Gedling - Development Sites Site Information Availability Market Appeal Market Appeal Criteria n

Ref_No Sub-Ref Name Status Site Status Market sector Planning Comment Score Overall market appeal comment Internal Internal Environment External External Environment Accessi Accessibility by road Accessib Accessibility by public Local Local Market Conditions Average a l a d h P (Grid Ref) e status Environ Comment Environ Comment bility by comment ility by transport comment Market Comment

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e ment ment road public Condition o c z d i o Score Score Score transport s Score S L A E1(a) 451936 / Top Wighay Allocated YES 9 Vacant site - Mixed - Mainly Gen. Allocation Available The property is not being 2 - Good This site has many qualities its 2 Triangular shaped site, 3 Generally the surrounds 2 Road infrastructure is score 2 Bus routes operate from 3 This location is relatively 2.4 350999 Farm greenfield Ind. openly marketed and currently accessibility and profile being the some site leveling works are rural. Wighay provides good due to the to via untested. Nearby schemes retains its farmland/greenfield strongest. This would prove to be a good would be required. a dense residential area, proximity of the A611, this route and as such at Newstead and in status. We are not aware of development site for B1 or B8 uses. Positioned immediately upon north of town, which is dueled Public Transport is good. Hucknall are well occupied any options or ongoing a roundabout (A611/B6011) however the distance virtually all the way to and given the good profile of negotiations upon the site. & assume access could be between the site and J27 M1. this site suggesting provided direct from this. dwellings is sufficient to development would be Good profile with long avoid nuisance. successful. frontage onto southern Commercial premises carriageway of A611. nearby include the ambulance station and the Notts International Clothing Centre (educational). Light industrial (B1) small warehousing (B8) uses would be appropriate at this location. We assume all services are available to the site.

E1(c) 461088 / Former Gedling Allocated YES 6 Vacant site - General Ind. Allocation Available The property is not being 5 - Very The site is part of 'English Partnerships 5 The sloping site comprises a 4 The site is generally poorly 4 Albeit positioned off 4 Bus routes do not seem to 4 The site is isolated. 4.2 344003 Colliery brownfield openly marketed and we are Poor National Coalfield Programme' and East triangular shape positioned surrounded by Gedling Road, the site connect along Arnold Road, Surrounded only by not aware of any options or Midlands Development Agency are development opportunity the former colliery site does not benefit from however, City Transport brownfield and greenfield. negotiations existing upon the working on a master plan to bring forward that lacks good access (open brownfield land) and good access. The site routes are available within The key areas of supply will site. the whole Gedling Colliery / Chase Farm provided around the fairly isolated as a result. itself is connected by a walking distance on be in Arnold or in Gedling site. The Gedling Colliery / Chase Farm Household Waste Centre. narrow lane which Plains and itself and demand is likely to site is allocated for mixed development would need widening Gedling Road be drawn to these towns as (residential and employment uses) and a for a commercial use. opposed to the colliery new country park. The site will only come The position behind which is limited on facilities forward when the new Gedling Colliery / the Household Waste and access. Chase Farm Access Road is built. If the Centre will also need land is developed as part of the master reviewing as this would plan the employment allocation will not be be insufficient in its a poor site. However the delivery of this existing layout. site is 5 years +.

E1(f) 463120 / Teal Close Allocated YES 17 Vacant site - Mixed - Mainly Gen. Allocation Available The site is vacant and we are 2 - Good The new road will unlock this opportunity 3 The site is relatively regular 3 The site is surrounded by 2 The new A612 Gedling 2 The Loop Road is a 3 Victoria Park has proved to 2.6 341838 greenfield Ind. not aware of any options or and providing an appropriate access can in shape with access greenfield, a buffer area Transport major bus route and be a relatively successful negotiations ongoing upon the be considered this could provide a good provided from Teal Close exists between the site Improvement Scheme therefore bus's do and will development. A mix of units site. The Environment Agency opportunity for small to medium scale (rear of Victoria Park). The and any other will provide a new continue to pass this site. provide a range of sizes and have confirmed in writing that development of light industrial units. A612 Relief Road works are development (apart from route through the site, type of occupier. A high % they would not object to the underway and the proposed Vic Park). We are aware the new route will of the estate is currently proposed allocation on flood road will pass along the that a drain exists across redirect 18,000 occupied. One or two large risk grounds. It will be frontage of the site to the site but have no vehicles per day from operators are rumored to be necessary for detailed encourage traffic to avoid information regarding the the Shearing Hill considering relocation but development proposals on the the Shearing Hill bottle neck connection of services. junction. these are generally from the site to be supported by a (linking the Colwick Loop retail element of Vic Park. detailed Flood Risk Road to Burton Road). Assessment.

E2 461502 / Hillcrest Park, Allocated YES 3 Vacant site - Mixed - Mainly Gen. Allocation Available The site remains vacant, 2 - Good Hill Crest Park provides a good mix of 3 By excluding the residential 3 Natural extension of the 4 Generally limited 2 Park Road provides regular 3 Generally the area is 3 350314 Calverton brownfield Ind. albeit signs suggest it is in the small starter units through to larger scheme, the remaining land existing industrial area. access provisions. bus services which is a successful and relatively ownership of VF possibly for manufacturing premises. The provides regular shaped Some residential use on School nearby ensures short walk from Hillcrest established locally for light future expansion. Part of the infrastructure will limit any large scale plots that can be accessed east side and new busy periods during Park industrial use. All built units site has been sold and the development, however, small schemes from Hoyle Road. residential scheme the day. are occupied. Cherry Orchards residential are probably better suited to the location. underway on western side, scheme is being developed by school opposite on south BOVIS Homes along the side. Existing industrial western flank of the site. uses support assumption that all services are available in the vicinity.

Note: The views expressed are those of Lambert Smith Hampton and not necessarily the client team. Sites were surveyed in Autumn 2006.

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Ref) o c z a d i l o S A L Status P E1(b) 463238 / Victoria Park, Allocated YES 3.5 Currently in Non B Use 2 - Good Site is in use with British Car No buildings on site. Currently Good Positioned to the rear of Victoria Retain 340803 Netherfield use Auctions. Rear site upon used for storage for British Car Park, established mixed use Business Park, potential for B1 Auctions park just of A612 (Nottm - light industrial development if Newark) BCA moved.

E1(d) 451846 / North of Allocated YES 2 Currently in General Ind. Allocation 2 - Good Good site in good position Good New build units meeting Good Modern buildings meeting Retain 353214 Hazelford Way use close to J27 of M1. Units modern occupier occupier requirements occupied and phased requirements. development has proved successful. E1(e) 460103 / Former Calverton Allocated YES 9 Currently in Non B Use Allocation 3 - Large site currently providing Average Limited buildings on site. Average Semi-rural location. Retain 350260 Colliery use Average accommodation for vehicle Generally used for surface Approximately 4 miles from storage (Richard C Tuxford storage and recycling centre A614. Connecting roads Exports Ltd). Location is satisfactory for commercial use. reasonable as roads are satisfactory. Future development on the site would be cantered around B1 light industrial uses.

E3 462788 / Victoria Business Retention of YES 26 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 2 - Good The site has gradually Good Generally quite modern Good Positioned just off the Colwick Retain 341080 Park Employment use Warehousing established itself as a good premises (approx 10 years) Loop Road (A612), to the business park on the Eastern with high occupancy levels. immediate South East of side of Nottm. Key occupiers The buildings meet modern Netherfield. The accessibility to include Findel, Parcel Force occupier requirements and Nottm is good via A612 and Pilkington. Numerous demand would be steady for approximately 4 miles to the buildings on VBP are units should they become West. associated with logistics and vacant. distribution, which is generally uncharacteristic for other estates positioned on the East of Nottm.

E3 461456 / Hillcrest Park, Retention of YES 3 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 2 - Good VF are key employer in the Good Relatively modern buildings Average Accessibility generally limited Retain 350057 Calverton Employment use Gen. Ind. area and the starter units on (portal frame units with profile due to connecting B roads. Hill Crest Park provide a good cladding) from starter units on Residential dwellings on mix of premises in the locality. Hill Crest Park to larger Mansfield Lane and two school VF own expansion land nearby manufacturing premises premises positioned opposite on so have potential long term occupied by VF and Daleside Park Road, albeit main HGV interest in the site. New Group. access to VF premises is to the residential scheme proposed rear away from the school. on Western side of site through Bovis suggesting commercial occupiers are compatible with residential use. Site has consent for light industrial units.

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Ref) o c z a d i l o S A L Status P E3 461808 / Colwick Industrial Retention of YES 98 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 3 - An established part of the Average This large site/estate provides Good Despite not being on the Retain 340852 Estate Employment use Gen. Ind. Average Nottm industrial market. This a complete range of buildings, motorway side of Nottm, this large supply of second hand occupiers and businesses. Old estate, to the east of the city, space that is relatively cheap second hand, poor workshops has traditionally provided a good has played an important role in sit alongside a modern office supply of relatively cheap, edge Nottm's industrial market by scheme. The range of of town commercial space. providing affordable premises. buildings and their condition Many businesses stay in the The proposed regeneration of and quality ensures that a locality due to price differentials land to the west of Colwick, wide variety of occupiers can elsewhere in Nottingham. fronting the may locate to suitable premises. Access to and from the city is result in a high number of reasonably good and public occupiers seeking relocation to transport services are regular Colwick and occupational and efficient. costs are expected to increase in the area. Colwick is an integral part of the future commercial market of Nottm due to its close proximity to the centre and its public transport connections.

E3 454870 / Park Road, Retention of YES 7 Currently in General Ind. Full PP 3 - Access is limited for Average 2nd hand buildings built Average Accessibility is relatively limited, Retain 347432 Bestwood Village Employment use Average commercial traffic, this is a key around 1970's. Many show however, small distribution detracting factor for the site. their age but still offer cheaper company and bus operator are Speed bumps in road linking alternative to modern located on site. Adjacent site location to nearest A road. premises by offering larger being marketed for residential Demand will be limited, yards and circulation areas. use suggests that confidence however, the opportunity of and demand for commercial use cheaper space with large yard is rapidly diminishing. areas will attract some interest to the area. Residential land for sale adjacent to employment element

E3 457962 / Portland Street, Retention of YES 4 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 3 - Good site with some key Average Half of the site comprises the Good Frontage on to Mansfield Road Retain 345007 Daybrook Employment use Gen. Ind. Average occupiers. Well located with former Home Brewery (A60), positioned close to good accessibility. premises partly refurbished to Nottingham's outer ring road. provide offices for Notts CC, a Generally a commercial area. new Vauxhall dealership, Royal Mail depot and McD's. The remainder comprises Frank Key's builders merchants yard and numerous smaller second hand workshops along Portland St and Morley St. Mix of age and style, some better than others, overall assessment average.

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Ref) o c z a d i l o S A L Status P E3 459433 / Brookfield Road / Retention of YES 8 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 3 - Average Some better than others, John Average In amongst a predominantly Consider for release 345576 Rolleston Drive, Employment use Gen. Ind. Average occupy high % of the site. Lewis Depot, Arrow Vehicle residential area which Arnold Two units available, Frudds Hire, good quality, Frudds, completely surrounds the site. are interested in relocating. Clearpoint are OK, but 2nd Roads OK but busy, positioned These parts could be released. hand and a number of units on the edge of Arnold Town Ashtenne Business Centre are on the market. Lack good Centre so well served for seems reasonably well let and height and yard space. facilities perhaps this element should Overall assessment is be retained. average.

E3 457922 / Mansfield Road, Retention of YES 1 Currently in Non B Use Full PP 5 - Very The is a long narrow site with a Poor Numerous terraces of Poor Immediate frontage onto the Consider for release 344936 Arnold Employment use Poor high frontage:depth ratio. This premises providing a mix of Mansfield Road (A60) with no does not permit successful residential and retail use. on street parking permitted. large scale commercial Generally these are buildings Busy frontage onto one of development. Multiple from early 1900's providing Nottingham's main arterial ownership makes the site accommodation over 3 routes. Residential uses complex. It is unlikely to storeys. Buildings do not prominent to the west. attract good calibre tenants, attract good quality occupiers. those there are service providers to the nearby dense resi population, this is likely to continue.

E3 457734 / Salop Street, Retention of YES 5 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 3 - Fully occupied site except for Average A variety of buildings and Average Frontage to Mansfield Road Retain 345391 Arnold Employment use Gen. Ind. Average the Daybrook Linen premises businesses. SGB Hire centre (A60), close proximity to which subject to clean up will occupy new premises, Former Nottingham outer ring road and provide a prominent Daybrook Linen site is vacant link to city centre is good. redevelopment site. and will probably be Residential use is prominent to redeveloped. Mirabel and the west of the site. ERF occupy units of approx 15 years old, Bexons and Clearpoint occupy buildings of approx 20 years old. Ambulance Station is quite old and VW dealership has been refurbished recently. All generally sound with future use in commerce.

E3 459210 / Catton Road Retention of YES 1 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 4 - Poor The site is a small industrial Average Small units built between the Poor Positioned in predominantly Consider for release 345825 Employment use Gen. Ind. area providing approximately 6- 1950s and 1980s, some portal residential area just off Coppice 7 units upon a cul-de-sac. The frame, some brick elevations Road. Located on the Eastern site is quite congested as the with lightweight roof trusses. side of Arnold approximately 1 units offer limited parking, this Generally single aspect mile from the main centre. overspills onto the highway. buildings with forecourt yard The buildings are showing and parking. signs of wear and tear and possibly would attract future interest, however, superior alternative locations are available within the sites considered.

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Ref) o c z a d i l o S A L Status P E3 457598 / Sherbrook Road, Retention of YES 1.5 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 4 - Poor Despite the refurbishment take Average The Sherbrook Business Poor Sherbrook Road is a Consider for release 344896 Daybrook Employment use Gen. Ind. up of the premises has been Centre provides refurbished predominantly residential area slow even at rents of £2 per portal framed buildings, of terraced dwellings. The sq.ft. Limited access and divisible into units of varying street permits resident parking congestion are its two main sizes (5,000 sq.ft. to 72,000 which does congest the area for problems and these will not be sq.ft.) The buildings are in vehicle movement. Sherbrook overcome. Superior good condition and provide Road does connect to Mansfield alternative sites are available reasonable quality storage Road (A60) which is a key to occupiers in the market space. arterial route in and out of place. Nottingham.

E3 461717 / Station Road, Retention of YES 0.2 Currently in General Ind. Full PP 3 - Site provides useful supply of Average Small workshops built around Average Relatively central in Carlton. Retain 341502 Carlton Employment use Average accommodation within Carlton. 1970. Reasonable state of Mixed uses nearby including The units are relatively cheap repair, good for the purpose. office, retail and residential and small, ideal for the type of occupiers attracted.

E3 456481 / Bewcastle Road, Retention of YES 0.4 Currently in General Ind. Full PP 3 - Reasonable location which Good Reasonably good quality Average Positioned within reasonable Retain 346277 Bestwood Park Employment use Average provides good quality second second hand buildings proximity to Nottingham's outer hand space. Adjacent to ring road and A60. Accessed Nottm City Council scheme through predominantly and future demand is expected residential area. Location suits in the location if buildings building size and likely come available. occupiers thereof.

E3 451835 / South of Retention of YES 3 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 2 - Good Good quality semi-rural Good Generally good quality Good Positioned on North side of Retain 353092 Hazelford Way, Employment use Gen. Ind. industrial location. Good buildings providing Newstead with relatively good Newstead occupiers including Met-Clad accommodation meeting most access provided to J27 of M1. Contracts, Saf-fire Products, modern occupier Residential use nearby but light as well as numerous smaller requirements. Most units are industrial operations would not units all occupied upon the detached with self contained cause nuisance. estate as a whole. Phased yards which are avery development has assisted in attractive feature in the current the success. market.

E3 457962 / Former Home Retention of YES 4 Currently in Mixed - Mainly Full PP 2 - Good Good site with some key Average Former Home Brewery Good Frontage on to Mansfield Road Retain 345007 Brewery, Employment use Gen. Ind. occupiers. Well located with premises refurbished to (A60), positioned close to Daybrook good accessibility. provide Premises for Notts Nottingham's outer ring road. CC. New Vauxhall dealership, Generally a commercial area. Royal Mail depot and McD's. Frank Key's builders merchants yard and numerous smaller second hand workshops along Portland St and Morley St. Mix of age and style, some better than others, overall assessment average.

Note: The views expressed are those of Lambert Smith Hampton and not necessarily the client team. Sites were surveyed in Autumn 2006.

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