2008 Annual Report In 2 008, Bank of the West r ec eived several industry awards t hat demonstrate our c ommitment to cu stomer s atisfaction. We t hank our l oyal customers for t he honor to se rve t hem and our em ployees for t heir hardw orking e fforts t hat made t hese recognitions possible. J. D. Po wer a nd As soci ates Bank of the West was ran ked t he “Hig hest in Cu stomer Satisfaction among Retail Banks in t he West” by J. D. Power and As soci ates. Bank of the West was ran ked hig hest in t he West regi on encom passing Calif ornia, Oregon and Washing to n, which re present nea rly half of t he bank’s c onsumer and business house holds. Gree nwich As soci ates Bank of the West was awar ded eight n at ional and reg io nal awards of excellence by financial consulting and re se arch firm Greenw ich Ass oci ates f or overall s atisfact io n in rel at io nship manager performance, cash management and online se rvices. FI NANCIA L HIGHL IGHTS (dollar amounts in thousands) 2008 2007 2006 Net interest income $ 1,749,346 $ 1,568,127 $ 1,601,285 Total noninterest income 279,016 404,045 541,715 Total noninterest expense 1,273,298 1,189,680 1,170,941 Net income 92,143 417,254 572,032 Return on average assets .15% .72% 1.04% Total assets 66,890,239 61,829,845 55,642,936 Total loans and leases 47,194,511 43,735,307 39,603,402 1 Total deposits 37,261,171 38,055,451 37,436,420 Stockholder’s equity 8,719,496 9,028,897 8,810,493 Total risk based capital ratio 10.44% 10.57% 11.27% TOTAL ASSETS NET INCOME (dollars in millions) (dollars in thousands) 06 $55,643 06 $572,032 07 $61,830 07 $417,254 08 $66,890 08 $92,143 TOTAL DEPOSITS TOTAL LOANS AND LEASES (dollars in millions) (dollars in millions) 06 $37,436 06 $39,603 07 $38,055 07 $43,735 08 $37,261 08 $47,195 MES SAGE F ROM THE C HAIRMAN AND T HE PRESI DENT & CEO The year 2008 was one of extraordinary turbulence, Our core financial strength, stability and commitment including in our markets in the Western United States.
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