July 20-23

No. 14 14 is a group of teenagers, like you, gathered to support each other and the community. Boat 14 exists to: Bring Christ’s love to the church and community around us; Offer praise to God through our actions; Assist those who are in need; Train students to be the hands and feet of Christ; 1 group, gathered 4 the Lord’s glory.

“Why Lifeboat No. 14?” set off on its maiden voyage, carrying more than 2,220 passengers, from the docks of Southampton in early April 1912. Titanic’s voyage was called the voyage of discovery, but it turned out to be the last voyage that it and most of its passengers would take. It was built originally with enough lifeboat capacity for everyone on the , but the boat deck seemed too crowded so half of the lifeboats were taken off the ship. While the great ship was speeding toward New York City, it struck an iceberg about 153km south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, only minutes before midnight on April 14, 1912. Titanic was swallowed by the sea in less than three hours, and, even though there was enough room for half of the passengers in the lifeboats, the people panicked and loaded the themselves. In the beginning they filled the boats much less than full because many hasty passengers wanted to make sure they got themselves out. When it became evident that the ship was sinking the remaining lifeboats were filled to capacity and sent off. Other than the officers manning the lifeboats, only women and children were taken. When the lifeboats were gone many passengers leapt from the Titanic and began swimming…almost all of which died in the icy waters. Those safe in the lifeboats rowed aimlessly into the night, listening to the horrible cries of the lost, and justifying why they could not go back to save those who were drowning. The fear of capsizing paralyzed the very ones who could offer help and hope. LIFEBOAT NO. 14

But the survivors in Lifeboat No. 14 chose a different course. Compelled by the sense that they were morally bound to save as many as they could; they rowed back toward the voices in the darkness. Four more people were saved because of their courage. The reward for the rescuers was the knowledge that they had risked all to save others. A lifetime, free of regret awaited the volunteer crew of Lifeboat No. 14. When called upon in the moment of need, they did the right thing for the right reason. In the end, out of the 2,220 passengers, 1,513 perished in the freezing ocean water. There’s more to the story… Another ship, the Californian, was close enough to Titanic to rescue the passengers, but it did not respond to the Titanic’s distress calls because its radio operator was off duty and asleep. Now let’s relate this to today…2200 people…that’s the number of students who attend Harrison High School, many of them are crying out for help, for salvation. Maybe it’s not an audible voice, but perhaps their cry for help is the way they beg for attention or maybe they are openly searching for something…even if they don’t know what their searching for. We have to be the ones to go out on a limb and try to reach them…to try to bring them to safety. We have to be the crew of boat 14. How many of us are asleep? See it’s not just good enough to respond when we are directly questioned…or when it’s easy to see there are people drowning in icy water…we have to always be awake to hear the distress calls…even when its not obvious, we have to be praying and searching for ways to reach the lost…and we have to always keep our ears open for whenever we hear an unexpected distress call.

The call is out. You are needed to help change a families life. The week of July 20-23, 2016, we will be undertaking the task of helping a family in our church body or community that is in need of our help. Are you going to answer the call? All current 6th-12th graders are invited to sign up to be a part of a week of service. We will be transformed into the hands and feet of Christ. The cost for this week is $50. Applications and money are due Sunday, March 6. Sign up and answer the call.


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Parent Signature______Cell Phone______

Circle One (Parent Please Fill Out)

Yes No Is your child allowed to climb a ladder? Experience Level Beginner Yes No Has your child ever painted a house? Intermediate Advanced