
December 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1753 Dave served in the military, returned home, HONORING GEORGE REED, JR. The dedication it takes to become a state raised a family, and ran a successful insur- championship athlete should be commended. ance business. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON It means skillfully juggling practice, academics, Dave was a rugged man, but a tender hus- OF MISSISSIPPI and other commitments to be prepared phys- band, father and grandfather. At their church IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ically and mentally for each race. Their suc- Dave and Sally taught Sunday School. cess this season is a tribute to their effort and Dave and Sally raised five sons and are Monday, December 8, 2014 focus and they should take pride in their vic- proud grandparents to three girls and two Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- tory. boys. Today we share their sorrow, but also er, I rise today to honor a courageous and re- Cross Country is athletics at its purest. It share the faith that Dave is enjoying his eter- markable veteran, Mr. George Reed, Jr. takes hard work day after day, pushing one- nal reward. Mr. Reed was born in Enid, Oklahoma in self to the limit in order to achieve your per- Dave Jones’ legacy will continue through his April of 1943. He is the only child of the late sonal best. It takes a strong mental will to children and grandchildren who learned first- Mr. George Reed, Sr., who was a World War reach the point of exhaustion and then push hand from Dave’s daily demonstration of faith II Veteran, and Mrs. Estella Hunt Reed. past it. Wayzata’s success this year is evi- through action, dedication to others, and love Mr. Reed graduated from Gentry High dence of this effort. of family. School in 1962. In May of 1963, he did basic It is truly an honor to congratulate and rep- It has been a true honor to know Dave and training in San Diego, California for the United resent these hard-working student-athletes. to represent him in Congress. Godspeed. States Navy. Congratulations Trojans! From 1964–1965, Mr. Reed did two tours in f Vietnam on the USS Oriskany CVA–34. Then, f HONORING DR. HASKELL S. he transferred to USS John Archibald Bole DD BINGHAM THE PASSING OF 755 and served the next four years on this ship. Two of the places he toured on this ship HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. are Japan and Fort Malaysia. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON OF MISSISSIPPI OF MICHIGAN Mr. Reed served six years, and retired in 1969 as a Machinist Mate E5. He now serves IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as Post Adjutant at the American Legion Post Monday, December 8, 2014 Monday, December 8, 2014 #205, where they have 30 active members. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me er, I rise today to honor a courageous and re- celebrate the life and music of a great Detroit in recognizing Mr. George Reed, Jr. for his markable veteran, Dr. Haskell S. Bingham. Records singer and , time and dedication to serving our country. Dr. Bingham was a native son of Vicksburg, Jimmy Ruffin, who passed away on November f Mississippi, born to the late Rev. Judge R. 17th, 2014, at the age of 78. OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL Bingham, Sr. and Mrs. Julia E. Bingham. His contribution to popular music left a huge DEBT Dr. Bingham attended Vicksburg schools, mark on the music industry and Rhythm and Jackson State College, University of Denver, Blues music. Peabody College/Vanderbilt University and As the Ranking Member of the House Judi- HON. MIKE COFFMAN served in the U.S. Army, and became a Ko- ciary Committee, I have worked on music and OF COLORADO rean War veteran. copyright issues over the years and have a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Bingham was a former teacher at deep appreciation for the contribution that Mr. Monday, December 8, 2014 Brinkley High School in Jackson, Mississippi. Ruffin made for lovers of Rhythm and Blues He also retired having served as former Pro- Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January music across the world. vost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Mr. Ruffin, born in Collinsville, Mississippi, Virginia State University, former Assistant to fice, the national debt was the President at St. Paul’s College (Virginia) was the older brother of the late Temptations $10,626,877,048,913.08. singer . Both of them sang gospel and former Dean of Admissions and Records Today, it is $17,993,726,181,400.08. We’ve at Jackson State University. music in the South and Detroit where their added $7,366,849,132,487.00 to our debt in 5 family later moved. They also worked with Dr. Bingham was greatly respected and years. This is over $7.3 trillion in debt our na- loved as the historian/genealogist of the Bing- Barry Gordy and Motown Records, where they tion, our economy, and our children could became widely known for their style of music. ham’s of African descent in America. He iden- have avoided with a balanced budget amend- tified over 2500 relatives in his historical re- After serving honorably in the U.S. Army ment. here and overseas he returned to Motown search in South Africa and the United States. f Records to continue his career. Jimmy Ruffin He also achieved recognition for his ancestors not only wrote but sang many of his musical CONGRATULATIONS TO THE including the Freedom Fighter Gabriel of Ga- creations which included his song ‘‘What Be- WAYZATA HIGH SCHOOL BOYS briel’s Rebellion in Virginia, from the National comes of the Brokenhearted,’’ which went on CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM Parks Service, City of Richmond City Council, to become a Top 10 pop hit. and former Governor Kaine of Virginia. His reputation grew in this country and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me HON. ERIK PAULSEN in recognizing Dr. Haskell S. Bingham for his around the world. His popularity through the OF MINNESOTA 1960s, 1970s and 1980s continued to grow as time and dedication to serving our country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he put out songs including ‘‘I’ve Passed This f Monday, December 8, 2014 Way Before’’ and ‘‘Gonna Give Her All the IN RECOGNITION OF DR. JOSEPH Love I’ve Got.’’ Jimmy and David Ruffin went Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OVICK on to work together on the 1970s album ‘‘I Am congratulate the Wayzata High School Boys My Brother’s Keeper.’’ In the 1980’s he had a Cross Country team on winning the Minnesota HON. GEORGE MILLER major hit, ‘‘ to My Love,’’ which the Cross Country 2A Championship Meet, held at OF CALIFORNIA produced. St. Olaf College in Northfield. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Ruffin will be missed for his singing and The Trojans—led by Coach Bill Miles— as a musician he produced music that was dominated the field and finished with the low- Monday, December 8, 2014 legendary. We are grateful for the songs and est score in school history of 47 points. This Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. music that Mr. Ruffin provided to the Nation is the eighth state championship in Coach Speaker, I rise to recognize Dr. Joseph Ovick over the years and his songs will live on to be Miles 40 years of coaching. as he retires from his long-held position as enjoyed by future generations. Wayzata truly made it a team effort as six Contra Costa County Superintendent of I am sad that we have lost a great per- different runners made the All-Lake team. The Schools and to congratulate him on the cul- former, a consummate artist and one of team was led by Connor Olson’s champion- mination of a truly outstanding 45-year career Motown Records’ biggest stars. ship effort, clocking in at 15 minutes, 17.1 sec- in education. Our condolences go out to his family and onds. Jaret Carpenter and Ian Eklin both had Joseph Ovick began his career as a Special friends around the world. top ten finishes as well for the Trojans. Education teacher, working diligently to ensure

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Dec 09, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08DE8.011 E08DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 8, 2014 that each student in his classroom was given his outstanding career and to thank him on Intellectual Property and Director of every opportunity to succeed. Although class- behalf of the thousands of students and teach- the United States Patent and Trade- room teaching has always been his passion, ers who have been the beneficiaries of his mark Office, and Daniel Henry Marti, Joe’s ability to develop strong coalitions of work over the years. We join with his family, of Virginia, to be Intellectual Property educators, community members and legisla- friends and colleagues in wishing him the very Enforcement Coordinator, Executive tors has led him into a variety of important Office of the President. best as he begins his well-earned retirement. SD–226 leadership roles. He served as Assistant Prin- f 10:30 a.m. cipal, Principal, Director of Special Education, SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Committee on Foreign Relations Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Subcommittee on African Affairs and Associate Superintendent for Business. Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, To hold hearings to examine the Ebola For the past 18 years, Dr. Joseph Ovick has agreed to by the Senate of February 4, epidemic, focusing on the keys to suc- been at the helm of Contra Costa County Of- 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- cess for the international response. fice of Education working tirelessly to assure tem for a computerized schedule of all SD–419 that all students receive the very best edu- meetings and hearings of Senate com- 2:30 p.m. cation. In addition to his administrative work, mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Dr. Ovick has taught in a variety of schools in- tees, and committees of conference. Transportation cluding Chapman University’s Graduate This title requires all such committees Subcommittee on Surface Transportation School of Education and San Jose State Uni- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, versity. Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Safety, and Security To hold hearings to examine passenger Joe has also devoted a great deal of his mittee—of the time, place and purpose time to community service. He currently rail, focusing on investing in our na- of the meetings, when scheduled and tion’s future. serves on the Board of Directors of the East any cancellations or changes in the Bay Leadership Council, Contra Costa Coun- SR–253 meetings as they occur. Committee on the Judiciary ty’s Children and Families Policy Forum and As an additional procedure along To hold hearings to examine the Presi- has served as the President of the Executive with the computerization of this infor- dent’s executive action on immigration Board of the California County Superintend- mation, the Office of the Senate Daily and the need to pass comprehensive re- ents Educational Services Association. He has Digest will prepare this information for form. also served as Chairman of the Bay Area printing in the Extensions of Remarks SD–226 Leadership Foundation, the Federal Policy and section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Legislation Committee for the Council of Ad- DECEMBER 11 on Monday and Wednesday of each ministrators for Special Education, as vice- week. 9:30 a.m. chair of the Federal Advocacy for California Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, De- Committee on Environment and Public Education, he is past president of the Associa- Works cember 9, 2014 may be found in the tion of California School Administrators and a Committee on Health, Education, Labor, former chair of the Bay Area Region Super- Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. and Pensions intendents Association. MEETINGS SCHEDULED To hold a joint oversight hearing to ex- It is easy to see why in 2008 Dr. Joseph amine the implementation of the Ovick was named Citizen of the Year by the DECEMBER 10 President’s executive order on Improv- ing Chemical Facility Safety and Secu- East Bay Leadership Foundation. He has also 10 a.m. been awarded the Superintendent of the Year rity. Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and SD–406 Award and the Ferd Kiesel Memorial Award by Forestry 10 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the Com- the Association of California School Adminis- Committee on Foreign Relations modity Futures Trading Commission, trators and he received the President’s Circle Business meeting to consider an original focusing on the effective enforcement Award for Outstanding Service to Education resolution entitled, ‘‘to authorize the and the future of derivatives regula- and the Community from Diablo Valley Col- limited use of the United States Armed tion. lege Foundation. These are only a few of the Forces against the Islamic State of SR–328A many commendations that over the years Committee on Banking, Housing, and Iraq and the Levant, and the nomina- have recognized Dr. Ovick’s outstanding serv- Urban Affairs tion of Antony Blinken, of New York, ice to our students, teachers, and our entire To hold an oversight hearing to examine to be Deputy Secretary of State. community. cybersecurity, focusing on enhancing SD–419 But what is most important to know about coordination to protect the financial Committee on the Judiciary Joe Ovick is that he has always been a ‘‘stu- sector. Business meeting to consider the nomi- dents first’’ type of educator. He has made it SD–538 nations of Joan Marie Azrack, to be a point to personally visit students and teach- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- United States District Judge for the ers throughout the year, lending freely his sup- sources Eastern District of New York, Loretta Business meeting to consider the nomi- Copeland Biggs, to be United States port and hands-on experience to ensure that District Judge for the Middle District every child has an opportunity to thrive in the nation of Colette Dodson Honorable, of Arkansas, to be a Member of the Fed- of North Carolina, Elizabeth K. Dillon, classroom. And it is clear from the energy and eral Energy Regulatory Commission. to be United States District Judge for enthusiasm Joe brings to every facet of his SD–366 the Western District of Virginia, and job, that this has been a 45-year love affair Committee on the Judiciary Michael P. Botticelli, of the District of with the learning process. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Columbia, to be Director of National I ask my colleagues to join with me today in tions of Michelle K. Lee, of California, Drug Control Policy. commending my friend, Dr. Joseph Ovick, on to be Under Secretary of Commerce for SD–226

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