Autopsy Case Report and Review of the Literature Karyna C
Fatal Neonatal Echovirus 6 Infection: Autopsy Case Report and Review of the Literature Karyna C. Ventura, M.D., Hal Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Michael B. Smith, M.D., David H. Walker, M.D. Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas CASE REPORT A full-term, healthy male neonate was delivered by caesarian section to a 26-year-old primigravida A full-term boy appropriate for his gestational age woman who had a history of fever and upper respi- was born via caesarian section to a 26-year-old G1P0 ratory tract infection. On the fourth day of life, the Latin American woman who had a medical history of a well-controlled seizure disorder for which she was neonate developed a sepsis-like syndrome, acute receiving carbamazepine. She had received regular respiratory and renal failure, and disseminated in- prenatal care, with negative prenatal serologic tests travascular coagulopathy. He died 13 days after for human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, birth. Postmortem examination revealed jaundice, and syphilis. Two weeks before delivery, she experi- anasarca, massive hepatic necrosis, adrenal hemor- enced fever and an upper respiratory tract infection. rhagic necrosis, renal medullary hemorrhage, hem- At birth, the infant weighed 3838 g and had an Apgar orrhagic noninflammatory pneumonia, and severe score of 9. The neonate was put under an oxygen encephalomalacia. Echovirus type 6 was isolated hood, then was later slowly weaned from it. On his from blood, liver, and lungs. Although uncommon, fourth day of life, the neonate developed fever echovirus type 6 infection may produce a spectrum (38.6°C) and was observed to have decreased activity.
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