Villagewise Mother Tongue Data Gulbarga District (Hyderabad State)
Villagewise Mother Tongue Data Gulbarga District (Hyderabad State) 315.484 1951 GUL VMT GOVERNMENT PRItSS HYDERABAD-DN. 19114 S/DAR DfsT: .. Im ',_SERAM I i CHITAPUR)" FROM ALMEL > . --,.~.,' . .. _,""" "_.".'.-. SIJAPUR DIST: RAICHUR DIST; REFERENCES R.v£R ~OAD RAILWAVS TAHSIL. }' HEAD QUARTER o DISTRIC'T } HEAD QU,ARTER @ . TAHSIL • } . 'BOUNO""Y -* -'- PREPAR£O BY THE SETTLEMENT &. LAND RECORDS O£PT. DIST. eOUNOARY---- NOTE 1. In connection with the 1951 Census, the Government of India had directed that data: pertaining only to sex and to the primary classification of the persons sexwise according to eight livelihood classes (based on the principal means of livelihood returned by the persons concerned) should be tabulated for in dividual Villages or towns. All other data, for example those relating to economic status. age, civil con dition, religion, mother-tongue, nationality, etc., were to be tabUlated only for the tracts in each district. These tracts were of two categories, namely the rural and the urban. All villages in a tah'>il, or sometirhes in more than one tahsil within the same district, constituted a rural tract, and all towns in a district, or some times in certain specific tahsils within the same district, constituted an urban tract. Thus, the 1951 Census figures pertaining to mother-tongue speakers, were made available only for the district, or for the rural or urban tracts within a district. and not for individual villages or tap-sUs. But in 1953, the Government of Hy- derabad felt that villagewise figures relating to mother-tongue speakers of the regional languages were also necessary for various administrative purposes in so far as the bi-lingual or multi-lingual areas of this State were concerned.
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