1 ___ JL______~ Ll~ -----~~:..::..:~~=::::::::.....::==------ . --- for WEE K ENJ)Jng: L L / 22 / 8 6____ CYCLE NO

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1 ___ JL______~ Ll~ -----~~:..::..:~~=::::::::.....::==------ . --- for WEE K ENJ)Jng: L L / 22 / 8 6____ CYCLE NO ' - 11/22/86 FOR WEEK ENCtNG, -----....----­ CYCLE NO 864 PROGRAM 8 OF _13_ DISC & HALF HOUR NO. 1A recked wj th 4B PAGE NO. ____ WIIH IOI IIHOSIIY ABC Entertainment Radio Network ICNIDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING ITA'IT TIMI TIIIII TIME B!LLBoABD: "NCM, AMERICAN a:>UNTRY OO"~;'i.:~ BROUGHI' 'ID YOU IN PAR!' BY RAM 'l'<XJGH. OOOOE TRU:l<S ••• AT OODGE WE Ix:>N 'T JUST TALK TOUGH, WE POOVE IT.' THFl-1E ~ OPENmG OF PARr I THEME: · "Mi KIND OF COUNTRY" '(MARKWATER MUSIC/BMI) #:1 IlN I THAT RCX:K \'m 'T OOLL (B) ~stless Heart #40 I'Ll1 a:t-m BACK AS .AOOl'HER w:M\N (A/B) Tanya .['ucker ----, ,,. IlXD: MY KIND OF axJNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC C-1 NElWORK SPOT: Zale's/Dulcolax 30/30 (Our CTJE) Voice out cold with ••• II • • • anlY as directed• 11 LOCAL INSERT: :60 um: AMERICAN CCONTRY eot.JNTin'1N #39 BABY I WANT IT (A) Girls Next Door --- sct1EDAY (A) Steve F.arle 100): MY KIND OF (X){JNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC C-2 NElWORK SPOT: Polaroid :30 (our aJE) Voice out cold with ••• 11 ••• which one to buy. " · LOCAL INSERT: 1:30 I.CG'.): AMERICAN COON'f~ <X)UN'rro-JN #37 CCMOO~ MAN (A) Lyl~ IDvett .I ~36 ~ HAVE YOU (B) F.ddie Rabbitt ' TN:r'i• MV UThm f"\,:;" fY',fll\1T'RV _ MV KThln f"\P MTlC::.Tr' C•! NElWDRK &POT: ro:lge Trucks :60 (our CUE) Jingle ends cold with ••• " ..• in his driveway." 1 :60 ;I' lOCAL INSERT: STATION I. D.: a._ OVER FOR SIDE 1B :1.0 ,L __..1 1 ___ _ _JL_______ ~ ll~ -----~~:..::..:~~=::::::::.....::==------------_._--- FOR WEE K ENJ)jNG: _l_l_/_22_/_8_6____ _ CYCLE NO. 8n4 PROGRAM a OF _13_ VVatennark DISC & HA LF HOUR NO. 1B backed with 3A IABC I . PAGE NO. __2__ WITH 101 I I NOl llV 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Entertainment Radio Network ACTUAL ■CMIOUL•D EL r:! MEN T " RUNNING ITA•T TIMI TIMI TIME r.ocn: AMERIC.AN CXXJNTRY CClUN'ItO'l-,1 #35 CHEAP I.DVB (R) Juice Newton #34 HONKY 'IONK CRCMD (A) John Anderson rrr.n. MV T(Tiffi f'IF mt Nl'RV MV l(TI\'!n ()'I<' n~mnr C"4 NETWO I{ SPOT: Dewey Stevens/ Zales 30/30 (Our CUE) Jingle ends cold with ••• II .•• ends Dec·. 31st. II LOCA L INSERT: :60 liJGO: ?-_!-IRi :~.1.1_:_ :!'- CUUNl'fil W Ul\l'lUJWN #33 LEAVE ME IONELY (A) Gacy :r-t:>rris ... _ #32 - THE C.ARPENTER (A). ~- -~ 1-..i John Conlee - I.CG): MY KIND OF COUNI'RY, MY KIND OF MUSIC C·S NETWORK SPO T: Dewey Stevens/Flintstones 30/30 (Our CUE) Jingle ends oold with ••• . II • • • and growing • II TlY'1ll.T 11.•-•""<t< ! :60 I.CG:): AMERICAN C'OUNTRY (X)tJN'I'IXMN #31 Otr.r AM:lNG THE STARS (B) Merle Haggard THIS TIME (B) Waylon Jennings THEME UP AND UNDER Wl.TH 'PALK UNrr ENDING AT: .... - rm• c:;7.c;o C-6 2:00 LOCAL INSERT: :10 STAT ION I. D.: :_ • ◄ >,. I ., • - • FOR WEEK EJlfiNG1 11/22/86 ·r· ~ .. u :1 CYCLE NO. 4 - PROGRAM R OF _13_ t I I e IABCWatermc&k I DI SC & HALF HOUR NO. 2A backed w.ith 3B PAOENO. 4 • W I IH eol II I NOSLII 3575 Cnhuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los ngeles, CA 90068 ABC Enterlalnm•nt Radio Network ICNIDUUD ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING ITAIIT TIMI TIMI TIME 'Ilm1E AND OPENilJG OF PART II #30 STARI'ING OVER AGAIN (B) Steve Wariner #29 YOU STll.L MJVE ME (B) Dan Seals ~: MY KIND OF OOUNTRY, MY KIND OF MIJSIC C-1 NETWORK SPOT: ABC Primetime/Duloolax 30/30 (our CUE) Voice out oold with ••. 11 ••• use only as ~ected. " LOCAL INSERT: !.CIJJ: AMERICZ\..N a:>UNTRY ~ #28 OH DARLIN' (A) O' I"1:.nes - - ------------ -=-- -- #27 SHE THrnKS THAT SHE'LL MMRY (A) Judy Rodman I.OG'.): MY KIND OF o:xJNl'RY. MY KIND OF MIJSIC C-2 NETWORK SPOT: D::xlge Trucks :60 (our CUE) Jingle ends oold with ••• " ••• have even better. 11 · LDCALINSERT: :60 I.CG): AMERic.AN c:aJNI'RY cc:x..JNTIXW'1 #26 BAD IDVE · (B) Pake M=Entire J25 FALLIN roR YOU roR YFARS (A) CJ:Jnway Twitty I.CO): MY KIND OF O)UNI'RY, MY KIND OF MIJSIC C-3 NE1WORKSPOT: Zales/Phillips Petrol 30/30 (OtJI' CTJE) Jingle ends oold with ... " ••• Phillips sixty-six." :60 LOCAL INSERT: :10 STATION I. D.: OVER FOR SIDE 2B FOR WEEK ENOj~G, ll/22/ 86 CYCLE NO. 864 PROGRAM R OF _13_ DISC I, HALF HOUR NO. 2B backed with 4A PAGE NO. --"----5 w,," , o, • , Nos 11, 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Enlertalnment Radio Network ICMIDULID ACTUAL ELEM I'! N r · RUNNING ITAIIT TIMI TIMI TIME r.cm: AMERICAN C'OlN:rRY O)t.lN'TIXMN #24 HALF PASr m)RE,VER {A) T.G. Sheppard CNLY ONE YOU (A/B) T.G. Sheppard T [Yrl. Ml/ KTNn ()F I I II IIV I - y MV l{TNT) ()l,' Mrl~T{" C-4 NETWORK SPOT: Flintstones/Zales 30/30 (Our a.JE) Jingle ends cold with ••• 11 • • .ends Deco 31st. H LOCAL INSERT: :60 LOQ'.) ~ AMERICAN OOUNTRY COUN'l'IXl"lN #23 DIGGIN' UP BCNES (B) Ramy Travis I WALK THE WAY THE_ WIND BUMS (A) Kathy Mattea - - I.an: MY KIND OF ro.JNTRY, MY KIND OF MUSIC C-5 NETWORK SPOT: Polaroid/True Value 30/30 (our CUE) Voice out cold with ••• " ••• hardware stores. 11 I.OCAL INSERr: :60 I.CG:>: AMERICAN a:x.JNl'RY ~ #21 STAND 00 IT (A) Mel McDaniel RCa,1 FULL OF OOSF.s ( ) Mickey Gilley THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING Nr: -- 'TY")o i:;.7.c:;n C-6 2:00 LOCAL INSERT: :10 STATION I. O.: FOR WEEK EN.DJNQ, ___l...;l/:.... 2_2..;_/_86____ _ CVCLC:: NO J364 PROGRAM__ 8, ,OF 13 IABCWatennark/ •• DISC & ► ,ALF HOUR NO. 3A backed Wl. th~ PAGE NO. 7 WITH IOI CINOH I Y ABC Ent•rtalnment Radio Network SCMIDULID ACTUAL RUNNING START TIMI TIMI ELEMENT . TIME 'IHEME AND OPENlliG OF PARI' III #20 THEN IT'S IDVE (B) Con Williams THE ~•E ( ) the Paso Seco Singers #19 NO OOE t, NDS A BIDKm HFARI' LIKE YOO (A) Barbara i'~~mdrell I.CO): M'l KIND OF CXJGrfl'RY, MY KIND OF Ml'JSIC r NETWORK SPOT: I::eNey Stevens/Phillips-·· Petrol 30/30 (our CUE) Voic:e out cold with ••• " ••• at participating dcaler·s. 11 LOCAL INSERT: :60 UXl): AMERICAN O)um'RY coum~ #18 rnY MYSELF TO SLEEP (B) Ju:ids #17 WHAT AM I OONNA 00 ABOrn' YOU IB) Reba t-tEntire UXlJ: M'l KIND OF COUNI'RY, Ml KlND OF MUSIC C·2 NETWORK SPOT: Fl.intstones :30 (our CUE) Jingle ends cold with ••• II • • • and growing• It LOCAL INSERT: 1:30 I!Xn: AMERICAN O)tJNTRY ~ #16 WHAT YOU'IL 00 WHEN I'M' <:nm (B) Waylon Jennings B~ - EYED HANDsa-1E MAN (B} Waylon Jennings ICC-0· MY KIND OF (X)UNT~V - MV TlThln OF .MUSIC C-3 NETWORK SPOT: De.vey Stevens/Dulcolax 30/30 I (our CUE) Voice out cold with ••• 11 ••• only ;:,_s directed." LOCAL INSERT: :60 STATION I. D.: OVER FOR SIDE 3B :10 .:: ' -1 FOR WEEK EIIJ.PJ1'1G: 11/22/86 i •. I ., • • • CYCLE N0._..),l.ti.l1Ltb41-_ PROGRAM 8 OF _13_ ·r·' , . u,' • • ' fJ ABC watermark DISC & HALF HOUR NO. 3B backt.a with ~ I I • • PAGE NO. ___,g.,___ Wt l " 101 II NO SL l 'I' ABC Entertainment Radio Network ICNIDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT' RUNNING ITAIIT TIMI! TIMI TIME IJll): AMERICAN COUNTRY ~ #15 THAT Kn< WJN'T IDLL (B) Pestless Heart (B) #14 I MISS YOU ALREADY (B) Billy Joe Royal T/VYh 'MV ttTl\m ()lt' f'Y'IT'!f\ll'TIQV 'MV tl'Thll') ('llt' MrTC:Tr' C-4 NETWORKSPOT: True Value/Pol aroid 30/30 (OU!' aJE) Voi ce out cold with ... " ••• which one to buy. 11 LOCAL INSERT: :60 IJXrJ: AMERICAN muNTRY COUN'I'.0~ #13 OU!' OOIN' CATril~' Sawyer Brown with Joe Bonsal.. (A/B) U2 IOJE'S ~ Gm' YOU SCMEDAY (B) Ricky Skaggs ...,, - IJXrJ: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF .MUSIC C·5 NETWORK SPOT: Dodge Tnlcks/ :60 ABC Primetime/Fl intstones 30/30 (OU!' CUE) Jingle ends cold with~.. " ••• and ~g. 11 I.CX30: AMERICAN COUNTRY COum:tx:::MN #11 WINE <XlIDRED IDSFS (B/A) George Jones HE THINKS I STILL CARE (B) Anne Mllrray THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDililG AT: ~· .... - 'TY'I• i::.-,. i:;n C·6 LOCAL INSERT: 2:00 :10 STATION I. 0.: FOR WEEK El'jQl~G1 11/~6 CYCLE NO,,___,tl=-=-=t>4'-_ PROGRAM _ __..__ OF 13 OISC & HALF HOUR NO. 4A ba with~ PAGE NO. 10 ABC Entertainment Radio Network ICHIDULID ACTUAL E L E M E N T RUNNING aTAIIT TIMI THH TIME THEME AND OPmING OF PART "'N #10 GIVE ME WINGS (B/A) Michael Johnson #9 MlND YOUR O\lil BUSINESS (B) Hank William.g Jr. ALL MY RCMDY FRIE?-IDS HTh:VE SEITLED rx:mN (B.) Hank Williams Jr. I.£XD: MY KIND OF CXlU rl'RY, MY ff'lND OF MUSIC C•t NETWORK SPOT: D:xige Trucks :60 (Ot11' CUE) ··i.ngle ends cold with ••• n ••• have even better. " LOCAL INSERT: :60 I.ro): AMERICAN COUNrRY cou~ #8 DADDY ' S HANDS (B) Holly Dunn - - #7 IJOO MUCH IS NOI' ENOUGH (A) -- Bellamy Bros.
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