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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-5-1908 Santa Fe New Mexican, 09-05-1908 New Mexican Printing Company

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FAIRBANKS MAY PROMINENT EDITOR PTTSBURG INK CAMPAIGN FOR TAFT REPUBLICANS OPEN DIES SUDDENLY K KILLED I Republican National Committee Dis- Alexander Group, Proprietor of New Haven cusses Advisability of Chartering Union, Stricken With HEAD-O- GAMP III CAMPAIGN III OHIO in N COLLISION a Special Train For Him. nil!HIS Heart Failure New York. ' ii New Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 5. Follow- York, Sept. 5. Alexander ing out his policy of consulting with Troup, proprietor and editor of the Cosmopolitan Na- Republican leaders of former cam- Disastrous Fire Thousands Attend New Haven Union, and a former Passenger Dashes paigns whenever the opportunity of- Democratic national committeeman tional fers itself, Chairman Frank H. Hitch- Out Town Big Meeting at for Connecticut, was stricken witth Into Through Suspends cock arrived here at 5 p. m. yester- Wipes heart failure In the waiting room of day for a conference with Vice Presi- of Rawhide the Grand Central station here last Business dent Fairbanks. He spent an hour at Youngstown evening and died at 9 o'clock last Freight Mr. Fairbanks' home and then started night without having regained con- for Detroit. sciousness. He was 58 years old. UNABLE TO CHECK ABLE Mr. had DISPATCHER TO BLAME NOT A LARGE INSTITUTION At the railroad station here Mr. FLIES MEN MAKE SPEECHES Troup Just returned from Hitchcock was met by George Lock-woo- an active campaign in Vermont in secretary to the t; behalf of the Democratic nominee Secretary of State Fred M. Sims, who Frame Buildings Burn Like Governors Harris and for governor and in the afternoon had Failure to Send Order Hold Its Failure Causes Conside- is acting chairman of the state com- Hughes attended a conference of the Demo- n One Train mittee; George Din- TinderThree Thousand ; and Senator Beveridge cratic leaders at the national Demo- ing at Siding rable Excitement Among . widdle and .Carl of ' cratic headquarters in the Hoffman Secretary Rlddick Homeless. . Causes Wreck. are Talk to Voters House. had been Depositors. the state committee. He was escorted , It known for some in a huge automobile to the home of time that the aged politician . was 5.- - thou- ' Missoula. Mr. Fairbanks, where he found the Rawhide, Nev., Sept. Tlirea Youngstown, Ohio, Sept. 5. The suffering from a weak heart. About Mont.. Sept. While run Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 5. The Cos- a at full vice president awaiting him. sand people homeless, a score or niore Republican campaign in Ohio was for- year and a half ago he was strick- ning speed west bound passen mopolitan National bank of the city en No. 5 There were many subjects consid- Injured and a propprty loss of $l00,ft'i0 mally opened here today with an ad- while returning from a banquet ger train and a thorough east suspended business today. A notice is Bra In bound on ered between Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. the result of a disastrous which dress by Governor Harris, of Ohio, Brooklyn and It was more than an freight the Northern Pacific posted on the door reads: mi:n-inp- ; head-o- n Fairbanks, but the chief question dis- Parted at 9:30 o'clock yesterday Governor Hughes, of New York, and hour before he could be brought ailway collided near Para "Closed by of the 70 prder comptroller cussed was the tour of the country In Dr. Garner's office lorded in the Senator Beveridge of Indiana. Gov- back to consciousness. dise, miles west of here at an early of the hour currency." which the vice is to make U'lwhide Drug company's 'r.ilUin;;. ernor Harris devoted his speech main- Before founding the New Haven this morning. While the bank is not a insti- president large under the of the national The fire, fanned by a gale, swept rap- ly to the liquor question which has Union, Mr. Troup was for several Tho trains met on a curve on a tution it is of fair size and its auspices suspen- committee. It is expected that the vice idly south and east, to Balloon avenue become an state issue. Gov- years on tho New York Tribune, ris- mountain division, which made it im- sion caused considerable excitement. important presidents' tour will cover practically fnd up Rawhide to within fifty yaids ernor Hughes and Senator Beveridge ing to the position of night edllorand possible for one engineer to see th A crowd collected but was dis- large all the country and will be made of the People's hospital, 'j discussed of the national assistant to Amos J. Cumniings. At other's train. The Impact was the questions terrific, persed by police. especially in the territory where he Over a ton and a half of djiiam'l.1 campaign. The keynote of the meet- tho time of his death he was a mem- both engines being totally demolished. D. is of - John McClurg president the made addresses during the campaign was used In the demolition of iiii'ding.- ing was contained in these words of ber of the eastern advisory commit- engineers Munson and Valentine bank and D. J. chairman Richardson, four years ago. which in a measure stayed the pro- Governor Hughes: tee of the national committee. Mr. and Firemen Robinson and Herrick of the board of directors, n a tele- Directors of the speaking bureau of gress of the flames. Tho volunteer lire "The army opposing us cannot pass Troup was head of the New England were instantly killed, neither engine conversation with a de- phone large the national committee have in con- department aud 500 miner volunteers, muster, either as one of defense or Democratic progressive league and of crew having a chance to jump. The this Richardson is positor morning, templation the question of sending a voiked heroically, but on account of of salvation, and we may well pause the New England Bryan league. bodies of five tramps were also found to have said that he knew in reported number of prominent speakers with the inflammable construction ' the before we permit it, despite its boast the wreckage. Several passen- no reason the bank should be why Mr. Fairbanks and giving them a buildings, they were swept awa like of fidelity, to garrison our national VETERANS TO GIVE gers were injured, but none ser- closed as it had 40 to 45 per cent of its special train or car for an extended Udder. institutions." iously. Traffic was blocked for sever on hand. . reserve tour. It has not been determined to The situation today la much improv- A three days' holiday had been de- CONGRESS A REST al hours. showed re- Its report last July its adopt this suggestion, but the ques- ed. A relief train arrived from Reno clared at the great steel mills and The collision Is said to have been sources and liabilities to be $1,921,520 tion will be taken tip by Mr. Hitchcock and Goldfield and no great suffering thousands attended the meeting which Adopt Resolution at National Encamp- caused by the failure of a train dis- stock in capital paid $500,000, surplus as soon as he reaches New York. has resulted. Notice has been given was held in Wick Park. ment Not to Ask Any Favors For patcher to send an order In time to fund undivided $55,-58- ' $100,000, profits If made, the trip will begin soon that no further supplies are needed. Three Years. hold the passenger train at Perna sid- as after October first and will occupy at DEMOCRATS TO TRY ing, intended. Bank is Insolvent. least two weeks or more. MAY ARBITRATE Toledo, O., Sept 5. Not for three Washington. Sept. 5. The Cosmopol- will Grand Re- AND CARRY EAST years the Army of the NEW MEXICO itan National Bank of Pittsburg, was TROLLEY STRIKE public ask Congress for further relief ARMORY closed direction of the MUCH OPPOSITION by comptroller Will Center Fight in National Cam-- ; measures. This was decided on here BONDS ARE SOLD of the on the of in- currency ground TO CUMMINS' ELECTION Trouble Between Union and Electric paign This Year In the New yesterday at the national encampment. on 15, solvency. Its last report July Line Threatens' to Assume 8erM. ''. States." """'" Resolutions' looking to an amendment England; Whole Issue of $40,000 Purchased By showed deposits of $589,340. Its tota' Eitter Factional Fight Results Over 2 ; "ous. Proportions "C"""- - to the service pension bill reducing to Spltzer and Company, Bankers liabilities are $1,912,520. Governor's Attempt to Secure New York, 5. National Chair- 65 years the age at which a veteran Sept. o Toledo, Ohio. - . - Senatorial Toga. Providence,' R. I., Sept. 5 There, 'is man Mack. and members of the east- can; receive 2). amonth, another EXCURSION TO arbitration may be ern Democratic campaign committee amending the pending widows' pension to tne trouble between held a bill to make all soldiers' wi- The territorial national guard arm- SUNDAY Des Moines, Iowa, "Sept. 5. Sena called upon enJ three hours' conference here eligible WILLARD tor Dowell's resolution for the local street railway men' and their yesterday and talked over the situa- dows who were married prior to date ory building bonds were opened to- providing The bonds to the election of a United States sena- employers, which threatens to partici- tion in each of the states along the of passage of the bill, were laid over day. are the amount of Estimated That Two Hundred Santa $40,000, 4 tor to succeed the late Senator Alli- pate a general strike on the trolley Atlantic seaboard. After a considera- in favor of the resolution, granting bearing per cent Interest . Feans Will Make the Ball old and are for the of Trip son to be held Wednesday, September lines operated by the New York, New tion of the reports from the national Congress three years respite from purpose building Game Will Be Feature. soldier It to be armories at Santa Las Ve. 9, by a vote of 58 to 1 in the Haven and Hartford railroad in three committeemen prescent, it was de- legislation. appeared Fe, Rocrwell, parried concensus gas and Silver Republican caucus yesterday. Gilbert states. Should such a strike be ordered cided that New York, Connecticut, the of opinion of the lead City. Fully two hundred Santa Feans are ers too much for The bonds were sold to N. Hansen, the proposed candidate of 32,000 men would be involved. Trouble Rhode Island, New Jersey and Dela- that hammering pen- Spltzer, and to go on the excur- 54 sion bills company, of planning special the stand-patter- s received the one arose over the discharge of men ware were debatable states and that an and relief measures might bankers, Toledo, Ohio, sion to tomorrow morn- for and train Willard - local The soon create an undignified $39,625 accrued interest. vote. ; . , employed by the company.. active campaign from now on should expression to see the champion Salmon Grays in of and re The bid of this firm was the most ing stand-patter- s did not make union leaders declare the men were be waged to swing them into the Dem- the minds Congressmen af- The the Hub City nine tomorrow . flect discredit on the Civil war veter- favorable and the ever play good their threat of the morning to discharged because of the prejudice ocratic column. highest price ternoon. The citizens of Santa Fe ans at the time in live when paid for four cent bonds. bolt the caucus in a body unless Gov- of the company's olilcials against the Members of the committee report- their per territorial are enthusiastic and have made &t The bidders very ernor Cummins eliminated himself, union. ed that in their states every effort they would need the most assistance other were: Otis and to the of the of up a purse pay expenses from the short term contest and when would be made to secure the nomina- the hands of the nation they helped to Hough Cleveland, Ohio, $39,460, and of La Banda de Santa Fe, accrued interest. members the caucus convened six were FOREST FIRE THREATENS tions of the strongest candidates for save. - Harris Trust and who will accompany the excursion Bank of present. Of these Hambleton, of Ma- DEADWOOD, SOUTH DAKOTA places on the state tickets In order Savings Chicago, $39,550, and and furnish music on the trip. A stop accrued interest; Coffin and Crawford haska and Seely, of Green, walked to make more votes for Bryan and REPUBLICANS will be made at OF of ac- of fifteen minutes con- Chicago, $40,062.50, interest " out, declaring that they would Dead wood, S. D., Sept. 5 Fifty mtn Kern. It was determined to hold a each station In the valley, during ARTESIA GET BUSY cruing to them from April 1, last. sult their constituents and that in the spent last night fighting a forest, fire meeting of the eastern campaign which time the band will give a con- ( The accrued Interest amounts to event that they desired them to vote wnicn .swept down tne guicn into town. committee every Tuesday at head- cert. . Club There Holds about $800, which makes the bid of for Cummins they would resign. The fire reached a point within a half quarters here. Mr. Mack left for Buf Recently Organized The lineup of the Salmon Grays First and Elects Officers Coffin and Crawford much lower than Three of the four remaining did not mile of the city. A i'ozen fires uive falo last night and Senator Culberson, Meeting will be a one and Manager F. To Work Andrews. that of and Company. strong sec-,tio- of for Spltzer vote and one voted for Haugen. Gov- (been started within a week Li this chairman the advisory committee, that he real- " P. Blandy says although ernor Cummins at the close of the most of them through careless- and National Committeemen Daniel his team is up izes that going against caucus declared himself well ness. The underbrush is so that and Tomlinson left for Chicago. Special to the New Mexican. BIGGEST COPPER PROPERTY he feels confident that pleased dry a strong club, with the result of the caucus. "It is the flames wi'h remarkable Artesia, N. M., Sept. 5. The Ar-- IN THE SOUTHWEST the will return home tomorrow spread Grays evident to me," he declared, "that my and the closest waw'n is be- tesia Republican club held its first with another scalp dangling at rapidity DESTRUCTIVE FOREST night friends want me to make the race and on the forasts. meeting here last night and about 125 5. belts. ing kept burning Silver City, N. M., Sept. During their I am in hands of friends." FIRES IN MICHIGAN members were enrolled. Owing to have come to the the my the past few days the final details of The Valleyltes is made CANDIDATE BRYAN PREPARES the Will Robinson several times on excur- An effort being by Repub missing, train, the merger of the Comanche and Cop Capital City lican leaders to the factional FOR HIS TOUR OF EAST Losses On Upper Peninsula This was not here, but on the second meet- sions two and three hundred strong adjust per Gulf companies were completed differences which culminated yester Year Heaviest On Record Vast ing of the club which will be held and the is now and the people of this city will return Fairview,, Lincoln, Sept. 5. This big mining company day afternoon in the refusal of the Area Burned Over. next Friday night, Mr. Robinson will known as the Savannah the visit liberally tomorrow. ... was "cleaning up" day at Fairview, Copper stand-patter- s to take part In a caucus address the meeting. Dr. J. Dale preparatory to the departure of Mr. which Cummins in nomination. It 5. Graham was elected chairman, B. F. two RECOVER VAST put Bryan on his long trip to the Middle Houghton, Mich., Sept. Losses By the merger of these big SUIT TO was said the of Cum Phillips, secretary, and A. C. Kenneth, IN OREGON that opponents Eastern states. by forest fires on the upper peninsula mining properties there Is placed un LAND GRANTS and treasurer. After the election of off- mins would continue to stand pat and this year are the heaviest on record. der one management 6,000 acres of the that a dealdock would be inevitable. Port- icers several prominent citizens made richest in the 3uit to re- Today Houghton and the entire copper mining ground Portland, Ore., Sept. short talks, all endorsing W. H. An becomes cover lands the Oregon and age Lake district are enveloped in a Southwest and this company granted IN FIRST NATIONAL drews for delegate to congress. The now con- FIRE MAKES dense pall of smoke, occasioning the largest holder of mineral ground , California Railway company of are BANK AT LAS CRUCES. Mi! much alarm. South of here the woods Republicans Eddy county only with the exception of the Cananea trolled the Southern Pacific com7 by running one man this year, J. W. Southwest. at over $40,000,000 are burning within three miles of hab company, in the great pany and valued Turknett, for commissioner, but they Assistant Las Cruces. N. M,. Aug. 5. Fire Nations. Millions of feet of timber All the outstanding indebtedness of have been begun by Special will be out in force on election day - broke out in the First National bank GREAT FLIGHT have been burned and many farms are the Comanche company will be paid to the Attorney General B. D. Town- for Andrews and here on night, in of being fire. Turknett. within the next month, and it will un send, on behalf of the United States building Wednesday danger swept by and had not been for tne fact doubtedly only he a short time before government. The suit is based on the if it Gus Manasse rooms on EL PASO BOYS THROWN HEAVILY FINED FOR the Savannah Copper will alleged failure of the railroad com that occupies company the second floor of the It Is INTO MEXICAN JAIL ATTEMPTED GRAFT, have its enormous mining properties, pany to live up to the terms of the building in the beautiful new bulld-In- e Aeroplane Stays aa well as its smelter and concen- grant in disposing of the lands in probable that big would soon have been In ruins. 5. Washington, 5. Victor G. trator in Silver City, on a question. The case will be bitterly Washington, Aug. The mother Sept. operating office Air Almost 20 Victor G. scale. '. v the railroad as the lands in- The fire started In the private of Robert Rechy, one of the four boys Bloede, president of the big lought by Baltimore volved represent some of the best tim of Dr. Sol Laub and when discovered from El Paso, arrested in Mexico be Bloede company of jointly walls. Mr. Minutes indicted with Edwin Van contracts on the Pacific coast if it was burning . up the cause they crossed the Rio Grande Dyck, for FARMERS' UNION ADOPT8 ber en not in the world. Manasse secured a fire extinguisher with a target gun, has appealed to mer ink expert of. the bureau of UNIFORM PRICE FOR COTTON and succeeded In preventing the fire the state department for assistance graving and printing in this city for to MANIA FOR SPEED MAY from spreading to other parts ot tne TRAVELS ABOUT 15 MILES in securing his release. Because' of alleged conspiracy defraut the gov. Fort Worth, Tex., 5. A secret COST THOMAS A LEG building until the fire department ar the recent border troubles it is appre- ernment in connection with contracts Sept. rived. The department, responded ciated that the Mexicans are natural- for supplying the government with ink minimum selling price has been settled nromntlv and. although it has only a of pleaded and was fined on by the selling "committee of the . New Sept. 6. According to a ly suspicious persons crossing the guilty yesterday York, firemen succeed Remarkable Series of Evolu which Texas Farmers' union. This price is close friend of E. R. Thomas, a chemical engine, the border with guns, which probably $5,000, was immediately paid, out it will being as no one outside the chanere for the worse haa taken place ed in nutting the fire before tions Prove His Control formed justification for the arrest of Van Dyck he tried later. guarded Dr. Laub unable to union la to know what it is. This se- on the condition of Mr. Thomas, who could spread. is the boys. If the case is an ordinary fire. Over Craft. cret will be to all farm- was in an automobile accident account for the origin of tne one without evidence of any evil in- HITCHCOCK GOES TO price given injured ' MIDDLE BASS I8LAND. ers, members of the union, who will several weeks ago at Long Beach. To tent, it Js expected the trouble can COURT REFUSES TO TAKE each be asked to guard the secret care- day there was a consultation ot physi LeMans, France, Sept. 5. Wilbur be easily adjusted. IN POLITICAL FIGHT i fully and sell for no less. cians to decide whether Mr. Thomas HAND Wright, the aeroplanist of Dayton, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 5. Chairman condition will the amutation of Denver 5. The staia Repub- Ohio, made a magnificent and highly CATTLEMAN FROM NORTHWE8T Frank H. Hitchcock,, of the Republi permit Sept. RANCHERS HAVE TO BURN one of his limbs. lican committee leaders who deposed successful flight here this morning. BUYS NEW MEXICO RANCH. can national committee, arrived here for HAY RUINED BY RAIN Fred Parks, as chairman of the Den- His machine was in the air 19 min- today and left by special yacht 5 Middle Bass to confer with CLEARING HOUSE BANKS ver county committee, despite the in- utes, 48 seconds, approaching with- Las Cruces, N.M., Aug. 5. C. E. Island IN Far-man- 's Candidate W. H. Taft. ; N. 5. The is SPLENDID CONDITION junction issued by District Judge Shat in a fraction of a minute Heary Carroll, a cattleman., from the north- Bertno, M., Sept. air with smoke off alfalfa farms in tuck, were found guilty of technical record for the longest official west, who has been here for the past filled , New York, Sept 5. The statement of court today but were not public flight. week, looking for a location to start OLDEST MASON CELEBRATES this vicinity, from hay ruined by the " contempt here-fuse- d ; 107TH BIRTHDAY few weeks. Much of of the clearing house banks for the punished. Judge Shattuck said The distance covered, by Wright a fruit and melon farm, has purchased HIS rains of the past was vqeek ended today shows that they to proceed further in the maUer was not accurately measured, but it the P R. Birdwell ranch on the Ala- Mount Sunapee, N. H., Sept, 5.: that burned good enough hay, hut hold $59,644,950 more than the re- on the ground that a political question is estimated at between 14 1-- 2 and 15 meda drive. The ranch includes 113 James Bellows McGregory, the oldest the excessive freight rates, coupled quirements of the 25 per cent reserve had arisen of which, he had no right mlloa TfiA font 'VOB QinAmnanf ari hv acres of alfalfa and melon land and Mason la the United States, celebrat with the prevailing low prices on even rule. This is an Increase of $5,714,- to take cognizanze and therefore he a remarkable series of evolutions, a concrete house. Mr. Carroll will ed his 107th birthday here today. He first class hay, caused many to burn 025, in the proportionate cash reserve would pass the entire matter up to the 'demonstrating Wright's absolute con- move his family here and take charge is hale and hearty, and can read with the hay in order to clean the field. The with last week. machine. loss reaches 1,000 tons. compared state central committee, trol over the . of the ranch at once. out the aid of glasses. total probably SEPTEMBER 1908 PAGE TWO SANTA YE NEW MEXICAN", SANTA FE, NT. M. SATURDAY, 5,

VOTE FOR WILLIAM H. ANDREWS. SJlNTA FE NEW MEXICAN. THE VETERAN'S FRIEND. Professional Gait The unanimous renomlnatlon of THE NEW MEXICAN PRINTING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. Delegate Andrews was a well de ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW- . THE FIRST served tribute of BAJSIU MAX. FROST, Editor. JOHN K. STAUFFER, Sec'yTreai. esteem to an hon MAX FROST pTIOJML est, active, w vigilant public servant, Attomey-at-Lt- OF Matter at Hie Santa Postofflce. , 8ANTA FE. Entered as Second Class and the veterans of New Mexico will Santa Fe New Mexico be ungrateful, Indeed, If they are not RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, six months, by mall $3.75 found in the front ranks of the col- carrier t .20 G. W. PRICHARD The oldest banking Institution In New Mexico, Established In 1870 Daily, per week, by Weekly, per year , 2.00 umn, fighting for the best friend Law carrier 75 they Attorney and Counselor at RUFUS Daily, per month, by ever had in To his J. PALEN, President. JOHN H. VAUGHN, Caahler. 65 Weekly, six months 1.00 Congress. untir Practices in all the District Courts Dally, per month, by mall efforts is 75 ing mainly due the gratifying and attention to cases LEVI A. HUGHES, Vice President. ALFRED H. Daily, per year, by mall 7.00 Weekly, per quarter gives special BROADHEAD, act that veterans of foreign and do before the Territorial Supreme court wars now M. Assistant Cashier OFFICIAL PAPER OF SANTA FE COUNTY. mestic are in receipt of Office; Laughlin Blk., Santa Fe, N. original pensions, or increases there is the oldest In New Mexico. It Is sent to of, awarded to them by a LLEWELLYN TheNew Mexican newspaper grateful WILLIAM H. H. Capital Stock, 9150,000. Surplus and undivided country for services in the field. If Profits, MSOt. every postofflce in the Territory, and as a large and growing circulation Attorn New Mexico veteran is en and people of the Southwest. single Las Cruces New Mexico among the intelligent progressive titled to a and has not re pension Transacts a general banking business in all Its branches. Loam ceived it the fault is his own, and not A. W. POLLARD on most the delegate's, whose services were Attorney-at-La- money the favorable terms on all kinds of personal and col- not only tendered, but urged upon District Attorney, Luna County. lateral and sells bonds and In all them all. It may be said that he Demlna: New Mexico security. Buys stocks markets for REPUBLICAN TICKET. only did his duty. While this is true, its customers.. Buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange and it is equally true that it was the duty EDWARD C. WA E William Howard of Ohio makes For President Taft, of his predecessors, who failed to do Attorney-at-La- telegraphic transfer of money to all parts of the clvlllied Vic-Preside- nt Schoolcraft Sherman, of New York of Dis For James their duty. The great majority Practices in the Supreme and world on as liberal terms as are Sixty-firs- given by any money transmitting For Delegate to t Congress W. II. Andrews. these pensions were earned during the trict Courts of the Territory, in the For Member of Council From Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties T. B. Catron Civil war and it has remained for Del Probate Courts and before the U. S. agency, public or private. Interest allowed on time deposits at the rate For Member of the House From Santa Fe and Sandoval Counties E. A. Miera Andrews to in securing Genera and U. S. Land egate help Surveyor of three per cent per annum, on six months' or year's time. Liberal their payment to almost all of the Offices. advances made on of old soldiers. The aggregate of said Las Crucea, New Mexico consignments livestock and products. The bank CAN-NO- T MORAL IN LARRAZOLO AND HIS CLICK REGENERATION THE - pensions amounts to over, $300,- ixecutes all orders of its In VOTERS. FAR EAST. patrons the banking line, and alma to BAMBOOZLE THE 000 annually, all of which sum Is E. C. ABBOTT There has been a lull in the cam- on in xtend to them as liberrl treatment In all as Is consistent Judge Wilfly is duty again spent at home, thus being not only a Attorney-at-La- respects, on the Republican side but it is and ns Su- - paign Shanghai, China, thereby hangs private, but a public benefit, it Practice in the District and with safety and the principles of sound banking. Safety deposit boxss the tenth inst , clean-u- p understood that about the tale of the moral of the goes into the local channels of trade nreme courts. rompt ana careiui with and will r for rent. The patronage of the public is solicited. it will commence vigor American colony In that great sea and increases the public wealth. The attention a'iven to all business. respectfully and be fought throughout the length port. The American colony at Shang veterans should show their gratitude Santa Fe. New Mexico Can- I breadth of this territory. So far ha thought that the toleration of pub to Delegate Andrews for his services A. the didate Octavlano Larrazolo, lie bawdy houses is a necessity and to them not only by voting for him A. B. RENEHAN "Noble Francisco Man-zanare- s is to Spaniard," (hat their suppression harmful but by using their utmost efforts to Attorney-at-La- fi. the of Las Vegas, Estanislao the business interests or even induce their friends to do likewise. Practices In the Supreme and Dis and a few a Vice Chaves of Albuquerque, moral welfare of community. trict Courts: Mining and Land Law a THE wind-beater- s PALACE Democratic and flourished under other therefore the protec The value of the cantaloupe crop of specialty. Office In Catron block. had their own of Amer mud sllngers, have way tion and to the disgrace the the Mesilla Valley and In the upper Santa Fe. New Mexico and tell- like- - traveling about the territory ican flag until Judge Wilfly and a Rio Grande Valley, from Los Lunas to WILLIAM in the VAUGHN, Propt. ing the dear people, especially minded district attorney appeared up Rincon, is estimated this year to be CHARLES F. EASLEY born citi- a precincts where the native on the scene. The judge found that between fifty and sixty thousand dol General.) r1 not much (Late Surveyor zens1 and where few and substantial w predominate shyster lawyers lars. Considering that this is the first Attorney-at-La- Is that the Republican men were defenders and English spoken, business the year's experiment in growing canta Land and Mining business a spec One of Best of New Mexico is an Immense the Hotels in the West party mainstay of the disgraceful practices loupes there it is certainly very grati ialty. snake with three poisonous heads, at Shanghai and which made the fying. With more experience and Santa Fe. New Mexico Cuisine wind-jamme- denominate and Table Service Unexcelled which these American colony a reproach in the greater area of irrigated land planted as Buraum and Luna. was Andrews, They Far East. He was told that he to cantaloupes next year it can safely GEORGE B. BARBER. Rooms have gone about the territory, espec without jurisdiction in the matter be said that the value of the output and Counsellor at Law Large Sample for Commercial Travelers. is Attorney ially where but little English r.pok that it was none of his business any will be doubled. The water supply, es Practice In the District Court and or the Re and en understood, holding up way. He could have easily sought pecially in the Mesilla Valley, is as Courts of the and Supreme Territory. Santa NeV JWCXICO. publican candidate for delegate found refuge against unpleasant com sured and the farmers there and in Fe, Washington Avenue leaders and members excuse. But the Republican plications, behind this the valley from Los Lunas south will ness. of the Republican party generally to he was not built that and he way have another sure source of income, Lincoln County, New Mexico MaSIOAJT their hearers, who fortunately are not began the moral reformation by This year cantaloupes in the vicinity UROPBAJT many, as devils1 incarnate and in hu disbarring eight shyster lawyers nt Pal an and In tho Toatlln Vrnllpv are FRANK W. CLANCY man who would blast and ruin and the clamor of bus- - shape despite jairea(jy being shipped by the carloads Attorney-at-La- in human life, - any and everything men, closing up disreput- to the ,areer CGnters of nomilatlon District Attorney For Second Judic business and and attor-jsuc- h ministration, politlca able resorts. The district gt Chicago and New ial District. Practices In the District whom whatever the women who upon no dependence ney had twenty of york. wh.ere thev are finding a ready Court and the Supreme Court of the could or should be In 0u...-.gaj- placed any way. c.fsaftvu iu 1.110 nun,ro..o at remunerau ve ngures tor tne Territory; also before the United A deal more of that kind of good raoned into court and before the day LJ,ieep anA the seller. Verllv. New States Supreme Court In Washington. rhetorical In, addition to had sailed slush, fiery for appearing arrived, they Mexlco ls coming to the front; and that Albuquerque, New Mexico and violent to race for Of the appeals prejudice, unknown parts. course, in great shape. has .been their stock for the present dogs harked loud and long and the HOLT AND SUTHERLAND - campaign. noise even reacnea tne national uip- Al, of dose imnartlai. nolit Attorneys-at-La- t"he rem)rtg The New Mexican believes that Itol, but after Judge Wilfly had made'dCftl observers atrree that the New Ens Practice in the District Courts as voters know too well and cannot run ne was them explanation exoneraiea land and Middle Atlantic states will well as before the Supreme Court of will not be bamboozled their tne per- - and by from all charges and received be solidly and jrreVocaMy for Taft the Territory. jamborees or false allegations, direct sonai commenaanon 01 rresiaeni, thn thA HnH th North. Las Cruces New Mexico Postal Telegraph Office Commodious Samole Rooms and envious mIa uw - - fabrications and sinister Roosevet for stamping out public we9t will ive him handsome maiorit condi- misrepresentations. Facts and lmraortamy mat naunts useu anio . ,n eflch Btatft flnd that the onlv MARK B. THOMP80N Long Distance Telephone Station. wo- - tions show, as well as its splendid ad the face of decent men and w debatab!e ground is in the Attorney-at-La- vance the ten that - - during past years, men ana even cunaren. Strang- toorder states of Kentucky, Missouri District Attorney Eighth District, as a three-heade- - the Republican party, er SUU, Considering me peSSl- nalowaro IWamrlnnH and a fow thn Dona Ana, Lincoln and Otero coun Steam Heated: Electric Short Order and horrible - Depart- venomous, poisonous misxic preaicuons 01 rem .weu mean- mMng gtatfls yke and ties. has not - Lighted. Every Room ment snake of gigantic proportions, ing Dusiness men, uie American wn- nonft of which the Renublicans need Las Cruces, New Mexico Open Day and been the a Good One, ruined the territory, hut has ony at snangnai is more prosperous foP nationai success hut which thev Night, Instrument which has been the factor was I commercially, tnan it at any time would like to carry for the of the HARVIE DUVAL. p for Its pros- ciean-u- w upbuilding, advancement, oeiore its moral uy .juuge rtate tickets. Col Attorney-at-La- PRESS THK BUTTON WK UO THK RKST, increase in and mi Congressional perity, population "liny. iiftrs' Weekly, nlthoneh rlifttinetlv Land, Mining and Corporation Law ex- wealth the decade, while - during past Democratic In its tendencies and wag- clusively. Practice In all the District under the administration of the par- had ana a Las Vegas nine quarter ln a wie war unon ReDublican Courts and Supreme Court. Special at to which these blow-hard- s belong inches rainfall month or as ty of last ieaderg like Speaker Cannon, Senator tention to perfecting titles and organ and for the Interests of which mucn they as santa re sometimes nas ior Penroae flnd others In oar izing and financing land and mining come the with their Hotel & have into open a whole year. It is remarkable that this week that properties. Office, Laughlin Block. Coronado Cafe. untrue and with ty councils, silly and charges awing, ue ame uuie, oanm re imu Taft.g chance9 tor election are im Santa Fe, New Mexico their false and untenable rep- ai- - Oic of assaults, less tnan tnree mcnes ot ram, maaurabiy greater than those of fe Most Dp ate Start -- Order ia resents the that has line Restarts tie Citj policy brought though, only forty miles in an air Bryan nd wnat ia more that Taft de. H. M. DOUGHERTY y and dishones ruin, irom tne aieaaow uaiy ana just, a iew Beryflg to be and flhouid be elected ' Attorney-at-La- In official aaffirs and a to CPEN nid.M 5.30 In the I ty and political hundred feet higher. This is due Practices In the Supreme and Dis morning to a. m. dastard and silly, as well as great in- the, sheltered nosi tion of this city. trict Courts of the at one Territory. Office: crease in the territorial and county which has also a DOtent influence in L,eaaer pumisneti logan, Socorro, New Mexico CENTRAL LOCATION. ui;01 towns in debts to the people. on the temnerature. for on the coldest the progressive Quaycoun x CATRON AND GORTNER - THEONLY day on record in New Mexico, Las Ve-- W Put9 tn political situation in short RESTAURANT THAT RUNSA CHARCOAL' BROILER' NO REACTION IN VERMONT. below order Dut correctly editorially Attorneys ami Counsellors at Law gas experienced thirty degrees vel7 ' The result of the Vermont election zero, and even Roswell. 200 miles saying. Office: Catron Block Prices are Reasonable last need not disturb the Re- south and almost 3.000 feet lower, re-- "That Andrews will be elected by Santa Fe, New Mexico in the season Tuesday Everthing ( K. C. Meats always on hand publicans, nor can it he of any com corded 29 degrees below zero, while the voters of New Mexico in Novem L. O. FULLEN Der conceaea even some 01 w Boom in connection, 50c and'& fort to the "unterrifled" Democracy, Santa Pe's minimum that day was 5 Dy tne Attorney-a-La- up Hot Cold Water Hatha, and that Larrazolo's case Electrieted except probably to a small contingent deerees below , zero. Straneer still. Democrats, District Attorney Ninth District. lights every room good one, is snown tne nerce at Office over of the leaders and to the presidential while Las Vegas and Roswell have a hopeless, Dy First National Bank. G. LUPE HERRERA, ma-iun- Proprietor, Santa Fe, New Mexico. nominee. Everybody knows that Mr. much colder minimum winter tern- - iacK3 ne 8 against every ue Roswell. New Mexico Bryan is very optimistic and will turn perature, they also have a much high- - publican, but to no avail. Andrews will WILLIAM M'KEAN D as to any and every political occurrence, no er summer and far ereater daily range eieciea aeiegate congress Attorney t-Law he matter how much against him or how in temperature. These facts must be "because does things, and says Mining ani Land Law. ad cli- - wnne injurious to his party, to his own remembered in passing upon the naming, larrazoio, says tmngs Taos, New Mexico New vantage and will shout aloud to the matic conditions of New Mexico which ana aoes notning. Mexico Military Institute - heavens that the results are beneficial are , not altogether governed by altl- JOHN K. STAUFFER ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. - are from to Mm and will bring about his elec- hide or latitude, but are to a great ex- Serious drouths reported Notary Public "The West Point of the N Southwest." tion November the third, next. The tent deoendent UDon local toDogranhy. Pennsylvania and West Virlginia. Office with the New Mexican Print' A my Officers Detailed by War real conditions are one is complaining of drouth in New Ing Department. very pertinently Company. Uiriy BANK described the Kansas Star Mexico at present and apparently ell Inspectors SCHOOL IN CLASS by City The of and ' iew Mexico A." In the but correct ed Republicans Colorado, matic conditions are reversed. How following short, of are in OSTEOPATHY itorlal: especially Denver, engaged ever let no man deceive himnelf into Through Academic coirse, prepai ing young internecine warfare that can-- DR. CHARLES A. WHEELON "So far as the Vermont election in certainly beiievlng that this will be a perman-no- t iieu for college or for business life. Great , - be of to either faction successfully treats .acute and dlcates national political sentiment the profit and,ent exchanee and rirv farmars should imount of opeu air work. Heaiihiets location much less to the at large. Which-- , enronic diseases without dnuta of of the returns lies in the party not neglect to begin their work for if any MllHarv School In the Union. Located importance ever faction loose out so medicines. No for consult no indicated may after ,next crops no later than next charge n the fact that change is by year's tion. Office: No. 103 beautiful Pecos Valley the garden state elections of miter a eiruggie is Douna in us for the. moisture that is stored Palace avenue. comparison with the 2-- of the West Houra: 2 m., 5 m. 15(1. ?pot at an elevation of 3,700 two Presidential sentment to make the victory a barren la the soil by skilful manipulation dur p. 'Phone the last preceding feet above sea snushlne - ana one w successiui iac-- , CONY T. BROWN level, every day, but years. The Republican plurality is Diner, me lne the fall and winter months mav tion and of to Minlna Enalnear. ittle rain or snow during session. substantially the same as that of four grievous consequences fiave tne crops during the dry spells mere is room and Eleven all gradu-ite- s the difference being Insuf- uie pany. aiwajs ior that are sure to come next snrine and Secretary Treasurer New Mexi pfficersand, instructors, years ago, or co from "'Stardard eastern flcient to denote reaction amerwceaM spimea coniesis 8ummer. School of Mines. t colleges. Ten any against, bul adminis-- l w""'u 1 Socorro, New Meilcd dings, throughly furnished, heated, lighted the policies of the Roosevelt , , T . v,aTL ' ind modern In all t ration or any weakness in the Taft ""l """ lvr.: " is rather unfortunate in many DAVID M. WHITE, C. E. respects. 1 ne 01 KepuDiicans uioraoojr1.1 tnignt commonwealths, especially New Mexl REGENTS E, A. Cahoon, President; W, candidacy. - (Late Territorial Engineer.) proni y ampie h nepuon- COf offlclala are elected at Vice '"Doubtless too much significance that county Irrigation, Water Supply, Railroad V4 ' 0, Damilton, President; J, Phelps White, Mexico who settled tlme ticket i'J W. M. has been attached to the Vermont !,6W haye the sam that the general ana Bridge uuiiamg. Treasurer; Atkinson Secretary, and W. l 19 e'ection In Presidential years, but nZ ' voted for- - There ia a temptation and Santa Fe, New Mexico a llynFA wltb ralrttes9-- Here has general-concerne- d far as the returns of Tuesday are harmony a tendency to trade votes and For and Illustrated , H. 8. particulars been and the is united suf-me- DUVAL, catalogue offer no discourage-- , stored party )y lt la the head of the ticket that they ln Civil Engineer. address. v to nor do af-- f9 nVer history, indicat, fers for the ibeneflt of perhapa one or - rW4Stl''--T- Republicans they Thirty-fiv- e IT I COL. JAS. W. lng overwhelming victory at the . years' experience ln all WILL80N, ford Democrats any ground for ela polls two candidates in each county. Of November. of branches ; of Civil Engineering and, Superintendent ,in course, watchfulness and good faith ' tion ' - .' ! will surveying. j .party leaders can and prevent V of Southern Associa- m g Presidential this of trading in New Mexico There is considerable improvement Candidate Taft says jort tion of Civil and ten Mils year, but It would simplify politics Engineers years and more business noticeable in this that the heat way to avoid apathy at State of Florida. No - if each class ot officials Engineer charge city and in this county. With state- the polls is to exclude lt from .party considerably for Kodaks and Photo elections. consultation. , Supplies hood and th permanent fixing of the headquarters. This is true not only at were, elected at separate ' " Box 324 Santa Fe, N. M. ART PICTURES AND PRMUNG of the new state here, the fu- - national headquarters', but also In ' T capital E. " We make a specialty of DBVULOPINQ, PRINT y. and territorial Pain . Tablets Shoops W..HART ture of this city is assured, Every state headquarters. pk pr, Mail Orderr - t0D Headache, womanly pains, any Arohltect INO and ENLARGING. Given Promn I owner and every citizen, re- Fortunately, New Mexico Republicans , roperty , flond in 20 minutes sure, Plans, speclflcatlona and , eupervli-Ion.- Atti.tlon. tor Catalogue gardless of politic, should therefore have In charge of their headquarters pain,., anywhere, on 25c box. Ask Address: Roome 5 and Ploneei HOWLAND , . DKWJ7 , vote for KV. H. Andrews. Hi-- leaders who never sleep and will not Formula, the your f 4 COMPANY, Delegate or about this formula 11b S. election mean the state of Ne permit apathy to carry the day on No- - druggist doctor BuUdlng. Broadly, Lu Angelet, Cl.' Ireland's Haat New Mexlfe XI.M vember S. -i-t's fine. The Pharmacy, Ui VegM, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908 SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. PAQ THREE

NEW MEXICO REPORTS LIKE OLD FRIENDS, SHEEP DJO CALIEflTE ffOT SPRINGS. VOLUME NUMBER 13 The Longer You Know Them the Bet- S1M1 ter You Like Them. 1 1 These celebrated Hot Springe are lo- est alkalin Hot Springs In the world. Just Issued From Press of New Mexi- cated In the midst of the Ancient Cliff The efficiency of these waters has can Printing Company Essential Doan's Kidney Pills never fail you. Dwellings, twenty-fiv- e miles west of been thoroughly tested by the mirac to Every Attorney. Santa Fe people know this, Modern Methods of Federal Govern Taos,' and fifty miles north of Santa ulous cures attested to In the follow- Volume 13,' of the reports of cases Read this Santa Fe case. Fe, ant about twelve miles from Bar-anc- o ing diseases:. Paralysis, Rheumstlsm argued and determined in the supreme Read how Doan's stood the test toi ment in Animals Station, on the Denver and Rio Neuralgia, Malaria, Bright's Disease court of New Mexico is now ready for many years. Protecting Fleecy Grande Railroad, from which point a of the Kidneys, Syphilitic and Mercur- distribution among the members of the It's local testimony and can be in- Disease Work of dally line of stage runs to the springs. ial Affections, Scrofula, Catarrh, La bar. No law library in New Mexico is vestigated : From the Bureau The temperature of these waters, it Grippe, all Female Complaints, etc. complete without it and no practicing Manuel Delgado, living at 140 Can- from 90 to 122 degrees. The gases are Board, lodging and bathing $2.50 per attorney is absolutely necessary. Jus- on St., Santa Fe, N. M., says: "I am of Animal Industry in the Southwest. '.arbonle. Altitude 6,000 feet Climate day; $15 per week; $50 per month. tices of the peace, U. S. commission- glad to Doan's Kidney Pills cry dry and delightful the entire year Stage meets Denver trains and waits court officials and all others who as the cure they effected in my case round. There is now a commodious ho for Santa Fe train upon This ers, (By Arnold M. Anderson in the Great Southwest Magazine.) request are interested In the Interpretation of has been permanent. Before using tel for the convenience of Invalids and resort Is attractive at all seasons and The greatest in the terri pies fully two the time pre- the law, especially the New Mexico them I suffered from kidney trouble industry minutes, tourists. People suffering from Con- is open all winter. Passengers for OJo of New Mexico is wool-growin- scribed for each animal to remain in law, by the highest court of the ter- in its worst form and all the medi- tory sumption, cancer, and other contagi- Caliente can leave Santa Fe at 9 au m. and the greatest menace to this Indus- Hie fluid in order to be ous ritory should have the volume at their cines I tried did not give me relief. thoroughly diseases, are not accepted. These and reach OJo Caliente at 4 p. m., the Ire- has been sheep "scabies," a medicated. Men elbow. It is compiled by Judge A. J. Doan's Kidney Pills procured at try long standing along the waters contain 1,620.24 grains of alka same day. For further particulars ad sides of e disease. Millions of dollars this long and trough-lik- vat - Abbott, the supreme court reporter, land's Pharmacy quickly relieved me parasitic line salts to the gallon, being the rich- dress: been lost reason of occasionally immerse the and federal attorney for the Pueblo and there has not been any similar have annually by swimming this destructive malady, which so im animals, bead and all, by means of Indians, and his experience on the trouble since. I think a great deal ANTONIO the health of sheep that even poles with cross-piece- a at the JOSEPH, bench, as practicing attorney and as of Doan's Kidney Pills and recommend pairs end; Proprietor. the wool suffers In texture and quan- no part of the a thor- the author of previous volumes of Re- them nt every opportunity." sheep escapes Taos Pf M prin-cipall- y OloOallent, County. 50 tity to an alarming extent. It was ough wetting. By this simple method assures that volume 13 has been , For sale by all dealers. Price ports, methods and with Foster-Mllbur- n due to the one vat, as many as 12,000 carefully edited and Indexed. The typo- cents. Co., Buffalo, unsanitary the small raisers of the ter animals can be in one All work and binding is by the New York, sole agents for the United of sheep dipped day. graphical that the became so infested anmiala are to New Mexican Printing company which States. ritory post required be I dipped twice. The first ia the fact Remember the name Doan's and operation kills Wells & being complimented upon the Fargo Company It is the best and best take no other. But now a new order of things has living parasites, but does not des- that printed the of bound volume of New Mexico Reports been instituted and a vastly improved troy vitality the eggs in the fleece; a second thus far issued. The price per volume, TO AND FROM ROSWELL. condition is already close upon realiz hence, dipping is necessary, ten or twelve days to Express $2.70, is lower than that of any previ- Connection made with Automobile ation. Last year the United States gov- later, kill the mites which have out ous volume. To this 30 cents should be line at Torrance for Roswell dally, ernment through the agency of the hatched General in the meantime. Forwarders added for postage, if volume is ordered Automobile leaves Torrance for Bureau of Animal Industry, inaugurat- Express ord- the tambs as as one by mall. The edition is limited and well at 4 a. m., and arrives at Roswell ed a crusade against young month old -- TO- ers will be filled in the sequence of at 12 noon. Automobile leaves Ros "scabies" which will, In a few years, may be dipped with comparative safe- Where their receipt. well for Torrance at 1 p. m., and ar- eradicate the disease entirely. The ty. goats are kept with sheep, ef- must rives at Torrance at 10 p. m. The fare territorial sheep sanitary board is they also be dipped, but goats All the federal are not to scabies. Parts of the World NOT COAL LAND. FOREST. between Santa Fe and Torrance is fectually cooperating with generally subject Ros- and the movement has The precaution a necessary, (Notice For Publication.) J5.80 and between Torrance and government however, Save Money and Inconvenience Wells of all for goats can the infection to by Purchasing Fargo of the Interior, well, J 10. Reserve seats on automo- the sympathy the progressive carry Department of Southwest. tho sheep with which DOMESTIC MONEY S. Land bile by wire. J. W. Stockard, manager wool growers the they are associ' ORDERS, TRAVELERS' U. Office, a ted. Santa Fe, N. M., August 4, 190S. Automobile Line. Upon Dr. Marion Imes, of Albuquer MONEY ORDERS, FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS. In to Notice is hereby given that Crestino que, chief inspector of the bureau, for order facilitate dipping, and de-- lessen - Payable the United O'Cana, of El Rito, N. M., who, on July A Traveling Man's Experience. the department of New Mexico, j the expense of individual own- Throughout States. Canada. Mcxkc "I must tell on of the ers, stations were 21, 1903, made Homestead Application you my experience volved the mighty task carrying dipping established and all Foreign Countries 1-- 4 1-- O. R. & N. R. R. at to No. 7578 (0641), for N"vT SW an East bound train governmental regulations Into execu central points which tho flocks 1-- from to Le Ore.," of might be driven REMITTANCES SENT BY SW 4 NW 4 and lot 4, sec. 2, twp. Pendleton Grande, tion, and the success the crusade conveniently and TELEGRAPH. A. a well known ex- treated at a minimum 25 N range 6 E., N. M. P. meridian, writes Sam Garber, thus far speaks eloquently for his cost a few has filed notice of Intention to make traveling man. "I was in the smok- ecutive ability. Last summer he direct- cents a head. During the past sum- J. D. with some other trav- of In mer about six million BARNES. Aaent final five-yea- r proof, to establish claim ing department ed the work of the large corps sheep were to the land above described, before eling tnon when one of them went out specters under him and personally su- dipped in New Mexico. The dinning few a came back was done Francisco Luna, Probate Clerk, at Tier-r- into the coach and and said, pervised the operations In the various under the direct supervision Is a woman unto in sane were of an of Amarilla, N. M., on the 19th day of "There sick death districts. So reasonable and authorized agent the Bureau 1908. the car.' I at one got up and went his methods in dealing with sheep of Animal Industry. September, :: :: U. 8. AND ::-- :: o MAIJ, PASSENGER ROUTE. Claimant names as witnesses: Ven-cesla- out, found her very ill with cramp raisers of all classes that not a single Wherever it was deemed necessary, hands arms were drawn the of were Jaramillo, Jesus Maria O'Cana, colic, her and instance of serious trouble resulted sheep, also treat- Service Established Jan. 10, 1906. Passengers over 30 hours between so could not them, of ed to the Diego Gonzales and Ramoz Gonzales, up you straighten from the enforcing the drastic but, according government regu- Agents for the Buick. Pone Toledo. these points over any otLer rout. with look on her face. beneficial lations. to be- all of El Rito, N. M. and a deathlike universally recognized, gov Strange note, the sheep and Kissel Automobiles. Full of modem Cars lu to equipment Two or three ladies were working ernment longing the who Shortest . MANUEL R. OTERO, stipulations. Navajo Indians, route between Roswell and service securing comfort to passu-gers- her I . own over 200,000 Register with her and giving whiskey. At the outset of the crusade, the head, are slightly the Pecos Valley to El Paso and Santa Courteous and expert Chauf went to case and bot- of New Mex to my suit got my eleven district inspectors susceptible the scabies, and then Fe and all points In the Estancla Val- feurs In charge of every Car. Seat of Cholera made tours when come Into contact tle Chamberlain's Colic, ico, and their assistants, only they with ley and western New Mexico. reserved on Auto by applying to The New Mexican Printing company infected stock. and Diarrhoea Remedy (I never travel of inspection through all the ranges The reason for this Automobiles leave Roswell at of El Pa?o & Southwestern has and for sale and daily Agent Ky, ready without it), ran to the water tank, of the territory and personally visited immunity from disease is the peculiar 00 P. M connecting with trains for or to Roswell New correct of the territorial Auto Co., Roswell,' compilations put .a double dose of the medicine in every sheep raiser to ascertain exact- nature of the Navajo sheep which El Paso and all points on Rock Island Mexico. incorporation laws, price 75 cents, of Hie some water Into it condition of the have of the of glass, poured ly just what was the many characteristics Railway allowance 50 lbs. Any road fn 1 Laggage the territorial laws, pprice it with a then corrals. conditions goats. - and stirred pencil; flocks and The Leave Torrance at 6:00 A. M. arriv- amount of Baggage can be carrier cents, and of the territorial mining had a time to get the ladies were far quite these inspectors encountered Inception of Bureau of Animal ing at Roswell at 11:00 A, M. Saving! by notifying Company at Roswell. lawn, price 50 cents per copy. These to let me give it to her, but I succeed- from Thousands of sheep In flattering: Industry. can be purchased by applying per- ed. I could at once see the effect and corrals were found to be highly un- J. W. STOCKARD, Combating the dreaded sheep scab- Manager. son or by mall at the office of the I worked with rubbing her hands, the accumulated her, sanitary, containing ies is but one small part of the work company. . in I her an some never been and twenty minutes gave offal of years had of the Bureau of Animal dose. this time we were cleaned and was a Industry. other By there scarcely This is one of.. the. useful "bureaus" of almost into Le Grande, wnere I was which .was not In some degree flock the United States government and, Deem I i the bottle not The Famous Falstaff to leave the train. ' gave infected with scabies. It is surpris- while it does not In one cent of to husband to be used in case in view bring the ing, of these circumstances, revenue, it has done more to build should be but deteriorat- up another dose needed, that the wool crop had been the livestock of the bv ran into Le industry country HENRY KRICK the time the train ing. than other The Sol for I any single agency. spiegelfeerg Agent Grande she was all and re right, Beginning of Crusade Against chief of the Bureau, which is a branch 527 an Francisco Streat ceived the thanks of every passenger LEMP'S ST. LOUIS BEER Scabies. of the Department of Agriculture, is in the car." For sale by all druggists, After this general inspection of the Dr. A. D. Melvin, whose headquarters All KlMs of Mineral Waters. k4 field, the district met in are at Washington, D. C, An outbreak The New Mexican can do inspector printing conjunction with the territorial sheep of a disease calley pleuro-pneumoni- to that done in any of the large iDHiaQ Curios SODA WATER, equal sanitary board, at the headquarters of a cattle malady, was the cause of the ami neiicao Wares aoo Flavor Dealr. cities. Our solicitor, every piece cf Any yon Chief Inspector Imes, in Albuquerque, Bureau's inception in the year 1884. work we turn out. Try our stock once Orders Filled for AaMVut. to consider the ways and means of This malady became such a menace to Blankets, Baskets, Wax, Feather andLlnen Drawn Work, Any triirt and you will come again. We will Receive certainly best fighting the destructive scabies. the cattle industry that the govern- Opals, Turquoise, Garnets and Other Gems . prwsfi have all the facilities fo rturning out The ubiquitous parasite, if he contains ment was practically forced to take OUR MOTTO: T Have ths Best of Everything In Our Lin. class of work, including one nt Phone 38, every a of in his make-up- , must steps to eradicate the disease. The re- best binderies In the West. spark vanity the have felt flattered by reasons sults in this instances were success- oitezuma Avenue. Suta Ft, . greatly of that meeting where men of science ful beyond all expectation, and from A Candy Cold Cure clever, popular devoted hours of learned discussion to that time the Bureau has grown stead Tablet called Preventics is being his As a result, all the ily in usefulness and importance. everywhere. In peculiarities. dispensed by druggists corrals of the were The Bureau Is divided Into four di- a few Preventics are said to sheep territory hours, cleaned and disinfected, or, if visions: the cold And ordered Dairy, Inspection, Quar break any completely. condition was to be antine and so safe and tooth- their hopeless, Preventics, being and all were ordered to The Dairy division has to do with fine for children. No burned, sheep some, are very medical solution of all RtiM&& be dipped in some the inspection dairy products, no laxative, nothing harsh Quinine, which would kill the parasites. It was such as butter, cheese, condensed milk Stamps nor sickening. Box of 48 25c. Sold agreed that this work should be done etc. It is due to the precautions of The Ireland's Pharmacy. by under the personal direction of autho- this branch of the Bureau that the WHEN YOU FIND rized representatives of the Bureau public is protected, as far as is possi- YOURSELF WRITING THE SAME THING wed- Engraved cards de vlste and of Animal Industry. The penalty for ble, from impure milk products. FREQUENTLY IN THE COURSE OF YOUR BUSINESS, RE- Invitations a at the New ding specialty disobedience to these orders was that The Inspecion Division deals pri MEMBER A RUBBER STAMP WILL SAVE YOU A GREAT Mexican office. An one stand- Printing the infected stock would be seized, marily with livestock rajslng. Thou- DEAL do well to OF TIME. BUSY PEOPLE ARE USING RUBBER ing In need of such will treated by the authorities according sands of Inspectors, whose business examine sam STAMPS MORE NOW THAN EVER BEFORE BECAUSE THEY call at this office and to .the regulations, the expense charg- it is to visit stock ranches and see ples, style of work and prices. ed to the recalcitrant owners and the that the government regulations re SAVE TIME, AND TIME IS MONEY THESE DAYS stock held by the inspectors until the garding the rearing of animals are Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers. charges were paid. The corrals which complied with. Naturally the chief ac Foley's Honey and Tar affords im owners refused to clean and disinfect, tivity of this division, is the combat- relief to asthma sufferers in be in of animal under mediate would likewise taken charge by ing diseases, yet, PRICE-LIS-T the worst stages and if taken In time the officials and the expense charged this division, also, comes the Import- cure. Sold The Ire- went One-lin- e will effect a by to the owners. The new orders ant duty of inspecting all meats for Stamp, not over 2 2 Inches ong 15c land's effect 1, 1907; the end of export, and meats which enter into inte- Pharmacy. into 'July by . Each additional line on same stamp, 10c. September practically every sheep in r-state trade, together with all meats One-lin- e over 2 2 and not over 3 2 Inches 20c. the whole territory had been dipped, destined for like purposes. At every Stamp, long and the unsanitary corrals disinfected slaughter house engaged in foreign Each additional line on stamp, 150. ' in- Or.e-lin- or burned. This Is typical of the good or interstate trade, government e Stamp, over 3 2 and not over 5 inches long 25c the entire are stationed to examine the work being done throughout spectors Each additional line' on tame stamp, 20c. West. meat and meat-foo- d products. Both One-lin- e over 5 inches inch S5c. FLAG ortem post-morte- examina- Stamp, long, per OUR While there are many preparations and which are effective in destroying the tions are made. Each additional line, same price, OTTO Proprietor scabies, a bath of lime and sulphur Inspection of Meat Products. (Curved lines on Stamp count as two lines.) RETSCH, because of its is most Products1 which successfully pass FALSTAFF BOTTLED BEER. cheapness Borders of all shapes, under 3 Inches long way, 25c extra. used. The formula for this the Inspectors are marked: "Inspect- ANY QUANTITYFROM A PINT UP generally Larger sizes at proportionate prices. solution ia as follows: Bight pounds or ed and passed under Act of Congress, Where type used is over one-ha- lf Inch Inch In we for one lime and twenty-fou- r pounds of sul (Date)." That which falls to pass is siz, charge & phur to each one hundred gallons of labeled with a red tag and sealed with line for each one-ha- lf Inch or fraction. Fine Wines, water. Mixture to be boiled two hours a seal. The stub of this Liquors Cigars government DATES, ETC. in designed cookers, and to red tag bears the same serials number WEST SIDE OF PLAZA : : SANTA NM specially Local Dater town 50c Ft then be strained. The resulting con as the tag proper, and is retained by any and date for cotion is put into vats and maintained the Inspector. All suspected meat Is Ledger Dater month, day and year in .50 at a temperature of from 100 to 110 sent to the condensed room and kept Regular line Dater .' .35 means of there until the can make a degrees, Fahrenheit, by Inspector Definance Model Band Dater t. 1.80 In or other prac- more examination. The key steam pipes the vat, thorough Fac-Smil- e Signature, Rubber Stamp and Wood Cut 1.50 CO. tical method. A preparation of tobacco of this room is in the possession of CORRICK CARRIAGE Pearl Check Protector 1.50 and sulphur Is also largely used in the inspector, and no other person SELF-INKIN- lieu of the above. has the right of entrance without his STAMP PADS. v

Condemned meat is 11-2x- How Sheep Are Dipped. permission. placed 2 10 cents; 2x3 4, 15 cents; 2 25 cents; 2 M, of thous- In a tank and reduced cook To expedite' the handling great by 35 cents; 3 50 cents; 4 2, 75 cents. & Thi9 tank Haek Line ands of sheep at one dipping station, ing, to a fertilizer product. FOR TYPE lus kind of vat usually con- is sealed at the top and botom with SPECIMENS ADDHE8S a certain structed of wood or cement about 100 the government seal so that it cannot 120 San Francisco St of feet long, five feet deep, two feet wide be opened without the knowledge CO. at the top and eight inches wide at the inspector. fiEtf FEXICA). PIUJiTIJJG the 1s as being the The Quarantine Division deals with bottom, prescribed 8ANTA NEW MEXICO. Call up 132 Black for Carriages. most feasible. The sheep are all forc- the Importation and exportation of FE, ed to swim single file from one end of the vat to the other, which feat occu- - (Continued on Page Seven.) awe j PAGE FOUa SANTA JE. NEW. MEXICAN, SANTA FE, ST. M. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908

ESTABLISHED 1856. INCORPORATED 190S. THE BIG STO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. T. 13. Catron, accompanied by KiwiniDuaui Miss Plumb, of Chicago, will leave the Co. 6 first of the week for Los Angeles, for ros AI of Fall Fabrics an extended sojourn for the benefit or cast of her health. , Hon. Amado Chaves, of Albuquer que, arrived in the city last night Three Weeke nly DiscriminfftinDressers from Taos, wheve he had been on land business, and continued to his home In the Duke City today. He was reg Our Annual Clearance Sale of never saw a more istered at the Claire hotel. 3A careful you James Harvey, son of Mrs. L. A. I will our entire STOCK OF SUMMER atractive tot of good Harvey, who is a student at Washing' wife always ton and Jefferson at GOODS, These tr.usl be sold regard clothes than we're ready to College Washing ton, Pennsylvania, will leave for the Keepwsrupiiea less of value in order to secure East in a few days to resume his stud' f how you right now tor fall ies at that institution. He will graft BALLARD'S room for our FALL AND WINTER uate next spring. wear , They're Wallace Fiske, son of Mr. and Mrs. SNOW STOCK, And our floor space is 13. A. is Fiske, preparing to leave for limited. Hart Setter Mexico, Missouri, where he will attend LINIMENT Ufa the Mexico Military Academy the com A Positive Cure For ing school year. This academy is one of the oMest schools of arms in the Rheumatism, Cuts, Old Sores, Middle West. Sprains, Wounds, Stiff Joints, The Qst Inviting arid Exceptional Bargains Corns, Bunions and all Ills. clolhes, and new colors, new weavers and fabrics Miss Dorliska Crandall, daughter of Mrs. KNOWS. Ever Offend and the Best Stock in the are as rich and varied and attractive as clothes can Superintendent and Clinton J SHE Crandall, of the United States Indian Mrs. C. H.. Stan-berr- y, new and Eunyon., In tans, :- :- be addition to the brown, grays, Training School, will enter Colorado Mo. writes: I have City to Select From -: :.: :- -: -: animal colors which have been to attractive a College at Colorado Springs the com- used Snow Liniment and can' t ing school term. She will leave for the say enough for it, for Rheu- feature of fine line, we'll show you some fine matism and all 1b this Springs the coming week to take up palna. It SELIGMAN BROS. CO. cheviots and thibets such as the most useful medicine to blue serger, black her studies. have in the house." the little of Dr. every man ougnt to nave, Kathleen, daughter Three Sizes 25c, 50c, $1.03 WHOLESALE & RETAIL and Mrs. James A. Rolls, celebrated Will a mighty her birthday on Wednesday of this Ballard Snow Liniment Co. get you P. O. Box 219. -- Phone No. 88. ... - .week by entertaining about fifteen of ST. LOUIS, MO., o good suit; all wool perfect- her young friends at a party at the $22.50 correct In style. Rolls home on Grant avenue. It Is For Half a Century ila Leading Dry Goods House In tn& City ,y made, needless to say the children had a de- Sold and Recommended by lightful time. FISCHER DRUG STORE. THIS STORE IS I Miss S. Stults, who has been spend- HABT-SCHAFFN- & MARK Clothes ing the summer as a guest at St. and Press, has been spending the j Vincent's THE HOME OF Sanitarium, left for her week in the Capital City a guest at jliomo at Albuquerque yesterday. She the Palace hotel. She will return home PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS.' j enjoyed her stay in Santa Fe very tonight. Mrs. Foster has enjoyed her j much and will return here for another visit here very much and says Santa MONEY TO LOAN J month after the Sixteenth National Fe is one of the best places she has RIFLES, SHOT GUNS AND PISTOLS as On notes, diamonds and Jewelry as low as $10 and as nlfh $200. Irrigation Congress. ever visited with the exception of her The Biggest Stock of Shot Gun Shells and Metallic Ixans are strictly private. Time one month to one year, Rates an District Attorney Frank W. Clancy home city, Raton. Ammunition Ever Carried in Santa Fe. see us , before and Mrs. of reasonable. Call and borrowing. Clancy Albuquerque, Leading Oklahoman Returns Home. Hunting Coats, Pants, Caps, and Leggings spent the week here. Mr. Clancy at- ' Hon. Harper S. Cunningham, a lead- tended the court and the Bar Win. FAAh! Store. supreme ing lawyer and prominent citizen of at SALMON Association meeting. Both are well and Guthrie, Oklahoma, who has been in to favorably known in Santa Fe and have the city during the past ten days on -- v so many friends here that it is not Masonic and personal business has re- X, necessary to say any more. They are turned home. Mr. Cunningham is one NATHAN SALMON. always welcome. of the leading and influential citizens Phone 108. Phont 108. Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Manby, of Taos,!0f the new state. He was elected last The largest and the oulj te store in Santa Ft. who have been In the city this week fall a member on the Republi- on a visit, are still domiciled at tfoa can ticket of the state Senate and is Palace hotel and will remain another again a candidate for He week. Mr. Manby is the general man- is so strong with the people, regard- ager of the Tao8 Valley Land com- less of that it is understood If J party, 4'v v, li"?.1 pany and is a very prominent figure that his election is assured. Mr. Cun- in the business circles of New Mexico. ningham also retains a high position They are enjoying their visit here ait the Bar. He has held Important very much. ; federal offices in Kansas, where he Mr. and 'Mrs. George S. Klock, of lived before going to Oklahoma. He FrBsTvfflily the Duke City, who were among the holds a very high position in Scottish i visitors in the Capital for the past Rite Free Masonry in the Southern PEACHES, PEARS, PLUMS, GRAPES, week, have returned home. Mr. Jurisdiction, being sovereign inspec- Klock is a well known attorney and tor general of the 33rd degree in the CANTALOUPES, SWEET GREEN CORN. came to attend the sessions of the state of Oklahoma and the head of the supreme court and the Bar Associa- Rite there. During his stay in this city Cartridge Cases and Belts Turkey and Duck Calls tion. Mrs. Klock made a favorable he delivered a very Interesting and Hunting Knives, Rifle in this her of t un Cases, Pistol Holsters Impression city by bright- clear lecture on the constitution Recoil Pads, ness and charming manners. the new state of Oklahoma before the Sights Rifle Scabbards. Game heme Associate Justice W. H. Pope, Mrs. meeting of the New Mexico Bar As- Bags, Large variety grown vege. Pope and her sister, Miss Hull, of sociation which was very well re- Athens, Georgia, who have been guests ceived by the members of the Bar and i ... tables. at St. Vincent's Sanitarium for the the audience. Mr. Cunningham Is very past week, returnd to their Roswell well pleased with central New Mex- - home today via the Santa Fe Central ico which he has visited and whose railway. The Judge while here attend conditions he has examined. He ex- ed the sessions of the Territorial Su- pects to return in two or three weeks preme Court and the ladies were the for a week or ten days' stay and may SANTA FES' UP TO DATE HARDWARE STO ft E Phone of much social attention. become Interested in landed property ' recipients OOD-DA- in if VI HDW. CO 14 Mr. and Mrs. John Bernt, of Antonl- - the Sunshine, Territory. Robing S to, Colorado, arrived in the city last Winter Co. evening and took rooms at the Palace (Continued On Pag Eight) Grocery hotel. They will remain several days in the Capital and enjoy the fine cli- Miss Woodson will be in her studio, DIAMONDS H. C 'VflWT7 WATCHES mate and visit the nearby points of northeast room high school building, Southeast Comer Plaza, Santa Ft. Ttltphons Ne. 40. interest. Mr. Bernt owned a large Monday, September 7th, where she ranch near Antonito, which he sold will be glad to meet those interested RIGHT PRICES . Eyet TtsUrf and at a good figure a few days ago and in Art. RIGHT GOOD:, t, i Fitted Up-- t will sojourn In New Mexico for sev niwuvai! iwuiuv By eral weeks for recreation. He de For anything and everything appertaining to Printiif or Binding may RIGHT SERVICE XLfclKl Date Method, i cide to locate In the territory if he cail o i the New Mexican Printing Company. OPERA HOUSE finds a suitable place. CUT GLASS, CHINA AND SIVERWKHE. " Hon. and Mrs. Nathan Jaffa and .346 San Franclico Street, Santa Fe, N. M. their daughters, Miss Jaffa and A. M. Dettelbach Manager. Miss Eleanor Jaffa, are in Roswell, where Mr. Jaffa was In attendance to- ats CALL SEE FOR YOURSELF day at the annual reunion of the Old Ap Settlers' Society, of which he is a TONIGHT ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE. valued and prominent member, being Chamberlain and Sterling. THE FINEST AND FULL LINE OF one of the citizens who went to that section to build SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO twenty years ago it The ., "Komlcal Karakter Komedy 8 B up, to settle it and to create towns and Kids" in One of Their Great I bring population there. Secretary and Sketches. i Mrs. Jaffa are expected to return STUDlEa Diamonds, Watches, Clocks home during the middle of the com PICTURES. ing week. Jewelry, Silverware, Deco- Territorial Engineer Vernon' L. Sul- "Raffleg, the Gentleman Burglar." livan left last night for Raton, where "Our Dog Friends.-- rated China, Novelties, he will spend several days inspecting "Troublesome Theft." the Scenic Highway now under con- Leather and 1 struction between that city and the Song "Are You Sincere." TUESDAY eather Ebony Colorado state line. A detachment of Goods. convicts from the New Mexico pen- I itentiary has been at work on the road Change of Program Every SEPT. for the past six weeks. It is" reported MONDAY AND THURSDAY MANUFACTURER that the work is progressing nicely 1st. and that the road at that point will MS" S. be completed within a few weeks. Two 8how8 Daily, 7:30 and 8:46 p. m. Spitz JEWELER Mrs. Orln A. Foster, who with hei F0R husband, J. R. Foster, owns and edits Admission 10c addrk8SLARS ' BROTHER HER IVIES, PRESIDENT. the Raton Range and Cimarron News Reserved Seats..... 20c

f is something that should be compounded with skill and SWPT care. We are absolutely sure of every prescription AJgRJESC ION being perfect before leaving the store. TRY US No matter where the doctor tells you to have it filled

PHONE. PHONE. NO.213. ZOOK'S PHARMACY NO. 213. 3 PAGE FVt SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908 SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. MINOR CITY TOPICS Just XXXXKSXX RECEIVED NEW Th having Weather forecast for New THAT Mexico: Fair weather tonight FALL GOODS AT and Sunday with stationary Habit temperature. XXXXXXXXXX iss OF i Excursion to Wlllard tomorrow. I 1 W. F. Radcliffe, who travels for a Southeast Corneripr seed house of Detroit, Michigan, la in Plaza, jthe city on his periodical visit today. Nails If you are thnlty, you have some of your money leftover. He has a room at the Palace hotel. Wire and The extra money is the foundation for future riches, if you Ascension Chaves and wife of Gal for dry farming, the stream systems will save it. What if does amount were among the arrivals at the and railroads. It is a most compre- only it only ' persistently Xormandie hotel They hensive to a few dimes or nickels a day-the- re are going to be a great yesterday, piece of work and reflects came to the city on personal business. much credit en- is IN many in life! and these dimes and 'nickels will upon the territorial days your W. A. Williams and wife arrived gineer. grow into a good large sum. in the from their home when few hundred dollars city yesterday The Santa Fe library has just re- The oportunity may come, a at Kennedy and took rooms at the ceived a most to whole financial mean valuable addition Its might change your condition; Might Claire hotel. They came to the city to list of books In a volume entitled IT BE MONEY in some WILL buying an interest growing business; Might give shop. "The Navajo and His Blanket," writ- you a chance to grasp your next opportunity. Earl Scott, U. S. commissioner and ten by U. S. Hollister, of Denver, who well known real' estate man at a, very kindly presented the book to the IN YOUR POCKET TO AND WHAT ISTHE USE OF ALL THIS? arrived in the city yesterday , library in response to a request. The on .land business. He had a room at book is beautifully Illustrated and Why it just means making a man of you. the Claire hotel. handsomely bound. It has never been to do as wish. Mrs. Mary Plant will give a recital placed on sale, but only distributed SEE US . Making you free you I at the court house on Wednesday ev- among the friends of the author. It and nappy ana contented. ' Making you your family ening, eptember 9, for the benefit of treats of and describes blankets and US NOW. the A. M. E. Church. She will be as- their weaving from the time or tne OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH sisted by local talent. Cliff Dwellers to the present day and WE CAN J. Nestor Ontlz, wealthy sheep rais- is full of the most interesting and SAVE YOU er of Los is- - in THE UNITED STATES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Angeles', California, valuable information. It will be placed the city for a few days and has a in the reference room where it will 4 interest on Time and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. room at the Palace hotel. Mr. Ortiz Is bo accessible to all. pays percent also interested in sheep raising in New Mexico. (Continued On Pag Eight.) Cheap excursion. Special train via Santa Fe Central railway, Sunday, September 6th to all Estancia Valley points. Santa Fe vs. Wlllard. Ball Cofonado Cafe STABLE game at Willard. Special leaves at 8 a. LIVERY m. sharp. SUNDAY DINNER, 35c. George S. Blunt, the cement block contractor, has just completed build- MENU. Hardware ing a handsome coping In front of the Enrlis li RELIABLE SIN6LE Spitz residence on Palace avenue. It RELISHES. FINE RiOS. HORSES, to of this line HACKS. adds the appearance Celery BJK36IES. SURRSES. ROAST. Mayor Jose D. Sena has appointed c jeef u jug NO. tne ronowing to represent tne cuy Roast Chicken with Dressing UP 'PHONE 9 1 CALL of Santa Fe as delegates at the Six-- ENTREES, I teenth National Irrigation Congress: 1 of in the Line. naked Macaroni and Cheese When in Need Anything Livery jJudge John It. McFle, Judge A. J. Queen Fritters. Fruit Sauce Drivers Furnished. Rates Right. Abbott, Charles F. Abreau, A. Dock- - VEGETABLES, 'weiller and Genaro Digneo. Mushed Potatoes Green Corn J. P. Lyng, city ticket agent of the i DESSERT. Santa Fe Central railway will be' at i,emon pje Blackberry Pie the ticket office of this road this eve- - Vanilla Ice Cream 7 8 to sell ning between and o'clock Tea, Coffee, Iced Tea CHA8.CLOSSON. ) excursion tickets to Willard and re- on Get turn tomorrow's special train. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR The train leaves your tickets tonight. THAT CONTAIN MER- YOU HIT THE RIGHT FEED at 8 a. m. '" " "MST". CURY. It was a clear, warm and very pleas- will the 31 f5EZBSXSZ2tt'iV tyauss v whe strike this establishment, tern- - as mercury surely destroy SSSS : you ant with a mean B V day yesterday, of and de-- V We handle but j. J rv J n J . sense smell completely nothing peraiure ol o ueR.eeH, ur v us-- . . Bvatom v LIVE CO. I AND STOCK 1 V, (! aora l'u6D "J " SANTA FE MEAT - - I FIRST-CLAS- S AND FEED l mucous ) FLOUR ing it though the surfaces, The maximum temperature was 82 de-- , 92 Such articles should never be used PHONE 92 PHONE with us and minimum j - Those who have dealt don't grees the temperature on from reput- - n prescriptions . 1- i ml l fL-- have to be told how excellent our spe- was ,s0 degrees, ine average T ,xcept, , . thfiV 4. o thn damnsa- - , , , - . i HA ,u.o .,,,..,.."...u, cialties are: And those who don't ror u.e oay was Y"-jwl- y i v numiauy oor do Js ten fold to the good you can are d a. m., was i Ca-5- Fruit know out flour and leed losing rne temperature ai mnay my derlve from them. Hairs 5 Fot Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Fish, Oysters, ; remain un- something every day they degrees. Itarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. one of mil-- Home Dressed ys acquainted. If you ar these Specimens of three varieties of ; & O., contains no and Kansas City and Cheney Co., Toledo, Vegetables. t should us a trial order at exhl- - act-bitio- n you give let raised near this city are on mercury, and Is taken Internally, Veal and Lamb. us and you muc-room- Try one. In one of the windows of the jng directly upon the blood and s Beef, Pork, Mutton, of the Santa Fe Board of ous surface9 of the system. In buying Sole Agency For will be a CUSTOMER. X.:;.- - Trade. The varieties are the "Manl- - ball's Catarrh Cure he sure you get permanent J INTERNATIONAL STOK FOOD - toba," the "Siberian," and the "Jap- the genuine. It Is taken Internally and 31 anese." They are very good specimens made jn Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney LEOHERSCH and those who have seen millet in & Co Testimonials free. , Wholesale and Retail Dealers In say that It equals any that they have Take Hall's Family Pills for constl-eve- r FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, POTATOES, SALT AND SEEDS. seen. patlon. THE WEST FOR THE WEST, The Only Exclusive Grain House In Santa Fe. New Mexico. - Territorial Engineer Vernon L. Sul- of New llvan has prepared a large map j Colorado Life Assurance Company Mexico for the use of the Sixteenth The Rational CHARLES WAGNER FURNITURE CO. National Irrigation Congress In Albu- Denver Colorado. querque. The map shows all the land3 KAUNE SCO. We have received a nice line of dishes under irrigation in the territory, all H.S. just pretty con- Co., and are them at a reservoirs and ditches under The Pioneer Life Insurance selling special price. Fancy Cups at all the irrigable and Saucers at 10 and 15 cents. Pitchers, struction this time, goes land in New Mexico, the area where of the Southwest Plates, etc. will go at equally as low prices. Is or sufficient the rainfall the greatest Mexico Fancy Imported China, Glassware A. Mk BERGERE, Manager for New Prices on Blue Diamond Granite Ware Catrcn Santa F, N. M. Special 1 National mk, . OUR STOCK OF TIN WARE IS COMPLETE. 6th Our Stock of Furniture is large and you are invited BlacKDernes to look it over and examine our to or prices. Foi anything and everything appertaining Printing Binding Handsome Recep-- ffi'l 00 Irrigation call on the New Mexican Printing Company. tion Chairs at W for

306-- 8 San Francisco St 'Phone 10 & Embalmir No 1 CONGRESS ig Undertaking Night Call 'Phone Preserving A SPECIALTY. INTERSTATE INDUSTRIAL EXPOS- TERRI- Ranch. ITION AND NEW MEXICO The TORIAL. FAIR AT are now the Valley The most beautiful location on the most beautiful river Peccs) in New Mexico. Weather warm, dry and N. M lowest (The number of ADOLF SELIGMAN DRY GOODS CO. Albuquerque delightful. Can accommodate a limited guests. 10. , Sep. 29 to Oct of the of Doors Life Santa Out Come and see the prosperous A Fe Southwest-whe- re all the way from Horse back riding and driving, hunting, and camping. Colorado to California water is king. season. in full big ranch operation. During the Alonth of July MAY 15. The U. S. Government is spending mil FISHING SEASON OPENS entire line of summer Che spring and goods lions of dollars to get a permanent Address The Valley Ranch. 1 of water for the seml-arl- d lands. every and all descriptions will be sold at supply Give us your or VALLEY RANCH, NEW MEXICO. one half of its value. regular It means millions of acres made tilla- Please Give us a Call and Convince Yourself. ble and fit for homes. der for a crate !a national event, worth crossing a ' more continent to see. Foreign diplomats, or FLAT i OPENING : BLANK ; BOOKS. Government Officials, noted irrigation and of will experts Captains Industry 62? BEAUTIES attend. Also have all A araat oTnnsHtnn of Southwest v .... farms, ranches, mines and industries. kinds of other U. a. - Are the new Fall and Winter j Indians too and Cowboys cavai- Hats we are showing this Rate from Santa Fe to Albuquerque week. They came in the t --in4 return &3 dR. latest and colors. Attractive side-trip- s to U shapes S. Reclamation projects AND LOOK hX IZT5 and Grand Canyon ol HSJUHGO. all Arizona. THEM OVER Q. H. DONART, PRICES MODERATE Agent. . 'PHWt 2! NEW MBXICO. NEW MEXICAN PRINTINQ CO 80LE MAKERS FOR JULIUS H GERDES. (FRAY PATENT. . Ask for Irrigation Booklet.


LETTER LIST. HOTEL FRATERNAL Santa Fe 'Central Rv.. Time Table. Lisrt of letters remaining uncalled ARRIVALS. SOCIETIES for in the postofflce at Santa N. KKA1) MOWN KKA1) Ul Fe, M. for week ending September 5, 1908. Palace. Excursions MASONIC. If not called for within two T. V. Mil Mil. ICS STATIONS Altitude NO. 2 weeks they Melanen, Santa Rosa; Adolph will be sent to the dead letter office P. Grazlachowskl, P. Montezuma Pastura;,B. (ft Lodge No at Freelin, Jemez W. F. Rad-clif- f, & 12 60 0 Lv. Fe Ar. 7,000 6 Washington: Springs; 1, A. F. A. M. Reg- pm Santa " 25pm 166pm 22 " Kennedy 6,050 6 13 pm Uradley, Mi.vs Rena Detroit, Michigan; J. Nestor Or SUMMER TOURIST RATES. ular communication 2 64 41 " " pm ' Stanley 410pm Connor Frank (2) Los Amado Al 3 27 52 " 6,260 3 27 tiz, Angeles; Chaves, To Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago first of each pm Morlarty " pm Monday 8 61pm 61 " Mcintosh 6.175) 3 02 pm Chapman, H. B. buquerque; oJhn Bernt and wife, and other eastern and return, month at Masonic 4 14 lv- 2 38 p in points Ar. I A M. pin b8 i,cT4vni 6,140 1 Clair, E. Antonito, Colorado; N. A. Ken- June 1st to To 5 14pm Lv. Ar- - 38 p in Perry, September 30th, 1908. Hall at 7:30 p. m. 5 60 pm 80 " Wllllard 'I 6,125 1 03 pm CUne, John Hill tucky; James yv. Mormett, Mississip- Kansas City and return $41.55; to St. N. L KING. 6 23 p ni 92 " ProKreso 6,210 12 29 p in " " 12 06 Clark, Mr. and .Mrs. John l J. S. Rob-fi- t Louis and return to 6 44 pm ! Blnuca 6,295 pm pi; James, Matcula, Mexico; $44.35; Chicago Worthy Master. 1 16 t Lv. 6,475 II 15 a V. ALAN M 7 36 p m A Torranco in DavJes, Miss Lillies Fivey, Albany, New York. and return $50.35. On sale daily June R. CORD; Secretary. 8 30 2 25 am Lv, Ton-Bii- Ar, 12 36 am 11 10 a in Ed Florence pin 10 well, Claire. 1st to September 30th Inclusive. Final 9 30 pm 7 00 am Ar. Kansas Cllty l.v. 10 40 pm 40 am 7 7 05 " St. Iioul " 8 69am I0 Folsom, S. M, II. Arcer, Chicago. N. B. Cool, return limit October 31st. Fe 66am pm " 02pm (. Santi Chapter No. 1 6 50 " Uhlcano 1130 9 00 1146 am a m " pm pm Griego, Miss Marcellna Pueblo, Colorado. W. A. Williams and SUMMER TOURIST RATES R. A. M. 8 00am 5 50 Ar. KlPaso 115pm 6 20 pm Regular con- pm H. W. Mrs. B. O. Randall To Colorado Hallock, wife, Kennedy; Denver, Springs and vocation second Monday J. N. M. Tickets to all parts of the world. Pullman berths reserved. Exclusive Joiner, and child, Taos; W. Randall, Chi Pueblo, Colorado. of each month at Ma- F. A. (2) Price Will R. To Denver and for all ocean steamship lines. Booklets and literature of the various Jones, cago; Walters, Aztec; return $21.10. sonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. agency B. R. To Colorado railroad and steamship lines, containing valuable Information to travelers, King, Hill, Chicago; Earl Scott, Estancia; Springs and return o. etriTZ, H. P. Miss Amelia Miss B. Thomas W. $18.15. ARTHUR free upon application. Luoero, Robinson, Aztec; SELIGMAN, Secretary. Miss Las To Pueblo and return $16.55. Fast freight service to and from all Eastern and Western markets. Lejba, Eluterla Hay ward, Vegas; George Allen, Lyon. Mrs. Elite Denver. On sale dally June 1st to Septem- Santa Fe Command-dr- J. P. LYNG. ber 30th. return Martinez, Mrs, Refugito Normandie. Final limit October No. 1, K. T. Regular CITY FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT. Joe 31st. Stop overs at and of Melay, O. F. Randall, Harry Hubbard, Az north ""iave lourca won- - D. M. Pueblo in both directions. ljpzsa& McNamara, tec; Dr. Carlee, Bouletts, Kentucky; S. Seaside Excursions to McCrary, P. Ascension Chaves and wife, Galisteo; Los Angeles, Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. San San Rlbera, Julian M. F. Cunningham, Chilllcothe, Mo., Diego, Francisco, Calif., JOHN H. WALKER, E. C. Also Roblson, Harry M. Maestas, Durahgo, Colorado; A. T. Other Points on the H. F. SEPHENS, Recorder. ML Coast. Lli k Redinon, Floyd Dawson, Denver. 1 To Los or San and Lodere 1 Hf Ringo, Howard Coronado. Angeles Diego Santa Fe of PerfAot Inn Msi Mrs. A. return $41.90. 14th Smith, J. R. C. Lockwood, , degree, Ancient and Accepted Antonio To San and return SUva, ; H. H. Kramer, San Juan; Nico- Francisco, Calif., Scottish Rite of Free MaRonnr $50. on Saabedra, Julian las Lopez, Las Animas, Colorado. the third Monday of each month Sarl-es- , Tickets on sale each Lynn R. Tuesday, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening In flahnr Stuart, J. A. B. Thursday and Saturdays until Septem- Masonic Hall, south side It's a when sick ones the of Plaza. Mi b Fred B. pity drug ber Inclusive. Final return limit No- Scottish Whitney, Rite Masons stomach or stimulate the Heart and visiting arecof Winters, Camllo vember 30th, 1908. Liberal stop aiany invited to attend. Kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak overs for side In calling for these letters please rides to Grand Canyon CHAS. A. WHEELON, 32, Stomach, means weak Stomach Petrified Btate whether "advertised" or not. forests, also at pleasure at Venerable Master. nerves, always. And this Is also true and west of California. PAUL A. F. WALTER, Barstow, HENRT F. STEPHENS, 14, of the Heart and The weak RATES TO PASSENGER ? SCHEDULE Postmaster. Kidneys. ST. PAUL. Secretary nerves are Instead crying out for help. Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of Mys- This Dr. Resto- (Small Holding Claim No. 354 (0828.) explains why Shoop's tic Shrine Meet In St. Paul, Notice For Publication. rative is promptly helping Stomach, July 13, 1908. Heart and Kidney ailments. The Res- From Santa Fe to St. Paul re- Department of the Interior. and Santa Fe Lodge No. 460. B. P. O. K. torative reaches out for the actual turn $52.95. On sale June 1st 190& United States Land Office. dally holds Its regular session on the sec- - In Effect July 14, cause of these ailments the falling to 30th, final return limit Santa Fe, N. M., Aug. II, 1908. September nd and fourth Wednesdays of each "inside nerves." test October 1908. Miles From No 2 Notice Is hereby given that the fol-- Anyway the 81st. month. brothers are No. 1. Miles From DAILY Visiting invited STATIONS. Raton d Restorative 48 hours. won't cure SPECIAL DAILY Des Moines owlng-name- claimant has filed notice It RATES. end welcome. so soon as but will one of his intention to make final proof in that, you surely Special way second class Colon- T. P. know GABLE, - 49 6 80 p, m, that is Sold ist fares to New 10 00 0 N.M- Arr, of his claim under sections 16 help coming. by Arizona, California, a. m. Lv. Des Moines, 45 6 16 m. support Exalted Rulei 10 12 4 Lv p. The Ireland's and on a. ni. Rumaldo, 38 4 56 m. and 17 of the act of March 3, 1S91 (26 Pharmacy. Mexico, Nevada, Utah, sale D. 10 86 11 p. J. SENA, a. m. Dedman 32 4 35 Ul. to Oct. inclusive. 10 60 16 p. 854), as amended by the ait of Sept. 1st, 31st, 1908, a. m. Capulln 29 4 25 p. m. Stats., Secretary. 11 05 20 from to a. m Vigil 24 3 65 p. m. 21, 1893 (27 470 and Thirty dollars Santa Fe Los 20 a. m. 25 February Stats., U Thompson 18 3 80 p. m, San 11 46 31 that said proof will bo made before the Angeles, Francisco, Sacramento, a. m. Cunningham 7 2 65 p. m, 12 20 p. m. 42 OUfton House Junction 2 30 or receiver at Santa Fe X. TERRITORIAL NEWS NOTES San Diego, Riverside, Stockton and A Arr, 0 p. m, register 12 45 p. m. rr. RATON N M. 12 25 p. m, TIME TABLEAU LINES. 3 80 iq Lv. M., on September 24th, 1903, viz: Intermediates. Also similar low rates p. m. Lv. Lv 7 12 05 p. in, 3 60 m. 42 House Junction I to p. Clifton 13 811 40 a. m, Mariano for Nicolas Jimlnes, the northwest. 16 49 Preston Roybal, $i p. m, 23 11 06 a' m. - Entering and Santa Fe Com- 4 45 68 ' of Santa Fe, N. M., for the lots in sec- G. H. DONART, Agent. Leaving p in. Koehler 20 11 15 a. m, is 4 65 66 Jnot. Typhoid fever having a run for plied to Scedule of p. m. Koehler 33 10 15 a. m. 9 ana in. iu According 16 60 68 Colfax lions io, lownsmp is k. p. m. 41 9 43 a. Ill, money and life at Carlsbad. Trains Now In Effect. 6 16 77 Oerrososo B. WILL INTEREST MANY. p, in. Lv 9 25 a. m, A local lodge of the Modern Broth- 6 85 p. m. w Arr CIMARRON N. M. 47 7 50 a. m, He names the witnesses to Every person should know that good 7 08 m. Lv. Arr. following erhood America p. M 50 7 40 a. m. of was organized at SANTA FE CENTRAL 10 86 N. Lv actual continuous health is impossible if the kidneys are 1. p. m. Nash 68 7 25 a. m, prove bla adverse Willard 7. 23 m. 89 Harlan this week. No. 1. leaves Fe p. 69 7 00 a. ni possession of said tract for twenty deranged. Foley's Kidney Remedy Southbound, Santa 7. 45 p. m. 94 Ute Park Eugene Forbes, editor of the Wil- 12:50 m. years next preceding the survey of the will cure kidney and bladder disease p. in N. lard Record, is among the lawyer-newspap- In No. 2. Northbound, arrives In Santa i with E. P. & S. W. train No. 124 arriving Dawson, township, viz: every form, and will bund up and Connects Ry. men of the Sunshine Ter- "Fe at 6:25 m. Santiago Martinez, Darlo Roybal, strengthen these organs so they will p. N. ritory. He appeared before the ex- DENVER & RIO GRANDE. .iconntetlTwUh E. P. & S. W. Ry. train No. 123 leaving Dawson, M, Maaimlano Sals, Noberto Roybal, all of perform their functions properly. No amining board at Santa F this week No. 426 leaves Santa Fe :55 a. m. Santa Fe, N. M. danger of Bright's disease or diabetes Eastbound, and was sworn in as an attorney in at 10:45 a. m. for van Houten, N. M., meets trains at Preston, N. M. , Any person who desires to protest if Foley's Kidney Remedy is taken Stage follows: New Mexico. in No. 425 Westbound, arrives In Santa C. & S. trains arrive and depart from Des Molnea at against the allowance of said proof or time. Sold by The Ireland's Passenger The cemetery association of Carls- Fe 3:40 p. m. NORTH BOUND SOUTH BOUND. who knows of any substantial reason bad will hold a rummage sale soon. ATCHISON, TOPEKA & 8ANTA FE. No. 1, 6:08 a. m. No. 8, 9:27, a. m. under the laws and regulations of the This is startling, not to say sacrili-glou- Lamy Branch. No. 7, 8:12 p. m. No. 2, 7:05 p. m. Interior Department why such proof Herewith are some offered with C. A really careful man should bargains No. 721 U:10 a. m. TracK connection with A. T. & S. F. Ry. at Raton and Preston, should not be allowed will be given an by the New Mexican Printing Com- above-mentione- not allow to be in No. 723 and Cimarron A d himself burled the 6:50 p. m. A 8. at Des Moines, E. P & S W at Colfax, N. M., opportunity at the pany: Code of Civil Procedure, of the time to cross examine Carlsbad cemetery for fear he might No. 725 10:55 p. m. Northwestern Ry. at Cimarron, N. M. and place the of New Mexico, 1897, sheep to be one of the rummaged. (Territory Depart From Santa Fe Station. N. M., Is for the following points in New Mexico: Ocate, witnesses of said claimant and of bound, $1; bound, 75c; Missouri Cimarron, depot An old gentleman was found dead in paper No. 7:20 8:25 a. m. Aurora and Red Lakes. fer evidence in rebuttal of that sub Pleading forms, $5; Missouri Code Rayado, Mexico: claimant. his hcuse on his claim about five miles No. 722 4:20 p. m. Ute Park, N. M., Is depot for following points in New Arroyo mitted by Pleadings, $6; the two for $10; Adapt- Lobo, MANUEL R. southwest of Estancia the forepart of No. 724 7:40 p. m. 8eco, Hondo, Baldy, Black Lakes, Cerro, Ellzabethtown, OTERO, ed to New Mexico Code, Laws of Arroyo the week. The cause of his death is No. 720 connects with Nos. 10 and 7, Ranches de Taos, Red River City, Taos and Twining. Register. New Mexico, 1899, 1901 and 1903, Questa, unknown, although it is probable that east, and No. 3, Limited, west, at W. A. GORMAN, English and Spanish pamphlets, $.25; 3. J, DEDMAN. J. van HOUTEN; or dry will quickly it was from natural causes, he being Lamy. Tickling coughs ,full leather, $3; Sheriff's Flexible V. Pres. and Cen Mgr Gen Pass Agt loosen when using Dr. Shoop's Cough past seventy years of age. No. 722 connects with No. 1, west, at Ros-we- ll Cover Pocke Docket, single, $1.25; Superintendent N Remedy. And it is so M. M. Brunk, of Dexter, was at Lamy. N M. RATON, N. M RATON, NI, thoroughly two or more books, $1 each; New RATON, harmless that Dr. tells mothers this week and let the contract No. 7 carries El Paso sleeper. Shoop Mexico Supreme Court Reports, Nos. to use even for to the Hondo Stone Manufacturing No. 724 connects with Nos. 7 and 9, nothing else, very 3 and 10 inclusive $3.30 each; Compll young babies. The wholesome green company for the construction of ten westbound, and Nos. 4 and 8, east-boun- ation Corporation Laws, 75c; Compila- leaves and tender stems of a thousand feet of cement tiling, to be I lung tion Mining Laws, 50c; Money's Di- mountainous shrub the used in the irrigation of an eighty Main Line Via healing give gest of New Mexico Reports, full Lamy. to EI Paso? curative properties to Dr. Shoop's acre orchard near Greenfield. The No. 7 will stop at all stations. Lamy sheep, $6.50; full list school blanks. Going Cough Remedy. It calms the cough, contract also includes a large cement to Albuquerque to discharge passen- and heals the sensitive bronchial tank from which the flow will be gers from Santa Fe. Best Treatment for a Burn. membrames. No no chloroform taken. No. 721 leaves Lamy at 10:10 a. m opium, If for no other reason, Chamber used to or sup- "E. L. Jones has probably taken the and will not wait for No. 2 from the nothing harsh, injure Iain's Salve should be In Demand Dr. blue ribbon in the production of ap- kept every west at Lamy, only for No. TAKE THE GOLDEN STATE LIMITED press. Shoop's. Accept household on account of Its waiting no other. Sold by The Ireland's ples this year. He had two acres in great 10 from the south, and No. 3 from value in the treatment of burns. It Pharmacy. Shackelford trees from which was the east. gathered 822 boxes of apples. This allays the pain almost Instantly, and At 11:10 A. itt. unless the is a severe one, heals Torrance at The seals and record books tor no- variety ripens a little in advance of Injury Herewith are some offered the parts without leaving a scar. This bargains taries public for sale by the New other fall varieties, and being a high by the New Mexican Com- Be in EI Paso at 5:30 P.M. salve is also unequaled for chapped Printing Mexican Printing company at very grade apple consequently brought a pany: Code of Civil Procedure of the the Mes- 'hands, sore nipples and diseases of reasonable rates. Seals for Incorpor- fancy price," says Hagerman I of New the skin. Price, 25 cents. For sale Territory Mexico, 1897, sheep ated companies are also handled. Call senger. bound, $1; paper bound, 75c; Missouri to the testimonials of ex- vy nu ui uggiaia. at or address the New Mexican Print- According Pleading forms, $5; Missouri Code the well at Lakewood ing company, Santa Fe, New Mexico. perts gas prob- Pleadings, $C; the two for $10; Adapt- in of a Is an ably is the midst large gas and It admitted fact that real ed to New Mexico Code, Laws of to El Paso via oil and from the Orien- financial men and merchants all The Trip is a quick pleasant joujney Passed Examination Successfully. field, the gas New Mexico, 1899, 1901 and 1903, James New tal well is about the same as that that and best, remiltsare S. P. C. and E. P. & S. W. Take of Donahue, Britain, Conn., say quickest English and Spanish pamphlets $2.25; the advantage writes: "I tried several reme- found in the fields. Sam- obtained In the New kidney Pennsylvania by advertising full leather, $3; Sheriff's Flexible time occas-sio- n and was our best of the were sent to Los Mexican. this splendid service the first yon have dies, treated by ples gas Cover Pocket Docket, single, $ll25; for but did not for examination and Dr. to go El Paso. physicians diabetes, Angeles two or more books,, $1 each; New until I took Frederick Salathe that one improve Foley's , Kidney reported Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey Mexico Supreme Court Reports, Nos. After the second bottle I bottle contained of which V. R- - Remedy. pure gas, and Tar have been sold without any 3 and 10 inclusive $3.30 each; Compil- STILES, showed five 95 cent was marsh gas. improvement, and bottles about per porson ever having experienced any ation Corporation Laws, 75c; Compila- General cured me I since That the editor of the Pecos Val- - Passenger Agent. completely. have other than beneficial results from its tion Mining Laws, 50c; Money's Di- a examination for in- Ipv Mews rinhUshprl at Artesla. is not El Paso, Texas, passed rigid life use for coughs, colds and lung trou- gest of New Mexico Reports, full surance." fond of can easily be Foley's Kidney Remedy ponographs ble. His is because the genuine Fo- sheep, $6.50; full list school blanks. kid- item In cures backache and all forms of judged from the following the ley's Honey and Tar in the yellow News: all ney and bladder trouble. Sold by The last issue of the "Laying package contains no opiates or other Ireland's Pharmacy. joking aside, it is time that this man's harmful drugs. Guard your health town did something about the large by refusing any but the genuine. Sold .EvoryV7c The New Mexican com- number of phonographs which Infest Printing by The Ireland's Pharmacy. i About the wonderful pany has prepared civil and criminal Ibis region. Tha owners of such ma .MARVEL Whirling Spray dockets for the use of jus- chines should be compelled to keep 1 XM asw Vaclaal ivrlM. especially The New Mexican Printing company Bet M oM conTW-- tices of the peace. They especial- .them out in the suburbs, for In the 11 UWN arj is prepared to furnish cards de vlte Perfect Fitting "Elastic" Bookcase ly ruled, with in 'business part of town they are cer printed headings, for ladies and for gentlemen on short are the only onei which sueoeiifully either Spanish or English, made of tainly out of place." If tin flunnot auDDlT the notice in first class style at reasonable MARTEL. accept no adapt themselves to the condition of good record paper, strongly and dur- utlier.but lend stamp for 1 rices, either engraved or printed. the modern home. ably bound with leather back and Orlno Laxative Is a new m .i .. --.t liHuitlniii In- - Foley's , Call at the New Mexican There may be certain limitations as to room, covers and canvas sldeu, have full nn tmnMVAmMt Ml tflA lava. is utilized Index in front and the fees of but whatever space available can be justices , tive of former years, as It does not of the peace and constables printed Is to and beautified by an artistic arrangement of these cases, the only i gripe or nauseate and pleasant n book-cas- full on the first page. The pages Sold kind of sectional e made in two lengths, 34 and 25 inch , take. It Is guaranteed. by The are 10 inches. These books are lengths, and in three distinct types Colonial, Standard and Ideal. Ireland's Pharmacy. made up In civil and criminal dockets. Our illustrates in ColOTt different finishes of a catalogue eight quar Qonorot nt 32 rms-a- fnr.h nr with Mexican E30U1T1E tered oak and mahogany. 'both civil and criminal bound in one The New Printing DIRECT has on hand & supply of We will call and measure jbook, 80 pages civil and 320 pages large any space AWIIIiJ MoT and tablets suitable for school of Utah and Nevada; to Denver in house and the exact criminal. To introduce them they are pads The Mining Camp Colorado, your give you the desk, and also for lawyers and Pueblo is Via the finish offered at the following prices: jwork, Colorado Springs cost in any you may select. and everywhere. We Civil or Criminal $2.75 merchants; good will sell them at 6 cents In book form. Combined Civil and Criminal .. 4.00 New Mexican Printing Com Denver & Rio Grande For 45 cents additional for a single Railway any, Local Agents, Santa, docket, or 55 cents additional for a Good for Biliousness. the fertile San Luis valley, Also to the San combination docket, they will be sent "I took two of Chamberlain's Stom- Through 11 ,TTBlMl.. Juan of Colorado. i.uT. Yitt nr nrAnnM ftxnrASS.. Cash In and Liver Tablets last and country i W malllllf.1. v ach night, ... f . f . as to train - - J A C4 n I feel cent better than I have For information rates, service, descriptive IU11 UlUSl BCCUUiptlUJ UIUCI. DUllB fifty per on or address whether or Spanish for weeks, says J. J. Firestone of literature, etc., call , plainly English Pa A T. A. F. H. Is wanted. Mich. "They are certainly t. K. HOOFIR, ft. MelRIDl, Agpt printed heading Allegan, Cele. tan fV U. a fine article for biliousness." For sale Benver, !, Subscribe for the New Mexican. by all druggists. Samples free. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908 SANTA- - FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. AOI BEVEfi QO TO OOMETO WILLARD. NEW MEXIGO, BELEI NEW MEXICO


THE CITY OF Wl I. LARD destined to be the COUNNY SEAT of Torrance County New Mexico. Was laid out in the fall of 1905. It is now a thriving city of nearly 1000 inhabitants. It lies on the main line of the Belen is 31 miles south of Albuquerque, N. M., at the junction of the Main Line of the Santa Pe Atchison, Topeka & Santa Pe Railway system, runring east and west from System leading East and West from Chicago, Kansas City, Galveston and points East to San to all California and the Santa Pe Central Chicago points Railway running Francisco. Los Angeles, El Paso and Old Mexico. from Santa Pe, N. M., in close connection with the Denver and Rio Grande One thousand business and residence also 25x145 feet laid out with broad 80 and 70-foo- t and the Rock Island System. The Santa Pe System have expended on its lots, depot yards a million dollars, in freight and passenger depot, eating house, streets, wilh alleys 20 feet wide, with beautiful lake and public park and grand old shade trees; water system, round house and coaling chutes. public school house, costing $16,000; churches, large meroantile establishments, the Belen Patent houses have been erected. Several of the mercantile Sixty largest Roller Mill, capacity 150 barrels daily, large winery, Hotel Belen new up-t- date modern improve- in and a has four houses the Territory are built doing big business. It ment and 3 other Hotels, Commercial a of 2 000 several etc. schools. A live Board of business Club, population people, restaurants, large hotels, churches, Trade, energetic Belen is the for in Central men, two lumber yards, etc. The new city is in the center of the best largest shipping point wood, flour, wheat, wine, beans and hay agricultural and grazing section of New Mexico. The best shipping and New Mexico. Its importance as a great conme'ciil nilrovl city in tho near future cannot be distributing point for all merchandise, cattle, sheep and wool. The large estimated. wholesale houses are in operation. 3C EWILLARDTOWN& IMPROVEMENT THE BELEN TOWN & IMPROVEMENT COMPANY COMPANY ARE OWNERS OF THE ARE OWNERSIOF3THE

' Hi WILLARD TOWIMSITE BELEN TOWNSITE SHKK3 a MAIL AND FREIGHT Offers for sale ripen reasonable terms fine tusircss titi rrsidtue lets on ALL PAST LIMITED EXPRESS, TRAINS d 0 cl CO feet wide. the townsite situate upen bread avenues 8t studF, ti OF THE SANTA FE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH Title perfect, warranly deed given. Tei ms cf Stilt : Oi ( 1 all' tf purchase money cash, balerce note secured by mcitgtige r ii Ids stld with interest TO BELEN, EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH : at 8 per cent per annum payable semi annually. The lots offered are in the center of the city, well graded and 2.000 shade trees on avenues and rf yJSf T streets, no sand or gravel. Our prices of lots are low and terms on EASY PAYMENTS; title perfect; warranty deeds JOHN President. W. A. DUNLAVY, Vice Pres One third purchase money, cash. Two-thir- ds may remain rn note, with mortgage as security, for BECKER, one year, with 8 per cent interest thereon. , WM. M. BERGER, Secretary. APPLY AT ONCE FOR MAP AND PRICES IF YOU WISH TO SECURE CHOICEST LOTS.


Vllard New Mexico. JOHN BECKER, President WM. M. BERGER Secretary.

At Columbus Columbus 4; Ilndi anapolis 6. Irregularity is bad in every department of life, in meals, in sleeping hours, At Milwaukee Milwaukee 12; St. Paul 8. but especially when it is a question of womanly habit. Not only is it a sign of because of female disease, but, unless cured, it will cause dangerous troubles, For a Sprained Ankle. the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system. A sprained ankle may be cured in FOR SALE Cheap. Three return a ootue about one-thir- d the time usually re- tickets to Ias Vegas. Call at Fisch- If you suffer in uus way, get oi Chamberlain's quired, by applying er's Drug Store. , 1 Pain Balm freely, and giving It abso- lute rest. For sale by all druggists. LOST Last Tuesday small hand IBM carved gold image. Return to this of- IFIrnKS fice and receive reward. u u M Cmdm CHURGH ANNOUNCEMENTS WANTED A to cook Mrs. Luctada Johnson, of Fish Creek. Wis., writes: "I suffered for fourteen (14) years with Irregu- girl and do housework. to Mrs. R. At last I tried CarduL and now I am cured." At all druggists, in $1 bottles. general Apply J. larity, causing great pain. Palen, 231 East Palace avenue. TP Wrttt today for 1m copy o vriutbla 64-p- murtratod Book for Women. If yoo need Medical Cathedral. PTTPH will be sent In sealed i.iniTr I A I H I I Hf Advice, describe your symptom,, stating age, and reply plain envelop. Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. I1IVIII4 Utl it Lib I I Address) Ladles Advisory Dept.. The Oiattmoogi Medicine Co.. Chatunoora, Tenn. bit September 6, 1908. First mass at 6 o'clock a. m. FOR SALE A ruling machine In 2nd mass, 9:30 o'clock. Sermon in good condition; will be sold cheap. Ap-l- y . - to the New Mexican Printing At New York R. H. E. English. tle. Cattle raised In the southern BASE BALL SCORES 3rd 10:30 o'clock. Sermon in Company. SANITATION FOR THE SHEEP. New York 8 14 2 mass, states have a disease-producin-g organ- Spanish. ism In blood these National Philadelphia 1 4 4 their and, though League. At 4 o'clock p. m., Vespers and FOR SALE A second-han- d steam cattle themselves are im- . ' practically Benediction. boiler in good condition. It will be (Continued From Page Three.) mune tick 74 45 .022 American League. from the Texas fever, the New York ...... Church of the Holy Faith. disposed of at very low price. Apply can .: 75 47 .015 At R. H. E. which sucks their blood transmit Pittsburg Chicago Rev. W. R. Dye in charge. to the New Mexican Printing animals. All livestock to this 42 .G02 3 9 1 shipped the disease to northern cattle. With Chicago ...74 Chicago Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. must enter ' 2 7 2 country from foreign ports northern cattle, the Texas fever works Philadelphia ... J .... 65 53 . 551 Cleveland sermon 11 : Morning prayer with at of in- ' at certain established ports entry havoc, a large percentage of those Cincinnati . . . . . 58 64 . 475 Batteries White and Sullivan; a. m. Sermon Kendrlck. WANTED Amateur made for by Bishop photographs, whereproyision has been fected succumbing to the malady. Boston . 51 71 .418 Check and Bemis. Confirmation Kendrick at unmounted. Santa Fe dis- by Bishop Principal sights, their inspection. If infectious are St. Louis 43 70 .361 At St. Louis R. H.E. - any Hence, extreme precautions taken 5 p. m. burros, adobe making, mountain seen- ease Is discovered the animals are to In ... 42 77 .353 St. Louis 4 11 1 guard against the tick coming Brooklyn Litany service on Wednesday morn-.ery- , Mexicans and Indians in cos held in until such time as No Detroit 7 2 quarantine contact with the northern animals. ..2 tume, etc. Write what you have.'W. it takes to determine whether or not to moved from Batteries Powell and Ingat9:30. cattle are allowed be American League. Stephens; Methodist Episcopal. F. Wilcox, La Jara, Colorado. the malady is dangerous or in any the South to the North whenl Summers and Willett and Schmidt. except Detroit .. ft)' , 50 .583 school at 9:45 a. m. menace to livestock indus- Sunday way a the the weather in the North is cold St Louis 69 52 .570 At Boston, first game R. H. E. the at 11 a. m. verdict of Preaching by pastor NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF try. Upon the competent enough to kill the insidious tick. The Chicago 09 53 .566 Boston 7 10 3 "The of the Tem- ad- Subject, Building STOCKHOLDERS. .animals are is In 1 veterinary Inspectors onlv exception to this regulation Cleveland 67 56 .544, Philadelphia 6 0 ple." ... ' ! ' Fe. N. Mr., Aug1. 1908. mitted, refused admission and return- to ,497" - Santa 18, reeard to southern cattle shipped Philadelphia ...... on 61 Batteries Young and Criger; Dy- Epworth League meets at 7 p. m. of or con- To the Stockholders of th" Rio Gran- ed to the port shipmentfl north for immediate . . ' the slaughter. Boston ... , . 59 64 .480 gert and Blue. Evening sermon, by the pastor, at demned killed. . k de and Santa Fe Railroad Company: and Even these are shipped only; under .'. 51 07 .432 Second R.H. E. 7 : 30 ' Washington .. game o'clock. Subject, "Lessons From - The Bio-chem- division of the ! ' .'328 Notice is hereby given that a spe-- rigid restrictions. , . New York .'... ".' 40 Boston 10 13 0 the Life of Queen Esther." Bureau is concerned with the cial meeting of the stockholders of the mainly, The business of the Bureau of Ani- Philadelphia 1 Prayer meeting on Wednesday eve- - manufacture of various vacclfies, such .11 Rln flranAa nnrl Santa' Va Pnllrnnri mal Industry has become so great and American Association. Batteries Arelanes and Donohue; ning at 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially black-le- g wiu be held at offlce of as vaccine, tuberculin vaccine varied is now re- VIckers and Schreck. Company that the departure Louisville ...... $4 59 .587 invited. Ab- and others which, in the prevention model the company, (Offlce of Abbott ft foreign nations as a , . . 82 59 .581 In garded by Indianapolis ...... At New York R.H.E. Federal at Santa of disease, are Instrumental saving well of emulation. At the rate Don't be afraid to Chamber bott, Building,) Fe, worthy Columbus 80 62 .563 Washington ; ...... 3 5 0 give New the thousands and thousands of, animals of now made in com- Iain's to cnlldren Mexico, upon Wednesday, progress being 78 62 .553 New York ...... 0 6 1 Cough Remedy your of 10 every year. This virus is supplied to will not be Toledo...... ninth day September, 1908, at bating animal diseases, it Minneapolis ...... 68 72 .490, Batteries Johnson and Street; stockmen free of charge. before the and cat ful cures. For sale w. VU'VUDC "' many years sheep Kansas City ...... 68 74 .479 Chesbro, Doyle and Kleinow. drug. It always The Bureau also conducts a number ' sidering and acting upon a proposition tle of this country will be practically Milwaukee 64 77. .4541 by all druggists. of stations and breeding ...... for the sale and conveyance ot all the experiment free from the ravages of all destruct- St. 41 99 .290! Western ' Paul League. and fran- farms for. the. purpose of developing , railroads, assets, properties ive maladies. I At Sioux R.H.E. The New Mexican Printing com certain of animals, At one par- City chises of the company to The Denver types is difficult to the Inestim. 7 6 0 will do vour Job work with neat It realize . Western League. Sioux City pany and Rio ticular breeding farm in v Colorado, the I Grande Railroad company, able benefit this treatment is to the Denver 3 ness and dispatch. government Is" endeavoring to breed Omaha ..,. 76 .585 ...... 16 and to take such action in relation health of mankind, as well as comfort Sioux 75 .572 . Batteries Furchner and Shea; jup an improved type of jsaddle horse, ' City I thereto as the stockholders shall deem to the poor cattle and sheep. 68 66 Olmstead and When Trifles Become Troubles. presumably for, use in the United Lincoln .507 Donough. ineceasary or desIrabie. ' If that their, i ', ': :'3 Denyer ...... 67 67 .500 At Lincoln R.H.E. any person suspects The honkH fnr tha tPanHfr iStates 'cavalry,1; ; ,: v , . 60 58 .469 3 5 1 kidneys are deranged should take f -- J? leldyWor'k tof .the Bureau. A pleasing, good, high grade, truly Pueblo Lincoln they of 8tock of tne company wll, close 50 85 .370 . . . 7 11 4 Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and ;'. The field , work - of. the Bureau is ot flavored, amber colored cup of coffee Dos Moines Des Moines ...... witn tne cloge of bU8lness on Saturday not risk disease or interest to, residents of the can be had and without the ; real Batteries Bonno and Weigart; having Bright's the 29th day of August, 1908, and especial the disease a West. In this section of the country, Coffee danger, or damage to health National League. Olmstead and Hecktnger. Delay gives open on the day 8ucceedlng the dav foothold and should not ' at the present time the Inspection Di- by simply using Dr. Shoop s new sub- At Pittsburg R.H.E. At Omaha R. H.E. stronger you of flnal adjournment of said special Foley's Kidney Remedy. vision is active along three main lines, stitute, called "Health Coffee". Pure, 1 7 1 Omaha ... 6 13 3 delay taking meetlng of stockholders not earlier-- ' Pittsburg ' .1.... " namely: The eradlotion of sheep and wholesome, toasted cereals, malt, nuts, 0 4 2 Pueblo 7 8 ! than the tenth day of September, 1908. Chicago ;3 , v Texas-feve- Dianns DOtn ana cattltyscables and the .; r etc., make Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Batteries Willis,- Gibson and Batteries Ragan and Gomding; Legal angnsn THE RIO GRANDE AND SANTA FE for sale by the New Mex tlckattle scabies is being gought in both healthful, and satisfying. No 20 Phelps ; Brown and Kling. Owen and Smith. ... Spanish RAILROAD COMPANY, Kan-sa- lean' company. a rAner similar to methods employed to 30 minutes tedious boiling. "Made At Brooklyn R.H.E. At Kansas City First game; s Printing E. T. JEFFERY, Tgftn sheep scabies. in a minute," says Dr. Shoop. If Boston 3 6 0 City 2; Minneapolis, 1. Second President. Texas-feve-r The tick Is a parasite served as coffee, It's taste will even Brooklyn ...... Vi. ... . 2 8 1 game, Kansas City 8 ; Minneapolis 4. The New Mexican Printing com- J. B. ANDREWS, Secretary.. Is which, in a peculiarly indirect way, trick an expert. Test It and see. Batteries Tuckey and Graham; At Toledo 1 Toledo 1; Louisville pany will do your Job work with neat- responsible for great losses ot cat For sale at the Cartwrlght-Davl- s Co, Mclntyre and Bergen. ness and dispatch. Subscribe for the New Mexican,' !AXTA Hi NEW .MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. II. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1903

i4tet SOCAL AND PERSONAL the members of the supreme court and the local as well as visiting mem- No woman can be happy CARTWRI6HT-DAVI- bers of the New Mexico Bar Associa-tion- . without it is her S GO. From children; (Continued Paye Four) About fifty were and en- - . present nature to love them as much j0yed the dogpjtaiity ot tne hogt and 1 TiTflO so as lt is tne beautiful and GROCERY Miss Genevieve Morrison, daughter hostess. The ladies who assisted In llftf TUPTPTlTTrn BAH EUK.jERS! of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. UTT U V The ordeal Morrison, Jr., serving were Mesdames Arthur Selig- - f fl VI r. pure. through loft this to resume her MluMv which the MKATMARKKT PHO.VK NO. ). OROCKIU PHONIC N( 4. morning studies man,' Bergere, Hughes, Hardinge, Uii.viiUiii.A)MA expectant mother as a in LoreHo Heights Renehan .Sloan anil TrH am? th must pass is so full of dread that the thought fills her with apprehension. Academy at Denver. Misses Anita and Stella Bergere. Gov- - There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either very The Club met a Saturday Bridge this ern0P Curry, Territorial Secretary painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend prepares the systemf with Mrs. R. afternoon j. I'alen on Jaffa and other officials were also for" the coming event, and it is passed without any danger. This avenue. The guests of the ,,,.e.,ent. in its delightful Informality, day were Airs, bye, Mrs. Levi Hughes deliciousness of viands and charm of Extra W Special Mrs. M. . - and Hayes. hospitality, It was one of the most en- women the crisis Miss Florence of through - Spitz, daughter joyuble affairs in a week noted for its with but little r- Mr. and Mrs. S. Spitz, will leave on entertainments to Santa Fe's suffering, guests'. Book containing Information of value zj of next week Tuesday for Notre Dame, Associate Justice Frank W. Parker, to all expectant mothers mailed free where &he will resume her Mrs. Cantaloupes Indiana, Parker and little son, returned BRAOFIELO REGULATOR 00, studies in St. Mary's Academy. to their home In Las Cruces last night Atlanta, urn. Mrs. Jose D. Sena will leave this after a week's stay in the Capital City. evening for Las Cruces on a week's! Judge Parker was in attendance on - vote of thanks was extended Standard Size, 45 melons to visit to her sisters.- Mayor Sena will the sessions of the supreme court. Colonel accompany her as far as Albuquerque, Mrs. Parker visited friends and at Minor City, Topics. Frost by the organization. crate, oer crate. $1,35. 5c. eturnlng tomorrow night. tended the various social functions The reports of work done the past From Misses Ruth and Helen Laughlin during the week given in honor of 'Continued Page Five.) year were most encouraging and plans were laid for much work each. will leave next week for Colorado the justices of the supreme court and systematic Labor a Springs, Colorado, where they will at- members of the Bar Association by the Monday being Day, legal for the coming year along all educa like other fed- tional lines. The flower mission su- Pony Size 54 to crate, per tend school the coming year at Color- matrons of Santa Fez During their holiday, the postofflce ado College. Miss Helen will enter the stay in the city they had apartments eral offices, will observe Sunday perintendent reported 1,800 bouquets crate, $1,10, 7 for 25c. Freshman class. at St. Vincent's Sanitarium. hours, but in addition to having all of distributed the past year. The litera windows from 9to 10 a. m , ture the dis Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dorman and Judge and Mrs. John R. McFle gave the open superintendent reported will one collection and one de- tribution of 38,000 of literature. daughter, Dr. F. E. Miera and Miss E. a tally-h- o ride to the wives of the su- have pages of mail in the forenoon. There were new members add- - : Robinson, left this morning overland preme court and the New livery eight justices to is the time to buv for Taos. They also expect to visit Az Mexico Bar members who were intthe Mrs. Robert L. Douthitt died yester ed the Society as follows: Mrs. R. home on Manhattan L. Mrs. J. W. Miss tec before returning. They will be city this week, on Tuesday from 10 a. day a tthe family Baca, Mayes, avenue. Death was caused can-co- r Laura Allen, Mrs. Lola C. Armljo, CANTALOUPES. gone about two weeks. in., to 1 p. m. At 1 o'clock the guests by Captain and Mrs. John W. Green were entertained at luncheon at the of the stomach. The funeral took Mrs. C. E. Butts,' Mrs. E. Call, Mrs. from the house this Katherine B. Mrs. M. - H. entertained at an informal luncheon pretty home of Judge and Mrs. Mc- - place afternoon, Patterson, Rev. E. C. Anderson of the Meth- J " on Tuesday at their apartments in Fie on Manhattan avenue. Those par- - the Byrd. ;; odist church Burial was They arc Cheaper than they ine territorial penitentiary. me ; ticlpating besides the host and host-guest- s officiating. The next meeting will be held at numbered six and included tess were Mrs V H PoDe of Ros. in Fairvlew cemetery. The deceas the home of Mesdames Patterson and ed leaves a husband and three chil- have been before for a nunv visiting members of the Bar Associa--' wen; Mrs. Frank V. Parker, of Las Byrd, 205 Palace avenue, September llon- - ' dren to mourn her death. Cruces; Mrs. A. B. McMillen, of Al- - 15th, at 3 p. m. Every one interested Mrs. Emma of Mrs. James E. Clark and children, buquerque; Mrs. Brlce, of Carlsbad; Harrison, daughter in the welfare of the children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hines of Man ber of family of Professor Clark, territorial Mrs. Hamlin, oE Texico; Mrs. George homes of this territory, are urged to years. hattan avenue, died at superintendent of public instruction, s. Klock, of Albuquerque; Mrs. O. V. Albuquerque attend this meeting, at which a re- - afternoon. The remains will are sojourning at their old home in Johnson, of Las- Vegas; Mrs. Mlchias yesterday port of the proceedings of the terri- reach this on Santa Fe Detroit, Michigan. They are enjoying ,0f Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. Bud deck. here evening torial convention will be given. train No. 8. The funeral will be con- CARTWRIGHT-DAVI- S CO. tneir visit to mat Deauuiui nortneru 0f Washington, D. C; Mrs. Hall, of A resolution from the W. C. T. U. ducted from the residence of Mr. and city very mucn. They will return in LaS Vegas; Miss Pain, of Kansas was presented to the-- . Territorial Bar - Mrs. Hines on Manhattan avenue to October. City- Miss Hull, of Athens. Geonrla: Association, which was in session In w. ana morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock with the h. uuiz lamuy win arrive Miss Brewer and .Miss McMillen, of this city on Monday and Tuesday of tomorrow rrom com- - Rev. E. C. Anderson, pastor of the evening iseien, Albuquerque, and Miss Victoria Green. this week, asking for ii, strict enforce- - bur! val- Methodist church officiating. The Anti-Cigaret- ing via Willard and the Estancla The event was as enjoyable as it was ment of the - te Mr. Lutz will take al will be made in the Odd Fellows DUDROW & JV10NTEN1E ley. On Monday, thoughtful of the hostess to give the and the' Sunday closing charge of the local interests of the j visitors a glimpse of the charms of cemetery. laws? With slight revision the reso- rail-(Sant- V and Santa Fe a Atchison, Topeka Fe and surroundings. The tally-wa- lution was unanimously adopted. Its who succeeding G. H. Donart, ho trip included a visit to the Tesuque MARKET REPORT. passage was ably championed by FUNERAL DIRECTORS nas been transrerreci to uaton. Divide from which a panorama, equal Judge McFie, Major WJH. H. Llewel- - MONEYS AND AND The Enavant Club will meet next in coloring and vastneas to that of the METALS. lyn and A. B. Renehan. ; afternoon at 2:45 o'clock with Grand New York, Sept. 5. dull, 445 Monday Canyon, spreads out before the Iad, Mrs. Orrln A. Foster of Raton, who Mrs. E. C. Anderson. The members The luncheon delect-wil- l 460; lake copper, unsettled, $13.50 EMBALMERS eyes.. was a most was here attending the Bar Associa- to roll call with current. able one 13.75. respond and the guests pronounced tion, and who Is interested in all Re- events. Mrs. Woodruff will the event one will - St. Louis, Sept 5. Spelter, firm, Black and White Hearse. Harry read, they always pleas- form Work, kindly off fc'yfcd the Union a on the Tesuque Indians. This most 465. paper antly remember as the delight a column in the Raton Range, in which is the first of the club year fill incident of to WOOL MARKET. meeting their visit 'Santa Fe. to present their wotk in that section. and all members are requested to be St. Louis, Sept. 5. Wool, steady, ALL KINDS OF PICTURES FRAMING C. An-- Re-Vis- Our gifted poet, Mrs,' present. Former Residents it Capital. unchanged. Edgar - derson, wife of the 6f the M. UDRO W'S OFFICE BUILDING. DAY 'PHONE 35 Major and Mrs. R. J. Pal en enter- Fred J. Lederer, a mer-taine- d LARD AND RIBS. paster 0 prosperous GRAIN, PORK, al C. 7 at E. Church, has written State W. t Residence, Lincol i Avenue. Night and Sundays. Telephone No. 142. at o'clock dinner at their chant McPherson, Kansas, .who 5. Wheat 9 Chicago, Sept. Sept. T. U. song to be sung air .of, home on upper Palace avenue a few In this en 7-- tvthe spent, days city Dec. 97 - besides to the beautiful and popui ir Spanish' Thursday evening. The gues.ts route his home, finished 5-- 8 having just Corn Sept. 78 Dec. 67 - - host and hostess were: Mr. and Mrs. a tour of was called song L.upita tnvina.- wi ,iv.. ue- Mexico, home by Oats Sept. 49 Dec. 50 . ... i n .11 - 1 . A. B. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. low ine woras oi uus uug, wpien ui Renehan, important business. He expected to Pork 1-- Oct. Sept. $14.47 $14.62 which will be printed uid had for Catron, Mrs. Hardinge, Mrs. Buddecke, stay as he was a . e longer, years ago , .. a 1 .L. il TT7 COAL AND WOOD Messrs. qisiriDUtion at our nexi u.euuB. we of Washington and Gortner citizen of this town and was very 1-- 2 Lard Sept. $9.62 Oct. $9.67 shall also endeavor to hawe the song 8 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL and McKane. popular. His daughter. Miss Olive, Ribs Sept. $9.07 Oct. $9.12 Mrs. will translated into Spanish. 50 Last evening and remain here until tomorrow, with Screened Raton Lump $4 per ton L. Bradford Prince entertained at her aunt, Mrs. Gilbert Scudder, of " JHonero " " J. STATEHOOD D'JflNE 5,25 dinner in honor of Bishop and Mrs. Huntington, Long Island, who came - A " Cerrillos" 6.00 M. Kendrick. Those present besides with them, and her daughter, whose Scud-hono- . "LupitapJ;a!;'i the host and hostess and guests of name is also Miss Olive. Mrs. r W. C.T.I). NOTES. (Air Anthracite Coal all sizes Sawed Weed and were Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Dye, der resided here in her girlhood First Verse. Kindlirg new Smithing Ccal All Kinds of Steam Coal. Miss Elizabeth Kendrick, Miss Mary and was a most popular and attractive The wind a message is bringing, - and Dye and Associate Justice Ira A. Ab- young lady. After her marriage she O'er mountain, and mesa plain; The Woman's Christian O bott of Albuquerque. moved to Huntington, Long Island, Temper- Rejoice, rejoice it is singing, CAPITAL COAL 3TAR,D. - ance Union held their month voice the strain. Near A. T.f A 3. F. Phone No. Office Colonel and Mrs. George W. Prich- where she still resides. The entire regular Iet every lift glad Depot. 85, Garfield Avenue, home of Mrs. ard gave an informal dinner On Thurs- - party sailed from New York for Vera ly meeting at the M. on 3 day evening at their residence on East Cruz about six weeks ago and there George Kinsell, Tuesday, Sep- CHORUS. tember with Mrs. J. A Palace avenue. The guests numbered after proceeded to the City of Mexl- - 1st, .Wood, their Thy Statehood's proud banner, efficient in Stain-les- s six and included Associate Justice co, where Mrs. Scudder's son, Har-- president', the chair. There shall be was a and You Can Add To Your PUe and Mrs. W. H. Pope, of Roswell; Mr. ry, who iwas born here 24 years ago, large enthusiastic attend Pure as the snow of thy mountains, ance. A Place for the Sick and Mrs. J. E. Wharton, of Alamo- - now holds an important position with Beauteous flag of the free. After business a gordo, Miss Hull of Athens, Georgia, the city electric light system. There- - the meeting short was and Surveyor General John W. after they visited Mrs. Scudder's program rendered. The "White Second Verses Ribbon was March. brother, Watson G. Ritch, at his cat Glory Song" pleasantly Laud of the Pueblo and adobe, Or Diaz Sanitarium Inc. Mrs. G. The of the American tie ranch near Engle, Sierra county rendered by R. Byrd, of Ok So long the sad victim of rum, Daughters lahoma Two were Revolution this afternoon gave a most During their visit here they were the City. delegates Thy sons break the shackles that bind beautiful entertainment at the rooms guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Welt elected to attend the territorial con thee. vention at Roswell on 8th day-sprin- g come. of the local chapter in the Governor's mer, old and valued friends. They September Arise for thy hath Palace as a welcome home to Mrs. expect to leave tomorrow via the San- - and 9th. The territorial superintend ent of work selected a com L. Bradford Prince, state regent for ta Fe Railway for their eastern home, legislative Third Verse. ' mittee to aid in work the A $16 and up per week. New Mexico, who has just returned legislative star on the blue of Old Glory. winter. from an extended European trip, and Mrs. Prince Gives Luncheon. coming Soon shall gleam with a radiance rare ; Mrs. San to Mrs. Kendrick and daughter,, both It is seldom, if ever, that such an Patterson stated that the Telling thy (people's glad story, of whom are active members of this entertainment is given in the terri- - to Fe New Mexican had quoted prices Of freedom from drink's fatal Snare. CELS0 ORTIZ Society. tory, as the luncheon which Mrs. L, on printing to be used In the work, which were much lower than we Attorney and Mrs. A. B. Brice, of Bradford Prince gave to the wives very Fourth Verse. HACK AND TRANSFER LINE of have ever been able to secure be Yes, is . Carlsbad, who spent the week in the the visiting lawyers. The meeting swdftlyi.the message winging, by, being economical In your exepns-b- At- - of the Bar was a fore. And further, that Colonel Frost O'er plaza, placita and street For Capital, returned home yesterday. Association, itself, Instance, buy your Lumber of most successful and were had kindly given, space in his valuable While the winds lhfoMfthV trees ara . torney Brlce attended the sessions one there ' where la - Hack for W. C. T. U. notes it the best selected, best pre- the supreme court and .the annual entertainments of all kinds provided paper and items singing Call W their work. A Its music and sweet. pared and best condtion. You will pay up Zook's Pharmacy.. Phone 213 meeting of the Bar Association, while for the lawyer, as well as for his pertaining to rising melody no more for It than for Lumber that Mrs. Brice had an enjoyable time vis- - "better half," but this culmination of friends and In num- - the week's festivities was the most has been poorly stored, but you will itlng participating For Pure Cream erous social runctions tno eiegant ana recnercne oi an. to save lots of money in the and FJilk ' during long run and week. their stay in the city those who live in the Mrs save During territory, yourself much annoyance and Telephone No. 148 Red they had apartments at St. Vincent's Prince's entertainments are well trouble. Sanitarium. known. ThoBe who have been here ' We Comply with the NEW DEPARTMENT A delightful little party was given by long enough to remember when her Pure . Food Laws. Katherine and Francis Andrews, aged husband was governor of the terri ' -- C W. Dticbow MRS. RETSCH four and seven years, children of Mr. tory, will recall with both pleasure AT THE NEW STORE and Mrs. . Frank Andrews, on and pride, the courteous grace and An- - with which she Thursday afternoon at the elegance dispensed - drews home on lower San sumptuous hospitality in the historical If You Wear SHOES It 4 Francisco street. About thirty of old Governor's Palace. It would be their young friends , enjoyed the a work of superogation to attempt occasion to the utmost. The afternoon to describe it in detail. The luncheon various childrens was served in the was passed plaving pretty dining room, will to visit our new games. Before departing the boys and the walls of which are almost corn- - It pay you y - When In the City to visit the girls were treated to toothsome re- pletely covered with china over a department. fieshments. hundred and fifty years old, and silver, OLD AYD ORIGINAL CURIO STORE Mrs. James A. Rolls was "at home" glass and china, such as few possess,' Ladies Shoes. $125 to $3 25 informally Friday afternoon to a few made the table attractive in the ex-o- f Men's Shoes $2 00 to $4 50 to the sweetness and Besides the thousands of curious and relics see her lady friends, complimentary treme, but kindly Mrs. Pain and Miss Pain cf Kansas spirit shown by both hostess and We have humbfid the Almighty Mrs. Frost. The as well as the humor THE City, Missouri, and guests, and .Dollar 70 cents do tha OLDEST BELL afternoon was passed very pleasantly sparkling wit which abounded, made by making work- - ' In America, cast. In 1330 by the guests who ft ere called upon to, this a memorable occasion to all who draw pictures of the most wonderful , were fortunate enough to be bidden Stock of Turquois from our own mines ' animals and the work of some caused to this feast. Those present besides The practice of giving clever Delicious refresh-- ( Mrs. Prince were: a he bit Indian bjankets, baskets, drawn work etc. much merriment. values has become pottery, - San-erin- served before the j , Mrs. g ments were gath- Mrs. Frost and Laughlin, of with us- - broke those invited, ta Mrs. W. H. Pope, of Ros-besid- up. Among ' Fe; STRAW HATS, G0IN6AT 50 CTS. the complimented guests, well; Mrs. Frank W. Parker, of Las-wer- e Mrs. Ervien, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Cruces; Mrs. Frank W. Clancy, of - J. CAIVDELARIO Fiske, Mrs. Laughlin, Mrs. Bergere, Albuquerque; Mrs. A. R. Brice, of Proprietor. Mrs. E. C. Abbott, Mrs. Carlsbad; Mrs. George S. Klock, of THE RACKET STORE 301 303 San Mrs. Lusk, Francisco Street, Santa Fe, N, JM. Shearon, Mrs. Bean and Mrs. Bartlett. Albuquerque; Mrs. A. B. McMillen, of W. Mrs. O. B. Foster, of Look for the old cart on of the store Mr. and Mrs. J. Raynolds gave Albuquerque; FE top building n j normal atae rficentlon and laD Raton: Miss Pain, of Kansas City, SANTA NEW MEXICO. j luncheon at their pretty home on slBter of Mrs. Frost; Miss Hull, of Grant avenue Tueaday afternoon to Athens, Georgia, sister of Mrs. Pope.