Please Complete the Following Application to Open Your Self-Directed Account. for Assistance, Monday – Friday 6 Am – 5 Pm PT

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Please Complete the Following Application to Open Your Self-Directed Account. for Assistance, Monday – Friday 6 Am – 5 Pm PT Please complete the following application to open your Self-Directed Account. For assistance, Monday – Friday am – 5 pm PT, please call 1.888.808.2947 Once complete, you can send your application to us using one of the following methods. By Fax: 402.918.6721 By Mail: BancWest Investment Services 13220 California St Omaha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nvestment and Insurance Products are: Self-Directed Trust Application BancWest Investment Services Self-Directed Trust Application •Use this form to open a self-directed Trust with BancWest Investment Services Revocable Trust - An account funded by a person who names a trustee for a designated beneficiary. The trust pervisions can be altered or canceled dependent on the grantor. Irrevocable Trust - An account funded by a person who names a trustee for a designated beneficiary. The trust pervisions cannot be altered or canceled dependent on the grantor. 1.800.338.3919 Trust Information Name of Trust Trust instrument was orginally executed on: Last amendment or Restatement Trust is governed by the laws of the state of: Tax ID: xx-xxxxxxx OR SSN: xxx-xx-xxxx Tax ID: US Social Security Grantor(s), Settlor(s), or Testator(s)/Settlor(s) who Established the Trust: (no PO Boxes) Legal Street Address (no PO Boxes) City State Zip (if different from above) Mailing Address City State Zip xxx-xxx-xxxx Primary Phone Secondary Phone Required for electronic delivery of confirmations and statements Email Address Financial Information for the Trust Annual Income $0- $50k $50k- $250k $250k- $1M $1M-$5M $5M+ Source of Income Income from Earnings Legal Settlement Insurance Proceeds Gift Spouse/Parent Inheritance Investment Proceeds Sale of Business Lottery/Gambling Proceeds Pension/IRA/Retirement Savings Net Worth $0-$25k $25k - $50k $50k - $200k $200k - $500k $500k - $1M $1M - $3M $3M+ Liquid Net Worth $0-$25k $25k- $50k $50k - $200k $200k - $500k $500k - $1M $1M - $3M $3M+ Tax Status 0% - 15% 15.1% - 32% 32.1% - 50% 50.1%+ Source of Wealth Family Wealth Business Inheritance Lottery/Gambling Ownership Legal Investments Proceeds Settlement Real Estate 20210310 202106 1 of 24 Self-Directed Trust Application Average Monthly Transactions $0-$1k $1k - $5k $5k - $10k $10k - $50k $50k+ Investment Objective for this Account Capital Preservation Aggressive Growth Tax Advantaged Income Growth/Income Total Income Risk Exposure Low Medium High Speculation USA Patriot Act Information Are you or anyone with an interest in the account either (1) a senior military, Yes No governmental, or political official, or (2) closely associated with an immediate family member of such an official? If Yes, Name of the Official Office Held Country Account Setup How will you fund your Account Check Deposit Wire Transfer ACHTransfer Transfer an existing account How would you like your account statements, trade confirmations, and Account Document Delivery Electronically tax documents delivered to you? Regular Mail (charges may apply, see Fee Schedule for details) Yes No Is the trust associated with marijuana? Yes No Is the trust associated with gambling? Yes No Does the trust operate a nonbank ATM? Yes No Does the trust own 25% of any commercial organization Trustees and their powers The Trust Agreement explicitly authorizes each of the undersigned Trustees to act individually without the approval of the other Trustees. BancWest Investment Services, Inc ("BWIS") has the If there is more than one Trustee, please authority to accept orders and other instructions in connection with the Trust account from any check one of the following: one of these Trustees, acting alone, and such Trustee may execute any documents on behalf of the Trust that BWIS may require. The Trust Agreement does not authorize the Trustees to act individually on behalf of the Trust. Trustee Number One Information Title Mr Mrs Ms DR Prof Sir MDM Name ( First, MI, Last) Address same as Trust (no PO Boxes) Legal Street Address (no PO Boxes) City State Zip Contact info same as Trust Primary Phone Secondary Phone Personal Information MM/DD/YYYY Date of Birth ID Type xxx-xx-xxxx Social Security Number ID Number Country of Citizenship Country if applicable US Resident Alien Yes No State Gender Issue Date Marital Status Exp Date Number of Dependents 202106 2 of 24 Self-Directed Trust Application Employment Information Employment Status Employed Retired Self Employed Unemployed *Previous Occupation if Occupation* Retired/Unemployed Employer Name Employer Address Employer City, St, Zip Nature of Business Yes No Are you a Senior Officer, Director or 10% Shareholder of a publicly traded company? Company if Yes Yes No Are you an Employee of this Broker-Dealer (BWIS) Yes No Are you an Employee of ANOTHER Broker - Dealer Yes No Employee or related to an employee of a Stock Exchange or FINRA Yes No Are you related to an Employee of this Broker-Dealer (BWIS) Yes No Are you related to an Employee of ANOTHER Broker-Dealer If any of the above are Yes please Name (First Last) anser the following Relationship Company Trustee Number Two Information Title Mr Mrs Ms DR Prof Sir MDM Name ( First, MI, Last) Address same as Trust (no PO Boxes) Legal Street Address (no PO Boxes) City State Zip Contact info same as Trust Primary Phone Secondary Phone Personal Information MM/DD/YYYY Date of Birth ID Type xxx-xx-xxxx Social Security Number ID Number Country of Citizenship Country if applicable US Resident Alien Yes No State Gender Issue Date Marital Status Exp Date Number of Dependents Employment Information Employment Status Employed Retired Self Employed Unemployed *Previous Occupation if Occupation* Retired/Unemployed 202106 3 of 24 Self-Directed Trust Application Employer Name Employer Address Employer City, St, Zip Nature of Business Yes No Are you a Senior Officer, Director or 10% Shareholder of a publicly traded company? Company if Yes Yes No Are you an Employee of this Broker-Dealer (BWIS) Yes No Are you an Employee of ANOTHER Broker - Dealer Yes No Employee or related to an employee of a Stock Exchange or FINRA Yes No Are you related to an Employee of this Broker-Dealer (BWIS) Yes No Are you related to an Employee of ANOTHER Broker-Dealer If any of the above are Yes please Name (First Last) anser the following Relationship Company Account Holder/Trustee Attestation TRUSTEE REPRESENTATIONS AND POWERS The undersigned Trustee(s) certifies that, under the Trust Agreement and/or applicable state or local law, such Trustee has the power to enter into transactions for the purchase and sale of securities and other investments, including without limitation, stocks (preferred or common), bonds, mutual funds, and certificates of deposit. The Trustee(s) has the power to maintain margin accounts, engage in option transactions and establish and maintain check writing. The undersigned Trustee(s) certifies that all transactions ordered or any other instructions given for this account by the Trustee(s) will be within the investment limitations provided by applicable law and the investment powers of the Trust, and that BWIS is not responsible for monitoring, enforcing, interpreting, or directing the actions or conduct of any Trustee, beneficiary, or other person regarding the Trust. The undersigned Trustee(s)understands that BWIS will rely on the information provided in the Trust Certification, and will not review or interpret the Trust instrument for any matters regarding the Trust's operation, even if provided with a copy of the Trust instrument. Each undersigned Trustee certifies that the Trust is currently in existence, has not been revoked, modified or amended in any manner that would cause the certifications herein to be incorrect, and agrees to inform BWIS immediately in writing of any amendment to the Trust, any change in the composition of the Trustees, or any other event that could alter the continued validity of this Trust Certification. INDEMNIFICATION The undersigned Trustee(s) jointly and severally indemnifies and hold harmless BWIS and its clearing firm, Pershing LLC, and each of their affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, successors or assigns from any liability (including attorney's fees) from and against any claims, judgments, expenses, liabilities or costs of defense or settlement arising out of or related to breach of any representation or warranty made herein, or fromeffecting any transfers or transactions pursuant to instructions given by any Trustee(s) or Successor Trustee(s), or any other action resulting frominstructions given to BWIS or Pershing LLC by such Trustee(s) or Successor Trustee(s). This indemnification is made by each Trustee in his/her capacity as a Trustee and in his/her individual capacity. This certification is in addition to (and in no way limits or restricts) any rights that BWIS may have under any other agreement or agreements between the undersigned Trustees and BWIS. 202106 4 of
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