For the year ending December 31st 2020

Including reports to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting: adjourned until 10:30am Sunday 22nd August 2021

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Vicar: The Reverend Guy Chave-Cox Benefice of Sticklepath with Roundswell in the Barnstaple Group Ministry Address for correspondence: St.Paul’s Vicarage, Old Sticklepath Hill, Barnstaple, . EX31 2BG [email protected]

The Parochial Church Council is an Excepted Charity.

Bankers: TSB plc, Joy Street, Barnstaple. Accounts also held with the National Savings Bank and CCLA Investment Management Ltd (on behalf of the Church of England Central Board of Finance). The Annual Report and Financial Statements have been prepared on a Receipts & Payments basis in accordance with ‘PCC Accountability – The Charities Act 2011 and the PCC – 5th Edition incorporating SORP 2015’.

Independent Examiner Mr. David Crick F.C.A. Chartered Accountant, 15a Silver Street, Barnstaple.

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The Parochial Church Council of Sticklepath with Roundswell. Parish Church of St.Paul, Sticklepath with Roundswell, . Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2020. The report will be presented separately from the churchwarden & PCC elections.

St.Paul’s Parochial Church Council (the PCC) has the responsibility of co-operating with the Incumbent in promoting within the ecclesiastical parish, the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical (see page 6). The Parish covers the part of Barnstaple which is south/west of the , including many areas of recent and planned residential housing. The area includes all of the North Devon Council ward of Roundswell and most of that of , east and south of the old village (new wards created in 2019). The ecclesiastical parish in the Barnstaple Archdeaconry is a separate benefice, within a Group Ministry. The PCC has a Mission Action Plan (MAP). It co-operates with other churches in serving and witnessing to the town of Barnstaple. The Barnstaple Group clergy met once or twice each month (mostly via Zoom). One meeting of Barnstaple Forum was held as well as a Candlemas reflection based on Taize songs and Rembrandt paintings. Reps Meetings of Churches Together in Barnstaple were cancelled. Limited progress on our MAP is noted later. The main role that this parish and PCC take within the Group is to develop a means of working together with other partners to build links to and within new communities in a period of rapid change. This partnership includes the incumbent and PCC of the Parish of Landkey, where an additional significant increase to the local population East of Barnstaple has been proposed. The PCC is responsible jointly with the Incumbent in decisions relating to its finances.It is the duty of the PCC to maintain and repair the Parish Church and its churchyard, and also the Hall and wider grounds, vested on their behalf in the Exeter Diocesan Board of Finance. The PCC and Incumbent consulted together throughout the year, mostly via email and Zoom on matters of general concern and importance. Between such times, decisions were made by the Standing Committee (Incumbent, Churchwarden(s), and three elected PCC members).

These have changed very little since 2009, and are unchanged since the last Annual Report. As a church we are committed to: a) Continue our personal growth as Christians, especially through developing faith, worship, prayer, and practical ministry. b) Effective action that seeks to meet spiritual and practical need, both locally and globally. c) Be welcoming to families and individuals; encouraging them in the Christian faith. d) Work for the good of our community with other churches, groups and organisations.

The PCC seeks to make good use of the resources that are available to it, and gratefully recognises the vital contributions made by church and community members in material support, time and prayer. The Parish Church is welcoming and adaptable in promoting our objectives. Financial gifts during 2020 gave opportunity for some improvements and repairs to the fabric of the Church and Hall, which are both used by community groups.

Under the umbrella of Churches Together in Barnstaple, churches made a contribution in helping the most vulnerable residents in our town and its surrounds. Individuals from St.Paul’s Church assisted in a variety of ministries, including help to those isolated due to restrictions to limit the spread of Covid-19, working also via links with the District Council.

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This area of activity was unexpectedly the one of greatest change in 2020 after the first ‘lockdown’ due to the Coronavirus halted all public services from late March until July. Once churches were permitted to reopen, all guidance was followed to limit the spread of the virus. The PCC quickly adopted a different approach to most churches in the area, who relied on written material distributed by hand, or pre-recorded services. We chose to continue with interactive and participatory online worship. This was a challenge for those less familiar with internet connected devices, but a few members made use of an audio-only phone alternative to maintain collective worship. A YouTube recording was made available for those more familiar with that medium but it still sadly left a few members unable to engage in joint worship. Our pastoral assistants and clergy provided a link to those who were not able, or chose not to engage together online. Most of those members then returned to church once public worship was permitted from July, under strict precautions following a risk assessment. Following changing guidance on protection against virus transmission was a time-consuming activity. The traditional language ‘Order 2’ Communion Service is the preferred option of a small older congregation. The 9:30am Wednesday service was restricted to over 70yrs olds and those who were clinically vulnerable after churches were allowed to reopen in July. The restriction applied throughout the rest of 2020 as a heightened threat of infection remained. The 10am service ‘total weekly attendance’ during 2020 roughly increased on average by a third by the end of the year; counting a mixture of people attending church in person, those linked to zoom, and those watching on YouTube. Keeping a format similar to our normal worship helped keep the various groups sharing as ‘one body’. A number of new and less- frequent local members, and a few visitors from outside the parish, became regularly part of the joint church/zoom services. Some found digital platforms a way to explore variations in worship style before joining in. Zoom allowed individuals to keep in touch online after worship times. A lot of additional work has been needed by our clergy, churchwardens and latterly singers and organist to apply practical solutions and respect copyright issues in church/online combined worship. Once physical services were recommenced, we were able to retain familiar touch- points of content and style as live singing was replaced by recorded music. Although the church normally can seat up to 120 people, once 2m and later 1m+ restrictions were introduced, physical capacity at best was cut by two thirds. The worship, teaching and welcome of the church continued to attract people both to worship online and in the church, despite the inevitable technical glitches with stretching the capacity of equipment and leaders. The lack of assistance to monitor online access and help to record and edit was a challenge. Equal access to shared worship for the vulnerable was a silver lining to the changes we made, but to retain this capability others will need to help. The biggest negative effect on worship, in terms of the pandemic, was not having local families and uniformed groups attending at special events/festivals, and not being able to lead worship in Residential Homes or school assemblies. Groups :Unfortunately our 2020 Lent Groups: Behold the Man did not get far into their stride in March as the Covid-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic and lockdown followed. Some groups and fellowship times were continued via Zoom throughout the rest of the year.

– Note these figures are NOT the same as Electoral Roll The Annual Return asked for “in church” numbers. But a more realistic count of those regularly worshipping (at least once a month) in church, online or at home, as at 31/12/20, was also requested: 2 (0-10yrs), 0 (11-17yrs), 19 (18-69yrs) & 31 (aged70+). This was 3 up on 2019 (all 18-69yrs). A notable effect was that with an online option, weekly attendance rose strongly. Baptisms: 0(1 in 2019); Thanksgivings after birth/adoption: 0 (1); Confirmations: 0 (0); Weddings or Renewal of Vows: 0 (0), Funerals in Church 0 (2) or Crematorium 3 (3).

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Construction of residential sites continued but without the opportunity to start the planned project for outreach, support and integrating new residents: “Growing Communities in Partnership”. During 2020 completion of housing planned on the West side of the parish continued and the largest site, nearest the church began construction. During 2021 a complete review of plans for our project in terms of location and timing will take place. Schools: The Vicar is a local governor of Sticklepath Community Primary Academy, and online meetings continued. The new school at Roundswell was opened (for Reception). The church hall saw new regular bookings at the start of the year, but sadly the many local community groups had to temporarily close and some will not reopen. The PCC actively prices its rental terms to assist local provision and help small start-up groups serving the community.

Work with schools continued to be one of our main areas of outreach. Our 3 church ‘Open the Book’ assemblies in school were going well till lockdown. ‘Experience/Explore’ events after the Easter visit were also curtailled (probably till late 2021). We missed holding our charity concert hosting the choir, as well as Carols with particular year groups.We kept in touch at Sticklepath Academy with joint 3-church gifts of “It’s your move” booklets (for those moving to secondary school) with a Christmas booklet for every child (and also to the new school at Roundswell) and ‘Veggie Tales’ DVDs highlighting the real meaning of Christmas. Seedlings, our parent/carer – toddler/baby group started the year well continuing our pattern of play, craft and refreshments with a time for a few Christian songs, until lockdown. A small group was organised when allowed for a few parents and children with less support. No Concerts were hosted in 2020, due to pandemic precautions. Our main concert for several years has helped support a child through Compassion UK. Despite the lack of a funding concert, arrangements were made and we started to support Victoria, a young girl in Haiti. Social Groups around various activities had to stop early in the year due to Covid-19 restrictions. This included our monthly Open Doors café, and ‘book swap’. Pastoral Assistants could not visit people in their homes for much of the year, but kept up links, particularly to isolated contacts mostly by telephone. Some support was also offered online via Zoom for those able to access it through use of a computer, tablet, mobile or landline. Some of our members and others linked to St.Paul’s helped with getting shopping, or fetching medications for vulnerable local residents. One area of our ministry did expand in the year, the print version of our Magazine could not be delivered for most of the year, but access to the digital version increased, as did use of the website, facebook group and twitter messages. There continued to be a web presence on the national Church of England website page for this parish. More features were added to it.

Accounts reported as per Charity Commission and Church of England guidance. Receipts to the unrestricted General Fund were £37,311 and payments from the fund totalled £33,315. The opening General Fund balance was £7,901 including £5,000 of a designated legacy. At year end the General Fund held £11,889 (including the same designated amount. This is still below the recommended unrestricted cash balance in the Reserves Policy but an improvement in the levels of uncommitted funds, due mainly to several large donations during the year. Church members are encouraged in various ways to consider their giving towards assisting the aims and objectives of the church in the light of their income and inflation. The church makes use of Gift Aid, the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme, as well as planned giving.

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Most members considered the annual amount of their giving whichever means they used. Planned Giving: The PCC prioritises the use of the Parish Giving Scheme as it allows for faster return of qualifying income tax and an encouragent to increase donations by inflation. Regular donations by standing order and weekly dated envelopes also help stabilise income. We did not receive any legacies in 2020, but several large financial gifts were received.

Fund-raising receipts of £4,526 were less than half those of 2019 due to no concerts and much reduced income from hall lettings. This was the largest drop in receipts for the year. Reserves: Carry Forward Restricted/Designated funds: Other Restricted Purposes: £68 for children’s corner; £100 for use in memory of Joyce Lawrence; £1,103 allocated for adaptation Choir Vestry, plus up to £500 in General Fund (Designated) of legacy and memorial gift, the balance of the £5000 designated for Growing Communities in Partnership project. A Restricted gift of £1,000 for use ‘on site’ ( of which £720 committed to church and hall repairs). Charity & Mission Giving: £367 is awaiting transfer to a number of charities supported – NDADA children gifts (£101), Freedom Alliance (£110), Families for Children (£110) and UMOJA project in Thika Diocese (£71). Reserves Policy: PCCs are recommended to maintain an unrestricted balance equal to 3 months’ unrestricted payments (est. £9,000). Not having free reserves of that size puts the church’s plans at risk, especially with regard to Common Fund contributions. Due to some generous donations in 2020, we were able to contribute the full requested amount towards Common Fund. The situation looking forward to 2021 looks more challenging Payments: Common Fund contributions to Exeter Diocesan Board of Finance (£23,030 in 2020) are our main outgoing and a moral obligation. The figure is largely derived from the number of adults attending worship at least once a month. Requested sums are apportioned to cover the costs of all clergy (including housing, pension, national insurance, training & costs of curates, as well as stipend). This parish has a low allocation compared to ministry received. Charitable donations made during 2020: Relief & Development Agencies - Sponsored Child (Virginia) £299 via Compassion UK. Home Mission – £34 contribution to Bishops in Mission: ‘Joy 2020’. Secular Charities – N Devon Against Domestic Abuse £135; The PCC designated a number of 2020 Christmas collections to charities. Sums donated were afffected by carol services and other community fundraising not being possible. Debtors: There were no outstanding amounts due to the PCC. Bank Account: There were some delays in electronic payments linked to dual authorisation. Treasurer: A replacement for the post of Treasurer has not yet been found. The oversight role is currently exercised by our Assistant Treasurer and incumbent.

Church Fabric Following the Quinquennial Inspection, a work programme started with the most urgent work to make safe the Bell Tower and attend to necessary repairs. The major project to convert the Choir Vestry began but was paused due to the need to replaster with Lime to help reduce the damp and mould problems in that area. Hall & Church Grounds Grass in the grounds was again cut mostly by a church member, supplemented by some grass-cutting by a commercial firm. Care of flower borders was undertaken by a member.

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Ex-Officio Incumbent: The Revd Guy Chave-Cox Chair Churchwardens: Mrs Carol Jennings Mr John Hartfield Deanery Synod: Mr Paul Cooper Vice-Chair & Secretary Mrs Carol Jennings.

Elected from the date of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting for a three year term 2018-2021 Mrs Sandra Richards Mrs Heather Chave-Cox Assistant Treasurer 2019-2022 Mrs Sue Boyle 2020-2023 Mr Mike Nance was re-elected

Other honorary roles approved by the PCC not requiring PCC membership: Electoral Roll Officer: Ms Eileen Walter Pastoral Co-ordinator: Mrs Pauline Wills Pastoral Assistants: Mrs Sandra Richards, Revd Jackie Giddings Mr Glyn Harding; Mrs Pauline Wills. Safeguarding Representative: Mr John Hartfield Barnstaple Forum Lay Reps: Mrs Carol Jennings & Mrs Sandra Richards Churches Together Rep: Mr Mike Nance Planned Giving Contact: Mr Paul Cooper The Revd Jackie Giddings and the Revd Tom Moore continued to assist in the parish under the Bishop’s Permission to Officiate, as did Mr John Hartfield at the end of his formal licence to the parish. Meetings of the PCC were held 8 times in the year, 3 of which had to be via Zoom to keep to the social distancing rules in force at the time. Considerable time was spent ensuring that parishioners were protected and that arrangements for services and private prayer met the current rules for England. As COVID had a major impact on income and expenditure a close eye had to be kept on our finances. After 9 years continuous service (as well as being Director of Music) Sue Boyle resigned as Treasurer; the post is still vacant. Following receipt of the Quinquennial report, work was carried out on the bell tower. A number of other maintenance jobs were carried out.

The Standing Committee has power to transact the business of the PCC between meetings, subject to any directions given by the PCC. By standing motion of the PCC, the Standing Committee comprises of the Vicar, both Church Wardens, PCC Treasurer and PCC Secretary. The Standing Committee has not had need to convene a meeting formally but occasionally some preparation for a PCC meeting has taken place between those officers. There are no other committees. The PCC instead chooses to appoint working parties for specific tasks when needed, which report back to the PCC and have no delegated powers.

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The roll was revised in accordance with the 2020 Church Representation Rules. There are 48 Electoral Roll Members as at 25/4/21 (46 at APCM 2020). Since the roll for the 2020 APCM, 2 members died, and are sadly missed. 4 new members joined the Electoral Roll (all resident within the parish). No members moved out of the parish or asked to be removed from the Roll.

The year started with a bang and ended with a whimper. For 3 days in March all three bishops were on mission in North Devon” Celebrating God’s Love in Devon”. Although a new three year term for the Deanery Synod started in 2020 there were no meetings held in the year because of Covid restrictions. In October the Rural Dean Rev. Andy Dodwell moved to a new post in Hereford and the Rev Mike Newbon was appointed as Acting Rural Dean. In 2021 normal business will hopefully resume.

St.Paul’s enjoys a high level of involvement of members in all aspects of worship, pastoral care, outreach, and the many regular tasks that are needed. Much of this is overseen by Carol and John, our Churchwardens, who give generously of their time, care and effort to the role. Eileen Walter is our self-employed Administrative Assistant who is paid to effect data entry into the accounts software; prepare financial reports for PCC officers; update rotas to assist volunteers involved in aspects of worship; to manage hall bookings and payments; to co-edit the magazine. The Assistant Treasurer and the Vicar oversee the delegated work.

Mrs Carol Jennings (Churchwarden) oversees the assigned tasks to the self-employed cleaner of the church and hall.

The PCC has complied with the duty to have regard to the House of Bishops’ guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults (section 5 : Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure). The PCC has approved a Parish Safeguarding Policy taking account of the latest avalable information and advice. A copy of the policy is available by online download from and there is a paper copy available for inspection in the church porch. The Parish Safeguarding Repesentative is Mr John Hartfield (01271)327437

The PCC is a body corporate (PCC Powers Measure 1956, and the Church Representation Rules 2017) and a Charity excepted from registration with the Charity Commission. The Parish Church of St.Paul is located on Old Sticklepath Hill, near the top of the western hill overlooking Barnstaple, approximately 50m before Petroc (Tertiary College). Contact and banking details are on the front cover of this report. Pre-inspection draft report approved by the PCC on 18th May 2021 and signed on its behalf by:

Signed by …………………………………. and ………………………………………. The Revd G Chave-Cox Mr Paul Cooper Chair of the PCC Vice-Chair & PCC Secretary

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Report template published 14th December 2017 from The Charity Commission

SECTION A INDEPENDENT EXAMINER’S REPORT Report to the Parocial Church Council (trustees)/ members of the Parish of Sticklepath with Roundswell (an excepted charity) on accounts for the year ended 31st December 2019, set out on pages 1-10. Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner The charity's trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The charity’s trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144 of the Charities Act 2011 (the Charities Act) and that an independent examination is needed. It is my responsibility to: • examine the accounts under section 145 of the Charities Act, • to follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the Charity Commission (under section 145(5)(b) of the Charities Act, and • to state whether particular matters have come to my attention.

Basis of independent examiner’s statement My examination was carried out in accordance with general Directions given by the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from the trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a ‘true and fair’ view and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below.

Independent examiner's statement In connection with my examination, no material matters have come to my attention (other than that disclosed below *) which gives me cause to believe that in, any material respect: • accounting records were not kept in accordance with section 130 of the Charities Act or • the accounts do not accord with the accounting records

I have come across no other matters in connection with the examination to which attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached. * Please delete the words in the brackets if they do not apply

Signed: date:

Name: D.W.Crick Address: 15a Silver Street, Barnstaple Relevant professional qualification(s) or body: F.C.A. Chartered Accountant

SECTION B DISCLOSURE Only complete if the examiner needs to highlight matters of concern (see CC32, Independent examination of charity accounts: directions and guidance for examiners). Give here brief details of any items that the examiner wishes to disclose (box expands as type, or write below) ->

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Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL TOTAL 2020 2019 st Cash at bank & in hand at 1 January 8,864.51 3,406.44 12,270.95 Cash at bank & in hand at 31st December 12,860.50 4,398.96 17,259.46 12,270.95

The PCC has no Endowment Funds.

Fund Description Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL 31/12/19 £ £ £ £ General Fund 3 11,888.80 11,888.80 7,900.52 Charity & Mission Giving - 366.57 366.57 304.92 *Repair & Maintenance Fund - 637.31 637.31 523.86 Designated Hall Improvement Fund 4 971.70 - 971.70 963.99 Restricted Hall Improvement Fund - - - Hall Toilets Fund - 374.28 374.28 371.31 Golden Opportunity Fund - 551.16 551.16 547.91 Flower Fund - 69.10 69.10 17.90 Other Restricted Purposes 5 - 2,401.54 2,401.54 1,640.54 Collected on behalf of other organisations - - - - Totals 12,860.50 4,398.96 17,259.46 12,270.95 Cash in Safe 63.95 0.20 64.15 353.28 TSB Current account 11,824.85 3,423.10 15,247.95 10,052.35 National Savings and Investment Account 971.70 374.28 1,345.98 1,335.30 CCLA (CBF) deposit account - 532.28 532.28 530.02 Collected on behalf of other organisations - - - - Totals 12,860.50 4,398.96 17,259.46 12,270.95 NOTES (relating to the Receipts and Payments Accounts on page 9)

1. Tax recovered up to June donations 2. Mostly the architect’s fee for the delayed Quinquennial inspection. 3. Includes £4,500+ designated from legacy to Growing Communities in Partnership Project and up to £500 designated from legacy (of £5,000) towards change of use of old choir vestry. 4. Remainder of old legacy designated by the PCC towards improving hall toilets. 5. Includes £1103 carried forward (for change of use of Choir Vestry) , £100 gift in memory of Joyce Lawrence (for a specific project in need of funds) and £1000 (for use on site) of which £720 is committed to church & hall repairs. Non Monetary Assets (valuation not required in Receipts & Payments basis): Consecrated land, church buildings & contents exempt from declaration; Church Hall and contents; Church Green – unconsecrated land behind the church; Lawnmower & Wheelbarrow, Canon iR2220N Networked Photocopier (2005); Electric Typewriter; Data Projector; Samsung CLX-6260 Scanner, Fax, Printer (replaced in 2018) ; Roadstar portable CD/DVD dual mic/amplifier. Zoom H2next portable multi-directional stereo recorder and accessories (2020).

FINAL REPORT (Post Inspection) circulated and APPROVED by the PCC:

Date: …………………………………………..

Signed by …………………………………. and …………………………………. The Revd G Chave-Cox Mr Paul Cooper Chair of the PCC Vice-Chair & PCC Secretary

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