Exploring Alternative Economic Practices in Appalachia

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Exploring Alternative Economic Practices in Appalachia University of Kentucky UKnowledge Theses and Dissertations--Geography Geography 2014 Redefining Development: Exploring Alternative Economic Practices in Appalachia Amanda Fickey University of Kentucky, [email protected] Right click to open a feedback form in a new tab to let us know how this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Fickey, Amanda, "Redefining Development: Exploring Alternative Economic Practices in Appalachia" (2014). Theses and Dissertations--Geography. 23. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/geography_etds/23 This Doctoral Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Geography at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations--Geography by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STUDENT AGREEMENT: I represent that my thesis or dissertation and abstract are my original work. 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Amanda Fickey, Student Dr. Michael Samers, Major Professor Dr. Patricia Ehrkamp, Director of Graduate Studies REDEFINING DEVELOPMENT: EXPLORING ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIC PRACTICES IN APPALACHIA ________________________________________ DISSERTATION _______________________________________ A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky By Amanda Lea Fickey Lexington, Kentucky Director: Dr. Michael Samers, Professor of Geography Lexington, Kentucky 2014 Copyright © Amanda Lea Fickey 2014 ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION REDEFINING DEVELOPMENT: EXPLORING ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIC PRACTICES IN APPALACHIA This dissertation examines alternative economic practices and regional economic development strategies in the Appalachian region. First, I deconstruct regional economic development policies and practices. I argue that policy documents produced by the Appalachian Regional Commission and the State of Kentucky have often limited economic imaginings through the perpetuation of regional stereotypes and short-term, decontextualized strategies. Then, I explore the existence of alternative economic practices as well as the contradictory role of the state within the context of Eastern Kentucky’s craft industry. Using a mixed methods approach, I investigate how the state simultaneously supports cooperative craft production by perpetuating a geographical lore pertaining to crafts produced in the State of Kentucky, and yet fosters a discourse of self- sufficiency via entrepreneurial workshops that often alienate cooperative craft producers. Finally, I highlight alternatives that have emerged in this industry in an effort to document economic diversity and redefine development. KEYWORDS: Appalachia, Kentucky, Crafts, Development, Alternative Economic Practices ______________________________ Student’s Signature ______________________________ Date REDEFINING DEVELOPMENT: EXPLORING ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIC PRACTICES IN APPALACHIA By Amanda Lea Fickey ______________________________Dr. Michael Samers Director of Dissertation ______________________________Dr. Patricia Ehrkamp Director of Graduate Studies ______________________________February 20, 2014 FOR ALEXANDREA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Numerous individuals have assisted me in completing this dissertation. First and foremost, appreciation goes to all craft producers and arts-related organizational leaders in Eastern Kentucky that opened their offices, studios, homes and hearts to me over the past few years. I cannot express how grateful I am to those who shared their personal histories with me. I am indebted to Tim Glotzbach, Craig Dial, Ruth Ann Iwanski, Judy Sizemore, Mary Reed and many others. Without their guidance, I would have been unable to conduct this research. I hope that this dissertation contributes in some small way to shifting the discourse regarding craft production, highlighting diversity within this industry, and redefining development in Eastern Kentucky and beyond. It is also my hope that this dissertation honors the memory of craft industry leaders, Garry Barker and Mike Mullins. Each of these individuals is sorely missed by those who knew and worked with them. Funding and assistance has been provided by the Kentucky Oral History Commission, University of Kentucky Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Appalachian Center, University of Kentucky Graduate School, University of Kentucky Department of Geography and University of Kentucky Woman’s Club. Much gratitude goes to Sarah Milligan, Ann Kingsolver, Doug Boyd, Evelyn Knight, Ron Pen, Fran Redmon, Susan Goldstein and Philis Alvic. Additional support in the form of a research fellowship that allowed me to finish my dissertation and conduct new research came from the Central Appalachian Institute for Research and Development, the University and Pikeville and the Appalachian Regional Commission. xi Michael Samers, my dissertation advisor, provided guidance and assistance fundamental to my growth as a scholar and a writer. My dissertation committee: Sue Roberts, Andy Wood, Dwight Billings and Ann Kingsolver, were encouraging and supportive, providing feedback and insights throughout the research process as well as many professional opportunities along the way. To Ron Eller, I owe special thanks. Regrettably, Ron retired and stepped down from my committee before I was able to complete this project. His work in Appalachia has been instrumental in shaping my personal research philosophy. Other faculty members including Gary Shannon, Stan Brunn, Karl Raitz, Jim Albisetti, Lynne Rieske-Kinney and Ron Hustedde have shown me much kindness, encouragement, and support. I was also blessed to begin this PhD program with a wonderful cohort of caring individuals and I am thankful for them all. I have developed many friendships and writing partnerships which I hope to maintain in the future (Brian and Kelsey, you have been wonderful writing partners!). In addition, fate allowed another Appalachian scholar, Sarah Watson, to join the geography department a few years after I started the program. Our conversations about all-things-Appalachian, which have taken place in coffee shops, restaurants, and during long car rides while traveling to Appalachian Studies Association conferences together, have meant the world to me. Outside of geography, I owe much to my Community Leadership and Development family in the College of Agriculture, including Stephanie Fisher, Mia Upton, Lindie Huffman, Kati Miller, Bill Riley, Amanda Lawrence, Bryan Hains and Kristina Ricketts. In addition, I am grateful for my dear friend, Erin Pullen, in the Department of Sociology. Erin has served as yet another amazing writing partner and xii reader/editor of my work. Chad Montrie at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell has consistently provided a friendly ear and thoughtful conversation. Outside of the country, I owe gratitude for assistance provided to me by Andrew Leyshon, Andy Jonas and Martin Hess, fellow economic geographers who provided me with scholarly assistance and sugary sustenance in the form of Revels Candies as well as a few internationally-made craft products! My parents, Jim and Mona, have always been supportive of me – emotionally and financially – with a ‘no questions asked’ approach. I owe them more than I could ever possibly repay. My younger sister, Alex, has provided me with inspiration and hope for the future of the Appalachian region. Alex is fierce and determined – a real life Katniss Everdeen. This dissertation is dedicated to her. The longtime friendships I have maintained with Nikki Wooton and Denise Sutton So have helped me keep it all together. I love you both. And, to my piano playing partner, David Gillespie, I am thankful for your support, our beautiful puppy, Ziggy, and for restoring in me the love of music I lost for a while after leaving music education to study history as an undergraduate. Perhaps I work with artists and crafters because, deep down, I’ve always been one. I suspect that my euphonium instructor, Skip Gray, knew this when he accepted me into his studio at the University of Kentucky and awarded me a music
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