Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1962-06-21

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1962-06-21 Dean 'of Nursirig The Weather '. Fitir .. ,.rtty deuIf, ......... tenltjllt with widely ec.tt.red Resigns SUI Post ttwlllcIont.,.,.., Ilbly. Lit t I • af owan ch.,.. in t.mper.twe. SUI Dean of l1f ing ~Iar Kelly Illllant> will f{'Sign l'ffl"C- \ live October 1 to become D an of th oil ge of !\ursing t the niversity of Illinois ~Iedical Center in hicago. Established in Jill Aaociated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto 5 C ts per Copy Her appointment \ as approved Wedne day by the sity of Illinois board of trustees. Dean Mullane, who has been in her present position since 1959. ex­ The News pressed regret at leaving: "I h.v. .nioyed my woric .t SU I ¥try much, .nd It II • fin. In Brief High Altitude Blast Failure Unlv.rslty. I f.. 1 there has bHn r ••1 prOlrMI made in the Col· Iy The Associ .......,.... .... of Nunln,. The opportuni. WASHINGTON - John lor. BaUey ties for me both person.lly 'nd said Wednesday he has /lO intm­ professionally .t the University lion of re ifnin( as chairman ?f of IlIinoil .re too ,oad to turn the Democratic National Commit­ down." tee. Provost Harvey Davis, speaking Bailey. also CoMecticut state Called 'Temporary -Setback' chairman, said he hoped news for President Virgil M. Hancher said: media would keep his denial state­ ment on file so that " I won't have "Dean Mullane has done excel­ to I ue it every time the Repub­ lent work for the University and licans find a (Ullible publication Both Misfires the College of Nursing, for which in which to plant this untrue ru· Air Engineers the University is most appreci­ mor." ative. We wish her all success in • • • her new pos!. WASHINGTON Pr ldenl Cancel Offer AHributed to Dun Mull.n. ree.lvtcl her Kennedy and Australlan Prime nurs.'s tr.lnin, .t Holy N.me finlster Robert G. Menzies said Hospit.1 school of nurling, Tun· Wednesday they believed satisfac­ eck, N.J. She r.c.ived her B.A. tory solutions ould be found to To Arbitrate Rocket Device .nd M.A .•t Columbi. University trade problems of llIeir two coon­ in N.w York. trie . WA HINGTON "" - An inter:lsl Nuclear Apparatus Looking for They I ued a communlque after wrall(le within the 3,OOO·member She earned her Ph.D: at the Uni· three days or talks that covered night engine r union threatened Not To Blame; versity of Chicago in 1951. major­ among oliler things Britain's pro­ Wednesday night to thwart a care­ Say U.S. Officials ing in Administration in Higher posed entry Into the European fully worked out government plan Education. Work? You're Common Market. for ttlement of the tangled air­ WASHINGTON fA! - Some U.s.. From 1944 to 1952 she was as· • • • lin s labor di put . orf cia conceded Wednesday that sociate professor and assistant to IERLIN - The East German Secretary of Labor Arthur J . failure (or the second time of thl the dean of nursing at Wayme Not Alone Interior 1inlstry reported Wednes· Goldber( and hi aide were on country's eJfort to fire a nuclear State University, Detroi t. day night the frustration of a Ihe brink of a ttl ment with n . device at a high altitlld is n pro- She W.I honored " "Detroit Looking for a summer job in breakout attempt by a dOlen men (oUators repr senting night engi. paganda embarra nl. Nvrsa of the Y•• r" In I'SI .nd Iowa City? So are about 500 other through Berlln's Red wall. neers on Trans-World Airlin . But the official said they ex· In 1960 w.s n.m.d to Slim. people. • • • They hoped it would al 0 lead to pected only a t mporary tback Thet. T.u, nation. I honor so­ Bernard C. Barber, local manag­ MOSCOW - Shirley t.acLnine is settlem nt on Pan American World in the nuclear test pro ram it If­ ci.ty In nursl",. er of the Iowa State Employment &0 fru trnted by 10 days in the AJrwa},s tlnd E tern Air Lin . a setback in th Umf' hedule ot lut ....r. w.r. doubts ....t Uft.­ Presently Dean Mul1ane is an of­ Service said there are approxi­ Soviet UnJon that she said she th PtlClfic l ts, not in lh atom I. licer or active in six organizations, mately 500 applications on file would like to come back and len aclttrenta en P.n Am .nd dev lopm nt a~pects . including the American Nurses As­ currently. "Some of them may "dance the can-can naked in Red Ii • ...". IIleed the cIotl. In bettI f.llure., It Wit the C8'" sociation, National League for have round jobs on their own," Square every Mil)' Day." The unJon sudd nly withdrew its rle,. rocket IYstem - not the nu­ Nursing, the Nursing Research sec­ he said. The frustrations of the Holly. offer to nrbllrate outstanding eco­ e"'r devlc. - ..... I'MHunctlon­ tion of the Natlonal Institutes of wood actress included robbery of nomic i u with Pan Am and ed. On June 4, the trllCklng .ys. Most of th.l. .ppllc.nt. .r. her bnggage In Lenlnerad, a balky Ea tcrn. Health, and Iowa Nurses Associ­ -university stucMntl ...kln, lum· ..m w.nt .wry. This time there ation. draw bridge and being tossed oul Pre ident Kenn dy earlier moved w.. undlsclostcl troultle In the m.r work, .Ithough some of th.m of her hotel room at midnight. In In on another airline labor di..< pute She and Mr. Mullane reside here .re luniors .nd senlon In hlth ml.. lle Itself. addition, she had to pay for her to head off (or at last 60 days a The Air Force wa particularly I at 1713 East Court St. school. trip twice. trike threatened for midnight Fri· chagrined, since the flop marred Almost all or the applicant will • • • day on American Airlines. This in· take any job that i available­ the otherwl lood record oC its WASHINGTON - A House ub. volv d diCCer nt i su and a dif­ Thor missiles, Th Thor bllS been N.Y. Judge and that means construction work committee inv UgaUn, th Billie ferent AFL-CIO union. around Iowa City. However, con· u cd 82 Um In a varl ty of pace Sol Estes case postponed Wednes­ n wa reported that the govern­ ond scientific experiment . It wos tractors just aren't hiring sum· day until next wetk another hear· ment pro po al Cor seltlill( the r ted tI succe in 72 o[ Lho e shots. Quits Bench mer workers. ing which had been scheduled for TWA-engineer dispute and hope­ According to Barber this it be· Thursday. fully the Pan Am and Ea tern dis· In addition, the Thor has been cause most of the students quit The reason for the postponement putes a well, c lied for th mD ­ l st Cir d 71 times in I wtlr mI.· After IFixl in early September with almost was that the House is meeting at jar terms: lie form - 49 of th e called suc­ two months of the construction sea­ 11 a.m. Thursday, instead of the 1. En,ln.. ,. would b. 'ISUr" ce. ful . NEW YORK '.4'1 - Stale Supreme son left. " When a contractor wants usual noon. Committee meetings their union, the FlI,ht En,'n"r. Nonetheless, Int.ntlonal de­ Court Justice J . Vincent Keogh a few men, he's usually gal more cannot be held while the House is Int.m.tlon.1 Anocl,tio,," would struction of the Ther In tho I.t­ quit the bench Wednesday, his that that right at his elbow looking In session. ... ,vlr.nt.. d contlnu.d b.r,.in­ .st nucle.r t.st try ..v. the s.. career ruined by his conviction Cor work, and be .hires i¥m." • • • I". nlhh when I.t pl... cr.WI viets an eponlnt - .nd they in a $35,000 federal court fiX case. For this re.son the .....cy TACOMA. Wash. - A. lonl, wh"e are rMucH frem feur 1M" to ...,....,""" ... The Brooklyn·born Keogh, 56, is .dvl.ln, .ppllc.ntl to I •• the goverrunent launch carried one. three, .s ,....,..ect. Radio Moscow spoke I tully of had been a rising ~igure in Demo­ contr.ctor. In p.rson. time labor kingpin Dave Beck on 2. EllJlinc rs would agree to take "the imperfection of the American cratic politiCS since the 1930s, and The one really bright spot in the Wednesday to the shadowy IUe pilot training, but all presera engi· rockets." Criends said he had aspired to be employment picture right now is of a federal pl'lson Inmate for tax neers including those now Cur· The broadcast also tried to stir mayor of New York. that high school graduates who are fraud. lough d, would have a priority over concern that a runaway rocket George J. Beldock, presiding not planning to attend college have Beck remained smiling, cheerful pilot for the third·man jet crew might carry a nuclear device over justice o[ the State Supreme Court. placed permanently with local and jaunty throufl\ the entire position. inhabited territory. three·hour formaliti s preceding called in newsmen Wednesday to Cirms. " Engineers would permit TWA U.S, ofCiclall dl mi ed that pos­ read them a statement, which said The demand for girls and wo­ his departure fat McNeil Island t. .bandon • requir.ment that prison. slbUUy. They noted that the test in part: "I have just received a men as secretarles and clerks newly hired ..,.inNrs must have area around Christma and Johns­ writing from Judge Keogh, dated far exceeds the supply of appli· Twice, with a chins-up air, he mech.nlc, license •.
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