Yoko Ono | 320 pages | 10 Oct 2000 | Simon & Schuster Ltd | 9780743201100 | English | London, United Kingdom Grapefruit (book) - Wikipedia

Inmore than a decade after the publication of her tender story An Invisible FlowerYoko Ono collected a selection of her poetic Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings on life in a small but whimsical book published in Tokyo in a limited edition of More than thirty years later, Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings by public library — part irreverent activity book for grown-upspart subversive philosophy for life — was republished, with a new introduction by Ono herself. No matter how close we get to each other, there is always air between us. Instead of obtaining a mirror, obtain a person. Look into him. Use different people. Old, young, fat, small, etc. Draw an imaginary map. Put a goal mark on the map where you want to go. Go walking on an actual street according to your map. If there is no street where it should be according to the map, make one by putting the obstacles aside. When you reach the goal, ask the name of the city and give flowers to the first person you meet. The map must be followed exactly, or the event has to be dropped altogether. Visual world not exactly shaped — Sense of smell, anticipation, senses that are not exactly Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings — Dark shadows casted — Rat colors with faint hairly smells and pale dark spots like those on a transparent sheet of celluloid — Rose color with a glitter and softness that is cool and motional — The kind Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings color that does not exist by itself but only when it is casted between two moving objects — The color like a remaining stain of illusion on a moving object — The color that only happens when movements cut the air in a certain way and go immediately. Use such color to tint your absent thoughts. Have absent thoughts for a long time. Brain Pickings participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, I receive a small percentage of its price. Privacy policy. Ask your friends to write maps. Give your friends maps. Share Article Tweet. View Full Site. Grapefruit: Yoko Ono’s Poems, Drawings, and Instructions for Life – Brain Pickings

Try typing something like "creative blocks", "spiral", "world", "green" or "blue" and our snail will find what you're looking for. This book by conceptual artist Yoko Ono Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings thought-provoking, sometimes whimsical instructions and drawings for potential artworks. Sometimes the instruction is the artwork itself. The pieces can be carried out with little or no materials, suggesting art can easily be incorporated into everyday life. Here's a space to search our entire website. Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings This book by conceptual artist Yoko Ono contains thought-provoking, sometimes whimsical instructions and drawings for potential artworks. Think that snow is falling everywhere all the time. When you talk with a person, think that snow is falling between you and on the person. Stop conversing when you think the other person is covered by snow. ISBN: If you have been here before, Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings may notice things shifting. We are working on our website. In fact, we may be working at this very moment, just as you are reading these very words. Things of value take time to grow, and their living evolution can be an integral part of their beauty. When is something finished, anyway? Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings by Yoko Ono

Grapefruit is an artist's book written by Yoko Onooriginally published in It has become famous as an early example of conceptual artcontaining a series of " event scores " that replace the physical work of art — the traditional stock-in-trade of artists — with instructions that an individual may, or may not, wish to enact. Grapefruit is one of the monuments of conceptual art of the early s. She has a lyrical, poetic dimension that sets her apart from the other conceptual artists. Her approach to art was only made acceptable when white men like Kosuth and Weiner came in and did virtually the same thing as Yoko, but made them respectable and collectible. Event scores were developed by a number of artists Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings John Cage 's experimental music composition classes at the New School for Social Research in New York. Whilst Ono did not attend these informal lessons, her husband at the time, Ichiyanagi Toshi an experimental musiciandid and Toshi and Ono became regulars of Cage's circle of friends by Invention of the event score is usually credited to George Brecht[2] but La Monte Young and Yoko Ono are also cited as Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings the first to experiment with the form. Event Scores, involve simple actions, ideas, and objects from everyday life recontexualized as performance. Event Scores are texts that can be seen as proposal pieces or instructions for actions. The idea of the score suggests musicality. Like a musical score, Event Scores can be realized by Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings other than the original creator and are open to variation and interpretation. Often considered a Fluxus artwork, in fact the work was originally published by Ono's own imprint, Wunternaum Press, in Tokyo in an edition of After leaving New York in — where she had exhibited at Maciunas' AG Gallery, amongst others — her then-husband suggested she collect her scores together. George Maciunasthe central personality in Fluxus, had apparently been trying to reach her in Tokyo with the aim of printing a similar book in New York, [6] as part of his series of Fluxkits see Water Yam[7] but his letters had not reached her; she sent some of the scores and a prepublication advertisement to be published in his Fluxus Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings in February when contact was finally established. The name Grapefruit was chosen as title because Ono believed the grapefruit to be a hybrid of an orange and a lemonand thus a reflection of herself as "a spiritual hybrid". The first edition that was published in in Japan by Wunternaum Press created by Yoko Ono, contains over "instruction works"; virtually all are in English, with about a third translated into Japanese. As well as an introduction by "Hi! My name is John Lennon. I'd like you to meet Yoko Ono The sphere edition has a particularly memorable sleeve, conflating the title with Yoko Ono's film Bottomsor no. Grapefruit II was planned as a sequel. Ono stated that it would contain new pieces not featured in Grapefruitincluding her "touch poems". A sequel to Grapefruit was published inAcorn. Go on transforming a square canvas in your head until it becomes a circle. Pick out any shape in the process and pin up or place on the canvas an object, a smell, a sound or a colour that came to your mind in association with the shape. Think that snow is falling. Think that snow is falling everywhere all the time. When you talk with a person, think that snow is falling between you and on the person. Stop conversing when you think the person is covered by snow. Imagine one thousand suns in the sky at the same time. Let them shine for one hour. Then, let them gradually melt into the sky. Make one tunafish sandwich and eat. In JulyOno released Grapefruit' s sequel, called Acornanother book Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings "instructional poems". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Imagine the clouds dripping. Dig a hole in your garden to put them in. Leave a piece of canvas or finished painting on the Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings or in the street. Archived from the original on Retrieved The Independent UK. Retrieved 3 July Yoko Ono. Discography Songs. Unfinished Music No. Onobox . Grapefruit Acorn Book Category. Artists' Books. Hannah Higgins. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Svenska Edit links.