Human Capacity Building in Nuclear Security

Cary Crawford, ORNL Adam Williams, SNL

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the US Department of Energy Elements of HCD

• Training (NSSCs) • Education (INSEN) • Professional Development • Internships • Holistic approach to State-level Nuclear Security needs

2 Education/Training/Professional Development

• Training – ”How?” – Proceduralized – How to do the right things • Education – “Why” – Foundational Concepts/Basic Principles/Underlying Theory – How to do things right • Professional Development – Relationship between the ”how” and the “why” – Diverse academic backgrounds – Need to integrate academic disciplines with operational know-how 3 Academic Disciplines in Nuclear Security

Academic Discipline Applicable Topics in Nuclear Security ● Non-destructive assay/nuclear materials accounting and control Hard sciences: Physics and chemistry ● Destructive assay for nuclear material accountability measurements ● Physical protection systems design, operation, and maintenance ● Physical protections technical component design and development Engineering: Electrical, mechanical, ● All aspects of digital hardware, software, and operations related to systems involved in the industrial, systems, computer science, etc. protection of nuclear materials ● Nuclear forensics ● Radiation monitoring/detection ● Human reliability/trustworthiness programs ● Nuclear security culture programs Social sciences: Psychology, sociology, ● Threat assessment development anthropology, international affairs, etc. ● State-level security policy development ● International engagement ● Security management Business administration, project/program ● Program management management ● State-level security regulation ● Uncertainty analysis and quality control for all aspects of security organization and Mathematics: Statistics and operations performance testing research ● Security system effectiveness, risk management, and vulnerability assessment

4 Representative set of US Universities w/Security Programs

University/Organization Scope

● Masters of Science Concentration in Nuclear Nonproliferation Texas A&M (nuclear engineering) ● Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Security

University of Tennessee, Knoxville ● Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Science and Analysis (nuclear engineering)

University of Nevada, Reno ● Graduate Certificate in Packaging and Transportation (mechanical engineering) ● Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Safeguards and Security (under development)

Purdue University (multi-disciplinary) ● Nuclear Security Graduate Program (under development)

● Pennsylvania State University (e.g., nuclear security threat analysis and assessments) Multiple universities offer individual ● University of Georgia nuclear security related courses ● Massachusetts Institute of Technology (e.g., principles of nuclear radiation measurement and protection)

5 Potential pathways from academia to nuclear security

6 NSS-12 recommended curriculum

7 US Examples of Academic HCD

• Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs • Texas A&M University’s Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute (NSSPI) • University of Tennessee’s Institute for Nuclear Security • Purdue University’s Institute for Global Security and Defense Innovation • University of Georgia’s Center for International Trade and Security

8 Systems Approach to HCD

9 HCD Systematic Approach • Risk focused – Types of facilities, material quantities/attractiveness, enterprise-level understanding of nuclear infrastructure needs • Academic/Operational balance – Integration of academic discipline with operational realities • Flexible – Multiple universities, academic disciplines, rotational assignments, multi-site agreements, recruitment programs, etc • Traceable – Metrics, matriculation • Scalable – Expand or contract with industry 10 Conclusion

• Benefits of systematic approach to develop State-Level Security HCD program • Alignment between HCD options provided & national nuclear security NEEDS • Robust & sustainable pipeline of new talent for dynamic, increasingly complex nuclear security environment

11 Additional Information on INMM and other Professional Organizations in Nuclear Security

12 ABOUT INMM The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management was established in 1958 and represents more than 1,200 members in more than 30 countries around the globe.

It is dedicated to the professional quality, ethics, and advancement of its membership. It hosts an Annual Meeting in July, which draws a wide, international attendance for key plenary talks, many sessions of contributed technical presentations, commercial exhibitors, and numerous opportunities for related side meetings. The Institute also sponsors a variety of topical meetings throughout the year. The INMM publishes the Journal of Nuclear Materials Management quarterly, featuring peer-reviewed, scholarly articles from its membership.

13 • Facility Operations INMM Executes • International Safeguards • Materials Control and Accountability Its Mission • Nonproliferation and Arms Control Through Six • Nuclear Security and Physical Technical Protection Divisions • Packaging, Transportation and Disposition

14 Global Presence

Australia INMM is a global Austria Belgium organization with Brazil Canada members, professional China Czech Republic chapters, student chapters, Denmark and organizational partners Finland France in more than 30 countries Germany India around the world. Israel Italy Japan Jordan Luxembourg Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Russia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States

15 Professional • California Chapter (USA) • Central Chapter (USA) Chapters • Japan Chapter (Japan) • Korean Chapter (Korea) Chapter Activities • Moroccan Chapter (Morocco) • Nigerian Chapter (Nigeria) • Promote INMM purpose in • Northeast Chapter (USA) assigned geographical area of • Obninsk Chapter (Russia) chapter • Pacific Northwest Chapter (USA) • Sponsor, organize, and host • Russian Federation Chapter (Russia) chapter meetings and topical • South African Chapter (South Africa) • Southeast Chapter (USA) workshops • Southwest Chapter (USA) • Encourage students and • Ukraine Chapter (Ukraine) teachers at local schools and • United Kingdom Chapter (UK) universities. • Urals Chapter (Russia) • Vienna Chapter (Austria)

16 • University (Nigeria) Student • Amity University (India) • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) • Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Chapters • Idaho State University (USA) • Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (India) Chapter Activities • Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan) • Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (Korea) • Promote INMM purpose in • Mercyhurst College (USA) assigned geographical area of • Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (USA) chapter • North Carolina State & Triangle-areas Universities (USA) • Sponsor, organize, and host • Oregon State University (USA) chapter meetings and topical • Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University India (India) workshops • Pennsylvania State University (USA) • Encourage students and • Texas A&M University (USA) teachers at local schools and • Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia) universities. • University of Florida (USA) • University of IBN Tofail (Morocco) • University of Michigan (USA) • University of Missouri (USA) • University of New Mexico (USA) • University of Tennessee (USA) • University of Utah (USA) • University of Washington (USA)

17 Workshops, Seminars, Meetings & Conferences

Workshops and Seminars Upcoming Annual Meetings • Spent Fuel Management Seminar • Vulnerability Assessment Tools Workshop INMM 59th Annual Meeting • Safeguards Culture Workshop July 22-26, 2018 • Reducing the Risk Workshop Baltimore Marriott Waterfront • Risk Informed Security Workshop Baltimore, Maryland USA • Information Analysis Technologies, Techniques and Methods for Safeguards, Nonproliferation and INMM 60th Annual Meeting Arms Control Verification July 14-18, 2019 J.W. Marriott Desert Springs Joint Conferences Palm Desert, California USA • International Symposium on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM) INMM 61st Annual Meeting • INMM/ESARDA Joint Workshop July 12-16, 2020 • INMM/ANS Workshop on Safety-Security Risk- Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Informed Decision-Making Baltimore, Maryland USA • A Technical Meeting on Nuclear Energy and Cyber Security

18 Related Organizations

National/Transnational Laboratories International Organizations • All-Russian Institute of Experimental Physics • ABACC - VNIIEF • European Safeguards Research and Development • Argonne National Laboratory Association (ESARDA) • Brookhaven National Laboratory • CERN Particle Physics Laboratory National/Transnational Agencies • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory • American National Standards Institute • European Commission • Idaho National Laboratory • Partnership for Nuclear Security (within the U.S. • Joint Research Center - Ispra Department of State) • Juelich Research Center • U.S. Department of Energy • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission • Los Alamos National Laboratory • New Brunswick National Laboratory Non-Governmental Organizations • Oak Ridge National Laboratory • Atoms for Peace -- Johns Hopkins University Press • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory • American Nuclear Society (ANS) • Sandia National Laboratories • Nuclear Energy Institute • Savannah River National Laboratory • Nuclear Threat Initiative • Y-12 National Security Complex • World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) • World Nuclear Association • World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI)

19 Connect with inmm

Corey Hinderstein, INMM President Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration [email protected] Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Cary Crawford, INMM Vice President Cary E. Crawford @INMMTweets Oak Ridge National Laboratory [email protected] @INMMHQ Lacy Lee Baker, Executive Director Institute of Nuclear Materials Management [email protected] +1-856-380-6813