Northampton Cathedral Hub serving the following Churches in our Diocese Cathedral NN2 6AG | St Aidan’s Kingsthorpe NN2 6QJ | SS Francis & Therese Hunsbury NN4 0RZ | St Thomas More Towcester NN12 6JX Contact address for all churches: Cathedral House, Primrose Hill, Northampton NN2 6AG TEL: 01604 714556 | Email:
[email protected] | Cathedral SVP 07515171104 | St Aidan’s SVP 07379752519 | St Thomas More SVP 07517613487 THE YEAR OF ST JOSEPH 26 th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (B) 26 th September 2021 Feasts this week : Monday 27 th September: St Vincent de Paul (memorial) Wednesday 29 th September: Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (FEAST) Thursday 30 th September: St Jerome (memorial) Friday 1 st October: St Thérèse of the Child Jesus (memorial) Saturday 2 nd October: The Holy Guardian Angels (memorial) Day Date Time Cathedral Church of Our Lady Immaculate & St Thomas of Canterbury 9.30am Nuala O’Connor Int, Amelia Rodriquez Int. followed by Exposition and Confessions Saturday 25 th September 12 noon Wedding of Courtney McKeown & Liam Thornhill Vigil 6.00pm Robert Morgan RIP, Peter & Margaret Sweeney RIP, Joe Borg RIP 8.30am Michael Earley RIP, Denis Williams RIP, Michael Riordan RIP Sunday 26 th September 11.00am Jim Carroll RIP, Sara & Anthony Russell Int, Pauline Russell Int 5.15pm Rebecca Parry RIP, Nick Hodgkins RIP, Vincent Cadden RIP, Terence Sammons RIP Monday 27 th September 7.00pm Agnes McLoughlin RIP, Vince Munnely RIP, Mr & Mrs Seamus O’Hara Int, Paraic Carolan Int Tuesday 28 th September 9.30am