Shuniah, Ontario a Municipality with a Silver Lining
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TheThe ShuniahShuniah NewsNews Shuniah, Ontario A Municipality with a Silver Lining Volume Seven, Issue One January 2017 Shuniah Public Works 2ND NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE - ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING PROCESS HIGHWAY 527 WASTE DISPOSAL SITE by Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations The Municipality has acquired an ciated with the change of use of Projects document. For further in- OR- existing wood waste disposal site, Highway 527 Waste Disposal Site. formation, to provide comments (via along Highway 527, approximately The Phase 1 Environmental Screen- formal letter or email), or to be McIntosh Perry Consulting 10 km north of Highway 17/11, for ing Process Report can be viewed on added to the project mailing list, Engineers Ltd. the purposes of future disposal of the Municipal website at www.shu- please contact either of the follow Lisa Marshall, P.Eng. domestic waste generated within and/or a hard copy of the ing Project Team members: Project Manager/Engineer the boundaries of Shuniah. Please report may be viewed at the Munic- 115 Walgreen Road, R.R.3 refer to Key Plan. Under the exist- ipal office. Municipality of Shuniah Carp, Ontario, K0A 1L0 ing Ministry of Environment and A Public Information Centre Craig Baumann Phone: 613-836-2184 ext. 2224 Climate Change (MOECC) Cerifi- (PIC#1) is being planned to present Manager of Operations Email: cate of Approval, the waste disposal the Environental Screening process 420 Leslie Avenue [email protected] site is currently only permitted to to date including the potential envi- Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7A 1X8 This notice can also be viewed on receive woodwaste. The proposed ronmental effects, concerns and/or Phone: (807) 983-2550 the Municipal website at: change of use from a woodwaste issues associated with the change of Email: [email protected] disposal site to a domestic waste use of the waste disposal site. The site is considered a project listed PIC will allow time for interested under Part 3 of the Waste Manage- parties to review the display boards ment Projects Regulation. There- and ask questions pertaining to the fore, the Municipality of Shuniah project. The PIC will be held: has commenced an Environmental Wednesday, January 25th, 2017, Screening Process. MacGregor Recreation Centre, 800 The purpose of this 2nd manda- Lakeshore Drive, Shuniah, 4:30 p.m. tory notice is to advise governing – 6:30 p.m. (open house format). agencies, the intersted parties and Input and comments are invited Aboriginal communities that a for incorporation into the Environ- Phase 1 Environmental Screening mental Screening Processes for this Process Report has been prepared project and will be received until for the Highway 527 Waste Disposal February 3rd, 2017. Subject to com- Site. The report defines the Prob- ments received and the receipt of lem Statement, provides a project necessary approvals, the Municipal- description, documents the existing ity of Shuniah intends to proceed conditions (natural and socio-eco- with the Environmental Screening nomic environments) and identifies Process as defined in the Guide to the potential environmental ef- Environmental Assessment Re- fects, concerns and/or issues asso- quirements for Waste Management ATVs in Shuniah Mayor and Council will be bringing forward a by-law to allow ATV’s on Shuniah roads to Council's January 24, 2017 meeting. If passed, the By- law will be in effective March 1, 2017. A copy of the draft By-law can be ob- A Huge THANK YOU to Tbaytel! tained at the Municipal Office or re- The Shuniah Youth Centre was awarded $500 from “Tbaytel for Good” which viewed online at: supports projects that build strong and healthy communities across North- ern Ontario. These generous funds will go to provide kids in our community The Municipality is looking to include all Municipal roads for the use and en- free boxing fitness classes and Adventures in cooking classes. Check out the joyment of ATV's/ORV's. The by-law is proposing to regulate the speed lim- Shuniah Recreation page for more information on registering your child in its for ATV's on roads with a posted speed greater than 50 km/h to be reduced these fantastic programs. to 40 km/h and posted speed of less than 50 km/h the speed for ATV's will be reduced to 20 km/h. Council is further looking at allowing the use of ATV's anytime between 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset. You can find NEW! TO THE official sunrise/sunset times at the National Research Council of Canada's MACGREGOR RECREATION CENTRE website. AGE FRIENDLY EXERCISE CLASSES- The Highway Traffic Act sets out requirements and standards for the opera- tion of ATV's/ORV's within Ontario. MOBILITY, FLEXIBILILTY AND STRENGTH Please familiarize yourself with the regulations by reviewing the Highway First class on Monday January 16th is FREE of charge! Traffic Act and its Regulations at: Get rid of ankle and knee pain! Gain range of motion in your shoulders and hips! Increase your mobility and strengthen your muscles! or visit the MTO website at: LET’S USE IT – SO YOU DON’T LOSE IT! Driving responsibly and adhering to the rules of the road will ensure that the FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE THE Municipality will be able to continue providing this privilege to our citizens “MACGREGOR RECREATION CENTRE” PAGE 10 now and in the future. Public Input into Caribou Island – 2016 Update TransCanada Pipeline Route by Gary Davies Meeting: MacGregor Rec Centre Tues Jan 17, 2017 5-7pm The Common Voice Northwest En- Tanice Marcella, the Chair of the The Nature Conservancy of ergy East Task Force is looking for Energy East Task Force announced Canada (NCC) has had a very suc- public input into what a significant that public meetings will be held in cessful year on Lake Superior, water crossing looks like along Tran- 12 different communities along or marked by the purchase of the 2,500 sCanada Pipeline’s route for their near the line from January 16 to 27. acre (1,011 ha) Big Trout Bay Nature Energy East conversion project. “We will need to rely on the public Reserve property in Neebing. The Common Voice Northwest has re- and officials, particularly those who ongoing management of NCC’s ceived intervenor funding from the use the land and understand its true other properties on Lake Superior, National Energy Board to develop a nature, to inform us as to the ele- including our portion of Caribou Is- Northwestern Ontario definition of a ments in their area that will need to land, also produced positive results. ‘significant water crossing.” Tran- be protected in the event of a This past summer, NCC’s Caribou sCanada Pipelines has promised to pipeline spill, should the NEB ap- Island property was monitored with provide enhanced protection to prove the conversion” she said. the assistance of local camp owner those areas where it crosses a signif- Bill Covello. We at NCC are very icant water crossing and the Task Further information can be found thankful for Bill’s help providing Force wants the public to help define at: transport to and from the island, what those crossings as well as sen- and for his continuing enthusiastic sitive areas look like. support for the work we do. What were NCC’s observations on Caribou Island for 2016? On a Shuniah Police Services Board positive note, several bald eagles by Don Smith , Chair - Shuniah Police Services Board were spotted, with at least one ac- In an attempt to control policing tive nest. On the downside, how- problems. At no time do we suggest ever, some garbage was found left costs in Shuniah the Shuniah Police you Do Not Call if personal safety or Services Board and the OPP would behind on the shore of the inland property is at issue. lake. like to remind and encourage citi- At this time, I would also like to zens to be cognizant of unwarranted In addition to our site monitor- take the opportunity to welcome ing, NCC has posted a sign to mark calls for service to the OPP. Karen Cameron Powell as the new The OPP have a non-emergency the start of a hiking trail that runs Provincially Appointed Member of from the south shore of the island phone number (1-800-310-1222) our Board. Bill Covello with new NCC sign on plus complaints can be made on Hoping all our residents enjoyed a to the small inland lake on the top Caribou Island (NCC photo) line. Issues such as - lot line dis- safe Holiday season and I would re- of the island. This is a short but putes - neighbour disputes - barking mind you that the Board meets the wonderful hike with spectacular dogs etc are not core police func- 3rd Monday of each month and all views of Lake Superior. NCC wel- tions and unless violence or threats meetings are open to the public. comes public use of this trail with are involved we would ask you to the expectation that all who make use the non-emergency and online use of it will “Take only photo- complaints system to resolve these graphs and leave only footprints.” NCC will continue to monitor the Caribou Island property and to work to secure other critical habitat on Lake Superior. If you have any ques- tions or concerns regarding the use or management of Caribou Island, or would like to support NCC’s con- servation efforts, please contact Gary Davies, Northwestern Ontario Program Director at [email protected] or go to to donate and learn more.