New Library Plans WOO?S Clinic ;
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"'.~' '. , Structure Which Pleases All Factions; i woul,d like, ~o, expalld its 83 aboard survivcd the disas- Detailed Plans Ordered ' parkmg facIlitIes, In order ter: the piane's captain, Rich- II to do t his, the Clinic, ard Conway, 29, of West Holly- The Board of Education moved a step closer to the located at 20825 Mack ave- wood, Fla" who sustained burns; solution of Grosse Pointe High School's library prob~em nue, has, on separate OC •• and flight engineer W, F, Poy-- thress, 30, of Miami, who suf- at its regular mon~hly meeting las~ Monday evemng, casions over a period of ten fered from smoke inhallatlon, Instructions were gIven to the arc~lteet and school,of- years, petitioned the Grosse The four.engine Constellatton, ficials to proceed with the preparation, of more ~etaIl~d Pointe Woods City Council part of the non-scheduled oper- plans of the proposed addition to the h?~ary whIch wIll: to allow off-street parking ations of Miami-headquartered relieve the overcrowdedness now prevaIlIng there, on lots 7 and 8 of Beaufait. Imperial Airlines, was carrying Action was taken by the" ~--~_.~------ Koch-Tessmer Subdivision, 73 army recruits fr-Jm cities on b?ard after m ,em b ~ I' shad D 1 T k These lots ate presently zoned the eastern seaboard to Ft. Viewed a three dImensIOnal r~n- eat t a es residentially, They are the prop- Jackson, S, C, derlng of the front of the HIgh crtI' of the Grosse Pointe Clinic '" * School, altered to include the CO- 11greSSl1t£l'1 If 'the Grosse Pointe Clinic i~ Friday, November 10 30'xlOO' bay being added, View- ' (, to use the lots for other than TH:E SOVIET UNION has of. ers in the audience, ~~ncern~d, L " R b residential purposes, it must fered the Westem powers a new as are school authontles" wIth OlltS ({ allt first obtain permission from the compromise plan to e:nd the Ber- preserving the beauty of the Woods C~ty Council, sitting as lin dispute. This informal pro- building, agreed that the pho~o- the board of appeals, As board posal seems to imply a retreat graphic reproduction of, the Fatally Stricken While At- of appeals, the City Council has from Moscow's previous refusal modifie'd b u i I din g satisfied tending Testimonia! Din- the power to change present to negotiate unless the Western them completely on this point. d zonIng restrictions, allowing the nations agreed in advance to the Will Double Capacity ner for Judge Tha. property in questioll to be used conclusion of a German peace rhe two.story bay to be con- deus Machrowicz for other than residential pur- treaty recognizing the perma- strueted at the center of the poses, nent division of Germany and main wing of the High School 'Louis C, Rabaut, United i\Ia)' Be Decided terminating Allier', occupation of where the gracefut pediment States Representative in This, in essence, is the ques- West Germany, and pillars nnw stand will add Congress from the 14th Dis- tion to be decided at the Grm,se The Soviets now are prepared more than 6,000 squnre' feet of trict, died Sunday night, Pointe Woods regular council to negotiate on the basis of badly needed floor space to November 12, while attend- meeting on Monday, ~\fovember three points: agreement among the facility, A present seating ing a testimonial dinner in 20, at 7:30 p,m,: shall the Coun- the three Allied occupying pow- capacity of about 115 PUPI'Is \\'1'II the Knights of Columbus cil change the existing zoning restrictions? ers and the USSR on a new The architects for the addition to the Grosse Pointe job will appear. The focal portico of the present struc- be more than doubled so that Hall, 963? Conant,. Ham- I b - Ten years is a tong time to status for West Berlin which High School Library have engaged in some fancy ture will be removed and replaced on the front of' the approximate y 235 may e ac- ti'amck, l'n honor of Fed- t d d h '"b ' argue any poin , It is particu- would guarantee the' fnledom photographic acrobatics to picture how the completed 100 by 30 feet addition to the pres-ent library. eommq ate in t e 11 rary Sl- eral Judge Thaddeus M, 1 11th G ' of the city's inhabitants and multaneously, This will put the ar y ong, crosse POinte freedom of access to the free capacity more ne'arly -in line Machrowicz. Clinic feels, in view of the fact city of West Berlin; East Ger- with standards set by various The 74-year-old politician had that on three scparate occasions, many's recognition of this new Symphony's, Neighborhood Club Rounds ,Chorus Plans accrediting agencies and library just been introduced by Re- May of 1956, May of 1959, and stat!)S; and agreement on ,the associations, corder's J u d g eAr t h u I' J, June of 1960, the Phnning Com- part of the Western powers, in- - Koscinski when he collapsed, mission recommelided to the Out 50, 'Years of Service Construction plans envisioned Dr, Raymond Suwinski, one of Woods Council that thc Clinic's eludtng West Germany, to re- Concert Sc't Yule Concert by the school board and its ar- more than 1,000 persons atlend- parking lot petition be approved, spect East German sovereignty, chiteet, Eart Meyers, revolve ing the dinner, attemptcd to re- It is extraordinarily long, the For Sunday For Pointe Residents I December 3 '" . '" All around their intention to pre- vive the congressman until the Grosse Pointe Clinic believes, Saturday, November ,11 -serve the architectural features fire rescue squad and police when one considers that the ELWOOD P. ENGEL, former Opening Events of Season True Community Center Had Its Modest Beginnings in Program- to Include Variety of the present strueturc, The arrived, majority of the: offices in the chief of advanced and interna- to be Held in Parcells . Meetings in Rivard Boulevdrd Followed by of Compositions for aforement\oned pediment and Doctors 'at st, Francis Hospl. immediate vicinity of the Clinic tional styling at Ford Motor II H do k S pillars are to be moved forward tal, Hamtramck, worked for an have parking lots similar to the 'Co" today assumed the office Auditorium with Re- , .sma ea quarters 1n a treet I Holiday Season intact and attached to the new hour and 15 minutes, admini- one the Clinic contemplates con- of director of styling for Chrys- ' t St CI ' front in a position similar to sterl'ng ox-"gen' and massagl'n'!! structing, already in operation_ ception Following Located in the heart of t h e f ive P omtes a , aIr h J _ , ler Corp. Engel will be formal- The IOO-plus voice Grosse that w ich t,11le'ynow oc.cuP)', the heart, before Rabaut was Three facts are necessary III ly elected a Chrysler vice presi- and Waterloo, the Neighborhood Club of Gros~e Pointe Pointe Community Chorus Maso~ry detaLs and other I~ems finally pronounced dead at 10:40 order to understand the present dent by the corporation's direc- En t h us i a s i i c Grosse has been serving the community since 1911, quietly will present its Ninth An- will be re~roduced or dupl1eat- p,m, situation, Fact No, 1: the Grosse tors at their next meeting De- Pointers are anticipating a doing a b'ig job for ail Grosse Pointe residents. nual Christmas Can c e r t cd as falt~uIly as clrc~m-I Ignored Advice Pointe Clinic needs additional cember 7, He will succeed Yirgil capacity audience Sunday It occupies thc entire block'S , I stances permit, board spokes- 1 Judge Machrowki., \1 ho with parking, Fact No, 2: nobody Sunday, December 3, at t t I' t to k' " 1\1. Exner, '.he man responsible afternoon when the Grosse bordered by Charlevoix, Water- own community, and directed by men slate, several other f r i end s rushed wan s 0 lye npx a par Ill" for the "forward look" and the Pointe Symphony Orches- 100, St, Clair and Neff, This George Elworthy, 3:30 p,m" in the auditorium To Cost $200,000 from the dinner to the hospital, tot. Fact No, 3: legally, nobody of Parcells Junior High dm do anything with the prop- placing of fins on Chrysler cars, tra opens its ninth season h~g: area is operated at the Now the mOst active organi. School, Mack at Vernier As soon as the detailed plans stated th,at Rabaut ~ew he \I:as erty in question except build who plans to establish his own of symphonic concerts at mmrmum ?f ~xpense and, man- zation in Grosse Pointe, the road, and specifications are ready the not feehng well.