Gastrointestinal Functions, edited by Edgard E. Delvin and Michael J. Lentze. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series, Pediatric Program, Vol. 46, Nestec Ltd., Vevey/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia © 2001.

Exocrine Pancreatic Function

Jean Morisset

Department of Medicine, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

The control of human pancreatic secretion is still a matter of open debate, as indicated by a recent statement by Adler:

"Human pancreatic secretion is regulated through a complicated coordination of neural, hormonal and possibly paracrine effects. Cholinergic input is essential for full action of any other agonist like (CCK) and " (1).

Indeed, confusion exists over the type of CCK receptors present on human pan- creatic cells. Thus, it was suggested by in vivo studies in the early 1990s that exocrine pancreatic enzyme secretion was mediated by occupation of the CCKA receptor subtypes (2), but more recently Tang et al. showed that the human appeared predominantly to expresses the CCKB subtype (3), an observation later confirmed by Weinberg et al. (4). Compounding this problem, it was then reported that infusion of postprandial concentrations of human , the natural ligand of the CCKB receptor, failed to stimulate human pancreatic secretion (5). As indicated recently by Miller (6) in an editorial,

"... the more prominent existence of type B than type A CCK receptors within the human pancreas raises a number of important questions such as: if the receptor resides on the surface of the pancreatic acinar cells, why would it not be coupled to the secretory machinery of the cell? What functional role does it play?"

These questions are still unanswered and progress has been hampered by the difficulties in obtaining sufficient quantities of healthy human pancreatic tissue that has not been damaged by autolysis. In the meanwhile, pancreatic exocrine functions have been investigated in animal models, mostly in the rat, mouse, and guinea pig, all of which are rodents. More recently, the pig has been chosen in an effort to establish its suitability as a human model for the study of pancreatic physiology. In this chapter, is summarized current knowledge on pancreatic development, pancreatic enzyme synthesis, and secretion, and the implications of CCK and its receptors for the pancreatic response to duodenal stimulation.


PANCREATIC FUNCTIONS The exocrine pancreas supplies digestive for food in the gut and ensures that the milieu of the intestine is sufficiently alkaline for maximal enzyme activity to hydrolyze the various substrates. The water needed to carry the digestive enzymes through the system and the necessary to buffer the acidic stomach are produced in and released from the pancreatic duct cells under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system and secretin. The pancreatic acinar cells, on the other hand, perform two major functions—the synthesis and secretion of the digestive enzymes. In rodents at least, the secretion of these enzymes into the intestine is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system through acetylcholine and the CCK (7). The acinar cells, therefore are equipped with muscarinic (8) and CCK (9) receptors, among other receptor types.

DEVELOPMENT OF PANCREATIC COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONS At birth, the rat pancreatic gland is well developed and ready to assume its endo- crine and exocrine functions. However, early in life, the pancreas remains in a state of active development to ensure that the strong demand for digestive enzymes to deal with the increased nutrient load necessary for proper body and organ development is


10 15 20 25 AGE (days)

FIG. 1. 3H-thymidine incorporation into pancreatic DNA with age. Pieces of pancreatic tissue excised from newborn rats up to 23 days after birth were incubated in vitro and 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA was measured as described in reference 47. Results are the means ± SE of six animals per point. EXOCR1NE PANCREATIC FUNCTION 167




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 1.2 1.4 TOTAL DNA (mg)

FIG. 2. Correlation between total pancreatic DNA content and pancreatic weight developments in rats. Newborn and neonatal rat pancreata obtained up to 23 days after birth were weighed and their total DNA extracted as described by Morisset et at. (47). These data come from the same animals used in Fig. 1. met. As shown in Fig. 1, total thymidine incorporation, a marker of cell division, is relatively important at birth but decreases to a minimal level by day 5. From that point, an almost linear increase in DNA synthesis can be observed up to 25 days after birth. Interestingly, this active DNA synthesizing activity results in a linear increase in total DNA content when plotted against pancreatic weight, as shown in Fig. 2. From birth up to 1 year of age, development of pancreatic DNA and RNA total contents are parallel, whereas total protein content remains relatively low until weaning at 21 days, and increases tremendously thereafter, as shown in Fig. 3. The content of and of chymotrypsinogen develops almost in parallel, although the pancreas is richer in amylase than in chymotrypsinogen (Fig. 4). This may result from the fact that amylase is the only enzyme responsible for starch and glycogen digestion, whereas protein digestion can be achieved by multiple proteases, including , procarboxypeptidases A and B, and elastases. Once the pancreatic gland has reached its full development, turnover rates of its different cell populations are comparable. Indeed, acinar cells show a labeling index of 6%, 6%, endothelial cells 4%, interstitial cells 4% to 8%, and endocrine cells 2.5% to 4% (10). 168 EXOCRINE PANCREATIC FUNCTION

300g 30 H

6.0 25 150 3

SO 20 120-r I 4JO 15 * 100 1 ao

2JO DN A I 60 3 ttf 40 m TOTA L 0.6 •6 * 20 | 0.2 2 T 13 17 21 25 27 30 45 60 3 6 9 12 days months AGE FIG. 3. Development of rat total pancreatic DNA, RNA and protein contents up to a year of age. Rats of different ages were killed and their used to evaluate DNA, RNA, and protein contents, as described by Morisset and Jolicoeur (48).

The acquisition of a secretory capacity in response to different stimuli occurs after birth. A secretory response to the muscarinic neurotransmitter acetylcholine appears after birth and reaches a maximum just before weaning in the rat (11). A good correlation has been established in the rat between acetylcholine-induced amy- lase output from the exocrine pancreas and the concentration of muscarinic receptors on the acinar cells (12). Premature weaning does not seem to modify the capacity of the pancreas to secrete enzymes under conditions of basal and acetylcholine stimulation or to increase its amylase and chymotrypsinogen contents (13). The secretory response to CCK is also absent in rat fetal pancreas and develops after birth (14). This lack of responsiveness to CCK in the early stage of life may result from a low binding capacity of the high-affinity component of the CCK receptor (15). In the human exists a refractoriness to secretagogs in the pancreas of young infants for which no explanation is found (16). In adult rats, the secretory capacity of the exocrine pancreas can be either increased or severely diminished. Indeed, an increase in pancreatic weight produced by re- peated injections of CCK is accompanied by proportional increases in functional capacity, as reflected by the increased maximal protein output in response to CCK (17). On the other hand, the rat secretory response to the acetylcholine analog carba- mylcholine was severely impaired during the induction of acute pancreatitis by high doses of cerulein, a CCK analog (18). This pathology resulted in major decreases EXOCRINE PANCREATIC FUNCTION 169

9 13 17 21 25 27 30 45 60 3 6 9 12 days months AGE FIG. 4. Development of rat total pancreatic amylase and contents up to 1 year of age. Enzyme assays were performed as described by Morisset and Jolicoeur (48). in pancreatic amylase concentrations after 2 days of treatment, loss of acetylcholine potency and efficacy in stimulating amylase release, and an important reduction in acetylcholine muscarinic receptor concentration, although with no effect on their affinity for the agonist.

PANCREATIC ENZYME SYNTHESIS Pancreatic enzyme synthesis—the major and most important function of the pan- creatic acinar cells—concerns the replenishment of the different pancreatic digestive enzymes after their release into the . It is logical to assume that changes in the relative amounts of enzymes packaged in the zymogen granules of the acinar cells result from altered rates of specific synthesis. The capacity of the pancreatic gland to synthesize enzymes can be affected by various factors, including feeding, starvation, diet composition, and the administration of gastrointestinal and cholinergic agents. The synthesizing response of the pancreas to feeding has been studied in different animal models but little experimental evidence is seen for major variation in enzyme synthesis rate after meals. When fed rats are compared with 24-hour fasted rats, little (19) or no (20) change is seen in incorporation of labeled phenylalanine into protein as measured in vitro. In rats trained to eat for 1 hour every 12 hours for 3 170 EXOCRINE PANCREA TIC FUNCTION days, and then fasted for 24 hours, refeeding for 15 minutes resulted in a small decrease in amino acid incorporation into protein in vivo 45 minutes after the meal, followed by a small increase 90 to 105 minutes after the meal (21). Other studies indicated that refeeding after prolonged fasting (48 hours) increased amino acid incorporation into pancreatic protein in rats (20) and depleted pancreatic stores of amylase (22). Prolonged periods of fasting have dramatic effects on the exocrine pancreas, in- cluding major loss of protein and amylase (19,23). Under starvation conditions, amino acid incorporation into total pancreatic protein shows a marked decrease after 48 hours or more of fasting in rats (19,20), guinea pigs (24), and pigeons (25). Prolonged starvation also alters the overall protein machinery, including decreases in RNA polymerase activity (26) and RNA synthesis (27), and alterations in polysome morphology and function (28). A fascinating aspect of the regulation of pancreatic enzyme synthesis remains the great potential of the acinar cell to adjust its specific synthesis to the composition of the diet. The phenomenon was first described in the early 1940s by Grossman et al., when they observed that feeding rats a regimen rich in protein for 21 days caused a sevenfold increase in pancreatic protease activity when com- pared with animals fed a starch-rich diet (29). Similar increases in the pancreatic content of amylase (30) and lipase (31) were observed after feeding rats on diets rich in carbohydrates and fat, respectively. This adaptive process is rapid, occurring within a couple of days of initiating the new diet (32,33), and involves changes in enzyme synthesis rates, as demonstrated by increases in amino acid incorporation into amylase in rats fed a starch-rich diet and into chymotrypsinogen in rats on a casein-rich diet (34). The specific increases in pancreatic amylase synthesis in response to carbohydrate feeding seem to involve circulating glucose acting directly on the acinar cells and indirectly through the release of insulin (30). Adaptation of the pancreatic lipase to a high fat diet occurs more efficiently on feeding long chain, unsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acids (33). Among the potential factors responsible for the effects of fat on lipase adaptation are gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) (35), secretin (36), and CCK (37). Intact dietary protein is mandatory to induce changes in proteolytic enzyme syn- thesis in the rat, as feeding protein hydrolysates or amino acids fails to modify pancreatic protease levels (38). This adaptation of proteases to a high protein diet may involve an intestinal factor because parenteral administration of amino acids has no effect on pancreatic protease contents (30,39); the factor is believed to be CCK, which is known to increase pancreatic proteolytic enzyme content when ad- ministered chronically (36). The effects of acute and prolonged administration of CCK on pancreatic enzyme synthesis have been studied almost exclusively in the rat. Increases in protein synthe- sis in vivo were observed after acute CCK administration (40,41). In anesthetized rats, relatively large doses of CCK in combination with secretin resulted in an early fall in protein synthesis (within minutes) followed by an increase, with a preferential EXOCR1NE PANCREA TIC FUNCTION 171 increase in chymotrypsinogen synthesis over amylase and lipase (42). Increases in pancreatic protein synthesis were also observed in response to cholinergic agonists (43). Chronic administration of CCK preferentially increases trypsinogen and chy- motrypsinogen content over that of lipase and amylase, with trypsinogen increased almost threefold and chymotrypsinogen sevenfold (36). The response to secretin is different from that to CCK, as it increases lipase and chymotrypsinogen content almost equally, with little effect on amylase (36). Secretin is much less potent than CCK but it potentiates the effects of CCK when they are given together (36). Chronic administration of cholinergic agonists had only a small effect on total pancreatic protein content in one study (44), whereas others found little or no effect on individ- ual enzyme contents (45,46). It is clear from all these data that pancreatic protein and enzyme synthesis can be modulated by hormonal and cholinergic stimulation, and that components of the diet can control rates of synthesis of specific enzymes.

PANCREATIC ENZYME SECRETION Pancreatic enzyme secretion can be measured either in vitro or in vivo. Several different types of in vitro pancreatic preparations have been used to study the secre- tory actions of hormones and neurotransmitters. Among these are whole pancreas, fragments of the organ, lobules, dispersed acini, and isolated cells. Each preparation from rat, mouse, or guinea pig has its advantages and disadvantages; currently, freshly dispersed preparations of acini seem to be the most reliable, consistent, and widely used model. In vivo, investigators have used the canulated pancreas at its duodenal junction in the anesthetized rat (49) or in conscious rats kept in Bollman type cages (50). The latter model is more physiologic because of the absence of anesthesia, and more versatile because it permits studies to evaluate the effects of meal consumption, and of various nutrient infusions either in the stomach or in the duodenum, on pancreatic volume, total protein, or specific enzyme outputs.

In Vitro Studies Among the secretagogues recognized to increase pancreatic enzyme secretion are the cholinergic agent acetylcholine and its analogs bethanechol and carbamylcholine (49,51), the duodenal hormone CCK and its analog cerulein (52,53), the gastric hormone gastrin (54), peptides of the bombesin family (55), and members of the secretin family peptides, including secretin and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) (56). By measuring amylase secretion, the response of dispersed acini was found to be substantially greater than that from isolated single cells, although comparable to that obtained with pancreatic lobules (57-59). With preparations arranged so that multiple identical samples can be taken during a single incubation, it became possible to measure multiple cellular indices associated with the secretory process simultaneously. Indeed, in a single protocol, it is possible to monitor dose-response curves and the time course of secretion, and to measure 1 72 EXOCRINE PANCREA TIC FUNCTION accurately amylase release, cyclic nucleotide production, and calcium movements. Such studies showed that amylase release stimulated by CCK and bombesin was associated with phospholipase-C activation, phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis, inositol triphosphate production, and intracellular calcium release, events connected with the initiation of exocytosis (60). In these same acinar cells, stimulation by peptides of the secretin family also led to enzyme release, but through activation of adenylate cyclase and cyclic AMP production (59). The increase in enzyme secretion caused by giving a secretagogue associated with cyclic AMP production, together with one associated with calcium release, produced a potentiation of the effect that was greater than the sum of the increases caused by each secretagogue acting alone (59). These models were helpful in dissecting the intracellular events associated with the secre- tory processes, and are now used to investigate the early intracellular reactions implicated in cell cycle activation (61) related to the control of growth, regeneration, and differentiation of the pancreatic gland.

In Vivo Studies Permanent fistulae fitted into the pancreatic and ducts in the rat (62) and the pig (63) enabled the discovery of the negative feedback control of pancreatic enzyme secretion. This mechanism functions with trypsin, chymotrypsin, or a mixture of bile and pancreatic juice in the to control enzyme secretion from the pancreas by hydrolyzing a trypsin-sensitive, CCK-releasing peptide constantly secreted from the intestine (64). Indeed, when pancreatic juice was diverted from the rat duodenum, hypersecretion of pancreatic juice and proteins was observed, associated with increased plasma CCK concentrations and concomitant pancreatic growth (65). These permanent fistulae in rat pancreatic and bile ducts were largely responsible for the finding of a major circadian cycle of pancreatic secretion with a regular pattern, superimposed on which was a surprising regular minor cycle (66), indepen- dent of both cholinergic- and CCK-related mechanisms (67). Furthermore, it was also shown that secretion of each digestive enzyme is independently regulated and that they are differentially released, although the release of the enzymes may be strongly intercorrelated (68). This rat pancreatic model, developed by Green and Lyman (62), is the closest we can get to normal human physiology. Indeed, the pancreatic gland operates in its natural environment with its normal blood supply and natural stimuli initiated from nerves or from the gut.

CHOLECYSTOKININ AND ITS RECEPTORS IN PANCREATIC GROWTH CONTROL Besides its known effects on pancreatic enzyme secretion, CCK has trophic effects on the pancreas of many rodents. CCK performs its numerous physiologic functions through two different receptor types: the peripheral receptor of the A type, CCKA (A for alimentary), which is found in the pancreas, gallbladder, and intestine; and EXOCRINE PANCREATIC FUNCTION 173

the central nervous system receptor of the B type, CCKB (B for brain), which was described in neurons of the central nervous system (69). Chronic occupation of the rat pancreatic CCK receptors by the CCK analog ceru- lein resulted in pancreatic growth characterized by acinar cell hypertrophy (70) and hyperplasia (71). This stimulated growth process involved increased rates of DNA synthesis in all cell types in the pancreas except for the endocrine cells (10,47). Pancreatic growth depends on adequate nutritional support as it does not occur in animals on a low protein diet (72). Growth of the pancreas also occurs in response to endogenous CCK release obtained either by pancreatic juice diversion (65) or by feeding rats a protein-rich diet (73). CCK-induced pancreatic growth in the rat in- volves occupation of the high affinity receptors of the CCKA type because it can be reproduced by treatment with the high affinity CCK agonist JMV-180 (74), and inhibited by the CCKA receptor antagonist L-364-718 (65). The presence of the CCKA receptor subtype on acinar cells from rat and mouse pancreas has recently been confirmed by immunofluorescence (75). Using repeated ultrasound examinations of the pancreas, a significant increase in human pancreas size was observed 4 weeks after camostate (trypsin inhibitor) feeding, concomitant with increased plasma CCK levels (76). Although these data suggest stimulation of human pancreatic growth by endogenous CCK release, they will have to be confirmed by biochemical indices such as the protein, RNA, and DNA content. Furthermore, it will have to be estab- lished that CCK is the active growth factor operating through occupation of the CCKB receptor subtype present in the human pancreas (3). Because access to human pancreas is almost impossible in vivo, future studies will probably be performed in the pig, as its pancreas possesses the CCKB receptor subtype like the human pancreas (77). Regeneration of the pancreatic gland has been observed following partial gland destruction after acute pancreatitis in the rat. It was stimulated by endogenous and exogenous CCK (78) and involved occupation of the CCKA receptor subtype (79). In the human, one study seems to indicate that the pancreas does not have the capacity to regenerate after partial resection (80). On the other hand, two recent studies indicated that the pig pancreas can regenerate after partial pancreatectomy (81,82) and that bombesin could be one of the factors involved (81).


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DISCUSSION Dr. Zoppi: I have a comment. We published a paper on pancreatic exocrine function in premature and full-term neonates (1,2). We showed that when we fed the infants with partially skimmed milk, pancreatic lipase did not increase, whereas when we gave the infants adapted formula rich in lipids, the lipase did increase. By adding starch to the feeding, we obtained EXOCRINE PANCREA TIC FUNCTION 177 an enhancement of a-amylase secretion. This was the first time anyone had shown that pancreatic function could be induced in humans by substrate. Dr. Roy: Dr. Morisset, I have a question about your experiments where trypsin inhibition led to increased CCK and, therefore, to an increased pancreatic trypsin output: in view of the fact that CCK receptors are on the islet cells, what happened to the islet cells themselves? Did they grow? And, secondly, did the proximity of islet cells have anything to do with the proliferation of acini? In other words, does the presence of insulin in the immediate environ- ment have anything to do with the proliferation of acini? Dr. Morisset: This is the first demonstration by immunofluorescence that the P cells have the CCKA type receptors. We knew that insulin release occurred if CCK was injected, but we did not know which type of receptor was involved. In humans, it seems that the receptor is of a different type; from the two studies I presented (3), the receptors over the acinar cells appear to be of the B type. The image of the pancreas we obtained was a gross image, not at the ultrastructural level, and we are not able to visualize the A type receptors on this type of picture. In the study by Friess et al. (4), whether insulin was involved was not mentioned. Possibly, it is because insulin increases the growth of CCK-stimulated cultured acinar cells (5). Probably insulin is a growth factor for the pancreas. Whether it is also involved in secretion is debatable. However, studies in the dog done some years ago (6) showed that a meal fed after immunoneutralizing the dog's insulin produced no secretory response, nor does a response occur under these conditions if CCK and secretin are injected. The conclusion was that insulin was also important in inducing the secretion of pancreatic enzymes. We do not yet know if that is a direct or an indirect effect. Dr. Yamashiro: Recently, a Japanese group claimed that insulin plays an important role in developing amylase secretory capacity (7,8). Dr. Parsons: I have two questions relevant to clinical care. The first has to do with the common practice of using nasojejunal feeds in the treatment of pancreatitis. A nasojejunal tube is inserted beyond the ligament of Treitz and protein, lipid, and carbohydrate are perfused on the assumption that the pancreas is being rested. My question then is, are there CCK receptors beyond the ligament of Treitz? Secondly, you show a decreased amylase output in severe pancreatitis in the rat, and I believe that it would be very similar in the human. Does that mean reduced amylase production or does it mean duct blockage and escape of enzymes into the circulatory system? I assume amylase and lipase are both very high in the plasma. Dr. Morisset: CCK is produced in the first part of the gut; very little is found after the ligament of Treitz. So, if a patient is fed beyond the ligament of Treitz, a release of CCK should not occur. However, according to clinicians with whom I have discussed this, it seems very difficult to keep the tube down at that level. To answer your second question: it is true that when pancreatitis occurs in the human, the plasma enzyme content goes up, but this lasts only for 2 days. My studies in animals show a more long-term decrease occurs in amylase production. I do not know how long it takes to recover, and I have never evaluated the human pancreas. Dr. Alpers: I have some comments on those questions. Not much work has been done in the human. Almost all the data come from animals, and they run the gamut to whether pancreatic enzyme secretion is up, down, or normal in pancreatitis. The data on putting the tube beyond the ligament of Treitz are simply empiric; isolated cases show that a tube can be put beyond the ligament of Treitz and patients with pancreatitis successfully fed and their condition does not worsen clinically, but others report of putting the tube in the stomach and showing the same thing (9). It has become a cult thing now to say that the tube has to go beyond the ligament of Treitz in order to rest the pancreas. Not a shred of evidence supports / 78 EXOCRINE PANCREA TIC FUNCTION this; it may be true, but nothing shows it. It simply is not worth the bother of trying to keep the tube in the right place. People with pancreatitis can be fed and as soon as it can be done without pain, it is probably a good idea. I do not think it matters where the tube is put. Dr. Levy: What is the exact role of CCK in digestion? Do you have any patients with mutations of CCK or defective CCK showing the exact importance of CCK in digestion? Dr. Morisset: This is an interesting question. I do not know of CCK mutation, but a mutation of the CCK receptors has been seen. A strain of rats is totally deficient in CCKA receptors, and the curious thing is that the pancreas seems normal in these animals. They can apparently do without CCK. Probably what is happening is that other growth factors (e.g., bombesin, secretin, or acetylcholine) take care of the normal physiology of the gland. If the CCKB receptors are knocked out in the rat, the stomach is affected: gastrin level is increased in the blood, the somatostatin population decreases, and the secretory function of the gland decreases (10). However, rodents do not necessarily need CCK, because the animals grow normally if the CCK receptor is knocked out. Dr. Black: Could you comment on the role of CCK in appetite suppression and the mecha- nism behind that? Dr. Morisset: This is a bit out of my field, but we have done some experiments in which we gave rats a CCKA receptor antagonist and observed increased food consumption. This means that the antagonist goes to the brain and has some effect there. I cannot say whether satiety is controlled by the A or the B type of CCK. Dr. Yamashiro: Different CCK receptors exist for each pancreatic enzyme, because the development of enzyme secretion is different. For example, amylase takes more than 10 months to reach full production, whereas trypsin develops much earlier. What is the mecha- nism of these differences? Are there different CCK receptors for each enzyme? Dr. Morisset: No, I do not think so. This is the whole question of pancreatic adaptation. It was shown in the early 1950s that in an animal fed a sugar-rich or a starch-rich diet, amylase will be synthesized preferentially (11). If the gland is stimulated, more amylase comes out, because there is more in the gland in proportion to the other enzymes. On the other hand, if the animals are fed high-protein diets, the amylase goes down and the protease goes up. If the gland is stimulated, more protease than amylase will be released, because more protease is in the gland. Insulin seems to be important in the control of amylase synthesis, because in diabetic animals amylase disappears, at least in rodents. As soon as insulin is injected, amylase mRNA appears and amylase begins to be synthesized again. But insulin has nothing to do with the synthesis or the control of the other enzymes at all. It seems that CCK controls protease synthesis in the gland, because rats treated with CCK resulted in preferential synthesis of the protease over lipase and amylase, and this is a direct effect on the gland. Also, the message has to be from the gut, because animals given high concentrations of amino acids intravenously do not have this adaptation in the pancreas. Dr. Mansbach: One of the hormones currently coming to the fore is PYY (peptide tyrosine tyrosine). Do you have any experience with PYY and its effects on either pancreatic enzyme secretion or growth? Dr. Morisset: We have done some studies with PYY. It is released from the gut and acts as a secretory inhibitor in a negative feedback loop, so that the secretory response does not overshoot. It is mainly produced in the ileum. It may be involved in the late control of secretion—to inhibit secretion when the chyme reaches this level in the gut. Also, when somatostatin is infused into the ileum, basal pancreatic secretion increases. This means that basal release of PYY occurs, and when that release is inhibited, basal pancreatic secretion goes up. So, PYY may be involved in the basal control of pancreatic secretion, at least in EX0CR1NE PANCREATIC FUNCTION 179 the rat. With regard to growth, we found that if PYY is injected for at least 5 days, a small increase in pancreatic growth occurs, but we did not pursue these studies to determine the mechanism.


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