WISCC^ISIN. in the Second District, the Were Waushara—Sherman Finnegan , Liusay, and Robinson; Appeal Bond $250 Lewis County, Ky
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THE CHICAGO SAMLYT TRIBUNE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1872. in L, C„ 8.. v. McAulay al; than vote 1868 only Keno- Walworth—C. Douglass,' Frank Leland, B.i B. Company et motion for new did not the Democratic in tr ral on if they get as much good as any church- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. sha and Bacine Counties, though in all the Gibbs. beJ lalf of respondents, Davis, Hart, Eiley, and congregation in thecity. Washington— B. S. Weli, H. Sawyer. CSaarlow, withdrawn; same overruled as to Ann counties some strong men went with the Lib- W. —Blyew and Kinnard will he tried fourth _ Advertising Agencies. | Waukesha—F. G. Parks, D. W. Rhoda. McGowan , Anne Jackson, J. W, Barker, J, Miller, and for the H. H. CHANDLER A CO. arc authorised toreceive ad- J of jury time at the term ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. candidatas Waupaca—C. Caldwell. v Miller, and award confirmed ; same as to coming of the Circuit Court of vertisements for all Chicago daily papers at their lowest WISCC^ISIN. In the Second District, the were Waushara—Sherman Finnegan , Liusay, and Robinson; appeal bond $250 Lewis County, Ky. have been in since rates; also forany newspaper or periodical in the U. S. Birdwell. They jail ' ; and foreign "Winter Arrangement. Results of the' Elec- he Hon. G. W. Ha zelton, of Columbia, Repub- Winnebago— Thos. Thos. McConnell, toll each 3P j days to file bond and bill of exceptions. .G, the 80th dayof August, over four years. countries. 124South Glark-st. Wall,■* CV>ri 1363, _ Architects. man of fair abilities, and Foster, Alsou Wood. N. 4,704- -Haaf v.Parvin; dismissed by plaintiff's at- have had three HENRY 1.. lican, a torney. They trials,—one before a Jus- GAY, 18and 51 Central Block. Chicago* Burlington «fc Quincy Railroad. tion A Review of pleasant speaker, who. has Republicans, 62; Democrats, Independents, -4- Peace, W. L. B. JENNEy, 79 a clear and 34; [Judge Tree.] tice of the at which they were turned Dearborn-st. Depots—Foot of Lake-st., Indlana-av., and Sixtoeath- the ; _ st.. and Canal and in present Congress The ~ Materials. la the Canvass. made a good record only district doubtful is ono of parts 750—1 'syne Compton; jury oyer to the United States Court, where they P. M. ALMLNI A CO.,Jointers’No. 244 State-at. Sixteenth-sts. Ticket otfice Hon. George B. Smith, of a Waupaca and v. return verdict for tried, found Briggs House and at Depots. and the Dane, Outagamie Counties. Of the t plaintif ; and assess damages at s3o4motion by de- were guilty of murder in the first Banks. Leave. politician since days f MERCK, FARM. AMECH Arrive. prominent Democratic the Liberal Senators, is under the etronge ; and SAVING. 75 S. Clark-**. Ma and-Exncess *7;30». one fendant for new trial, 1,813—Tollman v.' Earle; de- degree, sentenced to be hung. A short SECOND NATIONAL, 63 West Washlngton-st. m. M*lsp. m. of “Barstow and the balance,” but moat heartily pledges to vote for T. O. Howe for United Stati » overruled, and order that writ time before the time for their Su- Dubuque ana Stoax City Exp. *9:15 a. ca. *2;CO p. m. be quashed. execution, the Deltingnnd Rubber Goods. Pacitic Fast Lino *10:15 a. m. *3:13 p. by the a lawyer of Senator. Of 1,314 v. & North HALLOCK WHEELER, m. supported Liberals, ability the Independents in the Assembly/, -Charlotte Freiburg Chicago West- preme Court of the United States decided that A 23 West Randolph-st. Rock Island Express *l0:!5a m. *4;lsp. m. Congressional (Phelan & Candidates • and large practice, an effective speaker,most one is also thus pledged. SenatorHowe (for no ' ern R- iilroad Company; defendant has leave to with- the Federal Court had no jurisdiction on the Billiards Callender Tables). Galesburg Passenger *3:15 p. m. *8:10 p. m. and a zealous draw demurrer to narr and plead to themerits, STEPHAN I, MONHELM ER A HART, 619 State-st. A Ottawa Passenger *4:20 p. m. agreeable socially, most partisan. one else is talked of) will, therefore, have at 817— case, when they were turnedover the authori- Stationers, Mendota *9:55 a. m. and Votes. made 'Bartf ,lott y, Sullivan; cross motion of plaintiff to to Blank Book iUanulacturers. and Aurora Passenger *1:45 p. m. *?:lsa. m. Both candidates speeches in all parts of least 37 majority on ballot. Several mem- ties of Lewis County, and tried Job Printers. *s:3op. joint amer id complaint sustained ; motion by defendant to at the May A SNOW, South Canal-st. Aurora Passenger; m. *B:ssa. m. the district. Four years ago, the Republicans bers, if not a of the Republicans elect- term of the Circuit BLISS 66 Aurora Passenger (Sunday).. I.OOp. m. 9;:-5a. m. majority, dissc sustained, ?. Court, on which occasion »lveappeal . I,s49—Mahon Bradley; OAMERON, AIIBERG A>CO>, 14and-16W. Randolph, A Sioux City Exp... t9:15 p. m. {7:00 had majority in the present ed, are Senator Howe's re- • the there Dubuque a. m. 4,169 district,—in- instructed to vote for leav< to petitioner to restore record. juryhung, being eleven for conviction JOHN H. SMALL A COu, 157 and 159 South LaSalle. Pacific Night Express p.m. 76:45 cluding Columbia, Dane, Jefferson, and Sauk,— election, and there will not be the slightest op- to-day, 41 and 938. and one for acquittal. STYLES A POWLIS, 72 Washiqgton-st. 110:00 a. ra. C 3 .U A CO., 21 South Downer’s Grove Accom’a *11:00 a. m. p m. The Next Legislature— United States and, in 1870, only 706. This year, Grant has position. [Judge Williams,] J. J. SPALDING Canal-st. Downer’s Grove Accom’n *6:15 p. m. *7:15 p. m. J. W. MIDDLETON, 6 and 7 East Randolph-st. Mondays excepted. * Sundays excepted. * about 2,000; Hazelton, $1,600. There is a The applicants forofficial positions and place j Ct !ancebv.— Jeremiah Terwilliger et ah v. Great DEAN BROS. A HOFFMANN, 67 W. Washlngton-st. I Satur- Senator Howe Certain of large mainly West srn Telegraph Companyet al.; remander from AMUSEMENTS. days excepted. falling off in the vote, on the in connection with the next Legislature prom- ■ Booksellersand Stationers. Chicago Republican side, though the other does be useless Suprt me Court filed, and cause re-docketed, and de-- COBB, ANDREWS A CO., 469 Wabash-av. ' Sc Alton Railroad. not ise to be legions, and it would to be- exceptions by* complainants* to so HADLEY BROTHERS, 136 State-st. Chicago. Alton A St. Louis Through- Line, and Louisi- Re-election. equal 1868. cree; solicitor LECTURE, (Mo.} gin to enumerate. much of decree as strikes out the words STAE COURSE. Boots and &Uoes (Wholesale).. ana new short route from Chicago toKansas City. In the Third District, —comprising AMENDMENT REJECTED. (SOUTH SIDE). DOOGETT, BASSETT A HILLS, 29 and 31 Lake-st. UnionDepot, West Side, near Madison-st. bridge. Crawford, CONSTITUTIONAL in mi mey- after the words subscribed for G. H. FARGO CO.. 264 A Madison, St. Louis A Springfield Express, Grant, Green, lowa, Lafayette, and Richland a for. to A 266 cor. Market. The peoplehave made serious mistake in and pah 1 In relation theelection. 708—Schnlen- PHILLIP GOLDMAN. 38 Randolph, near Wabash av.. via Main Line.... *9:lsa. m. *6:oop. m. Counties,—the candidates were J. Allen their own interests, in rejecting an amendment herg v. Ounnam etal,; suit dismissed by complain-* 0. M. HENDERSON A CO.. 283 and2Bs Wabash-av. Kansas City Fast Express, via From Our Own Correspondent. Barber, i Jacksonville, 111,, of Grant, Republican, a pioneer settler, an able to increasing the number of * ant’s soli ’citor. 717—Callaghanv.Cockroft; motion by McAULEY YOE A CO., 11land 113 Wabash-av. and Louisi- Madisok, Wia., Kor, 15, 1872. tbs Constitution *to dismiss per stipulatian NORTH BENNINGTON CO., 21 and 23 E, Harrtsoa- ana, M0... * *9:15 a. m. '5:00 p. m. lawyer, and fully imbued with the proverbial Supreme Court from three •defendant filed; continued. JOHN Weoona, Lacon, Judges of tho to five; of HAY, 0. O. THOMPSON A CO.. 71 Wabash-av. Washington THE ELECTION. iber Commerce Mutual Grant County ideas of scrupulous honesty need which lawyers, •649—Chan v. Insurance Com- WEAGE, KIRTLAND A ORDWAY. 223Mich.-av. Express (WesternDivision.).. *4;sop. m. *6:oop. and of the great of and all fa- ; dez. to bill argued, and taken ad- m. Officialreturns made to the Secretaryof State, close in jany; aurrer under WISWEIL, NAZRO A THOMPSON, 56 A 56 Wab-av. Joliet A Dwight Accomo’dation *4:50 p. m. *9:10 a. m. economy governmental administration, miliar with the business'of the Court, are thor- Coates same order, - Louis from counties, statements made * vlsement. 655—Isaac P. v. Same; The Poet, Diplomat, and Journalist, will deliverhU in- Broom Corn and Broom materials* St. A Springfield Light- thirty-four complete and who has an excellent member his first oughly aware ; and, no public opposition having j [Judge Fancell.l Z. B. TAYLOR, 120 LaSalio-su, Room 13. ning Express, via Main lane, |n * ana also via Di- published in tho newspapers from a dozen more, term; and Allan Warden, of Lafayette, Lib- been made thereto, no special effort was made in 648— Dswsl v Dawson ; report filed and confirmed, teresting and finishedlecture, .Building Paper. Jacksonville ■ : PAPER vision...... p. p.m. eral, a miller and active business and the voted it ; and 24—Miller et al. Brown et al,; rule on ROCK RIVER CO., 48 West Lake-st.