$75.00 per year $7.00 U.S. A Nonpartisan Non-sectarian MAP for the Here That Is, Into the Tomorrow of Our Own Making Vol. IV No V ——–—————–———————————————————–—–——–———————— August 30, 2006 © Copyright 2006 BYBY THETHE LIGHTLIGHT OFOF AA BURNINGBURNING BRIDGEBRIDGE AA PermanentPermanent GoodbyeGoodbye toto thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates by Michael C. Ruppert “Sometimes you get your best light from a burning bridge” – Don Henley, “My Thanksgiving” (continued on page 3) Page -1- From the Wilderness [$2.8 to 4 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) debt is sold Carolyn Baker, Ph.D. by the U.S. everyday just to keep the federal government operat- Managing Editor ing. How much debt do you take on just to keep your life func- tioning? Senior Writer …………..….……….…...........Jamey Hecht, Ph.D. There are alternatives, but none that are simple or do the work Energy Affairs Editor …………………………...... Michael Kane for you. The re-localization of life on every level – from food to Newsletter Editor …………..…………..……..Brendan Flanagan finances to “vacations” – is the only solution that is sustainable Military /Veteran's Affairs Editor ……….………...…. Stan Goff in any significant sense. To get to that point it is necessary to get Webmaster…………………………………….…Spencer M. out of debt. – MK] From The Wilderness is published eleven times annually. Sub- scriptions are $75 (US) for hardcopy 11 issues. THE VALLEY OF THE From The Wilderness SHADOW OF DEBT 655 Washington St, Ashland OR, 97520 www.fromthewilderness.com editorial:
[email protected] By Carolyn Baker, Ph.D. subscriptions and customer service:
[email protected] Never before have political leaders urged such large-scale in- (541) 201-0090 * (541) 201-0091 fax debtedness on American consumers to rally the economy.