German Chicago and Ktw York
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THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 13, 1920 21 demand slow. The surplus that has ac- cumulated during days was and federal reserve note liabilities com- ards. 26. Hillsdale. Or., and Margaret W. the last few SHORTS bined. 43 per cent. Hewett. 28. Hillsdale. Or. shipped out of town. RUSH TO COVER n. COAST WHEAT CROP supply Ratiiy of gold reserves to federal reserve OATS TRADE IS ACTIVE RASMVSSEN-- J AQUES Hans J. Butter was also steady, with the notes in circulation after setting aside 33 26. 224 Madison street, and Bather and demand about equal. The best cubes per cent against net deposit liabilities, M. Jaques. 24. 409 East Ninth street North. .i wi)'iiiiiiHii J moved at- 49 cents. 4i.5 per cent. BABB1DGE-K1N- G W. W. Babbidge. Poultry receipts large for sev- have been very RVIX5K IX Oregon building, and Louise King, 1621 GOOD GROWTH eral days and the market closed CRUCIBLE STEEL CHICAGO INTRBSTS WALL STREET MARKET OPENS HIGHER, BUT East Lincoln street. MAKES weak. Country dressed meats were RE N RUCK J. H. Reed, legal, CARRIES Stein-ruc- k, CP INDUSTRIALS. Vsoal Ignored by CliOSES AT DECLINE. Oregon City. Or., and Mrs. Nellie Market Factor Are legal. 768 Cleveland avenue. V DEEKS-PICKETT- E V fee Brisk Demand for Berrien. Traders During; Week. Kenneth C. Deeks. "J. V 9 e;Sgf a A'y ' The supply NEW YORK, 12. 26. Y. M. C. A., and Gladys Delia Pichette. strawberry was better than Tone of Market Close Heavy. June Circumstances 7106 Fifty-fir- st avenue on first-cla- ss de- at Is Corn Also Gains Made Earlj 21. Southeast. Friday, but there was a which ordinarily influence the course of Loses REM LING Charles in mand and even the late receipts cleaned Hill Railway Stocks Are Un- - the securities market were ignored this Session In Edward Remllnger. 26. 233 Cook avenue, Harvesting Has Started up well. Locals sold at 4 &$4.S0 . and in Improvement Genevieve May Neehueser. 24. S7S Clark Seedlings from Columbia points week in the absorbing interest manifested and river der Selling Pressure. by community repub- Car Ainsworth avenue. Tax Exempt Northwest brought $..255.50. the fnanclal in the Situation Reported. D Bert L-- Evans. Parts of California. slowly vege lican avenue Southeast, and Bonds " Municipals other xruits moved and tne national convention. 25. 5529 Fiftieth 1 Chicago 5529 ave- '7 - table trade was not brisk. With settled NEW YORK, The result of the balloting at Nellie Fitzgerald. 27. Fiftieth X. ' l'l i- weather, a healthier business is expected June 12. Today's short was still very much in doubt at the clote CHICAGO. June 12. Weakness devel- nue Southeast. session of the stock opened RASMUSSEN-BRADLE- T Fas-muss- in the coming week. an Irregular market with of the final session of the exchange. There oped in the corn market today as a result Harold advance under lead of se- was lively and discussion in of enlarged receipts, together with pros- 26, Astoria. Or., and Nellie Carle lected issues, but prices sold off sharply banking circles, however, regarding the pect Bradlev. 20. 1792 Fiske street. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS in some cases of an immediate further Increase. THATCHER-THOMPPO- N NORTHWEST OUTLOOK FINE before the close, when rails policies enunciated in the platform. The close was heavy, c to net John Thomas were subjected to renewed pressure. In- Thatcher legal. 302 Sacramento street, Shorts ' Financial and commercial conditions lower, with July at $1.71 Vo $1.712e and Thompson, legal, 233 Graham ave. Crain, Hour, Feed. Etc. received another drubbing; in dicated the country was continuing to ad- September $1.62 to Oats fin- and Iva HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF Crucible Steel, held-al- l at $1.62. nne. Noon session, Exchange. which a small money un- Sod-rln- g. Merchants' but just its affairs to high rates and ished c to down and provisions SODRING-LEITNE- R traction of its seven-poi- nt rise. Arthur V. Bid Selling loan Yeductions, although much remains changed to 122cc decline. legal. 130 East Fifty-fift- h street, and DOUBT many people are is bound pres- July. of rail stocks centered In Fifty-fift- that to follow the Oats June. Hill the to be accomplished in the latter quarter, Big trading in oats took place and the Leitner. legal. 130 East h NO on ana No. 3 white feed .$09.00 $00.00 division. Great Northern making an according to statements of federal re- September delivery the highest Freda " going the belief that ent era of abnormal conditions. Winter Grain Is Filling Well extreme decline reached' street. Barley of almost five points and serve authorities. price yet summer. that crop NEWCOMB-ANSLO- Percy Mason times will always be "good." History repeats itself and No. IS os.oo O5.00 Northern Pacific falling Half-wa- y this Fears Spring-Sow- blue ............. rour. Further were Imposed upon damage might from wave Newcomb. 20. 1257 East Main street, and They proceed on the theory that just as bonds the best of invest- n Crop Has Been . 65.00 04.00 recoveries followed, restrictions result the heat g Thirty-fir- st Standard feed .......... but the entire list re- luxury" credits, but in the more essen- furnlahed the impetus to buy. Profit-takin- Madge Ellen Anslow. 19. 763 East plenty now means plenty for the ments went up In price Corn flected this unsettlement, standard stocks Industry some ease- to and Start. No. 3 yellow 77.00 75.00 being atfe.-te- d tial lines of trade and on the part of holder, led then street. future. down in yield following Civil Given Excellent to a greater extent than ment of was reported, with conse- KP.EIGER-STRAMEL- L John Krelger, the 53.75 54.00 funds a sharp reaction. Stram-el- l. But re- Millrun ?,ilf.cui?t've lsaaes- - Sales price-slashi- ng avenue, and Maggie unmistakable signs in the War, so will they eventually KaBtern grain in bulk: amounted to quent diminution of the Provisions tended to sag because of the 87. 706 Tacoma shares. campaign. unwieldy stock of in sight. 31. 107 Mason street. financial skies clearly indicate act to the readjustments attend- Corn Directors lard LTJNDEEN-WES- T Lundeen. 28. 3 of the Great Northern and most significant event bearing upon Arthur the utter fallacy of this conclu- ant upon the great world con- No. yellow 74.50 roada The The Chicago received yes- Mount Solo. Wash., and Margaret Florence good $2.80; hold Je:r1JPaciflc r scheduled to existing conditions was the reduction of market letter company apartments. sion. vulsion. crop Is very WHEAT Club, hard wheat. $2.85. dividend meetings next week ru- raii-wa- y terday by the Overbeck & Cooke Wet 25. Knickerbocker The wheat makins and dividends of Chicago & Northwestern CLARK-HERRE- N F. Clark, "Save and Invest" is only coast. KLUUK Family patents, $13.75; bakers' mors, with the recent Chicago &i fol- f Portlapd said: Bernard the Trogrc throughout the Pacific North- common and preferred shares, 5S Twenty-fir- st street North, way sec- hard wheat, $13.70; best bakers' patents. western episode in mind, persist offering. "Corn The opening bulge was short- legal. East safe to provide shelter from Bay saw Is tae aoandest aavlee Harvesting has started in the early $13.75; pastry flour, $11.80; graham. that lowed by a $15,000,000 bond It a strong and Elizabeth Herren. legal. iS9 Haw tempTafed" "e are con-Th- e widely representative lived and the market turned from the inevitable storm of reaction we have. of California and in the northwest $11.00; whole wheat, $11. So. " n" bth rad3 is .believed other one to one influence or thorne avenue. tions stimu- roads may deem it advisable to adopt a a weak under the WEDERMKIEIt-SAn- " ' " the rains and warm weather have M1LLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill clearing house statement presented policy. large receipts and weak cash markets. gene Wedermeyer. legal. 375 East Eleventh wheat, rye and run, $o4t&50 per ton; rolled barley, $i3ctf of interest, similar The action of for the last week lated growth and .winter 74; To; actual loans again Better transportation conditions fol- the market treet. ana lessie ai..u, SUGGESTION-Port,andersProT- ,ds yrown Some injury was rolled oats. $74 scratch feed, contracting moderately, with an increase of freight has been a keen disappointment Rodney avenue. SHRINE" nar'.ey ar. filling well. $00g'0L 1 lowed the further lifting the luncheon week by frost. loLi ".0' in reserves, lifilng embargo. Large of grain were arrayed on the constructive side, as their Marriage durins the convention done in Idaho during the CORN Whole, $S283; cracked, $84085 excess slightly over the quantities ideas have been founded on the presence of Vancouver License. and thus lessen the eating problem. generally is doing we.1 and per ton. 3S.00O,000 moved to market and the iron industry shown A. Mills. 82. of. Spring wheat CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. benefited substantially from the same excessive cash premiums which have Evelyn Relse, 22 of Port- - has received a good start in tms sta.e. HAY Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: pronounced Indications of being largely if Portland and Alfalfa, $35; cheat, $25; valley timothy, cause. Is also becom- laBAHNICK-PAU- Washington It is still l" Last victory notes were not entirely wiped out. It L A. Bahnick, 23. hut in seed- - $35&36. Sales. High. Low. Saie. Liberty bonds and ing increasingly apparent the theory John -- M-,l In Arizona Am probably because that Nellie S.