To place aFuture Wager onPool 3of theKentucky Morning line odds by To place aFuture Wager ontheKentucky Oaks, Derby, please askfor Derby Future Race 3. please askfor OaksFuture Race 1. No. No. 24. 24. 20. 20. 22. 14. 22. 14. 10. 23. 10. 23. 18. 18. 16. 16. 19. 19. 21. 12. 12. 21. 13. 13. 15. 15. 11. 11. 17. 17. 4. 4. 8. 8. 6. 6. 9. 9. 2. 2. 3. 3. 5. 5. 1. 1. 7. 7. Enaya Alrabb Dunbar Road Feedback Marathon Queen Jeltrin Jaywalk Graceful Princess Eres Tu Galilean Serengeti Empress Queen ofBeas Power Gal Point ofHonor Orra Moor Motion Emotion Mother Liora Chasing Yesterday Champagne Anyone Brill Dream Maker House Country Bellafina Horse Code ofHonor Bourbon War Anothertwistafate Horse Mucho Gusto Mind Control Intrepid Heart Instagrand Gunmetal Gray War ofWill Tax Spinoff Signalman Roadster Mutuel Field/AllOthers Violencia Tasting theStars Restless Rider Vekoma Hidden Scroll WallbangerHarvey Mutuel Field/AllOthers Win Well Defined Morning Morning 20-1 20-1 20-1 20-1 20-1 30-1 30-1 30-1 30-1 30-1 30-1 30-1 50-1 50-1 30-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 50-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 Line Line 12-1 12-1 15-1 15-1 15-1 15-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 4-1 5-1 5-1 FUTURE WAGER GENERAL RULES (MARCH 8-10) KENTUCKY OAKS /DERBY DOUBLEFUTURE WAGER KENTUCKY OAKS FUTURE WAGER WIN AND EXACTA WAGERING •POOL 1 KENTUCKY DERBY FUTURE WAGER WIN AND EXACTA WAGERING •POOL 3 Free PPsavailable stewards andtheKHRC. accordance with general pari-mutuel practice andatthereasonable discretion of Incorporated, with theagreement of the 3. Other Circumstances. Should circumstances occur which are notforeseen inthis section,questionsarisingshallberesolved in a Futures Pool isbased,there will benorefund of monies wagered onthatbettinginterest. 2. Scratches. If any bettinginterest isscratched, declared anon-starter or otherwiseofficially withdrawn or not entered inthe event on which representing any interest inthenetpool. horse with either of theplace horsesinthedeadheat,exactapoolshall be calculated anddistributed asaplace poolto holders of tickets be calculated asa win poolanddistributed to thoseholding tickets ontheother winning combination. If notickets combine the winning 1.4.2. If there isadeadheatfor second place, andif noticket issold onone(1)of thetwo (2) winning combinations, theentire net poolshall payoff. figured asaplace pool,andtheholders of tickets combining the winninghorseandthetwo (2)horsesfinishingsecond shallparticipate inthe holders of tickets of the winning combinations. If there isadeadheatbetween two (2)horsesfor second place, theexactapoolshallbe 1.4.1. If there isadeadheatbetween two (2)horsesfor firstplace, thenetexactapoolshallbe calculated anddistributed asaplace pool to 1.4. “DeadHeats” will behandled inamanner consistent with thefollowing: a 24/9 ticket.) 1/24/24/24/3 would result inanexactapayout to holders of a1/24 ticket; afinish of 24/24/24/9 would result inanexactapayout to holders of rules and/or thelaws of theCommonwealth of Kentucky. By way of example, with #24 representing theMutuelField/All Others,afinish of calculation of the$2payout will beconducted inamanner consistent with theapproved methodfor “Coupled Entries”ascontained inKHRC and payouts. (Intheevent multiple MutuelField runnersfinishinpositionsaffecting thedetermination of winningtickets and payouts, the 1.3. All runnersintheMutuelField of the“Futures Exacta”shallbetreated asa“Coupled Entry”for thepurposesof determining winning tickets (1) “MutuelField” interest. Kentucky Derby “Futures Exacta”pool with 24 bettinginterests will contain 23namedrunnersandone defined as“MutuelField” (or “All Others”) representing allrunnersnototherwisenamedasspecificbettinginterests. By way of example, a 1.2. “Futures Exacta”poolsmay beconducted with amaximumof 24 bettinginterests. Suchbettinginterests mustincludeone(1)interest Commonwealth of Kentucky. be conducted inamanner consistent with theapproved wagering poolknown as“Exacta”definedinKHRCrules and/or thelaws of the 1.1. “Futures Exacta”requires selection of thefirsttwo finishersinexact order inthe event on whichthepoolisbased. “Futures Exacta” will 1. Futures ExactaRules. Oaks events are notsubjectto refunds (return of monies wagered thereon). selections of (wagers on)bettinginterests which for any reason are ultimately non-starters inthedesignated Kentucky Derby and/or Kentucky approved OfficialRules for theDerby, Derby Sires andOaks Futures Wager. Futures pools are distinguished by thegeneral characteristic that The Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Derby Sires and OaksFutures Exactadescribedherein isto beconducted consistent with establishedand FUTURE WAGER EXACTA RULES order of finish: betting interest. The netpoolshallbedistributed asasingle price poolto winning wagers inthefollowing precedence, basedupontheofficial profit isdivided by theamount wagered onthebettinginterest finishingfirst,suchquotientbeingthe profit perdollar wagered towinonthat of the moniesinthepoolshallconstitute thenetpoolfor distributionaspayoff on winning wagers. separately andindependently calculated anddistributed. Takeout shallbededucted from eachgross poolasstipulated by law. The remainder tucky OaksFuture Wager shallresult inarefund. Kentucky Derby Future Wager andKentucky Derby Sires Future Wager shallresult inarefund. suspended. No refunds will beissuedfor wagers onthesuspended wagering interest. prevent a wagering interest from participatingineither theKentucky Derby or Kentucky Oaks, wagering onthathorse will beimmediately not subjectto refunds. If Churchill Downs definitively determines, either prior to or duringapool,thataninjury or other circumstance would Derby Web site following theconclusion of wagering ineachrespective pool. off-track betting facilities that offer the wager. Finaloddsand/or probable payoffs willbedistributed tothemediaandposted onthe Kentucky odds, will beavailable ontheofficial Kentucky Derby Website ( andindaily racing programs at racetracks and interests intheKentucky Derby Future Wager, Kentucky Derby Sire Future Wager andKentucky OaksFuture Wagers, along with morningline individual Sires inthatrespective pool.IntheKentucky OaksFuture Wager, themutuelfield includesallother 3-year-old fillies. All wagering respective pool.IntheKentucky Derby Sire Future Wager, that24th wagering interest includes all other Sires of 2016notlisted amongthe23 the Kentucky Derby Future Wager, that24th wagering interest includesallother foals of 2016notlisted amongthe23individualhorsesinthat the Churchill Downs handicapper andlisted alphabetically. The number twenty-four (24) bettinginterest shallrepresent themutuelfield. In Future Wager poolshallbecomprised of twenty-four (24) bettinginterests. The top twenty-three (23)bettinginterests shallbedetermined by the 2019Kentucky Derby andKentucky Oaks,asapplicable. The minimum wager shallbe Two Dollars(US$2). and eachpoolshallbeaseparate andindependentcalculation. The distributionof winning wagers will bemadefollowing theofficial results of public. EachKentucky Derby Future wager, eachKentucky Derby Sire Future Wager andeachKentucky OaksFuture Wager isa win wager only mately thesamelength of time. The startingandclosing date of the wager will bedetermined by Churchill Downs and will beadvertised to the (“Churchill Downs”), butinnoevent less thanthree (3)days nor more thanten (10)days. The four (4) poolsshalleachbeopenfor approxi- of theLongines Kentucky OaksonMay 3,2019. Eachpool will remain openfor aperiodto bedetermined by Churchill Downs Incorporated Future Wager will beoffered in2019one(1)poolMarch, andthe winner of thepool willbedetermined by the official first place winner winner of thepoolbeingdetermined by theSire of theofficial firstplace winner ofthe Kentucky Derby on May 4, 2019. The Kentucky Oaks first place winner of the Kentucky Derby onMay 4,2019. The Kentucky Derby Sire Future Wager consists of aseparate wagering pool; withthe (2) contestants representing two or more bettinginterests, thepoolshallbedistributed asaprofit split. (1) contestants representing thesamebettinginterest, thepoolshallbedistributed asif nodeadheatoccurred or If there isadeadheatfor firstinvolving: (d) The entire poolshallberefunded on Win wagers for thatcontest. (c) To those whose selection finishedthird; butif there are nosuch wagers, then (b) To those whose selection finishedsecond; butif there are nosuch wagers, then (a) To those whose selection finishedfirst;but if there are nosuch wagers,then The amount wagered onthebettinginterest which finishesfirstisdeducted from thenetpool,balance remainingbeingthe profit. The All calculations andpayoffs for theDerby Future Wagers shallbegoverned by the Kentucky RacingLaws andRules. Eachpoolshallbe Notwithstanding theabove, intheevent the2019Kentucky Oaksisnotrunor doesnotproduce anofficial winner, all wagersinthe Ken- Notwithstanding theabove, intheevent the2019Kentucky Derby isnotrunor doesnotproduce anofficial winner, all wagersinthe No refunds will beissued. All wagers are finalonce thepatron has left the window. Career-ending injuries,deathand failure to startare Each of thefour (4) Kentucky Derby Future Wager pools,theone(1)Kentucky Derby Sire Future Wager poolandtheone(1)Kentucky Oaks The Kentucky Derby Future Wager consists of four (4) separate wagering pools; with the winner of eachpoolbeingdetermined by theofficial