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14 May 1948

The Missouri Miner, May 14, 1948

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Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, May 14, 1948" (1948). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 1298. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/1298

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Last Issue THE MISSOURIMINfR Of MINER Next Week 'lllasou,,;#duJof.-~ IJ.~ Uti NUMBER 28 VOLU]l[E 34 ROLLA, MO ., FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1948 ONLY619 STUDENTS >ns Special Lectures Feature GLEECLUB TO PRESENI 'L - ' t Cl I H· t Of llld VOTEON THE STUDENT coMMANDPEilFoRMANcE , arges ass n 1sory Soprano Singer Thursday COUNCILCONSTITUTION FORsTUDENTs TONIGHT- SchoolWill Receive Degrees ive Monday and Tuesday of this The iM S.M. Glee Club has at "1t Fltru.PROGRAM FOR week, 619 students took enough last received recognition outside D • C O J 1 BLUEKEY FRATERNITY 3 th be interest Jn the student activities of Rolla. On Apt11 0th ey ur•,nrg• c e·rremon ··,e· s n . ·~n"e.1' QJRREN.TSEMESTER around the campus to vote either journeyed to Lindenwood college oat INITIATESNEW MEN; for or against the adoptiori of the to deliver their first conce,ri off new constitution for the Student t:his campus. The program was Entertainment deluxe in the Council. Th e election took place received with great enthusiasm form of Misses Victoria Navarro, ELECTSOFFICERS outside Parker Hall when it by the Lindenw ood girJs. The OFFICERSELECTED BY Mechanical Department Leads Again With soprano, a.nd ~ernice Farquhar - On April 29, the Blue Key Na ­ wasn't raining, and inside, the Min ers arrive d at 4:00 P. M. and son, pianist, ghcing a joint per - tional Service F raternity held other half of the time. were promptly made at home. APOAT LAST MEETING Fifty-Seven Candidates for B. S. Degrees the formance - presented under ;the their annual election of offivers Of the 619 students who voted, They were escorted about the direction of Special Lecture with the traditional beer bust 411 voted to accept the constit u- campus and were .taken to a OFSCHOOL YEAR >On Series Thursday evening, May following . The men elected to the tiOJl, and 208 to re ject it. The ap - sumptuous meal in the girls' din ­ CONmMANLECTURE The center section of Parker be 20, 1948, eight PM. Parker Hall. various offices are as follows: proval of- a simple majority of ing halL At the election of officers tor AU.clitorfWil will be ,well -filled Yictoria Nar.Varro was _ born Bob Perry of Triangle was elect­ those students voting was neces- After the concert the girls held Beta Omicron chapter of Alpha with black gowns and mortar ­ be gym Phi Omega, held last week, the SCHEDULEDFOR boards june First as three bun- and reared in Mani la, P. I. Shortly ed President 1 John Reilly of Lam­ sary to ratify it. Now, the consti - a dance in their in honor of after the liberation, she came to da Chi Alpha as Vice-President, tutdon \vill have to 1be re(erred. to the 'boys who sa ng . M'llsic V?as following men were electeU to MOND••y EVENING dr:ed thirty,seven , men and. wo - the United States where she has Bill Gammon of Kappa Sigma as the faculty for ct.heir apJ)roval be - furn ish ed by both their -varsity office: Dick Ost, president; Stuart ' J\ men; candid~tes for degrees, at- been living at the Philippine the Corresponding Sec reta ry, and fore the council may adopt it. orchestra an d a juke box. At the Brown, first vice -president; Roy Jim Conzelman, noted coach tend the Spring iComniencement Embassy at Washington. Roger Jenkins of Sigma Nu as When it was seen that there intermission the girls choir was MaoDowell, second vice - presi and lecturer will appear Mon - exercises of MISM. vill She has given concerts at most Secretary Treasurer. The beer was so much opposition to the reques ted to sing a few selec ­ dent; Clarence Isbell, secr~tary; day evening, Mary 17, 1948, eight This class is the lai-gffl in the of the Embassies and Legaµons bust following the election was council 's constitu.rtiou at ihe be- tions for the gi-oup. They sang a Bob Erskine, treasurer; and P.M ., P arker Hall, lecturing on history of the school. The clos­ "' in Washington with erI}phasis on held both for the celebration of ginning of the voting, the orig -i- few nov'eltY tuii'es that went over J ohn W. Parks, Sgt . at · arms . "Along the Sp orts Trail." Mr . est one to it was the May, ~942 comm and )?erformances at th'e the newly elected officers and to nal plan of voting either "Yes" or big wJ.th the boys . Th ere ' were George Knigh t is the new Conzelman was sch eduled ,to class. One hundred eighty - eight White House. During this past become bett er acquainted with "No " was cha 11ged to include the plenty of dates a~ailable for the Alumni secretary and Je rry appear on April 30, but was un - Bachelor of. Science degrees winter Miss Navarro has s;tone md the new pledges . Everyone there voters' objections to the constitu- men prese~t . Patrick is the historian. able to keep this engagement . ·were awarded at that Commence - everything of vocal importance tion as it now stood . This would Due to the popu lar ity of their :ily had a splendid time, but one in Last night was to be th e last Besides being a great coa~h for ment. in Washingtol\- particular, Bill Gammon by have given the council sugges ­ program the Gle e Club was re ­ meeting ofthe semester. The many years, he is rated among For three hundred twelve of Shu.bel, choir director of the ques ted to give a concevi at the next regular meeting will be one of the top speakers of the the candidates, the degree con ­ the name , in trying to outdo the oth­ tions as .to what the students Metropolitan Opera : has de­ Rolla Hi gh School asse mbly yes ­ soon aftef- the fall semester nation, a writer, a radio com- !.erred will be the long -a waited ital ers, frac tured his ankle while wanted, in case the constitution scribed this nineteen year •old sliding down a slide . had ,been rejected, and it was terday 'and to take charge of the starts . mentator and mUSician. Bachelor of Science. By depart - Speoial Lectures program tonight. 1 beauty as having one of the The following week on May 5, necessary to write a ne.w one up. tio~u~~:u:a:or l~he th:e!ns~~ = After the main lecture he t:h~ gii:!\~~.f~~zit~wotw~ "' greatest voices in the world the Blue Ke y held the ir initiation The obj ections and suggestions The glee club will also sing at will-:~~ today. banqu ·et at the Hous ton House in have been locked up for the pre ­ the bacca'laureate and commence ­ bers will be heid in the Hous ton ~~::pi;;:t: ga::u~::w~~ in Metallurgical Engineering, fif - lo c:~ ) Particularly happy is Miss New.burg. The new initiates are: sent1 but will be gone over for ment ceremonies. or The program to be presented ::~sean~n d:t:w~~:- t~::~le:~ cago and Philadelphia for those :; :~:: ~iv~:~=~~=~in:~g~~ = Navarro to sing for the students Weismantel , R. J. Williams , L . E. any helpful and constructive cri"'." of; the Missouri School of Mines tonight will -include such selec ­ appearing on mo~t of the school who wish to remain. eering fo,rty eight in Electrical Frank, E. J. Teltborst, G. D: ticism, as soon as possible. 1 tions as "The Lord 's Prayer," llT because of • the great sacrifices Holmes, N. A. Niederstat, I . L. More than ten tim,es the num ­ bulletin boards. Th is will be the There will be no admission Engiri.eer4.ni , . thirty nin~ in .all 4

!oo!u! ~~~ sto~~~~~~e- CinderMmen)Aourney To :~~ ~~s0:;=~:Miners Topple St. Louis U early, too early for some of tbe how, (cheating no doubt) beat 5tate eet t M ·11 · 90 4· 1 R · S k dF" Id :;:,-:s ~=!.i~::d ~= :.:d':i°'.'' ;,~o t:e:J'!a'!!u~:1.'. aryv1 e ga::e t i ~mtop:: :i:u;~ o U:!:%!~ - on am- oa e 1e various and sundry conveyances don 't I? NaturalY. there was an TENNISAND GOLF TEAMSSpr ingfi eld' s Ander son. ed L ambd a Chi Alph a, Sigma Pi n 1 ~ S took off for Meramec Springs. abundance o! that amber liquid, The dashes , a s u sual , a re que s- accom pli shed ha lf of the task la st Bl.lt.l.a)LOE EVERY hand our thinclads the remain- Th~ day was spent enjoying and that may have a:ttected the TO COMPETEALSO tion mar ks ; the runner wi th the Friday whe n th ey won •by a score ing point.,. various activities. Softball, horse- whole da y. uKing of the hill" breaks win. Miner sprint ers are of l-O. The game waS, on the EVENTEXCEPT HURDLESVoiles Wins Pole Vault shoes , vo lle yiball and races ' w ere was played on a haystack near- by Oliver North Bill Kirk and his ushadow " Ken whole , a well pl ay ed and well • Shorty Voiles proved it isn't predominant. Aside trom these by. Who was "king" is beyond Watts, and Coach Bullro ; n ex - pit ched ball game . In all, seven by Murray Schmidt always the ibig boy who wins as .strenuous activities a good many me! Everyone then moved to the It 's champion ship week for the pects Bill to pla ce in both the hits wer e e venl y s paced through- Monday , on o ur rain drenched he won the pole vault lo front people just lolled in the sun and fire for dinner of hot dogs , p ota - t eams of the various college s in 100 and 220, and Ken to tab out tbe game , five by Sigma Pi cinder track, the St. Louis Uni- of Nagel, of Loui~, and nd s:, enj oyed the won derful potato to salad, cake, mar shma llows, the M.I.A.A., and athlete s from points in one of them. Bill will a two ,by Lambda Chi Alpha. versi ty track team went down to ~akonyi of the M1~ers. His best · salad , cole slaw, and ' hot dogs. pretzels, ,potato chips, and so on. from the six member school s will be the busiest man on the squ ad, Ken Rudert , Sigm_a Pi , pitched ignominious defeat ,befote the JtunP of 11 f~~• 6 inches proved rY gave Of course gallons of the Miner's 1 Th.ere was singing, dancing, and journey to Maryville today and par ticipating in three even ts w ith a fine gam e, allowing onl y two n to !be the deciding one honor o II ready lo rnaloe good cin Ms if the we athe r i s good . B acking half mile r un. Mabrey be h ind second to end the promf191,; the pl atter out 122 f eet, 10 inches . mon ths of t ra ining . Pilot offi ­ him up in the ev ent will be ------ga m e. Gen e Gu iney spot ted sec ond c er trai ni ng is o pen to all un.­ • wl,o I, your nelghba,; Gene Guin ey, who t hrow s I the D efe nsive laur els for this gam e place for us and Nage l, the Billi- marrie d mal e ci ti zens betweem disc abou t t he same distance a nd A ch emistry prof essor was must go to Montgomery of Sig- kin, to ok thir d place . 20 and 26½ years of age who are • who Is a member of The Photo grap hers' 1 h ad a mar gin on George earlier ap ~ r.or•,,;hehde bayi·d,hi'~I ashi~insktan 1 Jt . nes m a Pi for his fine running catch ­ Man 1\lountain Dean in e xc ellen t p hysical condi tion ,, 8 1 5 1 0 · Auodatlon of America . ! in the season . C apable sup port es, and to Bob Nuestaedter of T he Miners then went a ll out w h o have had two or more }fears for Georg e in the shot will be Al l5 copying from Smith's paper . Lambda Chi whose sterling work in taking all places in -the j avelin of colleg e, or can pasS' an exa m i-. - PATRORIZ! l!LIABU PHOJOORAPHIAI 1 Schwartz, who has placed regu - The papers are just alike." behind the plate makes him the and two mile events, as we ll as nation o f the educational eq uiva­ larly this year . "What makes you think Jones outstanding catcher in ' the intra - the borad jump . lent, and can pass t h e qualifying In the javelin, Miner colors is copying from Smith rather mural league. Rob Collier, Gene Guiney, e xamination to measure the de­ The Photographers' Association of [America will be carried by Rob Collier than Smith from J ones?" asked The umpires were Jare, behind a20 CAXTON BUILDING • CLIVILAND 1s, OHIO f and George Bock grabbed off the gree to which they have the and Guiney, and at least one of the surprised professor . the plate, and Bowers on the bas - javelin honors, and just in that aptitude for modern miliiary , , ~~ - gyo them should place . MSM has "Well, the papers were just es. order. Collier winning fling !lying. Men who previously have soared 137 feet, 8 inches. been eliminated from, or have :~:;e~e;~erBi~a~r~:e;:r: P1:r~~ Et,~~~mbnu~~tlJ~o:n:es\:jhsi.tedn q~e~~:~t Sigma Pi O 0 0 1 0 0 - t : ~ Do n In Th e Distan ce completed a service flying school and Dave Ward, while none may ,,.. written Lam. Chi O O O O O O o o 2 2 Don .J Smith, our long legged course leading to a pilot's rating win the event, it is hoped that 'I don't know, either'." Batteries: Sigma Pi, Rudert and distance man, didn't let a wet are not eligible f0r the trai ni ng~ one or more will place for valu - Koenig. track dampen his ability as he Graduates of the Air F orce WAYNE a b1e team points. The Miner walked into the an;a;:1:ta;:t~r. Alpha-Stoecker went on to win the one and two pilot training course will be HANCOCKS mile ru ns. Cletus Voiles will try for the tennis club and up to the first commissi oned Second Lieute n­ All Popular Brand ·Liquors po l~ vault title, and has a rea- court . After watching a whi le he The two mile run saw him ants in the Air F orce Reserve., sona ble chace of taking it if he turned to a few spectators sitting A girl walked up to the infor - clipping 1/1 0 second off fro m given their aeronautica l rating$ WINES can ju mp b ack· to his better ef - nearby and as ked, "Who's game?" mation desk in a hospital and his own record, now standing at as- pilots and assigned to Air • asked to see the Upturn . 10;27.9. Shafer and • SODA FOUNTAIN forts of the season . S tiff c ompe - A young lady sitting there looked Maag fol ­ Force Units for active fl yi ng 6 titio "! think you mean the 'Intern', dowed him up in that orde r. St. n is expected to come from up shyly and answered " I 'am." duty . U p to five per cent of each • DRUGS don't you, Miss?" asked the Lo uis's only entrant dropped out Aviation Cadet graduating class • COSMErICS nurse on duty. after finishing only a portio n of will be offered regular Air F orce ''Yes , I guess so," said the the distan ce. com missions unde r the Unite d PHONE 1005 PINE 109 . FAULKNER'S DRUG STORE girl. "I want a contamination." A short while before that Don st ates Ai r Force p rogram. "You mean an 'examination', had gone on to a claim a victory Men who qualify for the Jul y- don 't you?" corrected the nurs e. in the one mil e run leading th e 1st class will rece ive ap pro xi­ ll'HE REXALL STORE "Well anyway, I want to go to Bill's Walsh and our Jack Cox mately one year of the most ex ­ the fraternity ward," said th e past the tape; hiS time was 4:43. p ert and comp lete flying instruc ­ girl. Th e 440 was taken by Cliff tion in the wo rld. Basic training Stationery , Candy, Fountain Ser "I'm sure you mean Miners vice th e Tu rner, who was fo ll owe d by la sts 35 weeks and is g iv en in 'maternity' ward , my dear," the Charlie Tothill; third place was Texas at either Rando lph, Good­ nur-se said. ta ken by We have the Witte of St. L ouis . Th e fellow or P errin Air F orce Base. To which the girl rep lied quite winning time was 5 3.1. Basic graduates get 15 w eeks o.t loud ly, "Upturn, Intern, con - Th e high jum p, du e to the largest jewelry advanc ed tr ain ing, eit he r in tamination, examinati on , fr at er - wet condition of the take off was sin gle-engi~e aircrafts a t Ari ­ nity, maternity - what th e hell's held to a mi nimwn as the Bill i­ zona's Williams Air Force Base stock in South the d ifferen ce? All I know is ki n' s Dal e, with a 5 ·feet Save with our - 10 or in multi - engine a irc raft at that I haven' t dem onstr ated for inch ju mp, too k th e ho ~ors . Barksd ale.. Air Force Base in Centra l Missouri ~:e;n!:t,months and I th ink I' m Whit ey H amm on an d Ev er ett Loui siana. F lying, aca demi c and CASH AND CARRY SERVICE Bruer tied for sec ond pl ace to Expert Watch Repairing Guaranteed military cour ses a r e coordin ated ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;!fu the instr uction, an d satisfac ... i to ry grades are required in each J. J.FULLER,JEWELER MODERN deparbnent to complete the pro .. ROLLA LIQUOR gram sucressf ully. Civ ili ans w h o 711 Pine Street fai l to comp lete the co urse will DRY CLEANERS (ALEX'S) be discha rged and ret urned tc, Dealer in Watches the po int o f enlistment . Champagne Hamilton - Elgin - Bulova Handy Location- Scotch Bourbon COLD BEER DR. BAKER Gruen - Helbus - Westfield Across from Postoffice FREE DELIVERY 715 Pine St. , Rolla, Mo. 601 PINE Also Keep Sake Diamonds CALL 62 Phones: Office 560, Res. 620-R PAGE FOUR 'l'BE MISSOOBI llllNEB FRID AY, MAY 14, 1948 GRADUATIONCLASSLARGEST INIHSTORY OFMSM APO OPENS STUDENT HISTORY CREDITS SPECIALMARITIME SHIPTIPS ON DANCING FOR THOSEOLE BOT'LS (Continued from Page I) Louis Mu ndy, Wi111, m B. Mur- BOOKEXCHANGE FOR AVAILABLETHROUGH WILL MAKE TRirs JO VACATIONING'MINERS I had twelve bottles of whis- .Fi Rthoucrk,DoEdnwaalrdd GrSacyhoSlczh, mBidetr , nAarrd-~~ie J~·;or: eob;:;m:~~:r. ~~~::t MUCORRESPONDENCE ElJROPE FOR STUDENTS "There's a few important rules ~o~~ ::e~:e:~:r,eaac~d a::e:e~ w · t P t Ll d A R · MINERSON MAY }7 about the cutting -in - system that fc Joseph Sexauer, Alvin Howard D~:a~~ ~o;~~~ert,o~rne~t ;~:s~ , In response to inquiries from MiADISON, Wis,, May 1-The everyone should know. Never cut bottle into the sink-or else! So O Schwartz, Robert Shea~m an, dolph Roehl, Herman Cornell MSM students, the following let- SS Marine Tiger and the SS in again the minute the girl has I said I would, and proceeded Stryker, Fred Allen Todd , J o- Ross, Jes se Ros s, Willi am Jack Do y ou have old tex tb ooks, ter has been received from the Marine Jum~er have be '7-n as- been snatched from you. Dance with .the monstrous task. seph Charles Vogt Wilbern Lee sliderul es, notebooks to sell? If Correspondence School at Mis- signed by the Maritime Commis - with someone else first. 1 withdrew the cork from the ~:1!\u!:d~:!;gl:r, ~o~:;; F!eroa;tnhkerli,nE~eSonu~g~ethha,~bJ:rr.~.~seRllaWy~~L~;_ ~:•,} rn~(ud~~t to B~l::a ;~~h~::~ ~~~:~ c~:;;:rsi~Y ~e~~:~~ngGo!~ ;~~:ig: ~~:s::~ ~:~~i:sn ::~ "Don't argue if someone cuts first bottle, and pom:ed the li- lt' s located on the second floor t p l't' S . Uh . in on you. Let the girl go for the quor down th e sink, wi th th.e 0 1 1 1 Louis Williamson, Alvin A. Wis- ' Trogdon, Richard Hollis Wallcer , of the Old Power Pla nt in the ernmen' i ica cience -e. ;we:i-n ~':'ede~~te~er;o~~=s :~ minute. You can cut back later. :;~:~l~r.J. e::ra~~:a !\:s,co;:i:o~ co, Stanley Zirinsky. Edwin Stuart Westmoreland. :Jen~l~ob a~~:• e:er~o~notint~~ De:r. M~a.;;~!~:rd~a s Called to Eurbpe this summer, the state "Don't push, shove, grab, or the second bottle, and did like - Civil En;ineering Chemical Engineering the camp'4s . The opening dat e my at tention the fac t that a departm .ent has announced. :~~~:; ;, :.X\:~k::t t:~o:ot~:z: wise with the .exception of one Nels A A·nde t son, Thomas E. A Kent Allen, Robert John f th h h b t number of your studen ts will be Each vessel will make four a smile , or 'please, may I,' is glass, which ~ drank. Then . I Austin, Jr., Oscar B. Avers , Ed- Armstrong , Joseph Harri son Billy , or e exc ange as een se . 1 t Atl t· d tr· drew th k f th third ward Harold Benn, Peter Frank Stanley ·E. Bye, Jr., Terrell C. at Monday May 17 and the hour s interested in takin g a course in ,specia rans- an ic roun ips enough of a signal . b" ttl e cor rom e st will be fr~m four' to five every American Government in order between June and September , "At a public dance or one o e, and emptied the good old Bermel, Win on F. Bott, James Claunch, Joe Collins, Jr., Don to meet the requirem ents of the calling at British and • French booze down the sink 1 with the r R. Bowman, Audie Vernon Car - Wheeler Detjen J Theodore Dzie- aftTerhneoonp.rocedureto follq,.. is new law. We Offer a five-hour ports, and on two sailings, at where girls !may be ulnesclortedt' except'ion of one bottle, which din, James E. Chaffin, Donald mianowicz, Leroy Wood Fuller, ,,, 0 1 there are a. so severa ru es o I d nk I lled th k f · H. Collar, Jesse Matthew Con - John Virgil Glaves, John Gries- very simple and costs the , per- course in American Governmen t so. remember. Be carefu\ to see if the r~ou~th ~~. ande pcoo:red r~: ye J Joh Alie Cooper John ell'ng the book nothing here at the Universi ty. Th·e first The Neth erla nd s. • goyernment a gir_,lcame with an escort before E:.:Jar '~•• Co~igan,n Joe c'barles · sen, ITT, Willi am Harrison Hiatt, ~o:e :er~on desiring to sell ~ two and one-half hours of the is also oPera 'ting st'ud'ellt ships, asking her to dance. If she didn't bottle do¥fp the glass, which I E1st, Maurice Harland Ellis, Dom- ~:;:n R_J;!;;fn~ogan , Ellsworth book or similar item from alliga- course makes a study of National the Kota -Int ,en and the Tabinta, it is perfectly proper to introduce drank. I pulled the sink out of ·eet3 We ,Ferrero, James Roswell Charles Noen Hudson, Kay tors to railroad trains merely G0vernmen.£ whlle the last two which will make one voyage yourself and ask for a dance. the next glass, and poured the ege Fis.lier, Joseph Ware Fitzpatrick, Keslin g HuffstutJer J Jorge Jack - brings the item in and leaves it and one-half hours takes up each from Quebec to Rotterdam But if she did, you should ask :otp: ~own ll t11e cork 1 which I ron 18 d otcl,la.j\ Walter Charles Fleher, Rufus H. son , Max L. Kasten, Schuyler with the clerk in charge. He will Sta te and Local Government. on June aD J'Uly 1. Each has the escort to introduce you to f:o~·the p:Or:~ ;:~ ~::~kbo1~:;30 PM~ Gardner, Robert V. Gevecker, Kingsland , Earl W. Loucks, Jr., receive a receipt for the item University of Missouci students a C:_apacity of 750 passengers. her. Amt.er you've danced with . . 3nd John 'II: Wayne Gollub, Ralford Gor~p..., Donald G. Lowder, Albert V. and the book exchange will in~ are using this course to meet the Early . in September the Valen- an unescorted girl, you may take sink of it, poured th e rest th 1 M stw .Joseph William Gunther, Samuel Malone, Samuel E. Martin, Glenn quire as to the price he wishes new state law. dam, with a capactiy of 1500, her back to the place you found dov.:11 e ,gl~ss. drew th e next th aster of P. Halcomb, Robert E. Held, Emmett Merritt , Paul Moore, Jr ., to sell the item for. The ex- I am sendin 'g you· in the at - w1ll sail from Rotterdam for her, thank her for the dance, and corlt out .of my roat, au d poured ducedthe Frank ..D . Hequeµibpll;rg, Jr., Ar-, David Philip Petersen, Francis change then puts this item fcfr taclied envelope a copy of our New York to provide return excuse yourself. Don't ever :e ~in! down t1¾e bottle, .arnd I · ,or. A mon Worbh Irwin\ JaIXJ.~SRichard Oren Roderique, Erich Rolaff. sale at the owners price plus bcouullresteisnwdhe,.scchribwinegha 1~heeavvaa _·raiob~estransportation for the students leave her standing in the · mid - th a 1' e ~t~ssth Th~n co:~ the Mech.; .J&rpber, Eugene Frederick J,qJjleS, Herbert Banjamin Sachs, _ Paul fiftee~ cents. If the item is sold, :iv 11 1.1. traveling to Europe on the two dle of the floor . e g ass wi e bottl~ / si e th part,nen4 PLeaua_kle, KrHaa,mrv,eyWBi.lliLameav ·erAlf,Are ~ F. Shatto, Rex Silsbee Sm~th, APO keeps the fifteen cents for correspondence. smaller ships. The cost of round- "Don't try to force a •name or ~tir:\..~ :n.;erank h,~he po i~[" , Dean 1 Rob t A St hl J h D . service fee, however, if no sale Let me assure you that we trip passage will be $280. address out of a girl. If she is ,. e~ a everyt mg em - 1 st beli Gayle McGu ,ire Jr., John Vad:~. Vi.ncen~ Vae~ n Vall:~:~ is mad~ , t};lere is no charge, This shall 1be indeed glad to take care The Institute of International unescorted and you'd like to tied out, I eadied th e house Dr.Mile t nd D;lvid _. ~cKinJ?,.eY, ,John ¥eJ.Vin Albert Lee Van Amburg, Jr., is a standard fee and is the same of any of your stu&mts wno · Education is acting administra- take her home, you can tell her wi b one ha • a:id .c;:o}-mtedi~e of thedeJ d nd Masterson, Harold Guilbert Moe, Charles William Wehking ,, Maur - for ,all items. might ,b~ foterested in establish-. tor of the student ship program, so, but chances are you won't bottles, aa corks, a glasses glowingle th WiJlia~ - E. Neus~edter, ~·Law- ice Frederick Wetzel, Rayburn · At the pr'esent time the ex;-• ing ttheir credit in American and applications for passage on make first base by trying to w~~h e 0th er, which were to comele r ence Frep.erick O'Neill, Edward Allen Wilks. change is particulatiIY interested Governrrient by correspondence. both the American and Dutch command the situation. twen;y-,nine. To be sure, I count- neerizigD! Fr _a~cis ' Pasch .al, G_har\es Wesley Ceramic Engineering in obtaining summer school Yours very truly, student transports must be made "Here's one sure tip. Don't try ed again, when th ey came arqun d, thebilltl Price, ~Charles Richar~ RainiQ.g, books and freShmen books. This ADULT EDUCATf6N to the institute, Lawrence Dug - to keep up a steady stream of aTid 1 ha4 s·eventy-four. And as ernorDon th Dona l4 .Eug.ene Rhoads, I;>qnald tisAl:~~ke~: !~~ ~~~~;dBi:~;, is , due to tpe fact that they wW AND gan, chairman of the program, conversation while you danee. e house came by, 1 counted presentti Alexander Riley Irvin Dillard be ppen during freshmen week EX>TENSION SEJ;lVICE has announced . You don't have to talk at all . th em all again, and finally 1 bad theappro Robbins, :pavid' GHbert Smith, J · Earl Br:i and Repr erick ,Southw~ck, Charles · Wip.- bama; S1fbramanYfJ-P1 Mathura - men in the fall term. ThpSe stu- the State Legislature. However, will be reserved for students laughter and kiddish cutting-up Shows ,7 and 9 P. M. men who Ad!plssion ~0 and 40¢ their pow field Van Eaton, III. m,uthoo, ~- S., 1, 193~, Univ~r~iti ~ dents leaving school a,re al~o whether or not the remaining and tea~hers engaged in research are out of place at any dance. qt Mysoqi:; Charle~ JI., N?re _It urged to leave their b~o~ along two pours ,may be used as av - and educational travel, students Very frequentlt ro'fdY actiqns Anthony _ Jlu\nn, , the apprc Mechan.l'c31 Engineering B. -?-,~. 1943, Unixersity of. North wilh their ,m8;11.j.ng. address as proved electives will still be up returniµg to their own coun~ries, reflect on all of your associates, , ~ Kathe rine De~lille able to a Joseph Al·varez, Waller F. An - Dakop- '; ~0IT}as Alan q•Hara APO will gladly sell the book · and European students coming your family and your orga,niza- Dr. Cur 1 BLACKCOLD derson, ChaI"1-es P. Ai1'ton1 III. B. S., 1947, ;·•Pni~~:isity r. oj .1".f&Vfand mail a check for the amou'nt t.91·the discretion of _the respec- to Uhe Unit~ States to study . tion. Make a good impression . on MS.\!, gav Robert Francis Bae..rveldl, Allan Zealand; PradlRl Gfrdharfal of sa\e. , . tive depart,ment lieads in which Complete informatio,n concern - pe.o_ple-don' ,t be a roughneck ." of the eve D ale B€veiage, Frank A Beyer, Sheth, B. S., Uii.iV€rsfty Jf Born - The original book eXchang~ 1~;a;eessp;; ~iv;~g:t:e~~nts are can - · ing visas, vaccinations, baggage, Sun. - Mon. - Tu es. - Wed. 1 .------I the M. i Jr., Lawrence Adams Botkin, bay; Pa1:1.l-t"oti.is Pie"fre Terras- was Opened during pre - war and other ins.tructions are avail - May 16- 17-1 8-1 9 Dana An dr ews, Gen e Tiern ey student.so Ce\'.=.il AIVa Branson , L!4? Fow~e: son, Diploma, 1947, Ec·ole Natio - years, but was d'iscondnued dl.te ------able i to stu,dents . through their m doing B urnett, J r. , Fred Herman Can - nale Superie -ure des Mines de St. to the la fge veteran enrollme11t ~ -•"' \i . AJ~ 'f 't· ,1, stuP.ent governments . C& BOAFE THE IR ONCURT AIN theneed ning, J~.• R'obert L?~is Day, Mi- Etienne. a tew years <;1-go.APO :i;eels, how - ~--if~~~~~J Other infori:nation is available 205 W. 91h St. pation, b: chael James Delany, Jr., John Meta llur gical Eng ineer ing' ever, that . there are enough stu- - ~ - - at 1.the Institute of I nternationa1 munityac D avid Ear1s, Shel'lffian Edward Albert Hoffmari, J r., B. dents desiring to buy and sell Education 2, 45th st.', New York s., 1 E llis, Robert L. Fairchild :· Wil - 194:t, MissourJ Scho61 of Miries; used books to warr ,an~ the re - You are invited to enjoy one 19, N. Y. Openf!5very iJ;t.y' Dean liam Jolin Foiey, Odus Lee Fron - James · Eugene ReynOlds, Jr., B. opening of the exchange. Your ot the few remaining Mu•sic Club ------~- ~ . ~ ..- , progreEs in lhelasl ab3rgei, Delbert L. Garth\vaite, s., 1944, University of" Alabama; s.upport will insure its contin- progr:ams of th e semeS ter th is ~,-.,"!'"~T-.-J~.t,!'""__ __ l30 ' A'.l\)'to 1 :do ' rM' .----a'"•-... of transi: George Everett Gl"egg, Donald ch~h Wen Ying, B. s., 1942~ ued ' ope!iation. Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Charles Guilfoy, Eliner Nelson Yunnan University of China. home of Jack Forbes, across from fyliners and of th Hampton, Porter K: Barris : Jr., Civil Enghteering Triangle House. The program ROLL.A: ' dents o! Welcome bclp k

Emo, Lloyd Warren Fesler:, Ver­ Perlod of Active Service [ 803 Ptne Phone 342 II tary Building, in back of the non R. Fesler, Robert E. Finney, School of Mines and Metallurgy \ .______• gym, for further particulars. David Francis Flo ta, George Leon Elmer Woodman, 1919 to Thomas Grant , Robert Oscar 1948 Gregory, Elvin Mas on Gurnea. • Professor Emeritu s of :!Jlll1111111\11111111lllnlll11111111111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllltlllll1111111111111111111111lllllllllllllll11111tllTIIIIIIIJlllll Robe rt Emil Hackman n, Comer Physic~octor of Engineering l - Cecil Haley, Lawre nce J ohn (Honorls Causa) .J'amboretz, John W. K asten, Gil ­ Walte r Edw ar d Remmers. WELCOME, STUDENTS bert Smith Keeley, Ja ck Walke r RESERVEBOOKS .Now · 'Kelso, John Jo seph Kue ser , Ver- . non Roy Lawson, John v. Leahy, I .The dif ference between ~ ma r­ Try Our SUMMER OR FALL SEMESTER Lee Royce Mcclar y, Harol d w. ne d man and a bac helo r 1s that M artin, Walt er A. Mathews , J ohn when a ba chelor wa lks across _ a floor wi th a baby, he's dancing. Merchants Noon Luncheon 60 Cents MONTGOMERY'S CAFE 00 YEARS AT 8TH & PINE

- RElNI>mVOUS - The P1.ace to Meet and Eat dwinLong Coffee Shop