Site Address Gaydon Test Centre, Banbury Road, Gaydon.

Proposals Replacement technical academy.

Date Valid 11 March 2008 Case Officer Ian Hiscock

Presenting Committee Date 1 July 2008 Ian Hiscock Officer

Type of Application Full planning Applicant Land Group

Mills Parish/Town Ward Member(s) Gaydon Parish Council Wixey Council

Referral to

Planning and Previous No No Regulation Committee


 Erection of a part single storey part two storey building to Description of provide a replacement technical academy. 2. Proposals  Floor area of replacement building 3,905m  43 car parking spaces and associated landscaping. Reason for Referral  Scale of development to APC  Concerns from both Parish Councils  Open countryside settlement Planning  Site is covered by the provisions of Policy CTY.16 – Gaydon Constraints Proving Ground  The principle of development  Design and visual impact Key Issues  Access, car parking and highway safety  Ecology

Recommendation  GRANT



The Development Plan

The West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy

Not an application of regional significance

Stratford–on-Avon District Local Plan Review 1996-2011

STR.1 Settlement hierarchy STR.4 Previously developed land PR.1 Landscape and settlement character DEV.1 Layout and design DEV.2 Landscaping DEV.4 Access DEV.5 Car Parking DEV.7 Drainage CTY.1 Control over Development CTY.16 Gaydon Site COM.17 Rural employment EF.7A Protected, Rare or Endangered Species

Other Material Considerations

Central Government Guidance

PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development PPS7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas PPG13 Transport

Supplementary Planning Guidance

Stratford-on-Avon District Design Guide Car and cycle parking standards for Stratford-On-Avon District Council

Human Rights Act 1998

Article 6 : Right of a fair trial Article 8 : Right to respect for private and family life Article 1 of the First Protocol : Protection of Property


Gaydon Parish Council

Concern over size of facility. Is it larger than the existing facility? Concern that the site is now being developed as two separate organisations. Will staff numbers increase. What are the implications for increased traffic? (08.05.08)

Lighthorne Parish Council

Concern over potential increased traffic due to proposal. Whether conditions should be imposed in respect of hours of lighting and levels of illumination. (10.04.08)

Applicant's Comments

A Design and Access statement has been received from the applicant’s agent and is summarised as follows:-

 The technical academy is used for all aspects of dealership training and incorporates the preparation of technical manuals for use by dealerships.  The existing building is located within land which is no longer in ownership of Jaguar due to being sold off from the Ford Motor Group. The building now belongs to Aston Martin Lagonda and Jaguar Land Rover is required to release the site for the future requirements of Aston Martin Lagonda.  Facilities within the existing technical academy are proposed to be transferred in their entirety to the proposed replacement building.  The replacement technical academy would be located adjacent to the proposed replacement ‘Woodlands Facility’ (granted planning permission in March 2008 – planning ref. 07/03418/FUL refers) on land to the south east of the main entrance to Jaguar Land Rover.  Proposal is for two buildings linked by a stairwell/pedestrian link to provide a series of lecture rooms, training rooms and workshops with associated office and catering facilities. 2  Total floor area of the building is 3,905m .  The building would consist of two main elements. A barrel vaulted section extending to a maximum height of 8.5m and a linked mono pitched element extending to a maximum height of 8.5m reducing down to 5.6m.  The walls of the building would be constructed from a mixture of metal screen walling and glazed elements, details to be agreed with the District Council to blend in with Woodland Building.  Part of an existing earth bund would be removed to accommodate the building  The existing mature trees and shrubs within the site are proposed to be retained and strengthened by additional planting which will limit views from the B4100.  The entrance to the gatehouse short stay car park is proposed to be used to give access to the facility which will be served off the main road access to Jaguar Land Rover.  43 car parking spaces are proposed.  Proposal complies with Policy CTY.16 of the Local Plan Review. Site is located within the area identified in the Proposals Map.  Building has been separated into two blocks to aid the use of natural ventilation and to make use of maximum solar gain to reduce heating costs.  The whole of the Gaydon site has a waste separation and segregation regime which is proposed to be extended to the proposed development. Rainwater run-off from roofs and car parks will be taken to dry balancing ponds and car parks will have porous parking areas to attenuate the discharge of water to the main sewer.  The site is accessible by all forms of transport and the site has a green travel plan in operation which was implemented as part of earlier proposals on the Gaydon Site. The site would be covered by the terms of the Green Travel Plan. Pedestrian and cycle routes are provided within the site  Low energy/high efficiency light fittings will be used throughout the development with external lighting via low-level bollards providing 1 or 2 lux. (05.12.2007).

An Ecological Statement and Energy Statement were also submitted in support of the application.


Highway Authority

Raise no objections. (02.04.2008)

WCC Museum (Ecology)

The proposals will impact upon the foraging area for at least three protected species. However, in this instance I agree with the Ecological Assessment Report that the ecological impacts of the development can be mitigated for so that the resultant impact is not significant. Recommend conditions to address mitigation of great crested newts, grass snakes, badgers and landscaping and a number of notes. (10.04.2008)


The whole of the Gaydon Site has a very detailed planning history. I have therefore restricted the planning history to the permission of the existing technical academy building. No planning history exists for the proposed new site for the facility.

The separation of Aston Martin Lagonda from Jaguar Landrover did not require any planning permission.

Reference Number Proposal Decision and date



The principle of development

Policy CTY.16 of the Local Plan Review deals with the control of development at the Gaydon site. It earmarks an area within which new buildings on the site should be contained and also sets out acceptable activities for the site.

The proposed replacement technical academy building falls within the area earmarked for development and I therefore consider that the principle of developing within the area of the site proposed is acceptable.

In relation to the use of the building, Policy CTY.16 lists a series of activities which should be promoted within the site, in particular, research design and testing of motor vehicles. It is considered that the replacement technical academy accords with the requirements of this policy.

Design and Visual Impact

In terms of the design of the proposals, I consider that the building’s contemporary design is entirely in keeping with the character of the site. The combined barrel vaults and mono pitch roofs, together with the varying ridge heights adds interest to the building’s roof line.

The walls of the building are proposed to be a mixture of metal screen walling with glazed elements as agreed with the District Council to blend in with the recently approved Woodland Building. The proposal is of a design similar to a number of the new buildings at the site and would represent an acceptable addition to the building stock at the site.

A series of earth bunds surround the Gaydon site dating from its time as an RAF base. Construction of the technical academy would result in the removal of the end section of one of these earth bunds. Whilst it is noted that these earth bunds perform a valuable role in screening the interior of the site from longer views they represent an artificial feature within the landscape. The section of bunding proposed for removal is set back from the main road frontage (the B4100) and its removal would not increase views into the site.

Parts of the building would, like the recently approved Woodland Building, be visible for a short stretch of the B4100. The building would, however, be located approximately 65m from this road, set behind an existing telephone exchange. The applicants are proposing to retain a substantial proportion of the existing trees and shrubs within the site which would successfully screen the new building from longer views. In addition, adequate space is available within the Gaydon site to provide high quality planting to assist in integrating it into the landscape. No objections are therefore raised to this proposal on the grounds of visual impact.

In order to ensure that the development successfully integrates into the landscape I propose to condition that additional landscaping be planted along the boundaries of the site. Furthermore, I also propose a condition relating to the finished floor levels of the building and re-sculpting of the remaining part of the bunding.

Access, car parking and highway safety

Jaguar Land Rover advise that staff numbers in the building would be 65 with, on average, 100 delegates per day visiting the site (all as existing). In total, a maximum of 43 spaces are proposed as part of this development which accords with the Council’s car parking standards (1 space per 2 members of staff and 1 space per 10 persons attending the facility).

The academy transfer will not involve additional traffic generation to the Jaguar Land Rover site. Furthermore, the provisions of the Green Travel Plan, which is in place for the rest of the Gaydon Site, will apply to this development. No objections are therefore raised to this development on parking, access and highway safety grounds.


The County Ecologist has raised no objections to the proposals provided a number of conditions are attached including mitigation of great crested newts, grass snakes, badgers and landscaping

I consider that this is entirely reasonable and propose to attach conditions accordingly.


To GRANT planning permission subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The District Planning Authority does not consider that there are overriding reasons to set a different duration for the permission

2. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until a schedule of all materials to be used on the external surfaces of the buildings has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority and thereafter the development shall only be constructed in accordance with these details.

Reason To ensure that the development complements the character of the area.

3 No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until full details of hard and soft landscaping works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. These details must include, where appropriate, planting plans, written specifications, a schedule of plants including species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities and a programme of implementation. Plans must also include accurate plotting of all existing landscape features. The works approved as part of this condition shall be completed within the first planting season following the first occupation of any part of the development.

Reason To ensure that a high standard of landscape associated with the development is achieved and to mitigate for the impact on a designated site in accordance with Local Plan Policy.

4. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced and nor shall any equipment, machinery or materials be brought onto the site until a scheme for the protection of all existing trees and hedges to be retained on site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority and has been put in place. The scheme must include details of the erection of stout protective fencing and be in accordance with British Standard BS5837 : 2005, a Guide for Trees in relation to construction. Nothing shall be stored or placed in those areas fenced in accordance with this condition and nor shall the grounds levels be altered or any excavation take place without the prior consent in writing of the District Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be kept in place until all parts of the development have been completed and all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed.

Reason To protect trees and other features on site during construction.

5. No part of the development shall be occupied until details of any floodlighting or car park lighting has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority and the development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

Reason To protect the amenity of the area.

6. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be occupied until space has been laid out in accordance with details on the approved drawing no. 15898 A1001 submitted to the District Planning Authority on 11 March 2008 for the parking of 43 cars within the site these areas shall thereafter not be used for any other purpose.

Reason To ensure safe and convenient parking and to comply with the parking policies of the Local Planning Authority.

7. Any trees or shrubs planted in pursuance of this permission including any planting in replacement for it which is removed, uprooted, severely damaged, destroyed or dies within a period of five years from the date of planting shall be replaced by trees or shrubs of the same size and species and in the same place unless otherwise agreed in writing by the District Planning Authority.

Reason To ensure that the approved landscaping is properly maintained.

8. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until detailed drawings setting out the finished floor level for the building have been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority and thereafter the development shall only be carried out in accordance with these details.

Reason To ensure an acceptable form of development.

9. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until large scale drawings of verges, eaves, window surrounds, door surrounds and transition points between different facing materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority and thereafter the development shall only be carried out in accordance with these details.

Reason To ensure an acceptable form of development.

10. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be commenced until detailed drawings of the re-modelled bund have been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority and thereafter the development shall only be carried out in accordance with these details.

Reason To ensure an acceptable form of development.

11. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until a detailed schedule of great crested newt mitigation measures (to include timing of works, translocation and further survey work if deemed necessary) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. Such approved mitigation plan shall thereafter be implemented in full.

Reason To ensure that protected species are not harmed by the development.

12. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until a detailed schedule of grass snake mitigation measures (to include timing of works, translocation and further survey work if deemed necessary) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. Such approved mitigation plan shall thereafter be implemented in full.

Reason To ensure that protected species are not harmed by the development.

13. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until a detailed schedule of badger mitigation measures (to include timing of works, translocation and further survey work if deemed necessary) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. Such approved mitigation plan shall thereafter be implemented in full.

Reason To ensure that protected species are not harmed by the development.


1. The applicant is advised that a protected species licence from Natural (in respect of great crested newts) is likely to be required to undertake the works. Further information about species licensing and legislation can be obtained from the Species Licensing Service on 0117 3728000.

2. If it is essential to fell or lop any trees or part of the hedgerows, it should be ensured that this work does not disturb nesting birds. Nesting birds are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act, and if they are present, work should not take place during the nesting season, (approximately March – September). It is also important to survey any mature trees for bats if they are to be affected, as bats and their roost sites are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and are deemed a European Protected Species.

3. The applicant is respectfully advised that if additional planting is proposed for the site, indigenous tree and shrub species should be used, preferably of local provenance. Such plants are visually attractive, and have a far higher value for local wildlife than cultivated, non-native plants. It is worth noting that certain plant species such as honeysuckle and night-scented flowers can be beneficial to bats due to their ability to attract moths and would be of greater wildlife value particularly where bats are known to be in the area.

The Reasons for Recommending Granting Planning Permission

The development proposals comply with the policies and proposals of the Stratford on Avon District Local Plan Review 1996-2011. There are no material considerations that are sufficient to justify overriding these policies.

The decision to grant planning permission has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals as set out in the policy section above.