
Hinton SDC Brief - Wednesday, 15

To: SDC Staff

From: Mr. Hinton

Good Afternoon SDC:

It’s Tax Day It’s April 15th and our normally crowded offices are quiet. There are no television crews interviewing last-minute tax filers. No volunteers crunching numbers. There will be no long lines at the post office. Things are very different but please let people in your network know that SDC’s VITA team is still hard at work helping customers remotely. The filing deadline for tax returns has been extended from April 15 to 15, 2020.

Economic Stimulus Payments Once you get your economic stimulus payment, what should you do? Tune into FOX6 today at 4, 5 and 6 p.m. where our own financial coach, Warwess Holt will provide some advice!

The Treasury Department has issued the first round of payments via direct deposit, sending money to more than 80 million households that had bank-account information on file from their 2018 or 2019 tax returns. That money is starting to show up in bank accounts this week.

The IRS “Get My Payment” system (Thanks Patrick Kirsenlohr!) made its debut Wednesday, though it was experiencing high volume and wasn’t providing information to all users. By providing bank-account information, people can get their payments faster through direct deposits instead of paper checks, which take weeks or months to arrive.

To track a payment, taxpayers must provide their Social Security numbers, date of birth and mailing address. To get to the part of the site where they can provide their bank information if they want to switch from paper checks to electronic deposits, they will need to provide information from their most recent tax returns such as income and refund amount.

Here’s the link: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment?mod=article_inline

Sending Our Condolences SDC’s Human Resources and Weatherization teams asked us to share the following with you.

The mother of Michael Garcia, Crew Leader for the Weatherization Department, passed away on Easter Sunday. Our hearts go out to Mike and his family during this difficult time.

The Garcia family will be holding a private funeral. Mike is trying to navigate this difficult time with his family. Your thoughts and prayers for the Garcia family would be appreciated.

Sincerely, Joel Tiedemann

Do you have news to share? Send us an email and we’ll get it out.