Everything! Bows, arrows, leather goods, accessories. And please remember, Colt's is too proud of its handgun reputation to put its name on any but the finest• archery tackle. Look for Colt-branded tackle at your nearest Colt Registered Dealer. COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS MFG. CO., INC. HA~TFORD 15, CONN. r Bow shown Is rl~~ al Match for archers who want c~}~~\:>··~) ~J ~m &~{i'M~1 the very best. $89 ..95. A MAJOR INDUSTRIAL COMPONENT OF Other Colt Bows from $5.95. FAIRBANKS WHITNEY Vol. 11, No. 6 JUNE 1962 35c FOREIGN 40c ... the most versatile ~nd widely read all-phase archery magazine An invitation to you and the other See the new top 10 . ..A ··~--.k. d archers I O zn your . community World's first shooting· inslrumc11t de.signed to prol'c.:ssional pcrf'cction. Lord Sovereign _mm plctdy clirni- nates jar . cannot develop torqu r. ... shoo1s plasti-llctd1 with cas('. T ake this aclverLisemenLto your best :nc:hery shop now. Ask for a per- sonal .~bowing. LORD SOVEREIGN $115.00 \\'i th deluxe uow cnse .s I"E C I FI CA T l 0 N S : LEl'>GTllS: (i(i" and li8". WEIG H TS: Available in popular tournament weights. coNSTR1;cr10:-.· : The tic· gai1cc of rosewood lnmi o a tcd to finest g l 11s~ facing and backing. 11ow <:Asr:: Gold padded, wit h Ju II- length zipper. SOVEltEIGN DIVISION OF BEN PEARSON, INC. rINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS JA'S. D . EASTO~ INC. • 15137 CALll='A ST REET • \/AN N U YS, CALIFORNIA L__ _ lf•IU tr ®- Volume 11 - No. 6 June, 1962 AMADA P L1blitil1ee! Monthly by The Archer's Publishing Comp~ny. Inc:.> P.O. Box 832, Nol'rlstown, Pa. $2.50 per year, in the United States and Canaaa 30 cents per copy. Outside of U. S. $3.00 per year, 35 cents per copy. Neither1 text nor lllu8Lrations from The A1·chers' Magnilnc may be quoted or used without perm.!ssion by ihe Publisl1ers. (Copyright WGZ by The Archer's Publishing Company, Inc.) NATIONAL COVERAGE 0 F :J/ie Sport, Cra/t~ anJ JJottie~ o/ TARGET ARCHERS • FIELD SHOOTERS : BOWHUNTERS There's Alvtays Something , • , for Every Archer - Every Monfh - in "TAM" ••• The Archers' Magazine "TAM" ... THE ARCHERS' MAGAZINE Puhlished hy The Archer's Publishing Company, Inc. Viewpoints • • MAILING ADDRESS Execul.iue Offices The signed articles of leading P.O. ROX 8~2 CURREN ARCADE BUILDING 51 EAS1' MAIN STREET, NORRlSTO'WN, PA. archers and writers appearing on NORR ISTOWN, PA. Phone: BRoadway 9-7010 the pages of THE An<.: HERS' MAGA· ZI:."IE our Editor J. W. ("ANny") A;.-.inERSON are presented so that reade;s may have the benefit of Associate Eilil.ors Pacific Coast Editor a wide variety of news, views and J . W. (Andy) F RANCIS E. SEU. M JI.TON J. LEWIS viewpoints on important events, Anderson, Editor H ELENE B. IllJCK 731% No. La Brea Ave. activities and important issues in the archery world. En:LYN .T. Esn:Rvoc Ho ll~· wood 38, Calif. There may be Limes when such viewpoints contradict How11nn T. SrGLER one another. They have no connection with the editorial Contribiiting Editors Advertising Man.ager policy of this magazine and sometimes, in fact, may LEONARD J. CARTER G 1·;0RGE c. TA YLOTI, J H. represeut exactly an opposite opinion. The opinions, TOM MANSELL 12 18 Chestnut St statements and viewpoinls expressed belong solely to Dn. PAUL CRouc.n Phila., Penna. the writers. FLEETGLASS-nEETlJ/999 .. ARRO\NS • • .as sure as shootin' In every corner of the world, experienced bowhunters choose: The finest fibreglass arrow on the market HOWATT bows. Success in the field depends on speed, power, today. Accurately matched in spine and weight to match your bow. Insert points, accuracy, and consistency . .. the very qualities engineered into not slip - over, plastic nocks, machine each HOW A TT design. With the HOWATT Diablo, yott will spiral fletched, neatly painted with dis­ hunt with a truly deluxe hunting bow. Available in 54- and 58· tinctive crest. State bow weight and draw length. inch lengths with weights to 75 pounds and guaranteed to 30- FOR FIELD: inch draw. Other HOWA 1"T hunting bows at your dealer 59.50 include the Hi-Speed, Hunter and Monterey ... all modcstJy Fleetgloss Non·Sklp field Arrows No. 338.. ................ $20.95 Doi. ' priced. FOR TARGET: No. 325. ................ :$19.95 Doz ." FOR HUNTING: Fleetglass Hunting Arrows with King qf ihe -= r'I r'r'.,., i 1nnn AMADA Forest Point. " King of th:e Fqrest" 8rood­ .,_, I ._,_ '- I &.AJIJ IJ IJ ARCHERY MANUFACTURING CORPORATION heods dre d four blade head. State draw ARCHERY COMPANY WRITE FOR COMPLETE OEAL.ER INQUIRIES INVITED ROVTE 8. YAKIMA, WASHINGTON l ~ngth and weight of b ow...... $24.75 Doz. lSOS EAST 19th AVE. DENYER s. COLORADO CATALOG J une, 1962 Page Thretj VIRGINIAN MOTEL-12. Units l!:SSEX ARCHERS, INC. 8836 W. Ogden Ave. (U.S. 84) Mrs. Clara M. Patterson, Secy..... June 24th Brookfield, Ill.-IIU 5·22.12 ·154 North Avenue $ 9.00---1 person Fanwood, New Jersey 10.00---2 persons 12.00-twln beds Poublc American at 14.00-2 double beds West Orange, N. J. 2.00---extra cot HARRJSBURG ARCHERY CLUB, INC. 1/:1. of 1-eservatlon as deposit Mrs. Elizabeth Looker, Secy......... June 24th West on Ogden Ave. to York Rd., North Haskins T1·. Ct. on York to Polo Club (7 Miles) New Cumberland, Pa. CHICAGOLAND MOTEL-2S Units Pouble American 7225 w. Ogden Ave. (U.S. 34) MUNICIPAL ARCHERS OF MEMPHIS Lyons, ILL-HI 7-7910 M1·s. Sarah Shannon, Secy............. June 24th $ 8.00-1 person 1403 J<1ckson Avenue Memphis, Tennessee l~:&&=~w~~rb~~~ NASSAU BOWMEN 14.00-2 double beds THE NATIONAL ARCHERY ASSOCIATION - BOARD OF GOVERNORS - 1961 nirs. Lella C. Sherman, Secy......... June 10th THE 78TH ANNUAL 3g~ full day's rate deposit with i·eserva- 24 Satellite Lane CLAYTON B. SHENK, 2833 Lincoln Highway East, Ronks, Penna......................... Presldent Levlttown, New York WAPITI ARCHERS WIN NATIONAL ARCHERY West on Ogden Ave. to York Rd., North Double American ROBERT AJ.BHJGHT, 1551 Crestview Dr., Plttsb11rg 37, Penna..................... Vlce Pre~ident on Yo1·k to Polo Club {9 Miles) ASSOCIATION'S OREGON STATE ARCHERY ASSN. KEYSTONE FEDERATION OF DELMAR $. LeSAGE, 23 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, 111 .................... Executive Secretary BROOKFIELD MO'l'EL-11 Units CHAMPIONSHIP - AUGUST 8809 Ogden Ave. (U.S. 34) Miss Kay A. Ratliff, Secy............. June 16-17 Tel'm Expires 1962 Exph·es 1963 'l'ernis Expires 19&4 1031 N.E. 157th Avenue BOWHUNTERS PERPETUAL Brookfield, Ill.-HU 5·0948 Po1·tland 30, Oregon 5TH - OAK BROOK, HARRY GILCREST RAYMOND GOOLEY MISS VERREL WEBER $ s.00-1 person 8800 Diagonal Rd. S03 Meadow Street 207 Vidal Drive 9.00-2 persons Portland, Oregon TEAM TROPHY •.• ILLINOIS Kent, Ohio Shelton, Conn. San Francisco 27, Calif. JACK WILSON 14.00-3 persons WALTONIAN ARCHERY CLUB CLIFF STORY P.O. Box 917, GEORGE HELWIG 2.00-extra cot Miss Katherine Vanourny ...........• June 10th Plans and actual preparations for the 3032 Fifth Ave. Commercial St. Sta. 119 E. Galbraith St. 1/Zof reservation as deposit 1309 "J" Street, S.W. This was one of rhe outstanding shoots Clnehmatl 16, O. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 78th Annual Narion:1l Archery Associa­ Sacramento, Calif_ Spri11gfLcld, Missouri West on Ogden Ave. to Yoi·k Rd., North of the :irca. Competition consisle<l of 28 CLAYTON B. SHENK JAJ\<rES D. EASTON HOBERT ALBRIGHT on York to Polo Club (7 Miles) WASIIINGTON STATE ARCHERY tion's d1ampionsh.ip tournament, August 2333 Lincoln Hgwy. E. 5110 Encino Ave. 1551 Crestview Dr. ASSN. Ronks, Pa. Encino, Calif. Pittsburgh 37, Pa. Mr, Martin Vincent, Secy............. June 9·10 target Animal Round, a 28 targc.::t Hunter's 5th rhrough August 10th are being work­ REGISTERED 6---GOLDS TOURNAMENTS 3501 So. 15th Street Telephone numbers - CLAYTON B. SHENK - 717-687-7324 June, 1962 Round and awards made on basis of over­ ed on ;1n<l completed through close co­ Tournament 'l'acoma, Washington GEOl:WE CHAMBEHLAIN - TO 3·4133, Cicero, IJJ. operation of the Royal Archers Associa­ Club Location Date Yakima, Washington all points. The shoot was held at Spring ASHTABULA BOWMENS CLUB SAN PEDRO ARCHERY CLUB tion and the administrative offices of Mr. Garland W. Fox, Secy............. June 17th Mr. Ray Hodgson, Secy................... June 31-d Ilou~c, Pcnn;1. hosted l>y the \:Vyn Glen 5924 Shepard Rd. 3230 Peck Avenue rhc Narional Archery Association at 23 program of disse111inating information of Ashtabula, Ohio San Pedro, California Club. East Jackson Jllvd., Chicago, Illinois. interest to archery, the Executive Secre­ Copies of the 78th Annual NAA Tour­ tary of the Association has heen instruct­ JOIN n;1ment program are being mailed to all ed to prepare a rnonthly lisr for TAM members of the Asso1:iatio1\ the latter part Magazine of the registered Six-Gold 1962 Tournament Regist1·ation Blank 1962 of May, and additional copies may be tournaments. As of this <late, our records (NAA Membership Required) obtained by wnung rhe Association are not in complete order and we would THE office. Included with the progra111 will he appreciate your tole.ranee, if your club NATIONAL ARCHERY ASSOCIATION a registration form for the tournament, has l>ccn overlooked, and forms are being OF THE application form for individual or club <listributcd in the mails to make correc­ N.A.A. memberships in the NAA, reservation ap­ tions in our records. UNITED STATES plication for the NAA tournament ban­ THE REGfSTERTED SIX-GOLD As a member of the National Archery quet and room reservations for Elm­ TOURNAMENTS FOR JUNE, 1962 ~re 78TH ANNUAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT hurst College.
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