918 bus time schedule & line map

918 Fort William View In Website Mode

The 918 bus line (Fort William) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Fort William: 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM (2) : 12:30 PM - 5:50 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 918 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 918 bus arriving.

Direction: Fort William 918 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Fort William Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM High School, Oban Tuesday 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM Station Road, Oban Station Road, Oban Wednesday 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM

North Pier Car Park, Oban Thursday 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM Friday 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM Corran Halls Car Park, Oban A85, Saturday 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM

Pennyfuir Cemetery, Oban

Road End, 918 bus Info Bridge Junction, Direction: Fort William Stops: 36 Bonawe Road End, North Connel Trip Duration: 95 min Line Summary: High School, Oban, Station Road, Airport Road End, North Connel Oban, North Pier Car Park, Oban, Corran Halls Car Park, Oban, Pennyfuir Cemetery, Oban, Road End, Dunbeg, Bridge Junction, Connel, Bonawe Road End, Travellers Site, Ledaig North Connel, Airport Road End, North Connel, Travellers Site, Ledaig, Caravan Park, Ledaig, Ford Caravan Park, Ledaig Spence Court, , Lynn Of Lorne Nursing Home, Benderloch, Lochnell School, Benderloch, Ford Spence Court, Benderloch Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, Barcaldine, Oak Tree Cottage, Barcaldine, Roundabout, Creagan Bridge, Lynn Of Lorne Nursing Home, Benderloch North Shian Road End, , Kirkton, Appin, Police Station, Appin, Post Cottage, Portnacroish, Lochnell School, Benderloch Lettershuna Road End, Portnacroish, Dalnatrat Road End, , Duror Hotel, Duror, Holly Tree Hotel, Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, Barcaldine Kentallen, Hotel, , Chisholms Garage, Ballachulish, Tourist Information, Ballachulish, Oak Tree Cottage, Barcaldine Kinlochleven Road End, North Ballachulish, Lodge on the Loch, , Village Stores, Onich, Corran Ferry Roundabout, Creagan Bridge Junction, Corran Ferry, Croit Anna Hotel, Fort William, Seaeld Gardens, Fort William, Camusnagaul North Shian Road End, Appin Ferry Pier, Fort William, Bus Station, Fort William

Kirkton, Appin Police Station, Appin

Post Cottage, Portnacroish

Lettershuna Road End, Portnacroish

Dalnatrat Road End, Duror

Duror Hotel, Duror

Holly Tree Hotel, Kentallen U5077,

Hotel, Ballachulish

Chisholms Garage, Ballachulish

Tourist Information, Ballachulish

Kinlochleven Road End, North Ballachulish

Lodge on the Loch, Onich

Village Stores, Onich

Corran Ferry Junction, Corran Ferry

Croit Anna Hotel, Fort William

Seaeld Gardens, Fort William

Camusnagaul Ferry Pier, Fort William

Bus Station, Fort William Direction: Oban 918 bus Time Schedule 35 stops Oban Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 12:30 PM - 5:50 PM Bus Station, Fort William Tuesday 12:30 PM - 5:50 PM Yacht Club, Fort William Wednesday 12:30 PM - 5:50 PM Croit Anna Hotel, Fort William Thursday 12:30 PM - 5:50 PM

Birchbrae Lodges Road End, Corran Ferry Friday 12:30 PM - 5:50 PM

Village Stores, Onich Saturday 12:30 PM - 5:50 PM

Kinlochleven Road End, North Ballachulish

Chisholms Garage, Ballachulish 918 bus Info Tourist Information, Ballachulish Direction: Oban Stops: 35 Trip Duration: 93 min Ballachulish Bridge, Ballachulish Line Summary: Bus Station, Fort William, Yacht Club, Fort William, Croit Anna Hotel, Fort William, Birchbrae Hotel, Ballachulish Lodges Road End, Corran Ferry, Village Stores, Onich, Kinlochleven Road End, North Ballachulish, Holly Tree Hotel, Kentallen Chisholms Garage, Ballachulish, Tourist Information, U5077, United Kingdom Ballachulish, Ballachulish Bridge, Ballachulish, Hotel, Ballachulish, Holly Tree Hotel, Kentallen, Stewart Stewart Hotel Road End, Duror Hotel Road End, Duror, Dalnatrat Road End, Duror, Lettershuna Road End, Portnacroish, Rosebank, Dalnatrat Road End, Duror Portnacroish, Police Station, Appin, Kirkton, Appin, North Shian Road End, Appin, Quarry, Creagan Lettershuna Road End, Portnacroish Bridge, Roundabout, Creagan Bridge, Oak Tree Cottage, Barcaldine, Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, Rosebank, Portnacroish Barcaldine, Lochnell School, Benderloch, Lynn Of Lorne Nursing Home, Benderloch, Ford Spence Police Station, Appin Court, Benderloch, Caravan Park, Ledaig, Travellers Site, Ledaig, Airport Road End, North Connel, Kirkton, Appin Bonawe Road End, North Connel, Bridge Junction, Connel, Road End, Dunbeg, Pennyfuir Cemetery, Oban, Theatre, Oban, Dolce Vita, Oban, North Shian Road End, Appin Station Road, Oban Quarry, Creagan Bridge

Roundabout, Creagan Bridge

Oak Tree Cottage, Barcaldine

Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, Barcaldine

Lochnell School, Benderloch

Lynn Of Lorne Nursing Home, Benderloch

Ford Spence Court, Benderloch Caravan Park, Ledaig

Travellers Site, Ledaig

Airport Road End, North Connel

Bonawe Road End, North Connel

Bridge Junction, Connel

Road End, Dunbeg

Pennyfuir Cemetery, Oban

Highland Theatre, Oban

Dolce Vita, Oban A85, Oban

Station Road, Oban Station Road, Oban 918 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved