GoNorth! Weekly Chat ~ March 16, 2006 Module 02, Week 5 with Weather Channel meteorologist Dan Dix

Phusky: Welcome from Education Basecamp! Here is a quick bio on today's speaker … Please welcome our speaker! What questions do you have for Dan today?

St. Paul, MN: Hello Dan! What do you do as a meteorologist?

Go North! Speaker: I used to forecast the weather for aviation and other transportation lines....then more to a public audience here at jolene: what do u think we could do to help global warming?

Anne Chesnutt Middle School, North Carolina: Yes, what can we do to help global warming?

Go North! Speaker: Obviously a change in our usage of fossil fuels -- as a world we "are addicted to oil" .. solar, wind, & other alternatives are a great start

Anne Chesnutt Middle School, North Carolina 2: What is the climate like in Alaska?

Go North! Speaker: Typically cold especially interior .. but along the coasts its much more like or Portland but a bit colder..more rain then snow....

Anne Chesnutt Middle School, North Carolina: What are some negative outcomes of climate change?

Phusky: Can you each think of some negative outcomes?

St. Paul, MN: I know that the Weather Channel is located in Atlanta, Ga. How do you then forecast to all areas of the world?

Go North! Speaker: We receive weather information from around the world every hour -- sometimes more than what some local areas far away can see .. so we can make some good forecasts using satellite, hourly observations and upper air data..

St. Paul, MN: What is the most exciting part of being a meteorologist?

Go North! Speaker: I think its the realization of how powerful a force weather really is ... and trying to figure out what is going to happen and alerting people to that..

Kiel HIgh School - Billy: What are some positive outcomes of climate change?

Go North! Speaker: For those in cold areas -- they may become farmers due to change in temperature/moisture

St. Paul, MN: Hi Dan. What does it take to become a meteorologist?

Go North! Speaker: a 4 yr degree in Geography or Earth Science with a concentration of Atmospheric Science, or a Meteorology degree -- lots of math, physics, geography , computer skills and good writing!

St. Paul, MN: What can we do as students and young adults to make a difference on global scale?

Go North! Speaker: Simple as shutting the light off, not wasting electricity ... drive more fuel efficient vehicles ... guest: Kaktovik, Alaska: Here in Kaktovik we have noticed the temperatures getting warmer - because it is getting warmer the permafrost is melting which makes the tundra sink and fall apart. jolene: do you ever feel bad when you tell people the wrong thing?

Go North! Speaker: Sure do ... we try to get it right but the atmosphere is so complex its impossible to know exactly what is going at times ... thus lots of research being done all the time..

Orono Schools, Minnesota: What effects does global warming/climate chaos have on warmer climates? We have been learning about the changes in the arctic... what effects do the changes have on warmer climates?

Go North! Speaker: In some areas it will get warmer and drier ... others it can vary with more moisture ..sometimes too much .. either way its not good...along coastal areas rising ocean levels would lead to flooding and loss of cities/farmlands

Kiel High School-Johnny D: I live in a temperate area and I have noticed milder winters and changes within ten years.

Orono Schools, Minnesota: Do you feel that climate chaos is responsible for the big storms we have been having like ?

Go North! Speaker: That is a big debate going on --- with warmer ocean waters the source of hurricanes for examples is increased and its thought that more intense hurricanes are a result ....but still not totally proven..

Kiel High School- Big Boy: I live in Wisconsin and I have noticed that we have had drastically warmer weather with less snow than normal.

Anne Chesnutt Middle School, North Carolina: How does the weather affect sicknesses?

Go North! Speaker: Spring is a good example of trees/grasses/etc pollinating in warm wet climates with many afflicted to sinus problems...see that a lot here in Atlanta ..also with increased warming/pollution the incidence of asthma is rapidly climbing ..

Kiel High School - Jordan/Taylor : do scientists believe that dinosuars died due to climate changes?

Go North! Speaker: yes that is true..65 million years ago and the big meteor in Mexico & Arizona ... put large amounts of debris in atmosphere and blocked the sun rays thus big cooling...and dinos dont do well in cold temperatures..

Kiel High School- Andrew: Is it true that March is the month in which most snow storms occur, such as blizzards?

Go North! Speaker: Statistically areas such as Denver to Minnesota see the most snowfall but not always blizzards -- more moisture from the Gulf of Mexico becomes available in Spring thus more snow and severe weather to the south....

Kiel High School- Big Boy: Do you think we are just going through a natural cycle in our Earth's climate or we really are warming the planet?

Go North! Speaker: Good question -- many used to think it was just a cycle as we have documented many in history but now its more of a combination... i believe its both working toget

Kiel High School - Becky : Are we responsible for global warming

Go North! Speaker: Humans have contributed that is for sure .... but still feel its a combination of factors as Mother Nature is always in a cycle of some sorts ..

CRES- Deerwood, MN: cres Deerwood ,Mn Can global warming lead to freezing in other places?

Go North! Speaker: Yes it can .. global warming will tend to cause some very notable extremes in weather with cold temps one of those...

Kiel HIgh School - Billy: Is there going to be another ice age at anytime that you can possibly predict?

Go North! Speaker: Not terribly predictable as it will take a full global warming or change in earth's cycle to create this ... scientists are still working on that one..

Kiel High School - Jon : Can we stop global warming

Go North! Speaker: I think we can help alleviate but the ball is already rolling and difficult to stop .. I feel our changes in usage of energy sources will at least help reduce the dramatic effects

Kiel High School- Andrew: Do you think that "The Day Aftert Tommorrow" is an acurate example of what may happen?

Go North! Speaker: In some examles yes -- others -- its a "worst case scenario" -- we sawNew Orleans and that was not anywhere close towhat could have happened believe it or not .. Hint: Look for athe "Lost Episode" of It Could Happen Tomorrow on June 1st" . :-)

Kiel High School - Jordan/Taylor : If the earth is warming then how is an ice age going to come?

Go North! Speaker: More warmth --> more moisture/condenstation/more clouds --> enough clouds and sun energy is absorbed or reflected away .. major volcanic eruptions have proven this already...back in 1883 and again in 1982 where temps dropped and climate/weather for months was affected anne chesnutt middle school, north carolina: what are some steps we can take to stop global warming?

Go North! Speaker: s Fossil fuel use, more efficient cars/homes, more solar, wind, geothermal and nuclear power used ... are a good start

NCSS-Rhinelander, WI: Which plays a bigger part in global warming Carbon Dioxide or Carbon Monoxide?

Go North! Speaker: Carbon Dioxide .... helps in formation of clouds/precip ...

NCSS-Rhinelander, WI: Does acid rain have anything with global warming?

Go North! Speaker: Its attributed to the fossil fuels being used so yes but more indirected...its aneffect rather than cause..

How do you feel fossil fuels can be faded out of society in order to preserve our atmosphere?

Go North! Speaker: It will take a serious commitment of money, patience and ability to change by governments AND people ... we are addicted to oil and addictions are tough to break ..it will take a world- wide movement to work..

Kiel High School - Eric : How will climate changes affect the seasons of the earth?

Go North! Speaker: Most notable are less cold temperature extremes inthe winter....typically more drought in the lower altitudes (and heat) -- seasons will tend to be less dramatic in many areas...winters a bit warmer (this January in Minnesota was the warmest on record) and summers a bit more extreme...

Kiel HIgh School - Billy: Will global warming affect the ability to grow crops and feed the nation?

Go North! Speaker: Absolutely ... current feelings are that Canada will be bread basket of North America rather than the MIdwest of the US for eample.... citrus in Florida would be farther north..

Kiel HIgh School - Billy: Will there ever be a time because of global warming when it will not snow anywhere anymore?

Go North! Speaker: No ... some areas will see more and some less ...

Kiel High School-Gerry McNamara: Do other parts of the world tend to notice that it seems we are headed for global warming, or is that more of an issue in the United States?

Go North! Speaker: s do mainly the developed nations -- 3rd world nations don't really see it and simply can't afford to make changes desired for a real change in usage of fossil fuels.. guest: Kaktovik says, is erosion an effect of global warming?

Go North! Speaker: I could be .. where areas are seeing more intense rains/hurricanes ... others its due to wind/desert-like conditions...

Max PowerHouse: Thank you from Kiel High School

NCSS-Rhinelander, WI: Does biodeisel really help in the prevention of global warming?

Go North! Speaker: biodiesel is a much cleaner burning fuel ..uses vegetable oils when extracted ... and is non-toxis when used..

Do you think it will ever get to the point where all of the seasons blend together?

Go North! Speaker: tough one...i think it may blend a bit and if scientists are right in the long run the seasons will be at times very dramatic in difference...

Does the rising population of people affect global warming?

Go North! Speaker: ABSOLUTELY -- thats more cars, homes, etc needed to be powered by fossil fuels and more land used up (thus cutting away trees,etc) Also a lot of trees are cut down to make a little bit of biodeisel fuel so in effect it doesnt really help in the logn run


Go North! Speaker: you are very welcome --- great questions by all!

Will global warming affect the drinking water and food quality?

Go North! Speaker: I think so if there is a reduction in crops and/or quality of crops ... drought can dry up lakes/rivers/wells/etc ... dispersion of pollutants will be a big concern..

Orono Schools, Minnesota: I've heard that cars that use used cooking oil for fuel smell like french fries when they drive by. Do you know if that's true? Seriously! It seems strange that cars can be designed to use that in place of gas!

Phusky: Yes, there is a show on TV called "Thirty Days" (by the guy who made "Supersize Me." There is an episode about human footprints, and they use a cooking oil powered car that smells like fries Thank you so much for taking your time off to answer my questions...I learned a lot about climate changes. Thank you again, hope to talk to you again.

St. Paul, MN: Can you show us some technology you use during forecasts?

Go North! Speaker: Sure... ihave some images of things we use (satellite, radar, etc) that we use as forecast tools

St. Paul, MN: Wow! That is an awesome image. Can you explain the different colors

CRES- Deerwood, MN: CRES Deerwood MN-Do you thinkglobal warming will mess up every day life?

Go North! Speaker: Here is a satellite image....we use temperatures sensors to see how cold the clouds (and the ground) are. You see the storm approaching SW Alaska...with the cold purple and orange clouds.. High clouds are coldest ..but notice the purple across eastern Alaska and NWCanada.. there are NO clouds there.....that is the COLD ground believe it or not! it is -20 near Circle, AK

Orono Schools, Minnesota: This doesn't really have much to do with forcasting the weather... but did you hear about the big oil spill in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska? I read that it will be easier to clean up the oil since it is still winter there. I wonder if the Polar Husky team will see some of the effects when they get to Prudhoe Bay.

Go North! Speaker: I understand it is snowing in Minnesota today -- very normal for March ..the snowiest but NOT coldest month of the winter season..

Phusky: Dan is answering one last question from you ... jolene: thank you for talking with me I hope you do it anuther time

NCSS-Rhinelander, WI: When did global warming start?

Phusky: While he responds, Team GoNorth! wants to THANK YOU for your participation!

Go North! Speaker: Yes, did hear about it .. that much oil will take some time to clean up that is for sure... ..they may see the immediate effects of water and/or wildlife affected directly..indirectly those effects can take months or years..

Phusky: Join us next week - 10am - Friday March 24 (Central Standard Time)

Phusky: Thank you all. You can post other questions on the Q&A website! Watch for answers tomorrow! This chat is now concluded.