and Sales Asheboro Arche r y Equip .co ACME WOOD PRODUCTS CO. 3111 No. 36th St. P. O. Box 955 SPORTS Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ash ebo ro, North Carolina Hox 654 Phone 327<1 Archery Sales and Ser vice Kelley Arche ry Supplies MYR'I'LE POIN'l:, OREGON 61 7 So. State St. 1 13 Second St. Ml,G. CO. Ch icago 5, Illinois Nicevtrre, Fiorlda price list furnb;hect on reque:;t SOOT Broad St. Archery c:..,,11ter Daly City Archery Shop Forestville, Conn. 333 w. Fulton 6253 Mission St. Grand Rapids, Michigan Daly City, California June, 1962 Paye Fifty-th?- ee PRESENTING: The All New s VEGA

Models IV, VI & VIII By T STARFIRE rongest Cement As illustrated the Vegas are equipped an archer con use for fletching arrows, attaching nocks and points, working with with the revolutionary new *Vibra-Rod leather! A undamped vibration absorber. (Easily EVER FAST dries quickly, forms a deep, permanent bond that defies rain and snow. removable for storage or transfer.) That's why leading tackle fi rms and thou­ This rod, tuned to vibrate at the same sands of top archers use it. If you haven't frequency at the Vega's bow limbs, discovered EVER FAST, get a tube today. R Only a quarter at your archery shop. completely eliminates all handle vibration. AMBRQiD COMP)\NV .. ARCHERY DIVISION, WEYMOUTH, MASS . F

Multi-Use Bow Sight (4.95) NEW SIDE QUIVER 0 Designed lor the use of both target * and field anchors using the same ver· Ucle yardage calibrations on the sight. frame. The locking, acliustnble, grnduat.;ed * slide plate conv1ently puts arche1· back on to1·gel lf-bow-sfi'lng breaks, wet weaU1er, usinf various lYl>es Unfortunately the rod won't aim your I vanes and an·ows, cha11glng anchor poslUon, shifting of nockfog point! or any other condition that may s ow arrows but it will make sure they go down or speed up lhc arrow Olghl. ldcal Jor commercial target ranges * or family use (or the dlStance ciill­ where they're aimed, even when shot br:itlou.s on the sight fram will adapt to lndivldunl onchot• positions by be­ ing shot In on only one ta1·get, 11otiog poorly. the corrcspondtog graduation on the adjustable slide plate, and using It on all lhe ol her distances. We're so sure your scores will improve R * Lei: mounts adju.sl to various extreme bow shapes without bending. * Adapts to right or left hand. with a new Vega that we're offering a * Aluminum 1>:irts~olor finish. Model SQ-4 $7.95 money back guarantee. This guarantee

Hunter Field Bow Sight (3.95) .Everyone knows Carlisle makes the is explained in our illustrated brochure * Lcngth-5 inches. finaat Quiver•. Here's an example - * 3 Hooded bead post sight&, .fully adjust­ one which cxplnlns why more Rnd able for Rxed hunting ranges lll'ld wind­ more archcm1 arc going lo side quiv­ available on request. E nge. ers I This beauty ts crafted ot top-g1·11ln lcnlhor. It's 21" nnd * Adopts to right or left hand. ~a s a roomy .zll)pored pocket. It's trrent tor lle ld , target, hunt­ * Aluril.ln11m parts-color finish. ing - and for Indoor nrchory. Comes In Saddle Tan, Black By the way, when you get your new Vega, Adjustable, locking, graduated slide plate Saddle Tan-Smoke Black Smoke. · fo1· ~i·get use will adapt to this model but for FIELD ANCHOR USE ONLY ...... $1.50 take a real close look at the craftsmanship. Do1lble Hooded bead post sl!!'ht ...... $1 .55 BOWS Single Hooded bead post sight ...... $1.15 Also In Bend Post Sight ...... 35c WHITE we know you'll be pleased. FROM YOUR DEALER OR DIREOT For her Birthday Eastern Diet,ribu.tur: ROBIN HOOD ARCHERY 7713 Morgan Ave. So. 215 Glenridge Ave. See Your Favorite Deale1 · Montclair, New Jersey CARLISLE ¢Patents applied for. Minneapolis 23, Minn. N ottinghan1 Co. LEATHERCRAFT, Inc. Page F'ifty-fiv e No. 4, H offman Rd., High Bridge, N. J. 1126 Nowvllle Jld. Mounted Rt . No. 3 CarU.l o, Pa. June, 1962 emarI

...__ ;: <.; -:. :. .... ~l,;~~ ' Now ... give weeds, brush, grass and snags a

and RUBE POWELL • ''BRU~H-OFF" PATENT RIGHTS RfS~RVEO Two outstanding champions of the Large many leadina archers who depend upon the enough greater shooting ac· to do curacy of the new Pro the job ... Medalist Bow. Detachable Gold-Plated

TORQUE STABILIZERS ... yet Pro Medalist Bows with the feather­ additional patented features light so bow of Thumb Rest Pistol Grip T,orque stabilizers can be of many shapes, sizes; or and dynamically· bata~ed materi~ls, and may be used on the face, back, or action will not Dyna· Poise bow limbs are sides of the bow. They can be of one, two, or more change materially! available at Hoyt authorized · proj~ions, and may be detachable, movable up dealers now. or down, in or out, or an extend.ed integral part of Specially designed Munsingwear shirt for the the bow handle section. The Hoyt p'atent appllca· Brush, grass, limbs slide right off archer, right hand pocket ond small peaked cop 62", 66", 70" Lenrths in tion Incorporates· all these contingencies in Its the smooth metal shield - no more never interfere with archer's action. No mes wtiahts to 65 lbs. 1t 28" claims. However, a pair of detachable stabilizers snags. 1/s" aluminum a I loy does the embroidered above pocket and club name on 12.a.50 strateglc,ally located and projecting forward, w·ere deflecting. Anodized to stop sun reflection. Light, tough, stretchy bock. 2·ply lisle cotton knit in your choice of chosen for the Pro Medalist Bow. Careful design eggshell, light blue, navy, red, yellow or white. plastic snugs onto bow limb. based u~n an engineering analysis disclosed su· 'v\iiih our archery emblem. Sizes S, M, L, XL. perior effectiveness of this arrangement about all Embroidered shirt (washable) $6.50 ax,es of rotation for l>ftt possible versatility and NEW! SAUNDERS shooting accuracy. Arrow-Saving 1\/Tn:t-hing poplin cap . $2.00 special designs, 65¢ per shirt EEllJIBLUDGEON S shirts embroidered, minimum order club discount 103 (20 snirt minimum) 50% deposit, balance C.0.D. Shipment prepaid with cash order. Plcose wrile us for special inlormotion. U.S.A. only. A Saunders exclusi11e­ a killing head that ARCHERY CLUB SHIRT, INC. /im wm EVERGRm1. c111cAGO 11. uu1101s minimizes arrow shaft breakage. ------On hitting rock or tree. point jsHIRT FIRST LEHERIHG HOCK COLOR SIZE N.AME COLOR EMBROIDERY 0 0 ··1 "gives" and glances Qff, leaving I shaft undamaged. Tremendous . Embroid•ry I ·~ l•lf•ri I impact of 6-pointed. 7/8" head kWs " or l•n I You Can't laat The facts •• • small game instantly by shock. Fits 5/16 or I ; " shaft. Bright red color makes Flockino The addition ot weights, located strategically as shown in these­ 11 32 hilk m•on) I hunting arrows easier to find. I ov•r 15 diagrams increases the bow stability significantly betause of the leuen increase In the mass moment of inertia. Technically, it can be Bag of 10...... $l.9S I shown the percentage increase Is 27.6% about aiOw, \he bow mu.t be Cotor deslsnect to accommod•t• stabilizers to achieve maximum I I -1~~o'e a~herY :~ ft1!M» I I effectiveness. Th·e convehtlonal bow may be either unbeneflted, or adversely affected by the use-of stabilizers. own a « b- COLUMBUS, I NAME ~------l SAUNDERS Matt ~~~h - NEBRASKA The revolutionary Pro Medalllt aow, dnf&nld spedflc:alty with Guaranted to outlast )~Z«~ . J IAD DRESS I other matts by to 1 ·• ,!@"? , torque mbfllzers as an lntec,.1 part of the bow ~lln, has 3 ll~Ut ,_ltlual lridp Rd., 8riqelan, Mo. establlslied a proven record of shootln1 accurecy by tournament ~ T!_ ------·----- STATE------d champlonsf PUBLISHED IN FORECAST: YOU'LL THE INTEREST SHOOT BETTER WITH OF ARCHERY! AffiERICAO ARCHERY flEWSFLASHES AMERICAN BOWS ! .. 1962 AMERICAN BOWS OFFER CUSTOM MADE HANDLE DESIGN r' ,, CUSTOMERS P.LEASED! Unsolicited compliments being paid to CALIFORNIA STANDARD the nc\v 1962 \mc1·ican composit.c bows )>rove that 1\tcy arc destined to be the Jeading w w:; in. 1962. Ilere jg what some of t he leading archers anosite bows. !l'he regular make a hit with the archers around Cheetahs, Ba1·raeudas, Sh81'k and the here. N<>w we can give the most exact­ B - PiHtol grip - for dual purpose Flash bows arc all 1nacle to the high­ ing a.i:eae1~ just what lie wants.'' grips est Standards. Send 25c in coin 01· You and your customers will s~y the C -· - Standard &'l'ip - for fast accu­ stamps fol' your 1962 American Arch­ same things when you see and shoot rate shooting e1·y Catalog. tho new 1962 American bows. Xf yon have not akeady received your l!J62 American catalog SEND"'25c to COV­ AmERICAD ARCHERY comPADY ER MAILING COSTS. 2 WALKER AVENUE • CLARENDON HILLS, ILLINOIS


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